just chilin talking about anything [04/07/2021] [Dream Alt Stream]

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uh hello why is there so many sheep they're so annoying you need to shut up making noises ruining my beautiful flower forest these chickens are going to make noises all right so many animals it's ridiculous this flower forest is supposed to be peaceful but all these animals are making noises hello hello hello hello um yeah i don't know i don't know what i don't really have anything planned i just wanted to stream i think this is kind of more of like a okay so i guess it would kind of be a lot like my last stream because i guess i started i think i started that playing like geographer but i don't think i'm going to be playing geographer but i'm in minecraft i don't really know what i would want to do but yes hello it's early or late or i don't know depending on where you live could be about any time how are you guys doing i really like this flower forest i feel like they're usually not this like flowery how many flowers are can you say hi zara and zara hopefully that's right i'll do both hi zara hi zara there you go i did both there therefore uh you know what if it's something else and then i butchered it twice so i don't know hopefully it'd be like it's sarah with a z but hello what time is it for me it's 7 00 am it is 7 am hello um why are you not sitting because i'm not tired if i was tired then i'd be sleeping oh this is kind of cool look at this kind of cool hello anyway do you guys want to um do a little ama ask me anything let's go let's talk let's chat i'm bored what's up what's up with you guys why are you streaming so early i don't know it's just i don't plan my streams like i just i just i don't know i mean like almost none of my streams i plan even like my main streams like i don't really plan them i just kind of you know let's kind of do it i don't know let me see if i i wonder if my other chat is better because it doesn't have the oh yeah it is i know it doesn't it's i can see like nightbot i don't want to see like um i can read this chat better um it goes so fast what do you think about uh status animation it was amazing it was amazing as always incredible incredibly creative amazing artist you know all the above um [Music] the quality is screwed up why is it screwed up i don't know my i think i need to fix my like streaming settings been happening a little more recently here i'll just sit like this i'll sit in the flowers so peaceful you know i'll fix this i'm gonna put this here i'll put another one of these there we go now it's perfect um it's when you move it goes wild yeah i think i don't know i think it's like i need to like lower lower the quality or something i don't know um any tips for small streamers there you go that's a good one um i think the thing is like with streaming i'm a little less like like i don't know like obviously i was able to do well streaming because of my youtube um but i would say that it's kind of similar in that like don't rely on one thing like if you're streaming you should be promoting your stream on tick tock and i don't know anywhere you can you should be promoting it in you know in like youtube highlights and all these different clips and stuff you should be taking every opportunity you can to get anyone to see you because obviously it's very hard when you're small to have people see you or see your stream and so just trying to take every opportunity you possibly can to get eyes on you is good always raid people you know never miss out on an opportunity to make make you know build relationships yeah i'm pretty sure like tommy and tubbo met through a raid so always raid people um and usually i would say usually rate somebody smaller than you maybe around your size maybe a little bit bigger than you maybe um uh i don't know i don't know why why does it go so bad quality when i move i really just have to sit still i'll do it just so the quality isn't crap but um yeah i don't know that's kind of the best best best tips i can give um you know keep at it don't give up manhunt with the teletubbies oh that's actually that's that we've actually been working on that you know i i didn't tell anybody about that but we have we have that's manhunt versus the teletubbies soon uh someone said who are the teletubbies it's a joke it's a joke the teletubbies are like i don't know what are the teletub what are the teletubbies i don't even know there's some weird like it's like it's like a kids show well you like teletubbies but i don't know i don't know they're weird though one second um trying to read there's so many there's so many people commenting someone said teletubbies are hot what how many languages do you speak one i speak one language unfortunately i want to learn i want to learn i like i want to learn more it's like it's really essential i don't know i feel like it's really i feel it's really hard maybe it's just for me i don't know maybe it probably is hard you really have to like commit to it you know i'm listening to right now i really like um i really like on on on justin bieber's like what is it the ep or something it's not it's not it wasn't his album he did um it's it's uh it's we're in this together that song's really good i don't know why it's pleasing it's very pleasing are you religious that's that's a that's a good question um i don't know i mean i'm not like i'm not well i'm not i guess i wouldn't say i'm religious because that'd be like disingenuous but i don't know i've always been like very i i mean i think like probably agnostic's the best way the best way to describe it like i've always just been very like i don't know i mean i don't know like i i don't know how how are things like when you go back to the beginning of the universe and stuff it's like there's just like a big bang and it's like where did what was before that i don't know i have no idea um but yeah i don't know i've always just been very like i've i have no idea i don't know i don't really think about it too much um but i but yeah i would definitely i wouldn't classify myself in any religion or anything but i i would think like i don't know i feel like they're you know there could be there could be like a god or creator or something maybe there