Redwork style embroidery Afterhours with Lisa Shaw July 1, 2019

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looks like where are we are live on Monday after hours Lisa we'll wait a few minutes see if anyone checks in Oh comments are starting to pop in let's see Angela I haven't started yet I just got here so you didn't miss it 6:43 Central Time well it's six o'clock Colorado time so Kathleen's a little early hi Michelle Kathy's here Mary wow they're all like excellent oh you guys are so excited that you guys are joining me it's been a while since I've done one of these things Edith is saying hello and Ana from Texas excellent Harriet iccid just scroll through from California Marilyn Patricia why can't you see anything it may take a little while to pop up hopefully Wow Marin from Western Australia Barbara's check-in in excellent yes you people are seeing me hopefully you're hearing me I'm getting thumbs up so people are checking in I do know that this is a facebook live so because it is recording here it may take a while to yeah yeah we'd call it buffer and get to your place so no wow bear from South Australia Dana Dana from Scott Saskatchewan Canada we're getting them from all over it so exciting hahaha hi Catherine st. Louis you can see in here fabulous thanks for letting me know just always live broadcast just never know what's gonna happen excellent Patricia yes we met at the applique getaway and Pat's checking in and sandy can hear me and see me and Sandy's in California oh it's so nice to be able to see people we a fabulous fabulous time at the applicate getaway this was by far by far the best event yet probably I don't know why what happened but Texans crazy Texans something happens when you cook Texas what happens it up like a get away stays it act like a good way a Friday night I didn't date I didn't get a single picture of myself and my 80s get up and we're talking ruffled socks and all I think the single picture so sorry guys but it was so wonderful to see everyone getting into the theme music playing and we had a lot of time excellent excellent Kathleen Trinidad I turned an island Trinidad turned an WI hmm thinking about thinking about for next year seriously applique getaway it needs to be on your bucket list it's just one of those events they we've taken over the entire tire hotel machine embroiderers everywhere serious okay bucket head nope I get it bucket list I had a bucket list item must go okay Kathy uh you're not seeing anything it may take a while to buffer to your to your page because it's the Internet and West Indies excellent Kathleen sorry I'm multitasking here I had it yeah they just remember that if you miss anything this is all going to be recorded so it hopefully the buffer will catch up if you're if you're watching live otherwise it will be recorded and you can watch it afterwards if you have miss anything and they'll you can always just watch from the beginning in the in the first place then you have controls a fast-forwarding and things like that yes we had a great time at the upper to get away VIP classes what fabulous those started on Friday and then we had the regular classes the shopping we were doing demos in the booth it was just non-stop and Nancy you are not late I have been informed by emails that people want me to make sure I don't start exactly at 6:00 because it takes a while to get the stream situated so you're a-ok we are doing good ah excellent so we're back back in order and just a couple things I hopefully setting on newsletter this week and the newsletter will have a recap from the applique getaway with links to the handouts and things that were provided for that class in case someone forgot to copy down the link I give to everybody and then other thing is I have still two events coming up hands on events in Denver we have three days coming up in a couple of weeks in July the end of Denver and then again in Chicago both of them are still have space available so if you are interested those are the two hands-on classes here in the United States that I'm doing and and but those of you in Australia that are checking in i am still coming in November I'm coming there in holiday and I'm working with echidna sewing products they've scheduled me for a couple days of events and classes and all sorts of stuff so if you're interested in you're from that area that's going on in November and November yes echidna sowing products they're located in cap Alaba the events that we have scheduled is in Brisbane but to get all the information from them get in touch with them echidna soy products let's see hi Claudius you're checking in and a Jersey Shore this week let me I need to do a couple things first because I'm using Sue's thing the day that he here we go for the link for all of my classes command-c boom command-v boom theoretically that should pop up in the comments oh of course I had it the applique getaway that's not there anymore so get the get the proof those are no more no longer taking those registrations for that didn't I tried to make things efficient by copy and pasting stuff and well I copied and pasted old information okay hey today is from Minnesota Mississippi as Carol okay Harriet says it pasted excellent excellent okay oh here's the link for well a kid that's sewing price for you're taking that there link is on my education page that I just post it there as well say what are we talking about today let me get my mouse over here red work now I got a couple questions on what is red work and if you go to google you'll find all sorts it's just a typical term used to describe outline designs now a when I say outline embroidery designs basically running stitches so what's nice about creating red work or running stitch or blue work or outline or vintage or whatever designs you want to call these is that