Dragons: The Nine Realms: Ragnarök is The War To End All Wars...

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n on 2 years ago my channel took an unexpected turn it was never supposed to be anything important just a little side show while I focused on the much bigger objective but little did I realize the horror that I was about to step into the blood soaked Battlefield that I would see the world and the characters that I grew up with who helped shape me into the very man you see before you twisted and perverted like some sick joke I had never seen anything like it not even the battles of Big Hero 6 this series All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 or bright can compare to what this has brought on and while Big Hero 6 the series did take a higher death toll the nine Realms brought upon us a unique sense of suffering wave upon wave of Destruction never giving us a moment's rest it became the animated equivalent of a Russian CX or the Via COG gorilla Warfare in animation I had never heard of such a thing a new season every 3 to 6 months which gives me the sneaking suspicion that that's how long these seasons were taking to make but with all gorillas their strength came in speed and Ambush rather than through tactic or power these seasons were short and rushed out and by the time that we were able to collect ourselves another appears right around the corner and yet despite all this they were able to cover their tracks well enough to prevent us from ever Landing the finishing blow that would beat needed to wipe out our enemy for good so we lied and we waited as more seasons kept coming right at us we bided our time as they bided theirs I can only imagine that the thoughts of our enemies were the same as ours an urging desire to finish us off and become the victors of this war but a massive breakthrough has come in the wake of the battle of season 7 out of all the battles that I have taken part in this war this was by all means the bloodiest I also love how this episode literally hints at a sex scene between the dad and his wife we actually rip off avatar The Last Airbender yeah let's just [ __ ] do that more like this wouldn't have happened if you didn't give a big cringy speech about how unlikable and weird I am wow that sounds exactly like how we've been describing this [ __ ] for 2 years now hiob must have locked this Dragon away all those years ago what no no all right I know that sounds bad never before had I seen such Devastation such bastardization and blatant laziness it was a sight that I shall never recover from I can only Ponder on what words I will use whenever I am asked about my experiences what stories will I tell my future children and what words will they use to theirs will this battle even be remembered and if it is will it be distorted in a way in which I am the bad guy was this entire Adventure nothing short of just a waste of time no I know what I fight for and a breakthrough has been made the losses from the last battle were outrageous on both sides but the enemy has made a move so foolish that there is no covering their tracks anymore they've played their trump card and it all comes down to this we've discovered their base of operations and we're marching towards it right now as we speak in the year of Our Lord 2024 we will finally succeed in bringing Ragnarok upon these nine Realms we'll be blasting a monar and brothers of metal as we finish what whimpering scraps Remain the past will be Avenged the present will be saved and the future future will be protected the Battle of season 8 will determine the future of the How to Train Your Dragon franchise and we will be its liberators a battle nigh on 2 years in the making and it will be over before lunchtime so here we come dragons the nine Realms here to witness your final three hours damn it's actually over like I don't know what's more unbelievable right now the fact that it's over now or the fact that it didn't even last two years it premiered on December 23rd in 2021 and then it ended on December 14th of 2023 just nine days short of lasting two years like that's just amazing to me what a crazy coincidence but still we got eight whopping seasons in not even 2 years dream marks really just wanted to speedrun a TV show and see what would happen and sadly we were the guinea pigs the fans of had a trer dragon were the true victims in this war they had to watch something that meant so much to them just be completely torn apart right before their very eyes like it was thrown into a piranha tank or something I know the word hiccup is used to describe him but that's probably CU he had Viking indigestion look there he is there he is get him get him out of here get him the hell out of here to the audience beating [ __ ] [ __ ] ripping his jacket up throw him out Nicole don't bring don't give him his jacket don't give but by this point I think we've already made that point clear we've talked about the show for seven full seasons now and I use the word full very Loosely as in the words of John telan himself seasons are a fluid concept which I guess means you can have a whopping three episodes in one season like the owl house did okay that was a weird circumstance in his is not a good example look it's weird how this show operated 6 to s episode Seasons released frequently at such a rapid pace of 3 to 6 months we've never seen anything like this it was odd to say the least and this final season is no different you'd figure with this being the finale maybe they'd go all out and just give us a full 10 to 13 episode season instead or just divide those episodes and release nine full seasons for a show titled the nine Realms but then I thought about it and realized you know what eight seasons is probably the best way to sum this show up it's perfect after all it's always coming up short isn't it also seriously your people wanted more of this I thought we all agreed we wanted the show to die particularly after last season when they outright admitted to Their audience that they just didn't give a [ __ ] not about the fans not about the franchise this is just a paycheck to them and they have no reason to care oh you think June is cringe and unlikable well you're right but like that's just your opinion or whatever yeah your writing is on the record now so good luck with continuing your career I'm sure you'll find great work on shows like Velma still it feels weird to say that it's finally over I mean the show didn't even last 2 years officially and yet it felt like way longer than that probably because again we got eight seasons of a TV show within that time span again we've never seen anything like this so with this being the final battle for Tom his friends and the Queen the question now remains how will they go out with a big bang or an embar bassing whimper now normally the better question would be is that even a real question but in this particular case I think the first question is the right one in that does this show go out in an embarrassingly bad way or does it just fizzle out into nothingness well I guess it's now or never if season 7 was this War's life egg then consider this our waterl except the show was never brilliant to begin with and plus we'll win so you know I I uh where was I going with this I had a point episode one proof so in the last video I got a lot of comments from people really trying hard to rationalize just what happened at the end of season 7 which is understandable but I also feel like you guys were giving the show way too much credit when has the show ever successfully pulled the wool over our eyes I saw comments of people going well we don't know that it was hiccup maybe someone framed him and used the dragon symbol for that specific reason which is dumb like who the [ __ ] trying to frame a dead guy after 1300 years hiup must have locked this Dragon away all those years ago how do you know for sure hiccup did it who else could it have been Eugene this is the reason why Humanity was a mistake this is why we should all be killed everything up to this point has been hiccup the arrowhead and alheim the gron iron in melheim the traps in sparle Heim everything has always been hiccup if anything the amount of people trying so hard to rationalize this decision just proves my point from my last video because this is so out of character for hiccup to do that it's impossible to justify from every angle people brought up the scrill from Defenders of Burke but forgot that hiccup later regretted doing that and trapping a dragon made him no better than vgo wait we can't do this we shouldn't do this pickup this scrill hunted you and Toothless it wanted to kill you but it didn't we do this this we're no better than the Dragon Hunters we're just using a different cage and he doesn't deserve that here please hit me as hard as you can hicup must have locked this Dragon away all those years ago don't hold back hicup wasn't above hurting a dragon if it meant defending himself or his people but that is as far as he would go if the plan was for yman gunner to be locked up and then moved somewhere else where it wouldn't pose a threat that'd be one thing but no hiccup just left it there to die for, 1300 years which is completely [ __ ] up there is no justifying that the least hiccup could have done is kill it and put it out of its misery if your Mund really is that dangerous to the point where it cannot be allowed to roam the Earth then hicup would have simply tried to kill it it would pain him to do it because he cares about all dragons no matter how big or dangerous they are but if it has to be done then it has to be done but that's not what happened is it and whatever reason that hicup had to lock Yun up this show does jack [ __ ] to explain it it never goes into why hicup did what he did why would he betray his character like that the show just expect you to accept that hiccup would totally do this even though the show can't rationalize it itself not to mention we're also ignoring all the other major