Dream Shop Finished! What Did It Cost?

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it ain't cheap triple Ranger alert [Music] truck here Mike's on the job down there things super cool I think I need one of them going extra mile whoa whoa nine babies here big boy stuff lit son yeah what's going on here potato no doubt yeah oh man it's pretty deep work with that's not against us massive so you win get out of that he's scared meteor's gonna hit it would you just look at it oh gosh what's been power lines don't hit the building what do you think about it Rocky mystery solved proud mic fingers crossed stealing my copper wiring that seems legit right no yeah let's see if this works no no no no no no gas pocket been there this is awesome hit him with it Ralph at least corner office squeeze is still feral oh no I do have a sister this ain't safe the Wild Bunch here I love it what are you doing Huck Finn predictable outcome it's gonna be awesome he ripped me off didn't he incredible grand total huge investment oh hi welcome back to the slavery Duke YouTube channel we are standing inside of our engine building clean room in our brand new 40 by 120 shop now you saw it get to the point where it was just sounding like a pole barn now it's basically completely finished we're going to show you guys what it took to get this point even tell you how much money it costs to get this point because I'm telling you it ain't cheap okay it took everything we had to get this thing done but we got it done it's pretty cool to watch this thing go together and watch somebody that knows what they're doing put a building together it would have took us forever to get to this point this thing is almost ready for us to move in so let's turn the clock back and go back to what it took to get to this point show you a little bit about what it took to build it so let's get right to it well we got the metal here to go in our concrete pad that's good news we should be on track for getting our concrete done this week then well after a little bit of delay because of the weather and the concrete guys we should be pouring concrete here in two days they're out here this morning on Saturday putting in the extra hours of putting down plastic in this steel mesh so we have a very strong floor in case you know we put some more lifts in here or whatever we want to do we should be good to go they're going to slope the concrete on the entries to here they're going to put a really slick finish on this and they're going to seal it when they get done so these are 20 foot by 100 foot rolls so it's going to take three of them because this building's 120 by 40. I don't know what the purpose of this is I should ask somebody I guess that's what I'm talking about right there got zip ties that's really all you need to hold your concrete together put you a couple bags of zip ties under there and you're good to go that's gonna be cool to have concrete down there huh I'm excited you better not be doing no burnouts on it you hear me no problem [Music] man we're getting started real early this morning it's like 6 a.m they're already here this is like the fourth trucks that's pulled in big day time for concrete can't wait to get this stage done this is a big deal to me not a cheap thing either oh Ralph is going to freak out we've already got three rangers here this morning Lord triple Ranger alert have we ever had a triple Ranger alert no I don't think so concrete truck should be here in a minute they're putting a little rebar pins down to get their height looks like a lot of steps this process here we go big concrete truck coming in here yeah nice here we go when you all get home from school there's gonna be concrete whoa and I'll be twenty thousand dollars in the hole I was wondering about it's gonna be too muddy or not for them it rained a lot this weekend let's see going right in there I didn't expect that [Music] it's coming now let's shoot they're trying to figure out how much to slope into that drain oh here it comes them oh that's cool it's incredible how rocky it looks how they ever spread it out smooth it's beyond me satisfying what there's screws in there when they pick the wire up it stops at the screws to give us a right hop you can't leave nobody alone he just knows in everybody's business trying to see what they're doing Lord I like to learn Curious George 66 000 pounds that truck though it's loaded now why ain't he working right behind blue yeah Jesus Take the Wheel I know right all right y'all have fun at school we'll see what this looks like when you get home bye so that little thing gets in there and vibrates get the air bubbles out around the edges pretty cool Grand Central Station around here pull that wire up to get the mesh up in the right spot we got one headed out another one coming in that's crazy that's one whole truckload that one corner so we're gonna have to have like six truckloads so they got their big boards working it out here this is about the amount of concrete I feel comfortable performing myself right there oh man we've already got a third truck pulling in wow it's gonna be hectic they got the little Bobcat going and everything now the the weed eater 9000 leveler over here it's crazy how that a little bit of vibration just totally Smooths us out [Music] straightening out the gravel with that 60 000 pound truck crushed it down so we got a third one coming in a second one starting to pour and the first one's down there rinsing out oh wow fourth truck here that's crazy it's got four trucks on the property at the same time wow I didn't expect this wow I guess I just thought one trap would come in one would leave one would come in I didn't expect them to all be here look how smooth that's already getting I just love watching it track number two is done headed out so we're about the halfway point here Builder told me including the gravel plastic the metal the labor the concrete finishing it it's about thirty three thousand dollars in total to do this floor so not cheap at all that's gonna be hard on the envelope Lord he's got the long pole on this one that truck backs in here just crushes all that down and messes the wire up so having to fix it every time it's kind of slowing them down [Music] they're in the middle of all this today's the day the electrical engineer comes out to tell us about where to put our power in and stuff so very hectic day today another truck heading out the electrical engineer came signed off on everything we're gonna have underground power from that pole down there I just gotta pay for the Transformer and the service there's gonna be a couple thousand dollars in that and it's looking nice already though isn't it I don't know what they're forming up there for I don't know if that's as far as they can do today or not well that's going to be the end of this pour I guess this is gonna be all they're going to be able to do today fourth truck heading out of here so the reason why they formed up there and they only brought 40 yards of concrete in so far is when they were shooting laser down there they figured out that there's going to be a tad Too Tall down there so it made the concrete just a little bit too thin he is digging out some of that gravel and trying to get where he wants it in order for it to be the right depth I guess they're waiting for this to set up a little bit and they can start smoothing it out well they got their finishing machine out here spinning on there there's definitely some skill that goes into finishing this concrete out it's amazing to me they can already step on that after just a few hours so even got a little pad for our air compressor done back here oh shoot now that thing looks fun Ralph would be trying to drive that if he was here tell me how that thing steers that's crazy [Music] well it's been a few hours that feller's still riding his go-karting in there but the guys formed up out here for our ramps go in the shop you guys are gonna be so happy because I don't know how many comments I got for using two by fours to try to get in and out of the shop and breaking them trying to get in I told them just to go ahead and slope it it'll be nice to finally have a easy way into the shop and it's actually starting to shine look at the gloss on it's incredible that they can get on top of that just a few hours after it's been poured wow that's crazy how smooth that is already so they're already popping lines and cutting concrete to our Expansion Joints here I hear there's two guarantees of concrete nobody will steal it and it will crack this is to help with the cracking part so they're going to go ahead and seal this thing so it's going to be super shiny here in a minute probably this will keep it from oil and stuff gets absorbed into the foundation I guess don't worry guys Mike's on the job down there he's gonna get them straightened out maybe he can give me a discount on this looking good though I got this half seals now Ralphie's home from school now they literally just left just got done sealing it yeah slick yes no they were walking on it but they just put the sealer so it's probably gotta dry they gave me zero instructions on what to do so I'm assuming we probably shouldn't walk on it see our drain there for a wash bay you can see it's kind of a bowl there a little bit so that's awesome we got