Dream Makes Roblox Incredibly Funny

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the hell are you doing i don't i don't know how are you i don't know what's happening by the way if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to press subscribe it helps me out a lot and sometimes youtube unsubscribes you and you don't even realize so make sure you subscribe and you weren't already subscribed subscribing supports me a bunch and helps me create more content like this so if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to press subscribe it's totally free appreciate all your support and enjoy the video so this is a plan this is a plan today we are going to teach dream how to play roblox hello hey hi let's go ahead and take a look at your character oh [ __ ] what the hell is this why do you look like that it's default i don't know what do you no no no it's not default i told you change your clothes look a little how do i change and we can make my clothes good you said he said get some robux i got ten thousand robots but you can dress me up right you told me to get robots yeah like like 400. you bought 10 000 robux yes i guess i can use them though what do i use them on all right all right so let's see what do you want to wear i don't know why don't you let chat dress me that'd be hilarious okay people are saying made and green i'm gonna run the poll so they're all voting mate do you want it do you want to wear maid yes yes i found it i found it that's a top we're gonna get the pants here this is gonna wear this where this dream let's go see your profile you look [ __ ] disgusting what the [ __ ] is this okay take the goddamn pants off okay here's what you're gonna do let's take the pin the side of your booty short says fairy take it off let's see the progress you've made with face what the [ __ ] are you you look great you look great okay dream there is a section called packages okay i want you to go in there and i want you to buy yourself you're here i'm gonna i'm gonna do it like in the movies hey get yourself something nice package me wow you want me to do everything don't you no obviously no you need to link me oh i can't do it by myself oh there's so many bodies the [ __ ] are these all right dream i have the perfect body for you what the hell a bear suit all right fine i'm putting it on right there it's on i think what the [ __ ] what are you trying to are you trying to embarrass me this is what you're trying to do is embarrass me what the [ __ ] is that this is just what you told me to okay tell me what i need more stuff i look weird no no dream dream you are perfect you are beautiful the way that you are dreaming do not change this has gotta be [ __ ] illegal okay dream now that you've made your character i put hair on i put hair on what the [ __ ] are you gonna play robot dream now that we have done such a thing i do believe it's time to show you the actual game so usually i take people to like awful games on purpose right but today i want to show the hell is this why is this oh wait what the hell you have a dream skin hello dream it's me it's me dreamworks your skin is so much better than mine look at look at my skin what the [ __ ] oh my god there's people coming in ignoring him come with me come with me this is called album and the chipmunks commit war crimes yeah this is a dangerous game we cannot play this game anymore let's go dream we're going to the tick tock house we're going to the tick tock house dream do you make tick tocks [ __ ] answer material yeah yeah look at me i am taller and stronger than you how how are you what all right look look on the left look at all the dances look to the left yeah yeah yeah wait oh the left hey oh [ __ ] you're so sexy yeah look at me listen dream listen dream have you ever been to la dream no well this is the first time hey hey [ __ ] i own the house go outside and knock who is it uh me [ __ ] off bye don't hurt him kidding i'm gonna come back please please we would love to have guests in our house but before i let you into the house you got to throw me a sexy dance you got to do oh my god oh my god what the hell are you doing i don't know i don't know what's happening can you help me please oh [ __ ] i'm dying i'm dying now jesus christ you're a surfboard let's go let's go you're just dunking me what the hell you're drowning me you're a surfboard let's go stream since you are a guest in my house i would like to show you upstairs stop dancing no you don't come join my dream hello dream would you like to join me no no no no how do i stop dancing that's a take talk live man look i'm doing this savage stop dancing no you don't somebody tell me how to stop dancing there's a there's a there's a thing called crying do the email called crying do the email called crying oh crying okay what the hell is wrong with you oh my god dream why are you in the shower i'm gonna go ahead and show you my brand new car it's a range rover baby what do you think now drive it [ __ ] drive it oh drive it i'm collapsing and i need you to drive how do i drive oh you're so useless [ __ ] it i'm i'm walking i'm watching how to drive no no you're useless i would like to show you something i would like to show you downtown l.a look dream we're going to start yeah we're in hollywood we're in hollywood baby welcome to starbucks what i'm recording you i have for you i'm recording you i have several friends on facebook who know the manager of this place i'm recording you i'm recording you where's the gun i'm recording i'm recording you where's the gun did you say where's a gun why would you pull out a gun on a customer because you need to get out no no i gotta buy a drink i would like to have the pink drink okay i will get it for you okay okay thank you where do i get it you're [ __ ] useless i i i don't know i've never worked here this is my first day this is a terrible restaurant here let's see let's take a look at the other stores the horror store all right let's see what kind of stuff they have here to dream a joker can you can you do the voice you can do the voice right what voice am i supposed to do yeah where he's like some men just want to watch the world burn you know you know