DragonBall Z Abridged MOVIE: The World's Strongest - TeamFourStar (TFS)

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PICCOLO: G-good... Progress on my... Ice Castle is under way... ...I'll have to... ...Install central heating... ...Body is 9-90% water... ...and this CLOAK DOES NOTHING!!! OOLONG [o-s]: Well, maybe you shoulda packed more. GOHAN: Y-you never said we were going to the Tsurumai-Tsuburi Mountains... literally, the coldest place on Earth... You just told me, "Hey, Gohan, I stole-" OOLONG: "Found." GOHAN: "-found the Dragon Radar. Wanna go make a wish?" OOLONG: How about a little less whining and a little more climbing? They just found the sixth ball! GOHAN: It kinda seems wrong that we're planning on stealing a wish... which reminds me - what *are* you planning to wish for? *oinking* *screaming and squealing* OOLONG: Justice. GOHAN: What? OOLONG: Panties. Gonna wish for panties GOHAN: Oh, Oolong. You're incorrigible! OOLONG: Yeah, yeah, just get the lead out before they find the seventh- [Radar beeps repeatedly] [Radar beeps repeatedly] ...oh, oink me in the alps... (???): Rise~, ETERNAL DRAGON! Did I do it right? I hope I did it right... Oh shit! Oh shit oh shit oh shit! Is that bad? Can they break?? SHENRON: Hurrgh, OK, what do you assholes want this ti- ... ...Oh. ...Oh. OH! ...Oh. OH! Hmm! I am the Eternal Dragon! State your wish and I shall grant it. (???): I have scoured the planet for you for the last fifty years. With you lies my only hope... Eternal Dragon, I beseech you! With your bountiful, mystic power... Could you please melt the ice off my front door? SHENRON: E-excuse me? (???): Look, I left to get groceries fifty years ago. Bit of a trek to civilization. Came back, the entire lair was iced over. Went back, got some salt; pretty evidential real quick that that wasn't going to work, tried fire, melted it. That just made more ice; try and figure that out. Then I tried- errh... I'm sorry, is this a little unorthodox? SHENRON: Just a little, yes. (???): I'm sorry, I'm not really used to the whole magical dragon thing. I'm an engineer by trade. SHENRON: Hey look, it's fine. But how about, just throwing it out there... I give YOU the power to melt the ice! (???): But that's what I have *you* for. SHENRON: Yes, I know, but I'm trying to-- (???): Don't you go pawning this off on ME! SHENRON: I'm NOT, but if it happens again, then--... you know, fine. Whatever. (???): Oh wow! That was fast! SHENRON: Yeah, well I just put a massive hole in your ozone layer. What, took you fifty years to find me? Good luck figuring out how long it takes *that* to fix! Shenron, out. OOLONG: No! My Schwein-Staffel! (???): Finally! Now, to reunite with my master and... oh, crap. Did I leave my keys at Slump's? [Intro music] OOLONG: All right, what the hell is this and why did my wish get wasted on it? GOHAN: It looks like an... evil lair. OOLONG: Oh no, nope, uh uh, no way, I know how this goes you can't make me- -dammit all! GOHAN: Don't worry, Oolong! I'll save you-- [Sounds of Gohan taking a beating] OOLONG: Get'm Gohan! [Still taking a beating] PICCOLO: Hey Gohan... c-c-c-cold enough for ya? GOHAN: Mr... Piccolo? PICCOLO: Did we miss some Saibamen? BIOMAN: We. Are. Biomen! PICCOLO: I feel like we missed some Saibamen. GOHAN: Mr. Piccolo... PICCOLO: J-j-just watch out for the exploding ones. Don't want to pull a-- YAMCHA: Hey guys! I was in the middle of training and I saw what went down- -WHY!? {BOOM} PICCOLO: "That". Don't want to pull a "that". [Yamcha's groans and tears of defeat] PICCOLO: So... wanna help me build my ice