MAKE YOURSELF A PRIORITY | Best Motivational Speeches To Start Your Day Right

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one of my favorite anecdotes or mantras is work hard and Silent let success be your noise that idea in my mind is perfection let your growth your Evolution and yes ultimately your accolades do this speaking for you this always hit home for me for two reasons one is things of value come with a hefty price tag we know this Excellence requires sacrifice it is in many ways both a daunting and worthwhile Pursuit and two well because we often conflate flailing around with progress in fact some of my favorite books whether it be deep work by Cal Newport Relentless by Tim Grover the obstacle is the way by Ryan holiday part of what captivates me with these is the emphasis on what we are willing to do in silence behind the scenes that's where true meaning and value materializes it's also where it's most difficult to commit and continue forward because in silence there is no audience clapping for you there is no validation when you're building and reading and improving when you're at the gym or on those calls establishing that Foundation putting in the hours it's easy to look around and have doubts and our brains go I did the work where's the reward I sacrificed so where's the payout it's not intuitive to understand that hey it's not visible yet one of my favorite metaphors the lily pad pond in which there is a pond with lily pads doubling in size every day and on day 30 the pond is completely covered with them so what day was the pond half covered and if we're thinking quickly we might be inclined to say well half of 30 is 15 so it was half covered on day 15. but that's wrong because if they're doubling every day that pond wasn't half covered until day 29. and only a quarter covered on day 28. meaning every day before then the change was so small that perhaps it wasn't even visible to the naked eye so small that the onlookers the prospect of it one day being covered might have seemed far-fetched but what was at work was the necessary change to set the stage to start what would ultimately become the exponential growth that is noticeable impactful now of course lily pads are not human but little thought experiment let's say they had been I'd like to believe that talking about their growth their plans right them screaming about how great they are and what they will someday be would not have helped them grow faster in fact it might have potentially even distracted the necessary evolution the growth was not them versus the world it was them versus them and that's the idea right it's okay to work on you to make a deal sign a contract with yourself that you are doing something now that only you understand that won't be visible until a later date let success be your noise because there's often zero correlation between the loudest person and the one making the greatest impact let success be your noise because you can't fake competency let success be your noise because leaders don't need to Proclaim they lead and winners don't need to prove they've won and virtuous people don't advertise their virtue it's in the doing that's where we pay the price the Steep price I've always said the last 10 years for me the hardest part wasn't failing it was not when things didn't go as planned the hardest part was simply not knowing it was the whisper that hey all this could be for not that I'm wasting my time that the whole idea is a car without wheels and that's what hurt but if I could go back in time talk to my younger self I would say you know all this all of it the UPS Downs highs lows it's making you who you need to be and if something doesn't work or go as you planned it originally relax you learn you adjust and you move forward that's how the doubling of lily pads right using the same metaphor occurs you're learning you're growing and that's a you thing I talked a few weeks ago now about the difference between a fee and a fine as discussed in the psychology of money by Morgan hausel the weight of not knowing it isn't a fine it's not a penalty it's the fee it's the cost to get into the show the ticket to something greater but you have to walk through that door again it's a decision it's personal it's a commitment it's nothing that screaming and seeking attention brings you have to trust yourself believe in yourself right your effort is doubling in size it's compounding exponentially and you don't need to convince others you need to stay consistent and build yourself up until the world has to notice trust the mission you're on as long as you're the one moving forward and two learning and adjusting you are destined for something Greater by committing you have stacked the deck by believing in yourself you have rigged the game it's about hearing and believing that voice that says there's more in store for those who take it and you are capable of that that's the decision that will ultimately ring so loud it will echo through time [Music] in a way the world is a mirror that reflects how you feel and if life is consistently mirroring back images that aren't ideal perhaps it's time to Chip Away not at the world but at yourself it's time to work and sometimes that's roll up your sleeves and be better work let's get up a little bit earlier work it's at the gym or study or give more work but sometimes it's acknowledging that if in this chapter of your life you find everything around you intimidating or too distant or Out Of Reach it's not because the world is too big but rather you've let your own image get too small it's the identity that needs the maintenance we do things because we see ourselves as doers of those things right soccer players play soccer writers right painters paint no one who's ever identified or introduced himself as a runner has ever broken a world deadlift record no Runners do Runner things bodybuilders do