our drain in there got our water pipe coming in here for our water oh it echoes you hear that man they slicked her up didn't they I think they wet sand and buffed it no no still wet the sealer's wet but the concrete's hard yeah I guess we'll see you guys tomorrow this is a big deal though to us big step right there are you doing socks out here in the mod boy what's wrong with my kids with the last shop we painted the floors and talked was adamant about me painting the floors and I did not want to do it it delayed me like a month to get in the other shop I told you I'm not paying the floors in the shop look at a little nice Edge they put on that that's just going the extra mile isn't it yeah I think this is called broom finish and that's like a slick finish there that would be fun to drive on yes it will we're gonna have to get the drift rock out here on it before we move in completely right it's unfortunate that they weren't able to pour it all in one day like we thought we were going to get done it is what it is we will see you guys tomorrow I don't know what that is [Music] well it's the next day they're all here again so I guess we all see concrete trucks pretty soon hopefully I'll have the rest of concrete done today a bunch of guys here a lot of Rangers we got another concrete trap coming in I think it'll only be probably two today maybe three maybe they got some sort of little dump truck thing I guess today they're going to pour it in that little dump truck and move it back and dump it because they were having trouble yesterday with the truck backing over the metal and messing it all up see how this goes man it'll be nice to have a smooth entry into the shop for once in my life you can see they got the metal in here for the France coming in the shop they even got some long sticks of rebar I guess they're going to put in this thing well that thing's super cool we're out to be on that in a minute the thing must be able to carry quite a bit of weight I looked it up and this pad when it's done is going to weigh over 200 000 pounds of concrete [Music] foreign we got a second truck already here so that should make about 60 yards now we're blowing and going now they got that little back section done and they're pouring the front I guess this other truck's gonna do the other back section it'll be interesting to see what the joint looks like between the two pads I just love watching the concrete go down look how that weighty rocks that truck that's crazy [Music] it looks like this is how far 60 yards got us so I guess I gotta get one more truck to finish up the back corner and down through here however many yards that's going to be I know weed eater get your straight now he said that hopefully this will be the last truck this will be 70 yards this is 4 000 psi concrete so he went with the more expensive stuff so he wouldn't have trouble with cracking corner here that's all that's all got a whole path towards now I just got to do the ramp out here that's exciting this right here is going to go real fast as narrow as this is this is getting a slope it coming out where the water will drain off and we'll put gravel up to the edge so it makes a nice ramp into the shop as a plan all right they're putting that strip of rebar right at the end of it I guess help it not not crack going extra mile well there we go she's done wow now I just gotta slick this out with their machines seal it in about a week we'll be able to drive a car on it if we want to what a deal last truck heading out oh they got their machines going now it's dry enough to do that this is already starting to harden up down here crazy how quick this stuff dries if the weather's right well they're pulling the form off of our sidewalk here cutting our Expansion Joints putting the sealer on we're almost done a little sidewalk it's kind of like a sidewalk it tapers out so the water can drain away from the doors and not go up under the doors and I was thinking too how nice is that going to be because I think all the times we've needed to roll the car back and we get to that point and we really need to roll the car back farther and there's no concrete there yeah don't touch it don't touch it okay you can actually walk on that it's gonna be our first time walking on it yeah don't get on the sidewalk over here what do you think squeezel coat it with a sealer that helps a cure and also seals it supposed to like keep the oil and stuff from soaking into it the first part will can't walk outside oh first cartwheel right here you hear how it sounds different here now it echoes that's the time out square right there so I'm assuming that the builders will be back once this is fully cured where they can get their equipment on here I guess we'll come back when the builders show back up to put the walls up [Music] what are you little peepers doing how many babies you got one two three four she's got to have nine I think I've got nine babies here you better go guys it's gonna leave you behind now that we're on our freshly made concrete pad here that we're waiting for it to cure out completely the builders are going to come back as soon as this is done but in the meantime we got some stuff in the mail we got these high Bay lights for the shop from hyper lot let's open them up and see what they look like so even in the shop this big 120 feet by 40 feet it's only going to take 12 lots to light this place is what they tell me I guess it's got instructions so it just plugs in with a normal 110 plug like that and I think it has a five foot cord on it these are LEDs so they use a lot less energy they appear to be super easy to mount all this stuff is cast aluminum look at that thing's solid it's even got a set screw there and hey new tool to add to our toolbox you can add a motion sensor to these things if you want where it can just come on when you're walking under it and go right back out after 30 seconds man look at those LEDs this little guy just screws right in there and it's also got a set screw to lock it in and we'll just hang these from the ceiling once they get done building this place and we get our electrical run it also has like a safety cable I don't know how this would break but in case it broke you got a safety cable these are called their radar series they're a 200 watt 28 000 lumens designed for buildings such as this right here but they got all different wattages sizes these are good for 50 000 hours so they last a long time they use a whole lot less electricity than your old style bulbs that we've lived with our whole life so so this thing is supposed to be super bright let's go up to the other shop real quick and we'll plug them in see what they look like because right now we got no electricity out here let's see how bright this is oh man oh man so there you go with 12 of these in the other shop that's really going to shine some light on the subjects right yeah very right very right so go check out the link below to their website and if you use promo code sleeper dude you're gonna get six percent off your order so thank you to hyperlock for helping with our project here we're also going to get some wall pack lots to go on the front of the shop on the outside they should be in here any day now and we'll show you them when they come in oh they're moving back in the builders are here they're going to be here tomorrow morning to start putting the walls up this is a big deal big boy stuff [Music] man they come in all at once don't they go you got him to do it so just in time are hopper lot wall pack lights came out I was going to show you guys what they are so this is their oval series LED wall pack lights we got four of them they're gonna go on the outside of the building and shine out front so we have some light at night you know a little extra security maybe you got a workout there at night oh they're heavy look at that thing check that out photocell on it where it can come on at night now these I guess get hardwired into the building but they're gonna sit outside of their walls up high probably above our doors or in between our doors it's all die cast real glass I think these are 120 Watt and like 15 000 lumens so we got four of them and 12 of the high Bay Lots so we ought to be lit Son Well the builders will be here in the morning Ralph is excited he's out of school so he gets to see it now they're starting they said they ain't gonna leave till they get it finished so they're going to start studding up all our stuff for our walls and doors and windows and everything hopefully by the end of the week we'll have this thing all closed in the garage door guys are supposed to be here next Tuesday it's going to be exciting are you ready to see it all closed in I talked to him about putting a deck on there eight feet wide it comes all the way down 40 something feet in the shop so we can store stuff overhead maybe y'all can have a playhouse up there so you're about to frame up all our windows and doors get everything ready to go oh we already got a window frame started over there how cool is that huh I keep saying I'm going to tell him I don't need to move his poles over just a little bit we need to figure out where the rocky door goes huh so we done locked it in to put a deck up there and to put in the extra two rooms it's more money but what are you gonna do it if I wait and