because you're only using a running stitch tool or running stitches you're not having any filled areas or settings a lot of you know what happens when you do statins or you have fills that don't match outlines you have to worry about pull compensation and push and making sure you have overlap so that things don't have gaps well with running the stitch designs or red work style designs you don't have to worry about underlay settings you don't worry about pole compensation or things like that because they are pretty much just running stitches and they're on the fabric so as long as your fabric is secure in your hoop like with a basting stitch or hooped I like to hoop everything but songs it's security hoop with stabilizer for proper for the fabric so if I'm doing mostly I'm doing running stitch designs on like cotton quilters cotton so I use a tearaway stabilizer a wash away tearaway if you're doing it on a tea towel make sure teats house tea towels are they're tough to embroider now they're not tough to embroider what's tough about them is that everyone turns them over and looks at the backside of your embroidery so you feel like you have to pull out all that stitching so if you are stitching on tea towels use make sure you start your fabric very well and use either a wash away tear away and explain to whoever you're giving this to that the stabilizer on the back will wash away eventually or use a water soluble on the top and the bottom just so that you everything is stable in the hoop I know we don't like to pre wash things i pre wash everything simply because it's a habit I got into but and it that does control the shrinking but make sure what a red work design stitch very well on flour sack towels tea towels anything that's a quilters cotton because there's not a lot of stitches not allowed pull okay so some more people have checked in this is the front side of the design and we're actually going to digitize this guy now this design this was my first test cell and I actually have three test cells but this is the basic artwork which it is you see on this side there's this little do-hickey guy here I forgot that the rest of the design is a five past bean stitch and I didn't check everything when I did it my software so when I did this first test so this guy on this side Julie oopsie you didn't get done as well so that was the first thing this is why it's important to do a test cell because you might have done in oops so I looked at that and I did someone just I fixed that I did my second test cell which is this guy here at the top and I did something weird with his nose so I got all the stitches correct I did a little bit of reshaping but his nose was weird and at that point his nose was weird but then I also realized he had no whiskers and this is supposed to be a cat so I added whiskers so my digitizing kind of evolved from the original artwork my original artwork looked like this he had no whiskers I needed to add whiskers because he I don't even look like a cat cats have whiskers so anyway I digress but that's this is the benefit of doing a test cell first of all you find oopsies things that didn't work out exactly correctly maybe settings that you made and then you fine tune and adjust so that you get the final project keep them so let's go over to the software and we're gonna check to see let's just get started with this so my first thing I need to do is switch over so I'm in a little corner down here in the bottom and we have my software open now I'm in stitch artist and I am currently going to be working in I'm have level 3 open now the reason I have this is what we're doing can be done in level 1 but I want to show some of the shortcuts that are available in level 3 as I go with this I don't want to switch back and forth quick question what type of fabric do I used my test so my test those are usually done on the fabric I intend to stitch on so since this was gonna be stitched on a my file was a tea towel I stitch on a cotton quilters cotton fabric I buy my fabric by the bolt from fabric finders once I found a fabric that worked good for tests those they have very very good prices and I buy it since I buy it by the bolt I don't live anywhere near Joanne's so I buy a bolt of nice white and dark navy blue maybe a black and that's what I do my test says on it's just a very nice fabric it's also 54 inches wide which means I get lots more bang for my buck and it's it's beautiful fabric anyway fabric fibers I think I can find the link for that and post it if anyone's interested what's nice is that if you are doing sewing they have all sorts of fabric absolute gorgeous seersucker and you know that's the little you know a seersucker is beautiful surf soccer and little kids prints so if you're looking to buy fabric by the bolt because you're making lots and lots of things they don't sell they sell fat quarters they weren't the applicate getaway they are based out of Alabama I think Mike and Sidra I met them at Houston co-op festival and they're just so sweet but oh but they also sell sports fabric especially I I bought the Saints and Mardi Gras stuff what we don't need to get into football again I'll post that link afterwards we need to get back to to digitize me before I before I forget so Michele no they're not based in Colorado but they they do ship so here we go so I'm gonna show you this is working in level 3 but what we're gonna do most of it can be done in level 1 except for the shortcuts in let's show so anyway first thing I need to do is I'm in create mode that's my little button here and I can tell because I have my stitch artist menu here at the top so I need to bring in my image as a background so I click on my image button and I'm gonna browse to the folder that has my artwork now this is the swirly cat design that I'm going to be working on so I'm