Dragons of Etchinstone - Full Playthrough

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all right hi everybody this is going to be a playthrough of dragons of etch and stone this is an 18 card adventure game and if you uh and it's played completely in your hand uh and if you have seen my previous video where i did an overview of it a couple of rules have changed since then that i think add a little bit to the decisions that you have to make so i'm sure we'll run into those and i'll talk through them as we go i've got all of my action cards set to level two i've shuffled them already i actually haven't decided which dragon we're going to face um maybe we'll try the gray dragon or the red dragon why don't we try the red dragon because that seems pretty challenging uh so that goes in the back and we'll start in region one the jade mountains give you a look at what's ahead of us here and that's the setup we'll draw our four our hand of four starting cards and here we go so we've got journey number two and there's a storm so journey two is right there the one with the little deer standing there it's has an mp of eight and it's blue time penalty of one and three xp if we can get a narrow or complete victory i've got my reference card here so i can remember what all the icons mean a storm means take as much damage as you do time penalty so the stakes are higher so i i need to get to eight move and what am i sitting on here i've got some move i hope my camera focuses a little better and blue is good so i think that makes sense here so if i can get that blue so i'm going to use this i think as my i use brute force as my element river swiftness as my leader so that we can get this ether action here and then uh it doesn't matter which one of these is my booster because i get both boosters so six plus three is already nine and then i would get that one too so i get to pick which one i want i think i'm going to save adapt as my unused card so i'm going to use ice wall as my booster and that's good enough to defeat that in a complete victory so i get 3xp before i move on i'm sorry about my camera here hopefully this shapes up i'm going to upgrade adapt by flipping it and we'll discard the rest and we'll draw our next hand monster number one hp he has eight initiative one yellow attack and one yellow armor so i need to get to seven and beat eight initiative if i can that's kind of tricky here would be 7. i don't have a gray card in my hand though that's 8 which would be good what i'm thinking through is i'd love to have this as my element so i could use that five oh this might work this might work so i'm going to use this as my element which means our initiative would be four i'm going to use probably destruction as my leader and then uh hmm i don't know if that's going to work i'm not going to get there that's not going to work because right now i'm i'm beating him in the combat but i'm losing initiative because it's four five six and that doesn't get me to eight so how can i do this i'm sure someone watching can see i know i can puzzle this out here so i know i want this to be my leader oh [Music] why do i feel like i can get this i didn't think i'd get stumped this early i think the problem is i'd like to use this as my booster so could i use this as my element somehow maybe let's try this what if i fuse these two so fusing cards is one of the new mechanics you take two cards of the same color fuse them together and they become one card but become any color you want of the color of the card that is so i'm gonna fuse these two cards turn them into a red card use this new fused red card as my element this is my leader so i can use that either action since this is now a fused red card and then use this as my booster and i think that gets us there because we have eight attack which is good enough to beat that seven and we have five initiative six seven eight nine initiative because you can use the booster on your um action or you can use the booster on your initiative and that does it we had to fuse a card so we have to discard that but we we don't have to take any damage with that and he was 4xp oh and i'm not keeping any of these cards so i'm going to go ahead and upgrade adapt to level four and we have to discard all these but that was good that went well we'll draw a hand of four and what are we looking at monster number four our enemy number four i can get my camera to focus there we go okay so he's got 13 hp that's a lot um if i could get a narrow victory on him that would probably be a net win because he's got eight xp up for grabs initiative of two so hopefully don't have to worry about it lots of gray attack and lots of gray armor so i don't really want to take any of that uh so 13 i'm trying to get to first i'll take inventory of what attack cards i have i have no attack cards in my hand uh so here is an a good example of when to risk it and do what's called go another way that's a new mechanic also introduced where you can kind of say nope i'm gonna back away slowly enemy hasn't seen me yet i'm going to go another way and how you do that is you discard the reference card and you choose one card from your hand to discard so which of these is the weakest or which of these i'm kind of like in this combo i like that i have a yellow card and a yellow ether action here so i'd like to keep those two and this has the better initiative and booster so i'm going to discard burning bridges and the reference card and we'll see what we have oh no so we got monster number four again oh this could be bad we could end up taking damage from him um [Music] do i risk it one more time i kind of want to i'm gonna discard this card this is probably a bad idea and go another way one more time and it paid off journey number three i still may lose this but it feels better than taking a bunch of damage journey number three is that red 11 there two time penalty if we don't have a complete victory and it has four xp so i need to get to a red eleven i can get to nine and that's what we'll do that's