The BEST Vegan Grab & Go Breakfast

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we get a lot of questions for travel food snack food food you can take on an airplane I have got the most delightful chickpea F tatas they are so easy to make it sounds fancy but they're just a fluffy perfect little muffin for eating anytime I'll show you how to make them here we go hey everybody this is Dylan and this is rebs you know we're all about helping you to stick to your plant-based diet by making it so easy that you can't go eat a bunch of junk food we have got chickpea fatatas today and they are the opposite of junk food they are so healthy but so handy they are so handy because you can take them with you to work shopping on an airplane yes they'll go through security just fine they freeze well we get a lot of questions for snacks that also freeze well now you don't just have to worry about pimping potato in my pocket you can have a chickp fata in your pocket too that's like extra fancy it is fancy but they're very simple don't get caught up on the word fata just sub for muffin if you prefer come on in Rees let's make these frittatas the first step to making these frittatas is to chop a few veggies whatever you've got you don't have to get too caught up on what's going in here following a recipe anything like that yes we have a recipe Down Below in the description box of the video but you don't have to follow it exactly the same every time I'm starting with one bell pepper this is a pretty big bell pepper but whatever the amounts are always very forgiving in our recipes you don't have to worry about oh that's too much too little just pick some things out of your fridge that you've got and throw it in here we're just making a batter and then we're going to throw some chunky veggies in there go the cultural influence flavor profile that you prefer like I always like Latin Foods probably my number one Indian is probably my number two so how would you apply that to this recipe well we're already going a little l in here I see that you have a heno we are throwing in a jalapeno jalapeno applies to very many ethnic foods you could go black beans you could serve it with salsa black beans be really good oh yeah salsa on the side you could just make these potatoes with Pico and if you don't want to chop you could just take our veggie blend reconstitute it soak it in water or simmer it on the stove till the veggies are soft and you can just throw those into the batter and and that's it no chop needed so you got options oo I like that we're just going to throw all these in a bowl all the veggies jalapeno boom here we go if you don't want a jalapeno we got plenty of bell pepper already in this mix so you can just leave this out you can sub it for anything you want sometimes I love to put chopped zucchini throw in a tomato this is just Aroma tomato whatever we'll keep the guts in and everything sometimes I take the core out of the middle but it doesn't matter you can chop it into any whatever size you like how about some onion or a shallot I was feeling fancy because of the whole fata thing and I don't need a lot the shallot is just kind of conveniently shaped and size take the outer layer off here and we've got a shallot what is a frittata is it a breakfast food frittata is traditionally an egg dish a fluffy kind of egg dish which is going to have a similar consistency to what we'll end up with but no egg egg is not a healthy food we're doing it with chickpeas which will give you lots of delicious healthy calories and no loads of cholesterol for example but you can enjoy these anytime a day anytime day how about a little corn here's some fire roasted corn this is just frozen corn you could use a can of corn whatever spach is so good in this dish throw in a little bit of chopped spinach you won't regret it I don't like big pieces cuz these are going to be like a little muffin so you don't want to take a bite and then get spinach all over your face shall it we make a better shall it we make a better we've got chickpea flour it's an item you should definitely be using if you're not already next up some well your world nutritional yeast gives it a nice cheesy flavor any nutritional yeast will do but ours just happens to be the best you can buy it on our website throw it in get some baking powder in there that'll make these fluff up real nice and some dried basil this is just a randomly selected dried herb anything that you like parsley basil cilantro whatever you feel let's whisk this up a little bit just so it's all mixed together some minced garlic I got to have lots of garlic in here so we're going with a good tablespoon or so if you want to have an eggy kind of a sulfury flavor black salt if you've never experimented with it obviously most of what we do we don't add salt to our dishes but if you're going for a unique flavor and you miss the egg thing is part of your old life you could add a little bit of black salt flavor if you're through that stage of your whole food plant-based eating then maybe you don't care about that like we don't really care about that just a couple cups of water we're going to throw into our uh dry stuff whisk it all around get all the chunks out and all that let's throw in all these veggies bring this all together look at this beautiful batter you got to have lots of veggies it's going to be the basis of your whole little frittata muffin I love that the chickpea batter just acts as a little binder for a mouthful of explosion of veggies exactly that is all we're doing now we've just got a simple little silicone muffin tray you can put little Liners in there if you want to but you don't have to they will come out pretty easily and let's just fill them up ooh don't fill them up too much they are going to uh expand a bit from the baking powder I'm filling this up a little bit a lot we've never known you to be careful D I'm not a very careful cook am I it's time to cook these up the thing about these muffin tins is the silicone version is they do move around a little bit what do you think of that it's perfect let's do it so we're just a few minutes in and they're already puffing up look at those Beauties yum it's time oh look at these Beauties oh they look so nice they puffed up beautifully you do want to let them cool for like 15 minutes or they'll fall apart when you're trying to take them out so let them cool off okay I know it's not like me to do that but you ought to youall want to see my cool down hack let's see it D this is how I cool down Luca's oatmeal in the morning with an old hair dryer but hair dryers are hot you got to have the cool button you don't want to blow hot air at something to cool it down and you just hold the button just like that cooling it down it works it really works so when you're done with the hair dryer do you put it back in your bathroom or in the kitchen this is the kitchen haird dryer it's not for hair oh it just looks like a hair dryer it's called a food cooler are you ready to dig into these yeah we don't want them to all fall apart I should probably let them cool more a top of the muffin to you well they don't stick it's not a question of that they come out nicely you just need to let them cool you can see they're still steaming heavily oh they're so good they really do have like a little omelette sort of vibe I mean that came out pretty well for me being very impatient and not letting them cool but they'll come out just fine if you let them cool if they seem a little soft or more moist than you want them in the middle just cook them for 5 more minutes no big deal 35 to 40 minutes and there should be plenty but the flavor is just fantastic I love the chunky veggies the chickpea flour it's just a perfect mix okay re show us how it's done this is a lot of pressure it is a lot of pressure sweating I still haven't patiently waited for them to cool but yeah they're definitely warm on the bottom the beautiful thing about these silicone muffin tins is they should just oh wow isn't that darling it's so cute it's perfect for a little brunch the veggies just do the job you could add some spices some of our seasoning Blends some Italian whatever you're feeling up to that day we did a little basil but it really doesn't need much all the Fresh Veggies make it so delicious this is a crowd pleaser for sure okay they're all coming out now see this is how it should go they just come right off there you have it folks if you like the look of that chickpea fata definitely get the recipe down below they're so good for snacking they keep really well and you are going to love them try them with our new dry and veggie mix too let me know how it goes thanks for watching this video we'll see you on the next one bye
Channel: Well Your World
Views: 79,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegan health, healthy vegan recipes, sos free, oil free, whole food, plant based, vegan, salt free, sugar free, whole food plant based, hclfvegan, wfpb, mcdougall, chef aj, well your world, high carb low fat, wellyourworld, savory muffins, vegan frittata, wfpb frittata, vegan brunch, wfpb brunch, oil free vegan brunch, vegan breakfast, wfpb breakfast, healthy breakfast, fast breakfast, easy breakfast, vegan fritatta, wfpb fritatta, oil free breakfast, oil free brunch, food
Id: C2y1zbq0xfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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