bodybuilder things people who view themselves as small do small things and people who see themselves as capable or strong daring adventurous Larger than Life well you get the point we're out there over analyzing all these details trying to decipher code without realizing that we've already won or lost you gave yourself permission to run 50 yards and then became Sherlock Holmes trying to figure out why the world wouldn't let you reach yard 51. as far as we allow ourselves to go we do as much as we allow ourselves to do we become who we allow ourselves to be they're not saying the other variables don't matter of course they do I'm saying over time those variables become blocks for us to build ourselves up or build walls around ourselves that keep us down in one place if the world feels Bland give yourself permission to seek out the beauty be someone who finds joy in life if the world feels lonely give yourself permission to connect with others be someone who brings people together if the world feels chaotic and confusing give yourself permission to break it down be someone who turns big things into small manageable things if the world feels sad and disheartening give yourself permission to uncover what makes you smile be someone who in the darkness of night can find that light switch because for every reason to be sad there's one to be happy for every reason to be weak there's one to be strong so on and so forth of course it's not the easiest to remember when we look out and don't like what we see but knowing that the solution is internal knowing that you decide who you are where you're going and where you stop as much as humanly possible it puts fate in your hands which is right where it should be when you're at your lowest point you are often without realizing it positioning yourself to arrive I highest point potential energy accumulating to propel you through an atmosphere of new beginnings [Music] see I believe our adversity is life asking that we submerge and dive deep sometimes very deep just to remember how badly we need that oxygen above [Music] so that when we again come up for air and we will we notice the warmth of the sun on our face and the calming sound of the Waves crashing on the beach you don't make the most of what's around you until you recognize that what's around you is the opportunity and so life reminds us attacking reminder right it rarely gives without first taking away it rarely opens new doors without closing old ones and that to put it simply can hurt they don't teach you in school that growth is painful but as it turns out a life without growth isn't much of a life at all and so we must dive deep we're given no other choice without night there is no day without suffering there is no beauty without those depths below there is no surface above our submergence is our transformation the Cocoon that separates who we were from who we will be but unlike the butterfly it doesn't just evolve once our journey requires that we are continuously growing a new pair of wings life is chaos life is unpredictable life is hard but you were built to not only endure in its Arena you were put here to excel [Music] to learn the rules and then expand upon the rules sometimes break the rules you were put here to take the difficulty and provide meaning to it [Music] piece by piece as if it were the construction of a rocket to the moon little pieces of at one point frustration and confusion and Chaos combined reused and transformed into exactly what you need them to be emergent properties [Music] you just have to be willing to see beyond the now and assemble to come up for air and soak in all that awaits at the surface like you've never done before the other day I was texting with a friend of mine out of nowhere she goes what's wrong [Music] and I'm thinking nothing right I haven't said anything you know what do you mean she's adamant right she goes something feels off I thought about it and realized yeah she's pointing out something I've known for a little bit here something is up I'm hiding from myself I feel a little burnt out a little tired certain areas in my life become unevenly distributed in fact I was flirting with that thing I've always feared doing most simply going through the motions that scared me I don't want this right I've come too far to feel like this I'm better than this how do I fix it how do I solve it now figure it out now [Music] but eventually came to realize the now part just might be the whole problem fix the now like it's a headache and me shaking my fist at the sky will be ibuprofen no battling imperfection is a Fool's error it's setting yourself up for disaster we are humans not Gods we are perfectly imperfect and when something is off don't fight listen don't retract expand here is the opportunity I'm under the surface diving down into the depths of my own soul hear what it has to say so that when I come up for air and I will the sun will warm my face like it never has the crashing waves will offer a symphony to my ears that I've never heard and I'll see that the world I'm taking in is more a reflection of me than of it as that saying goes you don't see the world as it is you see the World As You Are and how lucky to have taken a step back a trip below the surface to realize again that I am the painter not the critic my world had become black and white not because we live in a black and white world but because sometimes we forget to put the color in sometimes we don't give ourselves permission to expand beyond the parameters we've created for ourselves so with the breath and the oxygen will come a new appreciation a liberating gratitude there's nothing so sweet as remembering that both the castles in the air and the chains at our feet are imaginary and hey you get to choose which one to believe in [Music] see what time has taught me is that there is strength in our vulnerability in the times