do it later it'll be more expensive won't it so we're gonna have a 48 foot deck up there to store stuff it's eight feet out so we're gonna be organized that's what she says well they got our door hole framed in there looks like they got all the windows hung Ralphie and it's coming together so they got two by fours here doubled up support this got a treated two by six down there in the two by six on top it's pretty cool I've had to do this before on our old house when I remodeled it but it's been a while you wanna open the window for the first time foreign golly look at all the vehicles that are here now they're working like crazy there's a bunch of people down here working today oh we got a Dorian I look they got it framed up around the garage doors there he's using I think it's six by seven and a half look at these beasts that he's using to frame up these garage doors so it's gonna be super solid fancy laughs nothing to see here just a chicken and a flower pot that's all looks like they got all the doors framed up man that big heavy Lumber that's gonna be awesome you can see these doors here are 12 foot doors and these are 10 by 10s Ralphie just likes the little walk-in doors I think look how solid it is look this is gonna be completely solid Lumber this thing's gonna be bulletproof little screws yeah wow that's serious [Music] well it's the end of day one of their construction at least on this video so this is actually I think this is like day six or seven of their work total looks like they got all the doors framed out all the windows framed out you can kind of tell what it's going to look like now huh I'm super impressed by the size of the lumber they're using here around the door frames to keep it really Stout that's going to work out really good that's got to be like 18 inches of solid Lumber right there around these door frames this is the last day of this week and they're going to be back next week to start working on it I guess they're going to work one more day and then the guys are going to be here to do the garage doors that'll be super cool oh my gosh I don't know what's going on here this is super exciting starting to look more and more like a building every day oh me it's slick all right we'll see y'all next week hey make sure y'all lock that door before you leave okay scooter what do you think about it huh it's a little scary incredible Sun I was talking a victim oh another day of spending money faster than I can make it it's Monday morning they're out here working on it I believe they're putting all their J channel and trim up to start doing the metal on the outside of the buildings possible by the end of the day we might have some outside walls up some metal so this thing may start getting enclosed today it is exciting it'll start looking totally different when they start putting metal on it we gotta go make some money working on cars so we can pay for this potato is he a good key today very good kitty tonight he looks like he's been through it he's he got in the milk bowl oh man imagine that looks like the metal for a wall is showing up what a deal oh we got the black inside of our door frames now that's pretty cool and they got the black on the ends oh we got doorknobs door knobs and stuff they're getting it done I can't wait to see a metal on it it's starting to look like a building they're putting metal on down here I like the color look at the gray we ain't even seen the roof have we they could have put it neon green we wouldn't have known it oh yeah it looks good look at the white Windows looks good man look at that is it funny how it changes it that looks good no doubt could be climbing this it's about to start pouring on us yeah it looks like I put my GoPro on the wrong side today they're working on this side man those windows look tiny on that big wall don't they look so good it's good color in it yeah it's gonna look just like our little building Bob Baker give them a scale shot of that route let's see how big this is yeah it looks like a warehouse doesn't it well they got a whole wall up today that's pretty good they got all those doors trimmed out [Music] let's go look at our ditch whoa I thought it was going down the end of the earth oh man it's pretty deep isn't it it don't make it all fall in girl goes all the way down the building he got right up against it didn't he it looks like they're about to start putting up the wall on the other end as well so I think he's good yeah oh squeeze is now getting exciting okay it looks like when it's done yeah there's not much wall in this front size all doors [Music] all right it's end of the day now let's see what they got done oh man it's almost a building [Music] we got all three walls right the chickens are in there oh my gosh what are they doing well we got three walls up and almost all the front wall so they're supposed to come to inspect our ditch here for our power line coming in and once that gets inspected they can fill this in then and they can put in the breaker box on the inside oh guys come on work with us not against us how cool is this Echo [Applause] so all they got to do looks like is the metal from here to here and all the walls will be up and then we got doors is literally almost done I like the gray it does look good it looks sure cooler feeling in here now with the shade you know she don't like egg here she's squatted down she's like an egg it looks so tall from out here doesn't it yeah it looks massive he told me I could have went a couple feet taller I'm like no I'm good I don't want to see no reason to go any higher this guy facing the window all right we'll see what they get done tomorrow we got garage door people here it's gonna be a big day I feel like man look at all them that's gonna be so cool to see them up we're gonna have this thing completely closed in today probably man we got a full house here today we got all the garage door guys here the builders are here to put the metal on the front we've got the electrician here putting the meter base in and the breaker box so a lot going to get done today there's probably 20 guys down here they got the Howard Brothers here trying to outrun the garage door people over here see who wins we got our water line dug coming down through there got our meter base in it's going today in it look at that we need one now look at all our tracks laid out here gonna have water line in here today it's gonna be cool with it having on Doors we're making a special delivery down here to the electrician he wants the high Bay Lots so so he's gonna start putting Lots up man we may have this thing done before we thought huh gosh look at this that's a factory they're all that way still got to be inspected but he's gonna go ahead and put this up once they do the inspection they'll come out and put a transformer in and get our power hooked up we'll have lots Ralphie bright lights so we got us a plug in here got our breaker box installed with the main power coming in here getting it going gonna hang the lights up there like every 20 feet is going to be too light so we should have plenty a lot in here we got our double ground rods here like we got in the other shop going up into our meter base so they went ahead and are doing our ditch here and putting our pipe in for our drain for our wash bay we're also gonna have water coming in here so they're gonna hook that up and we'll have everything get out of that oh we got a whole row of chains here already we got six of them up already got four to go we got Jamie out here filling in the ditch now since we got it inspected he came by they're working back there on the water stuff Ralphie just wants to go see some garage doors is what he wants to see makes a quick work of that you like those doors those ones are not locked down try them scared he's scared we'll wait until they're done we'll make sure it's okay to mess with them so you got our water line covered up here I got the boss man back here building the shed for the air compressor what are you working on all right got our wash bay drain in here going all the way out gotta try it out you think it's gonna work it'll work they pour two water bottles full in there oh it's coming out it's coming out we're good we're good well they're working on the doors there and they said they dropped one door so we're gonna have a little beat up door until they come back and swap it out okay this thing's almost done they're getting our compressor shed done putting the corners on the building he says they should have all the detail stuff done by tomorrow laughs I guess they're heading out of here with our equipment [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow it looks so nice with the black trim and everything now all the metal on it it does look like a warehouse man we're gonna have tall doors to be able to drive in now he said they're going to come tomorrow and finish up a couple little trim pieces and we're gonna gravel all this here because the concrete guy told me the gravel needs to be level with that concrete pad or we're gonna break it hauling stuff in out of here but look we got our breaker box in there got a plug the electrician said he's gonna try to come over here in a couple days and do the lights up top it's so cool so we should be able to lock these from the inside it'll be nice our other building