Dream Lab - February 20, 2018

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[Music] all right I do have new glasses yes okay we had a little trouble with our streams so thank you guys here locally for bearing with us and if you're watching online we should be up and live now it seems as though we're having real trouble with YouTube tonight not sure what's going on with that but we were not able to get it up and running so it's Facebook only so if you're watching on Facebook you might want to drop a message out to folks and let them know the YouTube channel that's not up who might be looking for it there otherwise we're all here live locally so we're gonna get rolling so let's pray how about that father we thank you for the opportunity to gather in your name to study and grow and learn and father we ask you to open your eyes to be able to see our ears to be able to hear and our hearts to be able to understand that we might learn from you and grow together tonight in Jesus name Amen amen all right we missed January's dream lab because I saw the weather looking bad here and thought we better call it off in case you guys didn't want to get out in the terrible weather here in Birmingham then it seemed okay here but I got stuck in Denver so it was a good decision that we called it off because I was stuck there and didn't make it home so we've been a couple of months since we've been together looking forward to see what God has in store for us tonight as we are going to learn about dreams together and tonight what I felt like we're gonna do the thing I felt like we would try I'm gonna pull up something here real quick so that we can I can work with it and get rolling yeah there we go what we're gonna try is to talk about some things to having to do with diagramming our dreams and how we break a dream apart we think we have some things working for purposes of the screen tonight to both share with you guys and to broadcast on Facebook so we're gonna try that and see if it works but we're going to talk about the idea of breaking a dream apart I'm gonna give you just a little heads up quick understanding of the simple shortcut understanding of how to interpret dreams okay we teach classes for strange ministry some of you know you've taken our understanding dreams and visions class or advanced workshop and dreams or even our art of hearing God class that we taught for John Paul Jackson teach for streams ministries those run about two and a half days about 18 hours of training so the two dreams classes end up being about 36 hours of training on how to understand drinks but if we boil all that down into a short simple statement when it comes to understanding dreams there's just a few steps in the process everything else is about making us more comfortable and understanding what's going on and then listening better to what Holy Spirit is saying so here's the process we're actually talking about when it comes to interpreting dreams the first step is to ask Holy Spirit to help okay that's the one everybody misses we want to understand our dreams but we forget we need to stop and just say Holy Spirit can help me understand what this means that's our first step our second step is to identify what the core of the dream is what the heart of the dream is when we're teaching the long classes which we'll be doing later this year and we'll get you some dates on those as we get them set who were teaching those long classes we spend a good bit of time talking about finding the focus in a dream identifying who or what what image what metaphor in the dream is the real heart soul and focus of that dream and I still want us to think about that as we're giving this shortcut understanding of how to interpret dreams we want to find what the most important thing in the dream is which symbol in your dream carried the most weight and seemed to be at the heart of the dream now that is different from finding the focus of the dream itself because very often the focus of the dream itself will be us as the dreamer that's the most common answer to that question of what's the focus we are God speaking to us but when we're looking at the dream itself to begin to understand it I want you to think about it this way which symbol carried the most weight and then you're gonna ask again Holy Spirit I need your help and here's what we're gonna ask you when I choose that symbol that carried the most weight I'm gonna ask Holy Spirit to help me identify the characteristic the quality or the nature of that symbol that caused Holy Spirit to choose it what characteristic quality or what's the nature of that image that made Holy Spirit feel it will convey this idea okay when you find that you get the key that will unlock the dream for you so if Holy Spirit says okay I chose a dog in your dream and it was the most important symbol because dogs are faithful companions man's best friend that's one characteristic of a dog there are many different characteristics possible when we're looking at symbols but that's one possibility and if Holy Spirit says that's the one in this particular dream I now have a key to unlock the dream why because I've done something very important I've heard Holy Spirit on just one step and if I can hear him for just one step I can hear him for the rest of the drain and now the other symbols in our dream begin to unlock because we can look at them and ask the same question and they're going to relate in some way in some fashion the meanings are going to relate back to that key symbol that the Holy Spirit's already unlocked for us so what that does is it helps us get a key and begin to put the puzzle pieces together for what does this dream mean most people then their biggest challenge because that's the heart of dream interpretation listening to Holy Spirit and him unlocking a key symbol than unfolding the rest of the dream most people then struggle with only one thing I don't feel like I can say it in a good communicator communicative way I don't feel like I have the language to express it well and there's nothing that brings that except time if you get it you heart in your own dream that's what you needed but if you're trying to help somebody else understand their dream we worry about how do I say it because we want to convey what we see in a way that carries the meaning we understood in an in a fashion that's understandable now to do that we can begin to take another step and that is to begin to put the dream down on paper and think through how do we communicate it okay that's something we haven't talked about allotted here in dream lab because most of our time and dream lab we spent answering and helping you understand your dream and then teaching out of it so they're not we're gonna take just a few minutes and if you guys can go ahead and slide over my white pad onto the big screen for me we're gonna take just a few minutes and we're going to talk about how we put that dream down on paper is it up there already what is my iPad own it is own did it disconnect let's see here you've always got things that how about that is that better see if it comes up back there now it worked five minutes before we started what do you know there we go okay the enemies always got some way of messing with our technology we can test it and try it about 80 times before seven o'clock and it's seven o'clock something's not gonna work right so let's talk about putting a dream on paper and this is something that is different from riding your dream down we've talked in the past about riding our dream down by riding our dream down we say I value this dream that's one thing we're able to catalog it and remember it so when we get an interpretation we've got something to go back to but the most important thing is that I value this rim I'm gonna write it down I'm gonna say Lord even if I don't understand it I trust that it's important so I'm gonna write it down knowing you're gonna speak to me at some point in time that's different from what we're talking about tonight tonight we're talking about breaking a dream apart and writing that down on paper what we would call diagramming a dream so that we can figure out what the Lord is saying to us in that dream now it will help us to see how the individual components of the dream unlock what's being said so let's take a dream tonight for example we're going to take a really simple dream and I'm gonna give you a dream that we use in practice exercises all over the world it's about when I tell you when I ask you for a short dream tonight if you give me a dream this short you just make my heart leap with joy okay and I don't know everybody's not gonna do this okay because here's the dream I was I dreamed I saw a huge King James Bible large-print suspended in midair the pages were slowly turning end of dream I get a dream that short from you guys tonight we're happy right so so don't count on that but you know that'll work so this one's easy for us demonstrating it's also simple because this is a dream in which we're not going to diagram a dream with the dreamer the person as our center box those of you understand diagramming know that when we're diagramming more complex dreams our center box is often going to be the focus of the dream and that is the oftentimes the dreamer themselves but we're focusing on symbols tonight so I picked a dream we were not going to name the dreamer as our focus we're going to name a symbol in the dream so the key thing in this dream the key symbol if you guys think about this dream as simple as it is what one image what one picture stood out when I read that dream is there something there that without that symbol there wouldn't be a dream the Bible really simple right so our central image is the Bible that's going to be at the heart of our diagram now we have to decide and there's two ways to do this what is Holy Spirit saying about the Bible what does it represent what's it characteristic quality or nature or we can go on and decide what are our other important symbols that we're gonna be working from if we're diagramming in the traditional way this would be what we call our sub focuses that is the other things that are really really important and we probably wouldn't fully understand the dream without them but they're not the core symbol so in this case we want to identify some things that help us understand what else is important what else about that Bible was important large print I heard that what else pages turning all right and what else was I heard one more thing it was floating okay it was floating and did somebody say it was King James right so we're gonna say I think floating is something else that we can say is pretty significant but we're gonna call King James a detail if we were diagramming traditionally it's a less significant symbol but it might be important to us so we're gonna tie it in over here it was large print and what were the words what was the translation it was King James Version okay all right so now we've got several symbols those of you who are familiar with diagramming dreams this is where we're going to diverge just a little bit with the way we work things instead of looking at focus sub focus and details and we're gonna be looking at symbols and unlocking the meanings so we're gonna start in the center we're gonna start with our most important symbol the Bible when we talk about the Bible when we think about the Bible if we stop and say holy spirit why was it the Bible why was it not another book why was it not you know a Heinz feet on high places or why was it not uh you know The Purpose Driven Life or whatever why did you choose the Bible instead of some other book what would be the first thing that we think as we ask Holy Spirit why that book what would be the first thing that comes to your mind it's God's Word one of the characteristics of the Bible one of its qualities is that it is God's logos word his written word and so oftentimes with the Bible we can say that characteristic may arise as something more important than anything else but let's stop and think before we just go there not happen to believe that we've already identified the very thing Holy Spirit chose using the Bible to represent representing God's work but let's stop and think because when you're processing symbols you may not get the right one right off