factors as to why hicup wouldn't even have to resort to this does yman Gund just not give a [ __ ] about the Alpha dragon Toothless isn't a big dragon and yet all the massive dragons including a bewilder beast followed him fine and yman Gund is not a big dragon it's right behind us isn't it oh my God is it actually right behind oh my God are you [ __ ] serious oh my God I was just kidding but no they [ __ ] actually did that so that's that's the that's the world serpent right there that's that's the [ __ ] world serpent right there guys that's its tail right there that's the end of the whole thing that's that's this is the world serpent it's it is not a big snake that is so pathetic embarrassing like that's supposed to bring the end of the world it's not even that big this is the [ __ ] world serpent get the [ __ ] out of here so now that yag Gund is free we can now take a second and process what we're looking at and honestly it's even worse than I thought this is the world serpent that [ __ ] thing's pathetic in fact looking at it now I think it actually looks smaller than the sky torture or at the very least the same size how anyone from the Viking period called this thing the world World serpent when they've seen the Red Death the screaming death the bewilder beast and some people in the comments even brought up the purple death from the comics which was also referred to as yman gun because well yeah just look at it compared to this [ __ ] worm that isn't even the biggest creature in the show remember when the main characters went to yodenheim and saw that giant slug or that one dragon that was so big and scary they couldn't even show it on screen remember that oh of course our Man characters don't remember that they have the memory of a goldfish with dementia the [ __ ] goal of the show to go around bragging that this is the king of all dragons and that this is the final boss after everything we' seen in this franchise it's just appalling are you [ __ ] kidding me this is like after watching Goku defeat jiren in the tournament of power and we then get a new villain that's on par with cell in his second form what is this [ __ ] not to mention a lot of my concerns from my previous video are still very much valid sure it does have fire breath that it never even uses until the final episode for whatever reason yeah it's really dumb instead it uses this poison gas breath that it has why why does it use poison breath when it can just breathe fire why not just use the fire just about every other Dragon uses fire this makes no [ __ ] sense oh brother this guy stinks shouldn't it be like hot water that it's shooting out considering the fact that yman Gund is often associated with the ocean shouldn't yman Gund be more of a water dragon in that regard like a Norse mythology sure it has poison breath in Norse mythology already but still a venomous bite perfect water-based abilities yes but it has neither of those it's just a boring [ __ ] snake definitely not the creature that Brothers of metal wrote about in their epic power ballad power snake I mean just listen to these lyrics and tell me if they fit this world serpent as they call it with scales tough as shining steel and steel and heart and mind across the world and back again his body he can wind the snake will drag you down and drown you in his flesh I ain't drowning in this fucker's flesh are you kidding me this creature is enor finds tallest trees are the trees of bonsai or something king of Serpent of theel yeah again no this [ __ ] thing is puny also he still can fly when the majority of dragons can which again justifies him being a water dragon he'd be fast in the water and be able to catch anything there so Elusive and only oh if only there was some lure of Y Mund somewhere that you guys could have used to know that oh this [ __ ] thing sucks I know in my initial let's watch of the first episode I actually phrase the design of the snake but actually I take it back this design is [ __ ] lame it has no reason to have this king cobra aesthetic when it's supposed to be a water dragon also it just plain looks Derpy you could have made this any [ __ ] snake you wanted you could have given it any name you wanted call it the giganto bra that's a cool name sure a lot of the problems I have would still be there but at least it wouldn't be called the world serpent when this puny thing can't even wrap around a McDonald's drive-thru Jesus this episode hasn't even started and I've gone on for this long and trust me it only gets worse from here I'm talking about yman Gund by the way not just the show so Tom and his friends try to fight yman Gund but get their asses kicked because they suck as always I mean yman Gund could easily just Chomp them or squish them right now it is the final season after all and on a high note so Tom is upset about getting his ass kicked for the up te time and I guess he blames himself for yman Gund getting out which is dumb but part of the course for him I guess yeah it's the final season and it wouldn't be the same without Tom once again going through the same damn character Ro about not feeling feeling guilty about [ __ ] that's not his [ __ ] fault oh and not let people into his world again the dragon riters are going to work you have to start letting us into yours I'll try harder to open up I promise so that was a [ __ ] lie I honestly can't even be bother to be mad since we've done this song and dance before also it's the final season so as long as it ends with him in June breaking up in the end then I'm cool with it so he reads the Book of Dragons and discovers a trick that hiccup used to hypnotize yman Gund so of course this means desecrating on another how to tr Dragon character this time being vul's turn so Tom finds vula staff on top of yman G's cage which makes you wonder why wouldn't hicup try to lock that up somewhere safe like he did the Book of Dragons but hey maybe the writers didn't think that far ahead yet four months ago so if you remember from Movie 2 vula used her staff to somewhat control the dragons and tame them and while yes it did work I think it worked better to calm them and allow her to get close enough to train them rather than just fullon hypnotize them like it's suggesting here but to be fair the staff did work on the bewilder beast to some extent a creature that's much bigger and more dangerous than yman Gund so I guess using vula staff isn't the worst idea here you're going to hypnotize y Mand hypnosis is real actual doctors use it yeah and certain crystals have been proven to have hypnotic qualities June shut up you're just you're just playing forbidden to talk from here on out check it out I'm cson and I'm a total tweet Fest uh Eugene he sees you I was just uh mocking you well damn that might be Eugene's last ever rare based moment I think I'm actually going to miss those also are we still forgetting the fact that we're in the modern day multi-million doll company over there just easily there that can easily make a weapon to kill your AR Gund oh wait what am I talking about these people can't even drive cars or fly helicopters properly give these guys so much as a slingshot and you'll somehow end up with another Chernobyl so because we're surrounded by ID idiots Tom learns how to use vus staff because well you asked for it confirmation that it was in fact hiccup who trapped yman Gand I lured yman Gand to the Grunkle Iron Gate with the staff but I stayed focused on yman Gand keeping it drawn to the [Music] staff he says what he did but not how so there it is hiccup finally appeared in the nine Realms not counting that shitty C painting or anything it's also never explained why he's wearing his Viking helmet when he never did after the snoggle talk special oh but it was referenced in the show so of course he'd wear his mother's breastplate I bet the writers don't even know about that part and again the show never tries to rationalize why hicup would do this why he would betray his own character in this way well okay there's one reason there is one but it is so [ __ ] stupid and ludicrous and would never happen in this universe that it's just baffling that they made this decision so we'll just come back to this later when it's relevant it's weird that it's not relevant now since we're butchering hiccup's character but all right what is relevant right now though is June's stupid [ __ ] hippie [ __ ] so June gives him a rock that's supposed to give him confidence or whatever but makes him promise to not confront your Gund alone can you guess what Tom does next you got 20 seconds on the clock oh what's that you got it in 0.0026 seconds yeah of course you did we all did Tom confronts yman Gund alone what bugs me is that he's not even swinging the staff the same way vula did he read the book of dragons didn't he oh to be fair June was the one who read that to him so that's probably her fault you know what yeah it was definitely her fault it doesn't even make the same sound effect from the movies either was it really that hard to use this sound effect again you still work at DreamWorks like it's got to be on a computer there somewhere so Tom actually manages to use vulka staff to lure y m Gund back to his cage but oh no I don't think he's going to fall forward twice no well I guess that's two things that Thomas fed to a dragon now first hiccup's leg and now vulka staff I mean it's actually crazy how we managed to do this twice now Tom has managed to disrespect his own bloodline twice now and why yman Gund just went for the staff and not him that's [ __ ] stupid just eating them already so the others come in and manage to save Tom and thunder and June is ready for a Beatdown so abusive it would make DD Blancher look like Michelle Obama you promised you wouldn't go after yman Gand alone and you did it anyway do you know how many dragons could have died you could have died sometimes you are so selfish let us pray the Pimp's prep Lord please pray for the soul of this [ __ ] and guide my pimp hand