was set up to be locked from the outside like a storage unit I hated that like that oh look at that we got them locked we're gonna have some airflow with all these open huh a whole wall open like that and with their stuff going now it looks so big in here they got us the new outside water thing to go up here where we're tying in at yeah he's got a plug-in receptacle up there where we can plug our lights in super easy if you ever need to replace them or change them or whatever you just unplug them plug a different one in I want to get up there and climb around what I want to do you know can you play this guys wow that's awesome hey we're gonna go see our little air compressor shed we didn't even look at it from the window oh yeah I got a little shed I may end up putting sides on that you know I'm just worried about my old compressor considering I've had it forever it's got like 15 years I want to take care of it you know oh this is a pull-up room here workout room that's nice man look at this that's sound isn't it is that six five sixes golly what do you think a meteor is gonna hit it yeah you're about we went back here staining that that's a good little home for our air compressor yeah it'll be nice with not having all that noise they got the black trim up on the corners now which makes it look way better don't worry cars you're gonna be in here soon it's windy sorry about that guys yeah so it's a mirror image on both ends looks good look at the collar screws in line they took care of us didn't they yeah pop a line yeah check them out Howard Brothers logging uh if you're in East Tennessee they do Holborn stuff yeah Georgia yeah this has not been sponsored or anything by them but they just did a good job and showed up when they said they were man I just can't believe this it's crazy we need to shut all the doors and look at it like on that we do need to [Music] thank you oh okay that's what's wrong with the door okay so they dropped the door and that's where it got hit I guess so that's nice for them to replace it for us yeah yeah wow that's crazy looking who'd ever thought we'd have a shop like this I've been telling them to keep the lumber for me so we can make some shelves I want to make shelves in between the eight by eights in there was Ralphie doing drop those dance moves it does kind of look like a storage unit with all the doors looks like you would rent these out you know we may have to by the end of this deal you ran through the middle [Music] it's huge really like I don't know I really can't believe it's even ours I just come down here sometimes and stare at it you know would you just look at it can you imagine if we tried to do this ourselves it took like four years yeah we would have never even got the poles up yet well and all the equipment imagine all the equipment you'd have to have they they brought so many pieces of equipment yeah the warehouse State yes yeah I would have never got this done wait they're definitely injuries injury oh 100 I'd already fell off the roof by now yeah some things in life it's not whether or not you can do it it's like does it make sense for you to do it when you can do your other job and earn money that way and pay somebody to do their job because they're better at it we're going to take this yeah we're super cheap to do I mean I wired my whole other shop I insulated a lot of it myself it doesn't make sense for us to take a six months and do this you know I just called The Gutter Guys and they're supposed to come out and do the gutters on it may not be in this video but I got it on their schedule I'm also on the schedule to get it spray foamed on the inside uh we're trying to get this stuff scheduled ahead of time so we're not sitting around here waiting on it you know let's see what tomorrow holds next morning electrician's already here early he's gonna start putting up lots and some of the plugins and stuff they're supposed to be here with gravel today to do all this so we'll see what gets done today can't be as much as it got done yesterday yesterday was crazy first load of rock coming in for our parking lot driveway that's going to make a big difference huh tell us something why are you not awake yet no it's eight o'clock in the morning in summer yeah I had to open all them doors this morning it was fun [Music] that stuff's really fine isn't it yeah so that's what they're gonna put up right against the building they said to get this that's what they're gonna put right up against here to get it to pack and then they're getting a different size to go for the rest of this after this is packed in oh he's spinning look at that the squishy squeeze here get off of that you're gonna get dirty oh gosh does it feel funny second load of gravel I think they call this 57 around here I don't know what y'all call it they're already down here with a tractor spreading out the crusher run gravel up against the entrance of the building so you all be happy working on Plumbing over here hooking all that up electricians going probably got some lights up by now oh yeah we already got some of these hyper Lots up you look they're plugging right into a receptacle anything going to be super Broad in here more than enough light be a lot better than other shop was oh shoot we got both trucks here at the same time wow hopefully we'll have plenty of gravel to have a really nice spot out here to work without being a muddy mess and getting stuck all the time out here I think we're gonna spread this out for us [Music] that's pretty cool [Music] he does a good job with that don't he [Music] get her right there and catch him Ralphie they're watching power lines Manny does a good job of spreading them very nice don't hit the building don't hit the building [Music] there we go last truck low here oh man it's packed it's incredible they can't even pick up that much weight 20 tons Ralphie's bringing some more hyper Lots in here so they can finish putting these up hey we got Wawa carrying them work carrying Lots okay okay and we won't know what to think having a nice Gravel Drive huh we're usually pushing in the mud over there and trying to get up over the concrete there you go well they're gonna get that all spread out there and get the lights hung up hey we may have some Lots soon that'll be cool to see so covering up our plumbing here where we've tied in our water source oh man the gravel is looking nice and smooth look how nice the entrance is comment below if you're going to be happy that we have a smooth entrance into our shop now I don't know how many comments I've got on that with the old shop electricians down there wiring in the last slots on this leg and he's going to put the rest of the hyper lights up this way we're gonna be lit son oh Rockies decide to come down here you're ridiculous but he's gonna eat a box over here probably what do you think about it Rocky you think you've done a pretty good job wiring it man nothing gets past him does it nothing he'll be standing on that a minute it's moving out our gravel some more out here foreign back here helping him do the plumbing I'm gonna have to run him off of them [Music] pick you're not tall enough for that Rocky [Music] well they're heading out they got their part done in here now they're going to be coming back later to do our interior rooms back there for our parts room and our engine building room and our 48 foot long I call it a deck what would you call it platform maybe um it's coming to me anytime now loft loft okay so it's gonna have a railing up around the whole thing we're gonna have some stairs near that window on the outside of the clean room but we're gonna do that in the future because right now they got some other jobs to do and it might be in the way of the spray foam guy so I gotta get a hold of him we got all of our lights up here we just don't have power on right now to turn them on those ought to be really good in here to blow up this whole place those little strip lights we have in the other shop they're okay but they just don't cut it like these are going to do we have water out here now so we've got good water supply so we can get our pressure washer in here and we can wash our shop out I'm going to plumb water lines along the back wall and Plum Airlines in along the back wall once we get our compressor down here so our other shop we just have the one hose off the compressor we're playing on hard line everything behind the wall back there so there's probably gonna be like at least four or five six spots that will have air hoses we got six vivore storage shelves and we got four vivore metal work tables so that's going to help us organize everything when we get to that point so exactly yeah let's see what happens with this tomorrow what are y'all naming how do I do this [Music] I don't know how to hold on to hold on don't click any buttons we got a plug in here [Music] I should have left this here all together hey drift drive right here whoa let's go up oh [Music] oh are you scared so I wanted to give you up close and personal here on the Lots it's got that eyelet there that screws into the trusses are you locked up right now he is completely locked up isn't he completely locked up so we got a safety cable here that comes with it got the hook goes into the eyelet here plugs right into that easy to replace if you ever had