Listen Guys... Dr. Ratio is Actually REALLY GOOD, But There's 1 Giant Flaw (Full Guide & Build)

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okay so today we'll do a do ratio build gu I've been streaming like 15 hours for the past week just playing ff14 and Monster Hunter so uh I'm kind of low energy and tired right now but hello it's time to record the doctor ratio guide we all got this character for free and uh I honestly don't think we look that familiar okay his tone of purple is uh different than my purple okay maybe it looks similar to the chibi purple but no no it's not close and yeah yeah we're not the same person Chad don't worry about it I would never PLU myself in the game for no reason damn time to suei hoyo cuz I got this model for like 3 years I mean honestly it doesn't even look the same okay we don't even have the same personality it's different I'm more relaxing you know it's fine all right so Dr ratio guy let's go for traces first I think tracers is easier okay let's go for Passive Trace he's one of the um I would like to say one of the character that gets eight Relic slot instead of six this passive whenever Dr Rael use a skill for every debuff on the target he gets 2.5 crit rate and five crit damage stacking up six times right so in total that is 15 crit raate and 30 crit damage right wait am I crazy is my math math thing yeah it's fine I am math thing it's 15 crit rate and 30 crit damage right on top of that he also gets 12% crit rate from here right do ratio in total he gets 27% crit rate 30 crit damage and 28% attack that's like 2 and 1 half relics lot like main stat wise that's like a fck ton of free stat right I think he kind of needs it I'll be honest he kind of needs more let's go do the normal Cod video segment where I talk about [ __ ] not related to the video okay right so audition character has their own content now right and destruction character is generally better for most content yeah so pure fiction is the content for every Edition character right and uh usually forgotten halls and memory of chaos is where you use your destruction character right there's no real content for Hunt character H characters are designed to hit one Enemy At A Time generally right they do their job well if they can burst enemy down however this is the weird thing and um okay we're going to sweat a little bit right let's talk about breaks okay an AOE character like destruction character can tag three enemies at the same time right for audition you can tag five and you can break into five right my issue is that and my idea of buffing Hunt character is this make it so that Hunt character breaks single Target twice at fast as any other role because right now the fact that Hunt character breaks the same or slower than destruction character is [ __ ] horrendous their job is to kill bosses make them break the [ __ ] Shield bar faster just make it so that they can be better at actually applying pressure to single Target right cuz right now their job is oh I do big numbers but to one guy right if their role is just numbers alone destruction character will slowly just steal their job right realistically that's what I want I want them to break more all right no more sighting let's go back right the do ratio gets 27 crit rate 30 crit damage and 28% attack for free that's a on a free stat he does get some defense cuz every Hunt character gets a defensive node otherwise they get blown up right Hunt character also has like 75 aggro scores to the lowest in the game but you know your Hunt character is probably going to get hit anyway so that doesn't matter right the other trait of drct ratio is that whenever he use a skill there's a chance that he apply effect resistance down by 10% for two turn ignore the ship you're not really going to be building effect hit rate and dror ratio ideally ideally you want your teammates to do the effect hit rate instead right this is there it's nice if you land it that's another debuff that's okay the reason why is for this passive right when Dr ratio hits a target with three or more debuff he gets uh I think 10% more damage every debuff on the enemy up to five right it's up to 50% ideally you want to run doctor ratio on a team with three debuffer and we'll get to that yeah so his talent whenever Dr ratio uses his skill or when an ally hits an enemy that's affected by his ultimate he'll do a follow-up attack right his follow-up attack is where his damage is right it's where the big hit is right because his e damage ratio at level 10 this [ __ ] is like 150 like bro I don't know why at Max Talent level he does have like a 400% damage hit if you count his skill and his talent right his talent has a 40% chance to trigger when you use your skill and 100% chance to trigger on your old right every debuff that you have on the enemy gives you a 20% chance more right so with three debuff is where you want yeah with three debuff you get 30% more damage bonus and you guarantee your followup attack right Dr ratio skill itself