Dream Team Worship Night (September 2021)

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[Music] i'll never be more loved than i am right now i wasn't holding you up so there's nothing i could do to let you it down take a trophy to make [Music] [Music] i [Music] you are in love [Music] i hear your voice carried in the rhythm of the wings to pull me [Music] thank you [Music] oh you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i don't know where i am already oh [Music] i know oh i know [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] there you are wow oh [Music] uh is [Music] [Music] oh my gosh is my gosh oh [Music] you are [Music] come on lift your voice [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't mean [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if he's enough can you clap your hands right where you are [Music] when you buy yourself at home and you hear a song like that there are moments when you just just quiet the whole house and just take a moment and just worship it about it uh all those times when my month was longer than my money oh yeah when my health was failing yeah he was more than enough i'm so grateful to our god for what he has done he's been faithful to our church he has uh he's been more than enough for us we've never known lack praise be to god he is a god who was so faithful and he is a god who is worthy of our praise and i'm so glad that we put an emphasis on worship and giving god his due the best that we have the best we surrender it to him listen and we're going to keep the party going because wednesday night yes i heard somebody told me it was women's bibles i know they said it i heard a rumor that this is not a bible study for the latest it's on wednesday night ladies you the ladies will be in the house it's a wednesday night takeover when should i take over so i'm super excited about that uh because it just it just fires our whole church and so uh don't don't miss it this coming wednesday is women's bible study and guess what we're open the house is open right we are re-gathering and so we have a seat for you come on in you can do it in person nothing like being in the place if you feel comfortable it's just nothing like being around people who just are worshiping celebrating god connecting together there's just nothing like it so if you feel comfortable you're able absolutely love to have you join us and you can join us for our uh women's conference also that's coming up november 5th and 6th sign up right now ladies because i don't want to see you angry yeah listen this conference is sells out every year right um and and after what we've just gone through oh the house they're going to be in the house amen you don't want to miss it so go ahead and get your seat right and this is a great opportunity for you to sew into the lives of about five of your girlfriends go on ahead and just go ahead and sign them up you know they're going to come to you last minute hey you got an extra seat that's it you don't want to do it listen and if you've already registered or if you plan on registering soon then go ahead and drop that in the chat say count me in hashtag count me come on come on i will be at the women's conference listen the book i don't know if we had a boutique i hope we do that's just always fun to watch mad dash on the boat oh yes [Laughter] i love it but we are having so much fun and we got our carnival carnival fall carnival forget about the state fair you want to be here for our carnival it is just amazing oh yeah october 21st and 22nd we take over colin county absolutely we shut it down as a matter of fact when they launch the next spaceship up they're going to wonder what all those lights are right right down there at cluster and 121 hopefully they'll shoot some videos of us at the car come on and this is a great time for you to talk to your neighbors invite somebody with you don't come alone if you can't i mean if there's a way that you can bring somebody bring somebody that's it carnival is just going to be and we've had a quarantine and people have been locked in right people get a chance to connect together you don't want to make it you really don't because it is a great time to come out fellowship be around some other people if like you say if you're comfortable you've been on lockdown but i know a lot of people have been living their best life and then talking about their schedule right right right right i'm not going with that no no that's not you that's what i love i got you i got you we got home for you oh listen if you have not checked in please take a moment right now go ahead and check right in and just let us know that you're here we just want to know that you're here that's all from whatever campus you are rep your campus if you're online uh prosper plano go ahead dallas garland occ global hey i just want to know is dallas in the building tonight if dallas if you're in the building tonight can y'all just make some [Music] noise they're still in the room they're still in the road they still coming they coming i know that traffic pass gets a hall pass like we did when we were at school right yeah they're still on their way we are grateful for you all this is dream team one of my most favorite events i just love gathering because it's like a family reunion every time we get together and i don't want to belabor the point but guess what the bishop is back he's back he's off sabbatical bishop he's in the building come on come on y'all so guess what let's go ahead and throw it to the stage because we got so much to do tonight god bless y'all let's have some fun tonight hey everybody good to see you in the house [Applause] if you if you hail from dallas let me hear you make some noise i see a big deep hill from lewisville let me hear you make some noise if you hail from prosper let me hear you make some noise [Applause] if you hail from plano let me hear you make some noise come on come on and darling i'm not even asking you to scream i just am proud of you that some of you are here praise the lord you ju oh okay i hear i hear i hear garland i hear you darling i hear you all right and i was thinking as we were singing a while ago that um not often do you get just just christians