Dragon's Dogma 2 Is Not What You Think It Is | Asmongold Reacts

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Dragon's Dogma 2 is not what you think it is at least it's not what I think a lot of people believe it to be I think that a lot of folks have a relatively surface level understanding of what Dragon's Dogma 2 is and what it's going to offer to players what the experience is going to be like maybe they watched a couple videos from IG read a couple articles watched a couple content creators hopefully I was one of those there it is but with that said I think that people don't necessarily know what they're getting themselves into I've seen a lot of comparisons drawn to games like Elden ring and it couldn't be further from the case so today what I want to do is I want to talk about well the reasons why I think Dragon's Dogma 2 is going to be wildly popular it's going to receive the praise that it definitely will deserve but beyond that I think it's going to be widely misunderstood okay W hunting packs Arisen let's begin players have grown accustomed to certain mechanics that enable quick reflex actions such as Dodge and parries G like Elden ring and the Dark Souls series have set a high standard for how movement and defensive Maneuvers contribute to the core gameplay experience these games have conditioned players to rely on these movements as a fundamental tool for survival emphasizing a solo player's skill and timing to navigate the dangers of the respective worlds that they're adventuring through such mechanics this is actually like I I see where he's going with this and I think this is accurate that Dragon like I've played Dragons Dogma 1 now for like over 10 hours it's really not a hard game like I'm sure on the hard mode but it's probably harder but like in terms of the mechanics that you have to have to deal with it's not like it's it's not like mechanically challenging in the same way that like Millennia is mechanically challenging in Elden ring wait for DLC you think you think DLC is going to be harder you could be right become a second nature to Veterans of these kind of games ESP action RPGs obviously this isn't limited to games like Souls like but other games leverage these similar mechanics if not most of them do providing a TCT have like perfect Dodge you know eye frames Etc because again I think players are just used to it through Dark Souls sense of control and Mastery over the game's challenges however Dragon's Dogma 2 takes a different approach to player movement and fence diverging from the now standardized Dodge and Parry systems seen in many of today's action RPGs in Dragons Dogma 2 most classes don't have a conventional movement skill like Dodge or rolls or quick paries or anything like that instead you can actually just jump like if they're going to attack you like if it's a small mob and it goes like this you just jump [ __ ] them game emphasizes more on strategic form of combat and leans heavily on positioning party Dynamics and preparedness this distinction sets a very unique stage of gameplay that I'm not really too sure very many people are ready for well I think one really good example of this is like in Dragons Dogma 1 there are NPCs that you like enemies that you cannot not damage without magic which is like really kind of like almost no games have stuff like that anymore and one thing that's like I'm curious about is that how much of that CU like in 2012 it was a very different era of gaming and like player expectations were way different so is Dragons Dogma 2 going to have things like that or not I think it probably will where success is less about individual dexterity and more about how well players can orchestrate their party actions adapt to the flow of battle the movement system in Dragon's Dogma 2 is reminiscent of older Resident Evil games or early monster hunter games where positioning and tactical awareness play a crucial role in overcoming challenges rather and I think also positioning and having tactical awareness be a bigger Factor actually makes the game more accessible because like anybody can sit there and like figure out how to get all their stuff and position and everything but it becomes really hard whenever you actually also have to be very good at the game and I think that monster hunter probably like I'm new to the series so I'm not really sure about this but I bet whenever things like all Tron and like some of the arct tempered bosses came out that a lot of people got really upset about it because you can make monster hunter really easy to the extent that like you don't have to be good at the game at all like you guys watch me play through it right and like it was only until like the last few bosses that you actually have to have like a level of like presence of mind and dexterity because aside from that you don't really need that you can just again you can just use traps you can just make infinite things and then eventually come and kill them and it's a 35 minute hunt but it's dead so yeah people got super upset with all Tron release yeah cuz you think about like also with all Tron here's another big factor you can't reset the fight like for example whenever you're fighting the great jagas if you're losing you just run away and it will deagro well you can't deagro all a trayon like you're [ __ ] there there it is so yeah absolutely it's different the same with even like the later bosses like velc like you can just walk away from V run away and then recover then relying on our quick reflexes to be able to dodge or Parry attacks at the very last second we have to anticipate enemy movements utilize the terrain to our advantage and strategically place ourselves and our party members to be able to avoid damage and capitalize on attack opportunities this I think also like a big issue of like Gamers with little real life egos that put all of their ego into a video game and whenever one of these games comes out they want it to be as hard as possible because they want to have more of a monopoly on the idea of the accomplishment of it because like again like I don't think Dark Souls I think Dark Souls 1 is the easiest game and I think it's the best game too I think it's amazing I would also say that Mario Brothers 3 I think is harder than Mario