you know there couldn't be i don't know i just i feel like we don't really know we don't really know we don't really know a lot i feel like people that are that are like really like really like there's no god or kind of like i don't know like i it's it's kind of weird like you don't really like nobody really knows anything like we we're so we're so small we're never getting like existential or whatever we're so small in like the universe like we don't how we don't know anything we hardly even know about like our own our own solar system like how are we supposed to know about like where we came from i don't know i i have no idea i'm always i i like talking about stuff like that sometimes like it's just kind of kind of cool i guess oh this is going i'm going to turn my my sounds off screw it um are you a flat earther no earth is round people say people say they have the dumbest questions sometimes they do it on purpose though like someone said like something like on a scale of one to ten what's your favorite crap like uh oh god they're gonna make fun of you how i say it never mind never mind i'm not even gonna say it i'm gonna say it um you like traveling i mean i don't travel right now um obviously for obvious reasons um i mean i like traveling like i would i i enjoy traveling i i really do want to like i don't know see a lot of a lot of like other countries and stuff and traveling obviously is how you how you do that um trying to do some good questions if you could visit anywhere where would you go that's kind of a good question um hmm i don't know i really don't know i feel like there's so many good options like to wear or you could go i know there's a lot of places that i really do want to go um i mean i but i honestly i really want to go like everywhere like i feel like there's not really a country that there's there's not really a country that i that i that i'd be like oh no i don't want to go there like i'd really i probably want to go anywhere and just see it just see everything um um when you were a kid what was your dream job i feel like i've talked about this kind of before i had a i had a couple different jobs that i that i really wanted to do like i've always i mean to be fair i have always wanted to be like a youtuber like i've always wanted to be a youtuber since i was like a kid but i also there was a there was a point in time where i wanted to be an author and i really i really really wanted to be like an author um that was that was for a long time i was like i'm going to be an author i'm going to grow up i'm going to be an author and i'm going to release the the most amazing books um but probably those were probably my top two for a while it was um like when i was a kid like when i was like a teenager i probably it shifted a little bit it was it was still still author um but it was like author and like developer um and that was just you know that was kind of what my my kind of opinion shifted but yeah like i've always wanted i've kind of always wanted to be a youtuber so i used to like talk at the dinner table with like my family about like the recent stuff that's like on youtube and like oh it's so cool able to do this and like they get this many views and and just all this stuff just about youtube it was a lot i remember i remember talking about mr beast a lot it's kind of funny but i remember specific conversations where i was like oh he gave away like he did this like he gave away like this much weather like how is he able to do that i'm like i think like it's just like youtube like he's just like taking all his money from youtube and just like investing into it or whatever i remember i remember i remember talking about that um um would you ever release an album yeah i could see myself releasing an album but it wouldn't be anytime soon obviously i mean i don't know it just really depends on like how i'm feeling and how things go i guess i'm really liking right now just kind of working on music now and then you know it's a lot of fun uh i think you've mentioned that you haven't read percy jackson as a kid would you now i've read percy jackson as slander um oh god the chat moves so fast it's hard so many weird questions i guess zapping up lost his bones would you still love him like what what does that even mean how do you lose your bones what um favorite soup oh that's a good question this is if there was a period in time i i would say it's not now it is not now i haven't had this soup in a long time you guys are going to be like ew there was a long period where i i loved clam chowder clam chowder i was like oh clam chowder it's so good like and i had it like a lot but i'd probably say um what probably probably just like broccoli cheddar or something i mean even just like simple chicken noodle is really good um the most recent soup that i've had is just chicken noodle so favorite type of bread i don't know bread the good kind i don't know white bread i guess i don't think i've really had many different types of like bread um how long do you think you'll survive in a zombie apocalypse forever forever i wouldn't i would never die you drink tea no i don't um the chat moves so fast it's so hard to is there a way to put like slow mode on i don't know if there's any mods here you put like i don't know 30 second slo-mo or something it might be easier to read i don't know it is on no way what ah okay um do you think do you have anything that you regretted buying hmm that's a good question i don't know i'm trying to think like i don't i don't really buy like that much but when i do buy stuff usually it's like oh i need this um i guess they're they're probably the only thing that i would regret buying which i mean to be fair it's like okay i still have it so it's like it's okay um but when the whole like speed running thing went down i was like i'm gonna buy a new computer i'm gonna like stream myself like setting it up i'm gonna like play start speed running like that and you can like see the entire process so i bought the computer and i have the computer i have the computer but i never did it so it's just i bought the computer and it just sat there and it's nothing's happened so um that was a long time ago so i probably regret doing that because it's just like okay well that was