Dragon Ball GTFS Commentary | Episodes 38-40

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hey have we uh figured out a surf shark ad yet oh I just thought we'd go Meta Meta yeah like you come in here you sit down and you ask hey have we got a script for that surf shark ad and I'd be all like surf shark what's surf shark and you'd go surf shark is a virtual private Network that masks your IP address by ratting it through different locations all over the world or something like that okay uh wait are we doing the ad right now yeah and see you've acknowledged it which is another level of meta okay but like right now sounds like meta is just an excuse for lazy writing and yet people love it because they crave authenticity the more upfront we are that it's all an ad the better so when I go surf Shar protects your data from malicious actors who want to track you and your digital footprint and it also comes with an antivirus they know we're just trying to get that bag okay but that's not authenticity recognizing that something's hacking doesn't it less hack need it probably makes it more ah but now you've recognized that which is another level of acknowledgement and another level of honesty and people want to see that just like they want to see shows on services like Disney plus and Netflix and other countries but can't because of geol blocking but surf shark gets around Geo blocking putting you virtually where the action is God damn it stop doing the fuing ad this is the most Naval gazy Shameless basic [ __ ] it's not even irony poison it's just smug and shallow well I'm sorry okay maybe I don't want to spend all my time in creativity writing ad copy to go on videos made to make money to fund the videos that we want to make that don't make money when we're not too exhausted from Shilling ourselves to every online service willing to throw us a buck to read their promo codes okay okay yeah I I get it um this isn't what we set out to do it's not what we're trying to achieve I get that but this is how we make money I know man okay I know I'm just sicking tired of looking at the camera and saying go to Surf shark. deal fourstarbento and enter the code fourstarbento at checkout to get four extra months or some [ __ ] like that you [ __ ] serious what all I'm saying is go to Surf shark. deal fourstarbento and enter the code fourstarbento at checkout to get four extra months Scott protect your private browsing history with surf Shar they're not going to approve this they will if they not [ __ ] also is Piccolo actually dead I realized that he got blasted by baby way early on and we just haven't seen sh from him since no we haven't like is he just still sleeping in that crater I guess we'll find out I don't think we will oh we will ow FS baby's dead Hallelujah yep these episodes were not great they were not good okay yeah that's that's another way to put it okay so we start off Goku like Goku had lost all of his power but he still hadn't reverted to not being Super Saiyan 4 yet so baby just which which by the way it's very funny he is basically like out of power and he is still Super Saiyan 4 yeah like his body is still able to maintain the form I guess he's just running on adrenaline I don't know but baby like slaps like aha you were bluffing I'mma throw Fireballs at you now yeah like [ __ ] Bowser that that's baby yeah that is baby and and then also wow how did Super Saiyan 4 Goku burn through his power that quickly it feels like it was really quickly I feel like he barely did did like two episodes two very poorly paced episodes where he barely actually did anything one and a half poorly paced episodes it was all right for half an episode uh I guess the ultimate plan is uh well oh wait no pan jumps in and says like stop it don't don't do that to my grandpa and she has this actually really cool moment where she's like standing up against baby and using like she's crying so you know she's at full power oh yeah because uh girls get more powerful when they cry mhm so she's throwing energy blasts at him and he's eating them and but then he's done doing that yeah uh and is about to kill her but then trunks stops him yep are those long shorts are short pants I can't tell they're trunks oh shut the up no they basically pull a Battle of Gods or an end of Broly it's like hey we got to we all got to group together and give Goku our energy so he can get back in the fight yep but refreshingly baby's like no I'm not going to let you do that I'm going to fire another Super G gun at you well no first they use the tyen which true true they do blind him yeah they use the solar flare which yeah okay that's BR but apparently it does nothing cuz he just gets back up and starts attack him again which honestly makes sense at this point it would be really weird if you could not you sense power levels and use that as a way to fight which they select ly can't at a lot of points yeah I know but uh it's also their stupid ass fault for using the solar flare and then not moving they stayed in the same position it's like okay now power me up oh they're still there yep idiots they even tease it yeah no it it hurts so much you can't win maybe but still stand a better chance then he uses the super gallet gun again and oh no here it comes he's firing another Super G gun that thing that mildly inconvenience to city and it basically makes a crater the maybe the smallest crater we've ever seen in Dragon Ball no no it's probably about the size of the crater that Piccolo Jr left during that tournament I doubt it I don't like it's it might be the size of the crater that tenen made with his first tribeam maybe but it's it's anemic also during this entire thing the Supreme Kai is weirdly useless weirdly does nothing he does nothing mulle moments he could do something he does nothing so much that he ends up just off back to the kai planet we skipped a huge thing by the way did we yeah what what thing because he wasn't able to use that Galla gun until after after UB oh that's right UB