Draconic LVL 1 Is Better Than Fortune LVL 1!

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why hello everybody i hope you're all doing fantabulous and it's about to get a whole lot better okay by butter i mean better with what we're about to bust out today we got lots in store lots we still need to play in set five there's a lot to tackle a lot a lot a lot we'll do wonderful ah we'll see how this works we'll see we'll see sometimes i actually like to uh wait to buy because let's say one of these drops of champion then we can see which one of these bets fist or fit said champion i don't want to fist zara or at least in yeah let's let's not do that guys we're onto something hello everyone we're doing a massive worldwide giveaway we're not one but two winners will receive a gaming computer or cash oh yeah that's right we're giving away two computers it's super easy to enter even a yasuo main could do it you just click on the twitter link in the description which will take you to this tweet where you will then click on the give gg link all you gotta do from here is start filling out entries and the more you fill out the better chances you have it winning remember it's worldwide so anyone can enter good luck all we need is the deer all we need is the deer skirmisher with lee could be cute i don't want to pre-level we literally just need a tier one champion and i think you guys know who that is zyra you missed your ability you're actually boosted braggy ice get in here we'll sell you [Music] oh helly and galore i say we pass and go for our boy gotcha oh we did we did oh my god we did listen no yes dude draconic level one this is gonna be sick our fortune problems are back and i love it guys i looked at a google spreadsheet someone made all of the possible drops from draconic and gave us the odds okay i was analyzing the heck out of it um earlier there's a one percent chance once we hit tier five a one percent chance to get the almighty egg of all time and yes this egg is the biggest thing you've ever seen all right they should make it so it takes up two slots on your bench they'd be kind of cute but also horrible at the same time let's see as for champions items huh we'll go with this for now don't want to level here's our egg six gold seven gold eight gold oh gosh i really want to put in graggy ice next round for brawler but maybe econ is the way to go i don't know i feel like the smart move is to sell this guy's rocking our champs as well we'll be able to find another brawler it's not the biggest deal chillax puns nothing to worry about nothing to worry about we're fine we're fine all right i just really need to know who the heck we're going to bust on out this titans don't think we want it got econ and our fortune lost streak is building there's another deer don't mind if i do it would be nice for these guys to hatch here's another brawler there we go we knew we were gonna find another brawler we're chilling we're chilling once we get our giant lost streak payout together things will be lovely alrighty lovely medium egg small egg i'm down for that as for champions uh a late game team comp that i absolutely love to run with draconic is revenant okay you get the ivorn for the hymer synergies get the bullet bear for the brawler synergies and the nocturne for the uh no synergies oh my gosh do we dare oh my gosh dude i should have grabbed the normal spatula i panicked i actually panicked oh this is gonna be bad okay we're in a little bit of trouble by a little bit i may mean a lot a bit um i actually like this a lot i would level up and put in calista but let's not rush it all right we got eggs that are not hatching at all yet hello can you please do something cavalier that'd be funny coven oh is that has that always been a thing dragon slayer okay okay okay and hellion no thanks this guy probably wants that though oh gosh guys force of darkness the scariest item you can possibly make in tft i don't think we do it don't think we do it no thank you no thank you i'm curious if draconic level one is gonna be better than fortune level one okay like right now if we were playing fortune we would have just screwed over our lost streak but now we're getting eggs after rounds we just gotta ash ketchum i love that and what else did we get dude not bad at all we keep in draconic i'm curious if we get a little stronger if we were to run this hmm i say we rock with it for now verdant i guess kale could be something good we run late game as well we'll see we'll see uh we'll probably we'll probably start wind streaking now to be totally honest and also if you're not level seven it does not give you heimerdinger i i read up on that it does not give you the dong if you're not level seven oh my gosh we just lost warwick we'll smell you later we care about econ that being said oh my gosh dude we're about to get so many champs we care about hello my friends so if you see a large gold payout that means that would have been a heimerdinger alrighty i think this could still be a good temporary team comp for us we get the brawler and we get uh abomination with this bad boy or hopefully find bran for spell weaver but revenant the ga one late game oh god no oh no oh no no no do we do it do we do it i don't know dude i really don't this is so risky on so many different levels force of darkness i oh god oh geez i need to think about this i need to really really think about this as for now maybe leveling is the move the thing is we're gonna be running revenant it's good it's it's really good but a force of darkness would be crazy as well how crazy you guys want to get right here if we can create something else that's good i would possibly consider it oh my god renewer is also really good hmm i think i'm legitimately scarred i'm legitimately scarred from running force of darkness i really am okay i don't know if i want to go down that hole again guys it's a steep scary spooky hole that i might not want to be a part of i'm being totally honest because i know we're going to make revenant and i know we're going to be able to use renewer it's we'll decide in a second what as for renewer we're gonna have in i'm looking over here um we're gonna have ivern we're gonna have heimerdinger that's already two this can be three and then our last one throw in like sriracha or something speak of the devil let's snagger oh boy is this really gonna work we might not be able to hold on here just now because we have too many things to snag and