Dr Todd Hall at Total Deliverance Church in CA on 2/2/2014

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the next time I preach here we'll be praying for people with with the last name Allen I just heard it as clear as day what's your first name all right so if if I if I preach it again and you're able to be here are you from here all right so if the past extends which we don't know you'll be the next person but it don't make sense anyway because now you know it's you it shouldn't really matter Oh No but wait a minute but why is your first name spelt funny it don't look like crystal spell it it looked like Chris dial or Chris it looks oh yeah oh you tested me don't test me boom I like that jr. prophetess who should be playing music everywhere hold on you don't want to play hold on that's your child oh I can't do it in front of mama sit on down you're about to be musically blessed beyond your understanding are we happy or we're not you go right you're gonna play some keys it's gonna be real unusual how God finishes gifting you heard that's your mother well you should slowly run up here high five and tell her time for us to get another building and gods don't bless somebody by the name of Tammy - I figured I'd tell you oh I start saying where you come from he said forget that I'm bothering nobody in California go ahead run if the pastor don't stop you that means it's okay be seated again tell somebody with excitement you're next so who is that crystal the husband jumped up okay are you married okay cuz because that's why Mexico's when you jumped up the Lord said that your wife's gonna get a new three-bedroom four-bedroom home so you need to get ready are y'all jealous again get your Bibles we're gonna have to do bullet point preaching again cuz we stayed in this much longer than usual much longer when ASA travels with me would be on when Sean they continue to hear me saying I mean it I'm gonna stop prophesying and all of them say you shouldn't you can't tell God what he shouldn't do because the gift excites people don't mean it develops them I've seen men get excited about how women look but never commit so the gift is just an excitement tool but when you preach the word it's about commitment by God you with the Holy Ghost hang in there with me now all the rest of y'all you'll soon get it but you that have a relationship with God let's take it to the next level right in here because I get more excited about what's written but I enjoyed that he still speaks to me when the Bible's closed I like it all but if I had to give up one that sure won't be the Bible the time is coming where you're gonna travel once a month and not anymore because this church will need you in the greater way but you will travel and make more money in the month in in one week then most folk make all month God said tell her also I'm gonna get in her organs and I'm gonna cause them to function in a different way so that she is completely healthy every time she finishes and somebody with a my shake a tie I feeling my shunned or I become dilib a run back a shot I go and said I must cause your body to be physically fit for the journey you cannot preach go to the room and be tied and hurt all set for tell my daughter I'm making her latter days greater and because you've been faithful over a few things y'all Amancio God you gonna need how to preach often cuz it's gonna get so packed in here you gonna be at three services what I sent some witchcraft but it don't bother me tonight whose cooking do you like in your church who can cook over there who can cook mom night well I don't know whether she want to do it but the Lord said he he he had no intentions of doing this but now that you kept the doors open so that people's souls could be fed like soul food he said tell him wait another six seven months take eight people right to KFC and dance and I'll turn it into a soul food restaurant and God said that's gonna feature the pine more than anything else oh she's rocking my chic idiom back outside you're not working when you're getting paid for doing what you like to do you having fun somebody running for her I don't know who it is but somebody running for mother and I mean she's running to she ain't playing y'all clap for them that's how we get blessed what time is it some battlefronts at 7 o'clock I know you what times but we need to go home I'm going to condense this as I've been doing so let's go to the Word of God we have people on the East Coast watching us at 12:00 midnight till 3:00 in the morning literally they say we ain't sleeping be seated as I read this that hallelujah is working I'm telling you I'm telling you that hallelujah works and he deserves it hallelujah only goes to one direction watch it Joyce watch it you're causing trouble machine bakka hallelujah my daughter back outside if your mouth ain't open you out of order now for real I don't care who you are by yourself we praise them with the fruit of our lips and from our hearts our mouths speak be seated the book of Genesis chapter 32 the book of Genesis please you don't have to stand while I read cuz I'm already out there the book of Genesis go ahead and praise Him baby you ain't out of order don't nobody know what you in need of Genesis chapter 32 beginning at verse and I will say next verse or whatever in y'all flick it so let's work good with me tonight Genesis 32 beginning at verse 26 reading through verse 28 and I need forty people to talk to me that's still excited his story brother Shaun is