the bat you may be working through things that come to your mind and waiting on Holy Spirit to point to one and just put emphasis on it and say that's it so can you think of other characteristics qualities or the nature of the Bible that might help you or that might possibly also be something Holy Spirit would choose that for what else its truth the Bible represents truth so that's one of its characteristics or qualities what else revelation it represents revelation what else it was exalted okay it was something that carried weight significance what else do you think it's history it really is a history book okay so we've got a right here real quick we've got a fair like a half a dozen potential things that the Bible could mean that happens in this case we were all drawn immediately to the thing that is most important it's God's Word okay here's what I want you to be careful with do not assume that the meaning of a symbol is the thing that just stands out is the most common thing you normally think of okay it's really easy to fall into a trap we do it often when we're interpreting dreams with a symbol like a car a car over and over and over and over again and dreams will represent our ministry our calling why it's the thing that gets us as transportation it gets us from one place to another so that's one of its characteristics it moves us from one place to another and in spiritual terms that's our gift or calling our ministry okay and because of a car a dream so often represents that it becomes really easy for us to just assume that's what it means instead of working our way through the other characteristics and qualities and letting Holy Spirit put the emphasis on one so even though we got it right from the beginning I wanted us to walk through the exercise of seeing what some of the other potential meanings or but we know that in this case the Bible represents God's Word now we have our key symbol meaning this should help us unlock what the other symbols mean because as we asked Holy Spirit what is the characteristic quality or nature of the other symbols that you were emphasizing that you chose that symbol for we're now gonna look back to how does what we think it might be relate to the idea that he chose the Bible because it represented God's Word so let's stop and think it was large print now you say wait a minute how do I get a characteristic or quality from something like large print that is a characteristic that's a quality of the printing on the page it was large okay sometimes it's just not that hard it's right there in front of you with what you wrote down so what do you think the characteristic of it being large print might be that the Lord is emphasizing importance it's or it could just be as simple as it's big okay well it's large print it's important it's big what else might it say though Before we jump to an absolute conclusion it's obvious okay what else easy to see now if you notice something here because we already know that the most important symbol here is the Bible and that holy spirit chose it because it represents God's Word we're moving to possible meanings of large print that also relate to things we know about God's Word it's big it's important it's significant it's obvious it's it's it's it's out there in those ways and we feel them relate back now to the idea of God's Word so let's just make it simple and hit here and say it's big okay any of our other words probably would have worked in this case and that's something you'll notice sometimes it's not so important which word you chose to describe it as it is the feeling you had of what did it mean okay try one other thing here how about the fact that the pages are turning what characteristic is represented there what quality are we seeing there movement time passing something's being revealed you're turning from page to page revealing it's a new chapter it could be a timing issue a new season or a new chapter what else searching something out it may be big but it may need to be searched for now we're saying okay Lord now we've got several that could be significant searching it out revealing one thing at a time new chapters what were some of the other things you said that I've my mind's gone blank owing already a movement so we've got these different feelings of what it is it's something being revealed over time it's something that's moving it's something that's a seasonal thing or a one chapter at a time so now we're gonna be saying Holy Spirit if this is about because we're gonna use now the two symbols we have if this is about God's Word and the fact you want it to become big in the forefront obvious in some way how are you doing that what does the what does the pack the pages are turning what's the piece of that that's important what do you think stands out which which of those words we've used what you see now not as just being related to the pages turning but fitting into our puzzle with God's Word being put forth in a big way revealing see it comes almost in just talking at three God's Word is before us in a big way oh he's revealing his word in a big way so we're gonna take revealing as our meaning here all right now then we have one or two or cymbals we may or may not need let me just be honest with you right there we can stop and we have the interpretation of this train anything else we do from here is just icing on the cake helps us for deeper understanding and if you'll stop and walk through dreams in this way you'll find you suddenly see an interpretation before you ever have to work through all of the pieces harder more complicated dream you may work through more of those pieces before you reach that point but you're just waiting on Holy Spirit to connect the dots he's put the image out before you everything you ever when you were young do one of those have all those books that had the numbered dots you were supposed to draw a line from one dot to the other it really didn't matter it was always best to start at one but it really didn't matter if you started as long as you went an order in sequence you could connect them all over the board and you'd begin to ultimately eventually get the picture of what was being drawn on the page if you started from one and went forward you got more of the picture in a better order that revealed it quicker right so if you did one to two and seven to eight and 12 to 13 and 14 to 15 and 22 to 23 and 40 to 41 you don't have nearly the pictures if you did one through ten it gives you more of the picture so you're also wanting Holy Spirit to draw you to which symbols are you taking me to first what's the order of the symbols I'm walking through and in this case we went in an order that draws the meaning out fairly quick but we do have a little more help floating if you think about flooding was a characteristic quality or nature of that image of that thought that stands out accomplishing impossible it's above other things meant to be seen what else it's speaking it's right there in front of you right which of those kind of fits with everything where else we're seeing God's Word is being revealed in a big way and if we just say then it's right in front of you it's not on the table it's not in the closet it's right in front of you floating in front of your face we have it yet another confirmation of what this dream is about okay so it's right there okay now then let's ask ourself the last piece we have on our diagram KJV what does that evoke what characteristic quality or nature does King James Version evoke traditional original even if it's not truly original it gives us the feeling of original right that's important that's a good point you know the Hebrew original Hebrew and and Greek and Aramaic manuscripts original but we think King James is being original which could be a reason the Holy Spirit used it right because it stirs in us even if it's not totally accurate what else what is it historic okay what else okay geez it's the king speaking so it may have something to do there it may be a wordplay that the Lord is emphasizing as opposed to a specific characteristic it's more formal okay now let me ask you this with the pieces we already know do we have to know what that symbol actually meant not really but if you know the interpretation will the fact that it was King James maybe help you see how the Lord is speaking to this purse yes it could but it's very simple to say our interpretation is God is about to reveal his word to you in a very big way putting it right in front of you so you can't miss it that's our interpretation now it may also be that he's doing it himself it's the king doing it it may also be that it's gonna draw out of you things that have been hidden for a long time it's been laying there in you for a long time historic traditional original those words all convey that idea it may be that it has to do with something about this idea that that it's it's fought over in some ways that it might take a battle for this to take place you know the King James only mindset there's a battle over that's the most important way it may be a battle to get to that really valuable piece could be any number of things the Holy Spirit may draw out an addition but we don't have to have it in order to see the meaning of the dream this is a place many people get confused and get stuck I feel like I have to know what every single symbol means in order to truly get the interpretation of the dream and you don't being willing to say when you see it that's what it is Holy Spirit's giving you the understanding it's important and then he can draw other things out because we've let go we quit being so tense about do I have it right and if I got all the pieces we got enough to see it and then rip peace we got an interpretation and it becomes much easier to see the other things we might need to see or understand okay so that's a way you can process through dreams by looking at symbols and not simply you're not walking through all of the pieces of how we teach it long term with our with with all the different things you want to dig into now that's that additional information is not valuable I'm not saying that you know three six days of teaching on this is not going to be helpful to you it helps get us focused it helps us to pay attention it helps us to hear better what Holy Spirit is saying and recognize why uses things to look at all kinds of possibilities that could draw us into a place of recognition that a characteristic of quality or a nature of an object may not be obvious it might be colloquial it's common usage it may be traditional historic but not necessarily accurate it might be a word play or a pun that takes us to a place of acknowledging that just the way the word choice was made meant something I interpreted a dream for somebody one time who said I I was out this was a real short dream similarly this one it says my whole dream I was just out on the ocean right off the shore riding back and forth on one of those personal watercraft things you know well you know what a seadoo thing that was their whole dream you know what the interpretation was what you see do gods teach you in that way what you're watching other people do step out and join them do it yourself as well you don't take one symbol we make it way more complicated than we have to it's hearing the Holy Spirit is saying so all of the advanced teaching all of the additional training all of those things are great but we're balancing between gift and training between just listening and knowing what we're listening for you look at the Book of Daniel you'll find that Daniel seeks out the Lord and he has a gift to understand dreams and yet the Lord also sends an angel to teach him how to understand dreams now that's a pretty good teacher by the way probably does a lot better job than I do all right but the principles still the same he was operating from gift and training training is the three sixth day of studying practicing over and over walking through trying it with mentors just stepping out and working on it gift is saying what Lord and listening and you have to function in both if you don't function in both you'll be missing some piece okay so don't let anybody tell you and don't let the enemy tell you in particular you can't do this the biggest problem is probably going to be you look at all these