gonna bring him in here hold him hold my shift key down and resize it till it's large now for those of you interested they have a whole collection come and see and I'm gonna put in this command V and hit enter and go back here ok the artwork for this is from clipart Apple is calm and what's nice about them is that they up you sign up for their newsletter they give free collections every week or every two weeks or something or if your digitizing you're looking for a copyright royalty or copyright friend digitize are friendly that artwork that includes the copyrights so you're allowed to digitize these designs and sell the designs so I put the link to those Kitty collections later it was a free one that I've gotten many months ago many many many oh nice collect artwork just like we collect designs I collect designs and artwork and fonts and we don't need to go there anymore so I happen to have this because I thought oh this big cute little outline style design and if I wanted to say post this as a free download on the umbrellas project page intent Bess is where I'm allowed to do that because I clip our top list gives me the link to do that once they're sets once the free sets are no longer free they do put them up for sale so that's the link that I posted is on in the comment section here so when I look at this graphic here I need to before first thing I do is make sure I have the hoop selected that I want to work in even though this designs for a four four by four I need to keep that size in mind that I'm making it four by four hoop and I'm working in the five by seven who just that's just probably just what I'm working in next thing I need to do is start planning how it is that I I want this to stitch because a ready work design does it has layers but it doesn't really have layers if you know what I mean it's all flat it's just one stitching but you do want the stitches to follow in a logical order we've all downloaded designs and they're usually free ones that you've gotten from someone that just went click poof done an automatic digitizing software and when they stitch they start stitching on one side like on the left side the tail and then it goes and jump that runs over to this other side and stitches over here then it runs back over here and does up the tail then it runs over here and it comes over here we don't want to be digitizing like that okay we want to create a design that stitches evenly from one end to the other without jumping all over the place now some of the details in this design for example his eyes nose and whiskers are not connected to anything so of course we're gonna have some jump stitches but for the most part we don't want any so we're going to first zoom in and this is all gonna be done with our running stitch tool okay Libby I see you jumped in and then you lost me and then you came back so hopefully the internet connection will stabilize here so uh I you need to make sure that you can see what it is that you're working on so I have my zoomed in so that I can see my entire artwork and my plan is that I'm gonna start here on this swirl and I'm gonna that's my starting point my digitizing and I'm thinking how can I get from this world as if I were to put a pencil on the paper and draw this shape and then continue drawing the whole shape okay that you have to kind of plan this in your head if it helps to print this out and and do it with a marker or a pencil to get an idea of what's gonna work not a bad idea but for me I know that I'm gonna stitch I want to create an object that's doing this curl and then I'm gonna start going up and trace my cat and then do his head and his little loopy guys here and finish when I get to his head when I come down here and create my swirls and his feet and this little butterfly type thing so I have a plan in my head of what's going on here so that drawing and stitch artists when you're using drawing with points it's not hard and there's a video I think it's the fourth video on the stitch artists playlist that teaches you how to draw with points and I'll tell you the more you do it the better you get maybe so I'm gonna use draw with points and I'm going to left click with my mouse to draw this first curve so I'm just gonna plot points by left clicking left clicking left clicking left clicking I don't care that this is not perfect looking okay it doesn't matter because when I'm done drawing and I'm done with this one curve I'm gonna be drawing a whole bunch of curves here I'm drawn with this first one when I'm done I right-click on a Mac that's usually if you have a mouse it's the right click button or if you're using your touchpad it's two fingers so figure out how to how you right-click on your computer you can also hit the enter key on your keyboard but you need to stop drawing and to stop drawing is enter or right-click once you've stopped drawing do you see how you have a boundary box that means you can adjust make adjustments now because you have a bounding box which means I can take this line and I can drag him down and I can move adjust my lines and move my bed's yays so that it's creating a smoother curve that more closely matches now if I had done 16 billion points to create a really smooth curve I couldn't do these fine-tuned adjustments because the more nodes you have the more adjustments you have to make and why you just need to you get used to making something ugly on your first pass and editing okay now my color that because I've been using it is set to red if your first colors is say black and you can't see it click on the color chip and choose the different colors so that you have something that you have a color that you can actually see once you apply stitchers okay okay hairy ass black dots are bezzie is correct the nodes are the handles so this is this is a connection point so it