Metabolism Destroyed? Get It Back With Dr. Neal Barnard | Exam Room LIVE Q&A

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if you're struggling with your weight you may be wondering whether your metabolism is to blame well today we're going to show you how to supercharge [Music] it welcome to the exam room live brought to you by the Physicians committee hello I am the weight loss Champion Chuck Carol thank you so very much for watching and downloading in more than 150 countries and making the exam room one of the most consumed nutrition podcasts anyway on the planet today now listen I don't have to tell you that a sluggish metabolism it can set you back on the scale and it can even take a toll on your health well today though is all about getting you some help we are going to do a metabolism Deep dive how to speed it up why it slows down and when it slows down hello age and then what you need to power it back up and our guest today is the author of the book The Power Foods diet that can help you trap tame and burn calories for easy and permanent weight loss he is a multiple time best-selling author and a leading voice in nutrition he is Dr Neil Barnard and you know metabolism when it comes to weight loss it is a big part of that so if there's a question you have for Dr Barnard post it in the comments or in the chat we'll get to as many as we can when we open up the doctor's mail bag and with that we open up the conversation and welcome Dr barard back to the exam room live great to see you sir well hi Chuck it's great to be with you today it's great to have you here metabolism a Hot Topic always when it comes to weight loss I remember Dr Barnard being overweight and thinking that yeah despite the fact that I was eating all of this unhealthy food I really did have a slow metabolism and that was why I was so heavy how much Credence is there to that line of thought well metabolism is an important part of of weight control in fact your your body is burning calories all the time it's burning calories when you sleep it's burning even more calories when you wake up even more calories when you're exercising and doing things and what's happening within your body your muscle cells are big calorie burners they are burning calories first of all just to maintain your body temperature even when you're not moving walking lifting something your muscles are burning calories to maintain that 98.6 which is what makes humans different from crocodiles because crocodiles don't do that at all they've got to lie in the sun to get warm but human beings maintain body temperature and that requires calorie burning um but your metabolism can change uh you're not wrong and a slow metabolism can can lead to weight problems all right let's dive right into it we have a lot of questions about Metabolism from the exam roomies a lot of whom s them in ahead of time let's start with Rick and the big one that I'm sure many of our exam roomies tuning in right now are wondering and Rick's getting up there didn't give us a number everybody's getting up there clearly says Dr Barnard how does age affect metabolism and what can be done to mitigate the nasty effects of age in the slowing metabolism yeah don't age no okay there actually is a big drop off in metabolism and you know when it occurs it's not at 39 49 59 it's at between about four six eight months of age that's right little babies have the highest metabolism they are ever going to have in their whole lives because they are very rapidly growing uh their body is is constructing new body tissues and their metabolism is higher than it's going to be it comes down a little bit but then actually this is going to surprise you Rick uh that your metabolism stays really pretty constant through the early 20s 30s 40s yes 50s and after about 60 you do see for most people uh a drop off that's because of the calendar Pages turning it's typically because we are more inactive we've lost muscle mass and if you don't have muscles you don't have your calorie burners that's probably the big thing all right well let's talk about because it seems to me that the the drop off there is much later than a lot of us thought and I think that some of us feel like we were just born with slow metabolism like it's just in our DNA matter of fact Kimmy wondering about that what role do genetics play in determining a person's metabolism genetics do play a big role um there are some people and I and by the way I should say genetics play a role in many aspects of weight control uh your appetite set point can be in part genetically determined but so can your metabolism to a degree but Chuck maybe this is what um the the callers are are thinking about too is that sometimes our metabolism is slowing down and it has nothing to do with the biological clock it has nothing to do with age what it has to do with is as the years go by fatty foods that we have been gradually eating day by day contribute fats into the muscle cells and they interfere with the muscle ability to burn calories specifically what they do is as that we call it intramyocellular lipid builds up in the cell that's fat inside a muscle cell as it builds up glucose which is the fuel the muscle cell want to burn it can't get in anymore because the the cell is now filled with fat so that can happen over time but that's not the calendar page is turning and you will see that you could see that before kids get their high school diploma so let me ask you this we know that Inyo cellular lipid is a big contributor to diabetes are people who are living with diabetes then more prone to having a slower metabolism uh yes and sort of the reverse is also true that the same weight uh or the same issues where the fat is getting into the muscle cells that means that the sugar