a waste um but i have it you know i guess just in case i need it or something do you believe in aliens there has to be aliens come on there has to be aliens like there's like what trillions of planets or something i don't even know more than that i'm pretty sure there's like there's way way there has to be aliens like i think it's like it's like it's like a we like a ridiculous position to think that there's not aliens like there's no way there's no way like oh we're like the only planet out of all of the like the odds of that like that's that's way that's way higher than like seven point whatever trillion there's no way there's no there's there's no chance there's no chance there's got to be no chance i mean come on there's like like really out of all of the planets there's no way there's so many you like horror movies no i don't i don't like horror movies horror movies are scary i don't like them i don't watch them but i don't like them there's a b um when was the last time you had a paper cut i have no idea probably a long time ago probably a very long time ago i feel like they're kind of easy to avoid like all right i have i have a decent solution i want to be able to actually it's too spammy um uh hashtag ask dream i'll look through that hashtag hashtag ask dream i'll look through it that way i can i can see a little easier astrum is your favorite planet still neptune i guess i mean neptune's like i don't know i think neptune's like pretty that's why i like it i like neptune's neptune's moons i'm pretty sure are pretty cool too um if you could only shop at one place for the rest of your life which would you pick probably walmart i mean it's like the most diverse right like there's just so it's like there's so many i just picked like walmart or like a super walmart and you can buy like i don't know anything you can basically get anything this is this is so much easier i can just like scroll through it's a lot easier um there's some funny ones what's your phone locks here my phone lock screen is a well my lock screen is like default but my like home screen is a painting i think by jenna on twitter that i actually have the painting of which is very cool it's like fan art of um me george and sapnap i have the i have the uh the actual painting very cool if you could tell your younger self something what would it be um depends what age we're talking it would definitely vary by age of what i would tell myself depending on the age so i don't i don't i see on um so i don't know i don't know 16 13. um it would definitely vary a lot it would vary a lot uh there's so many different everyone wants to hear different ages i don't know like 16 and 16 was a pretty like rough time in my life i pr if it was 16 i'd probably say like you know like it's all going to be okay or something but if it was like 13 i'd probably say something about like i don't know computer or something i don't know i don't know i don't know maybe like don't hm i don't know i have no idea actually um you like snow i love snow snow's awesome maybe i wouldn't have that opinion if i live somewhere like where it snowed all the time but i like snow a lot very cool um let's see what is this with a picture like george like with like a dumb haircut i don't know why that's not even hot like what am i supposed to answer to that um um i don't know i want i want some good questions that i haven't answered before so i'm trying to scroll through there's so many though what was your favorite cartoon growing up probably spongebob i watched spongebob a lot when i was younger i feel like pretty much everyone did but um come on do you ever get any sleep yeah i do i sleep a lot actually i just sleep at weird times and i sleep like sporadically like i'll sleep for like uh sometimes i'll sleep like a couple hours and then wake up and then be up for a couple hours and sleep for another couple hours then be up for a couple hours and then so on i'm so excited to hear mask when it finally comes out what is the process been like making it um it's been very very very very different than road trip um i mean i've like we even just like the last couple days even like we've sat in calls like literally me and me and me and like parish like we'll sit there for like nine hours or something ridiculous and we're just like we'll just try like i want to try this and then and then i'll you know i'll do vocal takes and stuff and then we put it in and then we're like ah let's let's see we'll listen to it we listen to it a bunch ah we don't really like it let's just scrap that oh let's try this then let's try this let's try this and just like different places and more like it's been kind of like done for the last like three weeks or so or something but it but like we've been wanting to like add stuff and like add vocal layering and add like ad-lib something sort of and and certain things that like make it make it more interesting add more instruments add different like i know add little things make it catchier and so it's very like it's very just trying different things and then like and then just going and listening to it like we'll add like a couple different things and then i'll go and like listen to it before i go to bed or something and be like and then i'll come back and be like let's try this this this and this let's remove these two let's add this one whatever um yeah it's definitely it's been a lot it's been a lot more time consuming this time i spend a lot more time actually i don't know actually like working on the song myself and um putting time into it and putting the actual you know putting time into the vocals and stuff so i like it a lot i like it a lot it has a lot of meaning um the music video like the music the animated music video has been being worked on and um that should be done and um done before done soon so everyone's saying rambo because the enderman uh which one do you like better mascara chip mask i mean i like mask a lot better but i i think it is just it's just i don't know it's more it's more me and it's more like me actually putting a lot more of my creativity into it and stuff than with road trip um because i had no idea anything when you know whenever we were making road trip like i've never i've never really done anything with like