about but those who don't mind me teaching it's about a man who if you believe the Bible and know that it's not a fairytale story he had an unusual opportunity to wrestle with God see you don't talk this particular man's name is Jacob history records for the talkers he was a swindler so was i it was a conniver to an extent so was I see some of y'all ain't been nothing he was a trickster to an extent even in playing spades so was I the Bible says for those that are helping me preach because I don't want to be long he was a supplant term in other words he was not to be trusted and when we get to this chapter I'm laying a foundation for talking preachers we see a man tired of living that type of life but this the life the law said I like how you teaching that he's been living since he was born he's always on somebody's healed when his brother was born there was a hand on Esau's heel coming out the mama's womb it's terrible when you come out and live the way you came out all your life he's always getting places by holding on to somebody else thank you whoever said tisha and now he's a grown man and he's a grown man that's gotten married cuz he kissed I just want to teach he kissed the girl by the name of Rachel and started crying I don't ever that scripture cuz y'all stand we're not talking it really intrigues me that a thug can kiss a woman and start crying not just that let's be excited after he kissed her she ran to her daddy and this supplanter trickster thug ran behind her and for the first time in his whole biblical life accepts a job see when when a trickster when a bum touches the right woman she'll bring a legal side out of him not illegal a legal yep y'all and got quiet and then front rules and she had to be a very powerful kisser I didn't want to meet that kind of kiss but she had to be a powerful kisser because for folk who will talk to me that kiss made her work for her daddy seven years free I am working seven years for nobody free he I got bills and I'm surprised my men from the block or now in Kingdom can't go along with me with this story cuz I bet you don't know nobody you will work free for just because of a woman seven years yes all for kiss now he marries her he works for Laban her father for seven years and then on another contract seven more years when I'm quiet that's when y'all talk imma ease into it it's gonna be beautiful and gets two wives from one house the difference in these two wives I shouldn't be teaching this is the one that folks say is ugly is the one that really loves them and the one that's real cute and beautiful is the one giving him hell I don't want to talk about that because I see some people looking sleep because they can get a prophecy that's all you came here for right like it works just because we say it we can give you the right word but if you live in the wrong life the right word won't even come to pass until it lines up with the right life stay with me brother be an ASA it's through the unattractive wife Leah and then I'm moving on for those who cleaning up the Bible that Judah or praise is born because praise is more powerful when you give it to God while you're going through something ugly you can't wait to the bills of pain y'all eat oh and some of you he's gonna bless cuz you marry the ugly season first oh yeah when you can praise God when nothing looks like it the car you driving it ain't your style the school you going to is not up to par the job you work in the salary ain't right but for now this is what our this is what I must deal with now I must deal with this for stalkers until God changes myself Constance's so in these three verses for those that are really pushing me to preach I feel like y'all tonight here I gave you a chance to close service in 9:30 I would have went with you we have a man fed up with his lifestyle a little upset with his marriage is upset with not having stuff and working for free and getting played and never getting paid his wages were changed ten times by his father-in-law his boss and they went lower ten times so he sends his whole family ahead of him all his servants he stays behind because he refuses for tacos to go any further in life if things ain't gonna change Oh see now that's what I've been ready to have church lord I can't live another year now and you know I love you but I need to see some changes if you don't talk to him he ain't gonna help you see you talk all this trash to each other now you won't talk how do I know God is real how you know he ain't he gets in about 30 minutes I'm gonna change I don't know what's gonna happen but he gets fed up and he refuses to go any further and at that time it brings us to this point in our reading and he said in verse 26 of 32 of Genesis let me go for the day breaketh he's now holding on to an angel some say God himself and that the angel and our God for talkers is commanding Jacob let me go because the day is changing I've got to be back in heaven by a certain time well maybe the angel forgot for three folk who will talk that here getting away from Jacob easy cuz Jacob been wrestling since the wound and one thing he has going for him for 10 folk who will jump and that is once I grab onto something it ain't going nowhere Oh y'all didn't like how I got there whatever God gives us this year you let the devil know I've had seven years of practice of losing things and then they get away easy but this time it ain't getting away at all do you know how strong an angel is do you know y'all don't wanna told