is like a it's a decision point so and the two guys sticking out of it are your two little Bezier handles so because I simply was left clicking I created a whole bunch of curves that's why it became a nice curvy shape because it's all curves okay now once I have my curves done I go up here and I'm gonna select my stitch type now it pulls in the last stitch type that you used and since I had just digitized this recently it pulled in a bean stitch which is how I want my it's a bean stitch is a back and forth like a triple stitch except I have it set for five passes because on my final here if you can see the zoomed in DT you can see it's nice and heavy and that the look I was going for so it's a five pass so you have my properties here and I've set my stitch length because that's the link that I want to use and my start and stop so it's start stitching here and it's gonna stop stitching at this point okay so once I have my start and stop buy one thing set at this point I never want to do this again so I'm gonna go up to the file and I'm gonna save my working file as because I'm only care about saving my my I don't care I just saved my working file so when I hit I don't need a stitch file at this point I'm not stitching this yet so I just say and can you save both the same time absolutely but I don't want to get confused so the only thing I'm saving is my working file so I'm gonna call its WorldCat and I'm gonna click save and you'll notice that it now says swirl cap here at the top every time I hit command S on my keyboard that's the command or ctrl s on my keyboard it's going to save the updates automatically so you know I'm hopefully I will tell you but every time I do a drawing point and I never want to do that again I simply hit command or ctrl s on my keyboard and that automatically saves it whatever I just did to my working file so I don't have to do it again okay yeah we don't want to work harder we're working smarter not harder okay so I have a little run stitch here I have stitches we're digitizing okay now I want to start going up and I mentioned I was gonna go from this point to this point and then around his tail so this is my bean stitch this one is already done it's gonna start here at the at the end point and it's stopping at this point so my next little run stitch I'm gonna I don't want it to jump to this area up here and I know I don't want to have extra stitches in that area so I'm gonna go with draw with points I'm going to just left click left click right click to end go to my run is such property and I'm gonna change this to be a single run it could be a bean stitch but that means it's gonna do a five-point stitch and if I go over that again at the end you're gonna have a you in this case it's not that big of a deal but if I am drunk traveling from one point to the next so I'm traveling from the end of this swirl to the beginning of this tale I add in I travel I don't want to jump okay so I put a traveling stitch it has a same stitch length I'm gonna cover it over later and no one's gonna know that it just traveled up there seriously no one can tell in that if they can that's a different conversation we're having okay so that's my second travel with my second low run stitch and it's up here at the top now I'm ready to draw around my tail so draw with points again just going to left click around and is this lovely drawing oh my gosh Lisa you are a Picasso and I chose that artists specifically because we all know a Picasso draw so I'm really know some weird artwork all right I left clicked all the way around when I got to this point here if I hold down the shift key when I click that puts a cusp which means that the angle will change there's a Becca set video drawing with points gives you the controls for the keyboard at this point I'm gonna right click to end and I'm gonna adjust my little handles little bezzie a so that it get has a nice little push on my little cat here doesn't need to have this bump and I'm gonna move up here now if I hear I'm having a little bit of a hard time seeing the lines through the graphic I can I can see it but it's getting them to be a little bit confusing to me because it's like a little black line on a black graphic so if you select your graphic here and you can change your transparency to a lower number you see I've have at that mine down to 12 you can still see him in the background but look at how that showed up you can even see just the little lines here click off of it see how much easier it is to see what it is you're working on so the key point here is select your background graphic you'll get the bitmap properties pane and just change your transparency to a lower number so you can still see it now I can go through here and so loops I don't want to be a selected on that you just select my nodes here and reshape these the fewer the nodes the easier it is to reshape if you want to get rid of a node simply select on it and double click and that removes the nodes so that you have less that's less than you need to muck around with because we need you have to adjust a whole bunch of them it just gets confusing command s work in stitch artists yes as soon as I am done with something I never want to draw again I hit command s to save my work let's move that up here so I have my tail drawn I'm gonna make this into a running stitch by clicking up here at the top but now I'm gonna change this to a bean stitch so that it keeps the same settings that I have before because it's not I don't want it to overpass itself I want it to this is gonna be a single pass this is my red work that I'm making okay now I mentioned that there was something I want to show you it stitch artist level 3 once you have these set and say I know that these settings work for me because for my style because I've done test those so I know that