DRAW MY LIFE - LaurenzSide (25,000 Subscriber Special)

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hey guys it's Lauren and today I'm gonna be doing a draw my life video I know I'm a little late with making one of these they used to be really popular like when I first joined last year but I didn't have enough subs to really share my life with you guys and I haven't really said a lot about my life and I'm a little nervous to do so but you guys have been so supportive and so awesome that I felt it only right to do it for you guys to celebrate me hitting 25,000 subscribers well now it's a it's 26 already it's Cowen's it's going so fast I was born on July 7th aka the day the world became amazing and apparently I was put into a straitjacket what the heck is that so I think I was trying to draw a bundling of some sorts I was born into a family which already consisted of my mom dad and my older sister Chrissy two years later my younger brother Ryan was born and our family was complete I had an amazing childhood and ever since I was born I was super close with my family and we would travel all over and do all of these really cool things one of the things we like to do was go camping all over the place we would go camping in an RV but I can't draw an RV so this is some type of tent triangular house type deal here my older sister Kristi is actually my half-sister so she mainly lived with her mom in Pennsylvania but would visit us a lot and I remember every time that she would have to leave me I would cry and she would have to leave me either stuffed animals or little notes or drawings to make me feel better until she got back after I was born my family moved to our house in upstate New York and we still have that house today it's truly one of my favorite places in the whole world I was even lucky enough to be in a house across the street from another little girl who was the same age as me her name was Sarah and we became beat FS as we grew up we did everything together but we were total opposites I was more of a tomboy and not really caring so much about my appearance and loved playing video games sara was your classic girly girl and she was actually the one that started trying to get me into bake up and doing my hair in third grade my parents sent me to Catholic school because they believed I was evil just kidding it was because they were doing some silly district separation thing where my brother and I would be in different school districts and my mom didn't want to separate us Sara was coming with me too so it was okay in my Catholic school we had the same kids in every grade for five years I went through cycles of being friends with some of them one year and then not friends with them another year eventually it always just ended up being back to just Sara myself so that was okay I started liking boys around this time too but I was a pudgy Braceface short-haired tomboy so safe to say I was no one's first choice in a date there was even a guy who dated me for a week and later told me he just did it because he felt sorry for me ouch oh and by dated I mean we told people we were boyfriend and girlfriend but that was it I mean we were like in third grade when it was time to graduate from Catholic school Sara and I decided to go to the public high school over the Catholic alternative to get a fresh start and get away from the other kids it ended up being a really good decision because I made a ton of friends who helped me to experience new things that I had never had before I even started wearing makeup and dressing nicer but I never gave up my love of so-called boy activities like playing video games snowboarding and imitating the show jackass true story that was actually how I started using a video camera in order to film our crazy antics eventually Sara found a new group of friends who had more in common with her and eventually our close friendship faded from there however we still keep in touch and she still lives across the street from my family home plus I ended up making two really great friends in high school named Michelle and Kayla and a whole bunch of other friends so I wasn't alone when I started my second year of high school my dad told us he had lung cancer I remember not being too worried about it at the time because one I was young and optimistic and two he was in such high spirits saying that the doctor said because he was still young that his body could beat it even through the chemo the hair loss and the pain my dad never lost his humor or his bright spirit and he will always be my hero for that I credit him for giving me my sense of humor as well as my sweet tooth on a cold October morning when I was 15 I was pulled out of class by my mom who told me that my dad had passed away it was only one year after his initial diagnosis obviously I went through a really dark period after that day I rebelled against my mom a lot which was awful I started dating a guy who wasn't the best influence on me and I started going to parties a lot I fell into a really really bad depression and I really didn't feel like myself anymore if there was any good to come out of something so horrible that happened to us it was that me and my mom and my brother became so close afterwards my mom did such an amazing job dealing with two teenagers all by herself and my brother was always there telling really weird and funny jokes to try and make me smile or teaching me all about computers which has significantly improved the quality of my youtube channel so thank him for that but just like my dad my mom is such a hero to me for the way that she dealt with such a horrible