Dragonborn Act II (Skyrim Fan Movie)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: YongYea
Views: 1,314,727
Rating: 4.9078526 out of 5
Keywords: skyrim machinima, skyrim movie, skyrim, skyrim film, skyrim cinema, skyrim trailer, skyrim official trailer, skyrim mods, dragonborn, skyrim fan film
Id: blZxPPApXlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 33sec (5733 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
About fucking time this got released.
Surprised there isn't more excitement on this one...perhaps the long wait has turned people off?
The first one is among the best machinima I've seen
Took a long time to come out, but damn it was just as impressive as Act I
Never even heard of the first one, and I'm watching it now. Considering all the resources you had was Bethesda's horrible engine, I'm very, very impressed.
It has the obvious disadvantage of being the middle act of three, but the plethora of thu'um shouts is helping it keep its momentum!