shows up in his guts and starts which okay by the way inflating him like you know good that that's clever yes A+ it amounts to next to nothing but well no no no no it does amount to something because if he wasn't if he didn't use that to stall baby they wouldn't have been able to give their power to Goku it's in terms of narrative and functional use of a character congratulations GT you actually did a good by having UB get absorbed but then undo it because it's a technique that comes from that that he then uses to make sure that they can power up Goku A+ in other words learn how to chew your food yeah hurry the up guys give me your goddamn keys I'm not a super saiyan I'm a help too also yeah this like if she had gone Super Saiyan this would be a great time to be like to use that narratively but no ladies aren the allowed to go Super Saiyan I'm wondering if the writers were like oh she could go Super Saiyan here but then it would like it wouldn't amount to anything and not not that that stopped them in the past but it would have amounted cuz like now she'd be able to give him more power like oh we don't have enough with just the three of us and then P could use her Super Saiyan and do it and whatever I'm wondering if they're thinking like oh we like if she could go Super Saiyan later and it' be like more poignant she actually be able to solve an issue but they never do it anyway yeah it's possible but after that after after after he after after he uh [ __ ] crushes him down and spits him out that's when he uses his [ __ ] ass Baby [ __ ] Galla gun his super Galla gun uh that does basically nothing nothing pathetic the rest of them just get up the rest of them just get up yeah he fires it off it creates like a small ass crater and it covers Goten Trunks and Gohan with a bit of sand and Goku flew away with pan yeah and they like they just kind of get back up it's like oh man W thank God that's over and Dad's at full power again man oh my God they were at they had given him all of their power and that's how much damage that what the did nothing it did nothing power scaling means nothing G GT power scaling what's that nothing at all it it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter the super Gall gun healed Goku did negative damage honestly in my ADV we find out later because like baby being frustrated at the fact that Goku is back to full strength he's getting slapped around again he like you know what fine I'mma hit you with my dark ball before we before we get to that the climactic battle which sucks by the way the climactic battle sucks anyway so it maybe doesn't matter but the climactic episode the final battle between Goku and Baby is animated by one of the worst Animation Studios working on GT oh my god oh no is this a Last House episode are you kidding me the finale of this is a leous episode are you serious I don't know what that means but I'm guessing it's why the animation looks so tilted yeah because they use different Animation Studios and I I'm 90% sure that this one's left house we go from an episode that looks absolutely gorgeous to this big fight about to happen to some of the worst looking art in GT it's so noticeable that even I like and I I'm I'm pretty blind to a lot of bad animation stuff even I noticed yeah it's bad it's very bad why are the two biggest episodes in this part of the arc given to the worst Studio on GT what is happening what was the I don't want to degrade anybody's hard work it's not good like they they did not prioritize who should be working on what like look I can absolutely say that that one big that fight scene during black panther looks like a PS3 cut scene we all know why it's not the animator's fault but I can say that this studio is known for putting out lackluster work and it looks very bad it looks bad this I I try not to get down too much on the art and animation of Dragon Ball but God Jesus why kill me just end me there are so many shots where characters look off model like Goku's chin at some point just looks like a a pyramid like coming down off of a like egg I don't know and that entire that that fight the fight that happens afterwards with the blast blast it's a bunch of [ __ ] and that's the most interesting shot in the fight where they're running down a like Canyon I guess blasting at each other yeah and then and then yeah baby gets frustrated by the fact that his uh that Vegeta's attack Vegeta's technique does nothing uh and so he decides to use the Revenge death ball final the final one the that means it's the big yeah and so he throws it at Goku and Goku just kind of stands there I guess I guess he's like he doesn't even say if I dodge this the planet will explode but but he doesn't charge up a Kamehameha he doesn't attempt to like Counterattack it all he does is he eats it why does he keep doing that by the way he did that with the G gun a couple episodes ago what is GT Riders okay no we've establish that the GAC gun heals him so uh no no I meant I meant a couple episodes ago remember the one that took him down the one that he's like there's not enough time you were watching him chart my mother my brother in dende what are you doing GT Riders please just don't have Goku stand there while the enemy charges up their attack what is it [Music] why all that power going straight to his dick right he's going to use the spirit dong how did he do that huh he eats the ball and then the ball eats him but then he eats the ball which sucks up that energy right into his dick when since F when could Goku absorb the key of other people as it like other than when they're I think I think it's a neat idea if they had introduced it previously like being able to revert the energies into something that he can consume but they didn't they didn't do that no that's not something that's ever been established what the is going on I'm sorry this sucks this is so bad I'm not I can't do this man I can't you know I you know I love fan fixing and like the first time we ever see him do the death ball the