Brothers 2 or sorry is easier than Mario Brothers 2 but I think Mario Brothers 3 is a infinitely better game than Mario Brothers 2 but Demon Souls was the easiest yeah I mean I'm just I'm comparing to Dark Souls one two and three right just the Dark Souls series coach encourages a completely different type of Engagement within the game's World we're understanding our enemies patterns exploting their weaknesses and synergizing our party's abilities become the keys to Victory a great example of this is shown in clips that we've seen from IGN where they were figh an ogre mechanics like climbing pushing an enemy to the ground and learning its Elemental weaknesses Ro in defeating the Enemy being patient and not just spamming attacks helps to maintain stamina sometimes staying out of combat helps to gain a better understanding of an enemy's attacks more action RPGs have conditioned the players to think about again how balers Gate 3 because it's turn-based allowed itself to be accessible to an audience that isn't a like Elden ring reaction time you know eight move combo Dodge perfect frame uh Thing game like it's able to be accessible by anybody the attack as hard as possible and then Dodge or Parry at the very last second rinse and repeat Dragon's Dogma 2 is more about finding the exact precise moments when to attack how to attack what to use and what part of the monster to use it on and you can see this like for example in Dragon Dogma 1 like I'll be fighting an undead and like his health will go like this and then McConnell will come in with a fireball and the first Fireball will be like and then it's dead like the level of like difference with resistances and [ __ ] is just crazy I believe that fighting a chimera exemplifies this the lion's head is the monster's melee component it claws pounces kicks and Roars the snake spews an AOE of my Asma around the creature the goat's head casts long range spells as a melee class you wait for the my Asma you attack the snake's head to get rid of the close range AOE so that that doesn't become a problem later on then you focus on the goat head next climbing on top of the Chimera to cut it off and then you finish the lion once you've destroyed the other heads dragon's dog I also like how in this game it's like it's you're fighting a chimera I'm going to be talking about how it's realistic it would make sense logically that the fight would get easier over time because you would wear the monster down and that's the way that this fight works the more that you fight this sponsor the hardest part about this fight is at the beginning like I actually beat my first one of these out in the open world last night it isn't a game about fighting an enemy it's about picking them apart yeah I played dragon's dog last year for the first time and I'll be honest with you guys it felt weird it felt foreign because so many games over the last few decades last two decades of games I guess something like that W that makes me feel old but every action RPG that I've played they have a Dodge and Perry mechanic and I would imagine that's probably the same for just about anybody that's watching this video right now and it feels weird when you go to play a game where that's not standard for every single vocation in the game some of them do have it so if that's go for those kind of locations or classes and you can get that kind of play style but this isn't a game that you're carrying all the weight by yourself there's a party of Pawns behind you and leveraging them and knowing how to work and synergize with them is how you win and once I got over that once I really started to understand that and realize that the game is more about taking the time to understand the enemy figure out their patterns look at the environment around the enemy figure out ways I can use that to be able to leverage it against them figure out their weaknesses and exploit them pick that enemy apart piece by piece the game just became so engaging and so reward I had this happen like there was like a a thing where it's like there are these two bista that will shoot at you and you have to like Siege a castle and there's two big fat boys and there's a bunch of little goblins around them and uh I actually died on it I legitimately [ __ ] died now to be fair I let myself get killed because the pawn AI bugged out and it killed McConnell and I was like I don't want to do this without my healer so like I'm just going to let these these things kill me but no no it guys it did I tried to go over the [ __ ] ladder where they have that sword I and then I I open the door on the other side and the pawns keep going up the ladder and they just keep getting hit by the [ __ ] missiles over and over and over it happened like a hundred [ __ ] times I'm trying to tell them like okay maybe if I go up the ladder again you'll stop going up the ladder maybe if I walk next to you I can walk you over to the door okay you're not going to do that all right fine I had to go inside another [ __ ] area and then I had to Zone into another Zone and then reposition every character over there and then leave that zone in the tunnel and then come back and then opened a door and then they all went through the [ __ ] door yes but this is something I will say with Dark Souls 1 as well so I got cursed in the depths of Dark Souls 1 and I spent the last the next two hours figuring out how to get uncursed I even tried to beat the boss without being cursed I was [ __ ] it was so [ __ ] annoying it was [ __ ] gameplay and I remember it so what do you say about that and I think the truth is that a good game designer can understand how to create an experience like Dark Souls I and a bad game designer will create an experience like Diablo 4 or like uh Lords of the Fallen or like one of these other games that understands that frustration and having to overcome obstacle makes the game more engaging but they don't understand how to implement them into the game in a way that isn't just bad I feel like there's just like such a huge information Gap and like a like mental gap between like for example listening to Kevin Jordan like it was like astonishing for me to listen to Kevin Jordan talk about like the philosophies that he used for making classic wow and then go and listen to