Dr. T. Colin Campbell: Use Your Diet to Prevent Diseases | Exam Room LIVE: Health All-Stars

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is what you eat making you more vulnerable to a cold or the flu or perhaps even something worse we're looking at diets and the immune system with an icon of nutrition welcome to the exam room live Health All-Star series brought to you by the Physicians committee hi I am the weight loss Champion Chuck Carol thank you so very much for watching and downloading and more than 150 countries around the world this is episode 5 of our health All-Star series and it features a gentleman Who belongs on the Mount Rushmore of nutrition Dr T Colin Campbell author of The China Study joins us today we are going to be finding out how the dinner that you ate last night could be impacting your immune system today and perhaps even major diseases too like cancer stay tuned lots to talk about so if there's a question that you would like to ask Dr Campbell go ahead post that in the comment or in the chat we're going to get to as many as we can when we open up the doctor's mailbag in just a little bit but first let's go go ahead and welcome Dr T Cola Campbell back to the exam room live sir thank you so very much for making the time thank you Chuck it's a delight let's talk about the diet and the immune system how intertwined is the strength of our immune system and the food that we're eating it's very very strong it's not talked about enough but I should first point out that the immune system is only one system in the body so whereas you know we can talk about the details of that relationship keep in mind there's all kinds of other systems hormonal system neurological systems so forth so on and what so what tends to happen in an immune system also happens in the other systems as well uh so it isn't it you know that that's a stand in isolation but uh to come back to your question uh the diet that is Whole Food and plant-based uh is the kind of diet that serves all these systems simultaneously that's an important point to keep in mind uh and so the and and you know the event system is such that it holds a lot of memory from previous you know exposures let's say it's a various pathogens it holds a lot of memory and so if the passenger comes around again or something similar you know it can actually organize his efforts just beautifully and so what tends to work with let's say one pathogen tends to work with another I think that's the main point and of course these days we're talking about viruses oh absolutely so you know we that's what we do most of the conversations is going of course yeah you know it's it's funny I was just this morning looking at uh the local paper here and was going through and they were talking about this new uh variant uh with uh with covet here and it's you know supposedly more contagious than the last variant and I'm just wondering here you know how much of our own natural immunity do you think in terms of the pandemic how much of that natural immunity are we leaving on the table by continuing to pile on our table with highly processed food fast food high fat refined types of foods but the answer to that's kind of tricky it's not tricky in my mind it's not very clear but it's very confusing for a lot of people uh basically uh if we're eating the wrong food the immune system is going to go Haywire to say the least and so that is as I said the whole food plant-based diet I'm sure you ought to agree on that um and there's we can look at a lot of the details of that uh what I'm almost afraid to say this but I'm going to say it anyhow I've been really concerned about the discussion the surrounding the whole covet experience in my research program we've worked you know on a virus and even more serious virus I would argue than a covet virus we've been working with that since the 1980s late 1980s in China and uh we had a big survey there at one time in the early uh 80s second time the late 80s in any case let me just refer you to some data that we have it's really a Monumental body of data uh Hepatitis B virus is the virus we're talking about it causes cancer it causes cancer so when we surveyed 8990 people to be exact adults uh at a point in time about 1989 at that time uh we collected a lot of nutrition information we also collect a lot of immune function information in other words amount of antibodies whether it was active virus pressure and so forth here's a resource we got those who consume animal food even a small amount like even 10 of what we have here I didn't expect to see anything but what we saw was those who consumed a small amount of animal food they maintained the presence of the active virus they did not form the antibodies in contrast those consuming more plant food they're the ones that made the antibodies okay and it turns out that the people consuming some animal food they were the ones that got the virus and died those who presume the more plant food got the antibodies did not die is that clear and so we looked at this question a little more carefully in the laboratory as well involving an experimental mice in this particular case and it turns out there's a whole bunch of mechanisms that are involved in this process once you get lost in this kind of thing but the one that's most most current I would say we looked at the presence of T cells where now the department of surgical companies are working