over half rounded up so that's a narrow victory against that so i still have to take the penalty but i do get the xp so i'll take the penalty first that's two time and i get four xp to spend let's see what was i facing the red dragon these are the same cards so i doesn't really matter that's just enough to upgrade one of them i'll send it to the back and i'm guessing i don't have enough for another round so we'll leave the jade mountains and next we will enter the living marshes and i will take a risk and shuffle on camera because if you drop these cards your orientations of all your cards gets messed up and you basically need to start the game over so it's critical that you don't drop any cards okay give it cut put our red dragon in the back again and the living marshes on top okay draw our first hand that's four what are we up against journey number three that's a yellow 11 for mp three time damage that hurts and then five xp if we defeat it so i need to get to eleven move what are we looking at not a great move hand can i even get close doesn't look like it i hate going another way though that's so risky so i'm going to because it's not like we have amazing attack cards in our hand anyway so i'm going to probably just take my lashings here and uh yeah we'll do as much as we can do so that's a yellow 11 play this blue card as our element we'll play this river swiftness as our leader so we can play that ether action for six move and then this is tough normally i like upgrading reign of blood because it's a really high attack card but we are going up against the red dragon and so i think it might pay more because does this give me color armor at the end no it doesn't even give me color armor so uh i think i'm gonna use this as my booster and save this ice wall as my unused card uh okay so we'll have to take three time damage right away or three time we'll lose three time put that in the back but then we get to upgrade and we have five to spend i think i'm gonna be um inefficient oh and we'll discard wow i'll upgrade first i'm gonna upgrade my ice wall my unused card for three and just leave that 2 xp on the table and then we discard our action set and ice wall stays in our hand as the unused card what are we looking at next monster one okay he's ranged and just a refresher on that automatic initial damage unless you discard the unused card we'll see if that even matters because he has fairly high initiative i need to get to 9 hp and i need to remember he has gray armor so i need to try to get to 9 attack and beat 6 initiative come on camera come on shucks i don't know why it's being so fuzzy but we'll do what we need to here what do i have for attack there we go i have seven eight if i could make that and he's at nine though so i can't get there with just the bleeder this has six initiative here i think i can do it this is our element a red element it's kind of a waste of my nice ice wall i'd rather keep that on hand but i think it's necessary here this is my leader destruction and i get to play the ether action so that's eight attack which is not good enough but the six initiative is good enough so i won't take initial damage and then i think i will actually i'll use this one i'll keep brute force as my unused card and i'll do river swiftness as my booster that's plus two so eight plus two is ten good enough to beat that nine and uh actually it doesn't matter which one my unused card is because i'm going to discard that to avoid that ranged ability of the enemy uh that's good enough so i still get to upgrade though that was nice so we didn't take any damage at all we get to upgrade five and i'm facing the red dragon ice wall is oh i could upgrade ice wall there we go it's nice to have a decent attack card that's not red so i don't have to deal with that red armor against that dragon since i discarded that unused card to combat that ranged ability i discard all four and we'll draw our next hand okay journey number three and it is night we'll refresh on what night is night travel minus initiative from booster to a minimum of zero that one's always kind of confusing so i'm sure i'll consult that again so journey three there's that 11 yellow mp we'll see what we can do here what am i sitting on for move cards oh and do i even need that i'd like to almost keep that in my hand i might need that anyway yeah i'm gonna have to spend it either way so we'll use this yellow adapt as our element card this fleet footed as our leader because that's good enough to get there and then which card do i want to keep in my hand ooh i want red move cards so that i can try to get the journey bonus against that red dragon so i'm going to keep this burning bridges as my unused card and 11 plus three is plenty good to um defeat that so i don't need to take a time penalty and i get five xp i'm gonna upgrade burning bridges even though it's kind of expensive but and i only have three cards left so that's not enough for another encounter we'll set these down and shuffle being very careful too many times i've gotten to like the dragon and i dropped the cards by accident and then it's impossible to figure out it's even trickier looking through my camera oh i just realized i forgot to do that night effect but we did so good on it i'm pretty sure it was fine hopefully i didn't just cheat i'm trying to think back no it was fine because that yellow journey bonus that i got would have offset uh that night theoretically so i'm fine on that pretty sure put our red dragon in back and we move on from the living marshes to the burning basin we'll see which of those we have to face here okay monster number three that's that guy with poison we'll refresh on poison here poison for each time you take damage take one damage next hand that's brutal okay so he has 11 hp and red armor and 9 initiative very challenging very challenging so let's see what we have for attack can we get to 11. come on focus here that's my best attack card eight and what kind of boosters am i sitting on so those could get me to 11 i'm almost