me how strong God is this text does not say I like to preach the Bible that God or the angel diminished their strength for him but when a person is really tired and unusual strength comes out of us Oh y'all don't hear me so strong that the devil gets afraid of what we turn into Jacob the swindler the tricks of the kuniva this is still what he is after marriage after he gets a job he's still in his father of his character a trickster a conniver a cheetah no good he's got a good heart but he can't change because this is who I been all my life I want to preach to somebody but here is God saying I don't care what you been all you like when you get sick of what you are you will make up in your mind I hear some little silly weak folk y'all won't talk to me I'm tired of Church I'm tired of getting privacy tired of preach it ain't nothing happening what you should be tired of is yourself ain't no God failed you you failed yourself no the other woman B's angle let you roll up in here trying to blame God cuz he can do anything he made the whole world in six days took a break on the seventh day y'all mighty quiet now you gotta remember all the weeds you smoked all the babies you made all the Sexton you've been doing that he had to let you pay for he didn't kill you that's why you should praise him he just delayed your future and said you gonna wait before I bless you don't none of y'all step to my god like that I should be much further in me history you never heard of a Tod hold out here but now you won't forget him but I should have been much further I should have been on these platforms with Joel Osteen TD jakes my man no Jones all of us know each other but I should have been there years ago and it ain't because I can't preach it ain't because I can't sing it ain't because I wasn't gifted it was because my character was not strong enough to stay on the platform and resist the temptation that the devil was offering and God gave me a favor he made sure he didn't take me to the top until my circumstances started changing and now all the faith loans that are at the top they're being discovered uncovered expose because he's saving the best for last what God is saving some of you for the finale you won't bring it in like nobody ever saw it before and when they ask you happy to do it tell them I was married to ugly then I divorce ugly and I got pretty split it and I got dog Charlie talk and watch you commit to God don't push me too fast I'll be back yeah let's go back please let me go now if I can admit why I'm not where I should be what's so difficult about you remembering all the mess you did do some subtracting and now ask yourself why you ain't there yet with all these talents and abilities and Gibson people you know why he won't bless you and let folk that can't do half of what you do succeed and get cause why is he ignoring you I'll tell you why four five four Google crazy he said I'm sorry cuz you chosen and they ain't you understand the difference and I'll let call so get away with stuff but when you're chosen I expect you to bring you a game many of Cole many of call for the last time you watch them by side but I ain't pulling no punches if I can admit why I'm not there I ain't questioning God's power he can do it I'm questioning in my power of not being who I should be don't put the blame on him so I'm happy to preach here if I never get to the potter's house or get to Lakewood Church I'm happy to just have a job come with the stuff I did I shouldn't even have a mic but the devil's mad Lord how come you let Todd still have a mic and now you opening doors he said cause his latter days will be greater then his beginning and because winning wrestle he didn't let go and I liked the dialogue oh it's gonna get better no y'all involved in me I will not let thee go I need folk talkin to me except Lord I got two wives I got kids I got cattle but on the inside I'm empty and I need you now to do something for me cuz most of this stuff I got I didn't get it from you I got it because of you but now I need something that I can be proud of and look at everybody and say look what the Lord has done I need to tell them the blessing I have now has nothing to do with me the blessing I have now has absolutely nothing to do with me I can't be jealous of Bishop Jake's normal Jones Joel Osteen I should have lived better no no the burden is on you verse 27 come on you said you working with me and he said unto him look at this when he asked for a blessing the angel and all God cuz commentaries say both for talked us aback here said whoever he was holding on to that wouldn't let him go said to him what's your name it's God and if it's God for toklas God already know his name but the first thing God wants to know the night from 30 of you is what you call yourself how you see you oh I wish I could preach this somebody up in this church call total deliverance and I want to free you I don't care how many things you've done wrong up until now February the 3rd call yourself what you want to be yelling up the Bible says call those things that be not y'all don't want to preach as though they were I don't care what folks know about you reinvent yourself by telling God if you give me one more time what is thy name y'all act like you're liking it and he said Jacob I'm a swinger I'm a conniver this is who I am up until this day I'm a supplanter even though I could play Holi in from the folk I know who I am see if you're gonna stand you're supposed to talk if not please be