can't get into their diabetes tends to eventually become diagnosed um but the same thing by the same token if the sugar isn't getting in it's staying in the blood in the blood it cannot be burned it can't contribute to your metabolism to to to be able to burn it what we do is we get the fat out of the diet as we do the fat that's been building up in the muscle cells for years starts to dissipate the sugar the glucose that's in your blood will now suddenly get into your muscle cells and your muscles can burn it so the diabetes gets better yes your blood sugar comes down but your metabolism is recovering by the way it's not just uh in the muscles the liver does the same thing interesting so as that Fat's exiting as a person's losing weight they're exercising likely eating healthier the metabolism then naturally is being sped up right yeah your your metabolism will speed up um the other piece of this that you'll see is there there's more than one type of metabolism um the type that I was describing earlier when you're asleep that's your resting metabolism and that can easily be measured we call it your resting metabolic rate uh that varies uh dur depending on the time of day and it varies from person to person but there's another chunk of metabolism that you can change really rapidly um and it's your after meal metabolism sometimes called post prandial which is just a fancy word for after meal post post prandial metabolism or called the thermic effect of food the reason it's called the thermic effect of food is you eat a meal the nutrients from that meal are going in they are starting to go into your muscle cells and going into other cells of your body your your cells are doing work absorbing them they are getting in there they're getting burned and your metabolism ramps right up and you can measure it for three four five hours after the meal a much rap more rapid metabolism and the degree to which your metabolism Rises depends on what what you ate at that meal Angela is wondering if we could do a little bit deeper dive into you were talking about muscles being really key here and so she's kind of wondering well if I go to the gym and I'm on the treadmill and I see like this really big muscle bound person pumping iron is there metabolism going to be higher than mine because they have bigger muscle mass yes it will and let's say you're 85 years old you're in the nursing home and you're thinking what am I going to do because I'm you know I'd like to ramp up my metabolism even then if you give your muscles work to do they gradually increase in size and your metabolism is proportional to that very interesting I think a lot of people put like the onus completely on food here uh which obviously plays a big part but the muscle thing and and that brings exercise into the equation so that's that seems to be really kind of key here um well well you know but you know Chuck I mean I'm so glad you're raising this though forgive me for interrupting um both both really do matter so let's say you're exercising but the kind of exercise you're doing is aerobic exercise um you're brisk walking you're running you're playing tennis um that will burn calories acutely and your metabolism will rise uh because of the physical activity however you notice most runners aren't don't have massive musculature um they tend to be pretty slim because that's not a muscle building exercise if a person does do weightbearing exercise you do it with your lower limbs you can do it with your trunk you can do it with your upper limbs too do it with your arms that is what actually builds the size of the muscles and that then uh causes a more calorie burn interesting so I feel like we just knocked out one misconception there um Emily is wondering about what some other common misconceptions are about metabolism that you may have heard of through the years and what the truth actually is about them well I I have to say uh sometimes people think well dieting is really going to help dieting really can slow your metabolism and that is not a myth when people really go on the diet that focuses on calorie counting your body is almost thrown into sort of a hibernation where your metabolism goes down to preserve calories and you're saying to your body wait stop I'm trying to burn calories don't save don't don't try to save body fat but your body is not listening because your body was programmed if I can put it that way a long time ago when there was such a thing as a famine and the people who survived famine and passed their genes along were people who could reduce their metabolism to survive the famine if you couldn't if if if just reducing your uh food intake meant that you were just going to continue to burn calories uh you wouldn't have survived so it's unfortunately it's your body system and it and it really does fight uh fight the weight control efforts there's another chunk of this is um endocrine conditions can sometimes weigh in here most of them don't but there's one that needs to be mentioned and that's your thyroid um your thyroid gland right here at the base of your neck nobody even knows it's there it's kind of this Clark Kent of the endocrine world but it is in fact a Superman because it causes your body to ramp up its Calvary burning speed so your how does it work your thyroid gland takes iodine yeah iodine from iodized salt iodine from seaweed it converts it into thyroid hormone the thyroid hormone goes into your bloodstream it tells your muscles hey let's start burning calories faster um and if you decided Well I'm not gonna eat any iodized salt and I'm not gonna have any source of iodine in my diet for whatever reason um you become hypothyroid um and you don't have the energy that you need now iodine is a little B bit of a double-edged sword