like talk about Diablo 4 right it's just a it it's like a totally different wavelength of existence it's like they weren't even talking about the same thing and I think also like in a way they weren't because like Kevin Jordan is talking about an experience and the Diablo guys I don't want to just single out Diablo I think it's a lot of games like this they're talking about a game and at the end of the day this was an experience that I will remember trying to fight the boss with a broken weapon and Dragon's Dogma creates that same environment and that's the same reason like for example with monster hunter there are a lot of instances of that as well like where there's kind of like annoying things in the game they're not even nearly as annoying as Dragon Dog or Dark Souls I but they exist in the game like the the hot drinks um weapon sharpness sheathing your weapon like I think it's really [ __ ] annoying but it's part of the game everything is part of the game and if you know how to make a good game those things will not ruin the game rise remove cold and hot drinks by the way yeah but we'll see what they do in in uh worlds right or what's it called Wilds monster and Wilds yeah it's part of preparing all the inconveniences to make the experience right yes and it's inconveniences make the experience they create texture for the experience but a bad designer can't see the Nuance between good and bad inconveniences and that's the issueing in a way that no other game has really ever replicated other than Dragon's Dogma and then now Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen because there is really no other games like these for new players that are coming into Dragons Dogma 2 The Game's unique approach to combat and character roles is going to feel well foreign unlike many other action RPGs where the main character stands as the sole hero in confrontation against bosses enemies and groups of foes Dragon's Dogma 2 introduces a dynamic where the player is part of a team consistent yeah you have to you have to play this game like you're into Fellowship of the Ring yeah think about what they would do in the minds of Moria and and and and re originate your mind to that themselves and three AI controlled companions this shift from a singular Focus to a team oriented perspective significantly Alters the gameplay experience and emphasizes the importance of the collective over the individual in most action RPGs players are conditioned to optimize their character's ability their gear their strategies and face the challenges ahead scenarios are framed as me versus them however Dragon's Dogma 2 expands upon this concept by requiring players to also manage the vocations gear abilities and even the AI behaviors or the inclinations of their pawns this aspect means I'm not sure how much of that you're really going to need like I I'm actually sometimes I I wish that I started the game on hard instead of just like normal and I think that if Dragons Dogma 2 has a start the game on hard at the beginning option I will go with that option because like sometimes I feel like whenever you don't have the game on the highest mode of difficulty you're not encouraged like how many of you guys are like this like you're not encouraged to actually play the game because you don't need to interface with a lot of the systems because you can overpower the systems Witcher yeah Witcher like whenever you play it on was it Death March like even then it's still pretty easy but you then have to actually think about what you're doing it's not like a pointand click adventure game that success in combat doesn't solely hinge on the player personal skill or their character build but equally as well as how they've orchestrated their team's actions their pawns roles their compatibility with each other and how their abilities complement the player's tactics become a very pivotal element to overcoming many of the challenges that the game has there is this emphasis on planning and coordination that marks a major departure from The Lone Hero narrative that we've been used to over the years and this is introducing a layer of and and again I want to make sure that this is like the focus again is that it makes the game more accessible dep that goes far beyond personal prowess players must invest time into understanding the strengths weaknesses and synergies of the different vocations and meticulously gearing up and configuring their pawns for all of the tasks that face them ahead ignoring or neglecting the pawns is not a viable option in Dragon's Dogma 2 as they play a crucial role in both combat and exploration well you can do it I mean at least so far I've been able to do it but like I know that like I upgraded all their [ __ ] like two times and whenever I did that it just totally changed the [ __ ] game like it it totally [ __ ] changed things like for example like I I got like my main guy McConnell I got him to have like an enchant for like a fire sword holy [ __ ] it's crazy it's nuts yeah it's so good yeah the fire Boon yeah well I have like the I have the level of it ability to per battle support the player and interact with the world dramatically influences the outcome of encounters and the overall progression throughout the game for those players who are unaccustomed to managing a team or for those who just like to have the spotlight being on them being the Undisputed center of attention adjusting to Dragon's Dogma 2's Cooperative combat mechanics may present a steep learning curve yet this unique approach offers a rich and rewarding experience that encourages creativity strategic thinking in a deeper level of Engagement than we're used to with many other action RPGs by Shifting the focus from a singular protagonist to a closely knit team of adventurers Dragon's Dogma 2 challenges traditional action RPG norms and invites players to explore the complexities and the joys of leading a party through a richly imagined fantasy world now to put this into context yeah this is a big problem that a lot of games again have is like it's kind of like the Esports streamer culture where it's all about playing the game really fast and beating the game and being really good at the game and I do think that like people have a fixation around being really quote