Resto Druid Mythic+ Guide Dragonflight Season 2 [10.1]

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rested root has been a super strong Mythic plus healer I'll expansion long and there's no reason to think that's going to change in patch 10.1 Druid is the total package in five man content great throughput versatile healing cooldowns good damage that's easy to get out strong survivability and a lot of utility in this video we'll go over talents stats your healing rotation how to use your cooldowns how to get your damage out how to use your utility a new tier set so check out the timestamps below if you want to just jump to whatever interests you the most let's begin with talents Druid is not a spec that's going to be swapping out a lot of talents from dungeon to dungeon but there are some slight variations you can play around with depending on the dungeon and the level of key you're running let's start with what I'd call the cookie cutter build that is going to be good in pretty much any situation this build takes talents from both the cat and boomi side of the class tree as both cat and boomy spells have their place in how you're going to do your damage so we'll start off with rake thrash rip and swipe head into defensive talents iron fur thick hide matted fur and then Branch off to the left taking stampeding Roar well-honed instincts and protector of the pack down the center of the tree we'll take wild charge for added Mobility soothe stampeding Roar and lycara's teachings on a side note it is definitely viable to take heart of the wild and not protector of the pack my reasoning for taking protector is that in less coordinated or pug groups it can be hard to maximize your heart of the wild DPS and it feels really bad to not get much out of a five minute cooldown while protector will pretty much always get value in my mind it's a safer play even if it may not have as high of a ceiling in the next column we'll take no-brainer talents like Swift mend and wild growth then move down to a single point in natural recovery on the far right we'll take Starfire Sunfire moonkin form nurturing Instinct and astral influence as well as improved Sunfire to round out our boomkin kit and then go to the rightmost Capstone by taking Earl Soul's Vortex innervate and Nature's vigil for slight variations here you can take a point out of lykara's teachings to grab and improved Nature's cure if you're going to need a pure or poison dispel in your dungeon if you want to run a kick you can drop iron fur and thick hide in favor of Killer Instinct and skull bash at the cost of six percent damage reduction this is a personal preference and can be good if you're worried about kicks in your group although since you have to shape-shift first skull bash is a pretty clunky kick you can also drop a point from like cars to take typhoon on sanguine weeks the Resto tree has a couple of Swing talents but again mostly focuses around some key talents we're going to be focusing on a very life Bloom Centric build we start by taking lifebloom Easter as gift Nature's swiftness Omen of clarity Grove tending Nature's Splendor and Flash of clarity then we'll head right and take cenarian Ward iron bark and improved iron bark we'll grab Unstoppable growth and then the very important flourish heading down the center will take tranquility and inner peace to reduce its cooldown and add a defensive component we're going to start working toward a bunch of lifebloom synergies now starting with harmonious blooming which is going to make the targets of our life Bloom get some serious healing from our Mastery at this point we'll grab adaptive swarm and its supporting Talent unbridled swarm budding leaves to again buff our life Bloom the ever so versatile convoke cenarius's guidance to make invoke 60 second cooldown and to top it off will take undergrowth for double life blooms heading over to the far left we take efflorescence verdancy another lifeboom Synergy for when life Bloom blooms inside of effflow spring blossoms and then one of the few swing talents in the whole tree circle of life and death or deep focus circle is more AOE focused and will cause your dots to do more damage faster deep focus will increase your single Target DPS so you can alternate these based on tyrannical or four to five weeks or just kind of play around with whichever one feels better to you finally we'll cap it off with photo sense of this for our life blooms giving us different Buffs when we have a lifebloom on another player and on ourselves but since we have double life blooms we can benefit benefit from both on the topic of stats you should really just prioritize item level over anything else but given the choice between similar item level gear or when making crafted gear we want to follow the priority of haste better than verse better than crit better than Mastery haste increases the ticking speed of your heal and damage over time spells making it our strongest stat versus also good both offensively and defensively Mastery is a Pure Healing stat but as a druid you should have the throughput to get by in Mythic plus so haste is a better all-around stat alright let's get in the fun stuff let's talk about the healing rotation even though we're not going to gear for Mastery and M plus Druid mastery is still core of the gameplay and essentially it equates to this the more heal over time spells you have on a Target the more healing you do to them this is the basis of your whole existence as a Resto Druid I always like to think of healing rotations and layers and this philosophy applies really well to Resto Druid for starters you've got your basic upkeep spells these are just things you want to run all the time for Druid that's F flow on the ground on as many people as possible most likely in melee lifebloom and cenarian Ward make it your first priority to keep these spells up non-stop while you do benefit from your photosynthesis Talent when you