Green Stompy Aggro - Explorer - Ranked - MTG Arena

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one-minute play with hearts desire and then a five-five to potentially beat down and potentially enable the great henge as well which is going to be our main card engine to take over the late game then we're also capable of some explosive starts mainly thanks to elena elves giving us a mana boost and pelt collector which can grow over time as we play larger and larger creatures so this is perfect in a mono green deck at 2 mana we've got pack leader which can also provide card advantage with pack tactics and then scavenging ooze gives us a late game tool to gain a bit of life against the aggressive decks and can also grow and give us a bit of graveyard hate which is very useful against the grease fang combo decks of the format and then we also have a bit of interaction with two copies of blizzard brawl to complement the four copies of primal might which is a powerful fight spell that can also be used as kind of a burn spell to pump up one of our creatures and potentially deal additional damage in the process and then collected company which has a pretty good hit rate in this deck including two copies of old growth troll which is not a five-part creature for hinge which is why we're not going with a full playset but still quite powerful as it will leave behind an enchantment that can make an additional 4 4 if the troll dies and the mana base includes a few utility lanes like a layer of the hydra which can turn into a creature and hatch up oasis which can pump one of our creatures and then busage you to deal with artifacts or enchantments but we do still want a lot of snow-covered forests to enable a blizzard brawl which can then make her creature indestructible and give it one additional power so that's her deck now let's jump into some games and see how the deck does all right for on the draw and our hand seems fine turn one adventure pack leader beast on three and i think it's all worth it to a layer even though we might need the extra snow land for blizzard brawl facing turn on planes maybe points towards a live game deck and yep turn to valkyrie so the angel life game deck confirmed play pack leader and then next run it could be better to felt collector plus pack leader as opposed to beast we'll see point with an overseer so not the scariest start but they're likely to have a collected company next turn so what's the play i'm kind of liking pelt collector plus pack leader to be honest to start enabling pack tactics and grow the pelt collector so i guess we'll attack first opponent unlikely to block our one one in the next round we can maybe brawl plus play three drop although we'll draw from pack leader as well right just a bishop so no company here and a youthful valkyrie to gain for and valkyrie stays back we picked up a company which is quite nice so i can use a beast to fight valkyrie so we can still enable some attacks i think that's the play even though valkyrie isn't the biggest individual threat so we could maybe save blizzard brawl to take out let's say a resplendent angel but i kind of want to enable pack tactics here to keep the cards flowing so i think this is still the play and then i'll attack with everyone except the one one might see a double block from the spirits and overseer or overseer and valkyrie i guess also makes sense and we picked up great henge so that'll help us keep the cards flowing find more cheap interaction which is a key to the matchup we have to take out some of the key angels like resplendent angel and the three minor valkyrie alright that works kill both it could have double blocked bishop plus overseer to not lose the spirits and there is a respondent angel although they only gain four here not quite enough to make an angel token enough turn so that makes a big difference so we can play henge and then i can still play mammoth probably beats playing company for now although maybe i want to attack first and see what we draw off pack tactics and then i maybe keep henge in hand they're unlikely to trade for lobster beasts sure and we might draw let's say blizzard brawl which discounts henge by one or primal knight so we'll see how they block that makes sense we can activate pack leader as well now to pump it up and then take out either valkyrie or bishop although probably i'm just better off killing resplendent angel here to be honest and then we kill the spirits and that's fine and then i still get to play henge now do we henge first primal minds for x equals zero is enough so it doesn't really help me discount hinge but i guess it's kind of free to do so anyway so kill respondent angel play two mana hinge and that's gonna be it for now opponent does not attack game two enough turn and more removal is great to see okay so let's maybe start with a collected company see what we hit double elves so not the best but still draws two with great henge and that's enough to prompt a concession awesome on to the next one okay we're on the draw don't have any one mana plays but hopefully steel leaf into a great henge will make up for it and the belt collector is perfect up against green white presumably angel life gain could be humans as well alright humans confirmed and a pack leader let's play ooze and then we can hang back to