good at games and in the process of being really good like meta yeah Meta Meta gameplay all that like hell divers was going through that I mean I think didn't a CEO literally come out and say just like [ __ ] stop it guys like it's not that big of a deal I think about how an Elden ring like how many different ways they have to solve a problem like really you don't need to use like this meta build just play the game man when I was a sorcerer vocation in Dragon Dogma one I was relatively defenseless against enemy attacks and I had no solutions for enemies that were immune to magical damage if I didn't have my party of Pawns or if I had that entire party of Pawns then they were Sorcerers and Rangers or weren't geared up properly I would undoubtedly fail quite frequently Sorcerers are helpless while they're casting spells they often cannot even move and they need to have the enemy either distracted or be defended by their party while they're casting their spells you are the main character in Dragon Dogma 2 but you're more than that you're not the only character yeah I'm going to level with you I ran into this exact issue when I played Dragon's Dogma dark Arison and that's the reason why I bring it up because one of the things that I did was completely neglect my main Pawn I didn't change their gear I didn't upgrade their gear I didn't search for new equipment or anything like that I didn't change their vocation at any point stayed on the exact same one I never swapped any of their skills or upgraded any of their skills as a result I started running into walls and was wondering why I couldn't progress even though my character felt like they were strong and I had done everything that I needed for them yeah like for me it's kind of interesting to do because like as I said I've been playing this game a lot Grand blue fantasy and like it has the same policy where it's like you can upgrade your your team a lot and if you upgrade your team that will also help you at on like a meta level it's the thing yeah exactly so I went from doing that to doing Dragon's Dogma so I was actually kind of like used to it now you can even AFK I sure can but you can't play Dragon's Dogma 2 in a self-centered way you have to pay attention to the entire party that you're with and that's going to be something that I think that it's well worth bringing up it's something that players need to know before going into Dragons Dogma 2 because if they do try to play that way well they're going to end up finding themselves frustrated when their party continues to fail over and over and over again now one of the other things that I don't see a lot of people talking about either is just that there's so many layers of nuance to the game and you have to take the time to really understand that and that is going to be a major barrier of entry for a lot of players because I'll just give you a random example not all skills are created equally and many times before you go out adventuring before you go out to do a mission you may need to change the skills that you have equipped because not all of them are going to be suited for every single scenario that you find yourself in sure give you a really good example of this I played as a magic Archer and the magic Archer has this really absolutely disgusting busted skill called Ricochet shot it is insanely powerful you shoot it it bounces continues to bounce and every time it bounces and hits an enemy it does more damage the next time it hits the enemy again awesome what the [ __ ] works great in tight spaces completely useless out in Open Fields yeah so having that equipped doesn't make a lot of sense if you're going to hunt something out in the open world there's a I've never had to do that yet I I haven't had to actually change what my weapons are or like what my attacks are because like the other thing is that Dragon's Dogma does the same thing that monster hunter does is that and also Dark Souls one does is that jumping attacks and like uh you know falling attacks do a lot of damage and you can also like with uh so this is the way it works in like Monster Hunter right so like if you normally jump you're going to go up and then down right but if you do an attack right here it will actually move your character up a little bit and that's it right it's like the hammer yeah well the great sword does the same thing in Monster Hunter it's actually the same or sorry in Dragon Z it's actually the same where like it will move your character a little bit up so like if you're fighting Airborne enemies with like the great sword you just jump and do a jumping attack and you can hit them preparedness that you have to have not only just with your character but with the rest of the characters that you're bringing along making sure that if you're renting out somebody else's Pawn that it actually suits the things that you're going to do making sure to take care of your main Pawn checking your skills and abilities their equipment everything all of that matters and that is a major learning curve that is a complete departure from what we've been used to in many other action RPGs and it's something that well it's worth talking about and something that I think compounds with the issues that I brought up earlier is the fact that the game doesn't really give you a lot of Direction in this Dragon's Dogma 2 promises to bring this unparalleled sense of adventure and Discovery tossing aside monitored conveniences like Quest markers above NPCs for an emergent explorative experience it it's I mean there are Quest markers I'm pretty sure in Dragon's Dogma 1 at least at least in in some cases there aren't but there's not like for example with a lot of for a lot of things nowadays not in the second one okay yeah I I don't know about that I'm not sure but like and also like probably in the second one they have better descriptions of like what to do because like in some of them like there's one thing it's like get this item what the [ __ ] is this how am I and and it's like I go to track the quest and it says oh it's on you you have it well no I don't it's not in my inventory where is it right yeah get a snakes skin purse what the [ __ ] right so it's like if you they probably should have like a better explanation if they're not going to