we fall or lose ourselves and I know the inclination is to panic perhaps assess too quickly to not hear but talk to not listen but attempt to solve which leads to the application of Band-Aids on bullet wounds when we are low when we are lost it's our chance to better understand ourselves it's the metaphorical equipment room where we stock up prior to our next ascent and if I could emphasize one thing it would be that our perceived understanding of life it oscillates sometimes we feel like we get it we do and sometimes we feel like we're sprinting with our eyes closed it's a riddle we will never fully come to solve but I do know one thing we can't change the unpredictability of the world but by observing by listening by getting back up we can change ourselves by recognizing our strength we can utilize the down times as they are the education we've been longing for remember the world does not and will not ask Perfection of you so don't ask Perfection of it you were built to endure to overcome and to recreate yourself losing your wings will never be the problem it's forgetting that they must be regrown that is the problem so step out rise to the surface of your world and breathe take in the surroundings that will become your Resurrection story if you let them [Music] [Music] what is the complex but an accumulation of that which is simple what are big things if not just a multitude of little things [Music] there's comfort in the understanding that all we have in life all there is is Simplicity easy to understand peace peace it's just that sometimes we stack them so high that they start to take a new shape but like Greg McCune references in his book essentialism the power isn't always in acquiring answers you already have them they're in front of you the power is in cutting away the things that don't need to be there removing all that stands between you and your ideal existence and I think that's one of life's great misunderstandings we don't need to find more we need to remove that excess until we're face to face with what matters and to adopt this principle it's nothing short of liberating chaos confusion disorder they don't imply that you lack the right things they suggest you haven't stripped life of the wrong things you have not simplified a thousand miles is intimidating when you look at it holistically it's a long journey but it's just a collection of steps and well shouldn't we find solace in the fact that anyone can take one step it's not a game of complexity it's a game of understanding what's in front of you and what's in front of you is always manageable so much of our stress stems from Forgetting what that journey is made of whether it's a change in career Mastery of an art some kind of personal transformation the result we want when looking at it from the starting line it's too complex to understand too many pieces stacked up so let's break it down let's find the foundation what's really there what are the one two three things we need to do what is that golden question what matters if you lose sight of that then you will stumble through life I've learned this I've lived it the time I take to myself every day is invaluable to me because I ask myself those two questions what matters and what are the simple steps I need to take like what can I remove I was talking about this during an interview this week my personal growth and one of the most important aspects has been the understanding and there's zeroing in on what's important I used to take so much pride in composing the background music to these features end to end and I used to love to be able to say I did it all that was so I thought the Great differentiator But ultimately I learned to take a step back and ask what matters here what do you care about it's the storytelling that I love it's the impact and let's be real no one cares who wrote the background music it's holistically how does the peace make you feel right in this understanding allowed me to cut away license the music save two days a week acquire clarity and realize my goal is not to be Mozart my journey is to be one of the great communicators storytellers of our time and if a day goes by where I'm not taking a little step towards that it's the wrong move small example in the grand scheme of things but right on point it's the power in understanding what matters that makes a difference that allows you to grow evolve and I'm confident that this not only applies to long-term Pursuits but also our challenging times the dark moments the periods of uncertainty and discontent same concept where do you want to be how do you get there what's the simple thing you can do to close that Gap because you are never helpless [Music] you can always do something and my friends those little somethings ultimately evolve into everything and when we put our phone away Step Beyond the noise spend time with ourselves we can see how much of life is running in place stacking and stacking pieces that aren't even part of the Masterpiece we're trying to assemble if you want answers start with the understanding that they're buried under mountains of things you don't need so cut away cut away the people and places and things that convolute your story cut away the exhaustion of time that provides no value in return cut away the thoughts that make life more complex than your journey from where you are to where you'd like to be [Music] as you stand right now you have everything you need and there's nothing greater than that nothing more powerful than that understanding so why not step outside the complexity that you've manufactured that you're living in into a world of clarity simplicity and capture what matters [Music] there's an old idea that once you've started you're halfway there how does that make sense one might wonder once you've started you've only just begun and that's true technically but here's the thing the journey be ins