The people who dream
and those people who dream big, have a different kind of life
than the people who don't dream. If you do not do what
you're doing right now well, your goal is just going
to be a fancy desire, isn't it? Whether it's fear or anxiety,
whatever it may be, I believe that every single person
who's going out to chase their dreams has those voices in their head. I think it's part of the human experience. Stay strong, have faith,
keep pushing through I've said this before and,
and I'm living proof of it, is that.. on the other side of your struggle
is something good, on your other side of your struggle
is something better, on the other side of your struggle
is some sort of success. So I'm here to tell you today You can have anything you want, be anyone you want but you're going to have to work. See dreams, aspirations they're not easily obtained but one of the hardest things to do is to keep going, is to keep chasing. You don't realize your
dreams are so important because your DNA, who you are as a person is wrapped up in your dreams. Go after this thing called life. Don't look back and have regrets. understand that you're at
a place and a position right now when hard work and valuing people nothing can stop you, I promise you. You have got to make a declaration that this is what you stand for. You're standing up for your dreams, you're standing up for peace of mind, you're standing up for health. You want it and you're going to go all out to have it. So your dream will cause you to go insane because what you want
it haunts you every single night. See the big dogs They won't give you the opportunity you going to have to take it. Keep striving, never give up. Fall down seven times, get up eight. No matter what happens, you will not quit because quitting is not an option
because you have a Why, you have a passion and you have a purpose The people that are
running after their dream know they're going to have
hard times, they keep on running because they're saying within themselves "I'm the one, I'm the one" "No matter how bad it is
or how bad it gets I'm going to make it" I have a dream today. Your DNA is in your dream. This is your moment and you got to look
in the mirror and believe that. Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship. So take advantage of today, take advantage of tomorrow, take advantage of every
opportunity that you have to do what you want in life. It's time to ignite the dream. it's time for you to stop
settling for just money and really open your game up. Dreams require sacrifices. Like my city is expensive.. move. My car payments are high..
sell your car and take the bus This is dreams we're talking about. we're talking about dreams Why did you give up on your dream? why did you settle? why? Why did you let that dream go? The dream that meant so much to you Why did you let it go? Was it because you listened
to those around you? Those who didn't reach their own dream. Did you listen to them
when they imposed their limits on you? They said be realistic. They said take that job. Was it because you had
no examples close to you of anyone who actually
went after their dream and refused to settle for less. Why did you give up? When you're young
you know without question there are no limits, there's nothing you cannot beat, nothing you cannot accomplish, no heights you cannot scale, you know that. But as time wears on for most people, life chips away
a little more at their soul. Chips away at their ambitions. Chips away at their belief in themselves. Opinions get inside and poison their soul. This world is filled with smart people who didn't make it. Smart people that lost hope. Smart people that gave up. Smart people who lacked the courage to listen to the voice inside
that says "Yes, I can." and instead listen to society who said most people don't, most people fail, it's too risky, play it safe. I will not play it safe. I refuse to accept
less than my potential. No, it is not too late. It's now.