music um like i've i've written so it's like i kind of have that experience like a lot of songwriters when they write they'll write like a poem and then turn it into um and then turn it into a song and that's kind of what i did um with uh that's what i did with mask but um with road trip it was it was it was like uh parker that that did that um and it was me you know relaying information and me relaying what i want to say and how i want to say it and stuff so i think it's it's it's a different experience and i like it i like it a lot um are you comfortable talking about your mental health yeah i mean i i feel like i'm always pretty open with um i don't know i'm like i'm pretty open with you know my mental health and stuff um yeah i mean i i i'm i'm happy i am happy i'm happy i'm happy to say i'm happy over and over i'm happy so um i uh yeah i mean i don't know how much to elaborate but you know i mean i know i like i've had struggles before in the past i know that there was there was a period of time in my life where i was very i was very very um i was very depressed and i had a lot of stuff going on and it was there was a lot of a lot of stuff but um that was that was a while ago and um but yeah so i'm always open to talking about that type of stuff so um hmm how do you cope with the mentality of knowing that so many people know you do you ever struggle with derealization stuff um i don't i mean i don't know i i feel like i i feel like i handle it pretty well um i don't know i mean i i don't i don't really i don't i definitely don't struggle with uh dior d realization um and i feel like it's i don't know i i try and i try and keep myself grounded in that like i'm you know i'm even though yeah like yeah i have a following and stuff like i'm just another i'm just another person um in reality and so it's like i don't know i just try and keep myself grounded in that and i don't really i don't think about that too much um yeah i try and think about more of like the effect than um you know the number of people or if that makes any sense it's like i str i stress more about like is what i'm doing now or is what i'm gonna do in the future or is what i'm doing whatever what effect is that having on people you know that um that follow me you know is it making their life better is it making it worse is it gonna make them a better person in the future um that's that's type stuff that i kind of stress about sometimes but i don't i don't struggle with the amount of people um do you like rain i love rain i love rain i don't know why i just like rain like the sound of rain like i don't know i like rain rain is nice like and that's something about florida as well it rains a lot but like rain is just so relaxing like i don't know i know it's okay like i used to go in just like i don't know like just run in the rain and crap like yeah we wouldn't care about you know whatever like rain i like rain a lot how did you feel after the hot wing stream that that was that was screwed up i did not feel good i did not feel good but like the thing is like i'm i always like i don't know i eat very like healthy and so i was like all right i'm gonna let myself like i'm just i'm gonna like i'm whatever like i'm gonna i'm gonna eat you know like eat i'm gonna eat i'm gonna eat bad stuff and so i had like i remember what i had i had something i had like i had chipotle or something like earlier that day and then i had the wings and i just like i just like threw up i threw up after the wings it was the hot wings it was like my stomach was like screwed up my stomach was like screwed up and it was just it was so not used to it i mean i think it was it was like a mixture of like i don't usually i don't usually eat like you know dairy and um and crap and i was having like ranch and i had like like half a gallon of milk or something like that and like i don't have dairy you know and so it was kind of a mixture of like the spiciness of like the hot wings which i hate and the fact that you know some of my stomach's not used to that and so i just got like it was terrible it was it was not fun it was not fun that night and it was not fun the next morning but but it was fine ah everyone makes fun of how i say that i'm gonna start saying milk just for you guys you're welcome i'm changing um um what imessage games you're good at i'm good at word hunt i'm good at word hunt um the other ones i'm not i'm not very good at but word hunt i'm pretty good at like i i beat like almost everybody in warton um uh what questions do i want to answer what's a good question come on guys give me some good ones i guess i'm reading through ask dream so other eyes do you have i have green eyes hey green or hazel they're green um uh if you had a chance to learn an instrument would it be and why probably the guitar ah i don't know maybe piano i don't know one or the other either guitar or piano probably guitar piano is pretty cool though all right i've always wanted to ask this to anyone in the s p but you guys love to tease and make fun of each other a lot but what were the nicest things they did for you hmm that is a very good question the nicest thing that that's kind of tough um we'll start with with george the nicest thing like that's kind of hard the nicest thing ever um that's hard it's hard to classify like what is the nicest thing i mean um hmm i mean probably something related to coding like because he used to help me he helped me a lot whenever i was kind of first starting with stuff um not like right when i was first starting but like when i was like actually kind of good and i didn't really know how to um do much and he helped me a lot with stuff so that's that's pretty nice i don't know if that's the nicest thing but it's that's pretty nice and i know whenever i was doing um whenever i whenever i was like first uploading videos and stuff he helped me with coding um on some stuff so like that was more like wasn't like helping like that was more like he coded some things i coded some things whatever it wasn't like helping in that way like oh here's how you do this at that point like i knew um but yeah that's pretty nice too uh don't know i feel like most time with your friends like there's not but there's not really like the nicest thing it's one is