guaranteed i'm gonna lose that initiative though yeah what a challenging enemy yeah i think i'm gonna take damage one way or the other come on i'm trying to get my camera to focus i apologize there we go um why don't i just try to beat initiative so uh yeah we'll use this as our element and so we have six initiative this is our leader it's an off color so we'll use the neutral action so we're playing five oh that's not going to get me there but does it get me above half no it doesn't okay back to thinking here how much armor does he have he has two armor okay what if i fuse these two yellow cards and that's my element and i turn it into a red card so i can play this eight that gets me above half haha i figured it out okay so yeah we'll fuse these two yellow cards this is now a red river swiftness card so i get that six initiative and play reign of blood as my leader and then i get to use that ether action because we fuse those cards and uh instead of boosting actually it wouldn't matter which one i boosted so i'll just go ahead and boost my uh attack so 8 9 10 11. that's just good enough for a complete victory but i also have to take initial damage because i only had six initiative oh shucks no instead of boosting that i'm gonna boost my initiative so six plus three is nine come on focus here and so i have nine initiative which is good enough and then i have eight seven six because my eight attack minus two red armor is six and that's just good enough to get me a narrow victory on his 11 hp so i i dodged the initial damage but i take one combat damage and then one poison damage into my next hand which is unfortunate so i have to take two damage since it was a narrow victory to red damage i unfortunately may i'm not sure what to do this might be silly but i'm going to take that into reign of blood that two armor there so i'm going to take that down to a one and push it down a little bit so i know i took damage into it and how much xp do we get seven yeah let's use that i like the blue attack and i like the versatility of adapt so let's go three here ah that's perfect and then four there so adapt goes all the way up to level four that's very nice that's a gray attack or move so we avoid the the red um okay that's good we discard those and i wish my camera would focus i'm sorry that has to be dizzying to watch draw up our next hand and we had to take one poison damage immediately into this hand so i do not want to downgrade that that costs money oh so do we downgrade motivated flight or burning bridges burning bridges we oh but i like that red armor that would be so nice we're going to downgrade motivated flight that might be silly i love the initiative and everything but we can get it back and get it back okay now all that's behind us and we can go on to the next encounter okay it's once again night in journey number three and we have i believe that's treacherous that mountain icon it's night and it's treacherous take one damage if not a complete victory okay so we really want to get there and that's 10 red and it's night which reminder on that is minus initiative from booster so we want uh a card with small initiative to be our unused card in other words so we're trying to get to 10 red and we have a seven here with burning bridges seven red move which would offset that knight ability which i like and we we have plenty of red cards uh so i think that makes sense and so i'll use this is my element this is my leader seven move yeah and either one of these i think i'll use ice wall as my booster so seven move plus five is twelve that gets us there um we got the journey bonus and it's night so those two basically offset each other uh so i'm not even going to worry about that because the knight would force us to subtract five from our booster but we also get to use this as an extra booster because of the journey bonus so they offset uh so hey that's good enough and i get to keep this adapt in my next hand so this was a this was a good hand and no wonder like i had you can see i had two of my level four cards here really apologize for my camera there we go uh and how much we get that's a complete victory we get five xp how do we wanna spend that that's level four let's upgrade burning bridges okay please get discarded and this is likely our last encounter journey number one okay that's a steep encounter i believe increase journey mp by unused cards boost value okay that's kind of similar tonight okay journey number one we're trying to get to 14 blue that's a lot let's see what we can do got nine there and we've got a blue there but that's small enough i mean theoretically that could be more efficient but i'm not sure about that maybe it would but we don't have a blue card as the deal and we if we use this as our leader we don't have any we can fuse because these are all different colors so let's just start running some scenarios here we can't get to the yellow unless we fuse those two which i don't really want to do i mean we could oh maybe we should do that because that would counteract that steep ability or effect because steep is increased journey mp by unused cards boost value well if there's no unused card since i fused one so let's fuse those two i'll put the better initiative on top i'm not sure why it doesn't really matter for journeys so we'll fuse that make it a yellow that gets me to nine yellow because this is a yellow card and then boost it with five which is plenty to get me to 14 right no that's barely enough because 9 plus 5 is 14 on the nose and wow that's just barely good enough that's awesome so we get to upgrade worth seven okay we're facing that red dragon this is already upgraded fully i'd like some attacks but we well this is kind of an attack card i guess sure let's go for it that's three okay we can't afford to upgrade it again so we'll do one of these others i don't like this knight here so i'm gonna spend that remainder to get rid of that peril or circumstance okay and we fuse the card so that gets discarded and oh we have one more encounter here