I would this is supposed to be hold on this one is a 5 pass this one's a 3 pass you see it's not it's not the same I'd have to go through and change this to be a 5 pass to match my first one so in stitch artist 3 if you have a style that you'd like and you click on this little stylesheet the quick style sheet you can add a new quick style and assign this stitch this type of stitch type to be that quick style so I'm gonna change it to be a beam stitch and click why is it updating all my ties said to me might be in stitch cuz I don't want my I don't I don't set my ties to the very end so my beam stitch is set here and now I can choose this other line and I'm gonna click on normal then I'm gonna go back to being and it automatically sets it to be the correct settings that I already have so now every time I draw a line okay so if I go and I go click click click well how am I gonna do this one this one's gonna go down to here right click to end and I'm gonna go to running stitch I can click on this guy and change it to be a beam stitch and it's automatically going to assign the same properties that I already have now I drew this look I fast as you see we have our tail and it starts at this point and it stops at this point and now we have this one I drew that wants to start here at the bottom and it's gonna end at this point you see what would happen between this start the stopping point it would jump all the way down to the bottom in fact if I turn my jump stitches on you'll see that little red stitch that's here that's showing it's jumping from one point to the next so to avoid that and solve the problem I'm going to move my little start up to the end of the first one so that it now is going to adjust itself so that it's going to now start at this point and stop at this point and I can continue clicking and adding my objects as I'm drawing this is all it's just clicking with the mouse and then adjusting your your things so Oh Rob has checked in you're lurking from Alaska well that's nice nice to hear oh I forgot to do my command s so I can save and never do this again you can always tell do you haven't saved if there's a star up here at the top you have an Asterix up here at the top of your name you haven't saved your work and you need to save your work often because otherwise of your computer crashes you get to start all over again so it's just save it's quick and easy okay hopefully this is making sense guys I'm gonna dry as little details here so I'm gonna use my left click left left left left left what little not panicking it doesn't matter what it looks like right click the end gonna click on this little node and drop drag my handles around so that I make a little bit more what I'm expecting put it on my run stitch sharp run said you remembered my bean and because it's it's basically remembering the last stitch type that I had used it has automatically set my quick style to bean stitch so that's just a quick thing to remember now it has drawn the sort of these guys down here at this point I'm from this point at this point right here I need to draw the top of his hat here so I'm going to draw with points and I'm going to left click left click left click right click to end apply a stitch type and see that Dad stitch that law jump I'm gonna move my starch over to this point and I'm going to move my stop right on top of that as well because now I'm going to continue with the ear and go from that point on how would that last section stitch out well let's go dolana I see my sass tricks command s gone we're gonna go to stitch simulator and you can actually see this is it stitching this swirl runs over stitches the butt and the tail gets to this point here and at this point is going to do a run down and then it's going to stitch right back on top of each other and over and then it does this little guy here okay now I'm gonna need to adjust that because this is the line here because I don't want that happening I'm gonna see one second I'm no you zoom in so I means I need to go over to this screen godness whoops boom okay this has whoops how do I get it can you see even though there were little bits of overrun at that one part of the ear hey you can't tell can't tell anything okay these are little tiny stitches and even if you go up close and look at it you can't tell that it actually duplicates itself right at that one point okay it's a little if anyone points out that it's heavier there they don't deserve your artwork they do not buy their gifts at Walmart from now on I mean it's not obvious this is at 6 inches away and you can't see it at 6 inches so do I wait could see this like really really close ok so what's nice about when moving your starts and stops like that is that the software when it does the under run that's going into this point it's the exact same holes as the 5 pass or the triple pass or whatever that's going right on top of it exact same holes I think the only time you would probably notice this was if you were to use maybe 12 weight thread or 30 weight thread maybe because 30 weight is significantly heavier maybe uh no one's noticing that you learned that by doing a test so it's a test so life of a digitizer revolves around the test cell oh okay now we noticed by beginner at our simulation here that this doesn't match up right so I'm first of all I need to zoom in so that I can see what I'm working on go back to create mode let's see I'm gonna take this guy and let's move him down a little bit and we're gonna take these guys and move them up and as long as they're pretty much on that line no one's going to notice and if anybody notices you have different conversations with them okay this was a little bit too here we go isn't that pretty see much better okay so we have this guy he's starting and stopping right here now I need to draw the other side