they just do a lot of nice things obviously um you can see though sapnap uh the nicest thing that southampton has ever done i remember i i mean i guess this isn't really done this is like said i remember there was it was something it was like i was gonna do some like i think i think it was the kind of when i was first starting youtube it's like the nice part of one of the nice things he said but i remember i don't remember the exact context but i do i remember something there's some there's some context to it um but it was like i was i was thinking about i i don't know i i think i think i it was it was before i did youtube and i was like thinking about like quitting or something not youtube but like just like online stuff and um i remember he he's like dude like i'll follow you wherever you go blah blah blah and that was very very nice so i remember that that was nice um that was snap nap tommy think about tommy tommy's tommy's tommy's a good one tommy's just always like tommy's always checks up that's pretty nice i'd say that's probably one of the nicest things he checks up a lot um like he'll just message and be like yo you good i see what's going on or like i remember like i think he's joked about it before but like this was before we were even friends but i remember him messaging me and saw like i was listening to sad music on spotify on discord or something he messaged me like yo dude you okay or something like that i don't think he was being that serious then but still um yeah i mean there's a lot of people that have done a lot of nice things so people are nice i love my friends my friends are i wouldn't trade them for the world um stream let me see there's a b all the stuff that's been going on how do you deal with the anxiety it gives you um i don't know i feel like anxiety is really tough like i i don't i don't really i don't experience that much anxiety like normally but i do sometimes when it's like obviously when there's like thousands of people that are saying something or tens of thousands or whatever and it sometimes can be overwhelming um well whether whether it's positive or negative sometimes it can be overwhelming um and so that i don't know i mean a lot of times i i just kind of like just kind of again try and like round myself i just try and you know rabbits here again um i just try and like take a break not really take a break but like sit back and um i don't know just realize that it you know it'll pass and whatever it is i think that's that's something that's kind of helpful you're not a super you're not a super materialistic person but is there anything tangible that you love buying for yourself yourself such others um [Music] food wouldn't count on that right i'm pretty sure food food wouldn't really kind of tangible what is what does tangible mean i'm pretty sure i know what it means but i'm gonna feel like an idiot so then that can be touched or felt but they can they have assets have a value that can be precisely measured yeah i mean yeah i guess food technically technically counts under that like food is i like i think i like buying food for people that sounds kind of weird but i just do i like and i like trying different types of food and stuff and it's like it's something that's like not like somebody's not gonna feel like if you go but if you buy some somebody something like really um something like something really really big sometimes sometimes it's like oh they you kind of feel bad like oh you bought something like whatever with food like people don't really think about that i just think oh this food's good like i don't know it's fun to experience like you know with your family or your friends or something like a nice meal or like a meal from a different different place or like the best of something or whatever that's that's one thing that i i spend more money on um on than others um do you perhaps know how to cook if so it's the best issue i mean i mean i like i i don't really know how to cook cook but like i know i know my way around like the kitchen and i have cooked before um probably like the biggest thing i've like cooked cooked um was like eggplant parmesan um cause that that's like a pro that's if you want to make it good that's like a whole process like it takes it takes it takes a bit um but i don't know i i don't i don't cook i don't cook very often now i don't cook like at all but um i used to i tried to i tried to like saute some mushrooms the other day my mom my mom cooked for me but i tried because i was like i i you know i was like uh he's not here and i'm just like okay i'm gonna i'm kind of hungry i failed it wasn't it wasn't it it should be easy it should be pretty easy but i like over salted it and it tasted i mean it was good it was good it wasn't it wasn't that good i had some problems though i didn't i didn't chop up the mushrooms enough they were like i just threw them in their hole and it's like you should chop them up otherwise it doesn't like cook evenly and stuff it's uh it was okay it was okay if you could relive one moment in your life which would you choose that's a that's like a deep question because i don't know i feel like if it's something if it's like recent i don't know i feel like there's a lot of there's a lot of moments god all these questions are gonna like make me cry thinking about it i already was earlier a little bit but it's deep that's deep then i start thinking about all these like good moments and then i start like getting upset um well i wouldn't say upset but some of these tweets are so funny why did you say stepn's hair made him look like a doofus because he did he did you should have seen it like okay he said it himself before i said anything okay i was like no it's okay and he's like no it's bad i was like okay yeah you kind of look like a doofus and then i was like look i was like spike it up a little bit like just just ruffle it a little bit i was like it'll look good and then he did it and i was like yeah see it looks good it looks good it was just like thin it was so short right like he got it he got it cut too short like that's not what he wanted he got it cut too short so it was like thin and so like you know when like you have thin hair and it's like over the front and there's like gaps between