When DREAM turns on GOD MODE... (9999 IQ)

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come here consider subscribing [Music] thank you [Music] that's nice wait did you see me yeah oh i know you just wait i'm drowning oh that was genius i got your stuff jungle yes come sit on my shoulder how do i get it yes yes oh he left no come back come back no parrot get away from that tnt no no no no no no he's been alive for 10 seconds you're joking you're joking he died oh my god it actually died dream it was alive for like one second like actually okay i am so ready i am ready charge on we're gonna destroy them i imagine we still die you're in the wrong oh come on let's go all right we need like a we need to we need to like i don't care okay no no don't don't go let's go oh we'll be there to help you through the lava lake don't worry we'll bring some blocks and stuff i got my portal [Music] what no no no no no seriously [Laughter] [Laughter] how are you moving yes yes you idiot you're such an idiot wait of course i meant that no no no [Music] you know what i actually don't need you you can get your no no no [Music] oh my god oh my god oh my god come on george yes yes oh my god stop [Music] miss just miss oh you're lagging am i lagging i actually am i'm not lagging am i keep cooking keep going talk talk talk talk talk actually the ender dragon's lagging oh my god yes yes yes yes yes like i'm just sitting there waiting for you because you're lagging yeah this comes out of nowhere oh yeah i keep messing up all my jabs [Music] yes yes oh my gosh wait tnt yes oh my god are you gonna stop here oh my goodness are you kidding how come come on come on no no no oh my goodness yes oh my goodness hey oh my god oh my god oh george i put him sitting in the middle no you thought you thought really good didn't i'm together that's where i'm at oh we're close make the other make the hell george help me i have no shield jim has a shield dream has a shield this dream has a shield how did he get over here get over here dream how did you [Music] how did he find us he's already full of iron bad he's already fell on in all right i'm just taking you out to sleep all right go for it oh my god i hate you so much i'm just gonna tell you and tell them where you're going you're such a i hate you guys i'm following should i leave this bed here george or take it i'm taking it i'm gonna clean i'm gonna come back here i put my respawn point there he's getting hay bales right now stop stop actually let's expose him exposing keep exposing i'm killing a cow right now oh my goodness why didn't he take damage oh my god just literally run oh my goodness oh my goodness why aren't you come on please just keep just stay alive i'm on my way just keep running keep going i'm gonna half heart i'm coming i'm coming we have to be careful why am i slow yes okay he's chasing me now oh my god you guys are so annoying a little strategy your little strategy is so dumb i'm in an abandoned savannah village yeah that's that's really close to where he was no oh my god i hate you [Music] i hate you uh negative one thousand oh my goodness he's lying he's just mining iron this whole time that's just wasting my time and they're going to come like fully stacked eventually right behind me okay i'm coming okay you're a lazy little muffin thank you oh did i beat him did that work oh my goodness it didn't work it's right behind me all right come right come right oh i see you're kidding me he's just going to kill me he got so much damage come here man go away i don't like you panda's helped dude i had so much food george george i see you oh okay no my god you're so annoying actually where are you oh i see him i see him i'll stand up here he's trying to escape he's trying to escape okay i'm above him where is he i don't know where he's wait wait i don't even see him is he in the wall i think he dug in i think he dug in he's in the wall but he's above me he's above me okay careful be careful why did you oh i see him oh where he's like down here i can't even i can't get down there i don't have a picture here i don't have any blocks jump on that block right there jump on that block right there okay how am i gonna give me two blocks he's right here oh my god where is he he was he was by my dad that i played i see his name okay i'm going no no dude you get him oh i'm gonna half heart i'm gonna half heart i'm right above him i'm right above him i see him i'm coming back i'm coming back keep him there okay stop now sat nap just keep him here all right i really really have half a heart regen he's literally over there okay fudge he's towering do we have any okay i'm going back up this is so ridiculous how is he like john wick i'm coming back i'm on my way back i'm waiting for him oh he's right here he's so dead are you joking what was that okay go back go back go get him go get him go around george it is right here yeah that's a great land see big brain i'm fully eating what if there's a trap on the other side you muffins oh my goodness we're gonna die one let's go what is this come on come on come on let's go what is this it's a oh yes yes what was that oh my god [Music] yes no yes yes [Music] i just wanted to get him what is the red hat oh my god i'll just wait till night time and then i have a big advantage because i can kill all the other men you're the one that's got to come up to me becca i come up there there's a 5050 chance who wins come on george no put that down put it down here you want your suit back yeah oh my god i'm stupid [Laughter] oh my god where are you going over this way i ran the wrong way i've got a nice little trick up my sleeve i'm gonna take you down what's your trick oh i just got sticks from the that's my trick i got sticks from the leaves so i didn't have to craft sticks oh my god no no what the heck no no no no [Music] oh yes yes yes how did you catch up to me so quick oh my god yes [Music] did you go in the room what that was