buy oh boy udyr is leveling up quickly oh god dude this makes me want to do this don't do it buns don't do it it's a freaking booby trap don't even think about it i really i really can't force of dark guys let me know if i'm a little down below in the comments for not doing this but i think it's the move i think it's the move i think it's the move who are all renewers it's like melisandre vlad heimer ivern wait no lissandra's not one is it wait is she oh god see if we had forced darkness right now we'd literally die from that oh jeez oh geez maybe we'll decide off of this depending what we get right here could be the decider the deciding factor let's grab this guy whoa now tron how you doing revenant do we have to oh i so i'm so stupid muy stupido buns let's do this thank you very much we need to level now we still can't put something in that's totally fine let's do this noctron we'll sell you soon we'll sell you soon we need to drop the kalista i want to put in bran more than anything sorry udi we're not leveling you up either all right we have double revenant noctron's not going to be in the comp for long he's kind of the extra bonus unit we don't run any assassins with draconic guys let me know down below if i am the biggest let's see down below all right i i need to hear it i apologize i feel like i'm letting you guys down right now by not running the scariest item in the game do we sell this nunu screw it we won't need these guys for a while we don't take a billion damage from losing this is the way to go hello zyro oh boy hopefully we can level up these units if not we're going to be screwed big time a spooky bow i'm curious if we're going to like this very curious very curious the rage blade could be interesting our nocturn's actually useless right now and we might need to level up more to complete what we need oh yeah yeah i think we honestly might need to just tear through this udyr asap so we can free up room on our bench there's the deer screw it we need room on our bench now thank you thank you very much oh thank goodness this is the pve round i might commit to the ud here we'll see we'll see we'll see we need to put our item holders back on in the mix soon how much mr are you gonna give us right now thank you thank you very much oh my god don't pick those up yes okay sweet we have room on our bench that's what i mainly care about oh wow thank you they're doing the hard work for us baby that is so good double zyra as well now we need item holder item holders item holders officials can do that and so can you beautiful now we can finally pick this guy up thank you oh that's pretty juice money as well let's commit to this works for me iron chat no redeemed no iron chat again no thanks helly and we'll pass 50 econ this is actually coming to weather coming together pretty well remember renewer is what we want to make with ivorn the dong oh we're level seven now i just forgot now we can actually get a payout that we care about oh don't need any more of these guys a uh oh boy honestly this item would be so good do we say goodbye to the spooky tier i think so i think so i might regret this we'll see wish us luck this is just going to be so good on this guy wow dude we can make him unkillable look at this grant's 200 bonus magic resist and bran oh my gosh we have to i feel like we have to no not what we want boom goes to dynamite boom goes the dynamite to this he died what how did he how strong is this dude um that must have been a bug don't worry about that guys yeah that must have been a bug it happens it happens sometimes what are you gonna do it happens and we'll snag the rise last second don't mind if i do hello hello we have room on our bench stop why he's already dude bro this is why i hate draconic we get stupid crap like this what do you want me to do make another tier three leader oh my god i just realized guys one day we're going to create three three star ood ears mark my words okay three three star udyrs call us crazy it's gonna happen 52 gold to level we need to level soon this guy is a god tank bro actually a god tank as for these bad boys oh boy heimer and volley are so important to our comp right now that's why i'm spamming levels to try to get them coming through coming through i like this a lot the tears are good as well oh do we really turn down that garen i think we do i think we shall this is good renewer renewer there's a lot of manure okay huh i think committing to this spat will be good we're gonna find ivern slash what's his face eventually huh did we slam jam it now i don't have anyone to put it on unfortunately nocturne doesn't even use mana i guess he would always get healing then i mean that's kind of cute even renewer on this guy could have been pretty sick now maybe he needs the mr and bramble maybe that's too good go baby go i can't get over how sick this is the more people on the more he's healing which is amazing that leaves this guy goes crazy in the back oh heck yeah baby let's see redeemed no but spell weaver could be pretty sick honestly though affiliates is is putting in work right now i like that leveling up the sriracha don't mind if i do and another zarone maybe karma is better here we get the dawnbringer and invoker soon but soon ain't good enough just yet now we'll keep the affiliates i'm too afraid to get rid of him i feel like he's like doing mad work right now as for renewers we'll eventually make this it's just a matter of when ah screw it maybe we commit to it now noctron you want this take it now he's just permanently gaining hp back it's not the greatest oh god okay this guy's yanking our ivor oh my god this guy's so strong oh that hurt that hurt a lot got some eggs hatching if we get a tier three we'll be in business we're one zyra away that'll open up so much room on our bench as well which i would like a lot let's do this ash ketchum okay these champs are actually going to change everything one more or newer ivern or uh sorry ivorn or hymer that's who we need so badly and speaking of that's like all of our damage as well i hopefully don't regret going not the force of darkness what are you doing here big guy stop it with the utiers please oh that's interesting that's even better danger is coming oh my gosh this is so bad and so good at the same time i have to take out this nocturne i know he's tier one i think i have to sell him now but for what vola bears who we need i should have just bought him i knew it oh jeez oh jeez as for newer we