dream uses NO KILLS imposter strat in among us

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running away i forgot obsessed with brooke that's so funny nice job all right maybe maybe no more uh stacks i just i did vote for myself there i didn't want a dream to take the fall i took the false i couldn't i took the fall don't worry i know i can't believe i'm the only one who voted for myself does anyone want to hold my hand for you i mean why would i thanks dream are you sure you look at your screen right now on the bottom right how many buttons do you see what's happening over here an interrogation if i die blood what it's blood no no it's not blood everywhere you lead no she's just yelling that because she you know you know ray you know she'd be how she do you i mean i don't know ray that well but like who know i have somebody what's up wait dream can't hear it come here no no i'm coming i'm coming no no he's he's my pal he can hear anything i come on here oh okay come on you're my favorite youtuber you're my favorite youtuber psycho now oh oh that's why you didn't go three minutes i'm gonna tell you you're my favorite youtuber oh i see what he's saying he's saying we're right he likes us both equally he likes our ties both are his favorites we're both his favorite yeah love you guys bye oh great huh bloodwick hey how's it going guys you aren't stacked sipping on are you nobody on the map no no i would never do that ludwig never yo rodriguez i got something to tell you man okay what what is it you're my favorite youtuber i think he's just telling everybody that he's telling everyone you guys too yeah he told us that too wait no but he said it to me in such a passionate way well yeah i'm a little worried well how about you guys say who your favorite youtuber is i haven't maybe it'll corroborate his favorite youtuber i'm starting to think he's the imposter wait curry he's crying yeah he's lying to us all hey uh mr lupo hey you did courage said that you're his favorite youtuber i thought he meant it i'm a small youtuber in this group i was i was flattered me too he never even he never even said it i think we vote [Music] is the imposter the other imposter is gonna have a rough time sure wait are you talking about yourself ray you're not talking oh i wouldn't oh my god you're lucky i saved you he said he was your favorite youtuber i you could so who is it really jack huh straight evil what even is this planet are you you're having trouble with planets what the hell how does it die about cinnamon raisin bagels pogba i have an issue with planets as well you say something about cinnamon raisin bread i think i don't even know fire i'm gonna [ __ ] slide for cinnamon raisin bread are you eating right now i will i'm eating it right now bananas what do you what do you have to tell me and hey you have to tell me in detail what's on it or i'll pull you out yeah me at big tripping uh it's not the most it's so it's okay star i'll throw a picture in the group chat it's starbucks cinnamon raisin bagel and i'm just dipping it in cream cheese i'm liberal about it god you're going nuts on the cream cheese too aren't you i mean i'm going home i want you to look directly into the camera take a big old dip of cream cheese take a bite then you're end up on lsf so i can see it okay sure i need it give it to me so this is gonna sound so dumb of me okay so here's what sorry in my mouth can you guys give me just ten seconds after two yeah go ahead finish i don't hear him shooting he's lying he's not no i'm sorry i'm backing away from the bike what are you eating cinnamon rolls he's eating cinnamon raisin bread from starbucks he's about to post a picture of it in the chat i've never had it okay okay huh so i i i have a cinnamon raisin bagel from starbucks with cream cheese and i was talking about how much i like cinnamon raisin bagels and and then i had some adulation repeated that same adulation from corpse and dr lupone dr lupo said to me he says to me he says hey hey lotta wig how about you how about you take a big bite of that yeah and i said all right dr lupo sure you're a doctor and so i took a big bite i took a fat bite he said he said get a lot of cream cheese in there huh so i get a lot of cream cheese on my mouth huge right and i'm staring at the camera because i'm like i'm trying i'm not trying to sell this to him that it's like delicious and then and then the lights are off and then i and you know i'm chewing it and you guys saw it shoot for like 40 seconds when i'm done chewing his dead body's there i didn't see who it was who killed him who killed him so did you close your eyes when you were eating wow well let me help you with your search um i know 100 it's not brooke yep there's no way it's brooke why why does everything cycuno says always sounds like he's being sarcastic no no no let me explain guys let me explain i lured her into a corner and pretended to threaten her as the killer but i'm