hard to try and find a ways T cells now T cells are natural killer cells control from those States these are cells produced by an immune system and they're sitting there ready to go to work quickly when when an infection comes on board and so what we found was the in a special end of a study at least those who consume more animal protein they're the ones that got the virus they're the ones that died of liver cancer and their T cells were depressed I mean details are good things it's our defense one of our defense mechanisms from the immune system if you will uh and so people consuming this whole food plant because they want and if I can use a shorthand on that uh they were the ones who were the active immune system and among many other things one of the things it did was increased T cells a good thing they're talking a lot about that right now in the present day with the quarterbacks let's figure out a way to get the details up you know the easiest way to get T cells up maintain eight simply and a giant without animal protein very simple and that changes the whole that and I just want to add one more point I know what I'm saying here for a lot of people it's kind of shocking they've never heard such a thing before I took those data submitted them for publication at the beginning of the pandemic that you are the best known journals in the Western World well the whole world actually I've published here before I've published like 375 papers so I'm on editorial because it's not like I'm unknown a publish extensively I set it into those two journals do you know this the first time I ever saw this happen they wouldn't even review our results spectacular results because I was simply suggesting what we saw in China could have great relevance for covert 19. they didn't want to hear it I never saw this before that just simply would not review it finally I had to go to a journal and published in the European commission Journal of nutrition so it did get published but you know it's just not getting the recognition as the other and so I had another occasion was that they just simply didn't want to hear somebody's sitting there on a throne did not want this information to get out and I'm really really confident that the one mechanism we have for dealing with these viruses wherever they come from variants or original virus or whatever doesn't make a difference one one thing that we can do to protect ourselves keep ourselves healthy eat the right diet so quite frankly I'm going to say this and I have not I don't care what people call me we decided not to get the vaccine my wife and I we're older obviously I'm 88 she was 81. and my God you know kids and everybody else said you're crazy you're crazy we did not get the vaccine so then finally just about two months ago now we got covered oh my God you know and so what happened we had no favor we had no headache we had no nausea my life is just we had some sleepins no fatigue for six days she had hers for about eight nine days a bit of a cough that went with it and that was it exactly what I thought would happen but they would not allow the public to hear that this is really I'm going to argue not just because I'm saying that this particular relationship of diet with the immune system that you ask about as it relates to let's say a virus disease as well as other positive by the way but that relationship we need to talk about it but the system within which we are now living does not want that to happen I'm supposedly immoral you know all the rest of it it's really very painful this is what science has come to I would imagine that that does bring quite a Sting with it um you've though throughout the course of your career really faced a lot of uh rejection and ridicule haven't you I mean in some ways although the pandemic for most of us is a new experience um kind of that skepticism outright rejection that's something that's really been following you I mean for decades at this point yeah it sure has and that's my new book is focused on that I'm going to tell exactly some details the public is going to be absolutely floored to hear I spent about 20 years of my career actively involved in political uh sort of policy Improvement of Health policy development Washington off and on so I was in that sector we did a lot of research in the lab I teach a lot and so I kind of covered the Spectrum but in 1980 or 1970 879 I was on a government committee at that time and there was some interest being expressed as a committee determining who gets grants for cancer research there was only about 13 14 of us or so it played rather important committee and there was some interest being expressed about nutrition at that time because we were getting some applications then I did not want to use the word vegetarian because I don't care for the argument that the scientific argument was that so I had to come up with a nut something else and they asked me to explain to them I was the only nutritious on that committee to explain to them what's the nutrition all about as if that's possible I did my best but I want to come up with a new word I called it plant-based and then about six years later when I was on another sort of government activity I the word hole came into view from real data so that's where the whole food beverage that came from that was the late 70s early 80s and um so I I've been there I've seen this kind of thing going off in the background