Dr. Ratio: A Free Unit That's ACTUALLY Good? - Gameplay/Ability Analysis | Honkai: Star Rail

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the 2023 game awards was a good time for honai staro as it actually won the honor of the best mobile game of the year which is a pretty big deal considering the type of games that can nominated for the ceremony in celebration for this achievement the HSR team granted us a ton of free stuff not just items and teasers for 2.0 but they announced a free five-star character that would be distributed to all players upon its official release date and in a very coincidentally hilarious fashion almost like they were making fun of all the under nominated games that failed to win the title said festar unit in question happens to be Dr L Plus ratio himself an imaginary Hunt character so we're getting another damage dealer this time from the imaginary element seems like the element is getting a fair bit of attention through event banners considering we had laa yukong and lunai Dan Hong I mean it's only fair imaginary had the smallest roster of only one character back in version one in any case there's been a lot of discussion over the viability of ratio in light of past experiences with free Five Star characters and mihoyo players are understandably skeptical about whether or not he would actually be good after how disappointing aloy was for ging impact but at the same time starl has proven to one have ginin in several ways so let's find out if Rao despite being free is still a powerful unit and if he is how does he affect the current roster similarly to our Edition Hunt is in kind of a weird spot apart from CA the other hunt units are situational mediocre or bu toaz is about the closest in terms of being good but that's mostly As a result of being a hunt unit in name not really function and even then she's the definition of situational making the class basically just Sila not that she's a bad character by any means the current predicament with Honda at the moment is that there are only some so many ways you can design single Target damage and cila pretty much occupies the central way to do it sweeping I suppose you could design a character who relies on one humongous burst nuke instead of a series of Rapid attacks but realistically the only other way you can design a Hunt character is by using other mechanics dot damage like CUA or follow-up damage like topass ratio opts to go for sort of a mixture of both in a weird way his kill will take some explaining to get the hang of but it's actually quite simple once you think about it ratio skill deals imaginary damage to a single enemy almost like a basic attack and it has no additional effects at least in terms of the skill itself where the real stuff comes from are his talents and traces so let's skip his ultimate and cover those first for his talent whenever using a skill he has a 40% base chance to launch an additional follow-up attack for even more damage and for every debuff the target enemy has the chance increases by 20% meaning if they have three debuffs then it's guaranteed also if the enemy Target dies from ratio skill attack then the follow-up will attack something else instead this is where the real damage of a skill comes from 270% at Rank 10 plus 150% from his skill also at Rank 10 means in one round he can do 42% damage to a single enemy which is fairly significant especially when compounded by all the different ways you can buff set attack if you pull for topaz which I didn't so I'm low-key salty you're going to love ratio 50% increase to follow of attacks jacks up is 270 to 405 and then he has his own damage augments through his traces against targets are three or more debuffs deduction makes ratio do 10% bonus damage for each one they have up to an increase of 50 so basically he does 30 to 50% bonus damage since you need to have at least three debuffs so this to even work in other words Rao can give himself 1.5 times bonus damage as well speaking of debuff stacking summation his other Trace gives him 2.5% bonus CR rate and 5% bonus crit damage for every debuff two up to six stacks for 15% crit rate and 30% crit damage very nice finally inference his last Trace supplies a debuff that reduces effect resistance by 10% for two turns allowing him to apply a debuff of his own in addition to the debuff provided by the imaginary element of course so the idea with ratio is to stack debuffs on the target as much as possible then continuous attack them sort of like how for kopka you want to Stack dot damage he's very loyal to what a Hunt character should be high damage against a single Target since the only condition to maximizes damage is how many debuffs are on the target which if fighting say a boss should be very easy to maintain ratio is extremely consistent if not borderline overpowered as a reference point the bul of sealess burst damage comes from a Resurgence passive giving an 80% bonus damage for her next turn essentially multiplying the damage of her ultimate Andor skill by 1.8 times this makes her ultimate do I believe 7.65% and her skill to 396 but this is only achieved after using her ultimate or scoring a kill something she may not have active at all times compared to Rao who very easily can get three debuffs or more on a Target at all times point being this guy can do some very solid damage every turn giving him less front-loaded burst potential but enabling him to maintain his DPS in more protracted fights so while CA can front-loaded damage and sweep through clusters of easily on-shot enemies ratio excels at boss killing through sustained damage underscored even further with his ultimate his ultimate is almost exactly identical to tilas in terms of what it's trying to do he does damage to an enemy and applies a debuff to them that when attacked by ratio or one of his teammates triggers the activation of his tun that debuff can be used twice per cast of his ultimate so if you remember top has his ultimate giving numb empowered follow-up attacks this is kind of the same thing where it's an ammo system that launches follow-up attacks it's not the same in terms of a summon but more in terms of like the charges that it has hypothetically if ratio uses his skill he can trigger his talent twice dealing 810 plus 150% base damage in one strike not counting any any external damage augmentation besides his own Trace granted you can only get that off twice per ultimate and with a 140 energy cost it's extremely unlikely you can pull this ultimate off every two attacks but that damage potential alone should indicate to you that just because they're getting ratio for free does not automatically mean he's a bad character quite the opposite he might actually be one of the best DPS units in the game assuming you have the right team and whatnot I know I say this for almost every HSR video but that's only because it's true ratio is actually one of the best damage dealers in the game from a vertical standpoint ratio Zone kit supplies you with three debuffs one from his inference Trace one from his ultimate and one from his technique which reduces enemy speed by 15% for two turns when walking near them although this kind of prevents you from using Jingo or Wells techniques since you can only have one dimension active at a time anyway if you count the imprisonment weakness break that means you'll have to acquire two more debuffs from elsewhere ideally debuffs that can be applied on a constant basis there are literally dozens of debuffs from a wide range of characters which means that while ratio's damage is conditional