to so that's how they're mounted oh you don't like it swinging what about this what about this you ready to go down yeah okay let's see can I remember how to go down [Music] don't you hear that bill all right can we do donuts yeah [Music] okay we're getting so much trouble when they see this video good morning [Music] that was fun yeah you're scary black it never happened exactly they'll never know of course rafi's gotta close the doors [Music] kind of unbelievable isn't it yeah yeah I like gravel that's gonna be so nice it's not gonna be a muddy mess out here anymore having water we never even have water in the shop before you know check us out on other platforms at sleeperdude88 so it's the next day and our electrician has got it ready for inspection so we are headed to town to go get a final inspection on electrical so we can turn the power on and see them bright lights so we're headed there now and hopefully they can come out in the next few days and inspect this thing and we'll be good to go to turn the power on the electrician came down here real early and we have some plug-ins down there now we have all of our Lots in of course and then we got plug-ins along this wall and they're supposed to be here to inspect it probably Tuesday of next week they said then the power company will come in and put in our transform and we'll have power out here I talked to the spray foam guy he is going to try to come in here and do the spray foam as soon as we get the electrical inspection done we'll be good to go oh man it's a big day we got our pass for our electrical inspection wasn't really much the video I didn't know if they wanted to be videoed either so checked everything out says we're good to go we should have the power on hopefully here in a few days we still got a couple of things we're going to wire in here some more plugs and stuff but we will have lots on and I can't wait to see what they look like now that our electrical passed we can fill in the ditch here where our ground rods are squeeze and Ralphie decide they were going to help by doing that so they're filling it in this evening maybe tomorrow we'll have all the electrical done in the power on that would be awesome I don't know how quick they are to come out and turn it on doing a great job guys who needs a shovel when you have your hands and feet right yeah shovels no shoes that sounds safe so are you supervising and she's filling in the bucket or how's this working oh so she fills the bucket up you bring it over and definitely okay way to work together guys so we got the electrician here today he's putting in a couple more of these they're coming up from up there up from the ceiling down here takes a ton of water to do this doesn't it I want to have plenty of plugs because it stinks not having plugs in it when you're trying to plug something in we're all the time looking for one another shop we've been wondering how Tater gets out of his cage foreign mystery solved oh he's done no big head really fit so it's the next day there's more electrical stuff going on today it's moving a lot slower now because we only got one guy here doing electrical stuff it's not like a whole team of guys are here we have our electrical plugs all down this wall here and then since there is going to be a interior wall here for our engine building room or clean room he put this plug on the side here and once the interior walls are built we can tie into here and feed off into this wall hey guys a couple plugs here inside of our parts room so I think he's basically got everything done for now except for the plugs on this side which is going to come down these poles and put one in between everyone and he's also going to mount my wall pack lights so there's gonna be four of them on this wall so I think once he gets these plugs done down this wall and the wall packs that's going to be all the wiring for now after he's done the insulation guy is going to come and spray the ceiling is the plan and then Howard brothers are going to come back and do our interior rooms here and our platform deck whatever you want to call it so that's the order it's supposed to happen we'll see how that works out and Mike the neighbor's supposed to be here today to look at doing our air and water lines we got our Airlines last night in the mail Mike thought we needed three quarter I wasn't sure so this is aluminum and plastic so this is what Magic Mike recommended comes these manifolds here it has compression style fitting so I guess he's going to come in the wall right there and we've got 200 feet of it so we'll probably do down all the walls here same thing with the water I found some of my old packs that we use in the RV we're going to buy some more and do water down all the walls and air down all the walls so we don't have just one Airline and hey now we'll have water we've never had water in the shop before squeeze and the neighbor girls are over here because Magic Mike the neighbor is doing my water lines he's got that servant's heart he's volunteered himself to do my water line so we're doing three quarter packs he's insulating it with this right here so doesn't freeze we got a moth yeah nice Mark says it all work right Mark fingers crossed [Music] [Music] oh that's a couple hours later I better go check on him he'll be stealing my copper wiring you know how these neighbors are in Tennessee hey we're getting some water lines huh are what a deal looks good I'd love to get some clams I just got yeah get it clamped up there he's got these half inch stubs so we're planning on running a pressure washer in here so that'll be our water supply for our pressure washer we got a main shut off right there we also got a stub there so we can wash cars out there it's going all the way down this wall and we're hoping between that insulation there and the spray foam that's going to go on top of it we ought to be hopefully insulated enough where it won't freeze because it doesn't get super cold around here we might have a few nights one winter where it gets down in single digits maybe maybe but most of the time it gets down in like the 20s for the most part he's going to put another stub I think right yeah right there so that way we have a hose in the middle here we can wash the bays out and then it's going to go down that wall as well at least to the corner exciting huh he is he says he's going to try to get this done tomorrow maybe and then he's going to start on the Airlines and we'll be Plum son hopefully by this weekend we will be ready for the spray foam on the ceiling the electrician did not want us to do the spray foam because his wires are going right along there and then it would be really hard to do after spray foam we should be able to do the ceiling after he gets done with this and he said hopefully by Saturday he'll be done use no farm truck huh nice that seems legit right no yeah I think that's fine that'll work so if I touch this don't touch it don't well no it's not plugged in so here's our plan I can't wait anymore to see these hobby Lots how they work so it's about to get dark and I've ran a drop cord out here that had no end on it hooked the black one up here jumped it together so both sides have power this is just to see if a lot's work we're not gonna like run the shop back up that seems like it'll work you think it'll work Addison yeah yeah so she thinks it'll work I'm gonna plug it into the house and see what happens let's see if this works and if I'm right this should turn the lights on all right let me turn the other one okay and that's only five of them look at that that's only 10 Lots those hyperlot hobby lines are the stuff check them out in the description below use our code to get a discount once big thank you to hyperlot for helping us out with that I couldn't wait any longer to see what they look like that's gonna be awesome isn't it super bright I can't wait to get the power turned on to where we can use it but man that's right [Music] it's dark in here now huh you had no face in me on this one I'm sorry doubled up vice grips on the inside of the panel is not okay with me no no no no no no oh Lord you scare me dad you better get that janky cord out of here the electrician will never know about this it's bright and early the next morning Mike's already down here I didn't know he got up before noon you believe this I didn't know you got up this early something like that two hours later man you're getting it ain't you look at that Ralphie we got water here is it ready to be turned on oh so we got it all the way over there all the way around man you've been working hard you're sweating I know this wet stuff I don't know what it is [Laughter] yeah you have to yeah Google that awesome good job oh we're starting on airlines awesome is that stuff hard to unroll no actually with it being aluminum it stays once you get it right I was wondering how hard it'd be to unroll try it Ralphie see if our water works we got air hey our first drips of water oh man you got anything down there do I need to turn this off you think and let him there you go let the air get out of it we won't know what to think Ralphie having water in here look at that give it the beans there Ralphie oh man look we can wash the car all the way out here if we want to oh hey gas pocket been there awesome Mike you're the man well