won't be using this champion we'll say goodbye to you okay we need to stabilize now dude not buying this nocturne screwed me do i still want to buy them i don't think so i'm gonna press my luck and see if we can find a champ we actually can use don't care about nocturne don't care about nocturne don't care about nocturne give us somebody good oh god that's a fat egg um wow let's say bye to you now we need ivern thank god we have room on our bench ah can we say goodbye to ophelia's oh my god i actually just bought teemo that's so scary on so many levels who do we make able to spam i really like giving this to bully bear actually like a lot dude that is a freaking massive egg if we don't find hymen now we're actually screwed let's see invoker could be cute hellion no cruel maybe is this better than aphelios ophelia is just games ranger skirt let's keep him ivan's a two star as well so we're good on that aspect did i just take damage yes i did oh my god we're okay we're okay we're okay yes god yes oh my god yes is renewer hey why'd you sell my egg i didn't want to sell it i have it right here for you are you stupid i want to give this to volley bear mainly we'll put it on the kale for now oh my gosh dude we stabilized somewhat sort of kinda that was mad stressful we're in it to win it holy guacamole i'm sorry for putting you guys through a heart attack dude i almost threw the game 10 times over bye bye [Music] we're maxed out on items on a lot of people i'm just curious to know who gets all of this i think blue buff oh boy who the heck did we give this to we could create a spamming ability someone probably best on ivern there's a golden eggy you take that you take that and we've stabilized a lot a lot a lot a lot kale honestly don't really want her let's get risky this is pretty juicy pretty juicy if you ask me i'm saving this for the bear although the ranger is cute not what we want i'm a dog don't you dare die don't you dare die dude the burns are beautiful oh this is freaking scary dude when's this fat one gonna hatch i need it now we're good we're good we're good do we have mystic no it's hanging off the ledge down there we have so many possible champs in right now it's ridiculous but like i said this is who we need then our ga will become so efficient it'll be ridiculous that's five gold okay really you couldn't have hooked it up a little more than that um i say after dragon then we roll everything everything we're gonna have an extra unit to put in when once we hit nine as well so i'm curious who we should actually keep we have no knights in our comp although verdant could be sweet oh don't you dare lose this a monster let's see brawler will have that spell weaver it could be an option don't care too much about it skirmisher can't hit that invoker more mana to everyone we also have the dawnbringer maybe keeping karma was the move i don't know her without items could be kind of troll we'll see that's a nico i love that beautiful beautiful we're leveling after this round do we just drop a nico on set i feel like that's not the move i feel like that'd just be stupid although a free tier 3 and room on our bench does sound nice it sounds very nice who the heck gets this thing though whoa whoa whoa there partner uh okay okay oh that's a bullet boob that's a bullet boob sorry ivern i think we have to nico oh my god i can lose dude i can lose the bear hymer is the most important if you don't get hymer i'm dropping a nick on him dude the healing on volibear is sick we might have just lost there's no way we lose by a lot right oh i'm so nervous dude i'm so nervous oh my goodness we're in the clear okay nico on who do you think ash set or volley bear i think the order goes hymer set if i'm greedy because the odds of finding him are now the hardest and then probably volibear ash last we should be able to find an ash easy peasy by rolling down did i just pass a bear i didn't right i'm i'm on trucks guys oh my gosh heimer where is you at my dude i need you now pardon me wants to buy that tito very much so all right we're dropping an eco in three two one dong time ah diggity dog baby let's see we got the karma in we'll buy her don't mind if i do dude yes yes yes there's no way we lose right i don't want to jinx it we're also in round six now i'm curious if i should start buying tito's i'm at like the teetering point between whether i'm gonna die or live and it's quite scary maybe um maybe kindred is better than karma i don't know i don't know ash ketchum baby this last whisper is sweet when the holder inflicts a critical hit the target's armor and measurements are reduced by 50 for five seconds the holder's armor and magic resist are also permanently reduced by 25 ash you are one big squish ball but hopefully you uh hopefully you can live with it boom goes to done um wow okay uh honestly probably shouldn't have rerolled there being totally honest oh we have an extra zyra what the heck i was like don't we have a three star zara no our ass just got joint ash yeah we'll kill you i don't care if you used to be on our team we'll take you out our team comes godlike that's what i'm talking about y'all ready to three star this uh you know who oh i like this i like that i like this and i like that uh maybe we don't care about ash damage and we just care about how much cc this dude can pull off what if viego steals a turret what's gonna happen hello really i mean i appreciate it but my gosh i feel safer doing this i really do i really do i think the only way you lose is if we get cheesed just like that oh i was about to double slam the heimerdong let's see um do we care about zyra or kendrato you know what kindred you old faster bingo as long as this guy stays safe i think we're in the clear viego don't you dare steal my armor oh my god i got cc'd out of it and i have a ga oh i got so scared dude that's a wrap we almost got a tier three dong one day we'll pull it off draconic level one is gonna help with that and do not forget about the worldwide pc giveaway we got going on link in top description the more interesting you fill out the better chance you have at winning peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu TFT
Views: 146,543
Rating: 4.8620281 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, bunnyfufu, bunnyfufuu, new, best, build, comp, composition, draconic, level, one, lvl 1
Id: ZvBtF1TM5Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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