Dragon's Dogma 2 - WARNING: 6 Secret MISSABLE Quests You Didn't Find - Best Rewards & Quest Guide!

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ladies gentlemen and Arisen of all ages the more you play Dragon zma 2 the more you realize just how little of this game you may have experienced compared to what you thought there are constantly new things popping up and even if you think that you've done every quest in the game that still doesn't mean that you know everything that could possibly happen that you've experienced every possible quest ending which is sort of extra fun in this game with its whole underlying lore of the cycle and Alternate worlds where the same Cycles take place in slightly different ways so one possible quest ending can be Cannon while a different ending entirely can also still be Canon because they just take place in separate Rift bonus okay okay that's of as side though today is specifically talking about quests and I have in the past talked about a number of quests that are easily missed within this game but definitely worth still taking the time to do and today is quite similar to that with just a nice cidal collection of quests in Dragon's Dogma 2 that either the majority of the player base has never really found or at least the ones on the list that they have found have multiple endings and at least one of those alternate endings being extremely uncommon for players to get so we'll talk about what these results are so you know what you missed out without having to do a whole other playthrough to get to experience these other options starting off then we have a common quest with an uncommon ending this is pray for the pack when you first reach the checkpoint rest town to the west of the map there will be a commotion going on because a young boy has gone missing and his grandfather the Apothecary is begging for your help after doing some sleuthing you can realize that the boy has an affinity for Moonglow flowers and you find out where he was when he was taken by the Wolves so you are then tasked with finding him the trick to doing so is literally to just follow the flowers around which which is easier to do at night but this is actually a timed Quest if you go and deal with it within reasonable time you can find Raj in a cave full of wolves you kill the wolves and then escort Raj back everyone's happy and you also get a discount at the Apothecary as a reward this is what most people have experienced however if you don't do it in time you can eventually time this Quest out a soldier will show up at the bridge entrance to the checkpoint rest Town who will just Mark the cave on your map for you because you fail to find it in time and when you eventually arrive there you will find no rods just a token of torn cloth to bring back to prove that he was well at one point in that den of wolves but isn't currently at least you know most of them isn't unless you count being inside of the Wolves as being inside of them too but you know get the point you bring the cloth back to the grandfather the Apothecary and he's obviously set he thanks you for trying and you know you get some gold as a return for actually doing that but it's obviously not the good ending but it's also not a common ending so I thought it was worth talking about the fact that the kid actually can die then we have the jadeite orb quest which is a really cool one in my opinion for the different ways you do it it is also nearly unavoidable in the checkpoint rest town when you first arrive but there are so many different ways that this Quest can actually go this is centered around two NPCs offl who is potentially parting ways with his employer let's say and is trying to get hold of the jite orb which he previously lost everard is the other NPC who is trying to recover the jite orb to its supposed original owner who is ard's boss the actual jite orb then is for sale at ibrahim's scrap store but you can't give it to both of them right there's only one or is there well let's go over the various outcomes of this Quest outcome one give the actual orb to aflu and tell everard that you just couldn't find it outcome two give the orb to everard and tell offl that you just couldn't find it both of these result in getting some minor rewards from their respective NPCs outcome three is you create a forgery of the Gite orb and give it to offl this one is [ __ ] hilarious to me because he intends to sell it to trade it in in order to cross the border so if you rest a few days and then return to the rest town he will walk up to you and actively tell you the orb that you gave him seems to have been a forgery because is still here and he's laughing about it but then he says that he's sure that you meant him no ill will right buddy but if it was intentional you should know that he would slap the [ __ ] out of you with a spoon if it was the only weapon Within Reach outcome four you make a forgery of the orb and give it to everard following this everard will take the item to hilariously Ibrahim the one who makes forgeries to have it validated as a true item if you just let this happen naturally everard will find out it's a fake and he and his friends will attack you to try and bring you to jail but if you defeat them then nothing bad actually comes with this long term outcome 5 starts to say is for everard goes over to get the orb appraised but if you then talk to Ibrahim while he is appraising the forgery you can bribe him to say that it's real but he keeps taking the money and saying no and saying maybe a little bit more I might do it so he end up giving him like thousands and thousands and thousands of gold to just say that it's real which he does in the end if you give him enough and this gives you the rewards from both NPCs then we have the real fun one in my opinion which is outcome five this involves minor spoilers for the Sphinx encounter in the game so if you are avoiding spoilers for that skip to the time Scamp that is on the screen right now with that said one of these sphinxes riddles ask you what item in your inventory do you consider the most valuable if you agree to then let the Sphinx have that item you will instead get it back and have a duplicate created as a reward in the chest this can be used to manually duplicate any item in the game including the jadeite orb and you can then bring two genuine jadeite orbs back and hand them in to both NPCs which actually genuinely counts as a separate quest ending that shows up in your journal and I just love that they actually considered that players could do this and acknowledge this and actually reward you for doing it by giving you this special journal entry that mentions that you somehow got two actual genuine orbs then we have our third Quest a case of sculptor's block first up in order to get this to begin with you have to wander to the right section of the noble quarter in burnworth to have the NPC pop up to ask for your assistance but you also have to do this specifically after you have reached the point in the story where you head to ball this NPC is a patron of a specific sculptor in back batal and is requested that you go get the sculpture from them and bring it back so that he can show you his collection which sort of just sounds like a hilarious way to just walk up to someone very capable and tell them to do something for you for free upon visiting the sculptor he will mention that he is tasked with sculpting a griffin but is struggling for a reference sort of so he asks you to help him get a good sketch of a griffin by fighting one in front of him so he can see it in action without being in danger from here there are three outcomes the first outcome is the