cast- -AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOHAN: Mister... PICCOLO: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOHAN: Piccolo. PICCOLO: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOHAN: Mr. Piccolo? Oolong! I think Mr. Piccolo's in trouble! OOLONG [sarcastic]: Oh, no, I'm fine, Gohan, thanks for asking. GOHAN: Yeah well sorry, but he was screaming pretty loud and-- OOLONG: When's the last time you saw a fight where someone didn't scream? Now... we are going to go home, and *you*... are not going to tell your mother about this little outing. GOHAN: But I-- OOLONG: DO NOT TELL YOUR MOTHER ABOUT THIS!! GOHAN: OK! Fine! Why do I feel like I'm going to hear that for the rest of my life? OOLONG: Because you are. CHI-CHI [o-s]: You're seriously not going to talk to him? GOKU [o-s]: Why? He came back safe and sound. [Sounds of Goku exercising] CHI-CHI: He was gone for three days, and refuses to tell us where he went or what he did. GOKU: Oh come on, Chi-Chi! I lived in the woods for eight years all by myself! CHI-CHI: That's why *you're* not his role model. GOKU: 'Course not. Piccolo is. CHI-CHI [o-s]: And THAT, is a conversation we desperately need to have. [Gohan sighs] YAMCHA [o-s]: GAHHHH! GOHAN: I sure hope Mr. Piccolo's doing all right... [Feel-Good Music]! PICCOLO [telepathically]: Gohan! Gohan! I'm trying to reach you telepathically! God, Gohan, they captured me! Gohan!! They're torturing me! THEY'RE FORCING THINGS INTO MY BRAIN, GOHAN! GOHAN!! MY VEINS!!! GOHAN!!!! MY VEEEIIIIINS!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHI-CHI [o-s]: Gohan! [Gohan gasps] Gohan, what is going on with you? GOHAN: I... I was dreaming... CHI-CHI: Well, have you finished your homework? GOHAN: Oh Mom, I'm never finished. CHI-CHI: That is the correct answer. Gohan, you're not on drugs, right? GOHAN: It was just the one apple, Mom. OOLONG: This is some old bullshit! Just because I stole the Dragon Radar means I have to do all the prep work? Where does he even grow this stuff anyway?! Doesn't have a basement... BULMA: Best to not to ask too many questions. Also, have you checked the oven? OOLONG: Nyerrgh! BULMA: Best to not to ask too many questions. Also, have you checked the oven? BULMA: Best to not to ask too many questions. Also, have you checked the oven? OOLONG: Oh, hell! [Coughing] Great! Now my entire evening is gonna be spent trying to find something to watch on Netflix! MASTER ROSHI [o-s]: Those better not be my brownies, pig! [Hacking coughs] [Knocking on door] [Hacking coughs] Oh jeez, Turtle, can you get that? I cannot find my feet... TURTLE: What up! You got the money? BIOMAN: We. Want. The. Roshi. TURTLE: And we want. The money. BIOMAN: Bring. Us. The. Roshi. Or. Be. Destroyed! TURTLE: How 'bout you get the hell off our island? BIOMAN: There. Are. Six. Of. Biomen. And. One. Of. Turtle! TURTLE: I am nine hundred and ninety-nine years old. I don't give a f**k! [Roshi's still coughing] MAS. ROSHI: Are you the buyer? [Coughing] Cause there's gonna be a bit of a delay. [More coughing] Turns out pigs can't cook brownies. BIOMAN: You. Have. Been. Forcefully. Invited. To. The. Laboratory. Of. Dr. Wheelo! MAS. ROSHI: I only need one doctor, and that's "Feelgood". Also, my GP to check my prostate every few years; it's important at my age! BULMA: Roshi, what the heck is going o- -wait, are those Saibamen? BIOMAN: We. Are. Biomen. And. If. You. Do. Not. Comply. We. Will. Make. You! MAS. ROSHI: Ohhhhh, it is a bad time for this... BIOMAN: Prepare for combat! {THWACK} MAS. ROSHI: I do not hold back when I'm toasted. (???) [whilst