of his his head okay whoopsie move my mouse okay glad you think it looks great Kathy your everyone whatever you create someone's they were gonna love what you did okay this part is this guy here now I'm just gonna draw him draw the points left click left click left click left click and left click up down here boom right click to end and now we're gonna adjust and I'm gonna move him up here and whoopsie well I probably need to delete that one but whatever make sure you talk to yourselves when you're digitizing cuz even though you're not broadcasting live and doing this all on screen it just helps you get through the thought process and you don't have to be actually perfect the graphic in the background is just a guide for you so if you happen to want to give your cat chubby cheeks knock your socks off well we're just gonna follow this way here then apply my stitch type it's the beam it starts up here at the top and I'm going to stop it right here at the bottom because I want to get that swirly guy in here okay now the swirly guy I want if I just do a slit already I still need to get the first one I want to stitch is this one up here so I'm gonna it's gonna be easier for me just to show you my thought process here so I'm going to be left click I'm doing a shift left crypt to give me a cusp left click left click to end raw right click to end I'm sorry I'm gonna move this little node here and drag this up I'm gonna change this to a run but under my's quick style here I'm gonna change it to be as traveling stitch which has the same properties of the one I saved from the other side which means it has only a two point three stitch length as a single run and it remembers everything that I had already set because I set my quick Styles and quick styles are a level-3 function which can save you a lot of time so the reason I ran up here is because I now want to create this little guy left left left left left right click the end whoopsie right click to end drag my little guys around fiddle with them a little bit so that my curves are curvy looking and not ugly once I have this guy done he becomes stitch but I now want him to go back to being a bean stitch and it starts up here at the bottom and I want it to go through here and I want to stop at the bottom as well okay and just like it did on that on his face this curves are like I love them but I always end up fiddling with them to make them smooth and swirly looking just like we had that little overlap at this part we have the same exact thing that's gonna go on at this world see it stitches stitches up we're in a stitching his but now it's coming up doing this guy here stitching stitching stitching back over the ear goes down does a single run to that little spot at the bottom comes up to the the PAS runs travels up to the the thing here runs the top and then does the five pass bead and stitch all the way down here to the bottom so what's nice is that because the same stitch length goes in the same holes I said that for repeating myself I'm back in create mode I hit command s on my keyboard so I get rid of my asterisk to save my work so I never have to do this again we're still working on it here let's see I'm gonna make this little curvy guy now at this point for this one you might you need to be a little careful so that your curves match each other because this one will be obvious if you're running stitch is not on top of the other your phibian stitch is not on top of the Traveling stitch so you might need to zoom in and make some adjustments to do that get one second this one's gonna be a run stitch here and I'm sitting it's a bean stitch but I need to move my start up to this point and my stop down to this point cuz that's how I want it question from Jun why did this simulated stitch only show single stitch even though you have it set for a five pass beam well it it did show five pass let's go back in and zoom out and we'll run this simulator one more time it does it the topmost stitch is gonna be the five pass beam so this first curve we know that's set to five pass that's my travel this is a five pass all the way up here to the top and down to the bottom when it gets to this point it's only gonna go a single one two three see it's the only single stitching down to this point and now it does I've done thun thun thun thun thun thun thun that does the five pass back up over the same holes and now at this point it continues doing that five pass up to this point so if it has to backtrack over itself it automatically puts in a traveling stitch and I'm pointing to my screen but right where my mouse cursor is from this point it's traveling up to this and now it's back with the five pass back on to this point and that's because I move my starts and stops so I didn't have to manually add in all those travel stitches because in some other software that you don't have adjustments over start and stops you it won't do that but when it has when you change a start and stop like we did on this piece right here from this start until the junction it's gonna do a five pass beam from this Junction to the end-point it's gonna do a single pass with the same stitch length as the five pass beam so that the needle goes in the same hole and then from this point back to the stop it's gonna do five passes over it so that it falls in the same hole and you get the consistency I don't know if that made any sense with me trying to explain it but once you watch what the software does it's moving you're starts and stops that's how you get rid of your jumps it's how you can connect all the points so that you don't have any extra stitches you don't have to have trims or anything like that the other thing that you at the very beginning in my locking my bowtie I didn't have I don't set my ties because all these guys are connected to each other so I