does really low damage this [ __ ] at level 10 is like 150% damage and his followup is like was it 280 or something on average if you always land skill into a followup then you get like a 400 ratio damage every turn which is really high however this is a thing right I still think that's not enough cuz like 150 on a single Target is like well what's a good example let's bring the most recent one destruction right destruction kind of does BL quite well as well hook let's not count hook hook is dumb right like [ __ ] 210 it's whatever right uh Hook is kind of like unfair scaling hook can go up to like 580 damage or something Jesus Christ but yeah I think it wouldn't be bad if they made Hunt character stand out more from destruction character right if you have both Talent level 10 on dror ra I think it's around like a 400 or higher than 400 if skill and old always lands right the main gameplay dror ratio is quite easy you just maintain three debuff on the enemy so that whenever you press your skill your followup triggers yeah and then when you old then you have two free followup when your ally attack the person that you ult right it's free Ting with zero energy recharge you kind of get your ult back once every four turn if you run an ER rope then you can get your old back every three turn without requiring any kill or getting hit so if if you want to run erl sure but I feel like you don't need it that way I guess the up time on your followup is quite good we'll see right right cuz right now I don't have an ER rope on Dr ratio cuz uh I ran out of er ropes and Max C Level it's 150 plus 270 so it's like 420 damage ratio I need to say something other than ratio damage percentage that's less confusing if your old kills a Target you will lose the debuff that is true when Dr ratio ow something you put a debuff on them but if you kill the person with the o then your old disappears yeah it's kind of tedious sure I guess but like you're mainly hitting bosses anyway that's your job right he's not complicated right legit his gameplay is put 3D buff spam e he just has a lot of free stat he's a free character I like that he's been given for free because he's very simple character to build right he's a very simple imaginary character to play cuz I swear to God this character should not be given for free where is it this ain't nobody can build this character as a new player if you are a new player you can't build a yukong it won't work every video there's always a yukong session there's not a ukong session on all my video okay relax for Trace priority I will prioritize talent and then skill and O I think that's pretty simple you can ignore basic attack you don't really do that unless you want to set people to book short right Talent skill and an O spam your e and that's it that's your game play that's literally it for team comp which character would you run 3D buff on I think like the thing everyone prioritize is probably silver wolf right silver wolf has three debuff on her Talent whenever she does damage she applies one of the debuff right you either use basic attack skill or old you can apply one of these three debuff your old is one debuff and your e is also one debuff right the resistance down [ __ ] it works it's probably really good for damage for screenshot is it super good for skill point efficiency that depends right Dr ratio himself can apply one consistently not quite no unless you build effect hit rate on him that [ __ ] is like 100% r you want 40 hit rate if you want to like consistently do it but I don't think people build hit rate on him the other option would be Pella Pella with the pearls of sweat light cone whenever you attack an enemy you apply a defense down for one turn right and then your E4 is one debuff obviously you're not going to use ice resistance down and your old is one debuff so you get three debuff from pal right that's fine as well paella also increase your effect hit rate by 10% so there's that so if you want Dr ratio to more consistently apply the debuff sure right what's the other option there's also weth I put weth and yukong on the same section where you better have some good [ __ ] gear if you want to run these characters cuz you either ignore a part of their kit and just run full debuff or you try to make them do everything right and I don't want to run like multiple damage over Time character without ratio because I still want to run a Harmony character right without ratio for example yeah I've been talking about this dream since the last patch but uh gfan E1 specifically is uh very nice right E1 gfan can apply three debuff on one turn right tldr Guna Fen amplifies your damage about like 8% or something less than Pella I don't have the exact number at this point that test was done so far long ago also it's not like super consistent test right cuz defense down versus damage amp right with goon you have one debuff which is your burn on your skill one debuff which is the amplifying damage that enemy take from all sources this [ __ ] is really good and when it stack up to three obviously if you want to just start combat with your Technique and you have all three right there's two debuff and third debuff is E1 reduce resistance of all Enemy by 10% this is effect resistance not damage resistance right so you just press e1's on the first turn and the enemy has three debuff right away right on three targets yeah it's pretty easy to maintain I would say for gfan I like to just run this just for some bonus damage and effect hit rate yeah gfan doesn't really do a lot of damage at like 3K attack she does like 10K 11k dock it's kind of balanced around her flame kiss stack sure it goes up to 13 14k maybe but her damage isn't something the right home about she's more mainly there to like AOE break and apply the flame kiss right so if you want to run Dr ratio plus Guna fan that's also a consistent choice for AOE glare and the last option is topus right for topus E1 S1 topus is a three debuff unremovable doesn't care about enemy resistance right that would be a debuff here that increase damage taken for followup attack a debuff here that makes uh enemy take more crit damage and a debuff here that also makes enemy takes more crit damage right so that's three debuff un removable doesn't care about effect resistance it just sticks there right so the choices are topus silver wolf Pella gfan well is the consistent choice for 3 debuff right run may only run May old when you see the flower above the eneme is one debuff sure once again right I don't want to run like CFA plus a debuffer plus Dr ratio cuz I still think that he wants to have a Harmony character with him or like a Pella right you know if you use this then sure that's a Harmony character honestly I kind of want to give like him and [ __ ] a run but I don't have talent level yet right I didn't preform [ __ ] likeone choices is pretty easy right hunt and destruction character have very very bad free light cone usually for hunt you do have this light cone right this is the Premier free option right 16 crit rate up to 32 if enemies below half Health then you get 40% attack if you get a kill right that's fine technically he can use topas ly cone and his own ly cone or sleep like the dead just for a stat stick three of these lyone Dr raciel can use for stat stick topas lyone is basically one debuff and infinite up time so topas lyone gives you 18 crit rate 30% damage on followup attack and up to 24% more critical damage right Dr ratio likeo gives you 20 crit damage plus 24 so 44 crit damage 36 damage bonus and 24% defense ignore on your followup attack after you Ed right the up time is basically 50% unless you run ER then it's 66% right cuz if you're ER on Dr ratio you get a three turn old instead of four you can run that if you have like a very good attack buffer sure but I would just run attack or for now why is cold naked that is not me right so his lonee is ideally his best one but if you don't have it topest lonee or the free ly cone works fine right but for all lonee I'll be honest Sword Play I don't think Sword Play is good for Dr ratio cuz he hit once he applies one damage number unlike cly she get like three stacks right every time she press her e but Dr ratio gets two right if you e to throw and the enemy dies then it's kind of meaningless right I kind of want like subscribe for more only increase the damage of your basic attack and skill but that's not really good I think for the fourar option your only option is only the silence remain right this is your only option it increase your attack and if enemy is less than two then you get 24 crit rate I think this is an okay option it's pretty reliable as well the up time for boss fights it's not too bad obviously boss spawns random ads right I honestly still think that four star for hunt still needs work maybe in patch 2.0 we'll have a funny fourstar hunt light cone but for now Hera store is probably your best freet to- play option right leakers leakers I'm Ming because Harmony gets everything Harmony and abundance have like really good [ __ ] team for Dr ratio if you want like an optimized team is probably that right unless you're getting one shot and you change the Healer but that's like a broken ass team that doesn't use skill points right justes these two just do damage other than that I think something like this is fine is this free to playay is team this is not really freet toplay is right but Guna fend is 3 to four debuff Dr ratio is a 1 to2 debuff right does this old can as a debuff probably does links for some healing and cleansing tun to Old Dr ratio so he gets his old more right is Battle pass ion bad for hunt no it's not it's just free crit rate it's not that bad it's okay you don't have GAA fan is there any free to play option to apply 3 debuff Pella was free but temporarily right but you need Pella with the pearls of sweat light cone though and E4 you need E4 Pella and Pearls of sweat lone that doesn't work you only need E1 gfan trend on preservation bro do you want