double block which is fine by me if they play let's say an aspirant to put a counter on it then i'll probably take four what we don't want to see is something like a brutal guitar in the future exiling or three drops so we won't be able to hinge in time is their opponent deciding which creature they want to kill goes for scavenging ooze early game felt collector will be better late game the ooze will prevail opponent missing a third line so we could easily see brutal cathar come down next turn if they hit our land drop but for now we want to play a five-powered creature to set up henge so it's between steel leaf or beast and i think we still play the champion here so we can maybe use the adventure later and i'll hang back if we can get henge down we can easily take over we can grow belt collector to be bigger than pack leader just go to dodge removal here all right and sprint's fine and i'll take four if they attack and now it's time for hinge and can adventure afterwards and now do we want to trade i think so can leave belt collector back to block aspirant even if it gets a counter and get the cards flowing bono trades works for me don't expect too much removal out of the human stack for a great henge but could see brutal cathar now and then we might just be one fight spell away from running over the opponents it's gonna be another pack leader for now and seems like they have another play available goes for initiate i guess it can eventually blow up our great hinge so if we find removals that might be the target there we go we can start by maybe playing the troll and then lobster beast grows spelt collector as well and yeah i should probably fight here could also take out aspirant or pack leader and that will mitigate the initiates abilities here as well i guess we'll attack with belt collector first put and takes it and yeah i mean killing the pack leaders probably the straightforward play remove the most power and toughness and the plus one counter and it's going to be very tricky for them to take out henge now without losing their entire board okay maybe animate our lair next turn after playing elves see if we find anything else useful thalias not really a threat and a bodyguard so now opponent is unable to cast collected company which they could easily have in hand and we have a little bit more mana to work with all right step one i think elves bank leader and then i could activate hasher voices or we could animate layer animating layer would be for three so that's probably good enough here and then wait until next turn to use hatcher poises keep it a surprise and everyone but one one attack opponent can put the bodyguard to use chum block with it and the creature that becomes indestructible so that does soak up essentially two non-trampling attackers but two of them do have trample so that could have been a reason to still go for oasis instead of flair but i don't think we would have had lethal regardless so our opponent soaks up a bit of damage but i don't really see how they come back without being able to cast company which was probably their best way to come back if they hit like double brutal cathar and our opponent explodes yeah maybe coming to the same conclusion on to the next one okay we're on the play and is promising with turn one elves so i'll give it a shot and then turn two could already play a lobster beast although we might be better off going for the adventure and the pack leader in case they uh kill the one one and beast is unable to attack thanos i'm sure takes one of our creatures here so that'll dictate how we play out our following turn all right i guess we can play troll now not sure yet which flavor of black or opponents playing could be black red mid-range could be monoblack blank red confirmed okay got a lot of removal so just waiting for the opponent to present some threats and a trespasser will force us to discard [Music] so i could just play a roanos and offer the trade we still get to draw off pack leader the thing that could happen is our opponent accepts a trade and then has removal for troll and then ronald doesn't do much by itself so it's possible that we're better off just casting primal knight here to keep attacking and then x equals one and i'll discard another primal mites and now they might not play around the third we also want to hit our land drops with tank tactics opponents down to five so one more primal minds might be good enough no pun intended another trespasser is not going to be good enough here back up to six and a final primal mites and i think we even get to level up here all right on to the next one okay we're on the play and our hand seems fine turn one adventure get on board into pack later probably gonna steal leaf before beast up against the black white so it could be a grease fang a reanimator deck although thoughtsis points towards a more mid-rangey deck instead probably takes pack leader to throw off our curve and they succeeded so lots of powerful three drops but missing that two mana plays gonna make a bigger difference uh-huh as per control well still probably in favor of steel leaf if they have a counter spell which is somewhat likely given that they shock themselves troll is probably better to keep around for later as at least it leaves something behind after a sweeper just a faithful mending