Dreame L10S Ultra - Full Review & Testing

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this is finally our review of the dreamy ltns Ultra it is without a doubt one of the best and highest spec Robot vacuum and mock combos on the market but we're going to be putting it through all of our standard tests to see how well it actually Stacks up the ltns ultra is currently one of very few truly hands-free Robot vacuum and mop combos to be considered hands-free in my opinion a robot needs to have a few things object avoidance this has a camera and secondary LDS array looking for things on the floor an ultra dock that can empty the Dustbin and wash the mops the ltns ultra dock also has a unique detergent dispenser and also dries the mopping pairs after each clean to stop them from smelling and most importantly a mop that lifts itself up automatically when it detects carpet so that it continued cleaning without you having to remove the mopping pads the ltns ultra does all of this well in addition to that it has 5 300 pascals of suction which is slightly more than the robo-rock S7 maxv Ultra the mopping pads are rotational which are a huge step up from drag around mops and do a much better job on tougher stains than most other robot mobs we gave this a real thorough test later on in the video the design is refreshingly Simple and Clean the dock is slightly bigger in real life than what it looks in the photos but it Blends nicely into the White Walls in most homes inside the dock we have two 2.75 liter water containers for the clean and dirty water and a larger than normal 4-liter dust bag for the vacuum debris note you will need to replace the dust bags as there is no Bagless option the robot is also pretty good looking and simple it has a single rubber roller brush which doesn't get much hair Tangled in it incidentally I tried the bristle brush on the zidin pro and it fits so that'll be better in certain situations like pet hair on carpet it just has the one side brush however that doesn't matter because it always aligns itself anti-clockwise when cleaning around the perimeter of a room so to test how good those rotating mopping pads on the ltenius really are we have put down some grape juice over there and we've put down some coffee to simulate some muddy boot prints and we've left them to dry overnight to let them get nice and tough to remove so again we've made this tougher than what we normally do because I think that the mopping is going to do quite a good job to Benchmark it we've also included the X1 Omni by equivax which is their current Flagship model with a similar rotating mop to see how well this actually Compares and to see whether the water dispersion and the pressure makes a big difference [Music] foreign so after one pass you can see that the l10s did a pretty good job and it's left a few spots here or there like a little bit of grape juice left over the dried coffee is pretty much gone but it is a pretty hard test now that we've got it's been sitting on there for over 12 hours now well over 12 hours probably closer to 18 hours so it's had lots of time to set so it's quite impressive that it's done as good as it has on the other hand the X1 has barely made a dent on it we're going to send it out for a couple more passes to see if it can redeem itself somewhat but so far it's a pretty clear one for the ltns and it really does highlight how impressive that mopping is [Music] [Music] foreign robot it had complete coverage of the test area it droves right into the corners although like all Circle robots there is a small spot in the corners where it's fully relying on the side brush as the suction and roller brush is located between the wheels it behaved perfectly around the furniture making a point of going around the bed legs separately so after a single pass on the vacuuming on the hard floor you can see that there is a little bit of stuff here and there it generally speaking is mostly from that side brush still just pushing it out of the road of the main suction motor but there is a little bit left it's still pretty good on the carpet though however it did do slightly bitter again because that side brush is less prone to flicking things out of the way but there are a few pieces left over so before we let it empty itself we're just going to have a look into that Dustbin and just see how much there is before and see if it manages to India at all foreign as you can see it is getting pretty full already we did tip a lot of cereal and here on that floor so we'll put it through and we'll see how much it manages to suck out empty so it has emptied itself let's see how successfully it has done that I can see already a little bit of here stuck through the Avec shoot there but let's pull it out and have a look so there is no cereal at all left there is a little bit of here that's obviously got caught in the door the door's obviously closed on it and kept it caught in there I don't know if that would be a problem in real life I'd kind of suspect not um because generally speaking it would be a lot more clumped up and compacted in there so we'll pull it out as one big Clump but yeah there's a little bit left which I'm supposed to say we put it through an obstacle course featuring some precariously perched pins a pair of socks the three beers eating East eggs under the mini table and past the fake dog poop we tried it multiple times and it was as impressive as it looks getting Incredibly Close to the items although it did occasionally knock over a pin you can also view footage from the onboard camera through the app I personally don't have a practical use for this but I know some people like to use it to Chicken on their pits or if you're away from home you can remotely drive it and have a look around so I thought I'd just quickly show you guys how you clean the base itself because they do need cleaning from time to time and there are a couple of things on the streamy that makes it pretty good in this regard they also include this little brush here which has also a hair cutting tool I personally think that because you can remove the base it's probably better just to use a paper towel but anyway you get this most of the robots you can't remove this cleaning girl thing here but on this one it comes out so it makes it way easier to clean and there's also a secret little hidden feature where if you press the home button on the base for three seconds fills the base up with water you can just get a wet cloth or the cleaning brush and just wash it out like that and it makes the whole thing so much easier then just suck the water out again you just hold the home button again for three more seconds and voila so overall it is a very good robot the navigation is good the app is good and the cleaning performance is very good as well in particular those rotational mopping pads are a huge step up from the drag around mopping systems that we're used to in the past and the water dispersion on this robot is better than any other robot I've tested so far I think that the minimalist design does hit it apart from its nearest competitors and I think some people will make the decision based on that because it is pretty close overall the simple clean white design fits into most homes and it kind of Blends into those white walls it also has a four liter dust bag which is bigger than most other options on the market so it will be hands-free for slightly longer it is also the only robot with an automatic detergent dispenser so that's great too the fact that the base can actually wash itself as well as the robot is a pretty cool feature which I think is also unique at the moment I'm sure we'll start to see it coming in on other models in addition to that it also has nice big ear inlets for the auto empty function which is a good thing is some of them do tend to get jammed up despite this being dreamy's Flagship and premium robot this doesn't actually do quite as well on carpet as some of the other models this is mainly down to the fact that it's got a fully rubber brush instead of the bristle brush this is both a pro and a con because the rubber brush won't get as much hair Tangled around it so you gain a lot of convenience however it won't be quite as good on carpet it's interesting to know that the Z10 Pro brush does fit in this robot here however you won't then have the comb which detangles the hair while it's cleaning there aren't many cons to this robot but I think one of the biggest ones is that the mop while it raises seven mils does still slightly drag on the carpet so it doesn't apply any downwards pressure so the carpet doesn't get wet and it doesn't spread much dirt on it however if you have light colored carpet in particular you may want to be mindful of this there are only a few key differences between this and its competitors so hopefully I've helped to outline what they are in this video If you still have any questions make sure to ask them in the comments below and we'll do our best to answer them key differences that could contribute oh what that as a result I think that oh what the bristled brush my brain just
Channel: RobomateTV
Views: 66,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xOR1wEbEu3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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