who love god uh worshipping and so as as as listening and as worshipping i just thought it was too short so if you don't mind if you will just stand and i just want to sing another song i i want you to just remember how gracious your god is how good he is to you and i just want you to worship for if you're watching us online thanks so much for being there i just i just want you to worship a little more on sundays and on the weekends you've got people who love jesus people who are trying to figure out who jesus is but there's nothing like believers coming together and just worshiping in spirit on in truth nobody is looking at anybody else you just worshiping for an audience of one so just i just asked them to say i don't know what they're gonna sing something but whatever they're saying i just want you to just in this next three to five minutes forget everybody else and just worship your god because he's been that good to all of us he really really has and so will you will you just well first of all will you just thank him for his goodness and mercy that keeps coming after you and then let's start worshiping together come on think let's just start worshiping come on here we go here we go here we go [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh yes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] has he been good to anybody say [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is is yes oh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Music] it's running [Music] there's nothing i could do [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you're [Music] oh [Music] coming after me [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] well [Music] oh [Music] here's what i want you to do now one of our bad news here at our church people who thrive at our church is that you're grateful now the way you know you're grateful is you know you are a hot mess and this god came coming after you okay stop stop stop stop stop i don't want to know when you were saying that you're a hot mess that he come i want to know this year i don't know if it was september i don't know if it was august i don't know if it was july i don't know if it was june but whatever month it was that you knew you were an absolute hot mess say you're a christian but acting like the plum fool in the world and he came after you he tore something down to come after you if that's you now i want you to praise the name of the lord as we sing this again i don't want a cue praise i want to say thank you god for coming after me i don't care what it was here we go let's praise him now praise him praise him be grateful for him here we go [Music] [Music] please me oh foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] can we sing that together [Music] oh [Music] how [Music] jesus oh [Music] [Music] i want you to take it personally now because sometimes you have to write it down lost is the art in churches where you confess your sins so i want to write down i want you to write down the thing that's that's blocking god being on the throne comprehensively in your life the thing that's blocking you putting jesus in his rightful place i want you to write that sin down wherever you are and then i want you to bring it up here and if you're online i want you to type it in the chat i don't care how egregious this is i don't care what it is i want you to write it down and i want you to tell god you're sorry so that when when we sing the song it's beautiful you know why it's beautiful because you don't deserve to be in this presence but for the grace of god so i i here's what we're going to do now i don't want any cameras i don't want any social media i want everybody putting it down and i want everybody simply worshiping confessing and worshiping again so all i want you to do find a pen somewhere find a paper somewhere i don't want every single one of us to write it down just so that you know and it will explain to you why the rest of us are so excited about worshiping god because until you know how much you have been forgiven for then you can't worship him the way you ought to which is why this thing is so beautiful which is why the gospel is so amazing with your wife too which is why it blows our mind when you fully comprehend the gospel of jesus christ so i want you to write it down but i don't even just rush down here i want to say god i'm so sorry for falling short by the way all of us need all the worship leaders everybody need to write some down everybody i'm gonna write one down two everybody need to write some down what is it that's that's hindering the free-flowing uh holy spirit from having complete control of you i want you to write that down and then i want you to bring it up here and i want you to put it on the altar and i want you to lament over it god i am so sorry i am so sorry god that i'm allowing this after all that you have done for me i'm allowing this to hinder what the spirit of god wants to do in my life and in your so if you're online that's your job too i want you to just write it down write it down on a piece of paper if you have an alter in your own house you can go do that if not then what i want you to do is i want you to put it in the chat hey god i am so sorry for allowing this to hinder your absolute freedom and control of my life thank you god um when i have taken the wheel that you haven't that you haven't punished me but you allow me the privilege to confess it and slide over that's what i want you to do i want you to write it down as as the praise team reflect on theirs as they write their own down and as they lament over their own sin that's what i want us to do right now as the praise as the as the musicians play um through i just want you to write it down and when you bring it up here don't just drop it i want you to say god i'm so sorry and god will you remove it will you will you not let this be the besetting sin will you not allow me to not give you free access completely all the time to who i am so that i can walk in the spirit i want you to confess that before your god there's a whole book called lamentations where they lamented when they saw the consequences of their sins that's all i want you to do before god if it don't start with us