so might still be a grease fang deck and yeah there's barhelian and skies over in the graveyard so they have turn three grease fan there's not much we can do about it yup that's the perfect start we have buseyju to hit their vehicle gotta hope to maybe hit a scavenging ooze off company but we're gonna be too far behind already with the two angels being generated so yeah sometimes you just face a turn of three parhelion and that's just gonna be how things work out so yeah i think we're just that's no way for me to draw cards and find removal for the angel token we can see what we would have hit of company see if there's maybe a scavenging ooze there is not all right ggs opponent can attack us in the air and that will be game over they can bring back sky sovereign to kill the creature on the way out or discard barhelian once again on to the next one okay we're on the draw our hand has potential although we do need to hit two more land drops ideally but on the draw i guess we can give it a shot belt collector if we don't have anything else going on we can adventure lobster beast facing grixes maybe reanimator or control fancies can have a look might have to take great henge which we're currently unable to cast anyway so that's no big deal they could take our beast which is the only play for next turn although we have plenty more creatures to enable henge afterwards and takes this d leaf instead do we see another thought sees we don't so probably just a fatal push for belt collector which happens all right so we have our third land at least and we could play roanoke first if we are afraid of removal to ensure it stays around for henge a wandering mind don't see that one very often but could be nice in a more controlling shell we can maybe find another thoughtsies yeah to take away henge before we can cast it so before thoughtsis got revealed i would be leaning towards ronas now i could see the argument for lobster beasts although i guess ronas can still attack if we play beast next turn yeah i guess we'll uh play ronas then don't really want to attack with the one one as it's needed for beast and we can also pump it up later with ronos so thought c stakes hinge and then hopefully we'll draw a collected company or another hinge soon okay so yeah we'll play beast if they have another fatal push things get a little awkward as they can trump ronald's take out beast do we want a primal mite i don't think we do let's just hit four five i guess upside of primal mites we would be able to attack with our human token maybe that's worth it all right fine and hope there's no fatal push there's not put in dos fall to eight already they took a little bit of damage of their shocklands and thoughtsis let's see if they have a sweeper has to be a pretty specific one opponent passes so we could primal mind for a three to pump our human token so it still enables run us if they were to kill lobster beast although i guess on the flip side if we pump our human the beast no longer gets to attack and if we only pump for two it's not enough for roanos so maybe i'm just better off playing an extra one one creature for lobster beast and lana elves and then we can still pump with ronos were they to take out lobster beast all right i guess that was good enough onto the next one okay we're on the play and our hands has potential could use a two drop to follow up a pelt collector but we can play a second santorum ii and then steel leaf into company can provide a lot of damage see what we're up against turn on planes maybe a life gain deck yep johnny's welcome all right picked up a pack leader which is great so we've got a perfect curve out start i'll take some removal of the top which we'll need to keep up with some of the life gain creatures and then a great hinge could also be quite useful but for now play steel leaf could have considered playing a tap to mammoth just so we guarantee company next turn but i think playing steel leaf is still better and there's a blizzard brawl so we've got the front foot the live game deck isn't really known for its interaction they just need to hit a big company and gain a ton of life but opponents already too far behind after a perfect start from the green deck on to the next one okay we're on the draw with a nice hands good mix of ramp interaction threats and then company and as a nice curve topper third land is welcome facing planes is this angels hush bringer okay that one we don't care about too much could be an aura deck i think we still go for champion here as opposed to we could go pack leader plus primal knight but we're likely to still be able to kill hushbringer next turn even if they slap a few auras on it it's gonna be an aspirants that's fine so i can pack leader and then primal mites could even primal mite twice could also primal mite twice next turn and company for now although developing pack leader is pretty decent and there's always a chance we miss on company so we'll try this approach and then yeah we can x equals zero hashbringer and then i should probably just be man-efficient here with elves spellbinder can take company not the end of the world scavenging ooh still a nice follow-up but we can attack first probably with the entire team this we could pump put him probably trades and then we'll play scavenging oohs and exhale a few creatures