close that was close died where am i [Laughter] where actually am i oh wait please please yes yes oh my god what was that do you even get burnt okay come on oh wait i almost forgot to set up my trap no wait where am i where am i oh my god there's so many you should die there's so many [Music] i'm gonna die i'm gonna die come on please just get away oh yes yes yes i got out i got out oh my god there was three eyes in the portal too i took a risk when i brewed the potion what no please please please [Music] [Music] uh i need like a couple more pearls and then i'll be good how's your iron leaking quest um going okay so far i'm just kind of looking around and um looking for iron you know dream dream you literally made a trap [Laughter] it's not over literally you're dead george died by george one yes all right bye dream right bye dream where am i how are you still alive where am i ooh i mean where are you you're in the middle of how are you still alive ooh ooh dream did you land on the cobble are you cheating no i'm not i'm not cheating what do you mean how are you alive i'm alive how are you still alive ooh okay okay i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine hey george george i'm just gonna throw you back into your own lava you're gonna sit here for four minutes four minutes you're gonna sit here for four minutes thinking about your death george please just sit here sit here thinking about your death that's all i want you to do dream you know what you know what this how long is the fire resistance for on got apples no how long is the fire resistance long enough to last me the whole time that's actually the only way how long have you had that god apple [Laughter] are you serious [Music] i'm just at the bottom of the lava pool right now if i imagine my fire resistance just runs out before please please there's no way all right i only have one choice i have one choice are you just going to fall sometimes that's going to trap me i'm like only 36 seconds 35 34 no please there's no way hasn't even sent in the chat yet no i thought i swear i looked it they said four minutes and 30 seconds i thought it was there's no way 25 24 what 23 no it's only the the what's it called it's only five minutes right 18 17 16 what what i'm freaking out please just die in the lava please yes yes it's perfect time it's perfectly time it's perfectly timed it's perfectly timed it's perfectly timed it's perfectly oh my god this is it i think i got him i got him but wait what whoa whoa oh wait he just plays in blocks but he was doing something fancy you're done he's sorry oh i don't have any arrows oh no no no no aggro you come down here please holy came down oh my god i'm trying oh yes you are done you are so done guys please tell me you can get back here he's lying he's losing what no no no no no you don't nope nope no stuff for you go away guys please hurry i'm trying to keep from getting your stuff no no no no what was that oh my gosh guys this is not good how long does it take for enderman to diagno oh you're gonna die good hello good sir oh my god oh no you don't oh he's got like nothing he's got just the booties stop doing that yes get in little enderman get him oh you are done you're so done oh my god you do so much damage i'm just gonna let the enemies i know i know i'm being careful oh fudge stupid ender dragon okay that's it i got him no you don't you literally die oh yes yes yes this is it this is so bad i've got it wait what no no what yes what happened what happened no what we why was i swimming so slow wolf was slain by wolf oh my gosh come on kill him george i'm doing it george come on i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm doing it got it you got it george come on how do you have a dolphin run take the dolphin oh my god did we get away george no i'm going to win i don't need to get away wait he killed my dog please get away come on what what is wrong with you [Music] no no [Music] come on what where were you where were you oh my god where were you dreaming what are you doing how are you hiding i'm gonna drown okay dream just sit there all right no stop wait is that a potion effect you have potion effect what is that what is that were you actually invisible there's no way how are you invisible how do you have potion effect what is that you have a golden apple that's really a go that looks like a golden apple it's a golden apple isn't can i even it in a boat i don't think i can [Music] yes that's flipping go let's flip oh my god how long do i have this for how do i tell how long i have a potion effect for i don't know i can't mine i can't mine oh my god you're right there how did you swim here you have no boat come at me no way how did you spot me down there how do i have mining fatigue [Music] oh my god you're owning better me how did you get here how do i have mining fatigue how do i get rid of this you might not want to engage at all george what was that need this this mining fatigue is screwing me i could be away by now [Music] what you're doing a dolphin pet [Music] no no no i made it open come here i'm gonna kill your dolphin no don't what is wrong with you i'm drowning [Laughter] yes wait why is my dolphin power gone because i have it oh my god oh get away hey look what i have what do you have [Music] look how are you in already hello dream oh i hear you seeing the dragon i'm gonna win you don't even have all this oh he's staring up over there get him wait oh there's one of the oh he's gonna get them all we've got the last one okay sound man um he just dropped lapis to us he's giving us stuff thank you george i just should i just water bucket up here yes go get him oh no he's got a bow he's got a bow come on [Music] i've got him cut off i've got him cut off no yes come on george i'm gonna have her you gotta hit him off you gotta hit him off i'm trying what are you doing get back yes oh god oh my god i broke the water yes my dreams [Applause] wait what george