extinction death whatever the hell it's called Uh he he's basically doing like a reverse Spirit Bomb where like all the people are giving him the energy right like that's the first time we see him do it like a dark Spirit Bomb that sounds like a cool idea and I was thinking like in my head like man what if it was a thing where Goku grabbed it and then he's trying to purify the energy within it like then it turns into this like half black half white ball and just like firing back and forth like that that's I think that would have been neat but no Goku just absorbs it Goku just [ __ ] absorbs it he just eats it and then baby's like yeah and then he just beats up on baby knocks him down and like at this oh no he uses yeah he uses the tent 10 times Kamehameha which by the way what the does that mean it just means it's 10 times the Kamehameha 10 10 kamehame Mayas for a price of one the Kamehameha is something that grows more powerful the more you charge for it as far as I know there is no establishment that that a Kamehameha is a certain level of power I mean the Kaio Ken's a different story because the kaio-ken like literally multiplies the output of power but what the [ __ ] he's not using the Kaio can I don't think he is he never says that he just he's using a 10 times Kaioken so what the does that mean what does that mean what does that mean also am I wrong or in all the budha Kai games when he fires the 10 times kameha May is it red I feel like it's red in those games for some reason I feel like that's because it's from Gogeta isn't it well that's the like I don't know whatever uh but yeah he knocks him down and then everybody's like oh man but the only way he can truly defeat him is to kill Vegeta and Trunks was like it's all right yeah it's fine I me I get it like is that like you have something that brings people back from the fck dead yeah you know whatever uh so Goku decides to do the thing that makes sense with the giant monkey and cut off the tail well blow it off anyway it's really he's got a big burning butthole yeah fires a blast and then he he blew up the tail which makes her a very funny looking shot it does like just laying there legitimately just looks like a big burning butthole it looks like a big burning butthole big burning butthole uh and and baby's like oh no and he's like I I can't stay in this body anymore for some reason yeah as as his body shrinks back down normal size he can't stand the body that was in normal size before and why I don't know but then he pops out and he's in I guess his final baby form which Honestly by the way I kind of like it yeah it looks fine it's just a bulkier version of what Goten thought yeah I I don't I don't mind it I don't hate it what happened did I win oh what the is that form oh no that looks so cool but I'll find a form even further Beyond and you're think and it's like oh man yeah okay now we can finally see this version of baby fight go no no he just FS off oh no well I mean why would he what there is no there no there's no way he's winning no no no no no honestly him running away makes a lot of [ __ ] sense at this point yeah like live to fight another day he runs up to the ship that bul is prepared slaps her away yeah move [ __ ] get out the way I'm taking this to space and he does but then Goku's like wait for it wait for it and blasts him into the Sun and that's it that's the end of baby I like how had to do the one-handed Kam hameh H which is going to be in sparking blast you you got to see Gohan with one arm dude they we finally have one armed oh my God hold on one armed Gohan in a dragon ball game has I don't think it's literally ever happened I think it's happened I think it's happened once I I literally don't think it has it might have but it's such a rare occas oh yeah you know what that's probably right because that was an americanmade game the Japanese have a weird thing when it comes to like characters but like finally we have one armed Gohan in a game that's exciting that's cool can we just talk about that because I really don't want to talk about what happens next maybe when it comes out although by the time this comes out maybe it will be I don't know uh yeah Goku blast baby into the sun baby's gone goodbye baby that's the end that's the end by the way that's the end of the fight that's the climax do you like do you like big climactic fights where that come down to the last second where they hero pulls out a big win well you you don't get that here baby's dead now he's in the sun this is the worst fight in Dragon Ball okay no there are worst ones in this show that I can think of okay sorry the worst fight with a final villain of course Resurrection F might be worse but at least Resurrection f as at least has some good stuff in the middle of it in the movie anyway yeah and it and it has like Vegeta beating the out of Frieza which is in both versions really really good but yeah this this is probably one of the most antil climactic finishes to a villain this sucked it was not this is the end to your V this is the he he runs away and then get gets blown into the Sun what and he's gone he's it's over speaking of throughout this entire thing I was questioning where the hell has Piccolo been this entire time has he been dead hold on hold on get you're still you're still having a migraine well yes actually my head does actually literally hurt but we still have to get the other stuff out of the way before we get yeah no I I I get that but it turns out he is alive yeah which he's alive good good for him he made it he survived so the entire next episode is basically just wrap up where uh we learned that since baby used the Black Star Dragon Balls I guess that doesn't reset the timer it just continues the timer well because they never uh put it back where it was supposed to go you they never went back to the the the skull pot yeah they never went back to the the to the skelets and pot Poo's corpse jar yeah like and cuz it never made it back to that then the timer was never