oh man it's night again so same one journey number one i don't think we're gonna pull off that trick again gonna get to 14 blue well i've got an 11 yellow so we'll use reign of blood as our element fleet footed as our leader yeah that doesn't get us there 11 12 13 and anyway we'd have to minus that or yeah with that steep ability and night okay so we didn't get there but we got to half rounded up at least so we'll have to take the damage which is inconsequential at this point because there's only one card left so that actually worked out fine so we got to at least half we get to spend seven xp that sounds nice if i can get my camera to focus come on i apologize i have seven to spend sure why not we'll blow it all on fleet footed and have just a big move card why not okay discard all those i wish this would focus here there we go we're heading into the final region i think it's going pretty well i don't remember taking a lot of damage at all so it'll just be a matter of if we have enough going into that dragon fight yeah as long as we don't take too much in this too much damage or time loss in this final region oops that was close okay we'll cut it all right put our red dragon in back and we will move from the burning basin to the forests of gath look how dark that is there's some nasty enemies okay see how we fare here journey number one and it's night i feel like we keep running into that and it's treacherous so knight is minus initiative from booster and treacherous take one damage if not a complete victory okay yikes so we want a complete victory that's 14 blue mp can we do it so i'm seeing this nine that i like which would mean we would use this river swiftness as the element 9 10 11. yeah i don't think there's any way we're gonna get there so we did 11 gray but we're against night which is minus initiative from booster value so uh oh i think i've been playing that a little bit wrong sorry about that i think i've been subtracting the boost value from the boost value oops the end effect was probably the same so yeah that would be basically a booster of zero uh so that gets us to nine which is good enough for a narrow victory and the treacherous means we have to take one damage since it wasn't a complete victory so we take the two-time penalty since it wasn't a complete victory and because of that treacherous peril we have to take one damage as well that was a little bit disappointing i think we'll do it into one of these river swiftnesses maybe okay we'll damage that one but we still get the xp because it was a narrow victory so that's seven to spend can we get ice wall all the way up that's three nice and that's four and we get to keep ice wall in our hand cool that wasn't all bad and we've got two level four cards in our hand that's nice okay that's i think hazardous environment yeah hazard lose one time for each for each time you take damage that's word kind of confusing i can see but the you you discard one card or you lose one time for every time that you take damage okay so we're gonna try not to take damage is the point okay monster number two he's ranged he has an hp of nine initiative of ten he doesn't have that much armor though so he's got red armor let's see what we've got for attacks oh we got a blue attack that would get us there okay let's play with this right away element in brute force ice wall as our uh leader and i think we're gonna probably take initial damage anyway i there's no way i'm getting to 10 initiatives so so we'll just suck it up and take that three red damage and we got to the combat damage so which one of these is my will call this my booster okay so we need to take three red damage and what was that hazardous environment or the hazard lose one time for each time you take damage shucks so we took damage once basically we have to discard that nice level four adapter that's disappointing and we have to take our damage first that's three red i don't want to downgrade any of these i really want to save this one and that's expensive oh i'm annoyed i'm annoyed because that's not enough to take that three red damage all right oh i like that this burning bridge is is double duty it has that red armor but it has the red journey or the move that i like so we're gonna down downgrade ice wall we're gonna blow all that oops downgrade that but we get to upgrade come on we have five xp it's all to spend so how far could we take motivated flight that's one two three four okay you know what that's not bad i'll take that so we'll discard our action set and hopefully oh look at that hand that's a nice hand monster number one the poisoned guy there we go 13 hp he has blue and gray armor and six initiative and poison okay let's see what we got for attack in our hand man we've got that nice move and it's worthless other than initiative i guess really nice initiative so i'm looking at this i'm automatically thinking it'd be nice to play that blue 10 even though he has the tube ah this might be do we go another way do we go another way i could fuse these two cards and play that red eight that bypasses the armor and that gets me seven initiative not quite oh yeah it is quite a it's enough seven beats that's six this might be what we do so we'll fuse these two cards to make it yellow it's got seven initiative which i like uh wait i don't need to make it yellow i don't need to diffuse these cards sorry so i'm going to use this ice wall as our element with a seven initiative we're going to use reign of blood as our leader with the 8 red attack and we'll use fleet footed as our booster eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen oh man just enough that's awesome okay so this was our seven initiative is good enough we played a red attack so that bypass his blue and his gray armor and with our massive booster we just barely got there that was fantastic eight nine ten eleven twelve yeah thirteen sweet so all we have to worry about is the xp seven xp so these are all level four so we'll spend it on reign of blood three four five six seven perfect well that