when I started talking about the fact that animal protein turns on cancer they can turn it off it's the early 80s for me that was spectacular because that said to me a number of things but some really big Ideas number one is nutrition it controls disease not to genes that start their disease that's number one and the fact that we could turn on and turn off disease that maybe you could be treated after you get this disease you can turn it off I mean there's pretty huge ideas when I said that and I was at the top of my Society at the time I was just having to nominate for president of the society I was in fact a congressional representative for uh I took a term at that for the whole biomedical research Community what did they do they potentially to have me thrown out of my Society the first and only time that happened in the 65-year history of the society I survived that and I did some other things and the more I spoke what I believe to be the truth on the basis of evidence on the basis of Everest we had the more trouble I got into and I could go through a whole Litany of these kind of experiences that are pretty it might be pretty disgusting and it really came to light it really came to light during the pandemic um in fact uh it's just I could go on and off about that job but you know and I know I'm saying a lot of things here that will Troublesome folks but anyone who's troubled by that all they need to do go look at the data the data I've published and tell me what's wrong with it I would invite anyone who wants to dispute what I say tell me what's wrong with it I rely on science and I would expect day two will have to rely on science so where's that long answer but you you set me off Chuck so that's what it is well you're just making my job easy on me today my friend that's fewer words for me um speaking of uh government policy uh I have a question here from Holly uh she's a fan of yours she's read The China Study and she said that when she was reading the connection between uh government policy uh and our health here in the book she said she got really frustrated and she's wondering have things improved at all since the release of the book given what it was you just said I'm kind of left scratching my head as well well not much has happened uh maybe the best thing that's happened is kind of crept into the language if you will is the word plant-based I mean we I had to kind of live with that like I should put it in print early 80s but so maybe it didn't get a lot of exposure I don't know but it kind of started getting out there because that's what I was talking about it uh so the word has gotten around as we all know uh pretty far and wide and so the policy community in at USDA that's what makes a dietary guidelines committee for example we hear about every five years uh they have been picking up on this concept and given some attention to the idea that plant-based nutritionist maybe not a bad idea so it's getting more and more play so I have to say I guess almost reluctantly that yes getting someplace but the real the real statements that need to be made are not now being made that's that's the problem but keep in mind the agency in the government responsible for giving Dieter advice for the American public if you will that's the United States Department of Agriculture USDA uh and they I say they Revisited that question every five years what's a group of scientists I should add uh but in any case uh they haven't changed their languages that much so what do we have we have a system bug which the public is not getting any kind of information they really need to get and at the same time we as taxpayers are paying subsidies serious system of our money to support the very Food Industries that do not need to support but it makes more sickness we have more more sick people about the highest of the world almost the Western World so we get sick okay don't worry about it because we have another agency the health and human services that is responsible for producing drugs to keep us well so again again I've been I I know I've been uh controversial for a lot of people but all I would say look at the facts you know we own opinions we don't own facts that's what keeps me going I should really try to work hard I mean I came from a farm not any cows you know every day get up in the morning 4 30 in the morning stuff like that I know very well and and hi and produces High animal protein so when I went to a school and his graduate school I did my doctoral dissertation on some procedures to advance the consumption of more animal protein so I came from the other side of the railroad tracks totally 100 and so I had to wrestle with that and that's that's what caused some of my problems because uh how could how could I dare if you will you know question my own research Community oh you Rebel you you are a rebel sir yeah that's the way it's been but you know there's no other way around it I don't I don't make choices except they're just to try to deal with what I see to be the truth and I had to change my own mind I had a lot of vices like everybody else well I wanna you mentioned milking the cows and growing up with with dairy um that brings me to casein I wanted to ask you about that today as well you're you know widely quoted as saying that casein is uh one of the most significant carcinogens that we consume um how does the casein uh in Dairy how does that compare to