seated I didn't say turn there but it's okay and he said watch when do you remember I'm talking to y'all like it's just us you remember what Jacob won he wanted to be blessed well the person that's gonna bless him is blessing him in a way he don't know he's being blessed cuz the person is saying before I bless you I want to know your name he don't really want to know his name he wants to know how he sees himself so now that he still see himself as it's a plan and the trickster the voice says and he said thy name shall no longer be supplanted trickster kuniva bolna liar but I'm changing your name to Israel oh hell no and nobody ever heard it if the Israelites would not exist if one man didn't change all right it's still quiet now and do you know if you believe this and get happy to work that once you change everything around you has to change your enemies will become your employees your haters will become your participative what's holding up your season you forget preaching the old me let me go down by myself and I hear folk I'm gonna preach that but when you gonna live that you're still sermons but you can't repeat the life though thy name shall be called no more Jacob but Israel for as a prince has thou power yellow light scripture with God and with men I'm about to bless you so serious that you ain't gonna know the difference in people in me everything somebody gives you you want me like that's God y'all eat up when you get a job that's God the salary that's God you will become your boss's best friend and now you can work from home that's gone you got a man that don't cheat that sho nuff God you got a woman that still wanna poop and wash clothes that's enough God for as a prince has stopped power with God and with men and has not prevailed let me just read one more verse for the front of it then I'm going to my description I'm ACLU's verse 29 and I'll have to run to my Bible real quick no it's not their fault I only gave them to that scripture but that's why I don't do it because I'm crazy verse 29 says then Jacob said now that you know my name what's your name y'all still not talking you're standing when I'm quiet and catching my breath filling in it's good for the video force when inserting he said why is it that you asked about my name and he blessed him there and once you look at somebody like your life depends on time I'm not leaving here until I get blessed I don't care what it takes I am NOT leaving here tell her I am wrestling with my salary I'm wrestling with whether I need a new job I'm wrestling with how I'm gonna get the bills paid I am NOT all yelling I am NOT leaving here so for only twenty people really getting it verse 30 is my last verse can we go to 30 and Jakob action and said tell me I pray thee thy name and he said wherefore is it that thou does acts after my name and he blessed him there which mean whoever he asked his name did not give it to him he said you don't have to worry about my name is me that's blessing you you ain't blessing me oh yeah y'all y'all don't deserve to ask God questions when you don't do nothing for him and look what Jacob says and I'm closing this verse and going to the book of first Chronicles after this and we'll get ready to have Church bartending y'all just act like you enjoying it and Jacob called the name of the place Peniel and what he meant was and he never got the name but he then wrote for I have seen God face to face and with my messed up lifestyle he didn't kill me oh yeah oh you're mister and my life I've seen God he's seen my sins he knows who I am and because I held on to him instead of killing me he changed me and basically didn't even give me his name see I just say go to 31 but I'ma read it just cuz you turned it there cuz I'm smart enough to break it down then we go on the Chronicles and as he passed over Peniel the Sun rose upon him imma do this and he halted don't go no further upon his thigh on this note I need 30 folk to go crazy if you understand it y'all do know after he wrestled with God God put his hand in his thigh jacob then becomes a limper for the rest of his life and israel does not eat the shoulder or the shank in the thigh because they believe that's the Covenant of where God made with their founder Jacob so they honor the commitment by not eating in that area that God touched their leader in y'all eater but but the reason why his brother Esau you never catch this really never killed him and the reason why his wives both of them knew that he had changed they didn't even know his name was changed the Bible never said they called him it's real God changed his name in the kingdom system people started calling him that later cuz they still pray to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob y'all eater but the way his brother knew that he had been with God and his mother is his walk change y'all eater and when you get a real meeting with God there's a definition about you that makes people look at you and say something different about you same clothes different walks swag for days but an anointing on top of the swag is just something different you don't have to change you you got to change your walk now as I move over to the next thing because y'all says that y'all will be here so give me 25 more minutes left and I'm done you get me now it is crazy as we go over the first Chronicles and this way I want my friends and folk to talk to me and my newfound brother listen it's crazy Jacob can't get blessed until his name has changed his name changed