was pretty cool we couldn't have done better and that's it we don't have any more time okay now comes the dragon fight one of the changes i made recently is we're now drawing seven cards for that final hand gives you gives you less chance of missing some cards that you worked hard to upgrade during the regions so this red dragon it can be tough to take all that damage from him he's got high attack coming back cut them all right so now we'll put our region card in the back first and we'll face our red dragon let's get acquainted here he has red journeys and red attack he's got eight initiative and wow i really we really want to beat that eight initiative so uh but we have to also get past that four red armor but that's not that much armor some of these dragons have a lot of armor and a lot of different colors so three four five six seven so we wanna do as much in our two action sets as much moves as we can and we'll see how we can do so let's find our best move cards red is good man i've got some good attack cards here so you have the opportunity to do what's called regroup which is essentially going another way but in the in the boss fight here because i only have the one red move and i'd love to have this red armor there in the dragon fight but is this hand good enough to do the damage that i want i think it is i think it is because we've got that big red attack even though it's red and we've got the gray and i'm just hoping now we don't have my ice wall to soak damage but we've got plenty of armor floating around in here i think yeah here's a nice wall to take damage okay we're gonna do that so i think i'm going to regroup which you you trash one card or you discard one card and i think this yellow is fairly useless yep so we're going to do that one whoopsie almost dropped it so we discard that and then we're supposed to shuffle these up these remaining six and then to regroup you put them in the back right in front of the uh the placeholder card there the region card okay then we get to redraw our hand and i'm sorry i actually have to look i don't regroup that often and i don't know if i draw a hand of seven then or what yeah once again drop your hando seven so it basically hurts our hand against the dragon a little bit but we'll do what we can here okay there's some that's a move card i wanted to see there yeah that was yeah that was a good a good change to make so try to get that yellow oh shoot i might have to fuse a card you can fuse one card so i'll just uh shoot which cards do i want to fuse yeah i'll fuse these two blue cards to make a yellow and that gets me that 14 and then what it's my other element booster combo oh i wanted this yellow though i might not get it that's disappointing so we lose two on that but we'll actually use more than two okay i think that's how it has to be though so then my other one will be will play that yellow card as in another element uh oh wait that doesn't work sorry we'll pray we'll play this grey card as an element and this is our leader and this has a booster and that is a booster so i'll go through my two action sets here we fused these two blue cards to make one yellow card for an element card we're pairing that with this leader to get 14 plus 4 as a booster so that's 18. that's pretty good and then our other action set here is here's our gray element which empowers this gray ether action for 9 10 11 12 13. so 13 on this one and i forgot what i did on this one it was 14 uh 18. okay what's 18 plus 13 28 31 nice that's plenty good i only have to discard one time then because we did 28 or higher so he's not as big on the journey the journey is a little easier on him so we'll take the one time damage so we discarded our action sets discard one time that hurts a little bit and then we draw all the rest of the cards so we still get seven cards okay we're trying to avoid red attacks if we can and we want to get to eight initiative total what do we got sitting out here for attacks there's a nice big attack but it's red though what can we do okay this isn't so bad play this red uh motivated flight as an element play this as a leader that's 14 he has the four red damage so it's kind of a net 10 and then what's the other card i wanted to use i wanted this blue card oh shucks yeah no that'll work so this blue card powered by or i'm sorry the blue card element and powers this 10 blue attack which cuts through the armor there's no blue armor and so those are my two element leader combos there and we'll just stack up these boosters okay so we'll come back in here this red element powers that 14 15 16 17. and one of these is unused here i think it's that great card this blue card powers that blue ether action so 10 plus 15. so 15 plus 17 is what 32 because 15 plus 15 is 30 and 2 more is 32 i think that math is right so oh 32 minus 4 because he has 4 red armor so 32 minus 4 is 28. just barely enough for that middle one let's also make sure we got the initiative so we didn't have to take that extra damage so we we had this was great one was our unused card i'll just discard that less confusing we had seven initiative plus one initiative got us to eight which is just good enough to avoid that initial damage we did 28 i think i said which is good enough for this middle one so we have to take 24 red damage can we do it 3 9 10 this counts as six because it's red uh so 16 21 22 23 24 and actually we had that unused card as well so we could have taken 26 damage we had to take 24 if we would have lost initiative that would have been a problem but we eked out the victory against the red dragon okay i hope you guys enjoyed the playthrough i apologize again that my camera kind of struggled here but i think you got the gist of it and um yeah i hope you guys like the game please check it out
Channel: Joe Klipfel
Views: 321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ac8g8RcZgyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 47sec (2927 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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