and make it strong Lord so that she might learn a ho Place amen amen yeah seriously this coming from the [ __ ] who was perfectly willing to sacrifice her dragon in season 4 Just to be right about some stupid Chinese myth this coming from the skank who sided with Sedin and possibly put the entire nine Realms at risk just because she looked at you for 10 seconds this coming from the [ __ ] stain that almost got your new boyfriend killed G that makes me kind of sick to say G and then got no repercussions you almost got Tom killed because of your own pettiness and now you have the goal to call Tom selfish all of the times that you have put people and dragons in in danger and Tom's the selfish one [ __ ] why are we even surprised at this point why are you even surprised that he did this you're his girlfriend you should know him better than anyone and what makes this worse Alex predicted he'd do this Tom should be back by now do you think he's going to do something stupid like Take On The World serpent by himself I trust him if you really believe that check out where his saddle tracker is [Music] get Alex knows Tom better than her tablet by now while June was legitimately surprised sure she should be surprised because you'd figured Tom would have learned his lesson by season 8 but no Tom doesn't even stand up for himself either or explain that yman Gund got the jump on him yeah Tom should have just left right then and there but it doesn't change the fact that yman Gund attacked him oh but Tom's not going to bring that up because he's a [ __ ] simp but you know what whatever it doesn't matter and you know why because Tom and June officially break up in this episode H [ __ ] [Applause] luah [Applause] [Music] I love how this episode is playing up the sappy music even during the creds to really let it sink in that this is a sad and bitter moment but [ __ ] you show I haven't felt this much Jubilation since I watched endgame for the first time I feel like America when have found out osam Bin Laden had been killed sure there was Zero buildup to this breakout but considering we never even wanted it I'll allow it and yeah I know they'll get back together by the end of the show because the writers enjoy inflicting pain upon their Audi audience but hey at least we got to witness this small consolation prize and considering this is the end of the show I'll take what I can get at this point episode two filler if I could give any advice to the writers of this show and they actually listen to me then it would be literally anything else but this do not ever put a filler episode in your series finale what the hell is wrong with you what even is the point of introducing Mr to rake this late in your show especially when he never comes back in the last few episodes he never learns about dragons he never learns about buz or Sting leaving the whole entire episode is just our main characters trying to keep him from seeing dragons and it is a complete waste of time there's a scene in the middle of the episode where Tom actually considers telling Mr Reich the truth about dragons and Olivia who's actually in an episode for once big shock I know tells him it's a bad idea because he hired Sedin and he might want to hurt them but the episode never implies that he would actually do that if anything it seems like he would probably be estatic to meet dragons maybe he'd want to get his own and get the other adults their own dragons to he'd shift the Project's Focus to preserving and studying dragons and kind of become this Show's John Hammond that way his introduction would actually serve a purpose and would set the stage for how the final battle with yman Gunner would play out but as it is this episode feels like it was supposed to come out three seasons ago it's almost like The showrunners Wanted to remind the audience hey remember remember why they're even there in the first place sorry but since when has that ever even been relevant doesn't even matter at this point in the story anymore didn't they come to this Canyon because of a random meteorite that crashed into the Earth opening up the Hidden World was that meteorite ever even addressed after that they never even found the stupid rock it was just a dumb excuse to get the story going when you could have just had them be there already or find some other reason like an earthquake or whatever if anything an earthquake would have been better since a Dragon was actually causing them look on its own this episode is passable if not just plain forgettable but for the final season of the show this episode is useless it's pointless the only crumb of worth this episode gives us is a Breaking Bad reference but even that's half ass science yeah it just doesn't work without the [ __ ] man also only Alex can say it even the characters within this episode feel like they're on autopilot Tom just got dumped in the last epis episode but he still hangs up with June as if nothing ever happened almost like this episode was meant to come out in a previous season but just didn't for whatever reason there's really not much else to say about this episode it sucks also Mr rake's character design is awful he looks like a deleted miraculous character or something what's with those arms my guy are those anchor arms now I'm a jerk and everybody loves me so order now whimp episode three dirty de done just playing filthy so at at this point it's clear who the best character is in the show right but just like with Disney and Encanto I'm wondering who actually wrote this because it couldn't have been anyone on this team Alex is the one fluke they made by pure accident and now it seems like they're trying their damnest to put that lightning back in the bottle I don't know if it's out of spite because fans prefer this character over literally anyone else or if they're being genuine but I now believe the writers hate Alex they wasted this character so much when she could have been both anything and everything you could have told this great story about a nerdy girl who's scared of the real world because of her past traumas so she clings to computers and tablets because they make her feel safe but after coming into the Hidden World and finding her own dragon she opens up more and becomes more of a freelancer not afraid to explore the world around her or being hurt anymore you also could have done something with her moms as well maybe some of those past traumas are of bullies making fun of Alex for having two moms that would actually give the lgbtq representation in this show some meaning and stop it from being just window dressing but all we really got from Alex honestly was just her being The Sassy one of the group for 80% of the show's run she had the best moments of the show for sure and she definitely had more going on for her character it's just that the writers never capitalized on it they didn't strike while the iron was hot and so Alex was just left to sit on the sidelines while Tom and his stupid Shenanigans got the front stage overall and it really pains me to say this Alex was a huge disappointment in the show but it was through no fault of her own the Riders planted these seeds of an interesting character gave her the funniest moments of the whole show and then did nothing with her they forgot to water this plant so it just withered and died instead they chose to water the weed while the rose got nothing okay Jerry let's go for a j hey slow down wait for [Music] me just give the [ __ ] CH you son of a b wait son of a wait so yeah I'm 100% convinced these Riders just hated Our Queen for no good reason the reason I bring this up is because this is the closest we get to Alex having her own episode in the final season and it's [ __ ] stupid in this episode Tom and his friends are busy trying to protect the dragons from yman Gund by hurting them all into one specific location hey wait a minute wasn't that like a major problem in the previous Seasons particularly season 3 when the sky torture was invading another realm yeah I get this is a unique circumstance but this brings up another problem why even do all of this y mun is just a big animal right this is just nature doing its thing a big dragon eating smaller dragons that's just how it is or at least how it should be but we'll come back to this we will wouldn't hurting all the dragons just make it easier for yman gunner to kill them all whenever he arrives wherever you put them wouldn't forcing dragons that would normally never interact with each other just cause even more problems things that I know the writers didn't even bother to worry about alongside the fact that most dragons can fly there's 's no Stakes with yman Gund sure he breaths that poisonous Cloud but again most dragons can fly they can get away super easily and what dragons we see that can fly like the speed Stingers can still easily outrun yman Gund those in the water are safe which makes perfect sense but oh no the plants are dying that's a big deal right all we see are like five dead trees and a couple of shrubs this doesn't look like a world serpent came through here it looks like a drunk camp out at B oh but the deadly NS it seems like they died I I I think there's no sign of the other NS they must have oh so they died off screen so that means there's an equal possibility that they're still alive yeah yeah you see the problem here right it's because it all happens off screen I'm not going to give this show the benefit of the doubt when it doesn't have the [ __ ] balls to commit either show me a dead dragon or show show me a [ __ ] Wasteland where nothing could have survived unless I actually see yman gun do something terrible then I don't believe it's terrible it's just a boring [ __ ] snake that should already be [ __ ] dead after being locked away in a cage for 1300 years how does it not choke on its own poisonous breath how did not starve to death in that cage after 1300 years oh wait there is that stupid as [ __ ] explanation that we'll get to later I promise meanwhile