pieces that we just put up here on the screen and you say but how do I say that how do I convey it and you know what I hear people tell me all the time wow that was such an amazing interpretation you said that so well you know I've been doing this too almost 20 years practice will get you eloquent but it doesn't make you more accurate okay hearing makes you act accurate practice makes you eloquent and I'm not worried about eloquence I'm worried about just simply getting out what Lord the Lord was saying and if that takes stumbling through several sentences that don't sound that great til somebody goes oh I get it we'll take it okay and you know what I tell people this as well when you're learning to be eloquent there's a great thing that both but it helps you with not worrying too much about how you say it and it also helps you with not worrying too much if you blow it completely to this day I still start many many times in interpreting dreams for people by saying something like this you know I've been learning about this so do you mind if I try particularly outside of settings like this I may sound real confident in settings like this but if I'm sitting on a plane interpreting a dream for somebody I've never met before the odds are I'm gonna say something the effect I've been learning about this I've been doing it a while I travel and teach on it but I'm really still learning so can I give it a try because guess what if I don't say it real well or if I just completely blow it they're not going to blame they may blame me but that's okay they're not gonna blame God and they'll still be open to hear from him if I do get it right and if I say it the way they can hear it well they're also not gonna give me the credit because it's real easy than to say well you know I don't always handle this real great so when I get it right you know it had to have come from somewhere besides me and that is a way to protect what you're doing in dream interpretation particularly giving it to others okay so that's our lesson for tonight wanted to take a little extra time with it then maybe we normally would and and just take our time and walk through it why because I think we've done a lot of these labs and we haven't stopped you know to sort of tie all the pieces together there recently and so from time to time I think it's important to sort of pull it back together take a little more time with teaching and then go back to the demonstrating and teaching out of our examples and we may pull another example somewhere in the course of the evening that we diagram and walk through it in that way but since we're at 7:45 now and we want to get to as many dreams as possible let's go ahead and jump to some of your dreams okay and so I've got look at this I've already got I didn't even say raise your hand yet and I've already got folks jumping so I'm gonna try and jump to some of the folks that have had one before or haven't been here in a while Madeleine someone come back to you even though I saw your hand go up and I'm gonna jump here first and then we're gonna move around a little bit I got people pointing to places so I'm gonna jump here first so come on up front and then I'm gonna jump to some of the rest of you who if I can let's do this tonight if you have if you haven't had a dream done here at dream lab in the last two or three times if you've if you've been patient and waiting and have either haven't been here or haven't had one done we're gonna try and defer to those folks first tonight if we can come on over here to the mic and they'll pick you up on the camera right over there you can look at it if you want to or you can ignore that it's there and what we're gonna do is I want you to share the dream I always start this way I want you to share the dream without any background information with any extra information just share your dream I also want you to not read it okay you can refer to your notes but don't read it I want you to share the dream from your heart that really helps and then as you're sharing it be keeping in mind I'm gonna come back to after you've done that and ask you what would you title it because often that will help point us in the direction to unlock what's most important of the symbols in the drain all right so go ahead good no problem with a notes I just don't want I think the key to not reading it is when you read it you lose emotion you start reading flat everybody does it and I want to hear how it's coming out of you cuz you mess the only way we get the emotion of the dream unless we specifically ask what so after that I opened the door okay now notice something real quick I just want to mention to you notice how when he talked about what she was wearing he decided it wasn't relevant and didn't tell us much about it but then he mentioned the shower thinking it's not relevant but went ahead and told us all about it okay that's it that tells us something it tells us what's going on within Jason as he's as the dream is progressing he may not even know what's happening with it but it helps us to know okay there's probably a significance there to the one piece and not to the other so real quick tell her about who you are just because I forgot all right good now then Jason oh when what would you title that dream if you were giving it a name like a book or a movie what would it be the journey home all right now let's look at this dream real quickly I'm gonna see if I can summarize it you were felt like you were on a journey almost as though you were lost and you came up to this house what you went into the house was occupied by an older woman who was dressed that in ways that obviously didn't matter that much but but but you did rack he knows that she had some characteristics or qualities there when you see her right so but the key thing was she had a couple of dogs in the house the first one was a black dog that was about the size of a German Shepherd but it had an overly long neck and you ended up just getting down say it again thick neck also thick okay you end up sort of getting down on the ground just sort of playing with this dog okay and you just enjoyed it you get up or moving through the house toward the back and you find there's a second dog which is a little white dog it's much smaller dog you assume it's the ladies but don't know for sure but you open the back door to look out and the white dog shoots out runs up to the fence near the back where there's this little opening at the bottom of this place dug out and a mean dog on the other side grabs it by the leg and starts to pull it under the black dog tries to go out but you actually get it go out and gather it and pick him up and bring him back inside and somehow though you think the white dogs are gone or it gets back then that part repeats the white dog is outside you open the door again and this time with it actually already out there the black dog runs out you run out get it starting to bring it back in but you notice a difference this time the pack of wolves is devouring something I take it it was not the white dog right okay just want to be sure they're devouring something on the other side of the fence so if they'd pulled it through that thing okay alright so you get inside you get inside and you're looking for the woman who whose house it is and you hear the shower going you go upstairs knock on the door ask open the door to check and it's actually just the shower dripping she's not there but the showers just on in the dream ends okay now I'm going to say this because they're telling me for the video if you will keep right up close to the mic if you need to lift it that's fine we've probably already got most of Jason's dream but I do repeat them just to be safe for folks who are watching in case the sound doesn't go well but let's look at that dream and what it means then we'll come back and break it apart a little bit too what we can learn out of it tasting that dream is actually a great dream that's about you it's a revealing dream about things that God is doing in your life your own a journey and finding your way home I love that that you actually sort of said that in your title to the dream okay and it's about this the some conflict in your nature or your personality that the Lord is beginning to deal with one is the outward expression what gets expressed out and that is the outgoing zeal and the purity of who you are that'll take anything on but occasionally gets itself in trouble okay the other is that which has been hidden or veiled that secret place in your heart and it's the place where you love to just spend the time with the Lord and draw near to him the Lord is saying if you'll protect the secret place that he'll protect the purity of what's displayed for others okay and he's telling you that if you don't do that if you don't pay attention to that the enemy's desire is like a wolf to devour you to devour all that you could be all that you would be all the potential that you have and it's really a bigger thing it's really more significant and more important to protect that place of just intimacy and enjoyment with the hidden things of the Lord than it is to preserve the outward presentation of who you are that displays your purity in your life and I know some of your journey so I know you've been through some really rough things and you value being able to display what God has done in your life to bring you to where you are but what he's really loves about you is what's done in the secret place how you really draw near to him and love him the last part of the dream because it was significant to you enough to share it is about a relationship two things in the church the church being the woman the church or any not necessarily Kingsway but the church around you that has to do with this fact of you find a place of safety in fellowship with those around you but where you would find the the place of really getting cleansed and clean is not always something that the whole church is involved with for you sometimes it's just a place for you so I don't know if that makes any sense at all but I believe that's what the Lord is saying to you in that dream yeah yeah good amen thank you yes question about it yes good we're gonna talk about why did it repeat that's actually one of the things I love about this dream as a as something we can learn from this train what is going on with hitting the rewind button and starting over and the only thing that changed was what was going on on the other side of the fence okay that's the Lord placing emphasis on something he's saying two things with the same imagery that is slightly different he's saying Jason here Jason if you'll guard your quiet time with me that private personal time with me that hidden veil place what's inside of you if you'll guard that I'll preserve your purity even when it comes under attack I'll preserve that that that boldness that gets out in front of people I'll preserve what's seen there even when it comes under attack then back up now he's saying you're doing this all right because you notice he didn't do anything different he still went and guarded the black dog but he's letting Jason see what could happen if he doesn't handle it rightly it's not his loss he's seeing what was actually on the other side of that fence what the enemy had intended that it's obviously done to others whatever it is devouring but because of his actions has not occurred to him because he's guarded things rightly so its emphasis repeating it and it's also a distinguishing why this and not that it's saying it you know I want you to see what's happening and what could happen so the Lord repeats it there the other thing I love about this dream I'll mention real quick is something interesting there is a tendency okay this is not this is not an absolute but there's a tendency to think because we think of flight as daylight and open and pure white snow and things like that we think of white as being a positive symbol and we think of black is big a negative symbol why hidden things in the night you know when things go wrong it usually happens at night you never notice when people have to have ambulances come get them when they get sick at night when what when somebody's going to commit a crime do they run do it in broad daylight most of the time no they do it at night so we