not the killer you did no threatening somebody well like as a meme because obviously i couldn't wait can you do that to me next round i want to hear it wait what whoa you guys guys i just want to hear what he sounds like when he's mad don't make this weird guys i just i are you saying you want me to choke i'm going to camp lights so somebody if somebody turns off lights then you're to fix them right away so we're both innocent now i feel like we're both innocent right yeah yeah so i don't think he would say that if he was actually the impossible he can kill me like that i want to see all the psycho choking corpse fan arts that get made oh man there's going to be a lot of them unless you i mean you guys are making it weird i'm just saying it's among us how many of us are here to make it weird how many of us are here yeah i can hear so many people shouldn't we do the lights or something like yeah i'll go handle the lights guys you guys say that someone's dead okay you got a courage oh goodness yeah someone was dead right there what goodbye this what's up who always taught who always talking rey psycho corpse me [Music] tell we were by the lava well he owes me dinner because of something from yesterday so we were planning that out on the by the lava pit it's not on him okay the michelin star restaurant right yes yeah oh exciting it can't be them it has to be one of us that was in the room yeah probably do you guys think i killed them while i was running around talking to you guys in the dark when you couldn't see me yeah well now you why leveling everything you say just sounds sarcastic yeah wait no that's not what i did i i'm innocent um you know i'm innocent right orange psychonauts a different man yep [Music] uh huh are you sure brooke yeah she's sure she's sure you're sure right yeah she's pretty sure yeah yeah i'm pretty sure too but i think that's why there haven't been very many kills sure because of what well someone's getting marinated no me marinate ray you know i'm bad at marinating right so it's it's not me i'm bad at marinating just wait you if you were innocent you would say you're good at marinating so now you're imposter because you're saying you're bad at marinating i mean i'm good at marinating um she thinks i'm innocent right right brooke you think you think i'm innocent see look at that guy both sounds so guilty what what are you supposed to guilty sounding yeah yeah i'm innocent i'm innocent [Music] who killed right in front of us what the heck guys oh god it's so dark here i'm just gonna stand still i am standing still lights are fixed hallelujah hey dream bridge oh a second where'd he go hello if you if you killed corpse and toast in front of me i would not be upset at all i'm not the imposter so uh for kill happens you have an opportunity another dinner oh it's not me it's not me though yeah kill toast back up i'll give you 10 seconds that's awesome wait i thought you're not the imposter i can't afford 10 subs my water bill listen up saikuno i saw you get a thousand yesterday say it ain't yourself um it isn't oh [Laughter] you know i'm innocent the bunny is on top of cam's what jack it's not cycuno or leslie oh god okay it's definitely not me i fixed the lights i'm talking to each other and i decided that i'm just gonna sit on them for the rest of the game and now the body was apparently in camera so it looks bad for me it does look kind of bad [Music] well all i know is i was in uh you know like cafeteria the whole time and i heard cycuno and leslie talking to you uh yeah we're both innocent yeah told me that he's getting if i killed toast and i couldn't do it but i would never turn that down leslie would have definitely yeah it's between dream and courage right what wait what how do we get to that well i i think it's not uh it's not corpse toast or leslie at this point if you want to vote for me then do it but it's not me what have you been doing uh i had one task left and that was my card flip did my card flip went to lights fixed the lights and sat on the lights panel the first lights i fixed was light switches one three and four second light switches where was everybody at the end of the round obviously corpse got there in the body [Music] nearby oh we voted corpse it was me [Music] disguised don't kill me down here no one kill me down here please we're almost unasked that'll be wonderful what where is toast host host innocent courage is innocent i'm a hero you're a hero heroes don't always wear capes sometimes wear plague masks between the three of us mask one for me oh really yeah weird down here in electricity hey brooke oh sorry i just want to let you guys know it's not me it's a book like i'll get it oh nice
Channel: DreamTNT
Views: 664,274
Rating: 4.9199405 out of 5
Keywords: dream among us, dream imposter among us, dream mrbeast among us
Id: YGLt1F36MUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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