clapping]: Excellent. Exactly to be expected from the World's Strongest Fighter. MAS. ROSHI: Ah, I'm not one to brag... [Sniff] (???): Dr. Wheelo will be humbled to have you as his honored guest... whether you like it or not! MAS. ROSHI: Are the bodies not a clear indicator of how this is gonna go down? (???): Well, you see... strength is only relative when a little leverage is applied. BULMA [o-s]: Aaaaah! Aaah! MAS. ROSHI: (Gasp) (???): Well, you see... strength is only relative when a little leverage is applied. BULMA: Aaaah! Aaaaah! MAS. ROSHI: Ehh?! (???): Now comply... lest I have my Saiba- BIOMAN: We. Are. BIOMEN! (???): Y-Yes, whatever, nobody cares! [To Roshi] -my creations rip her limb from limb. MAS. ROSHI: Dammit, and those some fine-ass limbs too. N'alright, I'll go! Turtle, you're in charge! TURTLE: Alright, but if the buyer shows up I'm taking ten percent. MAS. ROSHI: Triflin' ass turtle. OOLONG: Bulma and Roshi might've been kidnapped. GOKU: Oh, don't sweat it! Roshi can handle *that*. OOLONG: Yeahhh, they might have also been strong enough to take Piccolo too...! Oh, they said they were looking for the World's Strongest Fighter. GOKU: But I'm... why didn't they... There's been a terrible mistake. I gotta fix this! (???): There he is: Your new body! DR. WHEELO [o-s]: Why is he old? (???): He's the World's Strongest Man! DR. WHEELO [o-s]: And the World's Oldest. Again, Kochin, why not just give me the woman? DR. KOCHIN: I told you, you can't have a *woman's* body! They're not NEARLY strong enough! DR. WHEELO [o-s]: Sexism aside, I'm really not that picky. DR. KOCHIN: Also, she doesn't have a penis. DR. WHEELO [o-s]: ...So you want to give me the old man? DR. KOCHIN: Yes. DR. WHEELO [o-s]: With the old man's penis. DR. KOCHIN: Listen, you just need a demonstration. DR. WHEELO [o-s]: Oh, please no... BULMA: AHHHH! MAS. ROSHI: Oh, come on! This ain't your first kidnappin'. Egh! DR. KOCHIN: Feast your eyes... on our Bio-Warriors! DR. WHEELO [o-s]: Kochin... what did you do to my creations!? Zap-Zap! Blub-Blub! Burr!? DR. KOCHIN: I made a few alterations this morning. Introducing... Electrocutioner™! Bouncy Butcher™! and... Freezer! [Say what now?] FREEZER [falsetto]: Bah! DR. KOCHIN: Fighting someone on the trademark for that last name though. DR. WHEELO [o-s]: They're terrifying! DR. KOCHIN: Terrifyingly effective! DR. WHEELO [o-s]: They were supposed to be cute, and cuddly, and aid the elderly! DR. KOCHIN: Now they're *cruel*, and *vicious*, and *fight* the elderly! Speaking of which... commence the demonstration! MAS. ROSHI: Ah man, and I'm comin' down. BULMA: Beat their asses! DR. WHEELO [o-s]: Woah, where'd she come from? ...And why is she chained up? MAS. ROSHI: Ka... MAS. ROSHI: Ka...Me... MAS. ROSHI: Ka...Me...HA... MAS. ROSHI: Ka...Me...HA...ME... MAS. ROSHI: Ka...Me...HA...ME...HAAAAAAAAAAAAA! {BOING} AHHHHHHH! DR. KOCHIN: Fiddlesticks. I could have sworn he was the strongest fighter in the world! BULMA [o-s]: Oh, right, the *three-hundred*-year old man! DR. WHEELO [o-s]: Seriously, *why* is she chained up? BULMA: Roshi's not even in the top five anymore. As in: I got at least five friends, all stronger than he is. DR. KOCHIN: Is that so? DR. WHEELO [o-s]: Oh, do *not* indulge him... BULMA: OK, who else keeps talking? DR. WHEELO: Hello! BULMA: Um... hi? DR. WHEELO: My name is Dr. Wheelo. Good to meet you! BULMA: Wait, Dr. Jonathan Wheelo? The famous biologist and cancer researcher!? Your breakthroughs changed the entire landscape of the field! DR. WHEELO: Oh, thank you! Thank you. Can I have your body? BULMA: What? No! DR. WHEELO: Oh, I'm so sorry! Not sexually. I-I-I mean your actual, physical body. To put my brain in. BULMA: Still *no*! DR. WHEELO: Oh, come on, it's been 50 years~! I suddenly got sick one day - lung cancer, ironically; and THAT one decides to put me in stasis. Next thing I know, he's gone - to get groceries - for 50 years, which is just my father all over again. BULMA: OK, well, I'm sorry and all but there's no way I'd agree to that. Not that you'd fit anyway. DR. WHEELO: Why~...? DR. KOCHIN: Oh, your grey matter seems to have absorbed a LITTLE bit of the Embalming Fluid that you're stored in. DR. WHEELO: WHAT!? HOW BIG AM I!? BULMA: I'd say... a Golden Retriever. DR. WHEELO: But a Golden Retriever's brain is small! BULMA: No; like, the SIZE of a Golden Retriever. DR. WHEELO: Kochin, what the hell, man!? DR. KOCHIN: Oh, calm down, sir. DR. WHEELO: I can't fit in a body like THIS! DR. KOCHIN: Don't worry about it! Sometimes, brain surgery is a little more 'art' than science. DR. WHEELO [o-s]: YOU'RE THINKING OF BAKING! DR. KOCHIN: I might be thinking of baking. BULMA: Well, "Pinky", you picked the wrong guy anyway. You want Son Goku. DR. WHEELO [o-s]: Can I fit in him? BULMA: To be fair, there's probably a vacancy, but you have to get him here first, and good luck kidnapping-- [Warning alarm goes off] DR. WHEELO [o-s]: What is that? GOKU [on monitor]: Helloooo... my name is Son Goku. Is anyone home? DR. KOCHIN: Oh, and the stars align. GOKU [om/o-s]: Someone made a mistake. If you're looking for the World's Strongest Fighter, I'm here. DR. KOCHIN [via speaker]: Yes, yes, Son Goku! Please, if you would, join us! GOKU: A'ight! Sure hope it's warmer inside... It's actually colder!!! How is it colder!? Oh, cool, he's got a ball pit! Oh, no, he's got a ball pit... [Yelling] DR. WHEELO: Kochin? DR. KOCHIN: Yes? DR. WHEELO: WHAT?!? DR. KOCHIN: Oh, the Deathspheres! Quite ingenious, no? DR. WHEELO [o-s]: No! Why do we have them?! DR. KOCHIN: Well, if the Red Ribbon Army hadn't suddenly up and disappeared, they'd have made us a mint! [Goku continues to yell] {TNG} DR. KOCHIN: Aaand there goes 50 billion Zeni... DR. WHEELO: HOW MUCH?! GOKU: That was easily the second-worst ball pit I've ever been in. Guaah! Oh no oh God ew ew eww it's moist... why is it moist?! OK... get it together... Just gotta go in there, and do it. Just like with Chi-Chi. Just like with Chi-Chi... Ewww, ewww, ewwww [etc]... ewww!!!! [Deflating balloon sounds] DR. KOCHIN: Good, good! He's already dispatched of one of the Bio-Warriors! DR. WHEELO: Blub-Blub... he was made for hugs... DR. KOCHIN: And COMBAT! DR. WHEELO [o-s]: No... GOKU: I swear, I'mma deck the heck out of the next guy I see... FREEZER [falsetto]: Bah! FREEZER: Ow! Oww! F**k! Shit! GOKU: O-oh gosh! I'm sorry! FREEZER: What the f**k, man?! GOKU: D-do you need some ice? FREEZER: Oh, you think you're funny?! Zaps, get in here, I-I need a sec. ELECTROCUTIONER™: I'm the Electrocutioner™ now! FREEZER: Then Electrocutionate™ him! I don't give a f**k! GOKU: Who's your buddy? [Electrocutionated™] AAAAAGH! DR. WHEELO: Wait? Can they all talk? DR. KOCHIN: Of course they can! They're completely sentient... BOUNCY BUTCHER™: I need a hug... [:-(] DR. KOCHIN: ...with all their own wants and needs, and a crippling fear of death! BOUNCY BUTCHER™: So dark... and cold... [Sobbing] [Sobbing] DR. WHEELO: Blub-Blub, no... DR. KOCHIN [o-s]: Now, FREEZER! Preserve the goods! FREEZR: Agh! GOKU: Wait, "Freezer"? Why does that sound familiar- -oooh God it's like the worst part of getting into a pool TIMES 1000!!! DR. KOCHIN: Lay the finishing