the voice i don't i'm not sure that's how he says oh if you know so well then why didn't you do the joker stop climbing on him oh dream i'm stuck i'm [ __ ] stuck i went inside the joker and i can't leave what the [ __ ] are you what are you doing trying to get out of here dream dream help me i'm [ __ ] stuck how do i help what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what are you doing i'm trying to get out oh what the hell dream listen listen i'm about to show you the very next game dream tell me what project has been your life's peak what project what project in your career is your life's peak i i have no idea what project is your lifespan i don't know what you're asking i have no idea what is it i don't know okay okay just just go through the amount of projects you've done making george not found colorblind manhunt you've done that project in the past let's see what other projects have you worked on i've worked on a lot of stuff i don't know what you're asking like the dream smp ah your life's peak the dream smp we have been accepted into the dream smp are you excited really yeah check this out we're going in the dream smp i've never actually played this so this is a first time experience for me oh what what the [ __ ] what i'm getting what the hell no no don't you dare [ __ ] what are you doing six what can i craft i can actually craft for the love of god don't start speed running this [ __ ] i [ __ ] beg you i do not what are you doing what are you doing speed running no no you're not no you're [ __ ] not you actually you already crafted a [ __ ] axe i'm sorry i'm going to take over but i'm making a new manhunt dream this is going to go on my channel and i'm going to start it right [ __ ] now all right which means i'm going to [ __ ] no no i have to chase you where the [ __ ] are you give me your coordinates no wait oh dream i've bought a jet pack dream oh my god i bought a jet pack [ __ ] i'm coming after you i have an idea if i kill you in five minutes you give me ten thousand dollars let's go let's go he agreed wait jet pack i literally got [ __ ] scammed okay [ __ ] it i'm gonna find you what's your coordinates one seven three three seven okay do you breathe like that when you do your manhunts but you just mute yourself no i don't you're like [ __ ] takes a bite out of a cheeto what the hell what the [ __ ] i'm at the top of the tower you have no shame huh what are you doing you built a whole ass tower pal what should i buy with my new ten thousand dollar stream you should buy some minecraft skills oh oh oh you're running out of time already no i i got hurt that was a hurtful thing to say but you know what [ __ ] you [ __ ] you all right dream hello dream i am coming dream i'm on my way to catch stream let's see dream where the [ __ ] i'm almost there dream almost dead is there any last words you'd like to see what the [ __ ] it's pretty funny no it was a [ __ ] cloud the [ __ ] cloud gave me a false sense of this is stupid this is actually stupid that sounds funny that's not [ __ ] you're gonna take so long i'm almost there you're not even almost there you're gonna have to you're gonna have to jump off you can you get lower please i'll get a little bit lower just okay okay are you dropping all these blocks up there what the [ __ ] was because i'm mining them you told me to no no i didn't no i didn't you know what i don't need you to mine for [ __ ] i'm going back down i'm going back down no i'm already i'm already coming no no no no you're [ __ ] because i already went back down and i'm gonna get more wood okay why do i have to buy the jet pack again okay [ __ ] it i'm gonna buy the jet pack again [ __ ] i got scammed again dream just whine a little lower please just so i can get up there please all right i'll mine lower all right what the [ __ ] let's go wait dream you know what you know what this is not actual dream smp i have the real game right here up my sleeve but there's one rule any character you get and the role play you have to make the voice up so basically you've already won the manhunt but anyway we'll move on don't be okay oh my god it's the dream smp no you cannot be yourself you cannot be myself take that [ __ ] off another rules that you cannot be yourself i'm gonna be i'm gonna be the muffin head oh you have to you have to make his voice get he's my favorite let's go i'm gonna be will pursue or dream dream smp is this a bit where you're not funny that's great have some muffins take me out for dinner first oh amen it's me oh my god it's carl it's me filzer hello i'm old and i have a wife dream hi for [ __ ] sake can you give it a little goddamn spy stream jesus christ jesus christ can you get all those goddamn spice dream jesus christ no no i don't like this role please no no no no i don't like this one i don't like this one stop stop incredible you're being incredibly rude to me right now oh my god oh my god oh my god i mean we've been kind of a dick right now you're kind of a dick right now this is not how i speak i don't speak a dry goddamn youtuber like you what is this oh my god it actually looks a dream smp oh wow oh my god wow it's a [ __ ] village wow it's so so cool oh my god they've got the chest and everything wow the bad side no no i'm trying to sound like you you should have chosen me as a character then you said the rules that you sound like the characters i'm gonna go get the other goddamn character then you are being a little bit of a dick right now you are being a little bit of a dick right now aren't you dreaming look at me i'm [ __ ] dream i'm dry ass dream um he's hopping around like a little [ __ ] wow this game is really cool i wonder why george isn't here i really miss george uh quickly why'd you bring me here i think you're so funny don't you you're so [ __ ] funny right look there's a bad tear too what quackity quackity oh wow okay you're you're fail rpg you're a fail rp you're doing right now you're failing yourself shut the [ __ ] up you don't know [ __ ] you don't know [ __ ] oh wow look at a tree and some grass and wow this must be stone oh thank you george uh quacky show me more around the game i would if you weren't [ __ ] leading me around i don't talk like