My Opinion On The NEW Fortune (Max Draconic)

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why hello everybody again if you're new here we're the guy with the cringy intro and we're trying to break things in teamfight tactics and that's exactly what we're gonna do this game if you're not aware in set 4.5 i was addicted to fortune okay and so about the past day or two i've put about 10 hours into mastering this draconic team comp okay now i know exactly what to do and i went to go record this game and we probably had the best start in the world last game it was beautiful it was great it was wonderful okay the egg that i received will blow your mind or not the egg the loot i suppose roll it our goal is to get some fatty fatty eggs well honestly we didn't want any of this but we're going to hope for the best there's our oodier there's our ash hot diggity dog all right we're in business yeah literally oh man i couldn't ask for anything better right but now here we are and uh you're probably wondering buns why don't you upload that game what happened well let's just say i may or may not have re-rolled one sec oh pre-level did we hit it in time i think we did didn't get a tier three that's fine all right well let's do this for now we're big chilling we didn't upload that game because i may have rolled 150 gold on the heimerdinger and uh yeah we did not hit it once i think we had three star every other draconic champion oh it's besides heimerdinger so sometimes that'll happen all right sometimes things don't go your way but you've got to keep your head high and how many freaking portals this is going to have okay we're chilling we're chilling yeah our team comes nasty let's buy you let's buy you and that works too okay um spooky bell do we dare i'm kind of down yeah let's do it works for us and we'll rock with these guys we're missing two draconic champions to take it to the next level and econ wise we're not that close i actually think this would be a bit better as well yes get your booty on in there eclipse cape i'd be kind of down for this i'd be kind of sorted down let's send it let's send it let's send it this thing doesn't burn your own team right let's hope not let's let's hope not but the burning within three hexes dude this thing is global we got a global sunfire this thing's dirty early game wow it is gonna do work for us all right but draconic champions here we come coming through coming through vladimir perfect that's a champ we want to roll with and econ i'm feeling it trust me i want to buy this gragas but i care more about econ oh yeah yeah let's do this we'll trade lissandra for graggy ice we can always find the sandra later lissandra is going to be going in our team comp just way later on down the road but let's hopefully uh or hopefully we get the dubs so we don't have to sell this sunfire cape will do us proud dude this sunfire cape's actually 1v9 right now oh look at that damage over 2 000 from sunfire wow saving hp like this is amazing holy spatulas my guy um wow so much for that plan there goes the spatulas but we got a champion we well don't mind if i do and oh boy we're honestly only oodier away we're only an udyr ray away of from running full draconic i feel like our team comes gonna get horrible though once we do end up busting that bad boy out oh yeah do we re-roll or focus on the win streak hmm you know what i'm feeling lucky oh this works this works draconic on in there like swimwear baby heck yes let's also do hmm i really want to make a spooky archangels so we'll see about that one zyra oh god okay there goes our win streak but it's fine it's fine everything's fine because we've got the draconic rolling baby if you want to run this comp play it early is juicy all right and wow zur that is a very very very very early affiliates i kind of want to run it once we find ash it will be huge we lose our nightbringer bonus but i feel like it's worth it screw it just to buy them and keep them on board i like it we can also give this bad boy to vladimir as well sure why not vlad burn yourself but hear yourself as well oh my gosh no it's actually horrible on vladimir i have my healing oh that's not good that is not good any champ you want healing on probably not good to put it on him yeah no not even a little bit okay well we can't get econ i'm just happy we're rocking our draconic and things are looking pretty good right about now there's another deer what the yo item align yourself what's going on but the way you guys are going to want to play this team comp is don't worry too much about uh tier three and up your champions that's gonna happen naturally through these eggs okay so oh ophelias you're smurfing my guy you're smurfing uh wow how many rods do we have right now that's a lot i'm considering rocking the new victor he just got changed he's pretty cool or do we sell for econ huh also where's ash when you need him we'll most likely double cell still curious who we want to put this sunfire on come late game if fly just didn't grievous wounds himself it'd be fine but uh since he does yeah not so hot sorry sorry about that vladimir i apologize affilios is the man dude i love this guy but anyways what do we got what do we need i actually kind of like this so we can zappity zap with the extra rod but we're gonna need a bf sword let's do this there's a certain item build that i really want to show you