corpse is UNSTOPPABLE as impostor in among us (insane IQ)

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that was not your fault i just i keep getting crewmate over and over and over again that's what an imposter would say yeah [Music] hey what's up man you're doing asteroids too yeah i'm just doing some asteroids i'm at 17. yeah me too i'm at 11. all right well do you want me to wait for you to get off no i'm good all right is anyone done doing [ __ ] card swipe i killed that [ __ ] i killed the card swipe monster i was supposed to figure out it was you poor right second oh did you just murder that man brooke are you are you laughing do you remember last round that was really funny i i i do remember here come here come here come here come here oh okay you want to talk let's talk over here let's talk over here right here yeah okay that was really funny last round i you know that was good times but you know now we're we're even right yeah we're even you got i think you got two on me though right oh so you need one more for it to be okay who was making that noise scared the grudge it was toast sounded like an enderman i found leslie's body at the the spawn point oh interesting what i left [Music] wait i'll be honest but i kind of need to go to the back if that's okay yeah we'll we'll see if i'm gonna go to the bathroom so it won't go to the next round um corpse is a hundred percent clear he definitely would have killed me for revenge right there and did not yeah i think that bro are you not gonna clear me brooke oh well lupo i mean lupo was doing tasks so i absolutely was 100 doing tasks real ones not faking them speak um dream dream today screech he's clear as well yeah sure my ears it actually was very plain corpse brook i fixed lights uh and the doors closed on me in lights oh one way no one was there oh except for lupo who i saw at the door blood oh that's true did you did you eat breakfast today who who no i guess i had like a lunch or maybe like a brunch okay oh you guys not here ludwig or jack or something i can't i can hear him i hear everybody everyone it was just a weird question a weird way blood wait that was a question about food weird from jack are you sure your blood oh yeah okay killing time for our good pal to get back here wait is not here he's going to the bathroom wait so was it was it it was toast making the noise not courage because i assumed it was courage doing pterodactyl but i guess his toes doing that was his dream doing paradise pterodactyl is a pretty good idea has a really good screen yeah you do pterodactyl now i didn't i didn't actually i did tear down yeah incredible truly all right guys here we go again good round guys first round we did it we got a lot done i feel i feel closer now that's scary i feel like i'm playing phasma phobia or i'm hearing myself echo god that's such a good thing oh it's like back okay oh hey oh ray could you um could you uh come over here for a second oh my god oh where okay again um yeah just over i feel better now brooke like i can trust you you know yeah yeah i i agree okay okay let's go this way wait you guys if i die it's like all right all right if i die it's brook we trusted each other i trust you i trust you yeah yeah it can't be me okay let's go it just took me 12 attempts to do that stupid card swipe yeah that's what that's what an imposter would say lupo breaking tasks hold on hold on hold on corpse look me and my in my visor are you an imposter percy's not my mic not working no it wasn't working oh oh definitely not me okay from my side that just looked like we locked eyes we're staring yeah yeah look wait where are you i'm doing my wires are you venting brook oh [ __ ] uh wait was there actually oh i thought that was on camp oh my god wait so ludwig go ahead well i thought there was a dead body on cam's lupo oh so um because me you think it's me i yeah you went to the outside vent popped in when brooke was standing on the vent no i ran no you did not no no you did not we were locking eyes outside because i asked you a direct question would you lied to me by the way i said are you impossible let me let me explain what happened for a long time all right i went inside brooke you vetted killed her in the left so i was i'm getting overwhelmed i was alone with brooke uh ray was alone with like who know we ran right me and brooke she just cleared me last round by the way so i don't know why i would kill her if i was cleared but only one person was was dead last night no could still be you why why would i kill the one person clearing me yeah i know this can't be corpse because he knows that i know that he was last with her and lupo literally just ran with her into med bay and now she's dead and i don't know why lupo would kill here either knowing that i know that so did you guys see dream no i saw a dream i saw a dream yeah curt told me uh uh where were courage and dream oh nowhere near was there anyone in your office he was nowhere near it and i hope he can vouch for me that i was yeah no where where where where where are you guys if you don't mind sharing no no no no no we don't wanna you know it was a private affair you would say yeah yeah i don't know what that word means but yeah was anyone your office he said private with an accent no no no there was uh there was nobody in your office uh uh yeah no problem if there was nobody in your office like then i think this is but i think it's pretty unlikely i believe it is corpse toast no it can't be corpse it can't be corpse oh uh i'm an english major not a spelling bee guy that's kind of sucks how you been man that is very soft i've been