Dream Carries Corpse in Among Us (1vs5 CLUTCH)

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oh no my hands are [ __ ] i'm like i just lost feeling in my hands why am i so nervous right now holy [ __ ] like my hands just got really cold and like shaky i i uh yeah great job crew just keep it up just honestly great grouping great task management thank you know i'm going to hit skip for no go you guys didn't actually vote for him right now don't forget it was nice to meet you imposters like this is that's what i mean like even on rounds where i'm i'm like charlie's gonna press the button i get sus every single round just for existing because people think i'm like a god dare imposter yeah they're camping lights this is so hard everyone here is so smart you know and [ __ ] whoever's camping lights um corpse mortar toast uh kestos is following me around as i do my gas task uh but he but i don't think corpse knew that i was inside storage so when i ran out he was running away uh um i'm going to the lights next to or i'm going to lie outside of electric i didn't see any of this happen i'm just getting accused so i i think she forgot that like [Music] she said maybe vent the first time so why would i vent on no kills and now she's framing me like this i didn't even i didn't even know that i was like near this kill at all actually what was your path course was your path um i i'm actually blanking i went to vitals at one point i patched charlie i know that i went up um lights went off i ran towards electrical i'm at the door to electrical right now um yeah i mean what about you nature if we're not sure we skip on seven but i mean well i'm 100 positive so i'm she's pretty sure i'm just getting framed um okay so i've been i have been doing a gas task so i'm just coming in for the last one where you have to go into storage actually toast has been following me around um as i'm getting off the task i see corpse running there's two bottoms because yeah 100 charlie did you vote corpse i was the last person the main reason i voted corps is because i didn't see you i'm at electrical he said you're not i don't know i passed you earlier yeah you've asked me no i'm like really confused right now because i definitely didn't do that okay i'm i'm actually very confused um she shouldn't have been able to see that because lights are off right she's standing here toast is here right am i missing something or did my ping just maybe jump when when the kill happened huh also she said i vented when i never did very very odd [Music] okay so that means we definitely got one right i think so thank you i hope so i know i um to do my final task i'm done now so ray you stating comms okay ray ran up to me and then kind of went down but then she did call button but maybe if if ray's the other like if there's a two imposters and raise one of them maybe rey realized couldn't find the other importance oh the lights he saw me that was like i just gotta go call button and then called button that that makes a lot of time his situation has been on fire tonight so well but hold on real quick sean okay that makes me feel like it's jack then because he's backing up that scene yeah i was gonna ask you inside i'm sorry yeah real quick sean on the way out of the comments i passed you no and you turned around to follow me for a second so i immediately reacted to that and ran away and then you turned back like it was weird movement what was going on yeah maybe jack and ray i i wanted to stick with cycuno because the comms is my very last task and me and dream were down in specimen the one of the earlier rounds we could have killed each other oh that's true you know it can't it can't be dragged it can't be dragged yeah you can't it definitely can't be dragged i mean i was gonna we could have like we were there for the lights and i wanted dream to kill me if he was imposter because he hasn't gone for that first round remember the first round had zero kills we just pulled it off yeah that's true but i could have done i would have killed them i can promise you all my tasks are done we were being a very good boy just kill to be safe i want to kill them i'm killing ray but i wouldn't have pushed the butt oh i wouldn't why would i wait because if you messed up if you missed up a double kill then you would have pressed the button because this is more display oh was it a glitch that doesn't i feel ugh oh that that kind of makes sense oh it wasn't jack yeah where's this body okay it's right on the left side of admin doors i saw the body dead on vital so i ran to go try and find it because we were just with him a little bit ago and it's probably sakura then right because nathiri wasn't near yeah i think it's like because i left like who knows like when we were walking with jack and then um i just went to the admin room um i'm not an admin of the office um oh we don't have to choke i'll be honest sakura was the last person that i saw with jack oh than me but i'm also kind of certain it's cycuno but i'm down to skip as well if you'd want to play it safer what were you with were you with nature uh yeah i was next to nietzsche i mean wait wait you can vouch for sydney then uh i'm pretty sure she was with me for a good bit of titles when we split off i went to vitals and i saw him dead on vitals and i went back to where we were with you charlie's and i found the body so it's you it's probably you and ray well if charlie and sydney both say it's not them then it has to be dream right um i don't well we haven't seen dream on imposter jack wait jack voucher me and now jack's dead i was with jackie i couldn't call call call call it call it please nice good win [ __ ] dream team i don't know what happened with me though that was weird with the whole lights thing i i'll have to watch that back it could have just been completely my mistake that's fine it's great work gg nice job it's fine it's fine you know what happened jack is i followed you through contamination and then he just turned around and killed me and then went about your guys day together wow he might have been away from you for like half of a second yeah i was i literally went away for five how did you see me killed toast i'm trying to figure it out damn the lights got fixed that was great that was a team effort corpse sorry i [ __ ] up my kill like we're walking running away from toa's body like your pink back was in the oh what's funny is with the recall i just banged on the fact that people don't trust me because i've been right recently so you didn't see me kill toast you saw me i did not see you oh that's what confused me that's what confused me i thought you saw me kill him and i was like wait no no dark i thought i was in my task but the lights flipped on right as you were like running away from
Channel: DreamTNT
Views: 934,060
Rating: 4.9373283 out of 5
Keywords: dream among us, corpse among us
Id: WxnrL_8613I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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