that condition is so freaking easy to to me think about it you can apply debuffs from SIM Universe busting debuffs from overw World techniques like arti St H terrify humal combustion you can apply debuffs from dot effects like the stuff you find on kavka sampo survol any status effects like breeze stuff like that or just you know silver wolf like literally silver wolf she can apply five different debuffs on a Target all by herself you have so many different ways to apply debuffs to an enemy that you're almost guaranteed to max out ratio damage even without trying in fact I'd be surprised if you can't find a team that can p this off having said that though the idea is to find debuffs that can last a long time since they all have different durations and many debuffs last only one turn which aren't the most reliable first and foremost the unit that synergizes the best of ratio is definitely topest not only does she give them a 1.5 times boost on followup attacks but just by existing she applies a constant debuff to one Target on the field making so you only need one or two more debuffs on ratio she was practically made for him against an isolated enemy she doesn't even have to do anything against groups of enemies all she has to do is readjust where her debuff is going to be that leaves a second support up to this situation the other three supports I can see being useful on ratio are bronia redme and silver wolf since ratio's follow of talent can strike a different Target if he one shots the first he technically has the capacity to sweep let's say you attack and kill your primary target the followup attack would then kill someone else and with bra you can refresh him to then kill enemy number three assuming everyone's debuffed so that is guaranteed and have the second followup attack take out of fourth then you can use his ultimate to clear at the fifth so like cila he can clear five enemies in two turns it just takes more SP but he can also pack all damage into one Target and practically outperform everyone else in the game if you're fighting small groups of enemies like two or perhaps three renm AOE debuffs can help you out a ton not to mention or plethora of other damage enhancing abilities and lastly if you're fighting one enemy for extended fights like a boss then silverwolf is without question the best so he can take advantage of a lot of different supports I mean you realistically don't even need toe pass if you don't have it you can just do Ren main silver wolf instead and still keep debuffs on high you do miss out on that 50% damage from topest which is really making me regret skipping her over Tingo lunai danan hung and Sila are presently the three best damage dealers against a single enemy but the first two are only good by virtue of their just not being that many other single Target killers of the same power ceiling ideally they're at their best in damage in groups of three in light of their blast attacks this means a fully optimized ratio could be the best character for single Target damage and he's free this is what has me feeling so good about the guy even if you was say genu and's level people would still be really happy to have him but the fact that he's on the same level as Dan Hong and Jingo is absurd and he's not even hard to use his followup attack is self activated compared to topas and genuin which can't be Advanced so you can even use brono on him effectively they designed his move set to tap into the unique play style of followup attacks while at the same time keeping him functionally agnostic which is a very very good move by their pars since he's free it would be pretty disolution to give out a free character that can only be paired up with specific characters not everyone has I still think Rao is more of an endgame type character where he's usable at base but really ramps up once you start getting supports and stuff on him but that being said it's nice to know that people don't have to go too far out of their way to get going with them anyone with a half decent lineup of supports can start putting in work rather soon now given that he's a free unit that brings idolan and light cones into question if he's a free character is it worth going after his E1 for people who are planning on going for him before they found out he was free the answer is not really E1 gives you four more stacks of his summation trace or 10% more crit and 20% more crit damage those aren't really game-changing numbers if you think about it s Fen who gives 30% crit damage to our entire party or renman who gives 20% defense penetration not going to break records to 21% crit damage you'll be fine same goes for E2 E2 can give you up to 80% bonus attack to his talent bringing it from 270 to 350 not bad but not worth pulling two extra copies of him what you should do instead for those who saved up for him is get his weapon baptism of pure thought this is just as broken for ratio as Ren signature Lon is for her 20% bonus crit damage effectively giving you ratios E1 through his weapon then you get 24% more crit damage at 3D buff and then you get 36% total damage and 24% defense penetration when you use your ultimate this L cone gives you almost three or four idolan worth of power for the price of one definitely go first weapon Instead at this point lones are starting to have the strength of an entire character 44% crit damage 36% total damage 24% defense penetration that is more than some fourstar units can contribute I mean they better be considering how festar lones cost the same as a five-star character Gan weapons need to take notes in any case ratio is a broken boss killer but with an asteris he's explicitly a vertical investment unit meaning he might start at weak or average at first but you can rest assured the payoff is definitely worth it I'm kind of glad they made them broken since both air addition and Hunt pths are getting overshadowed by destruction pretty convincingly but with the release of arti being the AOE specialist and now Rao being the single Target specialist there's a definitive reason for you to go hunt or audition while keeping destruction as the go-to for General combat which is how it should be pleasantly surprised to Mi Hoya's generosity and giving us a really strong free character after the Fiasco deoy in genin also I love the slight unintentional jab they're making with him being the free character out of all of them like he's giving L plus ratio to all the games that hsrv out in the game awards I'm sure that's not what they were intending but that's my head can anyways let me know your thoughts on Dr racio in the comments down below and if you enjoyed the video it would be great if you could leave a like And subscribe don't forget to follow me on Twitter at fars join my Discord server and check out my other hongkai starl character discussions if you haven't yet but till next time thanks so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you again soon take [Music] care [Music] oh
Channel: Vars II
Views: 49,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, mihoyo, dr ratio, dr ratio free, dr ratio honkai star rail, hsr dr ratio, dr ratio light cone, dr ratio build, dr ratio guide, honkai star rail dr ratio, dr ratio analysis, dr ratio good, dr ratio bad, dr ratio worth it, hsr guide, honkai star rail guide, honkai star rail, vars honkai star rail, hsr, honkai star rail ratio, hsr dr ratio guide, dr ratio kit, dr ratio free 5 star, dr ratio broken
Id: qh6BwYzHgpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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