you don't want to overdo it you don't want to underdo it um but I recommend that people have seaweed in their diet every day Nori wakame you know the kind of stuff that they wrap around a sushi roll um don't have the fish fish sushi but the the Nori and the other seaweeds are a huge really healthy source of iodine iodized salt is good don't overdo it with salt but when you choose salt choose an iodized brand that will give your uh thyroid the help it needs if you wish to you can take an supplement usually marketed as kelp all right um let's take an interesting question from Lisa goes back to what it was you were talking about earlier in the show how your metab metabolism basically begins to slow uh shortly after you're born uh Lisa those looking at different stages of life and what are the um the effects that they have on metabolism specifically she's wondering about puberty pregnancy and menopause the different stages of Life there yeah terrific uh terrific Point puberty is a time where our metabolism is reason reasonably high but it doesn't actually slow a lot when you pass from puberty into your 20s and 30s it does continue to stay pretty stable uh menopause is a time when many women will say I am not making is up I I I just look at Food nowadays and I gain weight and that is that may be partly because of menopausal shifts um estrogen is a really tricky hormone it's the main Fe female sex hormone estradiol estrone estriol these are all estrogens and at menopause the amount of estradiol in your body goes down really quickly um and so people have thought well maybe that's the reason I'm gaining weight uh maybe but what also happens at menopause is we just are experiencing also the accumulated effects of tiny fat particles that have gotten into our muscles as the years have gone by so menopause itself may not really be to blame and and and also I H hasten to add that I don't think that taking hormone replacement is the answer keep in mind on farms uh to fatten up cows um estrogens are really commonly given and um uh it's very very very much a double-edged sword also when people have high levels of estrogen their cancer risk Rises um so the the accumulated fat inside our muscle and liver cells is the big issue also at menopause you do see some people being hypothyroid that's really an issue of partly the iodine that I mentioned partly it can also relate to the accumulated effects of foods that we have consumed uh in fact if you if you don't mind Chuck let me just give you a little bit of more information on this because here in the US most people are getting enough iodine so their thyroid has that but their iodine their their thyroid gland is getting attacked by antibodies what's happening is you consume dairy milk cheese yogurt the proteins in the dairy are perceived by the body to be a foreign Invader like uh a virus your body recognizes them is that it's a foreign protein but it's not a virus but your immune system attacks it antibodies form to attack it and those same antibodies attack your thyroid gland that's called Hashimoto thyroiditis and that actually is the most common form of hypothyroidism here in the United States so that's a big reason and we often see that midlife um let me go back and ask you about the pregnancy part of Lisa's question I know and I am certainly not the right person to be asking this question never been pregnant never will be pregnant don't even have a child nonetheless um there is this idea out there that when a woman is pregnant she's eating for two she can eat what ever she wants if there is that philosophy that is applied how detrimental could that be to her metabolism or do we even know what happens to a woman's metabolism during pregnancy has that been studied well she is eating for two um the thing to remember is one of you is extremely small um so it's not as if you're you're not you know you're not eating for a Mac Truck okay um that that baby is really small and so the weight gain in pregnancy should be um Moder it it shouldn't be it shouldn't be excessive but the the funny thing is that our our tastes or tastes during pregnancy do get a little crazy sometimes and appetite can get tricky and so uh people may tend to overdo it a little bit with certain foods and the weight that's gained during pregnancy is sometimes really hard to lose um but uh Pro tip breastfeed your baby um it's good for the baby I consider it really really important there there are some cases where it's not possible but if at all possible Do It um go to L League or talk with an older sister or cousin or your mother because the aarness or discomfort that is often kind of at the beginning of breastfeeding it'll typically melt away and you will be really happy you did it why am I talking about that in a metabolism program because when women breastfeed they lose their excess weight more more readily um it's good in many ways and it's the best darn thing you can do for your baby your baby also is more like to be healthy when the baby is breast F let's grab a question from Manny wondering what are the long-terms effect what are the long-term effects of having slow metabolism if somebody doesn't address the issue well if if you have uh a slowed metabolism that just continues you are going to see continued weight gain that tends not to get reversed it tends to continue and also you'll feel it I mean other people feel fine you feel cold um you may notice also that that um your hair and skin don't don't seem very healthy so a slow metabolism is not really healthy to maintain and boosting it back up uh Brian is wondering this is something that I've heard virtually my entire life that eating small frequent meals is critical for keeping metabolism up is there truth to that notion well you would think