don't want to put tie offs at the end of each object when I'm finished with this whole thing and this is what my finished one actually looks like here there's my finished cap and if you notice here are all the little objects in here so this is a one color design and it has 32 objects in it okay it's the own I might start and stops if I click on this first run and I go to my tie off I would set my first one to be a tie at the entry none of the other ones after this have any ties set to them they shouldn't if they do then I've made a mistake okay now my very last object which is this paw print here because if you notice at this point that's here where was I boom we're doing all these dorky little ones okay there's that second swirl this is pretty much where we're at this one then we go to this little paw print here this little half of the paw next half of the pot I'm just moving my starts and stop then this guy then this guy where all these different little connecting so when we get to this very last bit because this one is already the ear get to this part we need to have a tie at the exit and that just locks it so that it does software's gonna put a locking stitch and knot and tie clip it off the next object here I started doing his little ear which isn't connected to anything so it has a tie at the entrance and the exit so this one has to have it this little run stitches there's another inner ear he has tie offs and then I decided to do little sentence for his eyes so that they would that I didn't want little run stitch eyes I just did little satin eyes and both bills will need to have tie ops at either either end of them so that they don't unravel ok so there's this one I his two eyes his nose and then at this point I had already done my last stitch or my last idea and I needed to add his whiskers because my cat need your whiskers so each one of these has ties at the entry and the exit now if I had put whiskers in at the beginning because I and my graphic showed me this was just something I added at the very end I probably would I would have incorporated them as I was doing my line just as I had before but these are separate so I don't mind stitching them as they were and this has become my final little test oh so he's all good to go but 32 colors 30 through 32 objects one color so if I used two time machine it trims you won't have any jump stitches on this the only place I had jump stitches on the machine that if I were to stitch that machine it doesn't trim it's gonna be between these objects that are not connecting hopefully that makes sense guys so Jovita says very interesting your biggest problem I'm not sure which one's the biggest problem but glad you saw something that was no longer but hopefully you no longer have a problem anymore with this we almost got done but it's probably I mean that's look at we got this up are we got swirled cat command s all done so we have him digitized where's the only little guys I have left to do is little flower pause and that's but it's all repetitive and the key point is is trying to understand how it is to how you'd want it to stitch this is why you'll see me say often that it's very hard to digitize designs if you haven't stitched designs anyone that does digitizing it doesn't have a machine to do test soles on they have to you have a lot of intuitive observation skills or really understand what it is they're looking at because you we all know we don't want to trip jump stitches if we have to chip jump stitches we use little tiny scissors you know these are my Chi double curves that I can trim my jump stitches in between them but if you were if you have the ability of hiding the stitches that's what you should do and hiding stitches mean traveling stitches let me just go back and show you this guy one one more time this guy here swirly cat I went through here on this swirl because if you remember at this point when I did this swirl its there's actually two objects I was really careful making sure that those two objects were right on top of each other so that you can't see that line and no one can see that line trust me okay that's that's the careful part when you have things that are going to be overlapping each other and it's easy to hide stuff under under outlines under fill' stitches things like that uh yeah oh yeah excellent glad you glad you enjoyed this uh Marin do I prefer to use a mouse or a stylus I used both I end up always I have a magic mouse for my Mac that's here I have a Wacom tablet it depends on what computer I'm working on and if I'm doing heavy duty digitizing most of the time I'm doing customizing and digitized and moving back and forth use whatever is comfortable for you as you notice I'm not focusing on my drawing skills everything I on that screen was pretty beforehand you can always edit and if you can just let it go and just make a few notes you can always add more nodes um I don't know if I actually mentioned adding nodes let me go back here boom okay when you have some in cream mode excellent when you want to delete a note say I want to get rid of this note that's right here you selected and double click on it or hit the Delete key and now you can reshape your line it's easier to reshape when you have fewer notes however sometimes you need to add a node because your finagling too much with these nodes and you're just like alright I just had a node there to add one just put your mouse cursor on the line so that it has that little swirly guy at the end of it and double click whoops when you double click you just add it a node so to remove a node single click to select it and then double click on it and reshape your line to add a node double click on the line and it adds a node that's in there but the fewer nodes you have the easier it is to adjust going insane and trying to be perfect with