Dragon's Dogma
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Joseph Anderson
Views: 716,248
Rating: 4.6312985 out of 5
Keywords: dragon's dogma, video game review, video game critique, video game analysis, video games, rpg, action-rpg, open world game
Id: T2BNxpYz9rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 10sec (2170 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2016
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this was already hashed out in this thread
Some of the things he hated about the game I really seem to like and some of the changes he suggested would really kill it for me. Different strokes I guess. He gave it a fare shake.
Answering some of his criticisms.
It make will sense during end game. It might be confusing at the beginning, but in the end everything tied up nicely in mindblowing fashion.
This isn't completely true. While equipment matter in Dragon Dogma, having some amount of skills and knowledge of the build, skills and monsters really help in beating the game.
I also disagree with him mentioning Dragon Dogma is a grinding games, it may need some grinding but only if you are aiming for top notch gears. Decent gears are easily purchasable and/or have good drop rates.
On the denying the similarity with Dark Souls, he need to remember Dragon Dogma world have areas with varying difficulty which some is explore-able at low level -- ironically just like Souls game. He also use the footage of him get his ass kicked by the bandits on the way to Witchwood, which is actually is high level area. It's like going to the graveyard or New Londo Ruin in Dark Souls right after Firelink..
Maybe he need to not spam special attacks in the first place..
I agree with him to an extend, but in reality it still work although not as well as percentage reduction. In game with flat damage calculation or percentages calculation, you do not want to go to high level area at low level. Even with percentages calculations, battle will take much longer than necessary with higher risk of defeat.
They are heavy and not ideal to carry around in bulk for infinite reviving?
Isn't this is the case of every games out there? Even in Dark Souls, if you are under level enemies can OHKO you easily. Havel warrior and Black knight for instance.
It almost seems he is running past the world and skip many contents of Dragon Dogma. If big monster he fought only goblins, cyclops, chimera, drake and griffin, he's been missing many other unique monsters. Such as cocktrice, Death, hydra, evil eye, lich, phantasm, hellhound and so on.
And this is why the bandits and Bitterblack Isle resident kick his butt, the reason why he are forced to grind levels and why he is forced to depend on rare equipment RNG..
Like NPCs in all games didn't care you come to their home and steal items. I don't think it's natural nor think it should be in a game, but it is an acceptable format in this generation's games due to lacks of focus on game's AI and choice and results in game, so why act if Dragon Dogma is an odd game for doing what other games being doing.
Nope, but those monsters are good practices to fight against the "last boss" which is the dragons, and these mission serve to test if the Arisen is actually capable on beating the dragon. Also come on, don't act like side quests or quest which didn't have anything to do with main story is abnormal things, all RPGs have it.
Well, that's not a review, that's a rant in disguise... and not a very good one if you ask me. He (or should I say, "you"?) sounds like the average douche that can't enjoy a game because he's played too many "Imma hold your hand throughout the entire time" games or is simply not capable of enjoying games anymore.
Is the game perfect? Hell no, and it has, indeed, many inconsistencies but god damn, if he expects games not to have flaws he should turn off his PC and find a new hobbie.