that okay i literally don't talk like that i don't talk again okay you're portraying a picture of me that is not true me on the other hand i'm portraying a picture that is entirely true [ __ ] you [ __ ] you i'm not going to be dreaming anymore i'm not going to be dreaming anymore because quackity quack what the [ __ ] are you doing it's my [ __ ] summoning circle leave me alone trying to summon a funny bone for you you dry ass youtuber you're role playing so well um by the way i won that man hunt uh i'm gonna switch into a character that isn't [ __ ] dry hello hello awesome dude how tall you furry let's go oh george just woke up this is a bit where you actually wake up hello muffin head have you seen skeppy you little dunderhead muffin head [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god oh you said [ __ ] yeah i [ __ ] dead and i don't give a [ __ ] what are you doing all right everybody today we're gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] why why have you exiled me oh women i love women i literally beat you and it was very easy wow slob on my nuts like corn on the cob listen dream i'm gonna give you a little gift okay i'm gonna bring you a little gift something that i have never done before dream we are going to raise a family yeah all right i am in hello i am baby dream hello i am baby dream what the [ __ ] is that you're gonna speedrun that [ __ ] soup right now come over here get the [ __ ] that's what the hell i mean hold on dream dream dream get on the adult one i'm going to be baby dream hello it's just me baby dream what do we do for what the [ __ ] don't [ __ ] kick me how do i get the stroller i am getting abducted this is an abduction bad are we homeless no this is our home what the [ __ ] agency are you kidding me this is our this is our home the [ __ ] school this is our school what is this a dance floor wait wait it's asking me to buy it i bought it how do i use it hello look at this what the hell this is not a [ __ ] flying coke what they lied well you just stole my [ __ ] let's get back here run faster old man you just spent money on this you old man do you drink korea i want to show you something oh my god what oh my god dream i know you're you're in retirement you know you've retired and that's okay that is okay but dream for a whole time's sake i need you to click on that link it's a game called speedrun yes i'm in welcome to speedrun it's pretty sick i am willing to make a bet with you dream whoever gets to level 10 first gets 50 gifted subs are you ready well i mean that's not really fair because i've never really played this before but who cares three two one let's go oh my god look at you running like a little new oh god that's right [ __ ] it's me where are you sometimes you gotta lose you yes you got screwed let's go let's go let's go the hell is this level dream are you no oh no no no no i got too cocky i got too cocky oh i fell they say you left speedrunning because you suck that's actually 100 you so good speed running dream oh no dream i'm stuck no no i didn't i didn't i did it i didn't no no no dream i didn't fall i didn't follow you you bought a skip no no i didn't i can see your screen oh dream hello oh okay okay going too fast hello hello dreams you're skipping the level again you are hardcore cheating why are you accusing me of something that i didn't do i mean i said i just passed it to the next level you're a cheater oh my god i can't believe it i'm in the next level no you did not okay dream fair and square from here on out are you ready this is going to be the one this is going to be the one no what the [ __ ] i'm going what are you son of a [ __ ] no no this was an easy one too you're going to win what what's the last yeah it glitched it glitched no it didn't no it didn't no it didn't no no i won i literally won i literally won what level are we on i'm the winner you know what i'm gonna give dream a chance if dream wins me up to level 20 i'm gifting him 20 subs the race starts in three two one race to level 20. let's go you guys you said one when you didn't go about to beat the levels all right let's go let's go let's [ __ ] go i'm literally about to win by the way i'm waiting for the best i'm hoping if you win i'm gifting you 100 subs so i'm reaching the end very soon dream the end of dragon and me will have children haha i believe i happen to be at level 18. dream any last words before i win i'm gonna walk this one i'm gonna walk this one through hey guys today i coated it so that i'm in my flop arrow what how close are you finishing level 19. at the very beginning of it [Music] no no you lied you literally lied i gave you let's go let's go let's go i can't [ __ ] up if i [ __ ] up this is literally the end for me take it easy take it easy yes let's get to it bro what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] doing what the [ __ ] are you doing are we actually raising to 30. dream is going to [ __ ] lose mark my goddamn words oh no this level's hard you know what else is hard level 27 oh no yeah yeah you fell let's [ __ ] go i have reached you you're [ __ ] screwed let's go let's go race at 30 this level is impossible let's [ __ ] go i still have time we know these levels that's the advantage no no i don't you're a liar you're played from level one to ten that's it let's go okay [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you're literally gonna lose no no one's doing so i was at the very end you need to fall quicker you need to fall no ball crackers fall [ __ ] up shut up yes [Music] stream did you like it did you like a dream yes it was a lot of fun roblox is fun yeah well dream thank you so much and uh get [ __ ]
Channel: QuackiTwo
Views: 5,339,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quackity, Quackitwo, Quackity Second Channel, Quackity Funny, Dream SMP, Twitch Stream, TommyInnit, GeorgeNotFound, BadBoyHalo, Quackity Funny Moments, Quackity Two, Dream, Dream Minecraft, Funny, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Manhunt, Minecraft Challenge, Challenge, Minecraft but, Fun, dream, roblox
Id: dPvssCgA6AE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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