while all that's going on one of the workers has actually managed to tame a Speed Stinger which gives Tom the surprisingly good idea of using Speed Stinger Venom to paralyze yman Gund that is kind of brilliant for you that is a real idea I think that's the first time you ever had one of them shut up what are you thinking God has forsaken us if that was a good idea why didn't the Vikings do it that way because they didn't have a billion doll state-of-the-art Lab at their disposal oh so you're finally going to use modern technology in this TV series that takes place in the modern day well it only took you until the final season but I'm glad you finally dusted off the cobwebs there Tom but how do we get close enough to inject it buz Saw's got a long range Harpoon a Ballista with that we could hit the world serpent from a half a mile away what so let me see if I have this right right you want to use a multi-million dollar company to synthesize Speed Stinger Venom but you also want to steal a medieval ballista to use against yman Gund you literally just said 10 seconds ago that you have like a billion dollars at your disposal and you want to use what is essentially a giant piece of a wood nothing working wait SpongeBob we're not cavemen we have [Music] technology it didn't work I'm not even surprised like at this point with this being the end of the show I'm completely content with letting them cook let them cook let them burn the [ __ ] house down because I'm not even in the same state as these guys are anymore oh um it's not just me and Tom Alex will come too oh God no no I take it back don't let them cook don't let them cook so remember all that stuff I said about Alex in the beginning of the section yeah here's the proof I remember I gave quite the speech about Alex and her Mis potential in the previous video but now it seems like the Riders want to make this [ __ ] even more painful to sit through so in this episode Tom and June are having breakup drama which is so [ __ ] dumb why' you even break up with each other if you didn't even want to do it not that I'm mad y'all did did it but still so now they're effectively forcing Alex to be the third party moderator of this [ __ ] why do y'all hate Alex so much what did she ever do to you she poisoned our water supply burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses he did no it's bad enough that she fell for a boy that doesn't deserve her and got with another woman but now you're forcing her to play matchmaker with them look at my girl look at how [ __ ] miserable y'all are making her if there was an image that perfectly sums up the ship of Tom Alex and how these writers handled it it would be this shot right here how much y'all want to bet this was done on purpose so Tom Alex and June go to get the ballista by the way can't they just look up how to make one themselves does Google just not exist in this universe or do you not have a multi-million dollar company that can just make you one themselves or better idea just use modern technology an RPG a grenade launcher hell I'll take a [ __ ] Napoleonic cannon at this point anything other than Alex being forced to give relationship advice to these two idiots and just suffering for no good [Music] reason damn it so close meanwhile back at the base D'Angelo and Eugene are working on the Speed Stinger Venom and we get I won't lie probably the best joke in the entire show honestly yes you are yes you are just stab him with it did he actually stabing with it oh my God okay that's probably the funniest thing the show's ever done right there that was actually really funny oh my God I wasn't expecting that at all that's actually [ __ ] funny I like that so finally Alex gets fed up with being compared to baloney she's definitely turkey that is the best sandwich item and just attacks busa's goons and takes the ballista wow it really was that easy which means me Alex suffered for nothing fine so Ford and Winston have been captured and I guess are now under arrest what for exactly I mean you guys are keeping dragons a secret so what actually happens to them all Alex says is that Phil will quote unquote do something with them actually after what we saw in the last season of Phil I don't want to know so the time has come to use the ballista on Yan Gund hold up you mean to tell me you had a multi-million dollar company make you an arrow for the ballista but not a modern weapon that would have worked better than a Ballista so the other starts shooting at yman Gunner to get its attention only for it to realize that it's being lured into a trap I mean Tom is just standing out in the open with a big ass weapon right next to him he might as well hold up a sign it says trap here come here to be trapped but it doesn't matter because Alex shoots at yman Gund and and then he just forgets about the Trap so we have a small group of idiots fighting against one big idiot did really Scott direct this episode but just as they're about to fire bua comes in and ruins the plan and the ballista is destroyed I think we don't even see it by the way we don't see it get smashed we don't even see the remains of it littered on the ground the animators didn't even bother to do that would it really have been that hard to just show us a pile of wood on the ground honestly from the same company that brought us p and Boots the last wish but [ __ ] you if you expect them to animate a pile of wood on the ground so the group goes back home feeling defeated that the plan didn't work this time because as much as it pains me to say it it's not a bad idea how they're going about it is stupid but nothing stopping these kids from making more Venom than trying again oh wait yes there is they're lower than the Titanic's final resting place IQ level just make another ballista for crying out loud if [ __ ] buzz saw can make one in the middle of the woods with only the Book of Dragons to teach him how which you got back by the way thanks to the best girl you don't even need Google you have the capacity to make another ballista all you are lacking is the self-awareness to realize it but again this is the final season of the show and frankly we've seen these idiots do stupider stuff also what the [ __ ] where are de's parents they couldn't even be here so he's got a shack up with Alex's parents well to be fair he did say he could hand her moms earlier in this episode I think D'Angelo might need my help nah I'll be all good working with your moms on my own got some Pimp [ __ ] I got to respect it episode four Stakes no not those Stakes although they do look pretty good right now I'm not going to lie that's always been a recurring problem with the series a lack of stakes since there was never any real danger or lasting consequence to anyone's actions it made it damn near impossible to truly get invested in any part of the story especially when the previous show understood this and did have Stakes people and Dragons died character choices actually meant something and to a certain extent anyway but you get my point I probably said this before already in these videos but when you're writing a serialized story and yes the nine Realms is a serialized story then you need to make sure that when stuff happens it feels like it happened in this show when things happen it never truly feels like an event for example when the adults learned about dragons existing they just Shrugged it off as if it was no big deal they were just like oh dragons exist n that's cool I guess just be sure to clean up after them okay when bua became an antagonist in season 4 sure he was around but he never did anything that made him stand out as a threat we never saw him kill a dragon or hurt any of the main characters if anything the only reason our main characters couldn't stop buz saww was because they themselves are idiots too and it's never fun watching two stupid kids just smack each other over and over again with no real winner actually I take that back that would be infinitely more interesting than what the show has offered but I have said it before that I was at the very least interested in seeing how they deal with buz saww and that I wanted to see how they [ __ ] it up it'd be like watching a demolition derby you know shit's going to get broken but that's why you're here so in this episode namari has kidnapped the Angela Dragon plwh horn now if you're expecting this episode to answer some very basic questions like how did namari manage to drag a one- ton animal back to her base using only a rope or how did namari sneak into the facility without being seen by the cameras or why don't our main characters just check the cameras since that was clearly a thing they could do in season 6 go [ __ ] yourself never to anything when will you do anything in your life you but as they're searching for plwh horn bua appears asking them for help as apparently his Timberjack named Jack was almost killed by yman Gund and no this still doesn't make yorman Gund scary because again it happened off screen and also Jack is fine I'm seeing it but I'm not sure I'm believing it buz saww actually bonded with his Dragon we're going to fix you make you feel better it's all going to be okay look at that de's actually become a real dragon doctor yeah that's cool and all but what happened to the background it's just it's just gone in the shot that's so that's so like this show honestly so yeah just as we predicted in the past like what four seasons ago dagger 2.0 is having his Redemption Arc and it's coming right the [ __ ] out of nowhere in the final few episodes I mean we all saw it coming right and if anything the writer just shoehorning in his Redemption not just in the last season but in episode four out of six just sounds about what you'd expect from them honestly there was no buildup to it his lumber company has nothing to do with it he just cares about his Dragon the only slight since a buildup we got up to this point is seeing these brief moments where he does bomb with Jack but it still doesn't