like your hair i don't know to me that that's like you look you look like a doofus like when like you have that that's just i don't know but he said it first i didn't say it and then i was like yeah but just you know throw a hat on and you're fine and he was like yeah and he was already telling me we i talked about this before on stream he already said he was a hat guy so and then it took like i was like it'll take like a week and it will grow back in it'll be fine so it was fine i wasn't being mean or anything we were just talking i mean i'm honest i'm pretty blunt i just i say what i what i mean yeah he looks great he looks great now i think he just took a little bit his hair grew out and then does sapnap cook no he he just saps me of my resources he just he just saps he stops me of my resources he's gonna sap nap sap he does though it's true i saw some meme that i that i sent my mom and it was like um it was like dream's mom cooking for sap nap and it was like this the bread was like in a heart shape and then it was like dreams mom cooking for dream and it was like the the crust of the heart shape like just like the outside of like where the where like they cut it out and it was like i was like what the hell that's not true that's not true i thought it was funny though hi dream what is your biggest failure and what did you learn from it thank you bye please answer um i'll just go off like minecraft stuff like i was working on a server for a long time and um and i just spread myself too thin like i was just working on like so much stuff for it and um and this was a while ago and i just learned like i should be more like reasonable with with the ideas i have but the server was gonna be like awesome like some of the stuff from the server people have seen but other stuff from the server people like people people haven't seen haven't seen at all like there were like i coded like flappy bird in minecraft and it would like and everyone was in the same place and it was using packets to make them see different blocks like different tubes and the tubes would randomly generate every time you would get teleported back and there was no lag and it would just be like you would play flappy bird in minecraft and you would tap your um oh yeah you would just right click on like a little feather and it would like make you hop and you're all in the same place but like the tubes are different or different for each different player even though you're in the same place like that's pretty cool and that took me a long time to like generate and everything and come up with like the algorithm for how it's gonna generate these tubes and how it's gonna how that's gonna work um i also coded air hockey in minecraft and it was like you were you were above and when you moved like below you the air hockey uh puck uh would would move with you um the striker would move with you and so like you would be looking down on this like air hockey table and the striker would be moving and you would like look like an actual striker and then like the again i had to code like a little like algorithm for like the the puck so when you hit the puck it would like act just like a it would act just like a um like a real puck and it would like bounce off the wall and then go in i played that all the time with like bad and george and all them we just play it we'd like try hard on it and like it was like it's so it was so cool it was like just like air hockey like it was literally just like air hockey um and then i made it so you can like make like cut custom strikers you could have like a like a rainbow striker or like a it would be like changing colors like your striker like while you're playing um what else i haven't i had a lot of stuff on that server um that never never like saw the light of day um i coded i just go to a bunch of like like little like games that are like online and like app games and stuff i coded one where you'd be like falling and there's spikes it's like that game on the iphone you play where it's like there's like the spikes and you have to like tap to like flip to the other side so you had a you had like a little thing like a stick you had and you were falling down this hole and there was like spikes and you're on one side and if you click it sends you to the other side and you would have to like avoid these spikes and then and you just keep falling infinitely and then every time and then like you would go up levels and like there'd be the spikes would be like quicker and like faster and different colors and stuff and you had to keep like keep avoiding them and you'd have like a high score of how long you could do it um i don't know there's a lot of stuff like i coded i coded a lot of stuff for that server and it never came out because i just i spread myself too thin and like i was working on so many different games and stuff um yeah i probably i probably have the code somewhere maybe i could show it but it's probably scuffed now because now it's like been so long and i think i i was like trying to integrate like a database into it and i was trying to like expand it and so i probably screwed up a lot of stuff i know basketball came from that um [Music] basketball basketball actually came after that but basketball i i coded basketball and um i know that's that you've seen that probably like once or twice i think we we probably played it or something but bask the bat the basketball in minecraft again i coded that that was like you know that was kind of cool like all the rules were there there was like fouls and there was like i don't know it was kind of cool um yeah it's cool to talk about um [Music] um there's some funny ones we recorded a video with george recently i think it's i think it's coming out in like a couple days or something i was so funny it was so funny definitely one of the funniest videos we've recorded in like a long time it was it was extremely funny um i mean i don't even know it was very it was very very fun and it was like i don't know there's there's some like really good really good really good content you guys will you guys will like it it was um it was me carl and um sapnap and george i'm sure you can probably kind of guess what the video was but but yeah no it was really it was really cool