I Made a $100,000 Among Us Tournament!

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today we are playing among us for one hundred thousand dollars we have corpse pewdiepie dream jacksepticeye cycuno tommy and if i forgot your name you probably hate me we're playing with one imposter and if that imposter gets a dub they get one hundred thousand dollars so all you have to do is win and we'll get a hundred thousand this is crazy not only is a hundred grand on the line but i'm playing with pewdiepie wow a hundred thousand dollars looks like everyone's grouping up together let's just hop in this vent i want to win 100 000. what would i do with a hundred thousand dollars i think i'd feed myself [Music] a lot of food are you kidding me why did i go to electrical to begin with i think that's my fault you're coming with me i can save myself a hundred grand if i don't mess up i just gotta remember where everyone is now they're gonna catch me i hope not oop sakuno don't kill me and nobody has found my body oh guys one hundred thousand dollars is on the line it's in the top right of electrical well where is everybody chris was on the right side sakuno where did you come from um i did my scan in med bay and then i went to do the lasers okay it looks like secuno killed quackity with a plunger oh god we got caught already uh i said we all skip no one has any definite evidence just so everyone knows i'm sitting on camps it's either cycuno or jimmy i think that was a vent kill let's run all the way around we have 10 seconds left on our kill cooldown oh my god look at it you know what i'm gonna die aren't i where are you going carl you can't run from me carl you're not muted i know that of course no is it felix come on i think he might be imposter if carl dies i look really bad that might be funny so i'm pretty sure dream knows we have to oh oh my god that was the worst kill i was very afk that round corpse where'd you find the body bottom left engine so who else was there saikuno after he murdered him i i did just pass by there yeah here we go here's how we saved me a hundred thousand dollars if you don't want to screw me out of hundred grand let's just vote tycoono or corpse and then vote the other next round i vote corpse i think it's sakuna i already voted corpse i voted for saikuno you know what i'm gonna vote myself what what what wait 300 iq wait corpse i voted for myself too can we not i have a hundred grand on the line that's how deep my love runs look at him come on get him out of here i have a hundred thousand dollars in line so i couldn't you're not get away with anything pick corpse or cycuno someone just pick nobody say anything out loud just vote well look i gotta vote for myself again worst case scenario jimmy loses a hundred grand you know it's a hundred thousand dollars is nothing it's all jokes i'll just vote for corpse oh god you guys actually killed him if it's not him it's icuna don't you dare talk about cicuna like that oh oh i'm the imposter and i voted to skip for him stop let it play out let it play out what no bro you just want to win 100k mr beast ah just vote saikuna then you can go full degenerate mode don't worry seikuno just skip it'll be okay no does a hundred grand mean nothing to you idiots you call me an idiot looks like someone's getting annoyed i hate these guys i hate them i hope sakura wins now i hope psycho wins oh he got me it's that kuno it is sakuno i let him get a chance to defend himself oh hey guys i alright it's ikea wait you can't report the body if it's you prices averted thank god okay since no one won the 100 grand we're gonna do one more game good luck thank god it's not me oh looks like we're not imposter so uh a hundred thousand dollars is so much money let's just stick with some other people you know what should i just stick with big q arcade then here's tommy hello hey oh come on okay of course it's coral it was that electrical who did it oh i think i know who it was i saw chris go into electrical and i was stood with um big hue and then immediately after i saw corpse go down and into electrical and then he's reported the body wait so who do you think it is tommy i think it's corpse a self report that'd be pretty bold for the cause where were you he said i came down i didn't even come down i ran from the right corpse if it is you don't kill me okay it's not right we'll give you a hundred thousand dollars if you don't kill me can we vote cops no i mean to be fair there's only one imposter like we could we might as well yeah now now i'm sure corpse hates one hundred thousand dollars oh no i love this because you'll know it's not me right away oh god you guys you guys actually killed him you guys said to kill him if it's not him we just stripped him out of a hundred dollars hundred 100 000 oh my god all right i guess corpse was not imposter okay i made him i made a wrong call all right i'm really sorry corpse tommy's an actual jerk this is why i hate children i have a feeling it's quackity it's probably jimmy or carl who to walk out of kill it was so obviously carl damn he's marinating where was it alright so it's an admin and i'm pretty sure i know who it is but i'm not a hundred percent sure carl where were you i'm with jimmy yeah carl was with me for quite a while the thing is cycuno is is like sitting afk at the top of cafeteria my computer was broken today so i had to set up my other computer in the last slide that sounds like a 500 iq voice first of all jimmy don't you dare threaten cycuno yes thank you all right just for that i'm throwing a vote seems a little bit irrational there he told me don't you dare but you know it's not me right because i was i think it's either carl or cycuno i'm voting carl i'm voting cycuno actually vote carl wait carl stood up for me i know but if it's either me or you i mean carl said to vote saikuna what do you mean he stood up for you guys there's a hundred thousand dollars on the line what are we doing voted himself to tie the vote thank you seikuno carl stood up for me so it wouldn't feel right to vote him off there i don't know why they think it's me or carl though oh this is so tough i think it's carl oh god this isn't looking good you'll be so scared of the green man i'm scared of the green man i'll stick with seikuna my my tasks are done it's like oh no you want to kill me on the vent they didn't vent one of them there one of them was trying to get a kill here too much pairing i'm but a man please don't be cycuno no say it isn't so but also i hope you win it's carol he was right we should have voted him oh oh my jimmy's gonna find it it's at the door of electrical who was right here who was right here oh man i just passed by there wait who just walked by right there who was just there it's not tommy it's not me mr beast i don't think it is i was there with you just so you know the lights are fixed you can tell they're fixed i just fixed them you you haven't said much my among us isn't making any noises like that's weird i can hear you guys in discord though try going in and out of the vent tommy and quackity were off to the side with me none of us killed him i saw you towards the end of the game though jimmy you weren't with us for most of the time i actually kind of trust it's not jimin tommy and quackity this this is what i say jack cleared me jack is now dead could not have been me i trust fully tommy and quackity therefore if we stick together we can just vote out the other three i i honestly think it's sakuno no i swear it's the sound issues he's got too many coincidental things i've missed a beast why me i was with you you idiot okay so it was actually the sound issues um i'm starting to think it's dream fake vouching he tried to manipulate us what are they doing i was literally with them there's 100 on the line tommy stop being stupid no no oh my gosh it's called i flipping called it wow this is quite unfortunate but i don't blame them it was very very suspicious oh my goodness it's quite a lot of money it's carl it is carl wait jimmy okay be honest who's lying everyone listen to me i was literally with you and quackity last round when that body was killed i couldn't have killed last round carl and me were standing beside dream he slaughtered him and i reported it i just don't understand how jimmy got away for the first two round kills you have undeniable proof that it's not me it's not undeniable proof guys guys guys if we just skip now and stick together because me and big you can vouch we skip now we skip now no no you don't skip now carl tommy it's a 50 50 or you can skip i'm gonna vote carl i'm gonna vote carl no don't vote call for five seconds stop being stupid oh they're going to throw their world's idiots i don't know because if all of us stick together all of us stick together you idiots you impossible it's either a 50 50. you guys don't don't throw this game my brain cannot comprehend the logic here oh wait now we have to split up oh no no wait wait guys you gotta go for the emergency it's carl it's called it's gg's right uh he's trying to split us come on no chance he did it what tommy i am never talking to you again i think it was clear from the beginning i'm not that good at this game what was that carl congratulations you won 100 a god among men if only dream had any suspicion
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 32,133,555
Rating: 4.8909502 out of 5
Id: qTolSU-2aXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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