there can be no revival in the church in the community unless it starts with leaders saying god i'm so sorry i'm so sorry for failing you i'm so sorry for disappointing you i'm so sorry for not giving you access i'm so sorry for having this room that you don't have access to will you please god give me the grace and the mercy one more time to confess it so that we can have you can have complete control thank you holy spirit thank you for what you're doing in here today god will you lead us will you break us afresh so that you can use us for your glory and for your honor what a beautiful thing that we can come and your arms are wide open and you're saying you're in the best position you could be in right now on your knees surrendered before me not my will but your will be done he's saying to every last one of us well done my son well done my daughter thank you so that now you can have the abundant life that you've always craved heaven you can have it now because you've surrendered and you've said i'm sorry and you'll say i go and sin no more come on family after you do that after you pray just make your way back to your sleep and we'll continue to worship i know we had an agenda but god had one too come on family come on come on [Music] when nothing [Music] [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] love me [Music] oh is [Music] me [Music] me [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no more he heard about this [Music] from the water [Music] [Music] when i was down [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] tears so sweet [Music] [Music] just to rest [Music] the lord jesus jesus how i trust him [Music] [Laughter] [Music] jesus jesus [Music] to trust him jesus jesus jesus jesus foreign [Music] [Music] i'm so glad i've learned to trust [Music] jesus save your friends and i know that he is [Music] how i trust [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] jesus jesus [Music] [Laughter] jesus [Music] [Music] we got one more song to sing uh pastor luke just came up with me and gave me a word that the lord just brought to him pastor luke why don't you just share uh with the body what you just what you just shared with me so uh you know it's just really [Music] weird and and actually kind of humiliating feeling washed over me a minute ago because i i was having kind of a hard time and just like what do i write which most of you are like dude you're totally proud but but i think maybe some of us share the same sentiment there's the the prodigal son was the younger brother and his sins were really really obvious i mean he could list him as he was running down and the mercy of god was running after him which by the way is the only time in the new testament we see god run every other time jesus is walking along the way but the older brother was so proud he couldn't locate his own sin and it was the deadlier sin of pride and arrogance and it's the one that's insidious because it sneaks around in your heart points the finger at everybody else and restrains you from experiencing the grace of god so if you're like me and you had a hard time locating that then maybe you're like me and you're the older brother and you're at risk for the greater sin which is not seeing why you need god's grace even more than the younger brother so if that's if that's you and you could you don't understand it don't take all that you'll need to write down nothing i can't think of any then then why don't you take 15 seconds and just say god i'm so sorry if you're watching us online and he's saying man y'all you don't take this i don't like them church people because they just it's okay maybe pastor pastor luke said was for you and you just need to ask god god will you will you forgive me um for my own pride and then you need to ask him and will you show me allow me to be more sensitive to your word and your spirit because maybe i've just gotten callous to your spirit trying to get my attention but because it's so normative i have forgotten that in that area as well i've fallen short so instead of looking around at others just say god will you show me mine well you make it clear so that i can confess mine as well so that's a as a body we can be clean before our holy god is that all right family come on let's celebrate let's celebrate him as we continue to worship thomas still stands great is your faithfulness your faithfulness [Music] i'm still in your hands this is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] know [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] is this is is [Music] oh the goodness of the lord hey he's a grateful god [Music] [Music] and it looked as if it was over [Music] and we're standing in here only because you may [Music] with your heart [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] is is [Music] you made a way [Music] you may [Music] i don't know oh [Music] over and over [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] told me that oh got me you told me oh [Music] [Music] there is love that's impossible and all the reason we're standing here [Music] is [Music] [Music] when we think about your business [Music] [Music] my strength [Music] and it retails [Music] strength [Music] what does it do [Music] in the power of you lift me [Music] [Music] you [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] [Music] your grace [Music] yes [Music] three tests [Music] reaches to me not where you are heavenly father accept our praises accept our adoration this body of believers we're grateful god we want you to know in no uncertain terms we are clear in our minds that we would not be here but for the grace of god it is blatantly obvious for everybody here in the house and that is watching us online that we should have been dead but for the grace of god god we are absolutely convinced that we have violated your laws your precepts and that if if there was no grace we would have been dead but god we are grateful today that not only do we are we beneficiaries of your grace we're also beneficial of your love your stubborn love that keeps loving no matter what we want you to know today god that you got some grateful people here today some people who realize [Music] that there is a god that came running after