the video was super funny it was a lot it was a lot of fun um so yeah that'll be really cool that wasn't really a question i just read something and made me think about it [Music] ah oh yeah and um and me and uh me and george recorded a video with quackity um i don't know when that'll come out that's that's that's that's his i won't give you any details any details at all there's no details it was funny though it was a very funny video those were both like you get two bangers those were both really funny videos you guys are going to get those are going to be i think honestly those are going to be two of the funniest videos that like we've ever done on like on any probably any of our channels like honestly that's going to be that's going to be pr they'll probably be like fairly close to each other too in terms of when they're uploaded i'm guessing so like that'll be really good um you guys have you guys have some content coming ah why so quiet because i'm thinking like reading questions and thinking about it and going yeah that that answer is like not interesting or that's not a good question and then i just move on so i'm sorry i can't constantly talk while i think um i saw a hog hunt it was awesome oh hunt was amazing i watched it it was great uh the silence uh you a very unique and beautiful laugh who in the s p do you think has the funniest laugh ah that's a that's a i laugh at my own laugh like i'll start laughing and then i'll just laugh at the fact that i'm laughing and then i'll laugh because my laugh gets like louder and then i'll keep laughing i laugh at myself um but i don't know other than me i think george's is pretty george's is pretty good especially when george like really gets into it he starts like you can just like you can like totally he like he's like freaking out while he laughs like it makes me laugh because he's just like he'll be like i don't know i'm trying to mean i could do like an example he's like he'd be like like i don't know if that if that makes sense but like it's like obviously like in a natural way so it doesn't sound forced but like he does that that's what he does he'll start laughing or whatever and then like boom like this like kind of high pitched like laugh i don't know i think it's funny if you could time travel would you go to the future or the past i go to the future the past sucks why would i go to the past what kind of question is that jody um jeff patches guys whenever you do those hair tweets like almost always i i think the charts are like different first of all but second of all almost always like my hair is like in the second half of the second half of whatever the whatever the things are it's never in the first half and it's and it's it's like almost it's like almost never in the next like one or two rows after after the first half it's like almost always like second to last or last or like third third to last i don't know if that's helpful at all usually it's right and it's rug right by the end people are confused don't worry about it people just tweet and say what does your hair look like and then like have like a little graph of like or a chart or something that has like all these different hairstyles how do you like meat i like it i like medium rare i like medium rare maybe like in between rare and medium rare sometimes but generally i like anywhere uh hmm you think humans are born good or evil what that's that's an interesting question i don't think i don't think humans are born anything i think i think people are taught like based on their environment and everything i don't think anybody's born like good or evil like i mean you're not really you don't really you don't even have like memories like i feel like it's you you can't you look at a baby oh that's like an evil baby like that baby um do you have a favorite [Music] uh i'm trying to read questions the last time you seasoned your food be honest every time today well yesterday uh will we ever get to read the self-insert percy jackson fanfic you wrote i never did such a thing i mean i never would have done such a thing um i don't think i have it um i might i might i mean if let's move on if i had it if i had it i would read it okay for real i would read it i don't know if i have it i don't think i have it because i also i one time i did go looks i wanted to show you guys some notebook stuff that i had because i used to i was like in school i just i just did random crap like i didn't pay attention and so i had notebooks but i don't know where they are and i'm hoping i didn't like throw them away or something on accident because i looked everywhere before on that day i remember looking everywhere but it might be it might be somewhere i didn't look i don't know where please reveal your guacamole recipe to be honest i don't even really remember i don't even really remember my my recipe um i mean i remember like there was a there was a cumin instead of garlic and um i think i used both lemon and lime both lemon and lime but more lime than lemon um what else i put a lot of like chopped onions but it was white onions and i would put them in water beforehand like so they were like i guess i don't know if that's kind of like dumb i don't know if that's just like a white thing to do like the white person thing to do like i didn't like the spice on the onions not human guys yeah not human uh cumin c-u-m-i-n i think i don't know if i'm saying that right but um uh but yeah so i like watered down the onions so they weren't like they weren't like strong and then i had like chopped up onion chopped up tomato and then um what else did i had cilantro i had cilantro um what else i think there was like one or two other things i i'd have to like look look at things that way i remember what i put in uh are watery onions good they're good it's not like like do you know when you if you like cook if you like fry not fry you cook onions like saute onions um they get like the sweet taste you know they get like the sweet taste it's kind of like that except for cold i don't know if that makes sense it's just like it tastes like onion has the onion taste it doesn't it just doesn't have the kick where it's like kind of not spicy you're gonna make fun of me you're calling onions spicy like not spicy like whatever