have any markers at all but I I do think that's definitely a uh it's like a more thorough experience this design philosophy aims to immerse players deeply in the world and the story is going to unfold not through explicit Direction and linearity but instead through actual interactions with NPCs actively listening to one's pawns and having a keen observation over one's environment however this lack of direction is going to be a serious challenge for a lot of players that are not accustomed to this kind of open world exploration the game this also happened with Elden ring there were a lot L of people like uh stream viewers that said Elden ring was more boring to watch than dark souls or or like uh seiro or whatever especially Dark Souls uh because it was so open-ended and it wasn't a guided experience it's like for for like streaming Dark Souls 3i and Dark Souls I is a much better experience to like have people watch than Elden ring sounds crazy but there it is to hold players hands requiring them to initiate conversations with NPCs and heed the advice of their pawns to un somebody says short attention spans it's actually not that it's like so you know like in Final Fantasy 7 or 14 you guys remember whenever like I got to like the vault at the end of Heavens W and like 50,000 extra people started watching cuz I remember like the viewer count went up like crazy whenever I got in there and it's because people knew what was going to happen so like with dark souls 3 you know where like each experience of Dark Souls I is much more like on Rails than it would be in Elden ring so it's easier for viewers to follow because there's a more narrow path that you can take whereas Elden ring you can do anything that's another reason why it's easier to follow for people watching and like this is this is a by the way I think Elden Ring's a better game than Dark Souls I do I I think it's way better however um you know like Elden Ring's a 10 and Dark Souls is also a 10 but Elden Rings should stay higher 10 this is not a condemnation of the game this is just simply the way that the stream like the way that games work on a stream so like if I say this is the way a stream is that doesn't mean the game's bad or vice versa you know requests and understand the intricacies of the world will lead to some for players more structured action RPGs players are going to have to read They're going to have to actively listen and that's just not how a lot of modern games have been developed for a very long time and now this issue is going to be compounded by the fact that the game has well sparse fast travel options with berry stones and Ox carts being very few and far in between such limitations necessitate true preparedness for any Journey stocking up on the right supplies choosing the appropriate skills and equipment and special abilities and everything that you need to be able to complete your objectives the realism and survival elements that are introduced by this game and all these different mechanics are there here's a huge one I haven't seen them bring up the fact that you lose your health and you can't get it all that that is like a crazy [ __ ] thing that is a massive difference Dark Souls 2 yeah but Dark Souls 2 does it in a way that sucks and this game does it in a way that doesn't suck like for example like Dark Souls 2 if you have a fail State your next attempt is punished through that fail state but like in Dragon sgma 2 if you do have a true fail state you just restart back to where you were previously like you're not you're not retroactively punished for mistakes in the same way that you are in Dark Souls I like in Dark Souls 2 your first attempt is going to be the attempt that you have the most advantages in and then when Dragon zma 2 every attempt you have the same amount of advantages if you failed the attempt does that like I I see there's people that try to draw like this parallel but it's a huge difference in my mind massive difference enhance the sense of adventure but ultimately are going to steepen the learning curve quite significantly now to add to this lack of Direction the game's world is dynamic so when NPCs can approach the player and give us quests they also can potentially die leaving some story lines completely inaccessible forever and this is going to add a layer of complex they are making that not completely true in Dragon's Dogma 2 my understanding is that you're going to be able to go to like a morg and use some sort of Resurrection Stone to finish a quest Within NPC but after that the NPC will be effectively removed from the game that's my understand like a resurrection this feature definitely enriches the narrative and makes the world feel that much more responsive it's also going to lead to some frustration from players that feel like they're missing out on significant quests or outcomes because of their lack of preparedness the game doesn't necessarily give you all context at all given points the desire for genuine adventure free from hand holding that we've seen that's so prevalent in many contemporary RPGs is understandable and commendable yet I don't think that like really like handholding isn't necessarily a good or a bad thing in all circumstances but I don't think that like having it makes a game bad and I don't think that not having it makes a game bad I think it's about the way that the game is designed and how the game allows players to int what to do in the game because like a for example I think that like a smart logical player should be able to Intuit what to do in the game without handholding regardless the reality of such an experience in Dragon Dogma 2 might catch players off guard they think that they want it but they may learn that they aren't ready for it as players navigate this meticulously crafted World The Thin Line Between immersion and frustration are going to become evident testing our resolve our patience and our willingness to be able to embrace a truly open World adventure whether the gaming community is ready for this bold departure from convention and I think that's actually a really good way to say it is that I think that a lot of games like I actually so I went through and you know as I said I've been playing the game off stream a lot and after I stopped trying to