so because after a meal your body is absorbing the nutrients and that does ramp up the metabolism I was describing this earlier as the thermic effective food so every meal you have every snack you have does have a Metabolic Effect here's the problem with that reasoning is you're also taking in calories to make it happen so frequent small meals sounded like a great idea but when they've been put to the test they don't really lead to to to healthy weight loss and so now nowadays there's been a switch toward fewer but bigger meals so not that you're eating more overall but you're confining it to shorter periods of time and then fasting in between now when I say fast I mean you're just not eating overnight uh but instead of having eight or 10 small little meals during the course of the day this kind of grazing thing that that was uh being researched a lot in the 80s and 90s um now people are looking at more meal timing and having the meals earlier in the day and more calories packed in that time let me ask you this uh I remember being overweight at one point and thinking that eating more frequently was going to be my ticket to a healthier future um and I was working at a Mexican restaurant at the time not Taco Bell um but every 2 hours I thought that I had to eat and so we had these little mini tortillas and I would roll the kid-size burrito and it was always like a pork burrito or a beef burrito or something like that with a little bit of rice and beans guacamole all the good stuff in there uh at the time I thought and so uh I thought that that was really going to help me out uh really did not lose a whole lot of weight doing that if a person were to eat that kid-size burrito pork beef whatever the case may be probably not doing thems a lot of favors based off of what it was you just described and there it's not necessarily just a timing issue but it's also the type of food that a person is eating um if it's the pork if it's the beef you're getting that load of animal fat nine calories in every gram of fat going into your body so it's very dense calories and regrettably the same is true with the guacamole because it's the avocado is one of those very few fruits that's also quite high in fat and if vegetable oils are added as well what you're doing is you're just packing in a lot of calories so let's say a person does want to eat more frequently best choices get a banana get an Apple get an orange get some berries um the fruits tend to be uh good in the fact great sources of complex carbohydrates and natural healthy sugars that will stimulate your metabolism and they are not even remotely calorie dense to kind of put a fine point on this researchers did a study of apples and they asked people to eat three apples a day now nobody does that in reality but they said no this is research we're going to test it and what they showed is that by having three apples a day people didn't gain an ounce you would think adding all that food you would gain weight didn't gain weight at all in fact they lost weight why it's got a lot of water it's got a lot of fiber uh the calories that it does have are in the form of natural sugars and complex carbohydrates so best thing for your metabolism all right let's stick uh with the Mexican Fair a lot of people have a burrito they have a taco what do they want with it a nice cold cesa Stephen is wondering whether alcohol consumption can impact a person's metabolism I'm gonna break your heart here slows it down yeah so um Al yes alcohol has a lot of issues and it can slow your metabolism in addition to the other negative effects that it has so if you wanted to have something yes have that cocktail have it be virgin or just have a nice glass of water all right interesting question coming to us from Patrick I've never even thought about this one maybe you have how do environmental factors affect metabolism wondering specifically here about cold temperatures and high altitudes so I'll just say hello Denver as we ask this oh my goodness say um well cold temperatures needless to say what what happens when you're cold um you feel it you're you're shivering shivering is not something we do voluntarily it's it's one of these kind of clumsy mechanisms that your body figured out to use your muscles to make your muscles burn calories faster that's what shivering is it's an involuntary muscular activity to just increase calorie burn so yeah your metabolism will will ramp up uh with cold temperatures with higher altitudes I haven't seen uh evidence out of that um but let me have a check on that but the but with the cold temperatures absolutely and some people have tried to exploit this uh by um using cold showers and cold baths and stuff like that to stimulate metabolism probably more trouble than it's worth but you do see a little bit of a burn not going to name any names but I know somebody we work with who takes a cold shower every day and I just cannot get on board with that plan I just think I no showers were not intended to be cold if at all possible uh all right let's go back to uh the fatty food and the diet metabolism so we were talking about the pork fat the beef fat the animal fat Willie is wondering though about healthier fats such as those found in avocados nuts and olive oil what may they play in boosting a person's metabolism we have done studies where we bring in individuals and we we'll we'll measure their metabolism and the way you do it is you put a person in a chair comfortable chair they're relaxing they put on a mask uh they they're going to feel like a jet fighter pilot uh the mask is actually measuring their carbon dioxide output and you measure their oxygen input and with some really simple arithmetic I know your met metabolic rate and certain food foods cause that metabolic