24x32 Garage Start to Finish, Walkthrough and Q&A | MY DIY

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all right 24 by 32 garage before and a 24 by 32 garage after Morning YouTube day two 24 32 garage uh we're gonna kind of call this day one of being productive yesterday I had to move all this straw over here in plastic because we're mid-January right now and this slab actually got poured I think probably the beginning of December so they had to cover it which means I had to clean it all off I was brooming and raking and shoveling um trying to get this straw that was all Frozen down to the plastic once I got that done I had to move material all my material is up front there's an awning on the side of the house the delivery truck couldn't get past it so it all got dumped in the front yard so I'm carrying a whole garage from the front two back you got all my plates brought back set up on the horses all laid out cut the length it's bottom and top plates I still have to do double top plates but I'll do that after the walls are up get everything drilled out everything is set so that was day one although it wasn't a very productive day this is day two you can't beat like 48 degrees in the middle of January you got to take it and let's put some hours in on this thing today all right I got my rafter laid out because my Rafters are all piled on top of my studs out by the street and I need more studs so I can stand more walls I don't want to move these multiple times so I got my pattern I'm going to cut that and then I'm going to start stacking all the rafters that are on top of the studs on the horses that way I can cut them move them out of the way if I need to or I'll just leave them on the horses until it's time to set them the frustrating rant over all right well I totally jinxed myself getting excited about the weather because shortly after that uh it got cold and windy and weather's on its way but I've got all my walls well my Eve walls all my Eve walls done that header is for the service door is going to go in the back here I don't know if you could tell in the video I like to nail the king studs to the header first and then get the header installed because if you nail in the studs first you're going to have a stud in the way and it makes it more difficult now granted sometimes it's just how it goes and you got to work around that but when you can think ahead think ahead all my Jacks for the front headers and King studs are all made front headers are made these are the rest of my top plates front plates uh right here there there and there all of these Rafters that I stacked have been cut so with the weather coming that's probably not actually coming but I don't want to stand these walls with the wind because I don't think I can get all the walls up uh get a time crunch only a couple hours left before it starts and probably here in the wind right now I'm gonna wrap it call at the end of day two still haven't got much doing I'll catch you guys in the morning all right day three maybe we can be productive today but I'm doubtful should be able to get these walls up braced off and uh we'll see from there and what time it is I don't even know why I'm showing you guys this video besides just displaying how inept I can be at times but hey I'm honest before I get these walls going I want to talk about this this is uh sill gasket you guys see that colloquially around here called uh still seal this goes underneath all of the bottom plates um and then when you bolt them down draws tight just kind of keep an air dam down I had a lot of questions about this stuff just wanted to address it just went over the neighbor's yard foreign that first one was fight me I swear this video might go up as a blooper reel at this rate thank you [Music] I'll nail the corners all the way down this outside wall goes out end wall is inside that plate so when I put my top plates on this one will go all the way across an open lamp this will hold blood into that so it ties them together pay no attention to the fact that I forgot to put my Jack studs in there it's been a rough go on this job [Music] foreign [Music] foreign people have asked me about anchor bolts these are half inch anchor bolts j-bolts they stick them into the concrete when the concrete is finished shaped like a j makes sense so they can't pull out they are supposed to be this is all where I'm at code where you're at May Vary obviously uh six inches from the end of the wall and then every six feet to the other end of the wall them down I like to use a impact here's a pro tip 18 volt Dewalt driver with a 20 volt battery they make adapters so you can put the adapter in your 18 volt and you can run all your 20s I'll put a link to those down in the description you can pick them up and help out the channel you can see I have no bolt here and this can pivot so I will have to drill in some wedge anchors which is par for the course I have to do that around all the doors usually all right these walls are plumbed in braced up those will hold until the OSB is on that gives you my sheer strength get my pick set up we're gonna lay out these Eve walls because up next is one of my angle braces and running ceiling joists well I realized I worked way later than I intended to and I packed up real quick and jumped in the truck and I kind of forgot to outro the day so wrapped up day three um got all the walls laid out you know all the walls up braced off like you saw they're all laid out I'll show you the layout uh tomorrow uh two foot on Center layout for the rafters four foot on Center ceiling joists ceiling joists are going up