this and say trying to create this little curve perfectly the first time doing this right click to end what it is if you have to adjust that and you got to move every single note every single little guy because otherwise say you just wanted to make it a little bit bigger because the butterflied when you did it you butterfly didn't show up look what a pain that is it not my idea of a good time so we don't do that selected it's delete what we do is we draw with nodes and you go click click click right-click to end and now you can just reshape your lines the way you need to okay so much easier so much easier so just get used to creating blobs and funky-looking stuff and editing them know that you are in good company because I create lots of lots of funky looking things I don't Beck I don't know if there's a funky connection going on I can't tell you that this this has been recorded so if you lost it and you want to watch any part of it you can just watch it again it's your and your leisure but it is now getting close to seven o'clock I have to go upstairs Oh Pam glad this made sense to you thanks for thanks for letting me know I've the comments you guys are giving me uh awesome every soft when I see thumbs up that means people are getting it that makes sense to me eat it now you need stitch artist yes yes now just for you just thank you for reminding me that it out I have a coupon that you can use let's see me just one second here maybe come and see boom come and V okay ready okay hahaha pictures copy and paste is the whole thing since I just did the applicate getaway I do have a coupon available and so in the little comments link I have put a link to my classes that I teach the upcoming ones that I mentioned earlier and I also put my affiliate link because I do make a small Commission I do not work for our millions I am so bubbles that's me he's little that's my website right there oh I forgot was the folks tip on my head there and I have a coupon in case you guys want to get the stitch artist software so I am allowed to do that okay it's beer-thirty Rob yes it is I only got through half of it so far so it's keeping busy Laura likes the review if they're about theory I'm killing her bankbook sorry um yes my thought process it's a little scary sometimes but you should gain conference you can't break anything as long as you save often save often and it's just save often you can't you can't bust it once you save it's there and you don't to redo it again Harriette learned a lot tonight excellent excellent and Angela you're not sure how I found it meeps tip fine steps next week well everything if you might my page so bubbles that's on Facebook I will post a I scheduled this I usually do it about Wiis sometimes a week guys usually schedule by Friday so if you come to my page I've put in a scheduled announcement on saying what next week's topics gonna be is something about in brilliance not sure yet have whole list of topics that you guys have given me and if you choose to get reminder because that little broadcast shows up there's a button says get reminder when I go live you get it in your newsfeed so even if you're not home you have a delink you have it's a link a delinquent link you have a link to the live video in your news feed so you can watch it later or save it etc etc so that's one way to find find out where I'm gonna be I also post them to the stitch artist digitizing fans and I have a group for those that are interested in taking classes for me called in brilliance educational opportunities and I usually post a link to that there as well so that's I'm like a bad penny I'm fooling around all of in place and yes and now it's time to practice yes CSS practice practice makes perfect or at least makes less blobby things but but embrace the blobs that you digitize because you can always edit don't get hung up on what the shape looks like it shouldn't look perfect it shouldn't look perfect then you do practice it will you tried the link and said there was an error of course there's an arrow I'm not sure which link I will have to to go through and make sure that everything's sort of working right newsfeed in Facebook yes newsfeed in Facebook that's it sounds like we're communicating here I'll be getting bits of information so yes when you when you choose to get reminder when I go live the little the whole thing comes in your newsfeed so when you refresh or on your phone you'll come up and say these bubbles Menagerie is live and you can either click the link or you'll just be there so you can find it afterwards alright guys now it's seven o'clock I'm gonna go upstairs and have some some dinner watch some TV with my my husband and we posted some photos on my page today he was outside taking me macro photos of the flowers so that was fun so anyway guys have a great night practice have fun post your your photos oh the fabrics place again is fabric finders oh my fill it link is an error okay I'll have to get that fixed I'm not sure why shouldn't but it does fabric finders LLC so I will post that link as well I will edit the description of this post and put the link up in there so okay guys have a great night and thank you for spending some time with me today
Channel: Lisa Shaw
Views: 5,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Machine Embroidery, mac embroidery software, machine embroidery software, embroidery designs, Embrilliance, Lisa SewBubbles, Bubbles Menagerie, StitchArtist, Redwork Embroidery Designs, Vintage Embroidery Designs, Digitizing How-to, Quick Styles, Digitizing software, Clipartopolis, Run stitch designs, Bean stitch designs, flour sack towel embroidery
Id: mVEtzob8apY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 59sec (3419 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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