what the World Health Organization would classify as a group one or group 2A carcinogen and red and processed meat yeah I know that organization very well in fact I've lectured before them they're in Lyon France that's where the laboratory is uh and we have two organizations in this country National organizations uh one in uh Raleigh Research Triangle Park in North Carolina the other in Arizona but anyway they set that aside I I've really been involved in that space um and they're the ones that to moderate control or whatever organize the so-called testing procedure you know for determining what's their car season what's not um that's called the bioassay method uh and uh so I know fairly well and I know the structure of how it's done what is done is this um most people think and as well as those who are involved in this kind of work too that one of the chief causes of cancer is environmental chemicals hanging around here there wherever and so there's been efforts made for the last 60 years to determine which chemical causes cancer which doesn't uh as I don't want to get the details in this particular case but it's it's done in rash studies uh you feed different different levels of course that of suspect carcinogen at fairly high levels and if you see any cancer then you try to extract right back to see what level it might be allowed for human exposure okay the question is that we tend to assume are important or they're environmental chemicals and now we have a lot of environment chemicals so some of them are nasty I don't mean to detract from that that notion we've got to be careful with that but the ones who actually caught the chemicals that actually cause cancer the most almost no evidence epidemicological uh there's almost no evidence that these chemicals are really causing cancer what's because those chemicals are the ones that attack the genes mutate them and so forth as that's part of the equation path but what really controls the cancer is the nutrition we consume the kind of diet we have which doesn't deal with that but when we to go back to your question when we take one of those nutrients that really is pretty potent and causing cancer namely animal protein if we put that in the system and they won't do it I've listened to that group as well they won't do it they try to sidestepp it there's no question that technically chasing is the most potent chemical carcinogen ever it's not tested it's not official they wouldn't do that but I'm talking you know the hundreds thousand times or maybe a million times more potent in terms of increase in cancer rates to follow that model that are the environmental chemicals so when I say that once again I know it's controversial but if I would just ask someone to just challenge me on on the basis of the evidence Let's uh let's bring the immune system back into this as well um I think a lot of people when they think about the immune system they think exclusively about things like you know the covid-19 or the cold or the flu a sinus infection something like that the immune system also can work to fight cancer can it not yes in fact one of the ways it does that by the way there's two major ways uh one of which is the T cells I spoke to before uh that's the immune system reaction and what what the T cells do uh when let's just start to begin cancer starts with a mutation and these chemicals are around can cause irritation they're very rare to be honest about it but we have in our system an ability to be able to repair those mutations but some of them don't get repaired they slip through and so the cell divides and now it's producing a cancer with a potential to be carcinogenic okay it's important okay at that particular Point that's when the T cells come into play and attacks those cells so uh yes to answer your question uh healthy immune system can actually handle this likelihood if you will or probability in some cases of getting cancer the immune system plays a role it plays a role excuse me uh the major one being as I mentioned before there at least one where we know about I'm sure it's a other mechanisms too but the whole idea of producing T cells and Joe will control the cancer sure that's one of the mechanisms by the way one among many why an animal protein-based diet low in antioxidants and all that sort of stuff that's why excuse me it uh it uh you know leads to cancer and let me let me ask you this as you take a sip of water here um when it comes to cancer a lot of people also say well look you know there's a huge genetic component that comes into that so if if somebody's mother has had breast cancer and their father has prostate cancer their grandmother may be ovarian cancer and their grandfather another form of cancer lung cancer you have all of that working against you but if you then eat a whole food plant-based diet like you and I have been talking about here what are the chances of being able to break that cycle how do they compare to the average person well again you kind of have to make some measurements to go wrong there but the data are really strong we could eliminate I I without a doubt in my mind at least 80 if not 90 percent of all cancers you know with this kind of diet that's the way it works because if you look at the relationship between let's say the amount of cancer for a number of different chances but relationship between the kind of diet we're talking about and the rate of cancer