in two pieces I don't know about that but when they don't sell long enough material that's what you got to do so go back at it in the morning all right guys day four and it's already afternoon I'm just getting out here because we've had rain all morning we've got a break for a few hours and there's storms coming this evening I wanted to make sure I was braced off way more than I was last night uh we had storms come through last night and it got windy and I was kind of laying in bed thinking how this could horribly wrong that that happened before luckily everything was fine so first up is to get some angle braces bracing a wall down to the other plate to get that wall nice and straight and then we will put the ceiling joists up and the ceiling joists are two 14 foot two by sixes that are going to be overlapped and ran together with some lag bolts these light bolts to be exact these are three inch specs it's a name brand that they carry at Menards I don't know if they sell them anywhere else and I know Menards is a kind of Midwest Northern place and if you all are down south they don't have them um but you know just Lowe's Home Depot same thing foreign [Music] [Music] foreign 32 foot wall I think I've said this before this is why you pick out the straightest plates you have for your Eve walls makes life a lot easier now we're going to go over there nail them up day five I didn't even do an outro for yesterday because there were people around so I'm kind of ducked over on the other side of my truck again everything braced off all the joists up that's all I got done yesterday while all the rafters cut and staged in the garage I'll show you all this um the only thing I have left in the front of the house that has to come to the back is the OSB which I'm going to start next it's getting colder it's getting windier it's getting wetter it's not fun I usually don't work January I wish the weather was just bad then I wouldn't be working but the weather's been really good so far this year although that's that's changing as we speak we'll see what this wind is doing supposed to pick up more don't necessarily want to be set in Ridge and rafters um [Music] we'll go after the OSB and go from there all my joists are up they allow these joists to be just nailed in from both directions I like running those lags I think it holds everything together a little better and then when I'm putting my king post and color ties in I will put some Nails in to boot stack of Rafters for the back stacker Rafters for the center section stacker Rafters right here got all my ridges ready to go really once the OSB is on these Eve walls Rafters can go up so we'll do the OSB and uh see what happens see what my mood is like it is Friday who wants to be here [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] these Taps I will nail off when I set up to do the Gable because this is the Gable wall that one's already nailed off I ran the sheathing grabbed my lighter and hit the tops and then I'll do the same here I don't have time to get this Ridge completely set braced off and I don't want it to sit all weekend not braced so we're gonna go after some buttoning up probably going to cut these doors out uh trim up around the garage door where I've got OSB overlapping the openings but before I cut these plates out for the service doors we're going to get some anchor bolts in next to them just 3 8 wedge anchors go in there it's basically just to keep the ball from being able to Pivot put one on either side now 3 8 won't pass code in most places as the only anchors um you need a half inch J anchors or bigger ones that are drilled in but check with your local codes because I'm just an idiot with a hammer don't listen to me Bosch Bulldog hammer drill this thing is great it can chisel hammer drill and just drill uh SDS bits I have a link in the description if you want to purchase one and help out the channel [Music] foreign [Applause] don't take much get the other one in we'll do the other door and then we'll cut these out okay extra anchor bolts are in doors are completely cut out I'm glad I got all the saws all in out of the way because I'm a freaking mess now and it's just nice to get it done last thing of the day and get home and get cleaned up so anyway uh address a couple other questions that I've had pop up on the channel the one build was all celotex fiberboard that was almost a year ago so prices have changed everybody's going OSB now which gives you the sheer strength you know this way with your wall so now my temporary braces um I those can come off now but I'm going to leave them because I don't need them for anything at the moment these doors I gotta fur these down I've had to do it a couple times I probably should have measured the doors first and then put the OSB on top of the header but I had to fur them down to make it fit better so I threw some OSB in there people are probably comment about how horrible that is top plates this is a 24 foot wall back here you can see we had two 12-foot plates so it breaks on a stud this is a 32 foot wall I would have rather had this built in two 16-foot sections because then it would have also been a breaker right here um but it wasn't they sent a 12-footer and a 10 and a 10 which is a little odd but so my 12 foot plate is a breaker but then this 10 lands in between because this is 20 22 feet now it's not optimal um just for building wise I like when they break but that is allowable top plates the double top plates um you can see have to be at least four feet away with the brakes so there's one there and then one there if uh you know if they're too