Dr. Phil: Have the Courage to Stand for Your Faith! | Praise on TBN

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these Fringe factions that are trying to push this agenda on America are weaponizing it in such a way that if you dare if you dare ask a question God forbid you disagree you're going to be targeted and they're going to come after you hammer and Tong this book is going to make a lot of people really upset because it deals with the truth it deals with reality and the facts that a lot of people don't want the public to know this is probably going to be regarded as the most dangerous book that's published in 2024 I'm watching what's happening in America and it's not okay with me I feel like this country is being pushed by Fringe factions that are trying to push it over some Cliff trying to drive it in some Direction that's not who America has always been not who America is meant to be and they're trying to hijack The Narrative and people are intimidated people are three times less likely to stand up and speak their mind today than they were in 1950 three times as much because of all of this cancel culture and we'll come after you and all of that if you disagree with those that have the biggest mouth the the the biggest megaphone and somebody's got to stand up and push back and that somebody's going to be me and I don't think that I can turn this Tied by myself but I hope I can inspire a whole lot of people to join me in this and say wait a minute stop what what about common sense what about science what about history what about the the the things that have made this country what it is for the last 250 years and look I don't think think America's perfect I love this country enough to admit the flaws fallacies and all and still love this country we've got to stand up and speak up if we want to keep this country and I love this country I I I stand up when the flag goes by I support our military I support our law enforcement people in this country I I I believe in America I believe in a meritocracy where you work hard and you get ahead and that doesn't mean everybody starts in the same place right they don't we have inequities in this country and you all start where you start but if if you got a hill to climb this is a great country to climb it on I just feel like somebody needs to speak up about this and I think the heart and soul of this country is the family that's the backbone of America and I think family in America is under attack it is under attack that's why the subtitle this this book is this is a prescriptive book how you can stand strong for America's soul and Sanity those are big words soul and Sanity there's a collective personality in America you I spent a lot of time working with juries a big part of my career and I always said if there's 12 people in the jury box there's at least 13 personalities over there there you go you know 12 individuals and then one Collective personality actually it was more than one Collective because there' sometimes be little groups but there's a collective personality in America and you know there's a collective personality in Dallas and it's different than the collective personality in San Francisco and it's different than the collective personality in New York City and Omaha they you know communities have personalities don't you agree sure and America has a collective personality and and people are messing with that trying to redefine it and change it and we need to stand up and say no you're not going to tell me look you're either going to run your life or your life's going to run you and I want people to be who they are on purpose and this book tells people how to do that there's so much going on in this country that that's not happening that it wakes me up in the middle of the night and I said I have to write this book I have to write down what I'm talking about you know be you on purpose first of all everyone has to realize they have a purpose there's not one soul that is alive today that God didn't birth you with a purpose God created Adam and Eve he created the family and it broke down from there from the very beginning because of sin but but the family unit I think I think everything you say goes back to the family no matter to where it starts it's the building block you've got to say all what what what is this country built on and you know this was an agricultural country right this was a farming country the family worked together every day right and they they would take their meals together they would worship together they would they would work together and come in from the fields and have lunch together and go back out together uh and then that changed then there was another big revolution I think the biggest Revolution since the Industrial Revolution and it happened in 0809 and that was the Advent of the smartphone wow when people started walking around with a computer in their hand and a laptop there's more power in those laptops than we had when we made the moonshot we put a man on the moon we didn't have as much computing power as people are walking around with in their hands today that's how powerful those are and it changed the world it it's as big a revolution as the Industrial Revolution and people haven't paid attention to the unintended consequences of that technolog is great I'm not saying it's not we all benefit from it I mean look at this set look at the images that are up and and how we're reaching people right now over the Airways technolog is great but there are consequences that come with it and you've got to acknowledge those teenagers when I turned 16 I mean I was headed for the DMV right get my driver's license you you have freedom you can move around but um now they're in no hurry they they date later they they have fewer friends they're less involved in the real world because their heads down looking at this screen they're watching people live their lives instead of getting up and living their own lives you know the problem with that is those lives they're watching being lived are fictions those are aren't real people are producing those and then they compare themselves to that and they go oh my life is terrible compared to that Glamorous Life well those lives aren't real those are fiction and and so they get on these