for different countries is very clear those who are consuming closer to this whole foods that idea the race of cancer are very very low so he looked at the differential between the highest and lowest and that's why in part I get my number from the 89 percent so diet is really important in that sense and it's a nutritional effect it's not the chemical effect now the chemical effect as I mentioned before uh is sourced out causing a mutation of the gene that's how cancer starts a normal Gene will be changed mutated if you heard the other word and Note and then when that cell divides it it produces a daughter cell that's got the partition to form cancer in a few rare cases but it's just there is nasty you'll want that and so then as I say the body comes into play again to create some cells from the immune system to keep under control well let's let's talk about what uh one of the healthy diets is that's out there you know everybody says that look you should be eating this low-carb diet well it's not everybody but a lot of people now say look cutting out the carbs is the healthiest way to go uh based off of what it is that you're telling us here today it seems like if somebody were to take uh carbs out of their diet they probably then would not necessarily have the strongest immune system because they wouldn't be able to eat all of those Whole Foods that you're saying there's such great benefit from correct um the hopeful that I mean I'm sorry caught up another idea the low carb diet uh really first started that being called The Atlas diet that was in 1973 approximately uh and Dr Atkins uh was uh troubled in his college by some of the things that were being mentioned at that time the possibility of eating more vegetables than fruits and Grains so there was pushback the story that was a pushback kind of idea so Atkins had claimed uh that uh you know we what we the real problem with our diets was all that carbohydrate which only helps in Plants by the way so it was an indirect but fairly effective message for the public don't eat so many carbs you know and what he was really saying was don't eat all that plants you don't need that you know these animals animal food and so it started out with the Atkins diet now let me say this here real quickly um the acid when something goes on a low-carb diet uh pretty routinely they'll lose weight if they have weight to lose there's no question about that also at the same time their cholesterol tends to drop that was nice impressive so that'll tend to hang around for a bit maybe multitude a little longer for but the problem is people don't stay on it so in the short run we can see what looked like to be beneficial effects that's what's attractive to people I'm gonna lose some weight you know you hear the United States as they go on the local day but in reality they're on a high pro edible protein diet if they stay there more than six months a year they're well on the way to getting heart disease so it's a short-term effect that's the way biology works the short-term effects is what they're talking about so it was a nationalist diet and the acids diet is low carb if you will then it came up with a lot of other names they kept changing the name over the years to make it look like a new diet like a paleo diet for example oketo diet they're all the same covered diet keto diet low carb diet you name it so uh it's been a pushback against the whole food prep is that that's what it's been highly motivated you know by let's say for a profit sector uh companies if you if you will uh and so uh and in short term we see some things that look kind of interesting yeah who doesn't want to lose weight you know for those who have a little pressure you know the story uh junk and so um and people get on a joke but the vast majority of cases people are off of it by six months yeah sometimes a little bit longer uh sometimes it'll kind of hang around but you know I I worry about those people because a long time Africans himself died of heart disease well that doesn't get talked about all that often now does it um all right we've got about uh 10 minutes left here so if there's a question that you have for Dr Campbell posted in the comments or in the chat we're going to open up the mailbag in just a second here matter of fact let's do that now we'll take a question from Tim uh Tim is wondering whether you noticed if there was a stronger relationship between animal proteins and uh the immune system or cancer uh in men or women uh does it matter the sex or is the effect they're the same no it's about the same I mean different cancers obviously women of breast cancer if you will urine cancer is part of the problem for for that gender uh in the case of man is prostate cancer you know obviously so we got some differences there but otherwise on the crisis like colon cancer or even some of the non non-cancerous issues if you will chronic kidney disease may be uh you know heart disease obviously uh those as far as I am aware not much difference in the race they're both they're you know the wrong kind of diet edible protein if you will will increase the rate for those diseases of both sizes so the only distinction between them is the breast and urine cancer let's say in the case of women prostate cancer in the case of men I want to say a quick hello to Stanley who's joining us live for the first time from Johannesburg South Africa that is very neat we also