i'd be good i'm good i'm you know [Music] uh um you carry on the torch you're gonna kill me i'm right here you better kill me before i fix these lights i know here we go here we go yo okay all right listen lud lud is one of them okay uh cap oh [ __ ] all right here's what i just say lord how did you find me down there dream that is my spot not your spot for me my spot your spot is you said you said something like oh are we not going to fix lights and then you ran down to me and just found yeah because i went to go my spot i didn't want to go fix lights i'm going to goddamn die oh i don't know that's right that is my spot i literally what do you think that exactly is for sure well okay first of all first of all first of all let's think about this for a moment there are five people left yes okay yes so that means that if there are two impostors i could have just killed and won the game right oh no because if you're kill cooldown because there wasn't like these people why would my kill cool down what do you mean two people just died while we were at whites i know which is why it's not me because i've been with courage this entire time yeah the one person i know for sure is innocent so tell me what you think well i have some thoughts but i don't want to share anything man i'm scared right now courage we have to vote here we gotta just chill because we have to actually actually i thought it was you dream because i checked you in the bookcase and as i ran away you went to go move towards the event and then you were waiting listen listen listen listen i'll tell you what i did i thought i saw some events i wanted to go see who it was okay that's all i was by that the whole time hey you said you know the whole game you said you were here there the whole game now you're saying no no i was there the whole game and then i thought i saw some events so i went to check the event all right what do you think toasters because i went down and then you left and then you said it was me so it's not that you said i have information but we only have 10 seconds i'm not in a pair so it can't be me it has to be dream toast or courage no no my phone didn't go through would you vote for courage i bet it was the right one i voted what courage all right i said who is it come on i know you're called a sabotage just fess up i'm just happy to be here but the thing is that i trusted the rest of the crewmates that got lupo that said that was lupus i'm sorry bro it wasn't me i don't know here for a really yeah i'm totally still doing keys i'm doing all the keys all the keys okay let's go hold on sorry i'm doing something what are you doing okay have fun i'm talking with the degrees i haven't seen anyone scan in a really long time i have to be so [ __ ] bad card swipe i can do it easy i was just doing card swipe dream nice great thanks because brooke was chasing me and also [Music] [Music] he's the killer run i passed like two people i need to go oh my god okay okay okay so so at one point all of us were stacked up at the bottom of the the uh right under the thing it was rey me cycuno ludwig courage brooke and leslie i've been doing tasks three of course the only two that weren't there yeah there's been one kill the entire time right i think we're getting played okay so yes there's only one kill so that means it is either corpse or dream so just vote them both out wait that's guaranteed guys brooke was brooke was with me twice i i was with dream twice he was on camera so how can you say that let's just i think i don't i don't think it must be but brooke was being very threatening and also i've seen her out there i've seen so many of you none of us get to play sooner wait to win wesley yes running out of popcorn i think it's leslie oh no why like i saw a little bit of his dream corpse ideas let me explain let me explain why it happened or if ludwig was the killer or rey was the killer right right would have been killed instantly for the funny memes who did you vote for i know for sure on on what on whom who were the last people to join the stack i i was the last i have to go wash my hands it's covered in popcorn can you guys not kill me okay we won't kill you kill me protect so one of them corpse is it's it has to be either your dream just because that the position of everybody well it's not me you're not even looking at me when you say that you just stop me all right i believe i believe you know all right hey guys do you see me looking through the window yeah very weird jack bye guys guys guys i'm gonna act like i'm like all innocent like i can be killed and you guys will see them through the window okay all right okay all right she's after me it didn't work hey lupo come over here oh god something i do man you're out got you red-handed i think it's i think it's oh no no let me explain what happened let me tell you what happened i was following saikuno i was making yeah this would make me look guilty but why would i report this body in the dark in the lights if it wasn't me okay this is what happened saikuno was trying to lose can't hear your dreams and he lost him yes we can okay the lights went off yeah and the lights went off and he lost me and then i saw the report button and i reported why would i report that body it was me when you just saw me brook with him i did i was trying to fall asleep it is not me i'm the most innocent person in this lobby right now oh oh okay he said he's the most innocent person in the lobby which makes him extremely suspicious can we just have somebody follow a dream around this entire thing seriously actually i i just want i want to clear my name too i know a lot