it is like the strong taste like the strong oniony taste tattoos i don't have any tattoos i think i've said that before though red or green grapes green grapes i mean they're both kind of similar green grapes are more like sour i guess ah maybe i'd like red grapes more i don't know actually do you have any activities that you do that kind of make you relaxed or relieved for example quackity does long drives and carls take baths i say bass yeah i think i i don't really take baths but when i do it's like if i'm like stressed or something i'm going to take a bath listen to music or something it definitely used to be driving i used to go and drive do you think meeting george in real life would feel different no i don't think it would feel different would you do all the joke with him saying what you do now yeah no i mean i think i think it's not like it's not like an online thing like i don't know that's just like i feel like people i don't know that's just that's just kind of like how we are like that's that's kind of like just how i am at least i know george is george is very similar as well like making jokes and stuff like just about whatever like i have a very like jokey personality but i don't know if that even makes sense but uh i feel like this this is kind of weird i think most people like and genuinely a lot of people are like oh like i think something that's different how can i say this without like making certain people upset um a lot of creators come across like obviously do have like do play a character or like uh like i don't know exaggerate like so much within their videos or in their or like in whatever when they when they do things um like how yeah have a persona somebody said have a persona like i i feel like like when we're making videos something like maybe maybe i exaggerate sometimes like when it comes to like but i don't even know i mean i honestly don't even know i i probably i wouldn't even say that like myself i wouldn't even say i feel like i exaggerated i don't um but i know like i definitely am more hyper that's the best way to describe it like i get but i hype myself up like i like purposely make myself hyper knowing like oh i want to be like you know i want to be hyper but like a lot of people a lot of people say like you know i've i've heard people say and this isn't this isn't a dig on anybody like i'm not i'm not trying to come after any any creator or anything um but i've seen people say stuff like oh you know you like like you don't know me and stuff like that it's like well i don't know like i i want i want you to know me like i i feel like i i try and i try and be myself and um i want you to i want you to know me and i want you to i want you to know me i don't want you to know like like oh dream is like a completely different person than than like then clay or whatever it's like no i mean not really i would say i would say like almost in like almost in no way like yeah i definitely curse more like off camera than i do and that's just because it's like i want my content to be consumable by everybody and that's probably like like pretty much the only reason for that but like everything else like i i am who i am and that's i don't know like i mean i didn't actually i didn't get i i didn't grow because of my personality i mean obviously that sounds kind of dumb like i understand like a lot of people like my personality and so on but like i grew because i made high quality content like i had cool plugins and i had these things i feel like that makes it a little bit different than a lot of a lot of creators who blew up because of the fact that you know because they have like such an amazing personality or something um yeah i don't know like i think that that's something different that all about a lot of my friends like i mean i've talked to carl on and off stream and i think carl is genuinely the like the exact same person on stream as off stream i've talked to sapnap on screen and off stream and like he's like slightly different but it's literally just like again it's mostly just with like like vulgar like he's way like he's more vulgar off stream than he is on stream and then george was like like george is probably more different but it's only again it's only the vulgarness like the only thing is he curses a lot more off camera than he does on camera and that's like it that's like that's like literally it um i think that's something that people i don't know yeah exposed exposed george he curses guys he curses um but yeah no i think that like man that doesn't mean like you have to know everything about me or my entire life story or whatever but i think being open about that and talking about it like i think it's it's kind of it is kind of the wrong approach to have somebody um you know or kind of it's you know sometimes it can be kind of hurtful if somebody you know if you feel like oh like oh yeah somebody's completely different on camera than they are off camera it's like okay well it's cool but you know you want a lot of times you want to support the person as well not just not just the content but anyway and i need to talk about it more but let me refresh the hashtag mac and cheese with ketchup ew what mac and cheese with ketchup i've seen people do that that's not good there's no way that's good that's gotta be bad bruce [Music] um pickles and people are saying horrible combinations [Music] um thoughts on banana and peanut butter banana and peanut butter is good i've been having in a very very long time but it is good you like slice the banana up onto little slices put some peanut butter on top of the banana that's good very good um all right um i think i'm gonna end here thank you guys for coming uh i appreciate you guys i love you guys and i will talk to you guys soon this was fun i mean i wasn't really on minecraft or anything i was kind of just sitting there but answering all these questions and talking with you guys it's a lot of fun um yeah i will see you guys soon bye
Channel: Dream SMP Alt Twitch VODS
Views: 83,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: klcCwjTsMHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 47sec (6407 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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