mean he's changing he was literally ready to kill Tom In Cold Blood in the last episode and now he's wanting to be a good guy really kids are not that dumb they're going to have so many questions and just know right away this isn't making any sense because why would it do I even need to bring up dagger's Redemption Arc again I brought it up in multiple videos already I have an entire video talking about it already but like I said earlier it's the last season and I'm just content to let this train go off the rails so Bosa tells the others we namari secret bases and they almost kill Linda in the process of entering it Jesus Christ I mean deserved since she's a Nazi but [ __ ] so it turns out the reason why namari kidnapped plwh horn was so she could force her to track down more Dragon site and the Book of Dragons reveal where the hearstone is yeah yeah yeah and C troll Hunter joke here stop reminding me of your Better Properties DreamWorks you're only making me want to watch those instead she's come obsessed with finding a gem she saw in that Dragon book it's all she thinks about she believes it's in some realm that she's been searching for she's searching for the God's realm [ __ ] [ __ ] fu oh for the love of Christ Asgard is the God's realm we've seen Asgard already we've seen all nine Realms I'm The Keeper of the Realms me so now you're suggesting there's a possible 10th realm why is this show called The Nine Realms when there's apparently 10 of them oh and what makes this worse is that she's talking about the world tree igdrasil which isn't technically a realm in itself but simply the link that connects them all and no this was not an accident this is not me misinterpreting anything they are blatant about this being igdrasil all I know is that she is constantly staring at a picture of that gem on her phone on her phone what's her phone number oo Alex is going to dox a [ __ ] like she's never doxed a [ __ ] before so ignoring the fact that plorn is a one- ton animal that could easily just kill namari whenever she wanted they find igil and the [Music] hearstone you want some love too okay so before we move on from here I have a personal message to send out to Patrick Kel the guy who did the score for the show Patrick my guy you did not have to go this hard on this show I mean seriously is this where all the budget went to the score because I'm not lying when I say this the score is excellent it's going so unnecessarily hard for a show that never tries in anything thing I guess Patrick's the only person working on the show who actually wants to keep his career after the show and you know what good for him Patrick deserve better same as Alex here's hoping he finds better work on better shows or movies so namari finds the Hearthstone but Tom and the others try to stop her she removes the stone which causes all the nine Realms to start shutting down you ever find yourself wondering how the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] works like all the [ __ ] in the whole [ __ ] Universe how does it work and the question of what to do about that [ __ ] is deeply related to the question of how the [ __ ] it works in the first place so apparently the whole thing with dragon site is that they produce oxygen and without it all the dragons in the nine Realms would just die and look I'm not a world renowned scientist or anything but apparently rocks can sometimes produce oxygen but only in very specific conditions but ignoring all of that there are trees in the nine Realms there's also sky in the nine Realms and also big gaping [ __ ] tunnels that lead to the outside world of the nine Realms this is stupid no [ __ ] honey you're going to seriously tell me that after all of this buildup of what dragon side is the properties of it all why the dragons care about it so much it's because they make oxygen and they're apparently the only source of oxygen for these creatures the trees don't do jack [ __ ] what about the dragons in the water I guess they're just exempt from this rule or something also apparently you need fire to make the Rocks work what about dragons that don't breef fire are they just [ __ ] also we're ignoring the fact that namari cares way more about a stupid rock over literal [ __ ] dragons she could have been a billionaire by now if she soone just posted a picture of one of them on Instagram one is literally hanging around her [ __ ] lab and she made an alliance with buz saww so she could clearly get pictures safely if she wanted to hell she got pictures thanks to this [ __ ] oh but no no no no no the world renowned scientist only cared about [ __ ] rocks other than the ones in are [ __ ] skull you got rocks your head I can hear them rolling oh and of course there a need hog Dragon I don't care what it's actually called it's just it's clearly need hog nehog is a dragon that lives on ill and also likes to chew on the roots causing chaos across the nine rounds because yeah he's just a dick like that does it really matter when e hog really was do the riters even care we've already answered that question I already know it you could have gotten all the fame and all the fortune from the [ __ ] dragons you do I mean [ __ ] give bosaw some credit at least he saw where the money was who's going to give a [ __ ] about a [ __ ] rock oh God this is so stupid and the only explanation that this show can give us as to why she's doing all of this is oh she's just bat [ __ ] crazy now she talks to that pitcher on her phone all the time time she never shuts up about it and she oh and she likes to finger herself to the picture it's weird how did namari become the worst villain of the show when you have buz saw right the [ __ ] over there it's honestly kind of impressive how they managed to turn her into the show's gollem it's some women just have [ __ ] me eyes do I have [ __ ] me eyes well you have give us the ring my precious eyes the villain who seem like to at least have common sense turned out to be the most nonsensical moronic and just plain lazily written antagonist in the entire show and yes this is including buz Saw's random ass Redemption Arc so nehog falls back into his pit nari loses her footing and actually dies yeah no fooling there's no rug to be pulled out from under us she doesn't appear anywhere after this or in the rest of the show the show actually killed her off holy [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen [ __ ] grows nonbing AR hoes we got a first here someone actually died in the nine Realms like it's a [ __ ] miracle she felled death in neog's pit and was then most likely consumed by him a pretty brutal death that actually fits this franchise considering some of the deaths that raised to the edge gave us I guess with this being the final season of the show The Riders finally decided to spread their wings a little bit either that or they were finally allowed to when I first watched this season I genuinely didn't trust it I had no faith that these writers would actually commit to killing a character off even with it being the final season but no they actually killed someone off I have expected it to be Busa getting eaten alive or something but no namari just Falls to her death trying to keep hold of the one ring and pays the price for it real funny [ __ ] episode [Music] five I thought i' had seen it all in this war stupid characters ugly animation nonsensical storytelling every time I think I've seen everything that the nine Realms has to offer they always surprise me with something new I figured with them being in a corner they had run out of Tricks out of things to ruin or pervert with their ways I've made that mistake before and I can't believe I've done it again so here we are everybody the final Story the last two episodes are a two-parter so in the first episode jun's mom calls an emergency meeting after finally learning about yman Gund we get a dumb filler moment where Eugene and Alex try bullying that one guy whose name I don't even remember or care to remember why is Alex going along with this why is she humoring Eugene when she's clearly smarter and knows she could just wait a few minutes to learn what the meeting's about well I guess it's because the riters forgot to give these two more character moments together throughout the show and we only got two episodes left so we got a shoe horned in somewhere this facility has experienced threats to our security before a dragon riding madman a dragon near collision with the lab if this Dragon cannot be stopped I will be forced to evacuate and shut down Icarus permanently so a biblical blizzard isn't enough to make y'all evacuate but a dragon that's not even the worst thing we've seen in this show is yeah way did cherry pick a force conflict into your final episodes and basically spoil how the show is going to end the dragons are going to prove to be too dangerous for the human world our main characters are going to have to give up their dragons and they'll all have to go their separate ways it's going to end exactly like that just you watch we can't put any more people in danger Tom yeah you're one to talk Olivia oh we can't put anyone in danger but I'm more than cool with my kid hanging out with [ __ ] fire breathing dragons and also flying helicopters Inga 20° weather shut the [ __ ] up okay shut the [ __ ] up so this is it they can't shut this place [Music] down no they better not do what I think they're going to do with those two no [ __ ] way hey look no biggie I'll miss webs but new human friends are easy to find also wowow Eugene's being an [ __ ] again what a surprise there's still time to stop it and that's exactly what we're going to do but we've tried before and failed it's different now just do your last plan again it wasn't that bad oh my God I know exactly how they're going to do this so instead of the actually smart plan to use Speed Stinger Venom to paralyze him they're just going to steal from the second movie and race to the edge and just have all the dragons from the show gang up