Attempting to straighten out the fire damaged 1935 Dodge Coupe we now call The Phoenix.

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alrighty today's the day we are pulling in the coop by we Carl's here with me and uh we're gonna pull the coop in and hopefully we can try to smash out as much of the trunk as we uh the trunk the rear quarters uh you've seen a little bit in the last video that I got that uh uh like what we're trying to work with so hopefully we can straighten out the quarter panels a bit and make the trunk open and close and that would be a good win in my books anyways uh so I guess we're just gonna go go pull the coop in have to go get it [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] things happen [Music] let's push these Corners up like those four corners yeah all right all righty we got the cars in we've cleaned some of the garbage out of it well I don't really know what any of it was don't remember there's a lot of aluminum apparently though uh yeah so it's in we got it on the Hoist my plan is to pull this motor and transmission out before we throw it out again I trying to see what I can salvage out of the motor uh hopefully I can salvage a little bit anyways I feel my plan is I want to just get the trunk open so we can see it here I started prying on it but I'm realizing this quarter panels like folded over both sides kinda so over in the corner I got a porter ramp we're gonna go stick it in there and try to push the corners up and see what what all happens at the same time yeah anyways I'll go grab that RAM and we'll see see what we can do man I'm I'm a close enough guy close enough [Music] to you it'll do donkey what do you think just a block of wood oh yeah yeah that's it I actually well I have a bit of a package today so I guess we'll just pull on that push yeah maybe we should put something underneath the bottom of that though yeah oh you're on a brace foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] a little bit of massage in there oh maybe stop yeah okay same same other side yeah this is kind of turning the lip a little bit but I go back this side a bit or uh you know what we gotta do is go here hello okay uh yeah maybe this is wood oh yeah baby oh yeah foreign there [Music] I wonder if I hold the block and you kind of Walled it or something yeah you hold it flat I'll hit it with a sledge yeah are you filming back here too yes what do you want um we just need this the wall uh uh I'm gonna be walking in this section [Music] really heavy and soft heavy is soft um I'm sure we gotta go up more oh definitely have to go up more yeah yeah but I think we gotta move our Hammer our move okay [Music] [Music] energy yeah we're gonna need more than that though do we need like a small extension to be any good or actually oh yeah to give us a little bit [Music] oh yeah oh yeah oh stop let go let it go let it go let it go [Music] okay maybe stop there and let's push some of that out okay I'll Dolly the other side you're gonna die Dolly with a block of wood foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] we have to replace it I'll see there's there this has to come in a little bit yeah but I'm like once that pops out like with viciousness yeah it will be golden really but I can't get in the way work the bottom come up [Music] so now we could probably Dolly it a little bit on the back and get some of this crease in with that pressure up again yeah don't look like a quarter again a little a little all over the place here but it'll be fine oh yeah that'd be fine it's only been five minutes kind of oily candy I think we got to uh I think you're ready it does because this year the whole vendor's curled in now I think once it rolls back it'll bring the middle of this up yeah [Music] I am going to [Music] oh yeah open sesame ice cream ice cream um hold up there we go [Music] I should probably just take it off um I mean it might be nice to have it still there if it's not in our way if it isn't in the way then we can keep checking it okay but but I think that one I think we bring this up yep [Music] we go this way this needs to go the other way yeah and make the spender want to roll back yeah what yeah well naturally we'll go back as soon as this just comes straight up [Music] [Music] so what I'm planning to do right now we got we sort of have some shape happening and uh we're gonna put the dark build to try to pull this up I think once this pulls up this quarter panel will start rolling out and then the shape's Gonna Come Back into the the side of the car so anyways I'm just gonna start pumping and see what happens here I think we're gonna go a little bit and then we can kind of reposition that block there [Music] today keep going [Music] keep going probably at the end now you're still going well oh maybe not [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that's pretty good yeah maybe that's it for there and we'll just work another spot [Music] ready yep [Music] foreign go up and hold it I think we just gotta put the trunk on and just kind of walk back and straighter a little bit of it some tapping okay put the uh take this out then I'll leave it there yeah I just want to walk the highest watch in the okay well do that but let's work the sides a little well this whole I don't know if that Center is going to be lifting enough on the side like if you look at the back window right now you've got like probably like a solid inch that this side of the car has to come up yeah well it's all right here yeah because we just haven't done that yet but um maybe we just try that first Yeah well yeah let's let's work this spot like we did on the other side yeah yeah okay well we did yeah I think we can go into the corner but it just seems like a pancake but it's like it's weird this is what yeah yeah I'm just going my yeah you know this is good it's all to me this yeah and this needs to go out yet oh does it the trunk's messed up but it's a pretty stump frame inside of it yeah oh I see there yeah well it's just it when it comes up it'll come up yeah yeah because this one yeah when this comes up this will open up more maybe and then once everything gets pushed over this will work this Gap will work again yeah yeah I