Mike's continuing to work like a maniac over there all the water stuff's good he's got the air from this corner all the way down to that corner he's gonna we're gonna do the same thing with air it's gonna go from that pole there all the way around to that pole there so we have air and water along the whole walls around the outside so a couple we can hook hoses there and reach out wherever we need to go right squeeze she has a little shop set up selling things to the neighbors over here apparently the universal currency right now is knockout plugs out of breaker boxes that's too expensive isn't it [Music] so Mike's done called it today but he got our air and water all the way to this corner now unfortunately we didn't have enough fittings that came with our kit so I ordered some fittings off Amazon because you can't get these fittings from Lowe's or anything like that it's got a funky compression fitting so we're going to have one air hose inside the engine building clean room one right there one right here that's going to go out to the compressor at that Tee we've got another one here another one there and then we're going to have one at that pole so basically everywhere we have water we're gonna have air actually we have more air ones than we have water I found a hose reel that I've never used so we're going to put it up probably and probably end up having to buy some new air hoses as well when we get this done I got a bunch of old ones that the body shop was thrown away and I bet there ain't no good so they're terrible well it's a rainy Monday morning you can tell by my morning voice electricians are supposed to be done today he's down here working already so we'll see what's going on I think I'm going to add them other two lights on this end in the wash bay that's the plan at least look he stole my idea I shouldn't let that drop cord down there he's got the lights on well it has been absolutely pouring the rain so I haven't got to come down here in the last couple hours so I'm going to see what they got done man it's cool to be down here with lights on like this I can't wait till they turn the power on for good that'll be awesome start getting all the plugs done on the wall some of these are real top fit one of these 12-foot doors doing conduit up to there really nice job well we got all of our 110 plugs done now all done this wall they're actually on the lift outside about to put our wall pack lights from hyperlot up they're going to get them wired in I can turn them off from the switch in here though he said he's gonna go ahead and wire in my compressor today as well you know it's 220. it's got to have some 10 gauge wire to do that but he said we'll be done today oh yeah they got two I've got two more to go you can see the wires coming in there they gotta wire up to the breaker box we're almost done this is awesome check it out the electrical is done guys can you believe it got all the outside wall pack lights on can't wait to see them turned on hopefully we'll have power in the next couple days we got a switch over here the one on the left turns our outside lights on which are on a photo cell so they come on when it's dark so you essentially could leave them on this switch here runs these I think seven Lots here so they added in these two over our wash bay so I just thought you know with the detail Bay you probably need more lighting I'm glad we did that because that end of the building is primarily going to be storage so it doesn't have to be quite as bright as this engine is so we probably would have been fine with just the 10 Lots but I told them hey we already got them let's go ahead and put them in while you're here I'd probably break my neck trying to get up there without that lift here but all the wall packs are wired in you can see all of our wires going through there and he's got our 220 run out to our compressor out here even though our compressor is not there yet and we got 110 plugs on every single pole in the building how cool is that won't have to look for any plugs anymore so that's going to be awesome right here we have 10 gauge wire coming from a 30 amp 220 breaker into this junction box goes out through the stud there and it has a disconnect box outside we can wire our compressor straight to this will be the first time our compressor has been hardwired or mounted in the 15 years we've owned it it's always just danced around the floor and had some plug plugged into the wall if everybody stays on schedule tomorrow we should have the roof getting spray foamed and maybe we'll have Builders here back to do the interior rooms in Our Deck I feel like I'm repeating the same stuff I said every day on this video I'm super glad to have the wiring done it's expensive but man I wired the other shop and I just don't have the time anymore y'all would have went with a video for a week and followed a wire this all myself so it just made sense to have somebody else do it the professionals do it right so we got the I ain't got no power bill mod hooked back up I just want to see what these lights look like oh wow that's an awesome Ralph man that's gonna be nice that way it'll give us some extra light right above our wash bay that should be perfect right there let's see what our outside lights look like oh I saw him huh mom's blowing the horn up there she's in the truck how cool is that that's gonna be really nice when it gets dark huh so good that does look good I think it's gonna be really bright once it actually gets dark right now it's really not dark yet you can't look right at them though now you can't look at it and look at these inside lights hit them with it Ralph wow yeah very good man y'all gonna see what's up with our cars now I guess tomorrow's Freight phone tomorrow evening so we will see y'all tomorrow and hopefully all this will be insulated up here well the builders are back not the order I thought it was going to happen but hey we're getting some work done so they're going to start building the inside rooms in our balcony in there if anything can have it done in two days so we'll see we got materials unloaded this is dramatic is it gonna come off there oh foreign [Laughter] well we've talked it over got it all figured out where everything's gonna be papaw's going to get a little bit more materials to finish it out but it's gonna be metal on the outside two eight foot roll up doors so we can get engines in and out of these rooms parts room on that side the engine room on this side and of course a 48 foot platform that's AP wide that's the plan well they've been here like 30 minutes they're already nailing studs making walls this ought to go up pretty quick I bet so they've been talking with the spray foam guy he's just gonna have to work around these rooms now I guess he'll spray foam the whole thing at once now it's exciting we're getting super close now hopefully by next week it'll all be done but they've been down here like maybe an hour they're working working working wall started already huh oh look they got the boards up there for the what is it is it a porch or a balcony balcony balcony sounds fancy um pretty cool huh we got the poles looks like we got some OSB let's see what they got done it's an hour or so later here oh man we got walls Ralphie so it's going to be metal on the outside OSB on the inside and we're gonna have stairs going up this wall right here are you excited about the balcony I think you're excited about that right squeeze has already called it her own so we got some roll up bay doors here man's coming together fast got my corner office I got a corner office now they're getting their anchors put in for our posts for our balcony here and we'll be able to walk all the way from here on top of these and store stuff on top of all this so you're building a floor system above all that what are you doing you're making mud pods squeeze y'all are gonna be dirty oh my gosh please look at this mess down here they're all playing in the creek they got it made don't they she's been Barefoot all day that's your girl it's coming along nicely though in here I've been trying to come down here about every hour and check it out I got the first pull up here starting the floor going this way you approved yeah they're a mess aren't they oh that's gonna be cool isn't it Ralphie having that platform up there that's gonna be neat isn't it yeah exactly there you go you can sleep up there now bunk beds yeah that's what they're building and they are coming on look they got the whole floor system above that now Ralphie every hour down here it's like a ton of progress that goes on you get a lot of guys working I guess know what they're doing and it don't take long they're building my corner office over there hey it's gonna be nice to have a corner office for me Isn't it it's a little bigger than the one in the RV have you been down in the pond some more you seen any snakes no snakes okay feral they're all feral back in the materials in here it's all the concrete yeah right that's the heaviest thing we've had on the concrete a couple hours later another update squeeze is still feral out here so that hasn't changed let's see what's changing the building though oh it's coming together isn't it it's funny mom we've been talking about and I was like I knew exactly what it would look like she's like I guess