bono just takes it instead now do i want a blizzard brawl spellbinder i don't think that's necessary can just pass with who's available aspirins does the counter go spellbinder that's gonna have to stay back to maybe block steel leaf now our opponent does have two mine up so they could have some instant speed removal in response to blizzard brawl like maybe a fateful absence for now the ooze can snack on some creatures and ooze does get better the more effects like blizzard brawl or dank is playing opponents uses fateful absence now they might have been better off waiting in case we made a mistake with our fight spell but can go for it now and then kill spellbinder have three snow lanes i guess we can pump the elf as well if we'd like so that can attack past aspirin without trading and our opponent has seen enough awesome all right we're on the play our hand does have two lanes once we consider mammoth so it's not too bad and we can get started with an elves and then next turn can maybe go for ooze or develop pelt collector first opponent has their own elves all right so good primal mites for x equals one to take out their elves think i'm better off keeping it for later and then now yeah i guess scavenging oozes the more efficient play even though we might miss out on some plus one counters opponent's got their own belt collector and scavenging ooh so very fair fight cannot quite company but we can belt collector and then fight the opponent's ooze before it gets too large and then our ooze will reign supreme over the graveyards so i don't really want to trade opponent passes with company i'm sure we can do the same so not gonna attack and with double company and henge in hand we should have the late game covered but opponent could be in the same boat belt collector plus t leaf not a bad hit hope they don't have a hedge just a pack leader that's acceptable and a troll so one's almost empty-handed but they are pretty far ahead on board so we need a good company otherwise we could be in trouble opponents may not know about lovestruck beast in our deck which is a reason not to attack with belt collector opponent keeps him back anyways might as well company now and we did indeed hit a lobster beast so would have been nice to ambush belt collector better opponents respecting that possibility so don't really want to trade away beast since we need it for a henge so i'll take five and we can hench and then still activate ooze that seems fine although we will take a significant hit from the opponents potentially well i guess beast still discourages some attacks although if they have removal as their last card we're gonna take a lot of damage i guess then we could pump ooze twice up to a 4-4 and the pelt collectors would grow so maybe it's not a disaster it's all passed for now and if we can survive this next turn we should be in good shape opponent moves to combat and goes for an all-out attack [Music] so happy to block belt collector and then we could double block pack leader and if they pump it that's fine by me and then ooze can grow and then we're still taking i guess quite a bit but ooze can also gain some life this seems fine put a dose pump with pack leader that's acceptable so we'll wait for damage or do we i guess we're taking 8 13 plus one trample 14 so yeah we can wait so that was their big turn and yeah they got us to one but we'll see if we can uh take over now with our hinge snack on their graveyard back up to five thanks to the extra life from henge as well and how do we feel about a main phase company see what else we hit that seems fine not bad bank leader and ronas to discourage any further attacks and uh maybe go for pack leader keep up oohs opponent knows that her writing's on the wall as our hinge is gonna completely take over in a matter of a few turns all right so yeah close mirror match here against mono green so as we could see this green aggro deck can certainly hold its own in this explorer meta game there will be some weak matchups if you're facing a combo deck and they manage to have the perfect draw like we saw against greece fang they can certainly get you but even in that matchup we do have cards like scavenging use which can potentially come in handy so if they don't have the absolute perfect draw the ooze can maybe interfere as well so certainly has game against most decks in the meta so that'll do it for today's gameplay i want to thank you for watching hope you enjoyed and as always have a nice day i also want to thank all my patrons for being part of the channel and you can become a patron yourself today and decide the topic of future videos over at for slash legend vd [Music] you
Channel: LegenVD
Views: 26,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, magic, magic the gathering, card game, online, strategy, guide, cards, deck, deck tech, LVD, lvd, LegenVD, legend, live, tips, multiplayer, commentary, MTG, mtg arena, magic arena, arena, arena historic, mobile, mobile game, arena mobile, mythic, gold, educational, kamigawa, neon dynasty, new capenna, capenna, explorer, pioneer, green, monogreen, aggro, stompy, devotion, henge, company, steel leaf, troll, rhonas, elves, werewolf, ooze, fight, might, snow
Id: UFTm1ULhK1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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