Dream ABSOLUTELY DESTROYS Claims that his Manhunts Are FAKE

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i have no idea like what is that why would we stage that like yes i have a great idea let's put a mine cart with a chest in the end portal room that's the that's the best idea i've ever had to stage things i mean that'd be geez like what like what what is even like what does that even imply like why would i stage that doesn't make any sense [Music] all right so um what i want to do is this stream there's this video it's called did dream script minecraft manhunt in-depth analysis with proof it's by night trees it only has 2000 views but i thought it was a really well put together video i just wanted to talk about it a lot of the stuff he says is is i guess suspicious but when you know the context is not at all um and i think that's that's what's coolest about manhunts is like something cool will happen and video is edited in a certain way and you don't understand why it was edited that way and then when you hear why you're like oh that makes that totally makes sense before i i go over this video quickly by the way guys don't send hate to this video or anything the guy sounds like a very reasonable guy sounds very cool please don't send hate don't support that basically with manhunt just to explain so the the way it works with um the series i tweeted about it is that generally we've for the last two we've done a a series so it's a best of five series so basically team versus team it's me versus the hunters and we do five matches so basically best of five so if you get three wins then you win um and then also another thing i've said this many times before but i think this is just important to understand where i'm going into this video off the beginning if i die like right off the beginning we just redo like if i die in the first like couple minutes we just redo that's something i've said for a very long time the second thing is actually the hunters get paid an undisclosed amount if they kill me off the beginning i don't want them to like let me live off the beginning because then the video is not entertaining you can see here george kills sapnap just as it seems all over for dream giving dreams seven pearls this is never again seen in any other manhunt and this kill happens to be the only reason dream won this manhunt which begs the question why did george killed sapnap in this specific manhunt and not in any other so this one i think is pretty funny i think most people who are fans of mine might know this but george and sapnap like they go at each other there's you can find so many streams online of like george being like dream help me and and cause sapnap's just killing him like they just they just on the smp everywhere they literally just kill each other like they do that that is literally like their thing that they do they kill each other now after this i will say they probably learned a little bit and realized hey in the manhunts we shouldn't do that but i will say they have actually done it in future manhunts after this i just cut it out you can hear that bad you're specifically searching for dream and you can so he says you can hear about it specifically searching for a dream but he's literally walking he has no hunger he can't even sprint and he's walking towards a cow he's like you can hear that he's specifically searching for a dream like no he's looking for food because he's gonna die if he doesn't get food right now like a lot of times you can just get distracted like bad has no reason to believe that i'm hiding behind a tree about to jump him when he sees a cow and runs towards the cow it's like two seconds it's like literally not even a second where i'm hiding and then i'm already like on him like maybe maybe it was three seconds between when i was behind the tree and then ran out and attacked him a couple things to clarify with the compass one the nether you don't we don't actually use the compass so in the nether we have a little thing above the hop bar that points to where i am you'll see that dream doesn't burn any of the stuff giving away for the hunter to yet get it again ah yes i didn't burn the stuff that's in the water i mean i technically could have like i could have placed blocks and stuff like below it and tried to block off the whole waterway and and got it up so i can burn it or i guess do i have lava i don't even know if i i don't think i have lava maybe i did maybe it'd be a little easier to throw lava in there and burn it um but i wasn't i think i just wasn't thinking about that but still i mean i just wasn't i was just trying to be quick and getting out of there and i wasn't thinking about it that's just a mistake i should have burned it um but i just made a mistake dream at all times this makes me question whether or not they actually have a compass you hear george scream there but again they're not like they're not constantly like he's cooking iron sorry he's cooking food like he's not constantly looking at his compass staring at it and going hmm where is stream is he gonna sneak up on me and also one thing he doesn't even mention is that i come from the same way the compass was pointing like look how i'm coming from this direction so even if he was staring at the compass it would be pointing the exact same way i'm just running in a straight line towards him from the same direction he said we can't hit him though just listen [Music] did you hear that he said we can't hit him though now you would assume here that he's just saying he can't reach him but seeing how close they were before dreaming into the water and seeing how many times dream had met when you're in a moving boat you literally can't hit like you can't hit somebody the minecraft mechanics don't work so when he said i can't hit him though he's in a boat like two of them jumped down hit the strider even twice two hits and the strider