didn't really realize what it would look like until it was done so she really likes it oh we got some railing going up that's cool yeah exactly man they're moving fast aren't they Where Are You Gonna hang out at yeah you're gonna hang out in the deck yeah I've been up there man I got the floor down up there already is the whole floor down over here oh wow man awesome look how thick they made that and that ain't going anywhere is it look around [Music] well it's the end of the day now they got it all buttoned up here they got a lot done today didn't they a whole lot done I feel like y'all are going to be up there way too much on the platform what do you think cocoa melons you like it a ladder yeah so they're supposed to be back tomorrow which tomorrow is Saturday they may get done tomorrow put my Christmas stuff up there exactly what I was just thinking [Music] oh no oh no him you're not there hey don't jump so we'll have for you to store a bunch of stuff and have a pig trail ers mystery man's got it we'll give you a shot from up here it's definitely wider than I thought that and we got a ton of room over here for activities it's just cool being up this High huh yeah it's awesome that's pretty neat we have a lot of extra storage up here that'll be cool I'm really glad with how this turned out never before seen footage I do have a sister look Ralphie's took over their truck [Music] thank you [Laughter] I still had enough air in it oh my gosh this ain't safe well it's bright and early like 7 A.M we're starting on again they're gonna try to get it finished up today electrician's gonna put some more plugs in there and some Lots so we'll see what they get done today with squeezy's help down here it's been like an hour it looks like they got all the railing up over here now they even got the walls up over here [Music] they're on it they want to get out here I know it's Saturday they're wanting to get out of here pretty cool huh we can hang stuff on the wall hide from Mom [Music] you like it Mike's in here working with him today trying to knock the airlines out we just talked to the spray foam guy and he's supposed to be here Monday so if he gets here Monday and the power company's here Monday we'll have it all done that would be awesome [Music] come upstairs it looks like we got our little dinky roll-up garage doors Mike's still making it happen over there Magic Mike we got our Airline going out squeeze has already took over the balcony up here hey we got metal on it it does it looks good with the metal in there you like it up there awesome I wonder how many engines we'll get to build in here transmissions and everything it's gonna be perfect maybe get a window air conditioner so Magic Mike got one of our Airlines in here so we'll be able to put a coupler on here and also has a plug where you get to drain water out if you want to but we're gonna put that dryer on anyways to get most of the water out so we should have a lot better air system than we used to have we had to space it off the pole so we'd have room to tighten these fittings and by we I mean Mike I turned around for two minutes they got the stairs up I like how it looks with the same colors outside like that my kids ain't never going to come down from up there they've been living down here today putting us a sink in here so we can wash our hands that'll be nice so there's our Airline coming out to our compressor and our disconnect deal there's where we can wire it in I can't see them but I hear them I guess all the kids are playing up in the woods while they're working on the building down here where are you at Ralphie living your best life I'd much rather have them playing out here by the pond up in the woods and I would on the phone in my living room that's the way kids ought to grow up the Wild Bunch here [Music] [Laughter] it looks like we got our railing up around our stairs and all the metal and trims up all right it looks like a miniature version of our building doesn't it it's funny I love it does it look anything like you thought it was going to what super excited about it how much extra storage is going to be a big change for us because we're always storing stuff in the middle of the darn shop and now we can store it above us he's acting kids on Peter Pan or something today you know the Lost Boys yeah electrician says he should be done here in a few hours we'll have all of our wiring lights done they're working on Plumbing our sink in so we'll have a sink that'll be awesome we're getting so close what are you doing you're gonna sink it I think that's the most that's ever been on it the thing over and we fell in okay predictable outcome here's how much water I got in my boots oh [Laughter] we got the boss man loading up the excavator here he knows what he's doing [Music] well I just left out so the builders are done and the electrical is done what's your favorite part guys everybody loves my deck idea of a balcony deal here it's gonna be cool huh you haven't even been up there have you this is gonna be awesome we're gonna have so much storage not Christmas lights but storage yeah that is going to be so much better to store stuff for sure is this going to be the squeezy Corner where's the squeezy corner that's your corner okay there's some water down here I thought you guys would really like this once it was built I didn't know if you knew what we were building exactly this is wider than I thought it would be something like I knew it was gonna be eight feet but because the extra there with the poles it's really like nine feet and it's so much wider than I thought we'll have so much more room for storage that's gonna be great in that squeeze because squeeze really worries about my storage with my auto parts put a little small piece of like flowers or something yeah he wants to put a basketball goal on one of the poles we'll probably work that out a little bit we'll put one of mom's cars under it I'm just excited about the space for parking stuff inside and working I'm really excited about the engine room let's go down there and show them it finished the stairs are cool huh yeah I think they were built on they had stairs that's right so we got three plugs on this wall three on this side we got 16 feet of lots in here yeah you didn't know it yeah that's so we can get an engine in originally I thought about putting a normal door now I thought wait I got to get engines in and out so we decided to go with these and actually these doors were cheaper than going like French doors these are just little I think they're six by eight or just a little bit shorter than eight that way we can close it we're not trying to lock anything up really we're just trying to keep the dirt out of these areas got my corner office here so I can do all my in-depth thinking out there so that's gonna be nice having a sink is going to be really nice we only put one light in here because this is just gonna be a storage room for like just engine parts and stuff we'll probably put shelves in here oh man that guy he ripped me off didn't he electrical don't work shoot squeeze just here for the pizza well still no power but the spray foam guys are here they're gonna do the ceiling tonight so mom's down there getting the doors open for them this ought to make a big difference in insulating this thing nice rig big turbo diesel engine you see the little turbo up there we're on a big compressor so we're getting the tarps out to start doing all this these spray foam tonight well they got the Dual four-barrel breather right there that's pretty cool need some velocity stacks on that huh I thought they were just doing the ceiling but they're doing the walls right now so we're doing the whole shop with this [Music] yeah it starts expanding over there this will keep all our condensation out keep the temperature better in here it's not gonna make a big difference it's pretty cool looking at how it expands they spray it on there and then it expands after that it's pretty cool I believe this is called closed cell foam I think I'm a metal building you have to use closed cells on like a a wood building I think you can use open cell phone which expands a lot more this is more dense and solid it makes a big difference with the moisture because like a metal building like this will sweat and you'll drip on you yeah I wouldn't want to be in that seat right now this is hilarious to me that's so cool [Music] he said in 10 seconds to draw we're gonna step away and let them do their work there but I thought they were just coming and doing the ceiling they were going to come back into the walls I guess they're just going to do what they can do cool yeah it's very cool very neat the way they do this you think it'll be less echoey in here now probably I wanted to do the walls in my other shop when I did it and I just cheaped out at the time that's why with this job I just didn't want to cut any Corners they're filling in all our cracks and stuff up there so he said this stuff is 155 to 160 degrees when it goes on the metal in 10 seconds it's dry incredible and they're getting it done got all that done now two two and a half hours something like that well they got all the way here before the lift died they got the ceiling over to there all the way around here and down the bottom right there he said it's probably going