DRAWING 31 VTUBERS! Inktober 2021 Sketchbook Tour

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hi i decided to draw 31 v tubers for inktober 2021 also referred to as vetover haha get it cause october we are yeah you get it no normally i like to use stickers that relate to the theme but uh the only youtuber stickers i had were these halloween stickers i received as part of an enamel pin order so the cover is just going to have general cute girl stickers it's like the same thing anyway so starting off vetover i had to dedicate day one to the mother of all v tubers as far as i know keys and i if you follow my instagram or twitter then chances are you've probably seen me post these drawings every day in october this is gonna be a pretty short and sweet video since i won't be dwelling too much on each drawing unless you want to hear me gush about everyone's youtuber designs for like 40 minutes i asked my followers on twitter who they'd want to see me draw for this particular prompt so this sketchbook is filled with a mix of popular requests youtubers i personally really enjoy and v tubers whose designs made me go wow that looks like it'd be fun to draw of course that means i couldn't draw absolutely every single person who was requested but hopefully you at least see one of your favorites in this tour and if there's any new ones that catch your interest i'll be including everyone's links in the order in which they appear in the description down below honestly inktober never really gets easier because every single year around this time i am very rusty with pen and ink but it definitely has been getting more fun each year that i do it and this one was some of the most fun i've ever had with the sketchbook but i'm pretty sure it's because i never followed the official inktober prompt and i got to draw 31 gorgeous unique v tuber designs and on the plus side thanks to your guys's twitter suggestions i got introduced to so many different youtubers that i wasn't familiar with before i was only like knee deep into the v tuber hole before i started the sketchbook but i feel like at this point i'm like my whole body's all the way down at the bottom and you know there's no going back i think i fell in the same way a lot of people did you watch one funny or cute clip and then suddenly they're flooding a recommended section and the next thing you know you're listening to their music or tuning into their actual streams and then drawing them every single day for a month if you see any pages with stickers covering the drawing or with the words redraw at the top it means i effed up during the inking process and had to redo it it happens in every inktober it just means a few of them are gonna show up a second time at the end except looking better also don't be weirded out by the blue lines you see under the drawing those are just sketch lines that i didn't erase because honestly who has the time and anyways like i kind of like how they look with the ink so i figured i'd keep them there i'm really proud of how all of these drawings turned out which is surprising considering the fact that every inktober there's usually a good number of days where i think it looks really bad but this time around i really feel like i can see a jump in improvement since my last sketchbook tour i mean i'm always gonna think my most recent sketchbook looks way better than the last since i'm naturally improving the more i draw but it's still interesting i look back on my old 2017 and 2018 sketchbooks that i used to be really proud of and now i'm like bad trash disgusting why did i ever think this looked good and i feel like it's only a matter of time before i feel the same way about this one but for now i'm going to give myself a supportive pat on the back and then put it on the shelf next to its predecessors while i was posting these i had some people asking me how do you manage to do a drawing every single day it's so difficult to commit to and you know what i 100 agree and that is why i do all of the sketches a few days in advance personally i think trying to think of what pose to do or how to draw the picture is the biggest hurdle to get over and takes up the most brain power if i started from scratch every single day i would waste literally half my day just trying to finish the actual sketch so one trick i always do is to just have the sketch ready for the day i need to ink for that way i don't feel extra pressure from running out of time and if i know that there'll be a busy day where i won't have time to draw anything like if i need to take a trip to la for a day i finished the inktober drawing for that day a day in advance some people might consider this cheating but i would rather ink multiple drawings in one day if i know it'll prevent me from falling behind if you're curious about what materials i used i used a mix of a couple staedtler pigment pens and sakura pigma micron pens but any non-smudging ink pen should work just fine i also used some leftover copic markers that i've had for several years and lastly i used a white uniball gel pen for highlights this one i decided to redraw because i messed up on the eyes but i also thought the pose was really boring so let's just get past this really quick you'll find out what it is soon here's the redraw of day 15 niragami his model is designed to look like pen and ink so i thought he'd be perfect for inktober following that is a redraw of day 24 protagonist this one i'd actually like to redraw at some point because i'm not super happy with it you didn't see that and here's the redraw of day 28. i'm really glad i chose to redo this one because i think it looks way better than the first attempt and lastly i drew my model i didn't want to take up any of the 31 spots so i decided to include mine as an extra bonus you might have seen peaks of this model already in kira's rigging streams but if you haven't i'll be posting the model reveal on my twitter and instagram shortly after this video is uploaded i was planning on making my streaming debut in november but since scribble showdown is happening literally in a week i'm gonna have to postpone it to probably december by the way scribble shoved out tickets are still available to purchase so if you happen to be in the area of any one of the 17 shows please consider watching the show it'll be a blast i promise okay done with the plug moving on so that concludes the end of this sketchbook except for a few blank pages i don't know what to do with and that one designated swatching page that everyone uses the last page for i hope you guys enjoyed this yearly sketchbook tour please let me know which drawing ended up being your favorite down in the comments below we'll be returning to our usual lengthier videos when i return from the scribble showdown tour so if i don't see you at the tour i'll just see you when i come back uh in like what mid-december i don't know i have to check okay cool bye
Channel: Emirichu
Views: 460,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -umlwusHkYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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