rate to rise however the foods that you mentioned are not in that category fatty foods have been tested and some reason fat will just kind of slide into your body Without Really increasing your metabolism at all the foods that tend to increase metabolism are not the fatty foods they're the foods that tend to have complex carbohydrate in particular or a mixture of carbohydrate and healthy protein um you can think of a bean for example or green vegetables they've got a really nice balance of protein and complex carbohydrate um those are the metabolism boosters and when your foods are have no fat in them or virtually no fat in them over time as the fat comes out of your cells that after meal metabolism that you get goes up and up and up and and O over the long run it'll increase about 15% if you followed a low-fat plant-based diet all right let's shift from fat to fatty acid take a question from Storm how do omega-3 fatty acids affect metabolism same story here um they sound good and and they they have important effects the Omega-3s have many effects in the body they deal with inflammation very helpful in many ways but their effect on metabolism is really nil is really nil all right what about folate this is an interesting one as long as we're just going down the nutrient list Gina how does folate impact metabolism Dr Barnard oh you know the B vitamins folate is a b vitam Vin uh the B vitamins are interesting um folate I'm not so sure that the effect on metabolism is really particularly hot but there's but its cousin is vitamin B12 which we talk about all the time it's something that that vegans need to to um to take frankly everybody needs to take vitamin B12 uh B12 does seem to be a little bit of a metabolism booster with folate not so much how much of an impact you say just a little are we talking like 1% 2% is it really scant of your your metabolism yeah yeah I don't I don't think it's really been studied enough for people to actually quantify it but what we've seen is that there does seem to be somewhat of an effect uh on it which is has been a little bit surprising because we really thought that the resting metabolism was not going to change much unless you had more muscle mass um the one that really does is easy to change is the thermic effect of food after the meal but the B12 May well affect rusting metabolism but my Su my suspicion Chuck is that the the change is rather modest oh by the way don't race out to the store and get an enormous amount of B12 um to do this the amount that your body needs is minuscule the amount you need is 2.4 micrograms that's the RDA for adults you go to the store you look at how much is in the in the the foods and you don't see any that say 2.4 they say 500 a, 2,000 10,000 okay that's a lot um taking 100 200 500 fair enough I would suggest not going beyond that unless you're taking it maybe every other day all right let's shift over to amino acids uh and can deficiencies in specific amino acids affect a person's metabolism that comes to us from Patricia uh it's a great question I don't really know the answer with this what what we do know is that amino acids in general do are are part of the metabolism boosting uh apparatus amino acids in general those are the building blocks of protein and the foods that stimulate the after meal calorie burn are foods that are mixtures of amino acids ideally from plant sources along with healthy complex carbohydrate that's really the combination and by the way when you're looking for amino acids let me suggest not getting them from animal products that was the old thinking uh but Harvard researchers put that to the test they thought if PL if animal products seem to have such great protein what's the health benefit and by observing people over a long period of time they discovered that people who would switch to plant proteins plant sources of amino acids they tended to have substantially less mortality so yes get your amino acids get them from plants which seems to hint toward how you might answer this next question about Dairy proteins comes to us from Bell and how Dairy protein can in fact affect metabolism as well well you know protein is protein so so uh in theory Dairy protein ought to be helpful but as I mentioned earlier when the Harvard researchers specifically tested Dairy protein and yes it does have protein in it but mortality was substantially reduced when people would switch from dairy to plant protein so it is protein it does have amino acids in it but for some reason mortality is higher the other thing about Dairy though that really out to be said is that it's just asking for to to to harm your metabolism two ways uh the number one nutrient in Dairy is sugar lactose sugar the number two is fat those are not going to help your metabolism at all and dairy products are one of the few sources of estrogens in the diet Dairy comes from a cow cows make estrogens the the estrogens get into the milk and the milk is turned into ice cream or cheese or whatever the estrogens are there but what's really bad is that on every dairy in the world the animals are artificially inseminated annually they are milked well into the next pregnancy they are making estradi all the time and the amount that gets into the milk goes up and up and up the longer they are milked into the pregnancy so this is a concern to kids you know you're giving milk to your kid your son your daughter um is getting estral from a cow it's not on the label it's always there uh but now you're 20 or you're 30 or you're 40 and you're consuming estrad in Dairy and this has really become of great concern in recent years because of the New Evidence showing links between Dairy and breast cancer all right uh let's stick with a few more here Sherin how do foods that have