would've been dead to me this one's kind of ridiculous it's like if any of them had suicided into the lava and happened to get close enough and dream didn't move away quick enough and they hit his strider twice and then died then he would die and and and why didn't they do that why didn't they risk literally burning their all of their items in lava for like a chance at killing him i i feel like if he would do that maybe he'd be a bad hunter because you know he'd be like i'm gonna jump down and kill him he like jumps down i just like moved two blocks back and he's like that just dies and burns all his stuff and they're like you idiot what the hell is wrong with you like i don't think that i don't think he'd be a very good hunter and i think the other hunters would like disown him in two seconds like yes please risk burning all your stuff in order to you know potentially maybe do damage to his strider a crit from an axe will do 10. how are you going to crit him with an axe are you saying like they're like superman like they like jump in midair perfectly land the crate with the axe get in the lava and then like start spam clicking or something like they're not like you're acting like they're like like every player is like technoblade or something like that like they're not gonna they're not gonna pull that off like even technoblade wouldn't do that technically they'd be like i don't know i'm not jumping in this lava like i am going to wait i'll get another opportunity later it's fine i'm not gonna jump in this lava and die like now this makes me question that whether or not dream had prolonged the manhunt just so the hunters could get fully enchanted armor because note at this point before in the video the hunters didn't have enchanted armor their armor was just normal iron armor just like dreams and they had all died they had all died pay attention to that he says they had all died right let's see did they all die [Music] [Music] so bad died okay it's okay just look for wait wait wait wait wait oh my god oh my god george died oh i'm i'm out of here i'm out of here stop now yes what i don't understand how you got above me i thought i was digging down to you i i fell in my house didn't die so that's the first thing that's wrong about that southnap didn't die so sapnap had full iron and sapnap was able to retrieve some of bad stuff so bad have it's full iron santa had full iron so the only person who didn't have full iron was george yeah bad just badger stands still for some reason he he just stands still i don't know why but he just stands still which backs up further evidence saying that the hunters have a client which show how much health stream is on okay so let's think about that real quick so he just said that he thinks that in this scene at 33 seconds and 12 33 minutes and 12 seconds in the manhunt finale rematch that bad not jumping towards me and hitting me was because i was on one heart and because they can see my health so let's go and watch that scene in slow motion if i shoot and miss bad doesn't jump towards me kind of weird george jumps towards me i'm on one heart keep in mind switches to his sword and hits me i'm on one heart he's saying that they have a mod to see my health george hits me with a sword on one heart but because he was on slow cool down when he switched to his sword i lived on half a heart like i i was probably like literally so close to dying here but he skips this clip why does he skip this clip that's ridiculous like he uses the clip like literally a couple seconds before it that is the closest you can come to dying like getting hit by the sword on one heart getting hit by a sword like there's no way like you you die like nine out of 10 times and you can see here it says weak attack right so weak attack just means basically that he swung too early so he didn't let his attack charge in my mind that proves they can't see my health like they're he's hitting me with a sword on one heart how how could he possibly know my health is one heart then he would have just stalled their denzel or backed up or something like that doesn't make any sense so we see a minecart which spawns right next to the end portal and look i i have no idea like what is that why would we stage that like yes i have a great idea let's put a mine cart with a chest in the end portal room that's the that's the best idea i've ever had to stage things i mean that'd be geez like what like what what is even like what is that even implying like why would i stage that doesn't make any sense yes guys my my perfect my perfect manhunt is the the mind cart in the with a chest in the end portal room randomly on the staircase like i don't know how the hell that happened i'm assuming like the mine carts like the the mineshaft spawn first or something and then the end the end the the stronghold spawns next and so it glitched and like so the when it when it deleted the the mine shaft the chest uh fell down um and i saw i think that's what happened i'm sure it can happen i'm sure somebody can prove that can happen i don't think i have the seed for this world anymore but but it did happen it happened yet again dream managed to sneak up on the hunters despite the hunters having a compass pointing to him it makes me question whether or not the compass is broken at this point see look here he manages to sneak up on bad boy halo and sapnap while they have a compass the compass should be telling them that dream is this way yet they seem to be heading this way well the whole time when they're tracking the compass is pointing this way they see the ocean above ahead they make a boat they run forward to go click on the boat they're assuming that i'm that i'm not hiding again it's just all about what are they going to assume are they going to assume maybe he's hiding behind that hill let's just pay attention super closely to our compass and see if it turns right here like no