and outs ups and downs trials and tribulations they can all be dealt with they knock us down from time to time no doubt but we learn we adjust and carry on as we move forward most success stories they're crushed not because of that adversity along the way but because they never begin they never take shape or materialize we can't make them real in our heads we can't convince ourselves that there'll ever be anything other than Fiction we think that's for someone else we look around and assume that reality is different than my reality and overcoming this mental constraint is always the most challenging step and that's saying the one I continuously find myself coming back to human being always follow through on who they believe themselves to be continues to be true [Music] if you don't believe you're worthy of something its Pursuit is loss before it began so while the Mind tries to paint pictures of how scary that road is ahead how it's too different or big or complex understand that should you move forward you'll find all that complexity can be broken down one day one situation one little step at a time the only real demon here is the possibility of inaction because you couldn't make yourself believe it you couldn't see yourself at the top of that mountain and so the front door was never opened Emerson says hit your wagon to a star a beautiful reminder that that star is proof your dreams are real and only as real as the conviction with which you move towards them green light your own Glory your own contentment because contrary to what we might think no one comes up and bestows that up upon us if life fully is decision decision Latin root words cut off it's removing and abandoning your restraint in order to be more authentically you in order that you'll give yourself permission to chase down that which makes you feel alive and soak up all that aligns with your heart and soul once you start you're halfway there and oh that first step often perceived as the beginning but in actuality a point few ever give themselves the luxury of experiencing step one believe it's possible to believe your worthy step three go everything else Works itself out you're capable of dancing through life's chaos of managing the world's unknowns so know that understand that but most importantly be one of the few who gives themselves permission to experience that [Music] starts now [Music] [Music] it's not about what happens to you no one escapes adversity no one lives free of discomfort or Misfortune or struggle no it will always be about what you do with what happens to you in other words it's not the event it's the response not the obstacle but the ability to navigate around it not the wave but the ability to ride its momentum to something greater it is not what happens to you it is what you do about what happens to you the famous Roman Emperor the stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius said you have power over your mind not outside events realize this and you will find strength and I think this realization comes down to the fact that there is always a way buried Underneath It All something powerful to Leverage but getting to the value calls for a rewiring a change in the questions that we ask not how could this happen to me but how can I be better tomorrow than I am now because of what happened to me not can I still be that person or accomplish what I set out to but I am that person now how will I adjust my path so that I get there we're operating within a world of value Limitless opportunity the difficulty simply pushes us to that value faster it's the process it forces us to open our eyes and see that the world works for us so you take for example the fear of starting something new that fear it doesn't have to be an end point or a red light indicator fear doesn't mean you're not qualified or prepared or equipped it simply lets you know that you have finally acquired the courage to step out of the safety of the only world you knew and into the turbulence of growth onto the path of something better and where it's easy to move away from that feeling to turn your back on the chaos and Retreat to something simpler maybe something more predictable or contained what if you viewed the fear as the price that we all have to pay to pull the curtain back on the best things life has to offer changing the question from will I be afraid to instead this is important this is Meaningful therefore it's inevitable that I will experience fear but what will I do about it how will I conduct myself amidst the fear will I continue forward those are the questions that contain the value right I can't keep the water from rising or the walls from caving in no that's an inevitability where I'm going the worthwhile Road always has its adversity but will I use that water to learn to swim the walls to climb to adapt and scale what will I make of this that's the question that becomes the difference and sure you could stay away you could choose not to take the path that presents the danger and the turbulence you can attempt to contain the World Around You by simply refusing to experience it but then of course you become presented with the question why intentionally refuse to cash in a winning lottery ticket do I diminish your gift in such a way if it's not what you look at it's what you see why see the world as an adversary why see yourself as less than you are the saying goes when you fight for your limitations you get to keep them you'll never exceed the person you've decided yourself to be and yes the world can feel intimidating it's unknown you in many ways can't control the characteristics that make life what it is but you can always control you just like you can't control the wind but you can adjust your sales you can't control the ties but you can predict and plan and execute accordingly you control you and that is where the power is and of course there's