close then they can hinge this is a good one it's built four inches out all the way around it's nice it's actually got good pitch away shouldn't have any problem with water this has a 12 inch overhang all the way around um so it'll have fly rafters and yes that's a 12 inch overhang every time I cut a rafter right I'm going to let you guys know because I'm so proud of myself if I cut them wrong I'm going to let you know too because I don't care about putting my boo-boos out there this whole job's been a boo-boo I mean nothing catastrophic has occurred but um I mean this is day five and I don't even have Rafters up I should have been out of here today but I don't work in January so the fact that I could get out here all five days this week is pretty good all right since it's Friday I'm gonna wrap up today now that the video will keep going with Monday which should be coming up uh right after I say bye bye all right Monday morning day six day six and uh you can see what happened yesterday next up is to get these rafters gotta clear this plate hope I'm not scraping ice and trying to use a heat gun this weather was just the appetizer and apparently in like two days we're getting an actual storm we're getting some real snow so I'd like to have at least the rafters up um that's easier to clear Rafters to get OSB on than it is to clear OSB to get shingles on all right guys I forgot about you for a minute I apologize uh the beauty of kind of doing construction and getting video of it is uh once it's done if you don't have the video you just got to move on because you can't reshoot the scene um I got my first section of Ridge set two sections because that's a five footer right there right now I think I'm going to run this whole section this whole half an angle brace it here um that way it's solid and then we'll see how time allows uh to to work on that front okay um set the camera up and you guys can actually uh watch me set some of these Rafters now as opposed to the first ones where you were nice and warm in the truck and I was out here working because I forgot about you apologize again okay I've got a 12 foot section or Ridge here and these are some big honking heavy Rafters I'm going to set one in the center opposing each other because if I were to run this whole section on one side just for ease of you know going back and forth it could push the center of the Ridge and then I'm fighting to get the ridge back in place so I'm going to set one on that side set one on this side and then we should be pretty good to just run them out either side one side first other side second does that make sense do I make any sense sometimes I think I don't make any sense I don't know [Music] foreign okay battery's about to die because the camera's too cold I'm gonna run the rest of these checking video okay time for an angle brace that's going to tie this wall up to The Ridge at an angle so when everything is sheathed on the roof everything's nice and plump nothing goes anywhere so I like to do is measure up from the plate it's about 53 these are 24 inches apart so this Bay is 48. we're going to stay inside this Bank and we're about 68 inch so I cut I guess just shallower than a 45 on here so it sits right on the plate all right now we level up from the outside of the plate to the outside of the ridge because we know they're going to be in line I already checked that I knew that the rafters were leaned this way so I cut my angle brace where I could use it to push these forward let me show you we sit on the plate and then it's nailed to the ridge it's nice and Plumb from there down to here now what I need to make sure is this wall is straight and if it is not I will end up probably having to put a block down here and drive a brace out into the yard to hold it straight until the roof is on next section is this other section in the front and I think I'm going to call it a day and go home and try out my boots and find my fingers well tomorrow will be day seven it sucks but this time of year it's just hard building sometimes luckily this place is like three miles from my house so it's not a long travel to get here I guess then we hope the weather Wednesday and Thursday doesn't shut it down for the rest of the week um they're saying we might get a ton of snow or we might not your guess is as good as mine we're gonna find out in a couple days day seven I highly expect everybody to be busting my chops over how long this has taken I'm already set up because pretty chilly this morning we've actually got some sun coming so it was a pretty clear night last night let it cool down I'm sure it's going to warm up pretty quick here but I'm completely set up I'm ready to go I actually screwed my five foot Ridge to the end of my 12-foot Ridge so it's kind of precariously balanced up there hopefully the thing doesn't snap um you're gonna let it rip right from here we're gonna go set the rest of this Ridge hopefully without any issue [Music] so much I think I've got two three four five like ten more to run and then I've got like four Nails I've got to cut off up there that I missed because I was totally nail and blind kind of back towards my face too which again this is the point where I tell you that these are for entertainment purposes only don't watch my videos thinking they're hard tubes all right I'm burning up this uh SD card so I'm going to turn you all off get this done catch back up with you oh yeah got all the king posts and the color ties in um to address another comment that I get is the color ties those are allegedly to cut down on uplift if you have wind you know coming by