have this tendency to think darkness and black is negative white is purity and positive symbols throw that out please do not run there just like for example in this dream the white does represent this purity in this boldness of that little dog going forth but the black talks about something veiled or hidden something that's not revealed in this case something on the inside okay black can be black and white the difference is very distinct between things okay black is white can be taken together in that way so you've got white can be something false false religion a false purity a false holiness so you've got always to remember that symbols are neither positive or negative context will define whether the use of the symbol is positive or negative it makes no difference how negative you think the symbol is it can have a positive meaning and it makes no difference how positive you think the symbol is it can have a negative meaning okay so you want to be careful with that if you will so okay other questions yes what was significant about the dog's neck notice we did not have to have that answered in order to get an interpretation to the drain but let's think let's ask you some questions what does a neck represent your will okay connection to the head it was thicker and longer a deeper more intense connection they had to Jesus okay so it can cut now because now we're piecing it back to the other pieces in the drain what else does it represented could it represent characteristic nature equality you're really sticking your neck out you've got to really reach into this take a risk there and how would that apply take a risk pursue the intimacy with the Lord you know what else it's flexibility my next what allows my head to turn some eyes can see in many directions being flexible longer neck means long to reach the ability to see in more flexible ways so we don't have to have the meaning of that symbol but if we do get it it can help unlock just some extra pieces okay but we really got a core of our dream I record our interpretation without it but it's kind of an interesting twist right it's not right and when you notice something that's out of the ordinary it never hurts to go back and ask exactly what you did what was the significance how does that enhance our understanding of the drain all right any other questions okay all right who else do we had I had one here and then I had one back there I know and then what kind of so come right here first and then we're gonna get I got I got like four I see we're gonna do which may depend on how long they are made make them so I got here right here over here and back there we're gonna definitely do those okay that at least sets me up for the next few minutes without having to make decisions right okay just pull it down yeah there yeah just step right up to it tell us your name I knew your name but I think every else doesn't so okay okay step right up close to the mic because apparently that's they're needing to pick up a little better you're good right in front of it yep don't you love the fact that sometimes nothing makes sense in a drink that's okay cool very good drain now let me ask you a couple questions and we're going to go back to the dream is this dream you're going to do the other mic you swap it out while I'm asking is this dream in the dream you said you're at a friend's house was this people you actually know like a real friend or was it you just had a friend in the drain okay she said was just a friend in the dream okay now the reason I ask that is because we want to understand I already have a sense of what this dream means but I want to understand how it is applied okay what is the application of the drain if it were her actual friends a family she knows and everybody in the dream or people she knew it would be potentially a dream applicable to that family because it's friends in the dream but not actual people the dream has a more general applications that make sense okay let what would you title that dream if you were giving it a title like a book or a movie what would it be big eyes big eyes notice the emphasis is not on the strange things with two people being pregnant with the same person's baby without you know it's that crazy twin thing whatever that was but it's on the eyes it probably tells us something okay so let's go through the dream you're at a friend's house you're in the daughter's room while you're in the room she doesn't know you're there so the daughter tries to sneak her boyfriend in gets caught boyfriend leaves mom goes to get dad while she's gone the daughter says I'm pregnant you say very nonchalantly I am too and it turns out you're pregnant with their baby it's twins and you don't know how this is going on you're trying to get her to explain it but then you realize she doesn't have a uterus and there's all this craziness going on with it you'd never figure out exactly how this works but you know you're pregnant with their baby ultimately mom comes back brings brother dyad the other people in the whole family gets involved but while she's gone you notice the eyes big green eyes big blue eyes and big green eyes with hazel patches okay so it's the big eyes and the colors there it seems unrelated but it's not you are correct that you notice at the very end of the dream a big pile of gold jewelry you think it's probably costume jewelry but your necklace which has value to you is it real as your necklace real okay I figured it was but just asking to be sure your necklace a crucifix which is real ends up on top of all this and you're worried it breakers just come off you reach down get it and it hasn't broken it's just come off and ends up there on top of the jewelry in the dream right right okay great now let's interpret the dream then we'll talk through this one's got some cool things to talk about but it's a great dream this is a calling dream this is a dream that calls you to an intercessory role this dream actually says you're going to bear some burdens for others that you don't even understand why or how you pick up that burden and you need to recognize it's not your burden to carry but it's only your's because the Lord has appointed it to you for a season okay you're going to be carrying things that others have no capacity or capability to carry okay and it generally is going to be places where they've gotten into trouble okay and they don't know what to do or how to deal with it and you're gonna carry it in prayer not carry it with your emotions or your own strength okay so it's a calling drain to intercession one of the cool things about that is if you will carry those burdens properly okay you're gonna see great growth the Lord is going to reveal eyes reveal the soul eyes reveal our spirit the Lord is going to reveal great growth and great revelation that will come into the lives of those you intercede on behalf of so you'll get to see results from your prayers he's also gonna allow you to take all the things they've adorn themselves with that have no value and are not real and put them under the cross so that they redeemed and refined in a way that they're either put away or brought to a place of value and it's not going to cost you something you're not broken you're not lost it's what you're giving away that brings these things to pass all right make sense amen all right good now then what can we learn in this strain pregnancy and drains often relates to something we're about to birth or bring forth in other words a gift or a call that God wants to draw out of us that we're going to give birth to okay we're gonna bring to life guess what it doesn't mean that in this train it means almost a colloquial or a pun type things when a person gets in trouble when a woman and a man end up having sex and there shouldn't have been they're not married we say they got in trouble right it's one of the one of the phrases we use among others that are maybe less splattering even than that she got in trouble okay when you find yourself in a place of trouble and something's coming out of you that you don't know what to do with okay so the dream could be a gift a call an anointing that's coming forth that's very common it's really easy to go there with pregnancy but if we go there we miss what the Lord is actually saying you're gonna be pregnant with what they're pregnant with even though you did nothing to deserve it you did nothing to cause it you're gonna because you notice she specifically said she was carrying their baby not he is not mine there's okay and so it has to do with carrying a burden for someone else a surrogate or in this case an intercessor one who intervenes or intercedes to carry another's burden okay now interesting we don't have time to go there but interestingly this raises the point of what is intercession a lot of people say if I pray a lot I'm an intercessor no you're a prayer warrior praying a lot means you're pray a lot you're a prayer warrior intercession means you carry things for others you'd not only pray about it but you carry that burden for a season or you lift that weight for a season there's a difference between that and praying a lot and so this talks about carrying things and that's why it becomes important that you recognize you don't do it in your own strength okay another quick thing there's a lot of things in that dream but just let me give you one more quick piece that helps I knew it was going to be significant before she ever said it one whether the whether the necklace broke or was released to fall under the costume jewelry like if it broke it would mean she's losing something and the Lord is saying something about being careful that she didn't let a part of herself be lost in the intercession okay but because it went out willingly it's released and laid there it means what she's releasing or giving away is going to bring value to the situation okay so there's a what why this or not that before she ever said it I knew which one it was would be a key to understanding what the dream was saying about how she approached it the other thing I'll mention very quickly is the the fact that the eyes were emphasized it means the Lord is going to let you see the results the fruit of your if we want to if we want to put it in a phrase that goes back to the pregnancy the fruit of your labor okay the Lord's gonna let you see what the burden you've carried how it impacts those around you okay mother dad had a big part cuz it's not gonna just impact the one person's going to impact the whole family it speaks of growth in life and Revelation and things that are going to come forth and lives because of the sacrifice made to carry the burden oh absolutely so speaks to the church in the holy spirit but it also speaks to more people being impacted than just the one person you pray for it could be it could be the body of Christ it could be the natural family we actually don't want to go there because we don't want to limit God to which who that is it speaks to father son and spirit brother mother and father all three come in it speaks to a natural family it speaks to the church the world natural Authority father mother the church and brothers and sisters in Christ other believers it has multiple possible meanings and in this case we don't want to narrow it down because we want the impact to be carried wherever the Lord is doing it if we narrow it we might stick to something and have an expectation that causes us to miss something else God's doing yep good the emphasis on our the size of the eyes verse the difficulties the size of the eyes speaks similar to saying large print and our initial in our initial a dream example this is saying there's an emphasis here this being able to see what's taking place is an important part of this assignment it's big and it's going to be very visible okay the colors speak to the things the Lord is going to reveal the revelation that's coming the growth the life the transformation and transition that's coming and how you're gonna see those things yep good now keep in mind I do all this I draw all these things out of dreams you got to remember right how long have I been doing this iti when I we do this one thing I don't want you to do is hear me draw all this stuff out and talk like I just know it I'm sharing with you what I'm hearing for the first time right before