have one light Bloom on yourself and one on another player don't feel the need to be too strict about this lifeboom is a major heal over time so make sure it's on people taking damage you don't always need to default to having it on yourself in the tank although that's not a bad place to start finally as a maintenance spell we have adaptive swarm you'll definitely be rewarded from both a healing and damage perspective by being on top of getting swarm spread all over your group the best way to achieve this is to cast it on a friendly player with three stacks or less with the goal of having multiple five stack adaptive swarms flying all over the place between friendly players and mobs once damage dictates that your simple maintenance spells are not enough your next layer of spells consists of Rejuvenation wild growth regrowth and Swift men rejuve is a great single Target heal over time spell that you can really toss on anyone taking damage while growth is the AOE version of that so use it when multiple people are taking damage and then regrowth is your single Target spot heal just keep in mind that you don't want to lean on regrowth too hard it will perform way better on targets that are pumped full of Hots because of your Mastery so spamming it alone on a single player is not a good move Swift mend also comes into play here but because of the soul of the forest Talent we want to be a little bit selective about when we use it because of this Talent after Swift mend has used your next rejuve regrowth or wild growth will be buffed considerably keep this in mind when you use Swift mend and try to get some value out of this Talent an example would be using Swift men shortly before AOE damage is going to go out and then using a soul of the forest buff wild growth so swiftman itself is a nice instant cast single Target heel though so don't hold on to it too much just be aware of the sotf talent and try and get some value out of it after that it's cool down time I'd say Druid cooldowns are a real strength of the spec and let's start with probably the most important one flourish flourish basically supercharges heal over time spells for 8 seconds this is a cooldown that rewards pre-planning so the way to use it is to get your hot spells out and then when damage comes hit flourish and watch them pop off flourish is also only on a minute and a half cooldown so you should be using it very liberally whenever considerable damage is going out although we aren't at the DPS section just yet we'll talk about using flourish offensively there too by macroing it with Nature's vigil flourish is a great button to macro along with any trinkets or racial abilities you have as well convoke is essentially a random go button that will favor spells of the shape-shifted form you're in if you're in person form it will favor healing spells channel for a couple seconds throwing out a bunch of random spells although it is a bit random it does always do a considerable amount of healing and can be thought of as a small to medium-sized healing cooldown since it's on a minute cooldown let it fly we'll also talk about using this one offensively in the DPS section of the video Tranquility is the classic Druid cooldown and while it is a bit limited it can be very powerful we'll stand still and channel the big heel over time spell that does benefit from your Mastery that means Tranquility will benefit greatly from being layered on top of a bunch of other heel over time spells casting a naked Tranquility will not do the amount of healing you're going to want it to do so plan ahead keep in mind that since we took the inner peace Talent Tranquility gives you 20 damage reduction while casting take advantage of this and start channeling it right before damage goes out to use it as a personal defensive the obvious limitation here is a long Channel time in immobility so plan to use tranq when you know you'll be able to plant your feet for a good while or you won't get much out of it it is a really powerful spell when used under the right circumstances while Druid cooldowns may not seem totally overwhelming a big advantage of them is their very short CDs a minute minute and a half and two minutes that means you're looking at multiple uses over the course of a boss fight or even a lengthy Trash Pack you want to be continually rotating through these as you learn which ones work best and at what times I've had a lot of people ask me how to do DPS on a druid and I admit it's a little unintuitive compared to some of the past versions of the spec common misconception is that most of your damage will come from your shape-shifted forms and that's just not true the bulk of your damage is going to come from your dots so if you want to do DPS be diligent about keeping Moon fire and Sunfire up with as much uptime as possible a good way to do this is to get moon fires out as the tanks Gathering up mobs and then drop a Sunfire on them once they've been grouped up to minimize the gcds needed to dot everything also remember that adaptive swarm represents a nice chunk of your dps2 and as mentioned in the maintenance Spell section try and be on top of using it off cooldown and putting it on a friendly Target with three or less Stacks after your dots the next most important way you're going to do DPS is your Nature's vigil damage which does single Target damage based on the amount of healing you do while it's active so to take advantage of that fact it's standard for Druids to macro Nature's vigil with flourish because they have the same cooldown along with any racial abilities or trinkets that will help increase throughput during that time this base basically creates a nuclear healing and damage button and it's not unusual for Nature's vigil to represent one of your top three damaging abilities in an M plus run that means pressing flourish an Envy button really liberally just make sure you don't blow it for DPS right before a situation where