creating a I guess a low low pressure above the roof the pressure inside the roof could push the rafters up I mean if you're talking tornado stuff I don't think a collar tie here or there is going to save anything granted I'm in a spot where we don't get tornadoes so if you guys have seen um you know a hurricane clip or a color tie saving a roof structure in a tornado let me know but uh this is a minimal code thing um the joists get the King posts up to the ridge or up to the the rafter like that and then in between because we only have four foot on Center joists in between gets a collar tie the only time I can recall that I've had to run color ties on every rafter due to code is um like a second story where you have like a 12 pitch roof on a deck and then a knee wall and that would be 16 inch on Center Rafters because that's figured to be you know residential or whatever living space I guess it would be that would need a collar tie at every rafter and that that's more like um I guess they're more like a ceiling joist at that point but just addressing another point that comes up in some of the comments all the up top from in here is done I even got the doors in um they're just set plumbed them in ran some screws through the brick mold just to hold them I'm basically trying to make sure I got everything kind of up off the ground uh because they're saying eight inches of snow tonight I'm not going to believe that until I see it but I may see it now I normally do all my Gable enclosures from the exterior but it's kind of Mucky out back I think I can set the ladders up with the pick in here and I'm going to run all my Gable studs front and back and then that will just leave the OSB once the OSB is on the gables I can run all my faces when I have the fascias on then I can run my fly Rafters and then it's ready to put the sheathing on the Roof then it's just buttoning up after that don't stack material on your walk plank it's stupid told you it's stupid I had to get down to get to turn the stupid compressor back out anyway [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm missing one I'm losing my mind I'm terrible at this why do you people even watch this channel so my back wall was bowed out um it could be a couple different things that cause that um crooked plates for the top plates I've said before that I like to use the straightest plates on my Eve walls and then sometimes that just leaves you with stuff that ain't the straightest for the back also um when you're installing the rafters some of the rafters are a little squirrely and then when you nail them up to the ceiling joists and stuff it'll torque the ridge forward or backward a little bit it could be a combination of both so what I did was put a block in and then just ran a I think this is a 10 footer or a 12 footer I think it's a 12. down to a stake I drove in the ground then I was able to just kind of get my weight on the ladder and push the wall in and then I attached the 2x4 to that block with a big lag bolt it drove everything forward got this wall kind of plumbed back in front wall is really good now too so now I can keep this in place until I have all the sheathing on the roof then you can pull it and the angle brace coming from the ridge down to this back wall holds it all in place all the bracing on a building like this kind of holds everything temporarily and then magically when it's done it holds itself together theoretically all right wrapped for the day I've got everything buttoned up I even threw my trash underneath the horses in case we do have snow so ladders are stood up got some plywood leaning up against that try to keep them as clean as possible picks off the ground there okay day eight which is actually delayed a day because yesterday we got like five inches of nasty wet snow it was coming down hard I wasn't gonna be out here getting wet the whole day so it's Thursday instead of Wednesday put off by a day what can you do I'm gonna get dug out here and uh set up so I can get these Gables closed in hopefully my face is my fly rafters see what transpires from there I'd really like to have this thing done tomorrow so it can be shingled hopefully Saturday don't know if the roofers would work Saturday or not but that's not my problem foreign foreign I'll get my first measurement right in the center that was 55 to the top since we have a four pitch every four feet over you drop 16 inches so you by math make it 39. and then goes 39 23 and then 23 to 7. and the nice thing is with a four pitch on a 24 foot garage you can usually get everything you need out of two sheets of OSB for one of the gables which I did I just had to piece in the little triangles above each of the smaller pieces but that's all going to be buried in the overhang anyway so it don't really matter keep plugging away the weather's really not that bad besides being a little cold I'm out here in the snowstorm I got my faces on I didn't really have a place to set the camera up so I was just winging it these ends need to be cut off to 12 inches what I like to do is put a 10 and a half inch block it depends on the size of the overhang but with a 12 inch overhang I put a 10 and a half inch block there that way I can go to the center the center of the fascia and install it because I know I'm spaced right here also that block gives me a way to to nail my fly rafter in in a second way instead of just coming in through the fascia I can also go through the side so I guess I'm going to cut the fronts off to get it to 12 inches and then I'm going to install some fly rafters and then I might go home and dry off foreign foreign