on the poor thing and beat it to a pulp and also like they did in season three of the show so now they're just stealing from themselves at this point again God this is just sad at this point man [ __ ] [ __ ] it's yman and he's in The King's Realm thund family holy [ __ ] they actually brought up Thunder's family again at this point I was starting to think they were Holograms so like was so much in the show it would have been really nice to you know see the fight that happened between yman Gund and thund family then maybe I'd give a [ __ ] hell maybe I'd give more of a [ __ ] if we actually saw Thunder family for more than two episodes quick question how the [ __ ] are these guys not dead they have scars all over their bodies but there's no way yman Gund wouldn't have just merked them all with his giant mouth so how are they even alive well believe it or not there is an explanation but you won't believe it I bet money you won't believe it for you see it is so irrevocably stupid and ludicrous that I actually think I developed a brain tumor from this show finally it makes absolutely zero sense from every conceivable angle it explains how yman Gund managed to survive being locked up for all those years without food or water it explains why hicka broke his own character to lock it away forever it explains everything and yet makes no [ __ ] sense as something like this would never happen in this franchise this would be as if Lord of the Rings suddenly brought up Buddha or some [ __ ] like that you want to know what it is I'll let them tell you what do you know about this thing well according to the myth yman Gand is the child of Loki god of Mischief that might explain why he's so hard to pin down why is the serpent doing this what does he want Ragnarok the end of the [Music] world that's right yman Gund is yman Gund the yman Gund it is as a matter of fact the Norse Legend of yman Gund this is it this is the same yman Gund that apparently wraps its body around the world this is the son of Loki half God and half half giant I wish I was making this up it's actually the yman Gund how the [ __ ] does that even work whenever the show did bring it up it always always alluded to the fact that everything in Norse mythology was simply based on the Hidden World none of it was actually real yes they often got their info wrong thanks to June stupid ass but it didn't change the fact that everything in Norse mythology had a logical and grounded explanation to it and that's not just in this show race to the edge did the same exact thing remember in that episode when lightning strikes when the Riders created those big metal rods for the dragons to stand on and then suddenly lightning started striking all a burke everyone thought it was because Thor didn't like toothless or the dragons being there so they tried to ship them all off but then hiccup was able to deduce that it was the metal that was attracting the lightning it wasn't Thor all there was a logical explanation to what was happening in the episode but you're seriously going to tell me now that yman Gund is the real deal seriously I said this in the last video but dragons in this universe are not fantasy creatures they're just normal animals who happen to be dragons for a show that's labeled as a fantasy Adventure there's really not a lot of fantasy in it this isn't like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter where there's Wizards and trolls and stuff like that in it and no this is not count as a troll I do not understand how some of y'all don't see a wolf y'all need your eyes checked for real especially when you realize that trolls were considered a conspiracy theory in the original movies I take him fishing and he goes hunting for for trolls Trolls Exist they steal your socks but only the left ones what what's with that everything in this franchise has always been grounded to reality in some way with dragon's existing being the furthest it ever went with its fantasy elements oh but yman Gund is just this weird exception what now I know y'all are thinking I know what y'all are going to say in the comments Razer you're overthinking it it's not actually yman Gund it's not actually meant to be a world serpent it was always meant to be an exaggeration an interpretation just like everything else in this universe is is it though is it well then tell me then viewer how yman Gund managed to survive being locked up in a cage for 1300 years without food or water tell me how it appar apparently is super intelligent to the point where it not only can see through people's traps but apparently it has the intelligence to purposefully spare certain dragons knowing well enough that our main characters will waste their time while it goes off to purposefully Target the hearstone because it just wants to destroy the nine realms for some reason these sensors aren't going off here they're going off in the God's realm that's why the serpent let the NightLight survive he he knew we'd stay here to prot protect them what I don't think even the writers know why yman Gund is not just some animal like every other [ __ ] dragon in the show the only logical explanation for all of this is yman Gund is an actual God just a quick addition John Tan on his Twitter has stated that the world serpent was inspired by Joel Mander in the show or at least that was the idea however given this Show's execu of JW Manda there is no way one can rationally only just assume it is not a God on top of that John tan has proved he is not the most competent writer or at least the most passionate the implications of this Revelation are absolutely staggering not to mention bastardizing I guess this means that all of Norse mythology is actually real somehow don't ask me how it works considering they've gotten everything about Norse mythology dead wrong up to this point if this is the actual yman Gund well then that would mean Loki is a real person too and that would also include his other children hell slep and fin reer yeah Loki has children that are animals don't ask about s though if you don't know don't ask you're better off and if Loki's real that would mean that all the other Norse gods are real too Odin Thor Freya Boulder tier all of them are real I guess hiccup was just wrong about the metal and wind lightning strikes it actually was Thor who who was shooting lightning at Burke the whole time hiccup's just a dumbass are you sure you know what you're doing sure H that's a strong word TR more of [Music] a oh but speaking of Hiccup coming back to that [ __ ] it's bad enough that hiccup would never lock up a dragon and then just leave it to die but this show actually went out of its own way to bastardize the wh building of its own franchise with a creature that would never even exist in it just to assassinate hiccup's character never in all my life have I ever seen a TV show do this I have never seen a show literally self-insert some random [ __ ] just to ruin a character for no good reason hiccup would never torture a dragon or just leave it to such a horrible face fate and yman Gund would be just another animal it wouldn't be a [ __ ] god it's funny how another reason why they made yman Gund a God was to try and justify why hicup wouldn't have killed it when that would be way more in character of him to do because you can't kill a guy now can you even though y m gun dies in Norse mythology the one time you guys actually want to adapt The Source material and you still pushed out like a [ __ ] I am absolutely flabbergasted they really did Save The Best For Last didn't they zero buildup to yman Gund even being a thing in this universe not talking about the purple death by the way only to just shoehorn it in as the final boss out of nowhere in this final season it's it's exactly how you'd think these writers would handle it but the fact that they chose this idea when it is the single most world breaking character assassinating and logic defying Choice really makes the tumor in my brain go AOA it's baffling the only saving grace in this episode is that the writers were merciful enough to not force Eugene and Alex together in a romance they stay strictly as friends the writers have really grown a sick sense of trolling Their audience haven't they but not in a wholesome sense like messing with your friends in a video game no it's more like that douchebag Tik tocker who goes around purposefully pissing people off and then hired a bodyguard to keep him from getting his teeth kicked in despite the fact that he deserves it you know yman G's arch nemesis is Thor so Thor is the God of Thunder GH and they're also assuming that night fury nightlights are yman gun's Arch Enemy that toothless was Thor at some point good Lord they can't even stay consistent with this [ __ ] it literally sounds like they're just making this [ __ ] up as it goes night furies and nightlights already have a rival in the form of the scrill why would you need your G to fill in that role is that why the SC doesn't show up in the final episode no they probably just forgot it even existed despite appearing in their own show I honestly don't know what else to say at this point I mean that pretty much sums up all my problems with this season as a whole just this ludicrous concept that would never happen being forced to happen because the writers just have no stinking idea what to do with this premise or these characters it really feels like this was just a paycheck for them and nothing else except for the score again Patrick went way harder than he had any right to and of course all of these problems lead into the final episode of the show so let's cut the head off the snake shall [Music] we so yor mander's great plan was to spare Thunder's family who he somehow just knew was related to thunder don't ask how so that while the writers are busy making a brand new cage that's never used so for the most part episode 5 is entirely filler of course it is don't ask how yunder knew they build a new cage when the old one is still there