think this just out that okay so and then we can knock it off just a block in here and we'll just Smash It Up you want to put a block here and bring it up yeah and it just just start smashing up yeah yeah anywhere anywhere here yeah we just need a good block something load spreading like a like even like we've stacked a bunch of plastic on top of a block it's gonna say cut that quick maybe yes okay so we have pushed the package tray up we actually have it kind of flowing with the the uh the gap for scrap but well let's just figure that out because my gaps are really important right now but uh get the micrometer in here this shape overall is working we got uh this quarter panel is still like rolled under because you can see there's like no Gap here let alone nothing here so um the way I'm seeing what we got to do yet is Carl's cutting some plastic we're gonna stick a ram under here get this to lift up because the window is sagging this way right now so we're gonna lift it up try to get this bubble out of the quarter I don't know if you can see yeah see this there's like it dips pretty bad so we're gonna lift the whole thing we're gonna kind of beat this panel because it should start having this kind of a shape to it so it's got that and it's just whatever it looks it looks a little melted and saggy so we're just gonna lift everything beat this panel that should bring this up and hopefully roll this this Edge out a little more then we can probably come back in here I think this side needs a push out out and up so that we can kind of start getting some trunk gaps and things and then we can kind of yeah still needs a lot it'll do it'll be fine we'll get her figured out yet [Music] let's get hurt oh yeah lots of flashing I'm gonna do some pushy push some Hammer Hammer we'll get this all figured out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign so we've been pushing and pulling on here we got this up this quarter panel is getting better the dip is not as aggressive anymore can you see that and like down here we're kind of okay but it's still like down we figured it was the roof I kind of just took a hammer and we just beat the roof up so it's not so flat but we might have to just like just push it on the roof itself it's like I think it's like the roof and this car just needs to go needs to go this way shove over a little bit we got some weird stuff going on here but we'll have to figure that out after that quarter is a little oil candy like it does this does want to come out but oh yeah there we go fixed it yeah left a left to figure figure that part out uh yeah it's not too bad it's getting there it's starting to come back into shape we're slowly winning here that's what I can say [Music] the trunk thing I'm not working out in my favor [Music] I don't know if you can see on film we got here like compared to the dash it's getting better but it's still a little low on this side depending how you sit and stare at it but yeah more pushing and pushing and shoving [Music] [Laughter] Carl's figuring that my the windows buckled in there so he's gonna gently finesse it out [Music] that's pretty good it actually oh yeah dude totally that is a little oh there's a bit on the top gone a little bit harder well I think once we've flattened this out yeah it's going to come back down the Hummer and the dolly yeah are all in the trunk all right our plan is we're just going to roll this Edge over [Music] this quarter panel had to come out but I have an inner brace that I noticed is still straight it doesn't look like it's going to move at all because I feel like we're just going to stick the oven duck building hopefully yeah it's gonna be very strong me that would block um yeah oh there it is [Music] oh right underneath it I got you bumper nickel [Music] oh buddy I need to get in the guard for that one good uh yeah he's a little more I'm just gonna grab a hammer [Music] oh yeah fighting the inner Grace in there that's all right nothing moving [Music] okay going [Music] stop okay and [Music] okay okay going oh that looks good in the mirror yeah okay yeah [Music] uh you want to try this area with the plastic again to try and get your area yeah okay [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you in the end what Carl's doing is he's trying to we're screwing this up but mostly to push the metal back into this area we're uh things got to look worse before they're gonna get better ain't that the truth [Applause] so so I wonder if if I take my planishing hammer head off and you go with a flat Dolly on this side and on this massage the whole inside to like is this essentially like we're we're gonna end up kind of almost like shrinking this because it's all wrinkled yeah yeah so now this is like it's kind of kind of close but this does need to shrink to allow that to be where it is so um I think yeah let's try it I'll take my plunge hammer head off you hold something on the back side and we'll just kind of Massage some of that out I think I think it'll yeah kind of work all right so this quarter panel is looking better it's getting pretty good actually [Music] Carl didn't know how bad it looked before he's actually gonna make it look way nicer than it did [Laughter] what we're doing is we're taking the Carl's taking the head off his hammer and he's gonna go on the inside I'm gonna hold a dolly on the back side and then we're just gonna he's just gonna work it around and we're going to try to smooth it out it's not that that would just work to use the whole Hammer altogether we just want a bigger Dolly on the back side that's the idea right yeah yeah so we're gonna two person power hammer this thing [Music] all right [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] y this quarter panel is starting to really take shape actually it's like pretty close I guess we might have to do a little bit of shrinking here I'm thinking of kicking this this quarter out like this body line a little but for the most part I'm just happy the way it is I think it's pretty close to how I had it uh we got to do a little bit up here Carl just gave her the old hoof inside and we basically got this line all going back so this just needs a little little planet here a little bit