it comes out of my mouth I'm not sharing with you things that great experience has taught me and it's just easy to teach why do I like teaching this way because Holy Spirit tells me something about that dream and I get to share it with you right now and I learn to you okay and it makes me a better interpreter of dreams as I go forward so don't let the fact I draw this stuff out it looks real good standing up here and on video don't let that make you nervous I'm not better at this than you I've just learned to hear quicker and release what I heard quicker because I had practice doing it that's really the only difference okay so let's see the next one I'm going to come back here because I saw you earlier come on up and then we'll come back to these two here some I enjoy this I have fun with this for exactly for the very reason I just said I learned so much in the middle of doing it I can I have to be honest with you there's things I've learned doing this kind of a class that I never understood about dream interpretation until we were doing the class right in the middle of it and how symbols work and things because just here's Holy Spirit and then say oh that makes sense it works all right tell us your name hi my name is Donnie Warnock all right Donnie and I'm glad to be to my third dream lab my wife and I came to the first two I just rushed to this one because I just got the email but man I'm telling you the dreams become vivid after you've come to a couple of dream labs anyway you'll like this one all right I had a dream and there was three babies involved in the dream I feel like my wife was back over my right side but I'm not sure absolutely sure about finished it was her there was a white sheet maybe it was beige maybe it was light gray but it was a light colored sheet these three babies were laying on a sheet I know all three of them were alive their little white babies I don't know that means anything at all but I know all three of them were alive and one was crawling I'm talking my newborn's brand newborns and ones already crawling around he was up on his hands and knees and crawling around and I can't tell you that I remember a whole lot more after that all right good there's my real quick nice short dream good good that's great so let's repeat it real quick just since it's so easy to repeat you have a dream you feel like your wife is off to your right but you don't see or you just have the sense that she's there but you're looking at three babies on a light-colored sheet maybe white maybe beige maybe great light-colored they're three babies that are newborns you know they're alive what they're moving around a little bit one of them is actually crawling and that's the dream all right if you were giving this dream a title like a book or a movie what would you call it newborn newborn all right and so when we look at this dream again I try to remember let's give you an interpretation fairly quick and then talk through it this is a great dream that speaking about three places the Lord is about to move in your life the the the the woman wife to the right and sort of out of sight is actually representative of the church or the Spirit of the Lord as he moves within the body of Christ though it could also be family and natural it really relates to the comforter the one called alongside how Holy Spirit moves within our walk and life and in the church and the life and when I say Church there I mean the church not a church okay and so the dream is about three things the Lord is about to release and reveal in you okay he's about to reveal three things one of which is gonna move quicker than the other the three new call stirring you gifts the Lord is about to give you and there they need support and strength and and what would you call it input nurturing they need nurturing but there's one thing that's going to advance quicker than the now I'd love to tell you that dream says to us what those three areas are but it doesn't the dream just says you there's about to be three new areas in your life the Lord is about to bring life to okay when I mean that three calling three gifts three anointings in particular three areas where you have influence have impact one in particular that will move quicker than the others when you see that one you'll know there are two other places the Lord is about to move but one would be visible to you quicker that's the reference to the crawling earlier than it should one that'll be visible to you quicker and when you see that whatever that area is no there are two other things or it's about to release for you to walk in and Dave yeah all right I love to share one more thing yes along with it three has just been real big in my devotion time lately three has been big in my in in what's happening around me you know you were coming back from Denver on this last one and I was just I was the dream happened right before that and I was busting it seems to share the dream and I had to wait a month so I'm waiting on God and watching for interpretation and I'm sitting in my lounge chair in my den and I'm looking out the back deck on the bad day and the sparrow comes walking by my first thinking is Sparrow me you know he's his eyes on the sparrow the next thing right behind that is - here we go with three again the next thing right behind that's two Redbirds Atwal by a female which is the light color and a male which is the darker colored I think that's I think that's right but anyway I've got three birds that walk by and written and when I look it up already knew but but Redbirds represents the spirit world and a visitation from someone from the spirit world might be somebody that you that's passed away in the past that you know and it might be could be the Lord visiting in some way but anyway I see that and I felt like there is some relation to that in this dream yeah they could this to his eyes on the sparrow and he's reminding you about your dream now this is a great list let me stop hearing this is what we'll do out of this particularly this is a great lesson understand if you understand dreams you can imply the same and you can apply the same principles of dream interpretation to natural things that go on in your life do not go weird with that please do not begin to decide that every single thing you see has a deep spiritual application even if it is true which it actually probably is true you won't be able to relate to the world if that's all you can talk about okay I'm just being serious now okay so use that principle of applying dream interpretation principles to things of the world around you with wisdom not with wildness okay but you can apply it there so this this brings life to your dream in saying his eyes on the sparrow in other words what he's about to do in you he has his eye on you and he will bring to pass he's going to provide all that's needed remember he the sparrow doesn't worry about what it's going to wear it doesn't worry about what it's gonna eat okay second thing is the red bird is also called a cardinal and that is a cardinal principle the one thing that leads the way the thing that advances where he provides provision lets you see what he's about to do is not the most important of the things but that is a token for you so you'll understand the Cardinal the principle the number one the top-ranked things are going to come along behind with a level of anointing and wisdom needed that you'll need to recognize more nurture and more strength there so in this case the Redbirds the Cardinal and the idea of RAD wisdom and anointing it speaks that often speaks to give you greater clarity of the dream and the relationship of the threes helps you tie it back so the emphasis on three in your life could have been only for this reason just so you'd recognize it here probably for more than that but if that's all it was it's still worth it because Holy Spirit knows to emphasize something I want you to recognize here in this dream that while we don't know what this is there's a real emphasis on one thing leading but not letting the two things that follow it go to the wayside or be ignored or missed because what God is about to do is bring forth in three areas something that will carry life yeah Wow amen all right good bless you Donnie all right let's see all right I I got to do we got we got we're gonna do this I've got to go with where I said but I'm gonna add to the end of those two cuz I see my buddy back there raised his hand I'm gonna add you to the end okay we're gonna come back to it maybe all the time we have is to do those three but I'd pointed the three I think next was right here right didn't you have your hand up right here yep come on up right there yep like this one right here up front hey I'm Bethany will Roy alright okay I bet I know what your username is on my dreams Nuggets are good okay so I was in this huge banquet hall and there was windows from ceiling to floor from wall to wall just covered and somehow I knew it was like on the water but the windows were covered with really black velvet heavy curtains and there's lots of other people around I don't know who they are but we're at some event and it starts to rain and everyone starts talking about just how beautiful the view would be if we could see it and so they're kind of just talking to themselves about that and so I just go over and start moving the curtains out of the way and the view is it's like crystal clear we're on the water it's the calm water and there's like pine trees kind of like there's water and then you can see like pine trees in the distance and then above that is mountains with like snow on the top of it and everyone was just talking about how beautiful it is and so that's kind of where the dream ended and then it was almost like I was starting to wake up so I didn't see anything but it was like I was thinking if I was explaining this dream and that someone was trying to paint the view I just kept remember I was saying like no greener no greener and I guess I'm referring to the trees I'm not sure but um the funny thing isn't I woke up the dream wasn't super vivid but that part stood out where it was definitely like whoever I was thinking of telling the dream about painting it was like greener no greener no greener um and that was it okay all right so in your dream you're in a banquet hall the big floor-to-ceiling type windows but they're veiled by these black dark heavy curtains and people are talking about and I have to I have to be honest it's really important to be straightforward my mind just sort of drifted right here at this point and I think I thought I heard you say something about people were talking about the view would be beautiful but if it rained or something they're just saying that it would be beautiful if they could see it at the time it started raining and you like hear it but you okay that's what I wanted to be sure so the they were talking about it would be beautiful but you hear the rain begin and you just while they're talking go over and pull the curtains back and it's not raining out there it is it is right it is raining out there but you still have the beautiful view right and you've got the water the pine trees the mountains and the snow and the dream sort of ends with seeing this scene right and it's very clear like it's almost like blue skies okay but like a soft rain okay all right and as you wake up you hear yourself sort of explaining somebody no grain or no greener for how would they paint it right okay why if this dream were a book or a movie what would you title it the view the view not the view but the view right not like the TV show but okay just checking on that you never know it's the view all right okay so oh one thing I'll point out when you hear I'll go ahead and point it out here when you hear something when you have a follow-up to something in your dream that you either see or hear in your like time as you're waking up it's probably going to be the Lord bringing emphasis to something from the dream like she indicated so no greener no greener let's stop and let's just do this dream really quick in a way before I just give you an interpretation if you think about the color green what is its nature characteristic or quality that comes to mind and you guys help me with this one because we know that's going to be a key piece