a lot of iron in them like spinach and red meat influence metabolism would I be correct in assuming not to scoop you here but you're going to have kind of two separate answers based upon the spinach and the red meat well red meat has a lot of iron in it um it really does and iron does play important roles in metabolism here's the problem is that um the iron that's in red meat there's a certain kind called heem iron and it defies your abilities to regulate it if you're high in iron already it's still just comes right in and that can cause all kinds of metabolic derangements it increases the risk We Believe of brain disorders particularly dementias but it also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease which we've known for a long period of time now let's say you're going to be popey instead get your iron from spinach you've given yourself a huge gift because in spinach and in fact in all plants the iron is in a a better form it's called non-em iron and your body will absorb it better if you're low in iron if you're low in iron your body says bring more of that in the non-em iron it can regulate if you're already iron overloaded and you're at risk for cardiovascular disease and the other things we described your body can say what's all this non-em iron coming in I don't need it now your body can keep it out so with the animal sourced iron the heem iron you can't regulate it it just comes into your party Uninvited but with the plant-based iron you can regulate it so get your iron from Plants skip the meat uh you do need iron for metabolic functions but you don't need an excess and the plants are the best source all right interesting question from Roseanne we'll take just a couple more can certain spices and herbs boost metabolism and if so which are the most effective the one that's probably been studied the most is cinnamon um cinnamon is a is a curious thing it does contain an alahh chemical um aldhs are a broad chemical category and there is one in cinnamon which the cinnamon researchers named cinam Malahide uh but what's important about it is that it goes down your digestive tract and it attaches to a certain receptor in your digestive tract and when it does it triggers the release of adrenaline in your bloodstream so the adrenaline goes in your blood and that turns your metabolism up just a little bit so in research studies people have used this and they've shown that people taking cinnamon on a daily basis you know your average person has cinnamon every three weeks on their toast or something but people who using it every day in a significant amount could lose about seven or eight pounds in about a 16we period now the amount that they use to to do that was a teaspoon per day which may be more than you'd want but you get the idea that cinnamon is a metabolism booster uh Ginger also Ginger contains uh a similar compound that will seem to be a metabolism booster and and maybe everybody's had this experience uh people may not know what cap sein are but they know what they do you're back at your Mexican restaurant and you had a few too many jalapenos on your bean burrito and maybe five minutes later sweat kind of breaks out on your forehead and you suddenly think is it warm in here or is it just me um it's not just that they burn your tongue but they actually do turn on thermogenesis um so the cap seasins which make the hot peppers hot have that effect if you went to the store and you got a bell pepper same family no capsacin no burn really doesn't do it it doesn't increase your metabolism uh it's proportional to the hotness of the pepper it works if they're pickled uh the Pickled ones fine the fresh ones same story Satish what impact do foods that have a lot of antioxidants have on metabolism we were talking about fruits earlier I know a lot of those especially the blueberry that you've been talking about a lot recently that's an antioxidant Powerhouse so what's the connection there with the metabolism yeah several antioxidants the blueberries have anthocyanins in them uh carrots have beta carotene uh it's also in sweet potatoes and frankly any orange food mangoes papayas have a little bit of beta carotene in them tomatoes have lycopene that's what makes them red uh the an the antioxidants for whatever reason are associated with weight loss uh we believe it's because they play metabolic roles in the body and with blueberries in particular what we think is happening is that they are they they seem to have a couple of different effects they might reduce appetite but they also do seem to be metabolism boosters Pro tip take those blueberries put them in a muffin when the muffins come out of the oven don't slather them with butter because it's gonna undo your effects you know your metabolism will rise but the effect of all those added calories isn't gonna isn't going to help you a lot and and Chuck that's really kind of the issue here is that we've talked about healthy foods and there's a lot of them but if your average person just mixes up healthy foods and unhealthy Foods they never get the benefit so you get the unhealthy ones out bring the healthy ones in and that is the answer so you're saying if I eat a salad and then eat a Big Mac after that the salad's not gonna offset the effects of the Big Mac yeah or the big tragedy that you're going to see at Denny's and every place else is you ordered a salad and the salad comes to you and the salad is is covered with all this shredded cheese you know your grandparents never knew about cheese on a salad somebody came up with that you know maybe around 1998 or something like that they thought you know cheese is not a salad ingredient all right let's end with fruit juices Michelle how do they impact metabolism and follow up to that is there a difference