Time to regain your power No, it's not too late. If you're breathing, there's time If you're breathing, the time is now. The time is now to live. The time is now to go after
the experiences you want to live. The dream you want to see in your reality. The abundance you deserve. The joy and potential that
has been laying dormant inside you. It's time to wake up. you are capable. Others before you have done it
with less intelligence, with less resources, with less education, with less help. There's no excuse that is valid. You just need to sum up
the courage to go for it. The strength to fight through setbacks, the persistence to
keep going until you see it, and the presence to
enjoy it when it comes. Your time is now. In years to come,
make sure the question they ask you is not "Why did you
give up on your dream?" but "How did you make
your dream become a reality?" You've got to figure out what it is that actually
makes you feel alive And if you understand that the game that you're playing
is actually a game of brain chemistry and that nothing else matters There's no objective truth. There's no one path to glory. There's no one life for you to live. There's only the subjective truth, the thing inside you that gut instinct. That voice, that whispers to you, you've got to learn to trust that. you've got to learn to
trust it by building it up. you've got to learn to
trust it by taking actions and gut checking yourself and asking, "Is that me?" "Is that who I want to be?" "Or is that somebody else?" cultural voice, my parents,
my lover, whatever trying to speak through me. and as Harley Davidson said, "When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen." So right now ask yourself Who's writing your story? Is it you? Are you really listening
to the voice in your head? Are you looking at and living by
the things that give you the chills? Or are you trying to live a life
that somebody else wants for you? And remember when you think about
that question what William James said, "Act as if what you do matters Because it does." Even if for nobody else,
every step you take, every thought that you allow
to permeate your mind, everything that you obsess about your dreams, the things that you want, the hopes that you spend your
time with they matter to you because they tell you who you are, they tell you who you're trying to become. and ultimately those things that
you let monopolize your mind will become you. So if somebody else is holding the pen, if somebody else is forcing you to write
something that doesn't make you feel alive that is a life lost. And that is how you die my friends
before you ever had a chance to live. I need you to develop that
"What Now" mentality. You know exactly what I'm talking about. when you lose that job, when everything disappears What now? Let me tell you What now is dedication. relentless effort to achieve your dreams. putting the plan together not just jumping into
the water with no life vest. Put the strategic plan together to be greater than you were yesterday. To be greater than anything anybody could ever imagine. See this thing about dreams, we believe that it's up
to other people to believe. And the truth is, the only person
that needs to believe in you, is you. Sometimes when terrible
things happen to us we go into this dark shell and we stay in it and we believe that this darkness
will be our home forever. But you got to understand
in every pain is a lesson. Every lesson that you
learn in the process of life it's turning you into something phenomenal. Life is painful. In it we lose some of
the greatest things we ever had. But one of the hardest things to do is to keep going, is to keep chasing. You'll show them the beautiful,
beautiful taste of bricks you blend your trials and tribulations
with triumph and celebration. because your son, your daughter,
your brother, your sister your mother, your grandfather, your grandmother,
they're depending on you. But first you must ask yourself Are you willing to lay down and bleed so you can see the dream. They won't understand this grind,
this blood, sweat, and tears of waking up everyday doing
something over and over again Knowing that you may not even get paid for it knowing that you won't even
have a meal to eat at night. You see that is the true sign
of a champion. When I say rise kings and queens I say rise for you not for me. That freshman who is getting
ready to go to college are you going to take
the obstacles that come with it? Are you going to study
when they party? Are you going to dream when they sleep? Are you going to beat the obstacles? This is the question
you must ask yourself. What are we holding back for? What are we holding back for? I got to be honest with you you don't want to look back
on your life old and gray and say, "I could have" Or "I should have taken
that one opportunity That one action" That one chance that could have
given me a completely different life" To move that inch in order to build
even just the slightest bit of momentum. One inch is all it takes. It's the time in your life
where it's do-or-die. What are you going to do? Lock into what you want and lock out everything that wants
to keep you from getting there. What makes you feel happy and fulfilled? what lights you up from inside? How do you want to feel
as a successful person? It's the time when you're feeling like
you're scraping the bottom of the barrel you're in the dark but it's up
to you to change your perception to shed some light on where you are. It's the time when
you're ready to give up but you know If you do you'll never
be able to live with yourself with the guilt and shame of not pulling yourself
out of this state. Become your biggest support system you can't keep allowing
the lack of support from others to discourage you to the point where you don't take action and you end up giving up on your dreams. Overnight success is a fantasy but real success is within your reach. No matter who you are, no matter where you are
at in your life right now. For you to claw your way back out
of where you've put yourself in, understand it was you
that put you there, no one else. you, you are here because of you and you're the only person
that can get back out of it. So most people stop but successful entrepreneurs,
avid learners, and growth centered individuals know that becoming better is
a continuous consistent process not a game with an end. Sometimes we get too hung up on who doesn't support our dream, right? My wife doesn't support my dream. My husband doesn't support my dream. My parents don't believe in my dream. Well, let me ask you
a very important question Do you support your dream? Your gifts, your abilities, your values it's about you. you created the path you already lined the way
and because of it it's now easier to identify the things
that need to be learned from. now you own it. You've heard of the instant success stories the legends, the trailblazer,
the rockstars they are the ones who we envy,
they are the ones we want to be. The stories you've heard about people
who achieve overnight success they're just stories. It's a lot sexier to say someone just showed up
and success rained down on them. But it's not the truth. There's always a hidden back story
of hard work, of struggle, of pain. No one gets to the top without identifying what
success feels like for them, without sticking to it
for 10 years or more, without mastery. If you can't think, if you can't bring yourself to move
out of your current mental state to one of growth, purpose and progress I want you to follow me Take a deep inhale ask yourself,
what you need in your life right now Close your eyes and exhale into
the vision you have for your life. It's going to allow you to climb back out
of the hole that you put yourself in, shed light on your current position and be grateful for the experiences
that are now about to take place. I'll ask you now what is above you?