us he left the nine to nine and he came after the one and we want you to know that we will never forget not today not any other day we get to be alive we will never forget the mighty grace of god the mighty mercy of god the mighty forgiveness of god the mighty love of god the mighty goodness of god the mighty grace of god we will never ever ever forget how much you have loved us and in light of that in light of that in light of that and laid it down when you asked us to give others [Applause] come on celebrate the goodness of god [Music] [Applause] oh come on come on come on take 30 seconds and celebrate your great big wonderful god celebrate honor him worship him adore him glorify him make his name great sing praises to the lord i was glad when they said let us go into the house of the lord [Music] i could not understand what god was doing before anything else happens come on come on come on come on come on come on we got five minutes all we got five minutes and then we're gonna let y'all hold uh if you online just clap it up for about 800 people that's in the house loving jesus together if you're unlike love and then if you're in the house come on let's hear it for our online family come on let's clap it up [Applause] oh my gosh lord have mercy what did y'all start today lord have mercy has that ever happened before i think a couple weeks ago at a 11 o'clock service it did not know i'm not in dream teams that's right keep your hand handouts you don't need them today so we ain't using no handouts we work real hard at them too but he said we don't need them today so keep the hand down lord what are we going to talk about matt we got five minutes what are we gonna talk about five minutes um i don't even know where to go oh jesus um church family um we um so where do we go from here okay let me go i got it i got it we're going we're good let me see hold on hold on hey um um uh oh that's right hey jackie jackie and barry come on up here real quick just come on up here jackin yeah just come on real quick both of them come on up here let's hear it for this couple y'all they've been with us since the hotel days come on up here [Applause] come on up here they've been life group leaders come on up here all the way all the way all the way all the way all the way all the way right in the middle right there good to see you guys give them a microphone pastor matt um how long how long y'all been here how long y'all been at the church go ahead i say uh probably uh about eleven and a half years so you so you remember them days you know putting chairs out and absolutely and i was in the uh parking lot you're in the parking lot minnesota started in parking lot come on somebody serving in the parking lot faithfully serving and then after you finish the parking lot what did you do next what where did you serve next after that uh we both served as uh sort of inheriting a life group right which means somebody dropped out and you took it over yeah that happened all the time yeah yeah we took it over so we've been serving as life group leaders for um at least 10 years come on for a long period faithful live fighting for people for 10 years come on thank you all right uh tell us a little bit about what that experience was like real quick just tell us how how did it impact you guys your marriage how did the life group love y'all how did you love and support them in their times of need tell us a little bit about why it's so critical either one of you okay i'll start uh let me yeah i'll start um well we came to the church doing the one series during the stuck series and that was a really tough time for us well done that series was a series where i did it there's a marriage series called stuff which means you can't go nowhere if you're married okay you're stuck so you can't go nowhere okay so that's what we talked about it was great it was phenomenal you need to go listen to it sometimes no no no it wasn't that good the content was good but i wasn't good anyways it's not about me and the ironic thing at that time we've been married 15 years so where did this come from come on that we were just totally disconnected and what we learned what we both learned during that time period was i started to focus on being the best husband i could be she started to focus on being the best wife she could be the foolishness that i did or food sense that i thought she did was gone didn't focus on that and that brought us together come on somebody come on man yeah yeah yeah yeah incredible i guess with our life group what we were able to do is to share that story we've had other couples that we've been able to share that with and we're not going to say we're marriage counselors but we were able to share those stories be there with people in their marriage when they felt abandoned and just have a place to pray with them to walk with them and bring them back together awesome just share with us anything before we pray for you guys go ahead um just one has been a huge huge blessing on our lives and we are 30 years married and we have um god to thank for that because um this church just turned our whole marriage and lives around and we are so grateful for that that's incredible all right so then yeah yeah so then uh now you are you you're in the midst of transition tell us about that transition yes so i uh worked for a ford motor company for 30 years and been blessed to uh be able to get in when they had a pension so i'm retiring um but i'm not we're not retiring from working so we're moving back to north carolina where we're from and i'm going to teach high school business and uh jackie's gonna go back to work she's an x-ray tech and she's gonna do that there and it's gonna give us a chance to uh kind of take care and be supportive of our parents who are both in their 80s yep come on family come on all right uh jada why don't you come and let's pray for them as they go i just want to tell you how how i remember the days when we when we hung out around your son i remember the days when uh we were fighting for that and just your faithfulness i just want to tell you thank you and i just want to tell you how much we appreciate your commitment your fight your love for jesus your model modeling marriage and