this is so dumb yund can attack the Heartstone so that it can destroy the nine Realms and unleash Ragnarok would it even matter if I brought up real Norse mythology at this point it won't right yman Gund does not trigger Ragnarok all he really does during Ragnarok is kill Thor and die while do do it technically speaking fimble winter is what triggers Ragnarok oh so I guess that means the winter from season 5 was the trigger for Ragnarok wouldn't it have lasted for the rest of the show though yeah that's what I thought the show's about as accurate as Ben Shapiro's prediction on the Barbie movie that's it all of that meticulous planning and he gives up after one hit also how did Tom and thunder not die right away after smashing head first into another Dragon going at like 150 mph why did it knock out yman gun his left tooth when he got hit in the right side of his face are these questions I should even bother asking since Victory is about a short Trot away of course not let's just keep going so Tom runs off depressed because he didn't stop yman Gund for good oh what I thought he'd be upset over hurting a dragon since that's all he's ever done in the show hell I'm half surprised he didn't try to befriend it at some point or whatever oh and here comes June with some awful advice as per freaking usual I come from Vikings from dragon Riders I'm supposed to know how to deal with these kinds of problems your bloodline also runs through her and from what I've read she was a warrior maybe you were never meant to be hiccup because you're asterin you're a donut you're so stupid you're so stupid you're stupid donut so this whole entire time Tom was actually a transsexual person all along huh you know what good for her sure she's still a goddamn idiot who spoiled the genes of the hattic family but hey at least she finally knows who she is on the inside Warrior despite being a massive pacifist this entire show what the [ __ ] are you talking about June you know out of all the stupid [ __ ] that's come out of your mouth June honestly that's far from the worst but it's still pretty damn stupid so this whole entire time Tom has actually been more like ASD in what way you literally described her as a warrior who didn't use words but still when has Tom ever used Force to try and get his way Tom has always tried to do things in the most peaceful way possible the only times he ever fought back was in self-defense and even then that was a rare sight in itself usually just because he's a dumbass though Tom is a pacifist at the end of the day who only resorts to violence as an absolute Last Resort huh you know who else was a pacifist at the end of the day who only resorts to violence as an absolute Last Resort wow that's a really weird looking picture of astd this also leads into another major issue that I have with the show that I've been meaning to bring up but never have the time but it's the final episode so it's either now or never so Tom's entire Arc I say with quotation marks has always been about living up to hiccups Legacy in just about every way from protecting dragons to forging unbreakable bonds with his friends to even falling in love with his childhood Crush everything that Tom has done in this show regardless of how it was executed was always about living up to Hiccup and I think that sucks and not for for all of the reasons that me Audrey uh new Ora bcast and whoever else talked about the show brought up in all of our past videos up to this point it's simply because of the message that it sends oh I come from Vikings I'm supposed to know how to do all this stuff it's time to embrace what you truly are Tom that is a profoundly awful message what I'm getting from Tom's Arc is that if you come from some great legacy of some kind then the right thing for you to do is to completely forgo who you are for the sake of that Legacy and I'm sorry but that is a terrible message especially when your target audience is mainly children and all you dip shets out there who keep on saying e it's a kid show why are you bothering it's a kid show it doesn't have to try it's trying to teach kids a bad message either through sheer incompetence or just plain negligence I just keep looking back on shows like the owl house where it says stuff like this look kid everyone wants to believe they're chosen but if we all waited around for a prophecy to make us special we'd die waiting and that's why you need to choose yourself or in movies like across the spiderverse where Miles said this everyone keeps telling me how my story is supposed to go nah I'm going to do my own thing hell even avatar the Last Air vender arguably the greatest show of all time had great messages about not living up to other people's Legacies and forging your own a was being told by everyone around him and even his previous lives that he has to kill the fire lord in order to save the world regardless of his own beliefs but he decided n I'm going to do my own thing and found a way to defeat oai without portraying his core beliefs his character if you will huh if only hiccup could have done that if there was ever an art for Tom to learn throughout the course of the show it's that he shouldn't have to live up to anyone's Legacy not hiccups not asterids not his dumbass mom he should be content with forging his own legacy as a dragon rider it doesn't matter what hicup or ASD would have done Tom needs to find out what he would do if you were going to break any of hiccup's things then it should have been that dumbass helmet that hiccup never wore imagine the symbolic representation that could have had Tom picked it up in the very first episode and bragged about how proud he was to be a descendant of Vikings but then later in the show after forging his own path and becoming a dragon rider in his own right the helmet gets destroyed probably due to some personal choice that Tom has to make between it or someone that he cares about Alex it would be Alex destroying that helmet could have represented a growth in character for him as the helmet once meant something to him but now he's ready to move on and become something better than his past and no hicups leg or falus staff doesn't do that because a that's not the lesson he learns at the end of the show B he didn't even know what hiccup's leg was so it meant nothing to him and C vulka staff was only a mean to an end he didn't care about it compareed those things to that helmet which played a far more significant role in the story up to this point now regardless of how you feel about the helmet's implementation the fact is that the helmet was important to Tom and his mother hence why they kept it after all this time so destroying it would have served as a great character moment that really helps get that message across like how p and boot decided against using the Wishing Star in The Last Wish Tom would see the cave painting of hicup and ason and go I'm not either of you and that's okay these Realms are different than when you left them but they're in good hands now my hands it's genuinely interesting how the writers of the show don't seem to understand it when they actively try to make the show and their characters their own thing then at times it can be decent or even good but when they focus on just rehashing and repeating the original franchise which they do 90% of the time it sucks because there's a far greater standard there we're not comparing the nine Realms to race of the edge just to be dicks those who say I should judge the show based on its own merits otherwise I'm not being fair it's a blatant copycat down to the [ __ ] marrow and it all came down to Tom realizing he's not supposed to be like hiccup instead he's supposed to be like astd so nothing changes he's still working to live up to someone else's Legacy and I'm sorry that's just a piss poor message that I can't support and now that I know where this show is going with Tom's Arc from the very beginning now ignoring all the piss po writing and inconsistencies of his character up to this point it ruins whatever rewatchability that this show had because all this time the show is just building up to a shitty message that no one wants to hear not just because it's executed like [ __ ] and defiles itself all over a better franchise but because nobody wants to be told that they have to be like someone else to be worth anything but what else do you expect from a TV show that can only exist by trying to be like someone else so yeah that's why dragons the nine realm sucks ass now let's finish this [ __ ] so like I predicted earlier Tom and the others get all of the dragons from the show to just gang up on the poor thing and drag it behind the Woodshed to put it out of its misery but then Norman Gund remembers it as fire breath and actually kills the Elder NightLight huh so that's one person and one Dragon actually killed on screen in the show H well that's certainly a record it's not a high one but it's a record so yeah you can guess what happens next Thunder is now the new Alpha dragon we saw this [ __ ] coming since season 6 I don't even have the energy to pretend I care anymore what does get me however is Busa showing up out of nowhere to help the Riders fight yman Gund and then he's never seen again for the rest of the show I'm not kidding this is the last we ever see of him he doesn't actually take part in the final fight he just comes out of nowhere slices yman gun's head open like a [ __ ] avocado and and then just stays behind to play doctor with other inur dragons and that's the story of bus saww he just stays in the Hidden World helping dragons I guess I'll come back to this later once I've made a decision there's no reason to [Music] wait how the [ __ ] does a big ass snake manage to sneak up on a multi-million dollar company oh that's right all the adults are just blitzed Off Their Rockers 24/7 how can I forget oh and you want to know what else I can't forget so a story where artist by the name of Ian milen mileen I don't know how to say that