going to be times where that's hard to see when it's not your first instinct to find the value take for an example a change a loss the end of a relationship the point where people tend to feel their lowest it hurts to have something and lose it to have what you were once so sure about challenged what you once believed in called into question to be a referendum on you as a human being right sure you made your mistakes you have the opportunity to dwell on them or to acknowledge them and ask the question I know what I know now how can I be better than I've ever been in my life how can I position myself to get more of the good and less of the bad same idea different context when those walls feel like they're crumbling down you have to know there is more on the other side just beyond what the eye can see foreign I play around with in my head I make a concentrated effort to think this every time something goes wrong when my first reaction is emotional my first emotion is anger or frustration it's like take a breath compose yourself and start looking for the value because here's the truth the world is not going to end today there's going to be a time down the road when I look over my shoulder and right now is a distant memory what will I have done with it and it's the times that might have broken you that contain the greatest transformation I like to say the greatest tragedies are the hardest times made me who I am today the losses taught me that I had everything I needed showed me what I'm capable of enduring [Music] Mound taught me to de-personalize the shortcomings of others but to simultaneously hedge against them the times I was lost showed me we only discover or meet our potential when we leave the little day-to-day realities that we create why because we are in control not of the external but the internal and that ends up being a bridge to a reality that means something so when you find yourself at the base of a mountain looking up understand that there are two ways to perceive The Climb and see it as the gravity pushing down on you as Earth's standing in your way or as an opportunity to ascend to a version of yourself that previously not only didn't exist but wasn't available this is your opportunity the same opportunity that the vast majority of the world would disregard or misinterpret [Music] that most would feel fear of and be dissuaded by most would live in the stories about who they aren't and what they aren't capable of but not you [Music] place that mountain before you but you sure can extract the value from it all you have to do is decide that you're capable and the value and the freedom of Tomorrow means more than the discomfort of today [Music] come truly Unstoppable not because the path simplified or got easier [Music] traveler trusted himself to walk down it [Music] [Music] let's talk about a point a destination what I believe to be a critical or the critical landing spot as we go about our lives the intersection of purpose and value where our personal loves and passions collide with the gifts that we are capable of giving to the world someone once told me that if you're doing something you love but it's not doing anything for others it's just for you it's not monetizable or adding external value that's fine right it's often incredibly healthy but it's also a hobby right not a job business or career on the other hand if you're doing something that does add some external value to others but inside it feels wrong you're not at all passionate or excited about it you're now robbing yourself [Music] at one because you're exhausting your limited time on this planet going through the motions and two because if you aren't at all invested in or excited about that thing there's gonna be little incentive to innovate right to go above and beyond to find that ever elusive value that hides in the fringes so the answer the goal as far as I'm concerned is searching and exploring until you find that point that aforementioned intersection where you get both were you wake up excited thinking about what lies ahead throughout the day and and are simultaneously able to add value to the community at large that feeling of being able to pour your heart and soul into something while also knowing there is much at stake it's extraordinary the thing is though it's often a challenge to capture I remember I was invited to do an interview years ago one of the first I'd ever done and uh I still remember this question right to this day how did you end up a writer and the speaker did you plan for it was this the goal and I remember saying no it wasn't the goal and he asked so you fell into it then I kind of said yeah that's about right I fell into it that was essentially that and as I look back now uh that answer even all of these years later drives me crazy because it does such a disservice to the truth that's like saying someone fell into their dream job how does anyone fall into any role I know life is about growing learning adapting and repeating the cycle they took me time and persistence to find that intersection of internal purpose and external value talk about the journey a lot so I don't want to go into too much detail but very briefly you know I went from a corporate position where I may have been adding some value but was pretty dead inside right then moved to um you know playing acoustic shows and writing music around Boston and it was an improvement I certainly enjoyed that to some extent but had a ways to go and also the external value wasn't quite there and then moved to writing speeches which I discovered writing was what I loved about the music right that was an epiphany that was a light bulb moment so I started writing more and more and more like a crazy person and started to finally feel that power of impacting others in a positive way okay noted right this is a good thing keep moving forward I started moving on to making