Dreametech L10s Ultra Robot Vacuum and Mop *HOW TO SETUP*

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[Music] all right it's sensing it it's saying I'm not going anywhere near it hello everyone this is just a dad today I'm going to show you how to set up this dream bot l10s Ultra Robot vacuum cleaner so I've taken everything out of the box we're going to set it up we're going to start mapping your house using the app and we're going to see how well it does so let me show you exactly how to set everything up I've got everything out of the box let's do the setup okay so the robot itself comes pretty well assembled on the bottom here you do have to install the brush roller pads so these just snap on there there's held on there with a magnet those are on with velcro and snap on the brush right here it just snaps on right there everything else is assembled there were some things right here to prevent the bumper from moving so make sure those are removed underneath here this is the filter box this is where all the dust and debris are going to go and it's going to get emptied out so this all comes installed ready to go we do have a Wi-Fi light there here's the auto empty stationing it's going to wash the mop pads refill the mop with solution and water and it's going to EMP out the dust bin here all right here this is where the dust bag is just kind of open that that just slides in and out for a new dust bag and this just oh there's a little tool right there I didn't know about kind of neat now that just pushes on yeah make sure that's pushed on and that should be flush all the way around now up top we do have a clean water tank and a dirty water tank now the clean water tank you're just going to put clean water in this has a solution tank that does the mixing automatically and the dirty water tank is the it's going to empty out so it's going to wash the mop pads down here and it's going to put you know water on them and then it's going to suck all the the dirty water out of this tray and it's going to go here so once in a while you will have to empty out the dirty water now the base station comes all assembled there's really no taking it apart lift this up right here that's where the two tanks are installed this is the solution so you're going to install the solution right here now whenever you install it there's a cap and a plastic cover over here and here take both those off also down here there's this little uh thing that says open right over that Port so you want to remove that and then this just simply slides in when you put it in right slides in like that that little angled then you just kind of want to slide it in and push it in this thing's going to mix that that's concentrated solution so it's going to mix that solution with this W clean water and it's going to fill the robot up with it's got a tank in here that it's going to fill the robot up with solution and water and then then when it cleans your floor it's going to spray that solution underneath the mop pads I think right here is where the solution comes out so it's going to spray the solution and wet the mop pad and that's how it's going to clean your floors then we install the dirty water tank here comes with a brush sometimes we have to clean that out and there's a little tool on the brush to cut off hair quick start guide and everything up here looks nice this is a very nice and we have buttons up here that we're going to use okay so you're going to plug the cord in plug it into the wall this has a switch make sure you turn that switch to the line position that's on okay so preferably you are going to put the the base unit on hardwood floors or lolium or concrete or something up against the wall and you want to make sure you have 1.5 M or about 5 ft in front of it and about 1.5 ft to the left and right of it clear all right we got the solution in the base unit is kind of heavy with the water installed and everything so anytime you're moving it I recommend taking those out close that now I didn't turn the robot on yet but we're just going to dock it everything's installed the mop pads you're just going to roll it up here kind of in a line and that should these lights started flashing so it did turn itself on and there is a light here on the base unit okay this is the app you're going to need the dream home you will need a username and a password you got to log in and then it's going to come I already have the dream l20 right now so let's go yeah let's swipe over and you want to add scan a QR code okay let's click scan a QR code they want to access your camera and your Bluetooth so see I turned your camera on you can go down here undock it find that app so now it's going to come up with I guess you may want to do that before you dock it um we're going to allow once to use precise location I'll allow once there's my Wi-Fi whatever Wi-Fi this only supports 2.4 GHz click your Wi-Fi and then give it your Wi-Fi password yeah if you do undock it it looks like it it tries to redock itself right away that's what it's doing here looks like you could just scan the QR code in the manual and leave it docked I do recommend just letting it dock before you proceed any further okay so now it's going to it's so mine is powered on if if it wasn't powered on you would turn it on click this check this little box say yep the robot has been turned on press and hold the spot clean button so those two buttons right there you're going to press and hold the spot clean and the home okay so we're going to press the power button and like the arrow button or the home button so that's this button and this button make sure it's on and these are flashing if not you're going to turn it on which I did earlier but press these two buttons at the same time and it's going to talk to us waiting for the network configuration okay let up okay I heard The Voice next it's searching for it now this is going to have to connect to a there's probably a Wi-Fi being transmitted by the robot that it's going to connect yeah I had to click next cuz it found it and my device is relatively close it's going to go through three check marks all three check marks and it'll probably have an update too I'm sure when it's done sucessfully okay it told me Network connected starts charging hit finished okay there it is comes with 41% charge and there's what it looks like now I'll I'll