Dream DEBUNKS accusations of him scripting the BOAT CLUTCH

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oh my gosh my dream wait what oh my gosh [Music] so this has happened so i see this this this is where this is to me like to me this is actually a bad play but i mean not not the book clutch obviously the book clutch is insane but this what i do here is stupid so i'm like okay i just need to break i seem to collect the the furnaces right in order to um in order to keep my iron and stuff um but i didn't realize how slow breaking a furnace is with the stone pickaxe for some reason i was thinking it's like breaking like stone i'm pretty sure it's like much longer than breaking stone because it took so long to break two furnaces when i was expecting it'd take like like half a second as soon as i break the crafting bench so like i'm here i broke i broke the i broke the crafting bench right now and then i realized like as soon as i break it i was like i was like oh god i didn't make a boat yet i'm like okay i didn't make a boat so i'm thinking in my head right now i'm like okay i don't have time to if i place right now i'm not gonna have time to craft a boat then break my furnaces and then jump off so i was thinking okay well i need to break my furnaces and then place a crafting table and craft the boat um so i'm thinking through i'm realizing i'm gonna have no time i'm gonna have literally no time to craft a boat so there's a couple things i do one you see in my hot bar i have leather boots in my five slot so at some point i put them on by right clicking on them because i realize i need an empty slot but but i realize i need to do it after i break the furnaces because if i break the furnaces they'll go into my um into my hotbar so this is all before this is before this is before the actual this is before actual the craft um so i was realizing now okay i need i need to clear up that slot that's why afterwards i end up putting the leather boots on before i craft so i'm realizing okay like reaction time is is a big problem so i knew i knew where my wood was and i knew okay my wood my wood's like right next to my right next to my um like because whenever you open your inventory your cursor responds like defaultly in the middle of your inventory um but anyway i realized okay i'm not gonna have like any time in order to do it um so i'm like okay i need to prepare and so what is happening is i'm like okay i need to break these furnaces so i'm breaking they took so much longer than i thought they would but i put the boots on so now my inventory slots cleared out there i was okay i put the boots on um i placed the crafting bench oh i placed a crafting bench okay well i'm going back i place the crafty match in order to craft the boat so the thing is like it's not this this clutch would be absolutely it would be it would be impossible 100 impossible if i hadn't already thought about crafting the boat because you just don't have reaction time like it's just impossible like it it's like half a second right like you nobody like almost nobody has that fast reaction time like in the entire world and like including me so it's not like if i had not already been thinking okay i need to craft the boat i need to craft it super quickly then i i'd be dead i obviously i would have there's no chance i would have gotten it i wasn't sitting there in midair going i'm going to craft a boat i'm going to fling my cursor out my woods here no i had already thought of all that stuff so all i had to do was just do it um and then obviously a lot of a lot of luck comes into play and just literally like flinging just flinging your cursor like literally just the only thing that i think that um wasn't luck was just being able to grab the wood that quickly because i feel like that that's just kind of muscle memory like the actual boat craft was just me flinging my cursor and i was holding shift the entire time i just pressed shift flung my cursor and um and held down click and then and then spam clicked after and that's how it was crafted um now i would never like there'd be like this is like a one in a one in one in a thousand probably play where if i i did this a thousand times right now um i'd probably i'd probably be able to do it once from the exact same the exact same scenario um but but yeah so and then the quick boat craft and then the clutch luckily now luckily i do have a lot of practice with actual boat clutches and there's been many manhunts where i hit where i hit boat clutches like back to back to back to back they're not that hard if you know how to do them so that wasn't that one that that's not that's not as impressive as the actual craft itself but i didn't even it didn't even really it didn't even really hit me like how quickly i had crafted it at this point um it like it didn't it didn't really hit me until like afterwards when i was watching it because the funny thing is like i was sitting in a call with sapnap um like in the morning in the morning before the manhunt was coming out um and i went and it was when i was i had just finished editing the video and i was watching it back and i was like oh my god and i was saying with him i was like look i literally was saying it looks fake i was like it literally looks fake it's like oh yeah cause it's just you're you're not used to seeing like crafting so you know you're not used to seeing somebody craft so fast and even even myself like i don't craft fast and because most times you don't need to craft fast and if you try and craft fast you just mess up like if you try and craft craft fast then you end up misplacing a block or mis misplacing a wood in the crafting recipe and so it just makes it like you end up crafting slower by trying to craft fast but anyway
Channel: Mugo
Views: 961,527
Rating: 4.8456812 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mugo, dream, boat clutch, dream debunking, dream debunks, dream explaining, dream reasoning, dream team, dream using the boat, dream crafting, accusations, manhunt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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