to this dream even though it doesn't have great significance within the dream because she heard it as she's waking up it's probably going to help us unlock the drink so what's the characteristic nature or quality of green as a color that stands out for you growth what else life money spring okay finances okay camouflage okay I can I can relate to that one so what was it in deep in a negative way what jealousy okay do you have a sense or a feel is this a positive or a negative symbol based upon the rest of the dream what do you think good or bad symbol probably positive so we can throw out jealousy gonna be important to list them to cause us to think but we can throw them out so now we name all these things life resources finances money growth all these different positive things when you think about this dream does any one of those symbols just sort of pop as as Holy Spirit putting his finger on that particular symbol anybody feel something growth anybody feel something other than growth just checking yes now what you're gonna catch there is the beauty you're thinking about is speaking to what the symbol represents and we'll come back to that anybody is everybody sort of feel they're the holy spirit on grow there's anybody thinks something else just checking just curious fresh okay all right I think go ahead blindspot the curtains yet we'll come back to that one okay but think about this we're looking for the symbol that's going to unlock it and the Lord emphasized green or we probably wouldn't take that symbol as the piece that unlocks it right and we all kind of have a sense together even after all the things we name when I said what did Holy Spirit put his emphasis on and I almost tried to lead you to something else most of you still say stay quiet feeling growth out of it so I think you can say this dream is about growth okay and they're right this dream is about growth it's about your growth it's about a calling in your life to recognize the beauty of what God is doing when others only talk about it for you to act on it we're there operating out of a blind spot where they've been shut off to not being able to actually experience what they've heard and talk about you have been given a call to step out and make it known okay so it's a really great dream that's calling you to act and not only think and talk amen make sense okay good and now since I was teasing my dream story's calm or you can also use dreams stories org we just finally got the web name without my in front of it locked down this morning so my dream stories calm or dream stories org you can go there if you have dreams we don't get to put them on the forum some of our moderators will help it usually takes me if I'm the only one interpreting dreams on that side it usually takes me about two weeks to get the dreams no usually I usually do in two weeks cycles so dreams will go on for about two weeks then I come in and get as many as done as I can and then it'll be another two weeks that's about what it takes so but we do have some other moderators who are putting dreams there and and who I trust that are also adding there you can put dreams on there I say that because I do recognize your username and you use the website of butts and now since you have come forward tonight with a dream you get an assignment the next five dreams you put on the site which would take you over two or three months to do that right we do it I want your dream and then in the next comment I want your interpretation before will respond to it okay so you start working on it yourself and then let us affirm and help you with what you're seeing that's how we grow if you're constantly looking for someone else to interpret your dream you're not gonna grow okay so I'll help you with them I'm not challenging on that I'm just giving the assignment to now start applying what we've been talking about okay and start using it okay and any of the rest of you put dreams up let me suggest to you great idea for you as well I just happen to be picking on only one person than that but if we want to apply that across the board the more of you it works question yes yeah good question let me let me give you some input on that and we got a couple more drains will do and just enough time probably to do them okay so I've got a dream here and a dream back there that we're gonna do to wrap up so let me take just a minute and talk to you about the website and also because I always wait till the very end to do it let's yes you can put it up there you can put it up there that'd be great I can put it up there so what you're saying oh I can wow that's so cool I have access to this thing tonight so let's see okay no no this is good right here because I often forget to do these things completely because we're didn't dream dream dream dream dreaming at the end I'm trying to rush and do it so we've got two more dreams we're going to do and that we'll need enough time to do that but we'll stop here also Lisa the other thing I often forget to do is take an offering which is probably not wise on my part because this is how that's how we support what we're doing so if you'll get stuff ready for me for that will receive an offering a little bit too and and we just do encourage you to give I'll share a little more about that in just a minute but you notice that's not on the top of my list of things I look at is important but the Lord has been dealing with me if I shouldn't rob you of the opportunity so either so I try and balance those things okay dream stories is my book I also have some of those available tonight if you don't have one dream stories the book has 55 dreams that have been interpreted and the interpretations have come to pass in other words they've been fulfilled so we can use those testimonies those stories to help us both learn and to see how God uses dreams so the book is available from the website if you're watching this online then you'll note that that the I have to figure out how I can put a pointer on here later I don't know how to do it if you're doing this online and you're seeing what's up on the screen now hopefully they've switched the camera view up at the top you'll see order of the book dream stories if you click on that you can order the books from me or you can get it on Amazon as well but what you'll find on the website if you notice is you go down about the middle of the page there you'll see the blog section there's an inner on the right side there's an introductory blog that just talks about the spiritual nature of dreams that's there for you more than anything if you've been coming to any dream labs or you get on the side at all you understand the spiritual nature of dreams that's there more than anything to point people to if they think you're weird okay or if they don't believe God talks through dreams that blog entry and all my blog entries are relatively short you can sit down and read it in about five minutes okay that's the way they're designed that blog entry is there just to give a foundation for dreams being spiritual on the left side you'll see the most recent blog entries and what you'll see there is you see there there's four blog entries with symbols and then telephone watch corn etc that's where you'll find what the closest thing we would come to a dream dictionary okay so let me just tell everybody every one of those symbols has a one paragraph explanation of what a sim that symbol means in other words what does a telephone mean if you click on this one and go there to that blog site you'll find a one paragraph description of some of the characteristics qualities and natures of a phone that you could apply to what it means okay like a dictionary however there is the Asterix there and that is because I say symbol meetings provided by my dream stories calm should not be used as a dream dictionary please trust Holy Spirit don't look at it as a dictionary definition don't apply it just because it's written there use it as a starting point to determine some of the characteristics or qualities and that Holy Spirit put emphasis on it or draw you to another one really good question there as well let me hit one other thing and I'll tell you there's a little longer the blog entries on that first place out there where it says presumption those are little longer articles those are articles that relate to more of a teaching similar to what we do when we start dream lab each night so you'll find a longer teaching as you can see they're still not long you can still read it in four or five minutes that gives you some more understanding about dreams now what if you have a symbol you want to know something about that at the top is a button that says forum if you click on the button that says forum it's going to take you to a place to ask questions or talk about topics there are three basic categories for that there are general dream questions that's the place for you to post a question just about how things work interpretive methods how we diagram something you didn't understand in a dream lab just a general question about dreams the second area that's that general dream questions with the mind or the man's head with the puzzle piece missing that is for dreams that you want interpreted we do ask you to read the instructions there we want you to use relatively short dreams limit it to two per month recognize that you shouldn't trust an interpretation from somebody who's not marked as a moderator or me okay but not saying it won't be a right interpretation I want people to go when they're in practice but don't trust that interpretation unless it resonates in your spirit and you just know it was right until a moderator or myself say yeah they got it right okay because that is the place where we really encourage you to practice don't just come to dream lab go to that and not only post dreams of your own but go out there read someone else's dream and just say hey I've been taking dream lab I want to give this a shot and write an interpretation try it I've only seen two people do that and that's what it's up for it is not there for me to keep interpreting your dreams I don't want to keep interpreting your dreams I want to teach you to interpret your dreams okay so go out there and practice and try it it's a safe place you can blow it completely and there's only a few people gonna even know it number one you're someone anonymous on there unless I happen to figure out your username because it's really similar to your name you know them so but you're relatively anonymous on there so go try and our instructions when you view that category the the first entry lays out the instructions and says people are gonna try and interpret your dream starting next month about the end of more which will be having what we call a dream mentoring program going on and I'll be doing some weekly lessons and weekly video chats and things like that with small groups those people will have assignments when they they're gonna pay some of you may do it they're gonna pay a small fee to be a part of that to cover the expenses of making it run it'll be about to tell you more about how it's going to work in just a minute those people will get assignments that will say you must interpret two dreams this week on the forum and so suddenly you'll start seeing 10 15 20 people interpreting dreams on there but we hadn't gotten there yet okay why if you don't practice you won't grow Hebrews 5:14 solid food is for those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to the discerning of both good and evil it's a biblical principle the last category on here that's really important our significant symbol meanings that's the place for your question that little symbol meetings blog entry it's when you have a single symbol it's going to be taken out of context the answers you get there will be possible meanings not the interpretation of your dream that's important to distinguish it may be the interpretation of your drainer unlock it but it's it's really intended though some people will put little phrases from dreams and things it's really intended for you to say what does a sparrow mean or what does a cardinal mean or what does a wicket mean or whatever you know not to say I had this dream with this in it and here's the context of it and then what does what does it mean in that so that's the