play it like a video game and I started trying to just have an adventure my experience and enjoyment in the game more than doubled like it's it's no longer about how to get from point A to point B as fast as possible it's about trying to have like a good experience and you know this is something that like whenever I play a game on stream it kind of contrives that experience which is why like I can always look back at like the time that I played valheim and I played that totally off stream the first time at least uh and like that was such a great experience for me and I I really love that a lot and so yeah stop trying to beat the game exactly like yeah just just play the game and try to enjoy it and I think that again that's like the uh you know goal oriented gameplay and it's like it's not bad to have goal oriented gameplay entirely but it's like it has to be measured by like a degree of like a willing suspension of disbelief that you're trying to have an experience in the game like I remember like Josh Strife Hayes talked about this he's like if you're trying to play a video game you have to meet the developer halfway with trying to actually engage in the systems and try to actively enjoy the game because if you're going to go into a game you can go into Dark Souls 1 and think it's the worst game ever you can go into uh you know balers gate three and think it's the worst game ever if you're like if you go into it with that mindset needs to be seen But undoubtedly this is going to set the stage for a really unique and memorable experience for those that are willing to adapt and immerse themselves fully yeah Dragon's Dogma 2 is set to give us an experience that players have been asking for for years now and it's largely something that balers Gate 3 capitalized on a responsive world that responded to our actions the actions of the world itself and it just made the game feel that much more engaging felt that way back but more than anything we got to own our adventure our experience was vastly different from the next player even though the main narrative was you know the same the outcomes of everything that happens in the game wasn't and we want that we want more games that are like that more games that respond to our actions and the decisions the problem why we don't have more games like that is that the level of understanding that a developer needs to have in order to craft an experience that's that good is extremely rare it is extremely [ __ ] rare to have a developer that understands that as well as like you know the guys that made classic wow uh Dark Souls 1 Legend of Zelda linked to the Past um aaren of time uh Dragon Dogma I mean [ __ ] it's so hard somebody asked a question in chat and they said uh what do you mean by that intuition as in naturally know to figure out what or just follow the normal in-game dialogue so you have to open a gate well you walk to the gate and it's too big to open by yourself and so you should be looking for a lever and then if you can't find the lever then you should look in the other areas in this area and then the lever would be in those areas kind of by using just simple logical deduction to solve problems without the game telling you what to solve pretty simple yeah we just found a lever exactly and so context clues yeah exactly make that's exactly what this game is going to give us but critical think a lot of the context that many other games give us a lot information that gets dumped on us there's a lot of levels of nuance to a game like Dragon's Dogma or Dragon's Dogma 2 that may be lost on some players and we really do have to take the time to actively listen actively pay attention far more than we're used to in many other games yeah I mean you guys know like how I play video games like at the beginning I play like an absolute [ __ ] idiot right everybody knows that like I actually prefer games that do like I hate long Exposition games I hate them because like I just lose focus and I just can't keep track of everything like I like doing it wrong which teaches me how to do it right you know like I I I kind of wish that in like Dragon Dogma 1 there was like more of a long form introduction to all the mechanics cuz I felt like I got all of them right at the beginning it was hard to take everything in I don't know if other people feel that way or not I think Poe kind of has that same Vibe too so yeah it it's it's but it's like it's a balance right cuz like it's not like every game has to be like Po world where you just load in you play the game and like that's not necessarily always a great thing and it's also not a great thing when you play like hongkai Star Rail and the entire first three hours of the game you're playing for 20 minutes of that with all those conveniences removed Give an example something as simple as fast travel something as simple as being able to constantly go back to town as quickly as you need to whenever you want to and then go back to doing what you were doing is a massive departure from what players have been doing for years because in a game like Dragon's Dogma you can't just fill your inventory with a ton of different stuff you have to have very limited inventory you can only carry so many things and you can have your Pawn carry some stuff but they also have limited inventory too so you have to pay attention to what kind of curatives you're going to bring what kind of other maybe Quest items or something like that other pieces of equipment making sure that you're taking the time to equip the right spells and skills and making sure that you're taking care of your equipment and things like that because the journey is going to be long and you're not going to be able to fix a lot of these things or change a lot of these things once you're out in the field and you're going to have to walk all the way back or hopefully grab an ox cart to come back and that's not going to be the most convenient thing to do and I think that there are going to be some players that are going to be frustrated with that because it's just not something so somebody brought up new world did that but we all kind of cried why is that different why is the experience in New World different than the experience in Dragon Dogma well I'll give you one big example one big example