reset which means which apparently and this is interesting I guess that these Dragon Balls don't have a cool down period yeah no they they they have zero refractory period they are always active never inert yeah that's interesting to me I I don't have a problem with that necessarily because like the cost of using them is the planet possibly blowing up so you know what if if that's the trade-off fine sure whatever um so yeah apparently like they're informed oh by the way Earth's going to blow up in two weeks so that's what we got to cover in the final episode which we'll talk about now uh so the last episode is literally they um like just moving everybody to planet t Vegeta actually has the idea to make a ship uh where they can load people on and then get them over to planet t and for everybody else just use people who can teleport yeah and that makes sense like I I'm okay cool I mean logistically this is insane it would never actually work but it's Dragon Ball so but it's okay because they have Mr Satan who literally everybody on Earth will follow to their death to their to their death or otherwise yeah yeah like there's only five people that wouldn't listen to them and Goku gets them anyway well that one dude who just got drunk the one dude who's just meditating like apparently the people who got stranded out in the ocean I guess yeah and then that one kid who ran off like an idiot yeah but yeah so they get everybody to the planet and we get some admittedly kind of cute scenes where we see people like collecting animals and even like two dinosaurs that walk up to Goku's like it's I you can't it on the ship I got you guys it's cute again logistically in in real life none of this would work but I'm going to just let it go because it's Dragon Ball fine whatever if that if this is the cute little thing that they want to do fine that's okay what comes next however makes me want to scream this is it's awful they load people onto the ark they teleport people away they they organize everything we even get some cameos from uh C Tien shows up finally he exists he's a real person uh and and yam is there got he's got a ponytail now good for him I guess he's going through some things um and then I all of a sudden they realize as they get to the planet oh no the child that was at the farm with the cute puppy we forgot Kevin like literally that moment so we see this child running around this abandoned hellscape fall into a Cass and he's saved by Piccolo yep Piccolo saves him and then Goku shows up like looking for the kid and Piccolo's like yo I got you man I got this kid I got the kid here you go you're go and Goku all of a sudden is out of energy yeah hey apparently yeah being out of energy does uh cause him to revert from Super Saiyan 4 uh I don't know how out of energy he had to be because the last time he was really really out of energy he could barely move but here apparently he's just fine but he's been teleporting a lot of people like he's probably been doing this like for like he probably he's probably Sleepless I'm I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that Goku is fatigued from just teleporting people after people after people just trying to evacuate Earth I'll believe that no I'm I'm fine with that I'm just not fine with how they represent being out of power and Super Saiyan 4 apparently leing it's not congruent but again this is GT congruency you and we've established that he can do the teleportation while he is Super Saiyan 4 while he's in his adult form but he can't when he's a kid which makes no sense I'm sorry whatever especially with what they just what they do here what well they get like Piccolo gives him energy he like you you're Goku you can do anything he gives him the you you feel great you can do this speech but then as Goku teleports he lets go like Piccolo lets go he like no I'm not leaving and he stays on the exploding Earth finally I can be alone on this rock so here remember what you said earlier about him being killed at which point he contacts Gohan psychically to inform him that the black star dragon balls were made by the ne and guardian that Kami and Piccolo once were and are now again I guess but also with nail they before they were a thruple so a couple so if he dies the Black Star Dragon Balls will disappear so there won't be any black star dragon balls anymore don't need to worry about it they won't threaten Earth again so I that's his that's his logic yeah so he just dies he just dies and this is supposed to be a big dramatic emotional moment I've heard I've seen people big dramatic emotional moment for a character that we've seen twice this this show I have seen people post that scene saying oh man this scene gets me every time why why why does this get you every time I do not understand because there are a million different ways they could have handled this situation but instead Piccolo chooses literally the stupidest option of dying with the planet why I no I'm sorry I can't get over this this moment is awful it could have been earned but it wasn't no they don't do anything to earn it Piccolo is not a character in this show he has one episode where he shows up basically gets one-shotted by Gohan then comes back still having theing wound which makes literally no goddamn sense he's talking to Gohan and he's like by the way that KEH you hit me with it was something he like holds up a bloody hands where's the wound in all the previous shots we sh saw you with also aren't you singularly the one character that can definitiv regenerate from that I'm I know I'm coming off as a ranting loser right now and you know what I accept that ranting loser right here I can't take this it's not it's not good it's not it's bad it could it could have been earned if Piccolo had been more invol if he had gone on the adventure with them maybe oh my God if he'd been on the adventure if he'd have been a part of this story and then at the very end made this decision at least narratively at least at least that's an arc yeah