place to ask questions about symbols dream tools that's the place will be given more information about the mentoring program and that is the mentoring program so you'll know we'll be a six-week program you'll interpret between 50 and 100 dreams in that program that will be tested checked will also you'll also have to do symbol meanings there's no wrong answers with that we'll test them and check them but there's wrong answers because what did the symbol mean to you it's to create a way of thinking there it's not about getting a right or wrong answer and then reverse dream interpretation will be introduced in that one that is create a dream to convey a meaning that your fellow students can figure out without telling them a message right a dream that says what you want them to know and can they figure it out because then you get to figure out how God does it you get to kind of get a sense of seeing how he worked what why does he choose certain symbols that'll be some of the exercises we do we'll at least every other week have a video chat and our mentors will be in groups of 10 to 20 people and those people will meet as a group at least every other week for a video chat of what the assignments they've had over the last period since we chatted and we'll do that via some tools online but it'll be live interactive and so we get a little more personal and intimate connection with folks will also have lessons that are done both by video each week and written lessons to read or to watch to help you with the progression and then assignments like interpret to dreams from the website or things like that the second half a second portion of that course will be about a 12 week course in that you'll interpret about 250 dreams and do more advanced exercises and in the last segment which will take about six months to complete by the time you finish it you'll have interpreted about a thousand dreams and it's taking you about a year and you've done dozens and dozens of exercises and I can promise you if you walk through that process things start to unlock because it's making you do it rather than just continue to listen to me talk about it okay there is a cost to that it'll be we have not finalized yet whether it'll be a monthly cost or a one-time fee for it there's a cost of that and I'll just be straightforward with you and honest it's expensive and we don't have all the equipment we need to do it we're gonna be starting off with just saying okay we're gonna do it we're gonna try it we're gonna use a webcam and my living room okay we need about five thousand to six thousand dollars worth of video equipment to do it right and and we also have the cost of online schools online schools the software to make those run is not cheap so we just decided we're not we're gonna quit waiting to do this because you guys need this type thing in doing that though it means we need support to make it happen and because I'm gonna be giving a lot more time and resources to that we decided we would charge for that that's against my nature most of you know that so I will say this we're gonna charge for it however if you have a significant need and you want and you're you want to go through this and they'll be some financial needs based scholarships available for it because I don't want anybody to not be able to learn just because they don't have resources to pay for something okay at the same time I want to be able to offer things that we don't have the resources to pay for right now so we're figuring out how to do that I think you guys who watch online and are here know my heart in that but that is important for me to convey it's also when we've been a little slow we were hoping to kick it off the first of the year and we've been a little slow with doing it if you go to my dream stories dot-com and you join the website you become a subscriber to the website there and on Michael B French Facebook page in other words my personal facebook page some of your friends with me on my personal Facebook page but the Michael B French page if you search Michael with the middle initial B French you'll come to my author page or my public speak your motivational speaker page that page you can like it and we announce things like this on that page as well and then we post them on the upcoming event section of the my dream stories page so those are ways you'll find out about it but if you join the my dream stories website as a subscriber then when we do our emails that's where our email list is either sign up for the email list or actually join the site either one there's no cost to join the site and those things allow us to communicate with you what's going on and what we have happening so that's the way to hear about it we're hoping to start by mid to late March we have a team if any of you guys are washing I'm just give you an update now we have a team in Asia of dream interpreters who are working to start practicing this on the streets in Hong Kong Singapore mainland China Thailand Vietnam Laos all over that area we have a team led by a lady named Rose who is just amazing heart for dreams and dream interpretation and their small group is going to be our task group will do them about two weeks before we launch to make it public but it is coming so just keep your eyes out for that if you will so there's all sorts of other things on the website here as well by the way if you're watching online and you wish to donate or help online you can hit that donate button up at the top and it carries you to a page that's just really simple it's got a big donate button on it you punch it and it actually carries you to our ministry dreams stories is not incorporated as a ministry so I can't give you a tax-deductible contribution record for it so it takes you to Petrea ministries which is the ministry we do leading leaders ministering to leaders that is a 501 C 3 if you give there and just choose the box down at the bottom that says dream stories then we'll know you're giving through the process of what you've gotten out of here and it all goes to the same spot but then we can give you a tax-deductible receipt for it at the end of the year let's see what else should I tell you about real quick off the website I never do this so this is awesome oh the dream stories tab at the top the one that just says dream stories you'll see a drop-down list you see there there's the first thing that helps to submit a dream story please do not post a dream for interpretation there we will ignore it if you post a dream and say I don't have an interpretation of this it we don't even pay that we don't respond to it I don't have time to respond to it do that on the forum if you have a dream we interpret or someone else did you saw the interpretation you saw the result that's where you give your testimony and you'll find we have a number of those that we have from the book that you can also access and see the person who had the dream share their story so you can pick any of these and hear what happened for example a visit from the surgeon pulls up a video with my beautiful wife who had an amazing dream and you click on it and it will play out her testimony of what took place ok she'll share what happened there and you get to see some of the emotion sorry about that let's see how do I turn that off now you'll see some of the emotion that comes forth in that setting of a person actually sharing their own dream ok now with that said let's jump back to interpreting two last dreams but before we do we're going to do them quickly we're going to do kind of the fast moving interpretations before we do we're going to receive an offering really quick least it's gonna bring a basket up we're gonna pray and bless it I believe in sowing seed when you so this is a principle I believe in my own life when you sow seed into the good ground that is a ministry from which you're receiving a growth in life there's a principle in the Word of God that says he returns that seed it doesn't go out Boyd it doesn't go out with no return there's a return that comes back so when you see good ground if you feel this is a place you can so we want to encourage you to do that there's no cost of things we do with the exception of the mentoring program but we do want to give you an opportunity to sow and we do have needs don't so be because of our needs so because God puts in your heart too so into what's being done if you need to give cash and want to receipt there are Kings white envelopes in the back of your chair you can use those or lease them do you have any of our envelopes we don't so there Kingsway envelopes you can use those just put dream lab on it and it's fine if you're making out a cheque or you want to use one of those envelopes to give by credit card please note it is to Petrea ministries or p80 or IA patria it's a Greek word that means family and that is our tax-deductible nonprofit that you can give to if you give by credit card please fill out everything on the envelope because we can't process them if you don't and let me say do not go into debt to give two things don't win the debt to give but if you use a credit card as a convenience to give that's fine second thing do not do not do not do not all set five thousand times do not take away from your tithe and offering to your home Church to give to this ministry you give as an offering above and beyond that if you take away from the tithe to where you are where your home is where you receive regularly that principle that's a violation of a biblical principle and it's not blessed for us it's not blessed for you so don't give your tithe okay you give above and beyond your tithe it ties ties if you give into this ministry all right with that we're going to pray for it Lisa's got a basket we'll pass and we'll jump back to interpreting some dreams father thank you Lord that you've just given us this opportunity to grow and learn about you and how you speak to us father that it's not always just through other people but it's you invading our night season Lord while we're sleeping so let me just bless everyone here we thank you for them Lord and we just we just give this offering to you Father it's unto you Lord and we just thank you that you allow us to be Lord the torchbearers Lord that carry forth your name in your light and just your teaching father thank you for that opportunity in Jesus name Amen amen alright dream right over here come on up and then we'll get to you back there so come on up and we'll do it while we're receiving our offerings so make use of every moment of time we have give us your name and then just jump right in and I'm John John's well I got a part a and B on this dream so I'm walking down the sidewalk it's a beautiful buildings beautiful place people everywhere but it's very clean very very nice to my right I see a woman about a hundred yards away she's wearing a dress with that same color of whatever those flowers are has involved or pinkish purplish will go with them and I see this woman and she's I'm up refuel and then I see her running towards me and and there's beautiful buildings it's a kind of a banking community like Wall Street it looks very nice and she's running towards me and she gets closer to me and I realize this is my mother but she's not my mother like now but she's my mother age 29 and so and I'm my age I guess she embraces me and hugged me and we have a very moment you know of is very nice moment it was and she's laughing and smiling and and kisses my cheek and we stay there and and you know and it was pretty amazing you know I'm kind of speechless I guess and then in the she's you know says I hate to leave you but I've got to get back to I've gotta go to work and so she says have a great day at school she goes back and I you know I didn't want that in but it did in so I'm somehow I ended up at the school and the dreamed it's really goofy after that because I don't know what school or who these people are or what classes and taking I kind of woke up out of that dream you know at that point but so this part a so I my wife asked me on Monday morning she said did you did you sleep and I said I didn't think I did but because I've been having a hard time sleeping but I said I had a dream about my mother and I told her the dream what would go in to have coffee that morning and this is the reality