over here I think the quarters like better than it was before the only time fire improves [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] well we've been poking and prodding here we got this out pretty good need some finessing I know the more I keep looking at this we're probably gonna have to figure something out there's a little it's a little bulgy right there I don't know if I gotta just bring this line eventually out I think that is going to be the plan but I'm pretty darn happy with where we got here um I know Carl's just having a little break we've been out cruising around a little bit uh uh interesting enjoying enjoying the weather and stuff I don't know how much further we're gonna get I'd like to planish this but I just don't know if that's in the cards right now I think for now what we're gonna focus on a little bit is just the roof a little bit just so water and stuff doesn't just sit in the pockets so I might just get the planishing hammer up in there just kind of Walk It Out kind of get some shape to the roof and then uh I'm gonna start pulling the motor and a transmission out I just want those out so I can see how bad like this thing's probably pretty hammered but I'm hoping the transmission's still usable sorry folks my gimbal died I hope the transmission is usable but anyways I'm going to lift it up I'm going to take that transmission mount part and and then I can pull the motor mounts off and then I think I have somewhere my engine stand and I should have my plate for my LS that we just bolt onto this Valley and then I can kind of lift this and pull it out um I don't know just basically want to assess how bad this thing is you know I'm pretty sure it's it's buggered but have a look and see how bad it is [Music] foreign [Music] Carl's just using a big old Hammer to finesse everything the bfh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] folks that thing came out like it's by far not done but the roof came out really nice like it's very usable by my standards it's pretty mint right now actually uh we got a little bit in here like Carl brought out a hammer like one of his power hammers and it works good the hoop's just a little too big we can't get into into this section so I'm gonna have to do that by hand we'll just Hammer to all the that thing out but and we're gonna do a little here I'm gonna have to figure a way to pull or push that one out other than that I mean it's I wouldn't say it's at where the car was but it's pretty darn close except for the trunk don't pay attention to that but overall the car doesn't have that squished look to it anymore if you squint it's mint yeah uh but yeah I think that is where we are going to leave that one kind of had a long day a couple days doing the other tools and things like that out here uh the only thing left to do is I want to just pull the motor like I said out my engine crane doesn't fit in here so Carl and I are probably just gonna scoop this out we're gonna set it outside for now uh pluck the motor out just so I can go through it and see like how completely screwed or what I can salvage out of it and uh yeah I think that's it this is uh the one step before the new shop once we get the new shop this is going to be one of my first big Builds on there that's my plan anyways anyways for now we're gonna pull this out and uh I think that's what we're gonna call it [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign folks uh I don't know where we're at with the videos here uh all I can tell you is Carl's gone home uh if you haven't checked out his channel it's uh make it custom I have a little linky here and in the description uh check his stuff out uh I really want to thank him for coming out and uh giving us a hand on the coop here we got the car pretty much looking like a car again uh it's still got a long way to go but it doesn't look as bad now uh ignore the trunk [Laughter] but it doesn't have all the weird squishiness going on with it we kind of got the roof uh sort of smoothed out we got the sides like we got some of the shape back um there's still a lot of work like we'll have to like push the trunk up there's a possibility I'm gonna have to make some uh some panels on the side here this stuff just seemed to stretch out a bit I think even here if you watch it the side kind of comes in and then pops back out so there's probably some goofiness with the door this quarter is maybe a little overstretched out maybe we'll probably end up making a new panel for this I don't know yet we'll see we'll see where it goes because down here looks really good just up here it probably got pushed out a little too much the line still looks good and straight so it's uh it's kind of what we were worried about Ruby might have stretched it out too much uh but whatever it's uh it's there it's pretty good I'm happy with it I'm happy where we're at we got a long way to go but at least the car looks like a car again not so squished anyways this is not going to be something we'll have probably on the channel for a little while I am waiting till we get the new shop up and going and this will be one of the first big builds we'll be doing in there at least that's what I want to do uh but Carl was out I wanted a hand I wanted another brain somebody to to poke at this for me and I think we did pretty good for the I don't even know if we spent the whole day at it we just kind of pushed in fraud and kind of got her roughly in there anyways folks as always I want to thank you all for watching and uh we will catch you on the next one later foreign [Music]
Channel: Halfass Kustoms
Views: 178,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal fabrication, 1935 plymouth, auto body panel fabrication, 1935 dodge coupe, 1935 dodge, 1935 dodge coupe hot rod, metal working, 1935 dodge sedan, automotive sheet metal repair, sheet metal fabrication techniques, 1935 plymouth coupe, 1935 dodge 3 window coupe, metal fabrication work, rat rod build time lapse, fire damaged, phoenix, the phoenix, rat rod build from scratch
Id: PI14VxIWkTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 1sec (3181 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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