he survived [Music] no i gotta hit him yes what let's go there's literally nothing we can do i don't even know where the stronghold is we can't even we can't crack it there's nothing we can do this is the end this is it this is it let's go come on come on come on just die come on come on [Music] i'm scared of you getting iron oh yeah you can't get down to me to be fair there's nothing to see here just leave me alone you got my hat it looks pretty nice i just keep mining i'll be over i'll be over here let me go no let me go okay stay away all right i'm away i'm away come on george come out to play oh my god what what are you doing is there water is there water i don't know if i'll reach it now i had momentum and you're just gonna i mean i don't know if you just drop me what thing is if you touch me at all then it's your risk if you let me go and i might die or um i don't know well i i have no choice in the matter anymore oh my god i was so close to getting down oh my god how did that happen how did you land there i was trying to put the block so you would fall to your death oh my god i'm so close oh my god i'm so mobs i saw you holding a dive that's you that's you that has to be you don't hold diamonds oh no you have so many mobs here to take that's you please leave me alone i need to find a fortress oh there's another ghast oh there's another gas why are there so many oh my god without dreams oh that's a nice little bridge there oh please wait what happened how are you joking everything oh no oh there's things here oh my god oh please leave me alone please leave me alone oh no dream there's no way to go you're on the edge oh my god this is it this is it you're destroying me does this even protect it it does what am i meant to do right behind you what okay we'll be careful i can't come too close no i what my trident went right through you oh my god please what a shot i just killed my ghost in the lava wait yeah wonder what happens if you punch me do all of the other ones i don't know but can you punch me just leave me alone okay here we go i'm back i'm back dream [Music] oh my god miss me dream i do not miss you i just hit myself with the fireball yes what no you're missing though oh that's close that always knocked you off into the okay it's not that deep but what how are you in here is that you i don't know if that's you oh my god that's so ob that's so op oh my god hello dream in his eyes is there a spawner somewhere oh god i'm gonna shot my other blazers yes that's you that's you watch the long shot how many blades are up here oh my god this this spawner's like done for i can't there's no way i can even use it no way this works what no a dream what oh my god no no you didn't drop one [Music] oh my god pigment why am i pigment okay oh no please [Music] oh my god you're actually dead how much [Music] no that's me no i almost had you [Music] wait i'm falling oh my god oh please this is so hard you don't even know oh god no okay dream so you no [Music] yes where am i how are you turning around and dodging me cuz i hear you yes what no okay i died in the lava no no no no please please please please please [Music] oh that went through you oh my god i needed a ghast there you ran across a one block thin thing oh wait did i get you oh i got you yes [Music] oh god yes give me that skeleton oh no no i'm gonna die i just died oh did you ask spray oh yes we have two ghosts now oh did that adrian hit you that massive lava pool down there that's where you need to go please how am i missing i love how the gas can squeeze through these gaps oh did that help you oh my god you're literally just running around the nether you have no i you have no idea what you're doing i have a general direction whoa what is down there wait what did you see that over there oh my god [Music] yes no what are you gonna do dream you can just keep destroying my portal [Music] yes no ghosts there's nothing it's literally um okay ah what i'm not even joking i'm not even joking it happened again am i knee in the okay punch me to reset it punch me to reset it no no no don't actually i forgot don't oh my god what's that sound oh oh my god oh my god if i go down far enough then it can't like the arrow dude you're like oh i'm gonna drown i'm gonna drown oh my god i had no bubbles left i had no bubbles oh my god i'm looking at him oh my god oh my god ah dream you said you're gonna hurt me if you need it oh there's a village just keep going straight and you hit the village whoa there's loads of iron i'm going straight for the village this is not cheating okay this is not cheating no you need you need all the help you can get i'll just give you one punch just that you don't pay off for the village it's for the video no no i don't want the village then i don't want it i don't want it are there more things ah dream all right get the village come on don't worry it's far enough from the lava i can't break that block dream you always pushed me what the hell over here and then along here like build some more i'm holding it off i'm holding it off ah dream no oh my god i don't care no i don't care i'm holding it off i'm holding it off please please around me please i don't care did i actually use it all probably i did no i'm holding it up again dream dream oh my god go go go no oh he's catching oh my god he barely missed you oh okay no okay i'm sorry i'm cheating but like i don't care i actually don't care seriously so annoying just let me get the stone [Music] what that actually scared me oh my god i was really low anyway you literally one-shot me i did so thanks for getting my health back but oh my god there's so many of them going going i can't eat food i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i have food i mean i ate but like i i'm so low oh my god no way hit me what would hit me i'm dead i'm dead no no no no no no no no please please please oh my god half a heart how far you guard me please guard me guard me oh my god