you're going to need it for healing your convoked spell can also be used offensively it's only a minute cooldown and like all cooldowns you want to get as many uses out of it as possible so if you're not going to be needing it for healing Let it convoke Fly for damage the general rules to cat form convoke on single Target and boomkin convoke on AOE okay now and only now after all that stuff comes your actual shape-shifted damaging abilities because they frankly aren't that great on their own I don't really ever shape-shift into boomi form unless I'm using convoke and I really only shipped into cat after I've exhausted all the above methods of DPS when cat weaving you're basically going to want to maintain your rip and rake on single Target use your uncapped thrash on big AOE poles there are also some concealables that will help your DPS game quite a bit as well I like to use files of glacial Fury which does quite a bit of DPS passively and potion of shocking disclosure for big AOE polls and of course your weapon runes yep even this stuff will typically out DPS your basic shape-shift abilities so don't overlook them to quickly talk about survivability now not being dead is one of Resto druid's best assets barkskin is a great personal defensive so use it when you know big damage is coming on top of that absolutely take advantage of bear form bear form gives you a ton of stamina and popping it either on its own or in tandem with barkskin is a great way to survive really nasty damage finally as mentioned earlier you've talented into inner peace and added a defensive component to your Tranquility so be sure to start that channel before the damage goes out to take advantage of that 20 Dr let's wrap this up with utility which you've got a lot of number one is probably incapacitating Roar since you're likely not not running kick this is the best way you're contributing CC on most poles try and time it so that you hit it just as any dangerous casts are going out to interrupt them and you'll greatly reduce the amount of damage going out on your party as a druid you're highly mobile don't forget that a simple shape-shift can get you out of any movement and pairing ability and on top of that you've got wild charge human form wild charge can be great for dodging mechanics or just moving around quickly but remember that cat form wild charge will take you to the back of an enemy and boomkin wild charge is a disengage these all have Niche uses you've also got stampeding Roar you can pop this anytime there's just an obnoxious amount of running in a dungeon that's costing you time or anytime your party might need a little extra speed boost to dodge something ursul's Vortex has some great uses on spiteful week I find myself using this off cooldown to keep ghosts away from people but it's also a great way to help your tank anytime you see them trying to kite also if your tank actually dies popping ursuls on top of a b-res of course is a great way to give everyone else an extra moment to create some space between mobs before they start getting melee down innervate is quite useful in dungeons as Druid is a pretty Mana intensive spec in M plus you're basically only using this on yourself just remember what it actually does allows you 10 seconds of mana free casting not actually returning Mana so use it when you know you're going to be spamming a lot of heels finally I just briefly want to talk about your UI needs as a Resto Druid as a druid space on your party frames is at a premium as you're going to have way more spells active on players than any other healing spec the default blizzard UI doesn't allow you to see a lot of heal over times active at once I personally use a customized lvi to track Hots that are actually important to see like lifebloom reju wild growth not the ones that are just kind of happenstance like spring blossoms it also shows adaptive swarm Stacks effectively for good spreading if you're interested in using it or any other aspects of my UI check out channel memberships by clicking on the join button below the video the Resto Druid tier set in 10.1 is quite good the two set Rejuvenation and life Bloom healing increased by 15 and re-growth healing over time increased by 75 percent and the four set flourish increases the rate of your heel over time Effects by 40 for an additional 16 seconds after it ends inverted infusion causes your Swift men Target to gain 15 healing from you for six seconds so these are basically passive Buffs to your healing it's not going to change much about your gameplay but you are going to want to track down this tier set as quickly as you can because it's going to increase your healing power considerably I really hope you guys find this guide useful in your Resto Druid Mythic plus Journey you think I left anything out go ahead and drop that in the comment section if you enjoyed the video and you made it this far I always appreciate a thumbs up where you can subscribe to see more of my content in the future I also stream right here on YouTube Tuesday Thursday Saturdays 9 p.m Pacific where I pretty much exclusively heal keys on a whole bunch of different specs pop in there if you want to say hi ask me any questions or just have a good time I'd love to see you there until next time guys happy healing
Channel: Donkeystorm Gaming
Views: 23,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wow, dragonflight, dragonflight healers, wow healers, wow healing, resto druid, resto shaman, holy paladin, mistweaver monk, holy priest, discipline priest, dragonflight best healers, best healers wow, mythic plus, world of warcraft, dragonflight wow, dragonflight healing, dragonflight best class to play, dragonflight resto druid, dragonflight resto shaman, dragonflight healer changes, Preservation Evoker, Preservation guide, preservation evoker guide
Id: gmQAIuXcWPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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