blow! GOKU: Thank goodness, Piccolo's here-! -oh, hey son. GOHAN: Hold tight Dad, we've got you! GOKU: We? [Upbeat high-tempo music] KRILLIN: And the Krilldog's in the houuuu- *Screaming* GOKU: [Sigh of disappoint] Kaiō-ken. [Kaiō-ken shit happens] DR. KOCHIN: Man, your new body is gonna be wicked! Completely destroyed the Bio-Warriors. DR. WHEELO: I just thought of something... Kochin... why didn't you give me one of THEIR bodies? [Pinky's realization settles in.] DR. KOCHIN: ...I guess you're right... See, this is why YOU'RE the brains. [Snickers] What? Too cheesy? BRAINS: More insensitive... DR. KOCHIN [o-s]: Oh, grow some thicker skin! DR. WHEELO [o-s]: Hurrrgh! BULMA: I thought it was clever... GOKU: Hurry guys, we're almost there! GOHAN: So cold... still wet! KRILLIN: Frost bite... so-o-o much frost bite...! GOKU: Don't worry Krillin, the cold never killed anyone! KRILLIN: Hypothermia would beg to differ! DR. WHEELO: Why did you turn out the lights? DR. KOCHIN: To give us an air of menace! DR. WHEELO: Why would do we need menace? DR. KOCHIN: Shh shh. Here he comes! GOKU: Wow... this place sure is menacing. BULMA: Goku! GOKU: Bulma! Don't worry, Bulma! I'll get you out of- {ZAP} -hehyehyehyehyehyehyeh! -hehyehyehyehyehyehyeh! Dagh, duh! GOHAN: Daddy! GOKU: Ugh... I'm gonna have nerd damage after today. Heyy! Why didn't you warn me?! BULMA: I didn't know what would happen! I haven't tried to break out! GOKU: Well, why not? BULMA: I'm *chained* here! GOKU: Well, that's sexy. DR. WHEELO: You mean "sexist." DR. KOCHIN: Well, it's a *little* sexy. GOHAN: (Gasp) Oh, my goodness! Is that a brain?! Why is it the size of a Greyhound? DR. WHEELO: The *BUS*?! DR. KOCHIN: This is the magnificent Dr. Wheelo, and we'd like to welcome you to our evil lair! DR. WHEELO: This is neither a lair, nor is it evil! This is a laboratory - for science! DR. KOCHIN: Yes... ...evil science!! DR. WHEELO: No! Neutral science, at worst! GOKU: I don't care what kind of science you're cooking up! I'm here for two things: To rescue my friends, and correct a mistake! I, am Son Goku! And I, I, am Son Goku! And I, am the World's Strongest! DR. KOCHIN: OK, we believe you. GOKU: Good! Then if you don't mind, I'mma just grab my friends and be on my wa- -AAAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGHHHH GOHAN: Pride cometh before the fall, eh, Dad? KRILLIN: Come on, Gohan! It's two against- -huh. Three! Three against one. Haha! GOHAN: Mr. Piccolo! DR. WHEELO: Wait, how long have we had *him*? DR. KOCHIN: About a week? DR. WHEELO: Well, just give me his body!! DR. KOCHIN: Can't. No penis. DR. WHEELO [o-s]: Why do you know that?! GOKU: Yo, I broke out of the thingy. Oh! Hey, Piccolo! Wow, your eyes are *red*. You been hanging around Master Roshi? GOHAN: Mr. Piccolo--! 👊 [BODY BLOCK FOR 18 HOURS] 👊 GOKU: Don't you dare hit my son! Unless you're training right now. In which case; Gohan, get back up. GOHAN: Dad, I think Dr. Wheelo's controlling him! DR. WHEELO: But I am a BRAIN in a jar! GOKU: So you admit it! DR. WHEELO: Kochin, please explain. DR. KOCHIN: Kill them all! DR. WHEELO: WHA-HA-HA-HYYYY!? KRILLIN: AAH! PICCOLO: [Growling] GOKU: TIH! PICCOLO: HAH! GOHAN: Stop this! You're men of science! How could you commit such atrocities? DR. KOCHIN: Excuse you, MUSTARD GAS would like a word. GOHAN: Uh, excuse you, solar energy has something to say. DR. KOCHIN: Excuse YOU, anthrax has an opinion on that. GOHAN: Excuse YOU, penicillin would like to chime in! DR. KOCHIN: The atom bomb. GOHAN: YAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! DR. WHEELO: Kochin, stop