of why it's a lot different is because there are no multipliers for the difficulty in the game in the same way that like whenever you're playing Dragon zma if you're out in the world and you're trying to go back to town it could be nighttime and like now this is now the game is more dangerous whereas like with new world there was no actual gameplay that it created and this is kind of like what I was talking about about like good and bad design is that usually good types of design that uh that create frustration create emergent gameplay the only emergent gameplay that came out of new world was literally killing yourself so you would respawn in town that's not a good emerging gameplay think they're used to and that's not a bad thing by the way that's just you're not depend on how it works so I do hope that players are a little bit patient with the game because it's an overall experience we're supposed to be taking the time to take this game in and I don't really think people understand exactly how long this game is going to be because of all of these layers of nuance but also 200 four times the size of Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen it's going to I think probably 200 hour so with that said take your time I grew up enamored with the Lord of the Rings I used to pack a backpack yeah for me like I remember I played Elden ring for like a month and that was such a good like I felt like I had such a great experience playing Elden rang for the first time it was so good and it's because I didn't try to rush it snacks and supplies head off into the woods with my friends prepared to fight imaginary Beast explore the lands claim Untold treasures and then return well after the sun had already set over the years I have craved a game that could give me a true sense of adventure an arduous Journey where Anything could happen at any given moment and it was more about the adventure itself rather than the rewards at the end Elden ring came very close to that and I believe that Dragon's Dogma 2 is going to take me the rest of the way this is I think Elden ring completely solved that like Elden ring Elden ring was the game and like Dark Souls 1 was also the game where like do you guys ever get the vibe in the last 10 years that it's like oh maybe I'm getting too old for video games oh I think I'm too old for games nowadays you guys ever get that like I thought that I thought games were bad nowadays until I played Dark Souls I and until I played Elden ring like Elden ring was the big one like I thought oh man maybe I'm like I'm I'm in my 30s now like what the [ __ ] am I doing I'm still playing games right it's like of course it's not going to be the same as it was like back in the day but like I played Elden ring and it was the same and I realized that it was actually just a lot of games nowadays just suck and it has nothing really to do with how old you are like Elden ring definitely was that experience for me exactly the game that I've been dreaming of a massive open world for me to explore where my story is told through my actions where my experience is going to widely vary from player to player and I will have next to no context on what to do or where to go and it's up to me to figure that out it's up to me to prepare up to me to listen up to me to understand and after playing Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen I have unlearned many of the bad habits that I needed to before going into Dragon's Dogma 2 I can't tell you how many times I died because I couldn't use a Dodge roll because I didn't listen to my pawns when they said Bandit stalk the roads Arisen got filtered in the dead of night because I didn't bring a lantern or ran out of food and stamina or health because I didn't prepare everybody got mad at me for not having a lantern like I still don't use one I fight in the [ __ ] dark yeah [ __ ] him Dragon's Dogma 2 will test players not in the same way as Elden ring or Souls games it's not the kind of game that's about individual skill it's a test of understanding strategy and preparedness I don't think that Dragon's Dogma 2 is a game that you're going to be able to just bulldoze through without paying attention to everything enemies or challenges can be one if you hit them hard enough and oh no I think in a lot of cases there probably will be a way that you can beat the game if you bull those through it absolutely yeah sure it doesn't but that it's not a bad or a good that's just how it is that was the challenge for me almost always do that with games I overcame and I think other players are going to have to as well I recently watched asmin gold play Dragon's Dogma darker is and it inspired this video because I wholeheartedly agree with his take on why he doesn't want to stream First Dragons Dogma because it's not a game to be played without your full attention if your attention is split 5050 also like another thing with streaming is that even if you put and you say like don't backseat you're going to have people that are going to tell you what to do and you're going to read comments and chat that will give you insight into what to do in the game and streaming the game will change the way that you consume the game as content right or as an experience so it's like it's just you can't stop it yeah no you're just going to see like for example it's like you're looking for something and there will be somebody that will tell you oh it's at the top or oh it's in the room to the left and you'll see that and the problem solving process at that point is ruined or it's done depending on how you perceive and how you value it 8020 or whatever it is chances are you're just not going to pick up on the context on the Nuance that the game has and as such you're just not going to have a good time playing the game you're not going to understand the game you're probably definitely not going to beat it now with that said I'll give you a really good example to back up this claim the reason why I say this is because in many games we have bad habits that have been trained by in my opinion horor game design a really good example of this is Grand blue fantasy relink I love the game it's a ton of fun the NPCs in the game talk incessantly holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my god