individually your relationship with jesus christ it's been beautiful to watch and i'm glad we had a front door seat to see it so thank you very much we want to pray and honor you guys as you go go ahead hello can you hear me i'm we pray for everybody in the chat is like they look dirty how they've been married 30 years so amen for that amen for looking like this after 30 years y'all look amazing uh let me pray for you thank you so much lord just for your faithfulness and how you show up in unexpected ways guys how you really meet us right when we're about to give up or when we think we have it together and you show us that we don't and you can just change the course of our lives so i thank you so much god for this faithfulness that we have before us that we can look and say today uh people still stay married for 30 years and it's not miserable and they're not living in separate parts of the house but they love each other and looking forward to even the next season of life and i just pray god favor and wisdom as they go into a season of caring for their parents and really just continuing this legacy um even even in a different phase of life god may we be encouraged by what we see today will you continue to bless them will you continue to show them new things about each other new insights new adventures just keeping it fresh god and keeping us encouraged that your plan for marriages is the best and so we love you so much i just pray for favor favor favor over their lives and thank you so much for their example in jesus name amen amen amen amen all right now i got a test i got a leadership test i got to leave you back so do you have an apprentice that's going to lead your group now in your absence tell us about that absolutely we um okay that's that need a round of applause right there that means he cared about the group enough he wouldn't just done i'm out but he he prepared his apprentice to take over that's a massive it's called intentional apprenticing will you help me honor them for that too come on let's honor them for that good go ahead yeah i was just going to say our our life group is going to be just fine uh with the new leaders uh jonathan and lisa jones and mario and diesel uh jones they both have joan not related but they're both joneses so but our life group is going to be just fine and continue to grow and we can leave knowing that we didn't leave anything behind in that seed as planned that's incredible good job everybody one more time let's honor them everybody um i felt that i'm sorry when he mentioned that forward pension i felt that down in my spirit that's what then like yes you can't get those kind of pensions anymore from anywhere we've got a lot of really cool things coming up in the life of our church of where we go from here and um but before we talk about that this this summer's been a unique summer for us um we've had some of the best communicators around at our church so just praise god for all the men and women of god who we're here to share and and some of you've known cause pastor conway sprinkled it in throughout core team meetings and and different services you may may not know that you you were really wrestling with some stuff over this summer right i don't want to that that's a whole another conversation but i know you were really we don't have time for that you were really wrestling yes big time but what we wanted to do as a church is we just wanted you to know if you ever had a glimpse of doubt in your heart about how our church felt about you we want you to check this out right here [Music] welcome back pastor conway [Music] [Music] it's been a privilege and an honor to watch see you submit to god's authority and his will it's been blessing for me and our family and i'm sure it's been a blessing for everyone else out there so welcome back pastor welcome back pastor welcome back pastor i just want to ask one question i'm trying to figure out why you've only been back in two weeks but you already convicted us of the word i mean talk about livid in love not trying to live in fear can it just be in her mess for a little bit i'm just saying we're so glad to have you back i started coming during your sabbatical and i love the church it's amazing the people are great but i was beginning to wonder who the lead pastor was so we're just glad to have you back i'm glad you're back from your sabbatical you deserve rest but we're glad to have you back in the house preaching and leading our team we love you happy pastor appreciation day pastor conway lady jaden we are so grateful for you we appreciate and love you may sheliana kisha whole church and we're grateful that you're back we appreciate your leadership and your messages are challenging but they're they're good but they're challenging also they're off the chain but nevertheless we thank god for you and the privilege of serving unto you god bless we love you it's your boy willow will just come in here and say hey i'm glad to have you back i know you've been going on for a sabbatical and i hope you guys got some good rest with family uh enjoy the kids and just enjoy life i know church can be very heavy sometimes but um you know god has given you the ability to have some rest in the church we have too so we're glad to have you back uh and i get to preaching i really am so excited to see him i'm ready to see some of the props um i'm ready to see the drops i'm ready to see the uh-huh i'm ready to see him stop the floor i'm ready to see him run off the floor so if y'all ain't ready you better get ready cause guess what you back y'all [Applause] [Music] hmm [Applause] so um uh pastor conway it's not the same without you here and uh our church is grateful and we know that um your thumbprint is on this church but we know that your heart is is that we know whose thumbprint is really on this church is jesus christ and i know you don't want any of the accolades or any of that but we just had to make sure you knew as a church family how excited we are that you're back uh um me me personally i'm glad uh but as a church we had a little gift for you and jada i'm gonna give that to jada a little gift for you and jada praise the lord but um we just we are just extremely grateful of how god spoke