antagonizing him! DR. KOCHIN: You're right. He's incredibly strong! In fact-- DR. WHEELO: Kochin, he is a *child*! DR. KOCHIN: With a PENIS! DR. WHEELO: Kochin, *please*! DR. KOCHIN: You're right... I should CHECK! GOHAN: YAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! DR. KOCHIN: Insolent boy! He's in for such a caning-- KRILLIN: Not so tough without your cane, huh, old man? DR. KOCHIN: Hehnnng! KRILLIN: Ummm? EHH!! [Krillin is at shot point-blank range...] [...to no effect] What ever happened to Launch? MAS. ROSHI: Yaaagh! {TCHUN} DR. KOCHIN: Gah-uh-uhh... MAS. ROSHI: And that's for ruinin' my Sunday. PICCOLO: Uhh...uh-huh? GOHAN: Mr. Piccolo--! PICCOLO: DODGE! 👊 (THIS ONE BLOCKS YOU DUMMY) 👊 GOHAN: 'Ugh, back to normal...' DR. WHEELO: 50 years, I was alone. And when I am finally saved from that loneliness, all I find is horror! In this form, I am *powerless*; doomed to witness these atrocities! I need a body! I WILL HAVE A BODY!! [Bulma screaming] HOW LONG HAVE I HAD THIS?!?!? DR. KOCHIN: Wait, you SERIOUSLY never noticed the exo body I left for you? Did you think I'd literally just leave you in a jar? What kind of MONSTER do you think I a-? -FAIR ENOUUUUUUUGH...!!! GOKU: See? Now you got a body! DR. WHEELO: THIS is NOT a body! This can't taste, or smell, or touch! I am a brain, TRAPPED in an exoskeleton! PICCOLO: Well, when you think about it, aren't we all just- -BUUR-CK! DR. WHEELO: NO!!! MAS. ROSHI: A Kame and a Hame and a Send-Him-Home-To-Mommy! GOKU: KA... MAS. ROSHI: KA... KRILLIN: KA... GOKU: KA...ME... MAS. ROSHI: KA...ME... KRILLIN: KA...ME... GOKU: KA...ME...HA... MAS. ROSHI: KA...ME...HA... KRILLIN: KA...ME...HA... GOKU: KA...ME...HA...ME... MAS. ROSHI: KA...ME...HA...ME... KRILLIN: KA...ME...HA...ME... GOKU: KA...ME...HA...ME...HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! MAS. ROSHI: KA...ME...HA...ME...HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! KRILLIN: KA...ME...HA...ME...HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! MAS. ROSHI: KRILLIN, YOU BETTER NOT HAVE HELD BACK! EHH!! KRILLIN: Oh, come on! We BOTH know it was Goku- -WHAA! GOKU: Yeah, it might've been me... BULMA: ...Can you take me home? GOKU: All right, everyone! Stand back! Imma Kaiō-ken him! GOHAN: YAAAAAAAA- -ARGH! GOKU: ...That means you, too, Gohan. {WHAM} GOHAN [o-s]: Owww... GOKU: Kaiō-ken times THREE! DR. WHEELO: Kaiō WHA- -AARGH! GOKU: Ka GOKU: Kame GOKU: Kameha GOKU: Kamehame GOKU: KamehameHAAAAAAAAAA!! DR. WHEELO: YAAAAGH! GOKU: KamehameHAAAAAAAAAA!! GOKU: KAIŌ-KEN... GOKU: KAIŌ-KEN... TIMES... GOKU: KAIŌ-KEN... TIMES... THREE... GOKU: KAIŌ-KEN... TIMES... THREE... *AND A HAAAAAAAALF*!!!! DR. WHEELO: WAAAAGH- -AAAAAAAAGH!!! GOKU: [Panting] And point... proven! KRILLIN: WOW, that was... quicker than expected... GOKU: Naw... he's alive up there! Plotting like the evil scientist he is...! DR. WHEELO: Look at this planet... oh, so beautiful... I'll never see it with my own eyes again... [Sounds of sobbing] GOKU: Someone needs to kill him! And by someone... I mean the Earth! GOHAN: Wait, this doesn't seem right... KRILLIN: Yeah! Kill him, Goku! GOHAN: I'll be right back! KRILLIN: Yeah! Kill him, Gohan! GOHAN: Hey, Dr. Wheelo, I... wait, are you crying? DR. WHEELO: I physically can't, but I'm just so SA-HA-HA-HAAD...! GOHAN: You're... not really evil at all, are you? DR. WHEELO: No... I just want a BODY... Fifty years ALONE and TRAPPED... GOHAN: Can you wait one more? KRILLIN: IIIIIIT'S KRILLER TI- -AHH-haaah...! DR. WHEELO: I mean, I GUESS... GOKU [o-s]: All right! Ready to kill him! GOHAN: Dad, no, we worked it out! He's