videos combined with writing and oh man getting warmer right and by the way video is scalable so I'm helping and adding value to even more people then move on to YouTube keynote speaking and ultimately the media company I have today and so I look at all that right right whole process pretty sloppy right a lot of unforeseen changes a lot of things I didn't expect or anticipate a lot of poking and prodding and every move was getting me closer to what brings me joy in my left hand well I held on to what makes Society a better place in my right hand right what adds value to those around me I wanted to find that intersection right while cutting away things that uh I wasn't crazy about or I didn't like the so-called hobbies that I enjoyed but you know weren't going to be the train that I took to impact or Prosperity so no this exact career progression was not planned right in any way but this feeling finding this spot in life obtaining this sense of purpose was incredibly methodical and so now when I'm asked that same question I give a very different answer and that's critical because it's hard to not know what the future holds it's uncomfortable one demographic I get a lot of emails from is college grads right The Whole World's in front of them and they don't know what to do my answer is always the same right you don't have to know what the future holds you're not supposed to know the idea is to explore to move closer to the things that make you feel alive little by little wow by the way simultaneously cutting away the things that sure were worth a shot but after some exploration you kind of feel like not for me right it's a continual process of honing in and looking for that spot where it's like this makes me feel good this is the starting point so now how do I position myself so that I can add value to others while doing this how can I be a light in the world and I believe wholeheartedly we all have that we're all capable of that different for all of us and requires searching we have to get over the fact that it's scary stepping off that ledge to navigate the Waters of life knowing that this just might be one of those experiences that goes awry that yeah you put the time in the energy and all you left with was the understanding that wow this definitely is not for me and that's perfectly fine right it's like noted now on to the next I say all the time life is not a standardized test now I like that metaphor because it dispels the notion that there is a simple right or wrong approach that's not how anyone has ever arrived at excellence Excellence is an experiment Excellence is a journey and Journeys take courage believe me it might seem easier not to go it might seem easier to stay where you are in order to make this or that person happy to save yourself the short-term angst of not having a plan [Music] but in the long run if you're not happy and you don't in some capacity step into that unknown [Music] to eventually come face to face with that word we all hear so much about regret and that is how I see the process you know saying no to what you want so that you can avoid this short-term discomfort it's essentially picking up the phone and making an appointment with regret the only question is whether the reservation is in two months two years or two decades [Music] so why not set out in search of that remarkable place that intersection of what you love and what lights up the world what prompts you to jump out of bed in the morning and what just might Inspire others to do the same when you are in doubt take the question is it possible and substitute it for how can I get there I went overwhelmed remember that you are not alone in your frustration or your uncertainty that the world around you was built by people men and women from all different backgrounds and all different places with all different stories who took that light in themselves and didn't stop fighting pushing searching until it became a beacon not just for them but for those around them I said it before I'll say it again we are all capable of that that version whatever it is in your specific life you can have that reality you can be that person but you must both believe it's possible and start moving towards that life changing [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] I made it part of my morning routine to go outside have a cup of coffee and listen to this app that gives you basically 15-minute summaries of books right kind of randomizes it for me and this morning the one that came on was called how to talk to anyone and there was a part that really stuck out to me talked about being methodical about who you interact with particularly in a social setting the idea being that you don't need to be some type of polished politician to be able to navigate a party or work a room and it goes into you know planning the idea like eating before the Gathering or parties so while you're there you can focus on connecting with the people you want to connect with getting the most out of your time there that type of thing makes sense but the line or or the way it was summed up that really got me was in that situation be the chooser not the choice pretty powerful framing there right think about how often when we don't ask ourselves what an ideal ending is what we want and we simply show up and go with the flow we're actually forfeiting our ability to shape the outcome of the evening it's instead going to be shaped by the people who do have a preference and act accordingly in other words we're willingly signing up to be a part of their plan we're signing on to be the choice and not as the passage says the chooser like so many things you know you can take a single idea or concept from one area and uh point it at something else right it applies across the board how many places in our lives are we just going along without any visualized outcome or goal in what areas are we