accidentally uploaded the storyboard of yman Gunner's attack on rown months before the season was even announced and it's still on his website now don't get me wrong I'm not hating on Ian it's good work but the fact that someone who worked on the show uploaded their work months in advance and spoiled the final episode of the series and no one seemed to care really is the perf perfect way to Sumo dreamworks's feelings on the show like it's it's absolutely hysterical like you never see Disney put up with that [ __ ] like if someone of Disney did that [ __ ] they [ __ ] kill him and hide the body not to mention the storyboards are actually better since in the storyboard the adults actively take part in the final battle Phil uses a gun like holy [ __ ] an adult is actually using a real gun in the show that is insane to me so clearly the storyboarders and the animators wanted to use modern techn ology since it only made logical sense to do so in the show which takes place in the modern day only for John telan the executive producer of the show to cut it out for whatever dumb reason oh but what do you expect from the guy who doesn't even remember the names of the characters from the franchise that he works on this show was doomed from day one so thunder goes full Alpha and with the help of the Fall Ripper and the sky torture they blast yman Gund and defeat him huz I don't [ __ ] care they then drag him back to his cage off screen because showing things is hard and explaining things is hard not to mention still [ __ ] up because it's supposed to be an animal oh but what do I know it's a god apparently H whatever we have more important things to deal with like Tom and June Getting Back Together looks like this time I have to be the brains of this outfit and the impulsive one she's Faking It Well it was fun while it lasted but hey net positive this is the last scene they ever share together so there's that but then we get the Revelation that we all saw coming a mile away because if there's anything this show has to steal from itself it's how it ended so because rake town was destroyed the dragons themselves decide that it would be best if they went back to the Hidden World and for Tom and his friends to leave so they have their emotional goodbye with their dragons and the Riders all go their separate ways it's honestly the best ending we could have hoped for I mean seriously think about it all of the dragons go back to the nine Realms our main characters separate and everyone on base just agrees to never talk about what went down in Ray town so with yorman Gund back in his cage the Hidden World hidden away again and practically no humans left to interfere with it it's as if nothing ever happened and nothing did happen congratulations sir you just finished eight seasons of a television show great but what do I win nothing now get out uh what get out oh and the Cherry that's on top of this nothing Sunday the show's final frame is nothing short of perfect you know Mom I was thinking maybe you should teach me to fly helicopters no totally get this don't all right pull back to go up right forever oh and just so you know Jun and Eugene were also on that helicopter which means that Tom Jun and Eugene all died in a horrible helicopter crash while our Queen Alex survived to hopefully take over the world that she deserves that is so [ __ ] perfect of an ending like I don't see how anyone like I have no notes I have no notes whatsoever you think I'm exaggerating when I say that this show is pretending like nothing ever happened just take a look at where buz saww ended up oh wait that's right you can't because this is literally the last time we ever see him so I guess he's just left to 10 to the nine Realms or whatever he's just down there doing whatever he wants sure he tried to kill our main characters at multiple points in the show he tortured dragons and even his own henchmen but hey D'Angelo helped him one time so now he's 100% redeemed Zuko wishes he had a Redemption Arc this deep everybody just forgives him for all the times that he tried to kill them or their dragons or attacked rake toown or any of that [ __ ] meanwhile he never rebuild his Lumber Company he never mentions his henchmen ever again his henchmen themselves are never mentioned again period like what happened to them were they arrested like how would that work you have to keep lying about dragons so what happened to them so I guess busol really did become the new king of dragons considering he's the only human left down there and is now free to do with the Realms whatever he pleases well it's an ambitious ending I'll give it that much lend of the Nazi was also just forgotten about sure she just tagged along with nari for no good reason but she still played a part you know but the last time time we saw her was back in episode 4 was she arrested too did she get away was she admitted into the NASA program just like all the other Nazis were which would later allow for future generations to also become Nazis and spread that terrible Ric across this country head Cannon she took a sine pill and and shot herself like her glorious leader did how else should a Nazi go out it's almost like this ending was written with the sole intention of just moving on and sweeping this whole thing under the rug buddy I ain't taking the wrap on this I lock this place up every night it's not might fault of every pervert weirdo DreamWorks really was just washing their hands of this garbage and now I want to focus on that weird liveaction remake that's coming out in about a year or so but as for this chapter of How to Train Your Dragon I think it's safe to join DreamWorks and simply bury the lead and hope no one finds the bodies and that's it that's dragons the nine Realms it's finally over and like I said in the opening it's strange how it feels like it just started it came out of nowhere with little to no f Fan Fair existed for not even 2 years kept [ __ ] out seasons Every 3 to 5 months refused to elaborate and then left dragons the nine Realms you were something that you were for sure this show tested a lot of us and our potential as content creators be it as critics artists animators Etc all with this Burning passion to look at this obvious cash grab and say oh come on is this really the best you can do because we can do better than that and it showed considering how more people found out about this show not because of their own efforts but because of ours and sure this show pushed us to our limits at times hell there were times when we felt like just giving up and wanting to throw ourselves off the edge of new Burke but we held on either out of sheer morbid curiosity or ruthless discipline we held on to see just what absolute devastation awaited us on the other side of that hill and the destruction was more than than we could have ever imagined but this doesn't have to be the end of the story I know it's not for me my story didn't begin on this battlefield so why should it end here I never expected this battle to last as long as it did nor did I expect the impact that it would have the positive impact that is despite my battles and my injuries I've made some truly great friends along the way I've become not just part of a community but also a voice in it one that people take quite seriously well hopefully not too seriously and it's this community that continues to follow me even through my other Pursuits my channel literally wouldn't be what it is today if it weren't for the show so in a weird way I am grateful for the nine Realms existence it inspires me in ways that I never would have been inspired before or imagined I've learned a lot on my journey to the nine Realms and now it's time to enter a new age DJ H it's time H right I still don't understand why we're doing this it doesn't deserve it this thing needs to be buried and forgotten for the rest of time if all we do is forget then we're doomed to see it repeat to make the same mistakes don't you agree look I'll admit you're right maybe it doesn't deserve this but it's not about deserve it's about us and how far we've come all of us I can't stop you from hating the show and I won't but maybe from here on out don't take the show as an insult take it as a lesson yeah well I'm still going to hate this show with all my guts well who said I was done hating it I'm simply trying to look at the positives like meeting you g that's subjective for all you know meeting you was my biggest mistake oh please your fanfiction video wouldn't have been the same Without Me Oh you mean the video where I got you to read smut like it was Shakespeare don't tell me you didn't like it oh forget about it are we ready good then let's do this goodbye dragons of nine Realms you were a rival for a time and like all good Warriors I'm sure I'll find another sooner than I'd like to [Music] admit [Music] he likes reviewing new things that ruin all things eh well boy howdy do I have just a thing for him more liveaction REM ha ah there you are Mr hadock so these kids say that you know them oh nope never never seen these kids before in my entire afterlife oh but they said your name specifically Hiccup How do you know that they don't have indigestion nope I can watch 100% tell you that I have never seen these kids ever in the 1300 1300 years that I've been up here eh makes no difference in my sad pathetic life as a drunker to hell with all of [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] you oh hey Alex is still here oh oh yeah she's actually pretty chill she can stay uh H hey as remember that girl you wished was our Sant if she's finally here [Music] finally [Music] m
Channel: RaisorBlade
Views: 71,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RaisorBlade, RaisorBlade Reviews, RaisorBlade (A)live, Dragons: The Nine Realms, How to train your Dragon
Id: 6Z9J89TExYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 50sec (5210 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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