I can take my block off this is just holding it so I could install it [Music] so the flyover hangs she's a beaut Clark I like it seriously look at the size of this tree ginormous I mean I'm only 411 but you know that's a big tree Dex opens always be on the roof hopefully I can do that tomorrow um hopefully it doesn't get worse and more Frozen if you guys watch my videos you know I like to walk the plate to pop a string line up there I don't know if that's going to be possible we'll have to see all right I'm going home and warming up all right guys day nine it's a Friday and I was hoping to have this thing done today but it's like five degrees out well five degrees with the wind chill it's about 17. I got a helper today let me show you what I'm up against my plan was to get the OSB on the roof first thing shingles were supposed to arrive this afternoon which I think they're still going to um and then we're gonna get this thing shingled but it's snowing ice everywhere about a half inch ice right there uh this is the east side of the garage and we do have some sun coming up so gonna hopefully be able to gain some ground here but for right now maybe I'll play soccer with you since you're out here with me today and there's no one home to take you back in the house best helper I've had in a while on a job site [Music] [Music] that didn't do much so I'm thinking I might round file this day just scrap the whole thing and uh maybe try again tomorrow Saturday I hate working Saturdays but I might do that uh see what the weather's doing might be Monday all right guys we're on day 10. although day nine we didn't get anything done because uh the ice on the Rafters but it seems to be cleared up now so let me show you ah it's not icy that's all I really care about I can clear the most of that off and go I'm just going to line these sheets up to the fascia and uh run them I don't want to be up here without standing on something solid so I'll get this first row on and then I'll go from there foreign we're going to answer a few more questions here sheathing on the roof is 7 16 OSB that's the smallest that you can go these Rafters are two foot on Center because this is non-living space it's a garage you don't have to have 16 on Center Rafters so you can get away with two foot on Center Rafters and 7 16 OSB is it not the greatest absolutely there could be some h-clips in here they're not required where I'm at right now there are other municipalities around here that do require them I definitely like the h-clips that go in here I surely don't like building with them because they're always a pain in the butt to get the OSB to slide into but they make the roof a lot better now could you go with 69 Center Rafters and 7 16 that's definitely better but you do have a lot more material cost and you know being a garage people try to keep it limited you could go to like a 5 8 inch OSB uh but that's going to also be costly so these are Bare Bones um this one's got a little extra with the two separate doors for the overhead doors the two separate man doors and the one foot overhangs all the way around which I like because it kind of helps you save your walls a little bit but I get a lot of questions about uh the sheathing this 7 16 OSB on two foot on Center Rafters no h clips and it's a four pitch it's a relatively shallow pitch but we don't have to account for a lot of snow load here and there's no seismic issues where I'm at or anything so you can build them on the cheap I know other places tend to quote unquote have you over build and we have built things that way before too with people wanted them uh built better but this is it I mean Bare Bones drop a comment down below about uh how sketchy and scabby and hacky this is I know a lot of you are going to say that but this passes code I'm just a labor this is built for a contractor last piece [Music] we done we're done up here not done with the garage but done up here let's see I got a pull bracing and that bracing is my door trim to get my Overhead Doors trimmed and we're framed up then it's just a matter of getting the service doors functioning and handles and deadbolts on let's see if we get that done foreign by 32 garage after all right I know that was a pretty abrupt ending but who's really sticking around at the end here anyway there's only probably like three of you Knuckleheads that are even still here if you are still here Dropout number three down in the comments let me know so I was about to shoot an outro when I was wrapped up on the job and the homeowner came out with the dog and started doing stuff and talking to me and hanging out so I didn't really get a chance and let's face it I was yapping enough in this whole video that you guys didn't want to hear anything more from me anyway so that's a 24 by 32 garage it took me forever to build in the middle of winter uh three Mondays I was on that job total of 10 work days and what would that be 15 days of calendar time to get done but it's done um I've got some other ones coming up so stick around and while you're here YouTube thinks this video is perfect for you go check it out it's actually a running trail back there would you believe that I'd uh run 12 miles on that thing when I was training for a half marathon [Music] I think I'm lying
Channel: My DIY Adventures
Views: 892,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, homesteading, handyman, construction, Do it yourself, carpenter, Garage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 22sec (3022 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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