oh my god there's so many blazes there's one up in the sky oh my god how many do we have how many do we have i have five i have five i have two there's one over there but we can't really get them how do you have so we have seven we need nine we we need to get at least nine then we can go can we drop one i i only have one still oh he didn't drop one all right let's go back there's another one we go one right uh i got one so do you think we have enough i think we have enough i think we have enough let's go let's go let's go so dream has two i have two and seven plus five yeah yeah let's go i'm just running getting food really you know you can't lie to me oh my god how you get past me you can't hit me if i'm freezing you oh no don't oh my god oh my god were you unfrozen for a second i couldn't tell i don't know come here come to papa yes if you look away for one second you're dead if you i'm literally spam clicking if you look away even slightly no [Music] oh my god yes wait what what what is he doing what dancing or something this is default minecraft what he was like doing like the wiggle wig he was like he was like raising the roof or something oh yes how many only four it's not gonna hit you it's gonna hit me no way how are you gonna get it past me there's no way you're screwed your room you're screwed it's over [Music] leave me there alone leave me the hell alone leave me what no dream oh dream yeah where are you where are you dream where are you i don't know where are you [Music] dream yeah where are you dreaming dream i'm coming for you dream i saw you down here just before what do you mean come back here dream come back come back wait where did he go [Music] come back i thought the portal was done dream where did he go what happened to that dream yeah what are you doing what are you doing i'm digging no [Music] [Applause] how are you keep how'd you keep killing me yes yes i did i oh my god i swear i had oh my god where are you dude there's so many there's an i'm behind you look right now look behind you look behind you look there's a blaze in the place oh my god this guy's nice he's out of me okay just okay get him get him get him one by one all right now i got ron there's so many look over there i know it's an army i told you oh my god wait where did he go oh he's there i'm towards the fortress journey for some flesh i have one rotten flesh skin the fortress just ignore the everything and get in the fortress this way oh my god [Music] i'm gonna there's it's like dead ends down here oh okay i didn't get all of it i'll get it in a minute i wanna have fun oh my god wait nothing everything's nice to me they don't want to kill me i got your stuff coming back oh no did you get yourself did you get george's stuff i got i got i got it where are you he's in the wall over here he's over here do you see my name no i'm pretty sure i killed it i take this what how did it miss you're so bad give me the bow give me the box give me the bow he's running what come on oh god yeah let's go and give it slow let's give it a go oh my god it's both in there just goes keep going just keep attacking just keep attacking we literally fought all night it's been a whole entire night i'm like i've used so many much resources oh wait what what the wrong one no no no no get off him no oh my god no no no you're dead george you're dead oh my god this way roll straight to your left just disconnect don't let him get the bed wait i don't even know where it is i thought i knew where it was where are you where's the bed you found me i'm trying i'm trying i'm just gonna take it for a wild goose chase is there a dolphin around here doping chase come on please why are you leading me so far where's the bed actually george you're never gonna he was shifting on the edge here but if he finds it we're so done zap nap george don't let him find the bed i'm right on him oh my god wait stand up we need to go find another bed what are we doing he's following you no oh george run i don't know what to do just run there's not gonna be any sheep here we can figure it out we don't have a dead biome there's nothing here we can't die just just don't die george run that map what do we do i don't know just run i we need we need a bed somehow we can't come here come here george come here we need a bedside map wait where did someone go stand up come here george come here no i need a sheep and he's got the bed you can just drop the bed and i'll let you kill me no [Music] no why are you joking please step stand up take him off me stand up take him off me now sign up sign up george zap nap i have iron you have nothing come get him oh my god george you're dead let's go let's go [Music] oh get it joking no no i got yourself george i got your stuff hold on hold on no no i got this one [Music] yes oh god let's go oh my god oh my god that fight that fight lasted what time is it now midday dream george we have to get all that iron and all that stuff back [Laughter] we should have hidden it i just never thought he would find it because it's like it blends in with the snow yeah you guys gonna have to get so much iron thank you for reminding us it sounds like he sounds a little salty no no [Music] you
Channel: Dream's Dad
Views: 2,273,348
Rating: 4.9063172 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dream minecraft, dream 200 iq, dream 200 iq plays, dream speedrun minecraft, dream minecraft speedrun, dream minecraft manhunt, dream face reveal, dream minecraft hunter, dream minecraft monday, dream minecraft but, dreamxd, dreamxd unboxing, dream exposed, dream minecraft but the, minecraft funny moments, minecraft 1.16, minecraft nether update, minecraft new, minecraft update, dream speedrunner, dream hunter, dream george hunter, dream lucky, dream best moments
Id: Pgb6XEgClGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 10sec (3430 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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