showing up to the metaphorical gathering with no ideal outcome in mind hoping the right people come to us the right things appear to us and of course you know life is messy no plan is going to be perfect but there's plenty of Truth to that old saying you can't hit a Target that you haven't created that isn't there and if you don't take the wheel in these little segments of your life you can't then be disappointed when things don't happen when the car doesn't go where you wanted it to go no the one holding the wheel will determine that now let's be real identifying what you want and pursuing it is definitely more challenging right it takes more effort and sacrifice it's emotionally taxing because now there's something at stake also position yourself to now get something worthwhile out of the situation a situation that you otherwise would have had very little control over right I've referenced a few times my eighth grade teacher telling us never to hold our hands up to the sky and he would clasp his hands together to make this little bowl and hold them out but he'd say never just hold them out and hope something falls into them as the saying goes hope is not a strategy and I think there are different levels to this for sure it's one thing to never think about what you want in life at all it's another thing to walk into a party and snack on the pretzels instead of connecting with someone right they're very different but when we understand that underneath both of them underneath all of it the same principle applies we can at least recognize where they're happening in our lives some small some bigger and perhaps more important letters to a cake but why wouldn't it always be beneficial to ask yourself one what matters and two what can I do to bring me closer to what matters at least then you're cognizant I think often the greatest opportunities lost are lost simply because we're not aware of them right so if we make ourselves aware and we miss the opportunity let's make sure we missed it because we looked it in the eye and chose no we met that additional layer of resistance and still said no thank you right there's intentionality to it remember reading Darren Hardy's book The Compound Effect and he's someone that is apparently incredibly meticulous about everything he does uh to the point where he would write out a description for his future significant other like if it were a dream world the exact person he was hoping to spend the rest of his life with from her eye color hair what she enjoyed doing all that stuff and you know it goes to show you the difference a few years can make the first time I read that I thought well that's way too extreme I skipped right over it uh now I look at that and I'm like yeah he's just creating an ideal so that in the real tangible world he can put himself in the best position to attract that person he's creating a goal otherwise what's the alternative you just kind of walk around and hope uh you know someone appears around a corner someday who aligns with you and what you want in your interests and rolling dice there's just too many variables in life to constantly be wishing or crossing your fingers leaving things up to chance or fate there has to be some general sense of direction and I've had this kind of miniature Epiphany in many aspects of my life for example you know business I've been asked what do you want it to look like the next five years it used to be well five years a long time away do I really need to know it's like if you don't know then what are you doing today you're just repeating what you've always done are you acting randomly and hoping it takes you somewhere that will make you happy down the road no you have a vision and as Bezos has said you hold the vision and you continually adjust the process again life is messy things will change five million times and that's okay but there's a better chance good things will happen to you if you identify what they are and seek them out even smaller example Boston my home I lived there I love the people there but you know five years ago I was at a point where my work was remote my team was remote so rather than simply endure uh you know November to June every year I asked myself what's my ideal lifestyle like what if I design around that why not move somewhere that really excites me now I can run in the heat uh in in January in Miami right that's not a small thing in my life that makes me a lot happier um and so it's it's little things like that you know you get the point from the big things to the the tiny details if you don't choose what you want or choose your path life will simply choose it for you and that may or may not you know be in line with what makes you happy or the idea as many of us have heard in a different way if you don't pursue your dreams you will undoubtedly spend your days working to help someone else build theirs without you taking control taking initiative life will and you will become a Pawn on the chessboard of life so ask the questions you know look in the mirror and delve into the aspirations of the person looking back at you from social events sure to your significant other to your work or business to your overall life goal what matters to you in these various Arenas of your life what does success look like what is fulfillment feel like and once you have that blueprint in your mind you are now on the road to ensuring its construction the construction not of a world you were given but of a world you chose [Music]
Channel: Eddie Pinero
Views: 256,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live inspired, motivation, your world within, Eddie Pinero, inspiration, running motivation, motivational speech, motivational video
Id: ZXzhRGihhkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 23sec (3743 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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