oh [ __ ] it's so true so [ __ ] never why do they do that like why all useless dialogue random things that they continue to say and I really wish that they put an option in the game for me to be able to turn that off because it is so damn annoying but we've trained ourselves to turn those voices into white noise into Ambience I don't hear it anymore and in a game like Dragon's Dogma that is so far from the case it's not even funny you need to know and hear what your pawns are saying because if I that's interesting he brings that up because I actually turned the pawn dialogue back on yeah in the game I I cuz I had it off in the in the game whenever I was streaming it and I turned it back on whenever I was playing it myself not actively listening to them there's a lot of hints and a lot of things that they're telling you that is incredibly useful and may hinge on you actually finishing a fight or finding something or finding a quest or whatever it might be the game is designed around the pawns to begin with so actively paying attention to those NPCs is a massive part of the game a really good example is if you're fighting an enemy and you don't hear them say we need to attack its head we need to attack this other part or I don't know uh the enemy is weak to fire that's some context that is yeah well pretty important so it's really important to be able it's also like if one of them gets knocked right so like in blue fantasy if you have somebody get knocked there's like an indicator right in the middle of your screen it's like right here and it says this person is knocked go get them right that's it but like in uh in Dragon zma you don't have that you don't have any of those options listen to these characters understand the Nuance of the world and really digest and understand this game and I think that's something that's going to be a little bit difficult for some players now with that said I do have one thing that I want to say and I think that this is going to be really important Dragon Dogma 2 and Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen are not games to be consumed they are games to be learned they are games to be played really played pay attention be patient but most of all have fun because that's exactly what this game is designed to be there's going to be a learning curve there are player that are going to bounce right off of it but I have a feeling that this game overall is going to be received the way that it should be which is widely appreciated I've said this a few times on this channel Capcom there will be people whenever the game initially comes out that will criticize and get very upset about the way that the design of the game works and you'll see a lot of that on social media but I think that three years in retrospect of the game being released the people that the experience resonates with will appreciate it and that will be the resounding opinion that people have any of your misgivings aside has been a banger Factory and somebody says I'll get filtered like getting filtered feels like you know what do you filter you filter out garbage right and so like getting filtered like there's a negative implication to that but there's a lot of people that just don't play video games for that type of experience right they want to play the high reaction elen ring type games they're not wrong for that right but you know this just isn't that kind of a game they have widely been one like you're wrong for that very few AAA Studios or triaa companies that are out there that have been pumping out Banger after Banger after Banger they have been so solid and it's just so nice to be able to have a company like that that's out there because they set a trend hopefully or can try to set a trend for many of the other Studios that are out there because well they raised the standard for that group group of Studios so I'm really looking forward to this game I cannot wait to get my hands on it you know for a fact I'm going to be making videos about it but yeah so I hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope you guys can't wait for Dragon's Dogma 2 I know that I can't but yeah that's all I got for today so if you enjoyed the video think about subscribing to the channel liking the video commenting down below join the patreon if you'd like to support the channel any further and always try to catch me live probably go live right after after this video post actually so yeah I'll be there hell divers too I've been addicted to that game but anyway stay cool stay righteous stay safe and most of all I'll see you next time Arisen so peace family family I'm I'mma pull this up right I think that there are certain games that if you play them and you try to speedrun them like your experience will be dramatically reduced blasphemous one incredible [ __ ] game you absolutely should not try to speedrun the game Dark Souls Dragon Dogma Elden ring in shrouded Hades I think actually has a pretty good story I like that a lot Hollow knight from what I've understood I haven't had a chance to play a lot of it maybe lies of PE not it's it's kind of in between I would say uh Monster Hunter I think new world is like that too actually I know this might be a little bit unpopular but I actually think that if you play new world and you try to step back from like men maxing and you just try to like enjoy the game and play the game for what it is you will have a much better time um po world I mean to an extent right uh I think there's one more a valheim 1500 hours yeah I played the game a lot I I played New World a lot yeah I'll link you guys video I I think this is very accurate I I do think games definitely are suffering from people being like hyperfocused on finishing the game and doing it quickly like I was actually going to watch this this video about it um about how how streamers ruined gaming because I do think that like streaming and and and everything has had a profound effect on gaming and that effect is not all good
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 554,138
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: ZeZPT4k3dsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 20sec (2960 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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