I mean so we're sitting down my son homeschools and he said I had a dream last night and he said I was aunt Betty's old house and I was kicking the soccer ball he's really amazing with his soccer skills and there was three girls in the house with him and one of them had a red hair with the ponytail and any said mom that was you you were the girl and there was kicking the soccer ball with me and he said mom you said you can do it like he said can I you may kick that fireplace at the end then the ball come right back to me and so uh so I said you had a dream about your mother and last night yeah and there's other two girls that I didn't know who they were at first but they were Aunt Betty and misty and and so anyway I thought it's just kind of coincidental at first then I thought man this is so weird that you had a dream about your mother at age 14 or 15 I had a dream about my mother at age 29 or 30 so I was called Mitch and I because Mitch was talking about dreaming everything and had no idea what he's you know where this would go anything but I was telling him about the dream he's like hey we got to go to the sister dream lab whatever but so that's it and I you know I I I have ideas of what the Lord might have met but but you are really good and I appreciate God's pretty good I just stay out of the way so let me ask you this was in your dream that you had was it do you know what your mother looked like at 29 like it did look like her did you just know it was her at 29 yeah she was beautiful and like if you saw a picture of it 29 is that what she looks like or did you just okay so she actually looked like you know her to have looked and in the dream she was she was flawless I mean she was I mean she looked like the picture and then sound she got you perfect I so want to teach out of this dream really really bad but from times like we're gonna do what I said which is just given interpretation to it okay so a great dream it's amazing room if it were a book or a movie what would you title it your part since you had since you can tell me what you would your son would have to do his I would and I've been pondering upon this for 48 hours so I mean for a long time so I I would say I've always been there I've always been there it's really a great dream now let me do teach one thing I'm gonna give an interpretation but you said you've had thoughts of what it might mean never ignore your own thoughts of what stirs in you if I give you an interpretation that's different and it resonates and you say yes that's it still don't ignore your own thoughts because dreams can have layers of meanings and multiple meanings and there may be things the Lord unfolds even out of what you're seeing and sensing that are different or in addition to okay so keep that in mind for everybody all right but it's a great dream it's about generational inheritance it's about what God is doing to prote to release favour and encouragement that your family needs you've walked through things where it would be easy to give up or to feel like there's no hope or no opportunity and it's actually been things that have come that has actually come through generational lines things in your family there's even some family history of things like that but God is saying to you no more in one night you and your son see that you're receiving the inheritances that have been held back by the enemy in the past and you have favour and opportunity and you have the encouragement you need to accomplish what God has given you and for your son to fulfill destiny and purpose as well it's an amazing and great dream that says you have what you need to step out and move into calling and purpose that's been stolen in the past and when that's been stolen in the past and the enemy is caught he has to repay seven times so it's an amazing spiritual inheritance the Lord is releasing and it's established it's done you don't even have to work at it you just have to believe it and receive it because Pharaoh said our date Joseph said to Pharaoh because he dreamed his dream twice it was established you didn't dream it twice I think personally it's even more powerful when two family members during the same type of dream in the same night it's happened to my wife and I three times in our marriage and all three times we made decisions that we would have never made that were monumental life decisions and we made them within days because the dreams were so powerful significant dreams and it says pressing and don't let the enemies obstacle slow you down keep pressing in for purpose and destiny come in make any sense all right praise the Lord bless you awesome it is significant that mom was younger and that the aunts and mom were younger it's absolutely significant it says that things that should have been released in their lives far earlier will now be released in the lives of the generations and it really speaks to the son receiving your son receiving at a young age what should have come to others in the family line and we could go a long way with this but prophetically and from the dream but what this is about carrying something forward that the enemy has delayed and destroyed in some cases and it's been generational in that sense but now it's about to be generational going forward for the release of those anointings and blessings really is good powerful dream all right awesome come on come to yours now real quick if I turn things off here let me push this down for you not much but let's see I'll get you here and we'll aim right all right step right up close to it good tell me your night I arranged ours all right jump out and let's hear the drain well my parents had put me in some sort of it was like a school and I don't know what it was for I just know it it was a school and then and it looked really old when I got to it like it was from like it was from the Civil War or something so I've been in my brain just sort of skip to the part where I got to where I was supposed to go okay and so I went into that classroom and there were like 11 other there were 11 other kids there and then a few seconds later I had found out that the entire class had been falsely accused of some sort of crime I don't know what it was but there was another class there there were like I don't know three classes hmm one of the other classes seemed to hate us and so they called the cops and said that we had done something I still don't know what but and it turned out there was a court like right beside the school and so first the other class had talked I was told that I should get my chance in about five days and so I was outside I walked outside and started walking down the sidewalk and that's when I really noticed how old it looked it was the it looked like the break had been read but it was so old that they were like brown and dusty okay and right I when I went into the class and I had sat down there were these plastic tables like if you're here we're going to some sort of conference or something mm-hmm they were rectangle there were the rectangle ones mm-hmm anyway I was walking down the sidewalk and there were these a brown they they were like on the ground there were brown leaves they were Brown they were dried out Brown maple leaves like it was fall and I remember why I found out I was like I was terrified and then I just got to be sort of nervous and bored and now whenever I think back to that I was I am I can't I feel nervous as if like I'm about to have to explain myself for not even doing anything okay and as I was walking as soon as I found out that we had been falsely accused I was I started planning some grand speech that would save us all oh cool all right and then well that's when my dream ended but I a lot of dreams I have I have like extra details after they end I don't know I think they might have gotten pulled out of the school so I didn't have to deal with it although I was and they don't know what happened to the rest of class okay now that's an interesting things that you hear extra details yeah and remember somebody else had the the words the grain more grain remember the more green thing listen when a dream is finished even while you're still asleep begin to learn to listen and see what the Lord speaks into the dreams itself so the last part of this says because it dreams important but the last part of this says there's a way of escape the Lord has provided a way of escape okay because this dream is about warfare this dream is about your calling and your purpose and the enemy has really been after you to sow fear and anxiety in your life stress over things around you because you have gifts and calls that the Lord is wanting to use even now how old are you right now okay at 13 see a lot of people would say well there's not a lot I can do okay but that's actually the enemy saying to you you you can't be used or you can't do because in this case say maybe age or whatever I remember I wasn't really happy to find out that I couldn't do anything about it mm-hmm wasn't happy to find out you couldn't do anything about it when I had completely lost the ability right okay yeah because you have Authority this dream is about how the enemy wants to steal your authority he wants to steal your voice he wants to steal your gift he wants to steal your purpose how is he gonna do it by bringing attacks against you probably attacks from peers in your age group and attacks from perspective the way people see you or think about you the enemy wants to bring attacks to stop you from being who you're created to be and in particular to stop your voice why because guess what you had to teach five days it was going to take to respond right that's the grace of God okay and you had the speech that was gonna save everybody but the enemy was trying to silence your voice okay so this dream is about you have a voice of purpose and a calling that the enemy can't stop because God is going to give you a way of escape a way of release from the attacks of the enemy to walk out of the fear out of the anxiety out of the stress and be who you were created to be and you don't have to wait to your 40 to do it God is giving you the grace to walk in your calling and walk in your gift from a young age and he's gonna give you what's needed to escape the attacks of the enemy that it's designed to stop it all right okay blessings it's good and dad that's a call to prayer for you there's probably a lot more to those attacks than we need to deal with right now in this in this setting okay to call a prayer to cover that fear anxiety and stress that stealing voice so it can be released and so you can walk in purpose and destiny okay all right would that say it I said we would get to that many and we went a little over to do it but we did it so we're gonna release you tonight I bless you let your dreams be full of messages from the Lord and may your heart and your mind hear voice of Holy Spirit to understand them in Jesus name Amen amen be blessed see you next time we're the third Tuesday of the month we are by the way real quick I'll tell you we are it may not be next month but we're gonna do real soon we're gonna be doing one of these labs all online not present then we'll give our people who are out of town and other places a chance as soon as we have that ready it may not be March but by April Ornette or 1 in April maybe online just watch for that little twist to the description when we sent out the information about them okay we won't meet here from one in the next month I think we're here but we've got one coming up just watch for that because I don't want you to drive here and it would have all been online we have a chat a video chat room we can get a hundred people on and then we can also stream at the Facebook for people to watch but that allows us to connect to some of the folks who don't get to come live so we'll be planning that in april/may timeframe all right so just keep keep an eye out for that if you come to the local class blessings I think they've got some of the dream stories book out front if you need one of those they're available tonight as well
Channel: Michael B French
Views: 664
Rating: 4.7777777 out of 5
Id: Jpg_YxoOaOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 18sec (7398 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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