Dramatically BETTER RESULTS in Generative Fill, Photoshop TIP

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What the heck? Why are my results on Generative  AI and Adobe so much worse than everybody else's?   Well, there's actually two big reasons, and  the first one is really going to surprise you,   not using the selection tool properly. One of  the most important tools in generating this AI   is making the right shape with the selection tool.  The problem is you're using it as a selection tool   trying to get perfect selections. It's not how it  works. Use it to sketch the outline of what you   want to create. Let me demonstrate and then we'll  get to reason number two. And by the way, you need   to be inside Adobe Photoshop Beta to be running  this. You'll go to Creative Cloud and on the left   hand side, you'll see Beta apps. My other video  shows you exactly how to set that up. All right,   so let's make a selection. Let's just grab the  Marquee tool and I'm going to make a selection   around her head here. I want a hat, right? So  I'm going to hit Generate or Fill. In order to   prove how important this is, I'm not going to  use any other descriptors, just the word hat. I'm going to type in hat right now. Before I hit  generate, because of this shape, I bet you we're   going to get something like a berry or something  like that. We're going to let it generate   and boom, look at that. So how did  I know we were going to get a berry?   Because of the shape of the selection that  I made. If you look at this selection,   and by the way, it creates a mask. I'm just  going to just select that mask quickly. Notice   I went very high up in the head, which means  it can't go down low like you would get with   a beanie. And also it's not up very high, so  we can't get something like a top hat. In fact,   why don't we dump this selection altogether? I'm  going to make a brand new selection, and I'm going   to bet that we're going to get a top hat or a  party hat. And I'm saying that before I even make   this selection. And we're going to start from  here and I'm going to go up high. So I'm going   to give this lots of room at the top. So it's  going to take all this area to generate the hat. Let's hit Generate and fill. Hat, hit Generate.  What did I say? It's going to be something like   a party hat, like a top hat, or maybe one of  those New Year hats. It's going to be tall.   And look at that. Did I call it or what? And  if you're getting any value out of this video,   hit that subscribe button, turn on notifications.  You won't miss any of my videos. All right,   are you starting to get the picture? Okay, so  what we want to do now, in order to generate   what you really want, number one, the shape is  really important. Number two is descriptors. So   what you want to avoid is things like remove this  object or select where you're telling it to do   something because it doesn't work that way. What  you want to do is name the object and then give   properties of that object, such as the color, the  material it's made out of, whether it's old, new,   etc. I want to create a Pompom hat. I don't know  what they call them here, but in New Zealand,   it's a Pompom hat. You get the woolen hat  with the little Pompom or the ball on the top. I think they call it that in the UK as well.  Even though I've been in the US a long time,   I am from another country, so maybe they call it  something different here. Let me know. So watch   this. I doubt it's going to get what we want, but  let's try it. We're going to type in Pompom hat   and then we're going to hit generate. Okay,  so this violated some of the user guidelines,   so maybe a Pompom hat means something different  than what I thought it did. All right,   so I'm just going to ditch that. We're going  to create a new selection. So let's create a   selection that goes lower. We even go down where  we're going to allow it to go as low as the eyes.   Then what we want to do is give it lots of space  on the top, but I'm going to make it more rounded.   Now, we're going to hit Generate a fill  and we're just going to type in Woollan   hat. There we go. Look at that. We've got a  Pompom hat. I've got three different ones.   What if we wanted to change the color of it to  blue? Blue woolen hat, and now we get a blue hat. What you can see here is the object was following  the shape of the outline that it was creating.   Let's try another example. All all right, who  doesn't love a guitar amp? Let's put a cat on   top. What we're going to do first of all is we're  going to grab our crop tool and we're just going   to extend this up a little bit, give ourselves  some space so we can fit this cat in there.   That's looking pretty good. Then we're just going  to grab the Marquee tool, make a quick selection   here, and we're just going to fill this just  by hitting Generate or Fill and just leave it   blank and just hit Generate and it will create  a background for us. Perfect. Now, if we want to   create a cat and I want a cat that's standing up,  watch this. I'm going to go down a little bit here   into the top of the speaker and then we're going  to go here. It's going to be a pretty big cat.   I'm going to bet we've got a cat  that's either standing or sitting.   We're just type in cat. We're not going  to put anything else there, just cat. There we go. We got a cat sitting.  Let's have a look at the other options.   That one's a little strange, but... All right, now  watch what happens if I change the shape of this.   Now, I'm going to go wide with this, and maybe  I'll even go down more here. And we're going to   go very wide. Now, I bet you we're going to get a  cat that's lying down now. Notice, it's the shape.   Now, I could type cat lying, but I'm just going  to just click cat, and there we go. We've got   a cat lying down. We've got three options.  There's a second one, there's a third one.   So I hope you noticed there that the shape of  the selection was even more important than the   descriptive words. Now, I can use other words and  generally speaking, I would, but I wanted to just   really minimize the words to show you the power of  the shape of that selection. I hope you found this   tip useful. Let me know in the comments underneath  if you did. By the way, check out my full video   on Generative Fill in Photoshop. It's right  up there. If you're new, welcome to the Cafe. Hit the subscribe button, turn on notifications,   and you won't miss any of my videos.  Until next time, I'll see you at the Cafe.
Channel: photoshopCAFE
Views: 70,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn photoshop, photography, colin smith, photoshopcafe, colin smith tutorial, photoshopcafe tutorial, adobe photoshop, Photoshop tips, Photoshop, Photoshop tutorial, learn Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop, generative ai, adobe firefly, flrefly in photoshop, photoshop beta, artificial intelligence, ai art, ai image generator, adobe firefly ai, adobe firefly tutorial, Photoshop ai, ai retouching, generative fill, generative, generative fill photoshop beta
Id: njGe3_gBfxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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