have um who else is joining us live for the first time Caitlyn made it to the live today thank you so very much for being here um question coming in at 1202 from Connie wondering what your opinion is on soy I find it hard to have a conversation about cancer without soy coming into the conversation where do you weigh in on the soy debate yeah that's a kind of old story it started near the beginning of my career when I was watching the Philippines actually when the U.S and the Philippines were in some business discussions at the time but in any case soy was competitive one was first introduced was a potential competitor to the dairy industry there was discussions about the fact that soy protein might be better than you know milk protein if you will uh and so there was you know I say trade and accusations this is between these two organizations it turns out soy does have substances in it that have some hormonal activity that could be argued could increase cancer yeah that's that and one side really took that to the to the bank basically and well it's always got questions that it's going to cause breast cancers that's nonsense total nonsense because the carcinogen light I mean I'm sorry the hormonal like activities in soy actually turn out to be anti -formal in other words an anti-estrogenic I should say they're anti-essergetic so that whatever hormone activities is seen you know in a test tube or or you know what a tissue plate or whatever in the laboratory that level is very low and it's good it actually tends to lost their hormone that yes there's any activity that would otherwise occur in the case of animal Foods so soy forget it don't get concerned about the claims that soy somehows has uh you know estrogenic activity and therefore they have higher risk of breast cancer not true not true is a it's one of those things that goes on in policy in the corporate world where they're trading they're trading blows and accusations and all the rest of it so it's kind of stuck around for a long time because uh soy is now finally I'm talking about times before so is being used before soy milk was available since that time so milk has now become available as you know and tofu and all the rest and uh so it's just a big it's a big product let's face it oh it's probably a big big product now uh not quite on the level of cheese though let's go back to that conversation talk about casing for a moment a question from Stephen Turner at 12 18. Stephen is wondering whether the protein found in cheese is primarily casein yes about 85 to 90 percent of its casing that's a pretty high number it is yeah I think that that's what the number is for not let me back off just for a second that's the number uh we get any more more specific about that they it's generally 87 to be you'd be more and dairy and so you take the dairy and make it up and I think it more or less is still around that level they just have a percent of the total protein is in fact casing Monica at 12 17 is wondering what your thoughts are Dr Campbell on a diet that is based in raw fruits and vegetables and soups and potatoes and even white rice so I guess a primarily raw diet is there any difference between cooked food and raw food in terms of health in your eyes well there's certainly been a lot of claims you know that's better it's makes the enzymes that are sorry about that [Music] of course my TV down but but anyhow um yeah raw food raw food is uh it's night I mean salads let's face the salads are very good in that particular case but to subsist an entirely raw food diet I don't see any evidence to uh suggest that that's really better um so and the question concerning the effect of raw food on gastric enzymes or intestinal enzymes and stuff like that I also think that's kind of over the top uh so but rolfo's yeah let's let's have draw first eating fruits and vegetables and salads and stuff like that it's a good deal and a lot of them uh but we can cook oh my gosh we can cook Without Really any harm or fur with that in that particular case no no condensing data I've ever seen that does that let's take two more quick ones here we've got a question from teak at 12 32 uh wondering whether they would be right in concluding that uh food can prevent cancer but it's also beneficial in terms of cancer that may already be existing and helping that person in their fight that's a good question uh that's one that uh again uh some of us in the trade have been you know hoping that that kind of thing can happen and and uh in fact my son who's a physician of course I'm like one of my sons uh who co-authored the book with me has been now doing that kind of study early stages got some really interesting data uh the problem is it's difficult to get that kind of work uh funded because uh if you're casual a beneficial effect uh that kind of throws a you know a sort of a Barb in a way of let's say relying on chemotherapy so but I I'm of the opinion let me emphasize this opinion based on my awareness reality with the data um and that is that the hope for plant-based diet uh should you know be able to and we have some data that I'm talking about that can actually let's say hold stable the progression of that cancer and in the laboratory reversion so whether one wants to take that to the bank or not as a you know personal choice but I don't see how and given all the data we now have that uh that would can only be helpful all right uh