to run like Marsh or like japar or fire main character on the trend light cone I guess if you run this on fire MC that's two debuff right one burn plus one Ta on his trial they use [ __ ] with Trend lightco that is [Music] uh you would not run this in Practical combat you would not [ __ ] run this like why would you run this on top of [ __ ] that keeps your team alive you literally have like the most broken ass [ __ ] forar light home for preservation character which is like day one plus Lando right and even Pella has this L cone on S5 Oho there's S1 on this and S5 on this on the trial Jesus Christ bro just put a goaf fan in here why does Dr racio and this guy looks like sisters wait a [Music] second oh that's doesn't look the same H it's not the same [ __ ] is different still he was trying to distract us what do you mean I'm not distracting [ __ ] this Dr Rao has ER and um if you have 19 ER on ratio you can do a three turn out you get like 143 energy right you can would you I mean like if you have enough stats yeah sure he also has 30 effect hit rate what the [ __ ] 115 speed is kind of om right it's fine Adon one gives him four extra stacks of his passive so instead of 15 crit rate 30 crit damage it's like 25 crit rate 50 crit damage yeah that's a fck ton of stats obviously if you want to run that sure E1 is quite reliable as usual E2 is just a bonus damage 20% per hit E4 is kind of hilarious because um his followup attack gives him five energy right if you have E4 then his followup attack gives you 20 energy you get like 50 energy per throw you can technically get a two turn over with Doctor ratio with E4 E4 is when uh shits get hilarious E4 is fair and Balan like his followup gives you five energy with E4 gives you 20 if you're on ER rope you literally have an old every two turns skill followup skill followup old skill followup skill followup old you can even get a one turn if you old and E skill then an ally attack then you get a kill or something right and E6 is uh your followup can trigger one more time on your old which is haha right and follow up damage is more I wouldn't really go for Aon E1 on dror ratio is fine if you want the extra crit R crit damage next uh let's go for the xdd one so my current doctor ratio build is hilariously bad because I have very low crit rate Dr ratio his skill talent and O has one damage number he hits once so you kind of want 80% crit rate or higher because missing crit on a character that attack once feels a lot worse right with my Trace then this will give me 15 crit rate 30 crit damage and likeon gives you 24 more crit damage right so have like 70 crit rate and like 243 critical damage right I can honestly drop the crit damage down by a lot just for more crit rate the reason why my build is like this is because um I am running some uh xdd basically the build is normal but I only have two pie set which is two followup and two regen the set bonus is really not optimal the only xdd thing is I have attack boots so I've been balancing my stat around the attack boots which kind of makes me sack a lot of stats in order to get 135 speed on attack boots so here are the pieces you wanted speed crit rate crit damage speed crit rate crit damage speed crit rate attack boosts speed crit rate crit damage and speed crit damage on attack right so it's uh crit damage attack imaginary attack is what I'm building right now why not regen I mean regen would be funny but my only regen piece is on someone else right toap with topus body piece yeah but I don't want to that [ __ ] is for topus so he doesn't deserve it not yet why vondo the only reason why I'm running vaugh is this piece rolled really good honestly my topus still needs work as well unrelated build woo that's my topus he gets like what 50 crit damage anyways doesn't really matter same thing every day he doesn't even play topus I will play toas I will you lose too much attack if you swap the speed boot right yeah you lose so much attack also so now he's 167 speed so now he's a little bit too fast let's go back to attack boots attack boots is uh is all I need attack boots is all I need end the video oh [ __ ] hello Mr editor why does the xdd editor emote has a katana cuz I cut oh oh haha okay wow all right anyways Mr editor's moing because I've been yapping uh more than the video requires so uh Goodbye YouTube
Channel: OkCode
Views: 90,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, gaming, vtuber, vtubers, vtubing, genshin summon, summon, envtuber, okcode, jingliu, topaz, jingliu build, argenti, ruan mei, hanya, xueyi, summons, gacha, honkai star rail 1.6, ruan mei abilities, honkai star rail leaks, dr ratio gameplay, dr ratio, honkai star rail, honkai star rail 2.0, black swan, honkai acheron, tingyun, xueyi guide, ruan mei guide, ruan mei build, sparkle, honkai sparkle, march 7th build, march 7th, black swan honkai star rail, dr ratio guide
Id: AbCjQ4PtI14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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