guys that i'm curious if we'll be able to pull it off or not but back to how to play draconic okay rush 50 econ or step one get draconic early step two rush 50 econ step three find heimerdinger all right it's all you got to do once you find heimerdinger then uh you win the game it's easy as that okay i guess udyr will be a decent uh sunfire holder his shield's pretty nice and he doesn't have any healing that he really needs to worry about so that's big chilling let's sell both of those guys for econ coming through coming through more vlad that's fine level two set don't mind if i do and no stupid rerolls we need to find the dong all right i not gonna lie i did a few rerolls last game that may have screwed me in the end here goes nothing folks here goes nothing oh my gosh fizz just altered me vlad i'm i'm sandbagging you i'm aware i apologize oh we're not winning this one no we are definitely not winning that one dude no sound needed that dude's waiting over there hey buddy how you doing carousel time i was gonna say maybe it's a blessing in the skies that we are uh picking late but uh we're still picking last okay there's actually so many good things we need out here bow need this four champ cost units good for us all three of these shadow items count me in oh my goodness let's see here um let's go for this guy oh this is juicy this is juicy this is juicy let's see i actually don't want this item to go on top of zyra so we're gonna sell that there go snag these guys udir's about to level up we'll give this to our boy and this is also going to be the dream spear of sergeant so i probably should have leveled up there not gonna lie oh my god that's a fat egg the bigger the egg the bigger the reward but they take way longer to actually hatch so once this sucker pops out it's gonna be a doozy and a half vladimir becomes the placeholder of your team comp i don't mind trying to get this udir asap so uh maybe we just reroll and hit them tier three now screw it our stupid eggs are going to give them to us any time you spend oh heck yeah anytime you spend rerolling it's time you could be spending towards finding your hymerdong dude these big ones the loot's nice but my god does it take forever for them to pop out of there what else are gonna be some dream items for us honestly um got lotto is not so bad on the dong but we're gonna be going a very ability spammy build that i think you guys will like a lot and i really want to remake this vlad so we can get the spear surgeon off of them and we need to stabilize quick we're about to lose a lot of hp here soon oh geez we're taking up so much space on our bench it is disgusting look at this if we don't sell one of these champs this egg's going bye-bye so vladimir will smell you later dude i'm telling you the downside of having these ginormous eggs are they just take up space on your bench forever this little sucker's about to crack because he's almost uh ready to rock i want to keep the lissandra because it's a renewer champ that i want to put in late game as for items we didn't want any of that champions don't care here goes nothing here goes nothing but a one oodier away he's within our grasp all right i really want to level and put in this iron so let's do exactly that all right i apologize for that by the way who else would be good for the the zapper probably going to consider war mogs plus ionic and then uh jeweled gauntlet for i'm a dong that's what i would do right now but it all comes back to who's gonna be a placeholder for items considering i don't want to put it on these draconic champions because we're not going to be selling them we're going to be keeping iburn some of these items on volibear sound amazing actually amazing good job aphelios aphelios also might be the worst item holder we could ask for let's see huh instead of getting a double tier here maybe we try it no rageblade's too good rageblade is too good with the spear of sojourn let's do this oh there we go there we go alrighty another placeholder wait what whoa hold the phone wait a minute we got the drop we got the drop the heimer dong drop dude yes oh my gosh the fatty egg will do you well i was wondering where the heck our loot was from that thing then i realized it was right there waiting for us the entire time dude let the golden goose eggs begin oh i'm so excited one more renewer and we're sitting pretty where's that vladimir i'm sorry for selling you uh or the vladimir that was on our bench not the actual vladimir dude now we're talking normally you have to risk it for the biscuit and go down extremely low on your uh health but if you get a drop like that it ain't so bad after all all right i like this setup a lot let's stick with it alright as for zappies i really want to give this to somebody but we're not sure who just yet okay and we're keeping all these champs in for the long run so i don't necessarily want to get rid of him just yet one more renewer champion soraka or vladimir is going on in no longer need this don't really need the morgana although we could use it for the time being but notice how sick this heimerdong is oh gosh okay well uh i just died uh yeah uh i take back what i said oh god we just took so much damage all right that's not good we're gonna shoot up in levels big time but like we said the golden goose eggs are here baby let's see um hmm chalice of power could be cute a zeke's could