social media platforms that are controlled by algorithms who feed them all of this toxic data and and and the companies know that but they continue to do it and nobody's doing doing anything about it you you can I have studies in the book that show you can put a profile of a 13-year-old girl on Tik Tock and within three minutes they're feeding her toxic damaging information to her mental health you can put the same profile up and instead of it just saying Lauren you say Lauren lose weight the amount of toxic information that she now gets goes up 10x my goodness and why because they've learned that people click on things that upset them and so instead of showing a box of kittens yeah they'll click on that a little bit but you show them things that upset them it engages them and they click more so they get more ad money so they're trading your child's mental health for clicks which is AD Revenue they know it and they do it and parents aren't aware and if they are aware they're not standing up and saying and doing anything about it and I need to educate them about that show them demystify these algorithms and that's part of showing them how to stand up for America's Soul Insanity recognize what's happening their children are under attack they're being babysat electronically by these devices they need to get off the devices and become part of the family again that's not what's happening and we're seeing depression anxiety and loneliness at the highest level since they started keeping records and you know when it spiked 08 09 and 10 when these devices showed up and kids stopped participating in the world and started Living on devices I started Dr Phil as a platform in 2002 and my pledge at the time was I'm going to talk about things that matter to people who care it it wasn't going to be what I want to talk about I I want to I want to listen I want to read the the mail that comes in I want to have people tell me what they want to talk about because I want to talk about things that matter to the people who care about those things and the things that matter have changed across time right when I first started the first text message had never been sent there were no text messages there were no social media platforms email was something that certain businesses used occasionally they were on dos system and and but it wasn't something that people used and then that changed and all of a sudden I had to start dealing with things like cyber bullying you know you used to have bullies that would be in the cafeteria or behind the gym or on the bus stocks at school and somebody could go home at least they had the night to get away from it now we we're we're seeing children getting bullied at school they go home they get in a chat room or a study group room they're still getting bullied they could change schools bullies follow them to the new school so we started seeing children committing SU suicide because they couldn't escape the pressure of bullies we started seeing predators that weren't in a raincoat at the edge of the playground saying you know you want some candy little kid now they're on the internet and pretending to be appear when in fact they're a 45y old pedophile luring kids out their bedroom windows to meet them in the middle of the night so I'm evolving what I'm dealing with based on what people are writing in saying my child's running off in the middle of the night and meeting people that aren't who they say they are they've been abducted they've this that or they they took pictures and put them on the internet now they're there forever I don't know what's going on they're getting bullied it's the whole world has changed well now I'm seeing a a whole different set of challenges they're buying uh drugs on the internet like they order food for delivery they get delivered to their house the problem is 100% of the pills they get on social media platforms are counterfeit 40% of them are laced with lethal doses of Fentanyl and they say we had 100,000 fentanyl overdoses no we didn't we had 100,000 poisonings those aren't overdoses they're poisonings it was just about a little less than two years ago they busted one pill Mill just across the border from San Diego that was turning out 80 million counterfeit pills a month not a year a month and then we've got borders that are open it is open as a Civ and they're arresting people with backpacks that have 10,000 pills in them and out of those 4,000 of them are deadly and they think they're getting somewhere around 10% of what's coming into the country who why is this not on a 3in screamer headline on every paper in the United States because it's become a political football this is not a political book this is a cultural book this is a family book this is a parenting book this is a call to action and as you're saying you intuitively know some of these things are out of balance and out of whack but you don't have the information to make an articulate argument well now you do yeah now you have the information now you have the evidence you have the empirical data let's look at the results let's look at the data and deal with what the facts are and this book is going to make a lot of people really upset because it deals with the truth it deals with reality and the facts that a lot of people don't want the public to know this is probably going to be regarded as the most dangerous book that's published in 2024 there people are going to say this is the most dangerous book published in 2024 my goodness I love it I love this right here this is a quote okay disagreements are quickly labeled hate speech wow we have weaponized the word phobic which is what you are called if you disagree with a radical position or ask an innocent question that's so true I can't believe I need to State something this obvious but you are not phobic because you disagree you are not phobic for asking questions you may be curious you may be doubtful yet you may be a lot of things but phobic isn't that a huge leap that reflects cult-like intolerance and of dependent thought and healthy questioning attitude so that's why at the beginning of this program you said so many people are afraid to say something yeah to ask a question listen it's been said by someone other than me that I I would rather have questions I