between the concentrated stuff that comes in a can that you make at home and the fresh squeezed varieties uh the two the the concentrated and the fresh squeeze are probably about the same but here we may be exonerating juice because up until now people have said don't eat juice it's loaded with sugar and that's going to be a problem you should have the whole fruit instead and you'll hear people saying schools shouldn't serve juice and don't have it at home maybe Harvard researchers looked at the different foods associated with weight loss as time goes on and among these were citrus fruits including not just the whole orange not just the whole grapefruit but the juices too what I'm saying is that the juice was associated with weight loss as well yes they are fulfilled with sugars uh the glycemic index of them is not that terribly High meaning it's not going to spike your sugar that much um so I'm going to give juices a not guilty verdict just out of curiosity would you also then give sodas a pass as long as we're sticking with beverages here okay uh sodas really a fascinating area researchers have looked at sodas and they've looked at people who consume a lot of sodas are they at higher risk for weight gain are they higher risk for diabetes the answer is yes they are at higher risk for those things however people redid the studies and started looking at what you were eating with the soda and it looks like the soda although it is high in sugar and does have calories I mean a 20 oce soda has 250 calories but the big problem with the sodas is really with the fact that you get the soda at the fast food chain along with the burger or the fried chicken and the french fries and the greasy parts of that meal with the dense calories that they have that do nothing to boost your metabolism that is probably a much bigger problem than the itself outstanding let's go ahead and close up the doctor's mail bag if we didn't get to your question today have no fear we will save it and do our best to get you an answer on an upcoming episode and of course all of this and more covered in the power Foods diet which is it says right here the Breakthrough plan that traps tames and burns calories for easy and here's my favorite part permanent weight loss my friend and I think that that is the name of the game that so many people struggle with and again as I said at the beginning of the show I was convinced that a big part of my problem when I was overweight Dr bonnard was that I just hit the genetic non-jackpot when it came to metabolism it was incredibly slow and nothing would change it or ramp it back up that was just how it was destined to be it sounds to me based off of our conversation today and everything that I've learned uh in the last 15 years or so uh that's not the case and that there's a lot of Hope out there and that metabolism is a big factor but even if you're struggling with your weight man you got a lot of avenues to explore to have some success you said it Chuck no matter what genetic hand we've been dealt there's a heck of a lot we can do and the food choices that we make that's really the key absolutely all right so pick up your copy of the power Foods diet at your local bookstore or click the link in the show description or in the episode notes and if you haven't already become an exam room VIP like Dr Barnard I know he's VIP we've talked about this head over to exam room viip sign up today absolutely for free be the first to know when we're doing our big live shows like we just did with the power Foods Revolution at the national Press Club in Washington DC just had another show up in Toronto with Dr Michael Gregor and who knows what the future is going to hold but you will be the first to know if you become an exam room VIP so click that link as well and also Dr Barnard I can't wrap up today without saying a huge thank you to our friends at the Gregory J Ridder memorial fund for their continued support of the exam room podcast and US abroad here at the Physicians committee because the Gregory J Ryder memorial fund supports organizations just like ours that are carrying on the love that Greg had for Animals by promoting plant-based health and working to end animal abuse while also emphasizing programs that promote systemic change and benefit us human beings as well they're doing a lot of good so I encourage you to check out their website at Gregory riter that's Gregory riter spelled REI t r Love Me Sam Alice and Mahoney and everything thing that she's doing there and it seems like every time I click on their website I get their latest newsletter they're up to something else and they're just expanding their reach and I love so much all the good that they're doing in the world I'm With You Chuck I have to say I always read uh the newsletter when it comes out and I have to say Greg was such a warm kind person and Allison is carrying his Spirit along so beautifully and it's such an honor to have them on board with us here at the Physicians committee and at the exam room Dr Bard thank you for your time today my friend sure well thank you Chuck all right thank you to the crew behind the scenes for making the magic happen and to you exam roomies thank you as always for being here such wonderful chat so many great questions love you guys so very much and for everyone here at the Physicians committee I am the weight loss Champion Chuck Carroll thanks so very much for watching we will catch you again very soon but until then keep it plant-based
Channel: Physicians Committee
Views: 29,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ceZQrkVN4w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 22sec (2482 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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