to take him two three days to do this so they're gonna get as far as they can tonight though so this just got sprayed not long ago it's so hard isn't it crazy how hard it is it just locks everything in all our plumbing and stuff is talking hopefully no leaks on the air side we're gonna blame Mike though if it leaks it's only right [Music] wow looks a lot different doesn't it I think it's not as echoey already and it's hard foam it actually adds strength to the building I think it's going to be good with the wash bay being here that we're not getting water directly on the wood and the metal that's over here so that ought to help a lot as well so they're done for tonight they got about half of it done so they're supposed to be back they got some other jobs to go do they're going to come back and do this sometime the next week or so we ought to have it all foam by probably the next week or two yeah can you believe we're still waiting on the power company turn our power on it's kind of getting ridiculous yeah so now for the big news what did it cost so although we're not 100 down we're still waiting on the power company to come and we're waiting on the other half the phone to be done we know the total cost now we pretty much paid for everything yeah the building part of it so the builders that came in and did all this work put in all of our lines underground four more put up the building did the inside rooms and everything 156 000 for that the electrical so this includes buying the wiring and the electrical sockets the breaker box the cable all that stuff all those interior lights and those rooms back there all the light switches is sixteen thousand dollars for electrical the power company for getting the underground power put in that's just basically the cable and the Transformer 1348 the spray foam in here when it gets completely done is going to be twelve thousand dollars wow on top of that you have some other small stuff like just getting like your electrical permit by these Airlines off Amazon buying the PEX water lines so just the inside balcony area and those two rooms was an additional 17 000 on top of what we were originally doing to buy these Lots these Hyperlite radar lots Highway Lots here being perfectly honestly we've sent those for free we did buy the wall pack watch the outside if you had to buy all these I think it was about fifteen hundred dollars with a lot so grand total everything all the miscellaneous stuff and everything 191 611 is what this building costs this building cost more than our first two houses we bought combined and it cost almost as much as this house and property costs we bought it a few years back so this is a huge investment into our Channel there are some things that we didn't do with the other building liability that I wish I would have done when I did it and that's kind of why we did some of the things we did here because we really didn't like some of the things we didn't do with the other building right on insiders yeah we just had the roof done the other one I was like we just need to go ahead and have the whole thing done and be done with it and this is only like an inch and a half thick so it keeps out your condensation it gives you some insulation I think it's got a seven R value per inch so we got like a seven to ten R value on the walls the roof we could have went thicker but it would have cost a lot more you know some people go three four inches thick on this stuff but it would have cost quite a bit more or but anyway we're gonna end off here because we're still waiting on the power company they're going to be back through the spray foam in the next couple days but we are actually leaving on a trip you know we've been playing a big summer trip the timeline's kind of funky on some of these videos coming up because a lot of this stuff was shot at the same time so we've been working on the RV we've been working on Wawa's Beetle obviously they've been down here working on this building so don't get confused on the timeline a lot of this stuff happened in you know intertwined so it didn't happen the exact order receipt if you're saying oh why are they working on the beetle instead of the RV while they work on the shop well it all happened around the same time if we're waiting on parts to RV we worked on the beetle that's just how it worked out so don't get confused you're gonna see videos coming up of us continue to work on RV we're planning on leaving on a trip tomorrow morning so that's why we got to kind of end off here but we appreciate you guys watching this would not be possible without you guys if it wasn't for all you guys watching the videos you know none none of this would be possible we wouldn't be able to save as many cars as we do we wouldn't be able to build a shop like this in order to be able to save more cars it was really a strained on us financially to do this but I feel like it's an investment in our business and like I keep saying I don't want to have these cars sitting outside there's no point in having a car saving a car and just letting it sit outside and get rained in a lot of these old cars leak you know and sometimes you can't get the weather strips and stuff and the RV we can put the RV in here now we'd have doors big enough for that so that is going to be really cool we're just super blessed God has really blessed us with the type of jobs we have and the viewers we have man I just come down here sometimes in the evenings and I'll just sit in the chair and look around like I just try to take it in that this is even on a shot I really can't believe that this is ours honestly next video you can expect on this building right here by the time we get back from our trip hopefully the power will be turned on here and the spray foam will be done mine's got a couple more Airlines to do and big thank you to master neighbor 's come down here won't take no money from me worked all day the other day doing Airlines work today you know yeah poor Mike he's too good of a neighbor to us but he's been down here working on all these air and water lines a big thank you to hyperlot we really appreciate their help with this please go to the hyper lot and use our code to get the best deals Link in the description below but you also see coming up a video of us working on RV that's coming up you can expect to see some trip videos as long as the trip works out huh oh you'll see away yeah you'll see it if it don't work out it might just be one video if it doesn't work out good hopefully once we get back from our trip we're going to be able to move into this thing and get all our tools down here get everything organized I'm so excited about cleaning the other shop out I'm so tired of stuff that we find there's a couple tools I'm like where in the world are they Wawa is going to be in this organization and keeping it yeah as soon as we get back our trip we're gonna start doing all that but you can check out our second channel app you can check us out on Instagram Facebook and Tick Tock you can buy our merchandise down below you can click on it it'll take you to a website and you can buy shirts that's how it works Link in the description mom says we can't open the viennas in here so I guess we're gonna have to take them out there to Rocky foreign they sealed this thing but that's the real Steeler yeah buying the juice will be on this floor just wait a few videos down the road it's gonna be here he's already kicking up his heels oh yeah he's ready you got the whole can probably hmm that's that good stuff oh Rocky oh there you go granny get you one here there you go Rocky G oh look at that that's got a little oh she got the little nib off there didn't she there you go buddy we're gonna have to get a uh Rocky door in that building aren't we lick all day there you go I'm gonna get in on this oh granny got it from me here you go granny hogged it today didn't she look look he gets he gets like gag worthy he is gagging come on you know I was a young boy she is so cute you eat like a pig lately hands oh man she got hit with a holy ghost right there didn't she you're only she went down so fast man she loves that yeah man you put the beanie hen on her quick didn't you and you did you did she was out I just want to say again thank you to everybody who watches our Channel none of this would be possible without viewers like you we really appreciate it uh I just can't wait to get moved in and remember Jesus saves and George Nelson withdraws exactly amen bye Hallelujah
Channel: Sleeperdude
Views: 434,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how, much, budget, cheap, expensive, huge, enormous, incredible, dream, shop, garage, shed, barn, pole, concrete, metal, block, wood, diy, to, sleeper, dude, sleeperdude88, 120, 40, 60, 100, feet, foot, cost, unreal, family, funny, construction, 5 days, fast, walls, roof, floor, total, 10 bay, build, bigger, bigest, gigantic, home, barndomenium, 4800, square, barndo, farm, junkyard, cars, storage, hay, equipment, mechanic, hobby, auto, body, restoration, big, massive, money, expense, contractor, builder, you, wont, believe, tells, all, details, clean, up, dollars
Id: YA4MToaZD6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 45sec (5265 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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