changes how he lives but now in first chronicles chapter 4 verses 1 through 9 I want to talk to folk who got a mouth we've got a guy whose name starts with a J - just like Jacob and his mama y'all don't hear called him Jay bass but the part that I want to preach about when him for 5 talkers is he was able to get blessed with the same name which simply means for a screamer no matter what folk call you your blessings don't speak louder than what they're not now what I want to do is try to try to coach you to stop running about what people see about you or what they call you be yo best and soon yo blessing will speak for itself I still hear what they call me I see it on Google blogs even three or four you in here to say you my friend you done told it you allow you to I don't see it but when you focus it's so fixed on where God is taking you I will settle you ain't got time to address stupidity and ignorance and what makes it stupid for talkers is the one you addressing and got nothing to show for what they do their only business is they only get attention cuz your name is that important now listen your name is what's making the bloggers get attention it's not what they're writing is who they're writing about and if I say this and fifty you don't scream I'm done when folks talk about you it's because you are worth being talked about and they know the only way to stop you from succeeding is to make you so depressed and so disappointed at where you are right now that you use all what I'm about to do for the next twenty of my 25 for those that are talking to me in the name of Jesus it's get you to the place where you get fueled when you hear your name mentioned wrong like oh you're talking to me I'm never gonna be nothing remember that i'ma hire you in a few months you know you got to learn how to talk trash I want to say these elementary comments that I used to say but I feel left to say one now for anybody who jumps but most folks don't do they think they're so annoying that they just can listen and that's how it works but you gotta read but you must respond on the level of the words spoken catch this and never forget it from this day forward February the 3rd don't you ever look like the hell you go and do not imitate especially when your round set that calls the hell that you're going through that's when you flick your hand say hello and tell them him and his girlfriend look good y'all look good together see some of y'all lookin funny cuz you ain't got enough strength to do that you have to fight the girl to fight the boy over something that ain't even yours in the long run man let that person had it and keep on truckin don't go to jail over something stupid if she look at me one more time you're worth looking at see how do you see yourself Jacob what's your name now I'm starting at verse one I wrote it on the paper first Chronicle for one through nine oh I wrote it on the paper yo y'all were telling me what to do like y'all the camera people producer the show yeah first one yeah there you go I'm only jiving y'all but they think I'm serious he's so mean the sons of Judah for rez hezron and Carmi and her and show bel verse to get in the back talking now - OH - and we higher up the son of so bow begat Jay Haas and Jay Haas be got a who my and lahar these are the families of the so affects verse three and they were of the father of Edom Jezreel and Ishmael and s Bosh the name of their sister was has hares ll pony has Ella L pony let me say a name right I don't know where she from but hers LLL pony yeah for if I'm from the hood her name was Pony or hazel and preneur the father of Guido and easie was the father of Hoosier these are the sons of her the firstborn of Africa the father of what Bethlehem hold on what I'm doing right now which I don't have to do but is prophetic the first five folk would really get happy it hits you and that is when God's blesses you you got a trace it don't ever look at what folks have and think God did it they probably slept around they probably still sleep in the raft you slept with four men Matthew Mark Luke and John y'all later you know you gotta be able to tell folks I went through this this this now some of these particular names stay there I could not fully pronounce I had to read it all day cuz I'm a guy who likes to pronounce things as it's written I had to pull up my concordance and everything to try to name it and still couldn't say the has a la la upon a because I stammered but the Lord told me these names folk would have avoided and went straight to J bars and preached but jay-bez cannot get in chronicles which is a book of genealogy without being connected to somebody Oh y'all don't hear me notice everything I've read even down the verse for shows you that anyone in there was connected to somebody y'all don't want to talk to me but hear this and see if one person go crazy when you get blessed and you trace it you won't even know how to say it some of them things you read because he's gonna start speaking in tongues will be like and when I got my house when nobody else now that's that as early Pony thing right what'd you just say forget it hallelujah because when I think of the blackness when you start talking about how God bless you you gotta get lost for words your wife's got a jumble oh you gotta be so excited that don't be like forget it verse 5 and asha the father of Tekoa had two wives Gila and Nara verse six and not a bear him a a husam and he fuh and Timmy nine and haha shatori these were the