of you guys are probably thinking that it's me the fat guy eating but it's ray that if you can hear her i'm done eating me yeah i know i want to clear my name ray did you see me standing on you when you came back no the meeting was up before i came back i still think it's dream dream and or corpse from the first round i feel like but you know what if we just vote for one of you what do you do though what if we just go because no because you the kill could have been before the stack i saw a bunch of the whole round i saw leslie and i saw brook later that is true i think i think i'm sticking with lupo you can pick me if he dies i voted for dream yep i thought about myself now now they're just going to kill him but i will i voted for myself you can't trust nobody not even yourself true i voted for your dream is anyone else going to do tasks or i'm going to do tasks come this way come this way i think it's i think all right i spun a random wheel and it said for me to be certain i don't know i broke i'm just being aware because brook's not doctors there's a problem with that by doing what you're doing i honestly like you're not third impostery if you get what i mean oh oh i get it now daddy okay it's it's come back come back hey corpse hey oh my god oh no this couldn't have been dream this round oh my god okay that couldn't have been leslie sorry my mic fell off the floor my heart just sank where's the body what's up jack the body is in uh o2 area okay so you can vouch that this wasn't me because you saw me leave oh too well yeah i think i don't think this was corpse all right sick i think that i could have sworn i saw lupo and brook in that area okay well then leslie no he leslie brooke where did you guys come from straight out of admin and went right into weapons weapons so you didn't come from o2 no no and i dream and i can vouch for that because we joke about a double kill in weapons i hear that it's not me or dream and you guys got played okay now who's pushing the hardest i think i saw i think i saw five of you guys there yes yeah your your story's a little fishy okay no so i 100 could vouch dream me brook and leslie we all all near each other ray where were you that round i was in specimen i did the simon says and i'm heading north to do medscan actually so i'm nowhere near the bottom wait where where are you where are you north right uh i in the decontamination time corpse where were you okay i was in o2 with courage left he saw me leave met up with leslie and brooke in weapons so there's down time between there you could dude i think it's corpse you couldn't hold on no courage no curse saw me leave seven yeah it's seven okay i think i saw everyone there that round i'm still following yeah i don't know what that story was i'm pretty sure i saw all seven people down there that rounding okay okay this is a really confusing round all right so here let's go i i'm almost okay yeah you're you're oh you're almost sure it's me is that what you're gonna say he can't kill both of us he can't but yeah i also can't yeah right i'm following us does anybody need a partner i'm done with tasks okay all right someone follow me okay hey okay [Music] or maybe he's the actual impossible me oh oh no no sorry oh jack yeah maybe it's not me i i got cleared from that last one at the very least i'm just tired of being sussed because i'm known as being a decent imposter [Music] thank you leslie that means a lot [Music] i'm doing the router surely nobody can suss me if i just stand in one spot the entire time that's actually true that's true that's true yeah that's pretty true and they can't kill me because i'm the most suspicious or can they oh no right right don't right it this time unknown [Music] it's lonely out here in the snow all on my own all by myself no one to vouch for me here i stand alone i go to by myself hi i'm back hey where'd you go i fixed the lights oh nice nobody else does that around here i think they're all stacked somewhere should we go look for them yeah yeah let's go let's go where do you think they are probably right side okay i guess we could see it like on this um oh they're in lab lab okay where'd you go oh i went over here i would uh this this way that oh man oh there you go i thought i thought i lost you [Music] is hi leslie okay where is leslie oh leslie you're alive i was like no one died the whole time everyone's alive i'm trying to really test i don't know what to do get me too one with pass oh my god yeah finished maybe your monitor is not big enough that's mine's actually at 32. i'm hiding it's mine i know what i'm talking about um hey brooke i see your name through the wall i'm hiding in here you're hiding but everyone's being shown that you're there i know i gotta go this way i gotta go comps that's it someone tried to trap me hi quirks hey i have asteroids gg oh my god oh my god i should have pushed the button that was so hard to play we were so well played yeah oh wow wait that was actually right oh
Channel: DreamTNT
Views: 512,345
Rating: 4.9522457 out of 5
Keywords: among us, corpse among us, sykkuno among us, corpse, among us corpse, among us gameplay, corpse husband, among us funny moments, among us imposter, disguised toast among us, corpse and sykkuno among us, corpse imposter among us, dream among us, corpse proximity chat among us, among us iq, among us best, valkyrae among us, toast among us, jacksepticeye among us, proximity chat among us, among us gaming, corpse impostor among us, corpse best impostor among us
Id: kiUtf9hhsrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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