dream DEMOLISHED the entire lobby after gaining their trust

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playing until my ramen specimen to do my tasks i had one task down there if i can finish my one task in specimen then maybe i won't get murdered while trying to do it i have the sorter oh we're both sorting rocks i see we are hmm i'm counting to 10. i don't have any more tasks down here okay hello yeah what's what's going on down there um courage is down there doing he did one through ten i did um the sorting of the rocks and we're all happy and good oddly specific well you asked what was going on i'm doing my task and i'm clicking okay hello again courage oh dream how you doing what are you up to what tasks you have uh well i have to oh wait actually this one's done i have to do the med vial okay there's not a dead body up here right nope corpse went down to see you and i told you you were down there but i guess you left oh no i was on admin table and saw two in lab so i might have seen that and then you went down there but there was two in drop ship let's see if they're still there come on okay let's check it out i haven't checked yet well how do you know there you go um okay saikudo is innocent okay we did it yeah i'm pretty sure it courage innocent because i was down in i was on a what's called specimen with him he could have killed me so you scan together no no but we were down in specimen together we were alone and he could have killed me so yeah he could kill me okay okay yes hello nothing nothing i'm all alone why are you corridor i'm suspicious oh no it's hot is there a body down here somewhere nope hey leslie's our body yeah leslie's being suspicious courage no bodies here no bodies here hello cycuno hey what's up nothing much just looking around a dream let me um i got some confidential information what's that if for some reason i die rey is 100 innocent oh okay wow hello there's been a murder this was brooke's body you see i found her up in uh med bay air do say the hallway this person likely entered from left side murder left back out left side was not me for sure i kind of want to vote in transaction yes sir i'm i'm pretty or courage are imposters yeah same yeah definitely not right rey courage psycho no dream clean well it's like the only reason to be fair the only way i'm saying ray and cicuna because it's like they're vouching for each other unless they're both okay oh yeah i had a secret tech that i used on ray to confirm she's innocent i feel like he could have killed me well you guys we came and checked drop ship because we saw on well um what's his uh yeah oh dream i can tell you about my secret tech later um i just don't want to reveal it to everyone yeah don't don't don't tell yet don't tell you okay secret tech if i die ray is like 99.99 innocent i think what about me uh i don't know about you rey is probably innocent wait so did dream did you encourage do you guys scan each other is that what you said no no we were in specimen and we could have killed each other no one was around us and then court and then i saw corpse on the way out but i just met up with corpses with brooke last yeah carter was doing tasks he did uh he did like med drip and stuff medicine drip thank you thank you did you see anyone else with brooke of course um after we passed each other i don't think so lupo is quiet i was just letting you guys talk yeah i was hanging out with toast toast sounds like we don't have anything yeah just more than one death all right uh you know let's uh let's try that thing again for those in the know you know what i'm saying no yeah i feel like a weird door opening thing wait what is that no no that's a new thing we're doing it yeah [Music] so i had this trick you know how me and ray we were at the uh spawn area right yeah well um i was trying to so me and ray you know we're we're friends i didn't want either of us to die first so i lured her up to the spawn area and then you're going to kill me you're 100 no no no no i'm telling you my secret technology here i lured her up to the spawn area and told her to push q and i heard her push her keyboard right she pushed her keyboard and and i think she pushed q and that's the kill button if you're the imposter right well to be fair you can just press any key like look i'm pressing q oh so you're innocent too okay oh yeah you're definitely all right dream's like a hundred percent innocent wait what she was talking but then she stopped talking he was talking to you it was it was dr lupo it was disguised toast and it was leslie all stacked three of them in hell highway no ray ray was there too no ray left because she said they did this to me last night i can confirm it's not a dream post and leslie were like do the thing he was like do the thing and last game they double killed toast and leslie did so uh while leslie's dead oh i don't no i don't trust him i'm under the impression that perhaps a murderer here is dr lupus um lupo then it's toast orlando no no no no it's neither of us because we have we have a thing we have a thing a what yeah i know it's not dream we were at specimen okay so i have a thing with green and ray have a thing yeah no science i've had anything for a while another thing for a while so there's a bunch of pages no the meaning of the thing right everything corporate i've been yeah you don't have anything dude it looks like it tastes like it's like it's okay to not have a thing wait it's fine oh well for sure it's okay no it's okay it's okay to be if i die i think i yo a 100 percent if i die i'll show you my thing next round if you want and you need to trust what he said i mean you can show i already have my what the heck you guys tried to kill ludwig i mean you don't have a thing bro i mean i get it no no we have a i have to do my gas can i need to move the gas here i'm filling up the gas hold on can you close this door filling up the gas stream is that you yes i'm doing gas i'm filling up the gas okay i'm impostor can i close this door [Music] there's so many gas things i have to fill up is there anybody on cameras no tycoon is way over there toast toast oh so here's the thing uh that hallway on the left side as i heard dream walking around uh the lights went out toast was inside the hallway and i was right outside so we were close enough that in case one of us died we could hear the other person say the other person's name but i didn't hear toast say dream i heard dream talking and toast is dead listen listen did you hear what i didn't know what i was saying what i was saying it was i wasn't 100 sure but i heard your voice i was just i was literally saying toast i heard toast voice and i was yelling toast toast toast toast over there if you heard me yelling you would have heard what i was saying and you would have heard me saying totally okay it wouldn't make sense like killed him if i was yelling toast over and over again zykuno's body is at the door on the entrance to get in the lights like the one that's in the inside i didn't have to be fair just to clarify i never saw toast i heard toast say something and then i was saying toast worried because lights were out i was like toaster toaster he never said anything so i'm guessing he was already dead and the lights are still off so i think we can double shoot yeah okay so going back to the last round that kill had to have been ludwig or lupo so i'm really scared that they're a pair no no no no well thing is listen listen all i can say is this doesn't have courage i know kurt is encouraged the one saying that he's yeah but i feel like the imposters won't be a thing together doesn't say courage i was with courage for the almost the whole first round and i was like the whole second round and both of them were voting for me and now saikuna was dead so what i'm saying what i'm saying is that i'm innocent clear we did the thing i'm so sad yeah i think i'm i'm pretty sure it could be lupo that's what i think because lupo saying lupo is saying that i was still outside of the snow listening what if it's ludwig it's stream one of the streams it's not me if you if you would have heard my voice you wouldn't heard what i was saying i'm sorry i'm pretty i'm pretty certain it's lupo i'd say i'd say with like ninety percent it's lupo oh my gosh why would you split we have lights we have lights okay we have lights it's okay it's okay oh i'm gonna sell a button okay actually no i'll i'll i'll stand by and i have a button i'll go lights it's also very confusing hey does my voice on lagging you guys a little bit okay i'm backing off it i'm backing off it i'm backing off it someone fix it i'm not on it i'm not on it someone's [ __ ] with him i'm not on it i'm away from it it's probably just you jax for all you and both trying to do at the same time no i'm fixing them okay here you go meeting eating eating the meeting i had no idea if someone was dead so i wasn't there
Channel: DreamTNT
Views: 921,375
Rating: 4.9590764 out of 5
Keywords: dream among us, dream among us imposter, dream, among us
Id: -7i7oMV-zfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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