sons of Nara seven I should have found out who could be to me like read this for me folk would have been I thank you Jesus and the sons of gila was serif and Zhi Sawa and evening verse eight and cause now I know that's black what's so cool if you can't smile then you ain't ready to be blessed because you wrestling with something cuz we got eight ain't no huh that's black you touch my food again you're gonna pull back another a nub and so Biba and the families of a high hell the sons of harem verse 9 and jay-bez I got some help of it and Jake I got real help here a whole lot of help here and Jay bass was more honourable than its brethren Oh hold on and his mother called his name Jay bass saying I'm sorry that I had him see y'all didn't study it his name actually means that the mother that named him did not want to have him but he came out before she could get rid of him oh yeah uh-huh and folk are gonna try to get rid of you but it's gonna be too late and about time they think you lost your mind you done got fixed up dressed up made up yeah I said this yesterday I got about 15 minutes left for those with a loud mouth if you didn't stay with me when I was down don't come back when I get up now and if you called me a certain thing I won't even respond cuz that's what I was when you used to see me yeah that ain't who I am now what's up dawg no wrong dude what's up my wrong guy what's up fam you're getting closer his mother now you know I need to talk to mothers please mothers talk to me a minute when I dated a girl in high school her name was what it was and I really liked us so I started changing my ways I was trying to become Israel cuz surely I was J bad but I treated her more different I was still young please follow me then I did any woman I ever was attracted to I paid the respect held their hand in public walked through the school you know pay for a lunch you know all kind of stuff so she was worthy back then while I was 17 to bring home to my mother Saturn in my mother my mother said so and so what are you gonna be for living she told her what school she was going to what she was gonna be I'm sticking my chest out because I know my mother loves this kind of woman I'm already focused miss hog I'm accepted to three colleges and she said Todd you did well I said well you know God is good all the time oh y'all I know all the time God is good and we ate the favorite meal she loved my mother my father came out he loved her I said we good did my mother before we got from table my mother said now so-and-so calling the girl's name what do you see and talk she said Todd tell him what school you're going through I don't know yeah he said see so far oh everybody's quiet now she said the reason why you like my son I hope one person jumps on this is because you know he's connected to promise you don't like Todd you like hole you like his entitlement and you know that we don't let people in this family fail that changed my life I was mad at my mother for a year no I ain't mine but that was embarrassing cuz I really didn't know what school I was going to and this is what I want to say about mothers if I can get one of here when the mother tells you that her child is no good you need to believe that look i quietiy god and you mothers ain't real mothers cuz you let your girls date your son when you know he ain't nothin himself this is cuz most men now get it off of their looks in their talent but they ain't got no character you should be able to help these women cuz you know what was done to you now listen I don't care if it is your son throw him under the bus throw Jay bass way under the bus don't repeat the pass my mother did the best thing to me but it hurt back then but it helped me now she just let us eat but I didn't like that she wait till you finish eating and eat your dessert and you know brag and then after she exposes you for two stalkers none of the food feel right no more down there Todd how was my food is I daddy cooked better when she embarrassed me I thought the father would help me my father my biological father looked over at my stepmom cuz that was his wife and she raised me very well looked over at me and all he did was say pass the chicken I'm saying got nothing to say he said it's already said buddy he said cuz you don't know what school you going to do you and you with a woman who already know where she's going so how did you love something that don't know where they at you see parents ain't even talking oh well let him be young no young young no more but let me get out of it this this woman 12 minutes tells her son all his life he got all these brothers I love all your brothers but I declare I'm sorry the other one that I had you but now when the Bible speaks of him from the view of God's Word for one screamer the Bible says I don't care what his mother called him he was more honorable Oh see nobody stuck trust me I'm a breach this cuz it gets a little personal you cannot care about what the majority says about you what they really hate for screamers is that you ain't like them you you are not another you're the other y'all ain't talking to me I'm gonna be me
Channel: Greater Open Door COGIC
Views: 35,170
Rating: 4.7509727 out of 5
Keywords: cogic, god, garon harden, todd hall, dr todd hall, Prophet Todd Hall, todd hall 2014, justmoveon
Id: ujHKNQ53lDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 54sec (3354 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2014
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