hit enter theice right there okay so your dream bot's connected to I got an iPad here you're going to go to go to device now it's going to ask you if you have pets in your home so I do have pets in my home I'm going to start and hit agree fast mapping okay fast mapping it's going to start mapping my house so I want to make sure take about 5 to 10 minutes I'm going to make sure the doors are open I'm going to pick other things up off the floor that it might get in into but and so it's not going to be cleaning it's just going to be uh mapping your house it's really quiet kind of making random moves everywhere okay so after it Maps your house it's going to come back and dock itself now it creates a really nice map of your house it does divide some of the rooms up for you but we need to go in here and modify this this uh map so let's click on the map button we want to let's click on area eding so that's where we're going to divide so there's some of the rooms let's divide this one right here so let's Divi let's split it hit the word split I selected the room first I and then drag this red thing down and see you can you can zoom and move the map around now that's where it will split the room right there and so click split now I'm going to get two different colors of rooms and then I can name each one so see there now let's rename so click the room you want to rename that one rename that is the kitchen confirm and now it's going to say it's the kitchen okay so now let's add some let's add floor material please select a room this is yeah it's wood floor confirm and it puts those little icons there okay so now and again it shows you right where the base station is right there let's go in and let's go back we need to put some noo zones and some walls so let's put a virtual wall in first it's not going to go past this area now over here I've got a bunch of stuff that I don't want it to go past so move that yeah and click so see there it put the invisible wall it won't go past that invisible wall now let's put a no go Zone I know over here it has trouble by the bathroom by the toilet so I'm going put a no goone there click the little check mark and now they show up on my map see the noo zones right there and the virtual wall let's add a a no mop zone so someplace you don't want it to mop I know over here it doesn't need mopped click the little check mark and now the purple area is a no map zone no mop Zone okay so again there's the map of our house if we want to start the cleaning you can just press the clean button here if we want to do a certain room you can go one or two passes or three passes select the room you want see how it's got a green check mark I got rooms selected I can also pick the cleaning mode I want to do I can do this for everything I can do mopping only vacuum and mopping or or vacuum and mopping there I can change the setting to Turbo for vacuum strong mop wetness to wet moist or slightly and cleaning passes I can even do a sequence and pick the rooms I want to clean it first that's kind of important I like that and then right here let's do again that's the cleaning modes right there selfcleaning settings so this is the base unit daily mopping water saving I can it's going to dry the mop pad for 2 three or 4 hours after it's done cleaning it Auto empty you want that turned on so it'll empty every time it comes back to the base station one two or three times a day or and we can even do the auto empty right from here too start Auto empty [Music] yeah it's not very loud all right let's click on here that's our cleaning history you're going to want to schedule a cleanup you can go in here and pick days of the week you want to do certain rooms and look who has showed up for her treat no more okay so under carpet settings we want carpet recognition off you could have it at void carpet but I want it to boost also so when it senses that it's on carpet it's going to ramp up the suction you'll hear that intelligent mop we're going to add detergent [Music] you could select this the robot will turn that's wider coverage of edges and Corners so as it's going up along an edge here the robot will turn so that those mop pads will get right next to the wall I'm not going to turn that [Music] on all right let's go down to preference daily mopping intense mopping I am going to go to intense mopping this is the accessories so the filter whenever that exceeds it's going to tell you that it's time to clean then you will have to get in here and reset the filter reset the time the side brush is main brush now it doesn't give you a notification on the dust bag but it does on the detergent how much detergent left AI recognition it does take pictures of the obstacles but you can turn that off and we do live in a pet environment so it's it's going to recognize pet feces and try to avoid it so that is turned on robot management we got child lock definitely put do not disturb on um otherwise this thing may come on in the middle of the night because it's going to go back and charge itself and then finish um cleaning after it charges itself so I'm going to turn that on that's a good time collision avoidance resume and there's that resume and clean that's on so if it clean your house and it needs charge it's going to go back and charge itself but it's going to pick back up whenever it can we can remote control I can remote control it I locate my robot we got device name firmware update now this thing did do a firmware update in the middle of this wi-fi and more settings so this is the one for the dream L10 if you go back here's there's even more settings like on the this main page so on this main page if you click this little me button right there now you can add widgets to your device The Voice Control this is where you're going to add Alexa Siri or Google home let's click on the Siri one click the plus button the dream tell you can do pause cleaning it tells you what to say and you can record the phrase so yeah that worked pretty good okay so we can have this monit we can turn the camera on this click the camera button you're going to first thing you're going to do is you're going to put give it a code and remember that code because you'll have to enter that whenever you want to enter the camera mode okay there's the camer is on there's the camera I can move the robot and it's moving accordingly then I can turn