can't answer than answers I can't question Y and when you're in a situation that there are answers given that you can't question something is way out of balance right if somebody stands up and makes a pronouncement and you raise your hand and say I have a question about that say hater yeah and that's what happens and you get labeled and you get drummed out and people get fired there have been more professors disciplined suspended or fired in the last few years then have have had that result than since the McCarthy era and why because they're teaching the truth they're teaching the facts and this I call it the tyranny of The Fringe right these Fringe factions that are trying to push this agenda on America are weaponizing it in such a way that if you dare if you dare ask a question God forbid you disagree you're going to be targeted and they're going to come after you hammer and Tong well when hundreds of years of empirical science say things are one way and all of a sudden this small pocket of of Fringe dwellers decide they want it to be different so they just pronounce it so sorry I I'll debate anybody anywhere on anything in this book I invite that yeah where did debate go in this world we used to have come let us reason together is you know scriptural and and for some reason we have accepted a society in which we are frozen in our position on one side of the street yelling our position to Frozen people on the other side of the street meanwhile everyone is just sitting there screaming positions at each other and everyone has seen at the Supreme Court at this someone just yelling their position like a lunatic and that is what we're trying to fix Dr Phil you have the professional training the television experience to take and help us learn what healthy debate is well know I want to bring both sides or if there are four sides and let's talk about it and and you know why that's okay with me cuz I'm not trying to win an argument I'm trying to solve problems yeah you know Sam Ren former a Texan former Speaker of the House said any jackass can kick down a barn but it takes a carpenter to build one yeah I want to be a carpenter I want to help people be a carpenter I want to just knock stuff down let's solve the problems we don't need to just yell and and win the argument let let's solve the problems here and that's why I say I want to teach people how to stand strong for America's soul for America's sanity and you do that with facts and there there are people that are very concerned about what's being taught in the schools right now you know what my advice to those parents are is do your homework and don't go to the school and run up the stairs like your hair's on fire accusing people of doing stuff do your homework get your facts go down there find out what's going going on and affect change that's that's what needs to happen if you don't like what's going on find out first off what's going on be sure you have your facts and and know if if we have people down there talking to your children about things you don't want them talking about find out if in fact that's happening who's doing it what the policies are you you have open Information Act you you can find out what they protocols and materials are and once you've got the information then you can affect change and if you stay the course they can only yell so long and then pretty soon you say okay got it now answer my question what are you doing with my child as a Christian I have raised my family uh based on the core teachings that I I received growing up and I always knew that the family was so important and it's absolutely biblical that that the family is the future the family is is everything to humankind and and keeping everything together and when I have seen as I said the unintended consequences and then outright attack I've been so troubled and I I spent 21 years dealing with the things that I've dealt with and I am so proud of everything we did across that period of time I don't regret one second of it I'm I'm glad that we did it I hope we contributed to changing the narrative about mental Health in America and I I dealt with real people facing real problems looking for real solutions and I'm going to continue doing that on Dr Phil Prime Time on Meritt Street Media I'm going to talk to people who are impacted by these issues that we're talking about dealing with and are suffering with these issues and are saying you know how do I how do I navigate this how do I get my family to come together and and be strong during these times how do we shut down this tyranny of The Fringe and and reclaim the values that are so important to America Dr Phil give us your kind of your final thoughts what what do you want somebody to get after they get the book they get this read what what is your what is your goal for them the viewers of TBN today well I I'll say this to all of you great and dedicated audience I think it's as Earnest a statement as I can make about it I I'll just ask you to do this read this book and answer two questions number one do I have the right message and number two am I the Right messenger and if you answer yes to both of those questions then I ask for your support I ask you to stand with me stand with me with Matt with Lori stand with us in pushing back against this tide that's trying to hijack the narrative in America that's trying to push God off the center and replace it with false Idols false ideology just read the book and ask yourself does he have the right message and is he the right messenger and if the answer is yes it's a call to action and I ask for your support
Channel: Praise on TBN
Views: 300,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tbn, praise, tbn praise, praise tbn, dr phil, dr phil exclusive, dr phil update, dr phil israel, dr phil joe rogan, dr phil full episodes, dr phil new, merit street media, dr phil new full episodes, american values, stand up for jesus, social media news, social media addiction, instagram down now, american social media, matt crouch, tbn praise the lord, P7R7A2I7S7E3, 7721473, EEJTKF123, 123TBN123, 8T2B6N, cancel culture, cancel culture podcast, we've got issues, weve got issues
Id: t8KoqNij6kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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