to you and worked in your life this week and we just this week this summer and we wanted you to know if you ever doubt it you've got proof today that we were ready for you to be back [Music] thanks everybody um uh thanks everybody uh we're really not going to go through this i don't want to tell you guys that one of the things i um in thinking through it uh over this time off was i made a commitment that i'm gonna we're gonna enjoy what we're doing we're gonna have fun and we needed to work with people who we can have fun with and um and i just wanna thank everybody that's around them i really do i want to thank you all i want to one of the big things move for making is we're going to have three executive pastors uh pastor matt pastor of ministries and then uh today i can announce that the pastor of the ceo of our church the person knows over how everything runs um is joining our team and i think if we can make it public on today he's leaving a very nice corporate job uh to come work for us and he's sitting behind me and his name is um [Applause] [Music] no no no no no no no you see you see you don't know what you don't know how to clap and how to be like i'm telling you why you need to be loud because he's leaving a big job to come to work for a church he's leaving a big job where he gets big money to come to work for church so i want you to tell i want you to help me thank it's a big move i've been going after him for two years and he said no ten times and on the eleventh time he said yes for the glory of god so will he help me honor this man absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely [Applause] you'll get to know him you'll get to know him a whole lot more uh just just a great man of god and as i said i wanted to make sure that as we run uh we're running with men and women that love god and and that that we're having fun again we're having fun while we're doing it uh man that's all i need to know is oh one more thing then we're done the on the ninth and tenth is the ninth of saturday that's a big yes the night has a big deal this is a big deal on the 9th and 10th we have to give we can't have student ministry so we're going to have student take over the worship experience for all the experiences here on the weekend they need the they need the facility to to put steel in this part they're currently meeting it now and it takes 10 days for them to do that straight days before they can do anything else so we're going to give it up for one weekend on the 9th and 10th of october and they're going to come over here and we're going to have all our experiences as of as an experience here in church and they're going to be leading a lot of stuff and it's going to be a different service and next generation service but i'm looking forward to it and so should you um but that building is going to be closed off so that on the 17th or the following week we can actually occupy one side of it which is where the students are going to be and then by thanksgiving we can occupy the whole thing it's the prayer okay the whole thing will be completely done yes yes yes yeah hopefully he is he don't like me giving him dates but i promise here we gonna be done okay we're gonna be done uh in the name of jesus uh but it's a great thing you all thank you for your generosity there has not been a check uh that we uh and we call it our invoice uh whatever that we have not been able to pay because of your generosity um last week we got one for 1.4 million and we paid it off cash for the glory of god that's not a little thing that's a big thing because of your generosity all right um i think that's it man i hope you hopefully you read in your book luke was going to give a devotional about that today hope you're reading your your um catechism book hopefully getting that done and then and then that's it we don't we're going to take a picture all you if you don't have your white shirts you need to go get one everybody needs to get one we'll take a picture for those in-house if you have one at home then you need to take a picture and uh and send it in as well so we can put it as a part of the whole uh dream team experience any other thing before we go those are the big ones you're good jada any other thing you're good you know about little word a little the holy spirit gave a word luke you haven't you have a word i'd refer to jada all right let's stand up let's pray and then we'll come off and then everybody here will take a picture if you don't have a shirt we're going to give you a shirt and then we're going to go from there um we've heard from luke we've heard from me we haven't heard from matt matt pray and close us off and then let's go for the glory of god come on father thank you for this evening uh thank you for reminding us of who you are thank you for when we come with an agenda sometimes you just uh hit pause on our agenda and come in and flood us to remind us of how good you've been to us to remind us that not one single one of us would be standing here if you didn't make a way in our lives god so we thank you that you've made a way we thank you that you've brought us back god we thank you that this stage is flooded with all the things that we've handed over to you so god would you give us the intentionality to follow you with passion god we're extremely grateful that we can be a part of this family a part of this team and a part of this church so god would you build unity in us like never before would you give us clarity in the mission we're pressing towards god and father right now would you just bring a revival of new people and new believers and new baptisms to flood every single campus and online god can we see you work as we faithfully follow you father we thank you for just choosing to work through us it's in jesus name we pray amen amen thank you family all right thanks everybody god bless you guys no not you not you in here those online okay for us i need you to come scoot in the middle everybody i know
Channel: One Community Church
Views: 2,998
Rating: 4.8651686 out of 5
Id: CXJgyu6wUxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 36sec (5556 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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