be pretty decent as well oh gosh i feel like we just take the dong here doesn't really give us items that we care too much about like i think the zeke's buffing up heimerdinger attack speed right away would have been extremely nice but a free heimerdinger plus a spatula if we get lucky with that oh hello oh hello what did we just get i saw something pop over here was it another egg no that couldn't have been it i'm so confused anyways 48 gold let's do it you up front to also oh gosh i don't really want to have them hold our items because we can still get some goodies from raptors let's see uh spellweaver no redeemed no dawnbringer no assassin no oh yeah yay making a renewer spatula would actually be pretty sweet that would be the dream let's see if we can knock it out of the park but turn back left spammable carry items back right 10 hours put into draconic to see what the heck we like a lot and uh hammerdong actually got nerfed on his ability casts the mana went up a lot but you know what with these items it's not so shabby i love uh the spooky serifs because hold up wait a minute hold the phone um i don't actually think we care about this do we have a useless unit in it's pretty much morgana remember we're committing to items after raptors these guys i suppose this works we don't even have um huh we don't even have nightbringer right now because we don't have vlad in i forgot about that i forgot i forgot but back to what i was saying uh spooky syrups you cast an ability you get a lot of hp right and renewer works extremely well with hp the renewer is basically the defensive item of the mix and the high hp pool just makes renewer extremely extremely efficient listen i'm just happy we got the golden eggs in the mix already all right we got a hatcher bingo oh gosh okay well it's gonna be so hard to tier three zara yikes uh huh especially because we absolutely have to buy this guy oh boy oh boy we need more space on our bench now getting this dong would be crazy good for us as well okay daisy all right nothing wonderful that's really great as for champions let's see what we got that's double hatch oh i think that would have given us a champion if we had the space i don't know it would have combined heimerdinger though so i don't really care um as for this guy ash is a good candidate ivan's not so bad i'm down to stick with the ash ketchum oh those are juicy and now back to the task at hand we want to find an item holder for the zapper and war mogs oh gosh listen bullet bear where you at buddy we need you now that is such a good champion to put into the mix oh gosh i'm gonna i'm gonna greet and go to nine here if you have the hp to spare if you have a really good early game you're allowed to do this but i don't recommend it things get risky i should honestly just be rolling for this last uh this last renewer spot come on there we go there we go now we can agree until nine i should have done that a while ago no affiliates don't want it all we care about is feeding heimerdinger as much mana as possible so this dude can carry our booties okay uh this thieves gloves not so hot but we have less space on our bench might want to go to nine next round leveling with your conic is extremely nice mainly because of the whole uh shenanigans with getting more room on your bench leveling up basically gives you another slot still heimerdinger go go heimerdinger go okay that's double 15 damage round oh yeah yeah yep we need to level and roll wish us luck two of our newer champions are so weak right now let's do that let's pick up this there's another zyra we're so close from theory starring a lot of our teammates 40 gold level we got to do it we've got to do it we've got to do it yeah i really like this but this is also not bad oh that's a bear that's one big bear listen take this for all i care wait does that mean wolf is going to be zapping people cause wolf gets his items yeah that sounds so cool tank kindred op baby most importantly of all though we just need to level up this stupid champion now oh my gosh we're okay we're okay we're okay not losing today baby not losing the day like i said we have more space on our bench which is nice let's see what the heck we've got here spooky blue not bad can't give items to ash that's okay i really want this chop chop wow okay we are two sires away from three starring i don't know if i want to sell this chop chop oh yeah yay oh yeah yeah we have so many things to sell dude are you kidding me we have to unless we get rid of this guy yeah we can't get rid of anyone else dude this is brutal this is brutal this is brutal i like sarah off over there next round we're rolling a lot a lot i'm considering dropping the renewer and swapping things up you'll see what i'm talking about real soon um let's see here oh god set i love you dearly but i care more about this sometimes you may have to run a random audible just like this one we're about to do okay hear me out level you up there's another zyra we're gonna take out you we're gonna take out you um free assassin spatula sure dude do we dare make the assassin bully bear hello ash how are you i feel like we care about our health way too much to do this teemo strat we care about it way too much also golden eggs can drop a tier two set so let's keep this guy alive no longer have four or newer but we got some cute assassins in the mix dude we got a varus on our