what's in front of you? You can't go any lower, you've spiralled down as far as you can go. The only direction now is up. All you have to do is
just move that one inch. Many people won't understand
why you're grinding They won't understand why you're attending
masterminds and private workshops instead of partying
all night long at the club. They're not going to understand that you know that short-term sacrifices
lead to long-term prosperity. Sometimes you need to
let go of what you want now to get what you want later but it's worth it. Because you're playing the long game. Success takes time. Success takes effort. But I promise you that
when you finally get there, you'll look back at all of it and you won't regret a single moment. They won't understand that
you're building a lifestyle that most people only dream about. Adding value that will
impact thousands of people and that what you do will leave a legacy
long after you're gone from this earth. They're not going to
understand any of that and you know what! you shouldn't care if they
understand this or not. Here's the thing, two people can get to
the one destination, they can get to the same destination
but who's stronger at the end? the one who had it easier
or the one who started further back who started in a deeper hole, who had to overcome more adversity. Those two people are going to get to
the same spot, the same destination one of them is going to be stronger. Your only objective is to lock in on what you
truly want for your life. So from now on get rid of the things
that are just a distraction. If it doesn't fall in
alignment with your goals your values,
the direction you want to go, and the place you want to be it is not for you. You need to define your chief aim,
not someone elses. The only way to keep success
without giving up on your happiness is to understand and define
what is it like with you. You got to understand
that when you have a vision or a great purpose
to add value to the world this is your journey alone to travel. You need to train yourself to look further than
a few months or years. What do you want to do
and have at that time? Who do you want to be? How do you want to serve and contribute? When you have that vision,
get real with yourself and ask what needs to happen now
to make that future vision my reality? So take a deep inhale, Stand up straight, Lift your chin off your chest,
pull your shoulders back and start to look in the direction
of where you want to go. move that inch. When you get to that state creating results in
your area of expertise almost effortless. It's an organic process
that comes easily to you. Remember the further you spiral down just means the more growth
there is on the way back up and the stronger you'll be. and you're still waiting around
for some kind of signal to finally go hard and give
your dreams everything you got. Stop seeing it as work ahead of you, it is only growth ahead of you. There's only strength that can be had.
That's it You can only go up from here and the growth is needed
to be where you want to be. I want you to tell yourself right now that you don't need permission
to pursue your dreams. Not my permission,
not your family's permission not loved ones, not any experts,
gurus or anybody else. You've never needed anyone elses
permission to tap into your greatness. The only kind of success that matters is the kind that lasts. if you achieve success only to have it slip
through your fingers all you have then is disappointment. Understand that you can't change
what you've done wrong, but you can change your perception of it and that's what's going to
help you move that inch. So in order to succeed
take your life to that next level. You've got to get to the point where your dreams become more important
than anyone and everything else You've done all the hard
work, think about that. You've done all the hard
work to get to the bottom. You've now learned the lessons. You've taken ownership, responsibility of
the situation and everything you've done. You're now being forced to
create a balanced perspective of every single thing that you've done and rather than have guilt and shame that you are where you are and all
the things that you've done wrong create the balanced perspective. It's neither good nor bad. It's neither positive nor negative. It is mutual. and you'll be turning
all that stress into strength. Your purpose is more
important than your girlfriend or your boyfriend's opinions. your purpose is more important than
your mother or your father's opinions. Your purpose goes way
beyond anybody's perception of who you are
and what you are capable of. You've created the mental space
for forward thinking and you can identify
the immediate action in order to feel yourself
about to move that inch. Accept it, be satisfied with it. You've wasted enough time. You've wasted enough money. You've done enough of everything that
has kept you back from your greatness. Now is your moment to do
everything that pushes you closer toward your dreams.