Roborock Q Revo VS. Dreame L10s Ultra in a Head 2 Head!

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I've received many requests to compare these two robot vacuums against each other which both represent an exceptional value in today's full feature mid-tier Robot vacuum Market my name is Jamie Andrews and this is the head-to-head comparison of the dreamy l10s Ultra and Robo Rock Q Revo the Q Revo has a retail price of 899 dollars and the l10s ultra retails for just a hundred dollars more they're both extremely similar in their functionality specs and cleaning performance I'll leave a link to their individual reviews in the description below in this comparison I'm going to break these two out into 10 categories and highlight the key differences in each in each category I will pick a winner the first category is Hardware both robots have an 80 milliliter internal water tank 350 milliliter internal dust bin similar vacuum motor power specs similar lifting mopping systems and their docks both have the ability to Auto empty self-wash and self-dry the mopping pads the water tanks in the dock on the Q River are almost twice the size of the ones in the l-10s but more on why that is not that big of a deal later in this video the l10s ultra does include a detergent injection tank that takes the guesswork out of pre-mixing cleaner and a more advanced object avoidance system that also allows you to remote view the camera to check on your pets while you're away from home because of these additions this category's winner is the dreamy l10s Ultra the second category is carpet pickup this is where I test the ability of the robots to vacuum carpet I scatter 54 grams of rice on my medium power carpet and sent both robots out in their highest vacuum setting to pick up as much as possible the winner here is the dreamy l10s which was able to pick up two more grams of rice and also achieve a perfect score the third category is hard floor vacuum pickup where I scatter 130 grams of cat litter on my tile floor and once again set both robot vacuums to their Max vacuum power and sent them out for one pass to pick up as much as possible the EQ Revo was able to flip the script and this time it was the one picking up an extra two grams and while not a perfect result it was a very respectable score the winner here is the roborock Q Revo the fourth category has to do with their mopping abilities and we'll start with my mopping test performed on tile floor where I use baked on hot sauce and sent both robots out for two passes with their water level set to high the water used was room temperature without detergent the Q Revo was able to clear 100 of the hot sauce while the l10s left just a little bit behind but it still performed very well so how about those lifting mopping pads the l10s claims to lift the mopping pads as high as the Q Revo at seven millimeters but as you can see here that does not appear to be the case the Q Revo also gains brownie points from me because when it meets carpet it pauses to allow the pads to fully lift before proceeding the l10s just plows ahead which causes the edges of the carpet to get wet both do a good job with water control on Floors but I think the Q Revo does a little bit better here this category of winner is the robo Rock Q Revo the fifth category is obstacle avoidance and their systems are very different with the Q Revo having a very basic object avoidance with single light sensor up front the l-10s has multiple light sensors and an RGB camera running them through my obstacle avoidance test on carpet you can see just how big of a difference there is with the l10s being able to properly avoid all of the objects in the test some may not like a camera on a robot but it is what is needed to have great object avoidance and functional AI DQ Revo struggles to avoid most items and when it does it gets way too close on top floor the Q Revo does a little bit better but it is hit or miss object avoidance here I'm sure robo-rock will try to improve the system through future firmware updates however don't expect the improvements to be anywhere near the level of the l10s the clear winner here by a country mile is the dreamy l10s Ultra these six category is with the overall usability of their apps which both are full featured and very similar I will point out a few new features that have been added to each since my last full reviews for the key Revo you now have the ability to vacuum rugs and carpets first and then mop while avoiding the carpets where possible this is a great new feature that all robots should have the l10s has a new trick up its sleeve too with a new option to clean near walls and Corners the l10s will shake its hips and get the pads right up against the wall and Corners which again is a feature all robots should have but I'm told the Q Revo won't get it here at least in the U.S this category is closed but I'm giving the slide Edge to the Q Revo which I find has an overall more intuitive and less buggy app the seventh category is navigation and by navigation I want to be clear I'm only referring to the lidar based system on top that allows the robot to map and navigate its way around your home object avoidance is not taken into consideration in this category rubber Rock leads the industry with navigation and while the l10s does a fine job of navigating it can sometimes be less than efficient moving in weird powders around the house this is another close one but it's hard to beat Robo Rock in this category and to date I've not seen a robot that can the eighth category has to do with their docs and both have their pluses and minuses