one that probably the fewest amount of people will actually get because the game tells you over and over and over again not to kill the Griffin quickly but if you just sort of use your overpowered character and go all out because you're likely overl level to that stage kill the Griffin in like 20 30 seconds the sketch will be incomplete the resulting sculpture that is made from it is according to the cut scene that you get an appalling piece of [ __ ] it looks fantastic in my opinion but everyone is just mouth a gape at how awful it is and you just don't get much of a reward for doing that and honestly I think that ending is pretty funny outcome two is you fight the Griffin particularly slowly really let it do its thing before beheading it fulio gets a good sketch he makes a great sculpture from it and it's worth mentioning that he does actually mention out loud when he's got the sketch done at the end of this you will get a cut scene of everyone enjoying it and everything's lovely everyone's happy about it but they're not absolutely blown away but then we have option C which is to go and kill a Medusa the easiest way to do so being to be a Warfare with the sfic arrow skill for magic Archer than any melee weapon put the Medusa to sleep and then you can just chop its head off in a single stroke this will get you the Medusa head item which can petrify any enemy in the game if you bring this to the Griffin where fulio is waiting you can then petrify the Griffin that is there this will kill it on the spot so you don't have to deal with fighting for a particularly prolonged period of time while the sketch is being drawn but also this winds up with a fantastic sketch created and a quote unquote unparalleled Masterpiece of a sculpture as a result and the outcome of that is a greater Applause during the cut scene some much nicer words for fio and a few thousand more gold as the reward for you so this is technically the best Ending by a good margin forth up today then a quest that I bet many people haven't encountered which is Crossing in Shadow this Quest has a bunch of prerequisites one of which being the whole Empress assassination quest line as in all of it you have to completely wrap that up first then you also to have chosen to buy the personal home in burnworth for 20,000 gold otherwise this Quest can't happen if both of those things have been met and you then sleep in the bed within that home in burnworth Empress Nadia can show up and request a secret escort to the Rose Chateau in burnworth this is just a really sort of fun bonus detail a little bit of political maneuvering that you get to take part in that a ton of people just never find unless you happen to be sleeping in the home in burnworth between completing the assassination plot line and moving into the endgame which is pretty out of the way that point in the game progression on top of that there are also two separate failure conditions during this Quest as if you alert the guards in any way you will be sent to the jail and no longer be able to escort the empress which sort of fails it so it's just sort of a quaint little extra thing on the side that people can't even necessarily do as a guarantee fifth then today is a quest called Clash and conclusion this is a sort of offshoot of a story Quest so spoiler warning that both this and the final quest entry today are tied to late story and even postgame content if you have completed the quest to escort sir Austine earlier in the game then when you are entering moonglint Tower right by the end the big tower that's in the final quest you will have a one-on-one duel with ragnall a famed mercenary who you meet a couple of times along the way through your journey this Quest itself isn't rare by any means everyone will get here as long as they've done the pre-quest but again has multiple outcomes some of which are pretty rare for people to have found outcome one is you just kill ragnall you win you beat him provided you didn't throw them off the side or something you can then use a wake Stone to revive them if you want to but he just sort of brushes that off and doesn't have much else to say say or you can do what I did and just Chuck him over the bridge outcome two if you draw the fight out long enough similarly to the Griffin in the sculpture Quest by just surviving without killing him he eventually will give in and you'll sort of have an agree to disagree moment a cut scene popping up where he's like your heart's not in it right now let's just let's do this later you clearly have more important things you postpone the duel you move on the reward for that is the exalted Ace for the fighter as well as a bit more gold than you get for killing him so this is technically the best result here too then there is actually also outcome three which is pretty fun but apparently you can just sort of literally walk away from him literally turn around and go back towards the elevator and the second you start running he'll be like okay you're a coward I don't want to fight you whatever you don't have to fight me and then he just leaves and then the door that he was guarding is just open after that which is honestly hilarious that this is once again another accepted genuine ending for this Quest but you don't get any rewards for that one obviously then our final quest today is in the end game and it's pretty major but also honestly problematically missable Shepherd of the ponds in the unored world the end game you are asked to tell every roller what is coming try and get them to evacuate their people to the seafloor Shrine you are given some markers on the map with big red beams in each of the main locations to help you do so the exception to this that is quite an important one is actually the evacuation Camp all the way near the tower on volcanic island if you show up here you will find a Golem attacking the city and you defeat the Golem you can talk to HRI who will actually help you organize an evacuation of all the ponds in the area to get them to the seaf Flor Shrine and by doing so you save them you save the all of the pawns the place where you literally started the game it's so just poetic this is again a completely hidden Quest but just another little cherry on top that you can do to feel like your journey at the end of the game was perfect saving even the Pawns in the end and That Just About Does it for today then everyone a nice little collection of quests that are either off the beaten path underplayed by players or just have either so many different endings or such underp picked endings that I thought they would be fun to just talk about what all the results are for the people who are interested in knowing what they actually feel like I hope you've enjoyed this video then and hopefully it has enhanced your enjoyment of this lovely game as well like if you like the video subscribe H the notification Bell for more and most importantly ladies and gentlemen until next time stay sweet Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
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Keywords: dragons dogma 2 side quest, dragons dogma 2 all quests, dragons dogma 2 side quests, dragons dogma 2 sidequests, dragons dogma 2 all sidequests, side quest, quests, dragons dogma 2 side quest guide, all quests, dragons dogma 2 unmoored world, unmoored world, dragons dogma 2 endgame, endgame, tips, mistakes, gameplay, dragons dogma 2 pawns, dragons dogma 2, dragon's dogma 2, location, dragons dogma 2 secret, secret, quest, weapon, armor, dragons dogma 2 all quest, sidequest, ragegamingvideos
Id: PraFwzwj1Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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