We've covered a lot of ground here today so let's take a curveball kind of a fun question to wrap things up uh Joan at 12 12 Dr Campbell get ready for this one Joan is wondering what your favorite meal would be if you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would that be I I ate what my wife prepares yeah she's she's been fantastic really we've been married for more than 60 years by the way and we've got five drone children and so forth and so she kind of got into it was I was seeing the data emerged at that time starting in the 1970s uh you know it started looking better and better we started to change the change so it's what she did she just started you know grabbing the recipes or whatever and then making up some of her own and stuff like that uh and uh so uh yeah my favorite meal is uh what we have salads believe it or not you can actually get enthralled with salads at lunchtime uh I never thought that would be possible but you know we kind of like that uh but the rest of it is uh you know like fruits along the way uh and in the evening we had she has a obviously different kinds of measure in place we like Thai food without much oil in it uh Chinese food they're some of our favorites um and uh gosh what else can I say I mean there's so many different foods out there I know potatoes are great rice is great whole grain you know the whole grain uh rice if you will or our wheat is better probably um and the potatoes yes the whole thing so what you're saying is you're not going on a low-carb diet anytime soon no way you know about 80 percent of my energy comes from carbs thank you Dr Atkins there you go Hey listen right now uh you can head over to nutritionstudies.org and sign up to get Dr Campbell's plant-based certificate from E Cornell there is 15 off right now during the winter sale um so many thousands of people have gone through your e Cornell program and come out um what is that experience like for people who register for your classes it was it's very gratifying to say say that they said man I was teaching that course at Cornell University at the time as a kind of uh just a lot of students want to hear something about this and so I had of course gold was very popular with the students but then it was taken out of the catalog another experience I had you know by someone who has had a great religious to the dairy industry he wasn't supposed to do that I went all the way to the president University on that one but even the president couldn't act on it either so I said they said why don't you go on this online course we have it at the time it was new so it was you know kind of tentative so I I went to the online program that the University was just picking up at the time and we organized before that so it was an orange measures are some of the course that I was teaching you on the campus but now after after that got going we got a lot of other people coming speaking in that course I don't know I think we've had like 20 something like that and incidentally one more thing you're going to have new coming up soon he's a completely Spanish version of that course there's 500 million Spanish-speaking people in the world so we're very excited about that opportunity coming up my my daughter who has a doctorate in the Ashley education of curriculum development she's now the president of this organization love to hear that that's fantastic there's so many people out there that need to be reached all over the world who all speak all different languages and the more that we can do to reach them the better off we all will be there's no question about that so nutritionstudies.org is the website to go to to sign up right now 15 off during the winter sale Dr T Colin Campbell this has just been such a real treat thank you so very much for taking some time out of your busy schedule to join us today thank you and that Chuck you make it worthwhile you make it worthwhile you you tried it yourself so congratulations to you thank you my friend I greatly greatly greatly appreciate that we will talk to you again soon okay thank you all right our health All-Star series will roll on tomorrow with Cyrus combata from mastering diabetes also coming up this week the plant power doc Gemma Newman will be here with us and then we're going to be unlocking the secrets of the longing the longest living communities in the entire world when Dan buettner from the blue zones joins us on Thursday then we're going to wrap everything up with a plant-based diet Revolution and our good friend Dr Alan Desmond will be here from across the pond as well each show starts at noon Eastern 9 A.M Pacific on YouTube and on Facebook and of course you can grab the podcast on Apple podcast or Spotify or wherever it is that you get your shows but for today my friends that is all the time we have thank you once again to Dr Campbell for being here with us and also to the crew behind the scenes for making the magic happen and to you exam roomies thank you so very much for joining us and asking great questions and raising your health IQs for everybody here at the Physicians committee I am the weight loss Champion Chuck Carroll we'll talk to you again tomorrow but until then keep it plant-based
Channel: Physicians Committee
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Length: 41min 35sec (2495 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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