and for this one we're going to really dig in so sit tight both docks perform the same functions emptying out the robot's internal Dustbin refilling the internal water tanks washing and drying the mopping pads as mentioned earlier the water tanks on the Q Revo are twice as big as the l10s which on paper looks impressive but my testing paints a different picture here are the results from running both robots through a mopping test with each test starting out washing the pads then having the robots return to the dock once in the middle of a mopping job for a mop pad cleaning and then one final time at the end for the final washing each robot has three different settings to control the water used by the dock but that only affects the mid mopping job cleanings not the first or final wash in this test I used the balanced or daily mopping as dreamy refers to it as you can see the Q Riva goes through a bunch more water and in this test it used 19 of its dirty water tank capacity where the l10s used only 16 percent So based on this data you will need to refill the larger tanks on the kirivo a bit more often and because the cleaning solution goes into the clean water tank on the Q Revo you will also use more of that too which is less than ideal the larger water tanks may also be a bit more difficult to carry for some people the l10s includes a built-in detergent tank which is replaceable and I'm told by viewers even refillable with a little bit of effort I'm a big fan of this feature and I'd like to see it used in the industry more often one potential downside to the l10s using less water might be the reason why the mopping pads do not get all the way clean especially in the center I can't tell this is due to the design of the included mopping pads or the Dachshund ability to thoroughly clean the pads with so little water being used here next when it comes time to dry the pads both docks are able to completely dry the pads and the dock sinks in two to three hours flat the way they empty the robot's internal dust bin is similar however the edge goes to the l10s since it uses a second airport in the dock to boost the airflow through the dust bin the Q Revo at first glance appears to have the same second Port here but if you look closely you can see it's actually a blank I've also heard reports from users that the Q Revo can struggle to remove all of the dustbins contents within homes that have pets with long hair another Advantage with the l10s is it has a slightly larger dust bag at 3 liters compared to 2.7 liters on the Q Revo when performing an auto empty the dock can be noisy and the l10s leads here with 72 decibels from six feet away versus 79 decibels on the Q Revo the one place the kirivo really shines over the l10s is with the dock maintenance which is a bit easier to perform over the l10s in the end the l10s ultra dock squeaks out the wind the ninth category is hardware and software dependability I hear more complaints from users of the l10s than I do the robo Rock Q Revo the Q Revo also has a higher rating on Amazon for what it's worth when it comes to the software roborock has always been very quick to fix bugs and make improvements much more so than dreamy I'm giving the wind a rubber Rock although I have not had any hardware issues with either it's really the software and online reviews that tip the scale for me the 10th and final category story is value and a few months ago the win would have easily gone to the robo Rock Q Revo which I suspect was released as a reaction to the l10s ultra however since then dreamy has lowered its price on the l10s to 999 dollars and like the qrevo can often be found on sale for Less yes the l10s cost more than the Q Revo by a hundred dollars however when you add in the detergent injection and an advanced object avoidance system it is hard to argue the value when spending just a hundred dollars more for the l10s frankly both offer a significant value but I'm going to have to give the nod here to the l10s ultra which outperforms robots that cost way more without making any sacrifices in conclusion going into this review I knew it was going to be a challenge to pick one robot over the other both robots have significantly disrupted and redefined a new standard for a full feature Robot vacuum priced under a thousand dollars where I think your decision might come down to is with the object avoidance system if you don't want a camera on your robot or you don't need to spend the extra money on it then the Q Revo makes a ton of sense for less money however if you value object avoidance the l10s is the Clear Choice and you also get the added benefit of detergent injection and let me tell you it's a great feature to have whichever you choose I am sure you'll be pleased with either of these top picks links to purchase both are in the description below I created this video for you my subscribers based on numerous requests if you've not already subscribed please do so and let me know which robot vacuums you'd like to see in a head-to-head challenge for my existing subscribers and big thanks for your support here until next time take it easy out there and be sure to keep a close eye out for some big news from both of these companies and they're not done innovating folks sorry bye bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Jamie Andrews
Views: 48,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roborock, qrevo, q revo, l10s ultra, l10 ultra, dreametech, dreame, comparison, review, reviews, robot vacuum
Id: iPtqfMa7bz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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