Dragon's Dogma 2 Review | Asmongold Reacts

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all right let's look at the review of the game seems we in a way Dragon's Dogma 2 reminds me of Sam ry's Evil Dead 2 was more of a remake of his first cult classic comedy horror movie than a sequel oh wait yeah actually allowed Remy to really dial in his true vision for Ash's bad night with the bad book mhm watch my friend Dragon's Dogma 2 doesn't stray too far from the blueprint that turned it into a cult classic of its own over the past decade keeping its Second To None action design and vague but robust and alluring world as its centerpieces like the 2012 original it is unforgiving out of the gate thanks to brutal enemies and chaotic encounters that are not designed to gradually ease you in so one factor here I want to mention is that I am going to play this game on the hardest difficulty is there a hard mode in the game like there is in the first game no there is no difficulty thank God it's also high levels of janky all of its systems seem precariously fitted together with the fragility of a wellp pruned Jenga Tower oh yet remarkably it never Falls over and its open-ended design allows for a barely Controlled Chaos that makes some of its inconveniences almost inage almost this that don't make any [ __ ] sense bro like Medusa was supposed to petrify you if you looked at her they weren't even looking at her and they can get petrified how's that work huh best new dark this is zero out of 10 bro this game is unplayable to wander down will never make themselves known to you if you don't go out of your way to look for them mhm well done Arisen one ear on simply walking from Quest point to Quest Point Through The Verdant forests or Dusty cags is a huge risk as the Wilds of dragon's dogat 2 are filled with creatures who would love to make you lunch it's a cck goblin while lots of open World Games with day night cycles stress the dangers of venturing out when the moon is high I don't know of any other game that has a more brutal night than this one uh valheim nighttime can be kind of bad wake up we're being ra out the explicit lack of waypoints and map markers for the Side Stories really helps nail the feeling that you aren't simply a walking taskbot for the world's NPCs to wind you up but a curious member of a living breathing place that will march on Valiant whether you find what you're looking for or not you'll be doing lots of backtracking and exploring on foot as there is very little way of conven fast traveling in the first few hours having any squabble evolve into a rolling melee with every other Beast Within a square mile became annoyingly Common Place the ogre like the Cyclops these things are bigger than they were in the first game these are way bigger skirmishing goblins trying to keep their distance from you and harass you at range OG now must smos through the combat and in turn this attracts the eye of a griffin to dive bomb the encounter like a feathery wrecking ball like third party text Predator it's a tough learning curve but it eventually gives way to a rewarding feeling of a stronger smarter you walking through a valley that gave you heartache 10 hours ago and navigating it like a well-oiled [Music] machine this dynamism is present in Dragon Dogma 2's story and quests as well I wouldn't call the main story at large that remarkable you play as the near Immortal I felt that way about um the first game is like I actually feel like the story had the potential to be n but it was told as a four chosen the Arisen who has their heart stolen by a dragon that you will be forced to slay one day in order to save the world yeah you got fell that thing it's the exact same premise as the original the only part of it that I thought was really good like was everything was s tier was after like whenever the sinkhole opens up in the in the uh the place and everybody's like blaming you and hating you that was the only part of the story I thought was like actually good everything else was like in Dogma with a bit of a Game of Thrones ask spin the political that is good if not all that special in a world where every fantasy story has similar influences but on a couple of occasions Dragon's Dogma 2 takes a major turn and upends what you've come to know and expect so far and the characters themselves gave me something to love even outside of that larger plot I speak only the truth as you well know the first time you walk into a city you'll be bombarded with people who are happy to see such a capable looking Problem Solver in their midst many of the quests that they offer you are pretty mundane RPG fair but some at least put a Twist on the genre Staples by adding time limits or unclear consequences yes you just got three quests at once but if one involves saving a kid from a pack of wolves the clock is taking down until he becomes dinner so you'd best prioritize [Music] accordingly every arisin is accompanied by a pawn a sort of personal NPC side kick whose purpose is to assist you on your journey pawns are invaluable because they can take on a class which Dragon's Dogma calls vocations and be another body in Battle Master we're going to get uh we're going to have one tank A Healer and then a Mage and it's going to me me the uh the warrior I've already I've already planned everything out I know exactly what's going to happen is weak to fire outside of fights they're great for tasks like Gathering resources and pointing out things of note in your surroundings you did all these things in the original game as well but new specializations can highlight harvesting spots in your map organize the party's inventory or even Craft on their own which means they can add so much more value this time around I'd gladly see you put what i' find to good use pawns can even be sent it seems like you actually have to resurrect the pawns like it's a timer because in the first game you just click it and it automatically resurrects them I feel like that made it too easy to join other players on their adventure and bring back items and knowledge to share with you this clever asynchronous multiplayer system was groundbreaking in 2012 and feels just as Innovative in 2024 because there's still not much out there like it oh they aren't always a boon though I'd never want to leave shelter without one but thanks to inconsistent AI pawns can get themselves into all sort pry fast res thank you it's like a 3 second Tim they often get isolated by enemies and picked