logically no still would have been as hell but narratively it would have been earned this is not earned this is stupid this is bad all of this was bad this is not good people people kept saying like oh yeah the early parts are tough but don't worry once you get to baby things will get good and you know what admittedly some things did get better but there are also still glaring flaws glaring flaws glaring fla does not begin to describe it this is fundamentally broken this show sucks I'm sorry I was going to try and wait till the end of the show to really give my opinion but we are 40 episodes in this sucks does that mean we can switch to the dub now no damn it I'm sorry GT sucks GT sucks gtfs way to go it happened I hope you're happy because frankly I'm pissed because I wanted to give this show the benefit of the doubt I wanted to watch do it in the Japanese version not with the dub not with it not with its music I wanted to watch the actual show and tell you guys whether or not it was actually good no this sucks the animation sucks the fights suck the pot sucks the the this finale everything about it is not good and I'm I'm and and and look if you enjoy it if you get if you get joy out of GT that's great I'm really glad for you I'm glad that there are things that are working for you but I don't want to hear from anybody again that like I'm not giving it a fair chance at least I gave it the fairest chance I could this is not a good show this got me way angrier than almost anything super did the only thing super ever did that ever got me this pissed okay Resurrection F sucked but I was willing to kind of like forgo that because it was a retelling of the movie that also sucked fine whatever we can move past that the only thing in super that ever got me this mad was the end of the Future Trunks s that stuff where they just fo everyone dies the universe gets destroyed that nihilistic as I hate that that sucks but nothing else in super ever got me as mad as everything here has gotten me this Piccolo decision is probably like the hardest because like even even worse is kind of like the payoff of it because literally he dies and then the next scene they go to Namek wish Earth back everybody goes back to Earth planet Tule is gone now I guess or maybe it's still there unclear unle and and the only note we get on Piccolo is Gohan being sad for about 10 frames y because what what happens is they're like on earth like they're on Earth Goku and Pan are like yeah happy oh you can go super saiy for now you should show my friends that ha trunk shows up hey guys I rebuilt guu giru guu yay and Gohan standing there it's like Mr Piccolo and Goku's like hey son and Gohan's like yeah this show this show I knew it was here's the thing I I also kind of knew this was going to happen because I I already knew the piccolo scene I already knew what happened there I knew what I was going into but I was hoping that watching the entire show from be from beginning to this part that maybe something would change maybe I would see some through line that made this narratively satisfying but no it's really funny to me from where we started out to where we are now in terms of our positions on this show I still think it's I I I I have been able to recognize the gems that we have gotten throughout it the parts that people like and I know you have too I know you have too but I'm able to Revel in dog yeah I'm able to look at this and be like wow this is so bad and appreciate the Badness of it this is me at my uh X-Men Origins Wolverine level of appreciation I know it's sh but I can appreciate it's just like how bad can this get let's go at times for me and that that is where we differ in this and the worst you know what the worst part is and maybe the best part honestly for you it's about it's about to get so much better then oh my goodness because we're about to enter the Super 17 Arc and let me say that even GT fans think this is the worst Arc it it'll be very interesting to say the least but that also entirely depends on that poll that we put up oh yeah I guess we put it up around now but the results of it will be determined next time uh because inexplicably and you brought this up earlier this isar we have to talk about this because there is a big divide between us the poll has already been decided between the YouTube members and our Pat very excited to see what there're because that GT movie/tv special that takes place all the way after everything with Grandma pan and Goku Jr it was released after the episodes we just watched between episodes 41 and 42 it is okay so we technically we're one episode away from that yeah we're technically we have a terrible filler episode yes and then and then we have yeah no the GT special the one with um Goku and Vegeta junor and and and like that old witch I've never seen it I have never seen it you never seen it never seen it oh that's neat so uh whether we tackle that next or not will be determined by that poll but the fact that they released something that is set after after everything at this point is weird as mindboggling I am on the side that we should like that we should wait until all the way at the end we'll see if I'm correct due to the like poll and I'm of the mind that we should watch it and the way it was intended in release order in release and and the in in in uh uh air or what's it called um release order yeah well release order but there's another ter not air date order um but yeah no I think we should watch it as it was intended right right so tune in next week to see whether we're covering that or jumping straight to Super 17 next time on gtfs rip Piccolo you this I'm so done [Music]
Channel: FourStarBento
Views: 115,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tfs, tfs abridged, team four star, teamfourstar, lanipator, kaiserneko, comedy, anime, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 13sec (1993 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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