team heck yeah baby ivern don't need him he's tier two he's big chilling um oh wait a minute hold the phone wow we have a renewer spatula wait this is gonna be amazing i think if we like viego screw it screw you viego we got a new plan we've got a new plan in town we're not buying set we don't have enough room on our bench but we're buying soraka so we can do something wild oh that's a tier 2 soraka yes please there's the dong we take out viego put in soraka renewer is back assassin goes to set short that works and now we have triple ga for these guys oh that was slick that was real cool uh noctron go ahead and take it my friend go ahead go right ahead maybe given that ivan could have been cute as well who knows who knows but our team comp just got sweet we got our four newer back and now the assassin spatula will help us with that sorry for ditching you viego let's three star the heck out of our team renewer it's importante considering it gives you all of these goodies okay oh heck yeah especially volibear this guy's going to be healing so much of his hp i love it he's still a one star so let's knock him out of the park shall we kale no i'm a dinger what are the odds we tier three that guy um definitely want to level you up thank you very much where are you where are you oh the volley boob the volley boob let's do this we care about tier fives we're not gonna level up iburn we're chilling there this is the uh ability healing build thieves gloves from ash wait is my hybrid ear dead oh no thank goodness my entire team's a beast right now ghosts are extremely weak right now but that wasn't a ghost wow we just actually destroyed him this guy he got destroyed as well this guy's way strong all right let's see how this goes let's see how this one goes alright set what's going on buddy why are you doing this to us oh that is crazy hey guess heck yeah putting in this ranger would be cute but i don't think we honestly care let's three-star our team shall we zara get over here ash get over here come on baby wow we are close dude i'm willing to sell this hymer we must sell the hymer here we go here we go dude look at the damage on this the true damage burn adds up as well okay uh heimerdinger empowers his baby dragon's next attack the baby dragon overcharged attacks that's where it launches the three fireballs out there and uh dealing that much damage and burning enemies for 18 percent of their maximum health as true damage over six seconds dude it's like a morello's 2.0 um what the heck do we want choppy chop sounds pretty good to me this is actually extremely good as well we could have made the case grabbing that guy is okay oh why hello there ziggs how are you let's sell you uh i'd actually want to buy these right now but we literally have no room on our bench dude come on we'll take those we'll take those no what do you mean i can't oh geez you hate to see it by the way the free g8 boys these come in handy dandy often you can't greet the level nine and you uh get a renewable spat but if you do go nine this guy is nasty dude volibear is healing a bajillion health every second let's buy and unlock and we are now one ash away where is you at give me an ash give me an ash give me an ash give me an ash bingo not really okay well we tried um interesting both 27 hp this guy's strong as all heck we can take them out though what's bell causes targeting let's swap it up a little bit that works that works as for armor don't care too much oh boy he counter swapped velcros will probably shoot towards my heimer which i do not want nice the more units we can stuff somewhere to make him not hit hymer the better we're okay we're okay we're okay don't die dude this cannon slaps look at the hp regen it's better than uh his taco gun blade very very nice also the global on this thing is juicy okay it's almost time to roll down let's find this ash ketchum shall we let's find her let's find her after this giant slayer who the heck is going to be rocking this guy but we'll drop the lulu get some gold and then shoot for it thank you very much one more gold looking beautiful here goes nothing folks what these eggs are about to hatch oh there's the ash and there's my entire team comp what dude holy toledo okay um wow let's do this let's do that i was wow okay well if we needed any of these champions we would have found them let's see here uh this works geez i was not expecting that um go my friend go he moved his belt cause i think we're still set up for success there's no way our hymen gets beamed no freaking way yep there it is dude daisy's taking one for the team there's two lasers coming out i love this team comp fortune 2.0 baby oh boy guys what's better this is a fortune vote for fortune [Laughter] thank you all so much for watching and uh do not forget about the fatty giveaway we got going on are we gonna kill this guy look at the hp on this dude i love it i wanted to re-roll too bad for us ggg hopefully uh hasta manana peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu TFT
Views: 178,539
Rating: 4.9041739 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, bunnyfufu, bunnyfufuu, new, best, build, comp, composition, fortune, draconic, dragon, egg, eggs, loot
Id: hvGp4bSeIUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 5sec (1925 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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