it then here's what the picture looks like then I could take a picture and I can take a video looks like a 20 second video is all you can take I can have it do I can give it a point this is pretty neat and I can talk to it I can press that and I can talk so say I'm someone or El say I'm uh in a different state or something I can talk to it and it has a speaker that'll come out on there starts charging and you can also access that on this page here hit the realtime camera button we can also do Zone cleaning so on your map you can pick there's the zone and drag it wherever you want like say I wanted to clean just this area right here I would hit Zone clean and I could pick what I wanted it to do then I would just hit the big play button okay so we're back here at the main map we got battery percentage let's just do a room clean let's have it clean the kitchen I've got I've selected room I've the kitchen has a check mark now just hit the play button start selected room cleaning start cleaning mop pads so it's going to clean the mop pads first and the app tells you that it's cleaning the mop pads and there's even a little icon on there okay so it wash the mop pads the mop pads are going to be wet now and now it's going to start [Music] [Music] cleaning it's it's going to go around the entire perimeter of your room first it's really quiet and then on the app it's going to give us a real world update real a live update of where it is on the map that's pretty cool and it kind of shows you where it's mopped already now it did sense that there was carpet there and it raised the pads now when it comes across carpet it will cin carpet and raise those pads and it ramps up the suction then it puts the pads back down again and we're going to see how it does with this fake all right it's sensing it it's saying I'm not going anywhere near it yep it's doing a good job staying away from [Music] it that's pretty [Music] impressive wow it's going right around it excellent okay so it's still cleaning let's go back to the app we can see that it says it labeled at pet feces and see it took a picture of it that's pretty cool returning to the dock okay let's watch it return to the dock it's going to wash its mop pads and empty out everything it's vacuumed up and the app does a really good job of telling us says returning to Dock and it even shows us where it's traveling there it is is it's going to line itself up then turn itself around that's just that brush making that sound on the other side turning or the I guess it's the main brush turning it even mops as it's going up that's pretty cool start charging start Auto empty here comes the auto [Music] empty that doesn't take long at all start cleaning mop pads so it's going to clean the mop pads now we really can't see what it's doing but it's taking some clean water it's taking some clean water and solution and putting it down there with the mop pads spinning them you can hear it spinning now it doesn't heat the water or anything and then it's going to wash the mop pads and then what you hear is it's sucking up the water into the dirty water tank and we can see the water going in here now at the end into this it will you'll hear a small fan that's going to blow hot air onto the dry to the mopping pads to dry them and that we can set that from 2 to 4 hours but again this isn't really loud but you hear about three or four different kinds of noises you hear water gurgling it's definitely quieter to keep this closed and the mop it says mop pad cleaning and we have like a little picture of it tily okay start dehydrating mop pads it's called dehydrating the mop pads that's just a little fan I want you to hear it like a hum it's not very loud at all it's going to blow hot air right onto those mop pads and again here's the here there's that dirty water that it rinsed the mop pads with Okay so this was just a setup video I'm going to be using it for a while I really want to see how it works then I'll be doing a full review on it if you want to see any kind of Dimensions check my unboxing video where I take it out of the box it is a little tricky unboxing and then putting it all together but then this is the setup it was kind of extensive but you know these mopping uh robots have a lot of features that I want to try to tell people about in the app so a lot of the video is just kind of showing people the app in the review I'll concentrate on avoidance how well it picks up dirt and debris now the reason I got this dream I love the I just about a month ago I got the dream dream l20 Ultra I absolutely love it now this one does not leave the mop pads if this thing detached the mop pads and then vacuumed it would be amazing but it does lift them up they do drag on the carpet a little bit but you can you can fix that by having it do certain rooms in a certain order you know have it vacuum first then come back and that way like it's not it's not mopping this and then going to vacuum then it might be Dragon a wet mop pad it doesn't lift super high for a mop pad that lifts looks really well it's got a small footprint not super L nothing on this is super loud probably sucking up the water is that gurgling that's probably the loudest part because of the auto empty the actual vacuum part this drying part none of it's really loud it's a very nice vacuum cleaner underneath the video if you could give a thumbs up that really helps out my YouTube channel I bought this with my own money uh retails for about 600 I'm sorry retails for 900 00 I got it for 700 it was on sale so is this thing worth 700 we'll see so far so good I really do like it setup is very easy there's just a lot to the app with these robot vacuums that mop there's just going to be a lot of features with the app be sure and check me out on Instagram just a d over there on Instagram and on Facebook group page that's where I give away my free products when I'm done with these products I do give them away for free we've given away quite a few products so check out my Instagram just a dad and my Facebook group page again underneath the video there'll be links to all the social media and the products thanks so much for watching
Channel: Just A Dad Videos
Views: 1,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k5HKtX7YPrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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