they're not but when they are you notice they do that in the videos like if you if they know hey he's right around here they they do say oh it just turned he's right above us or right below us like they do that they pay attention to it when they need to but in this case they'll just assume uh you know he's probably not right here and they're not going to pay attention at 100 of the time george just watches he just see he just watches and he doesn't keep building up i don't understand why i don't understand why either but then again it means george not me george is george like george isn't the best the best player on the hunters or anything like he's probably not gonna swim up alone and i knock him down and he dies and then everyone's mad at him like and here i just have to point out the mouth stone crafting table what the hell you're like this debunking man on the video roasting for the stone what the hell is wrong with you just like just like hear how bad is really cautious about going to nether thinking that dream has made a trap for them here at 33 44 he goes against completely what he just said yeah so the thing is in this part there's people people say that point this pedal are out all the time and say well the first time when he needed time they didn't go through but the second time they went through right away so the first time it was the first time they were entering another portal after me and they had a discussion they had like a five-minute discussion about whether or not they should go through they talked about their armor they talked about everything i could possibly have on the other side they talked about all the different traps everything and they decided okay we'll go through and they went through and then nothing happened and then later on now again they got to the same part where i'm by a portal and i end up going through it and i'm trying to bait them to follow me and they followed me right away and the reason they followed me right away is because of the fact that they had already discussed it like they already had the discussion so it makes sense the first time they had to have the discussion and once they had the discussion the second time they just went through he has no saddle i just don't get why he took this unless of course this was already put here and just left here yeah i didn't place a saddle so basically striders can spawn with saddles with a like guy on top of them or something and then that guy can suffocate in like blocks in the nether or just die somehow like from a skeleton or something i don't know i don't know exactly how it works and then it's just a saddle so that's what happened i'm guessing um we were in the nether for a long time so there was a lot of time for it to happen um it just had a saddle on it this isn't the point i just i just need to point this out sapnap god damn it had you just hit dream dream would have died he doesn't know my health that's why it's like the answer for like everything but yeah he doesn't know itself but also like i'm like to the side one block below him there's a block between us it's like a foot trap like it'd be hard for him to hit me first of all and second of all he doesn't know my health so he probably thinks he might have to hit me three four or five times he but he thinks i have food i just happen to have no food that's why i didn't heal otherwise i would have been on full health when he goes into this in this this part here that part is where cave spiders usually spawn yet not a single cave spider sponge so first of all i'm breaking iron with a golden pickaxe i've staged that part i thought it'd be so funny to break make myself look like a fool but no we play manhunts on easy so maybe we have played a manhunt not easy before but we play manhunts on easy difficulty so cave spiders don't actually give you poison and there's much less spawns there has been some manhunts where there's a lot of mobs and so but there's a second thing as well even on easy there's we also play on a server so there's mob caps so what mob caps are is it means that if there's a certain number of mobs already spawned then it won't spawn as like it won't spawn more mobs near you because it's hit the limit so i want you to listen carefully something he says that this plays into that because he says something you can hear jordan sapnet complaining about there's so many mobs yet next to dream there's not a single mob that makes sense right so he's saying you can hear george and snapped out complaining about how many mobs are near them but by dream there's no mobs and that's because the mob cap i am going to be releasing a t-shirt that's a manhunt t-shirt that if you buy you have a chance to be in a manhunt like fight going against me i'll be speedrunning and you'll be like hunting me maybe maybe you'll be hunting me with like george and sapnap or something um maybe george tapped out bad and ant i don't know maybe five people but that's what i that's what i'm gonna do in the future so i don't know when probably some point this month i do plan on doing manage other people um i did offer technoblade in the past to do a manhunt um i think that offer's still there if he wants to do a manhunt i'm down with doing a manhunt
Channel: Dream Team Streams
Views: 3,382,607
Rating: 4.9100051 out of 5
Keywords: dream, dream minecraft, dream stream, dream livestream, dream manhunt, minecraft manhunt, dream minecraft manhunt, manhunt, minecraft, minecraft livestream, georgenotfound, sapnap, dream fake, scripted manhunt, fake manhunt, dream speedrun, speedrunner, speedrunner vs 4 hunters, speedrunner vs 3 hunters, minecraft manhunt analysis, dream xd, dream twitch, dream livestream vod, minecraft manhunt extra scenes, dreamwastaken, speedrunner vs 5 hunters, boat clutch, manhunt analysis
Id: 3y7FBN-NuAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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