not evil! GOKU: Oh! ...Well, I can't just turn this off! Maybe if I just set it down... {BOOOOM} ...Good work, team! SHENRON: I am the Eternal Dragon. State your- -... -... (Sigh), OK, who died? GOHAN: Actually, nobody! In fact, we want you to create a whole NEW body! SHENRON: I'm listening... GOHAN: We want you to make a human body, and put that brain inside of it! SHENRON: Huh...! Well, at least it's better than that last wish. Who summons the Eternal Dragon to melt some ICE?! DR. WHEELO: Hmmm. SHENRON: Yourrrr wish... iiis... GRANTED~! DR. WHEELO: Thank you, everyone! Now I can live a normal life again... [♫ Kochin and a Brain ♫ (by TFS)] ♫ They're Kochin and a Brain ♫ ♫ Yes, Kochin and a Brain ♫ ♫ Each is a genius ♫ ♫ But one is insane ♫ ♫ Their lair is girt by ice ♫ ♫ Their ambitions, not nice ♫ ♫ They're Kochin ♫ ♫ They're Kochin and a Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain ♫ ♫ Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain ♫ ♫ Brain ♫ ♫ They're making plans to steal ♫ ♫ The world's strongest guy ♫ ♫ By the ending of this spiel ♫ ♫ One of them may just die ♫ ♫ They're Kochin and a Brain ♫ ♫ Yes, Kochin and a Brain ♫ ♫ Their science seems arcane ♫ ♫ And their practice inhumane ♫ ♫ Attain new body lies ♫ ♫ In Son Goku's demise ♫ ♫ They're Kochin ♫ ♫ They're Kochin and a Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain ♫ ♫ Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain ♫ ♫ Narf! ♫ MASAKOX: Hey, guys! MasakoX here! Two million subscribers! Two million! Thank you so much for getting us to this marvelous milestone! Without you, we would be nothing like we are now. Thank you. Here's to you, everyone. You truly are The World's Strongest. So what did you think of the movie? If you liked it, be sure to like it and subscribe to keep up with the latest content from DBZA, as well as catching up on any movies and episodes you might have missed! Speaking of episodes, we also have some additional content for you over on TFS Gaming! Goku's gonna show you what happens when Chi-Chi isn't around, as he shows you the "hot" new sensation from the makers of HuniePop, HunieCam Studio, right here on the left! Where did he get that game from? Hmm... We recently dropped our first-ever album from our newest show, Final Fantasy VII: Machinabridged! If you wish to sample some of the tracks from season one's Midgar Mix, be sure to click here on the right, where you can get download links from iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Amazon, and Loudr! Or just kick back and listen to the tunes! We've got all our bases covered! Not only that, but we also have a new, special-edition Star Wars X Dragon Ball shirt with the adorable 'droid, BB-8! Or, as we like to call him, DB-8! You can find this, as well as our other shirts at sharkrobot.com/team-four-star! Go do that! Oh, but before you do that, be sure to check out my channel, MasakoX Stream, where you can see what I get up to! Including reading bad DBZ fanfiction, as well as other franchises and series! Trust me, it's an absolute hoot. Anyway, guys, thanks for tuning in and sticking with us for almost eight years! Until next time, guys! Catch you later! MR. POPO: Two million subSCRIBERS, BITCHEEEEEEES! Ha, hahahahahahaha, haaa...!
Channel: TeamFourStar
Views: 15,401,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: parody, team, four, star, abridged, funny, comedy, hilarious, teamfourstar, team four star, dbz, dragonball, dragonballz
Id: AIxv9LynH1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2016
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