off which means you need to run to their unconscious no what they like to do is they like to get next to the edge and then sometimes bodies to revive them or they'll poof out of your that's what it was I had that happen like five times I've had pawns die in pretty silly ways mostly by falling off of narrow Bridges because they made the there it is terrible choice to fight in the middle of them yeah you can command them to help you wait and place Etc but these orders are finicky and they'll take their sweet agonizing time to follow them uhhuh defend theis usually pawns are at least competent though and they ensure that combat is King in Dragon Dogma 2 when it clicks it is peerless among his action RPG contemporaries The Swinging shooting and chopping feels solid and satisfying every time you make contact how you fight naturally depends on your vocation and fans of this series will be relieved to find out that other than separating the melee and ranged portions of the old Strider class into two separate options the returning vocations are just as excellent and diverse as they were in the previous game yeah with my guy I can do a big hit or a really big hit and that's about it and that's all I need yeah expressive animations and skill diversity ensure that even if a vocation has a singular role it can play in battle there's more than one way to play can he cut the tail off of the new vocations the Mystic spear hand is my favorite it prioritizes closing distance and burst offense over impenetrable defense literally who cares if you can get a big sword literally who Trier uses Illusions and deceptions to make enemies fight each other and for my money is you smoke too tough you're swag to different meme in physical form we must do whatever we can to knock it no matter your vocation there's a huge monster hunter influence on combat as well appropriately since a chunk of the combat design team at kcom works on both series large monsters and even smaller ones have many possible targets of interest on their body like I cyclops's eye or soran's tail targeting them could do more damage stun them more regularly or take that limb off completely altering the enemy's attack patterns and possibly granting more loot I rejoice in how impactful choosing to spend the effort to take these kinds of advantages always felt especially when you're fighting groups of big enemies and need to thin the herd quickly enough bro I'm so excited I'm actually so excited of how janky climbing enemies feels something you'll be doing often to bring larger foes down to size it's easy to get disoriented while climbing through no real fault of your own and if the monster jumps into a corner or pressures you against the wall the camera reveals itself as having been the True Villain all along making it wow I would have never expected that absolutely impossible to see what's going on for as long as you're stuck there yeah more than one once I have taken big damage or even died because I was body blocked by my foes and that has never been a good way for a fight to end even if I'm not getting bullied out of the shot as the numbers of the combatants pick up you can watch the frame rate slowly diminish not ideal it's not going to happen with me bro like we got a good PC that's not going to happen a game where success I'm going to have minimum 195 FPS it only goes up to 165 so heavily dependent on blocks and Dodges never got too bad for me but it was noticeably chuggy which made a game that can be hard to read doe to all the things going on on screen at once just that much more illegible Dragon's Dogma 2 is a strange and wonderful game that seems haunted by some of yester's bugaboos it is a retelling and reimplementation of all those wonderful ideas from the 20 12 cult classic including an awesome Dynamic world and some of the best combat in the genre on the other hand it's finicky La AI clunky climbing choppy frame rate I think the climbing even Dragon Dogma 1 was fine I'm going to be real I think it was fine now was it a bit [ __ ] yeah of course but it was fine and camera with a habit of going haywire at the worst times are all features I wish hadn't been brought back for another round even so there is an action RPG here that is richly rewarding and incomparable to its contemporaries if you can be patient with his quirks open to embracing its hands-off open world and Quest [Music] designs for more on the technical side check out our full performance review of Dragon's Dogma 2 or for an action alternative our review of outcast a new beginning and for everything else IGN let's find out yeah let's find out that's my thinking now watch a real review I [Music] um yeah I mean I I this is why I was really happy to go and like actually play through the entire first game or not the entire thing right I didn't do a lot of the content I probably haven't even done half the content but um I really want to find out and see what's like what this is really like because to me like what I really care about the most is like the combat and the gameplay and like for like what would I say Dragon Dogma one was I would I would say it's like an 8.5 or a nine to me because like I really like the combat the combat was a 10 and the rest of the content was like kind of a you know like a a five but like for like my weighted like importance scale like that matters a lot why do they call them pawns aren't they just slaves so that's a great question why are they pawns and not slaves well the reason why is because the word slave sounds bad that's why and by the way this is a decent review I wish that we had seen like I I want to go in and like look at the real nuances of this [ __ ] right pawns aren't human no they don't have humans they don't have souls or sorry they aren't humans they don't have souls and they don't have a will of their own they have like kind of an abstracted manifestation of their m will so like they don't have a will of their own so like it's not like somebody's a slave where like their will is being subverted it's like a paen never had the will in the first place they're like basically self-aware NPCs a construct exactly they're wired that way yeah so I because I went through I listen I read all the [ __ ] in the game that's how I know about it
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 415,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: ssp3E5dBBg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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