situation and she even started seeing someone who eventually became my stepdad and we all loved that he made her happy again after dating that first boyfriend for a year I found out he was cheating on me thus why people said I shouldn't have dated him so that was obviously over by the last year of high school I was finally starting to resurface as the person I was before my dad died this is where YouTube first came into play like I mentioned before I always had a love of making videos so in 2007 two years after YouTube began I created the account Lawrence ID it stood for Lauren side of the story and it was where I would post random camera ramblings and videos with friends uploaded a handful of videos over the span of one year and then stopped knowing my mom wasn't alone anymore I felt that I could go to college further away to get another fresh start I went to college upstate for a year and a half and while it was a blast and I made a lot of friends I felt like something was missing after a lot of thought I felt the urge to be in New York City it was where my dad grew up it was where my career opportunities were because I was going to college for a TV production and it was closer to my mom and my new boyfriend at the time who lived back home so I made the hard decision to say goodbye to my college friends and head to New York City meanwhile I also got the urge to lose weight I was never fat but I was the chubbiest girl usually out of all of my friends so during my transition from upstate New York to New York City I lost close to 40 pounds and have kept that weight off ever since moving to New York City is without a doubt the best decision I've made in my life so far the people I've met the things I've experienced and the opportunities I've been given have been nothing short of amazing I always say I really could write a book with my stories and maybe I will someday I gained a super close group of friends and we got to experience amazing things that I never thought I would honestly being young and in the city is one unforgettable experience now mind you I had my fun in college but I also worked my butt off I graduated in the highest GPA tier I worked as an intern sometimes for 19 hour days during events and I also worked a part-time job I felt like superwoman one semester into school at New York City my boyfriend from back home and I broke up although I really cared about him I learned that there's a fine line between someone who loves you and someone who tries to hold you back I constantly felt stressed and anxious that one of my guy friends would post my facebook wall because it would usually upset my boyfriend that my new profile picture would cause him to ask who are you trying to impress if I didn't text him back right away we'd get into arguments and I guarantee he would have never let me start a YouTube channel sometimes love isn't enough and you need to find someone who loves you and trust you enough to do things like go out with your friends and not text them every minute all night that's just my little rant I will continue right before I graduated from college I began dating my now boyfriend Bobby we had been interns together and became friends we eventually started dating and we've been together ever since Bobby is the total opposite of my last relationship and it has strengthened me as a person I truly believe you should find someone who helps you to be the best version of yourself and that's our relationship after we got together I felt like everything else started falling into place I found a good job Bobby and I started renting an apartment together and eventually we got Dexter I finally felt like I had almost everything in my life together for once but I still felt like something was missing here's where YouTube comes into play again I had recently started finding game commentators which I had no idea even existed the first person I found was PewDiePie and I became addicted to watching his videos because they made me laugh so much I eventually showed my boyfriend who in turn said I kind of sound like that when I play games thus the idea came about for me to become a gaming commentator with the intention of making people laugh I decided to reboot my old Lawrence ID username and became addicted to making videos again since I started my channel a year and a half ago I have grown more than I ever thought I would made so many friends as both viewers and fellow youtubers and found such an amazing creative outlet that not only helps me to be happy but also helps others to be happy as well thank you all so much for contributing to me reaching 25,000 subscribers I know you guys always tell me how much I help brighten your day but I just wanted to remind you guys how much you helped me to be happier in my life to thee and sorry for being a little mushy but sometimes life is mushy and not all Sunshine's and butterflies also if you haven't already and now that you know a big chunk about me and my life why don't you hit the subscribe button also make sure to like this video because it took me literally almost all weekend who put together if any of my stories relate to you make sure to leave a comment below and I will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 3,683,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, Laurens Side of Gaming, female pewdiepie, funny girl gamer, Draw My Life, Subscriber Special, Funny Draw My Life, Sad Draw My Life, 25000 Subscribers, Draw My Life death, About Me, gamer Draw My Life
Id: cYOeM37RNGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 15 2014
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