Best of Sarah Jakes Roberts Sermons: Your Calling, Armor of God, & Faith in God's Plan | TBN

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there is a destiny assigned to your life and that Destiny May begin in your home it may be on platforms like this but what is most Paramount for you to remember is that we cannot realize that Destiny until we recognize that we must be visible to ourselves my mind is trying to tell me that there is no use for me but Satan I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Satan I serve you in eviction notice we don't have to wait till the end of a sermon to get to an altar call I hear God saying I'll call out your mind right now it's time for you to think this thing on through it's time for you to put your faith where your work is you working but pulled back so you're not disappointed but I hear God saying if it's going to get done you going to have to put your back into it you going to have to put your faith into it I don't know your story and I don't know what's represented in this room but I know if you're anything like me maybe your issue was different but some of us had to come from behind we didn't have the perfect lives we didn't have the perfect stories but we had a determination where we didn't mind coming from behind I just want to thank God for a moment for the women who didn't mind coming from behind I didn't mind that I didn't have all of the right friends that I didn't have all of the right access I didn't mind coming from behind because I believe that what God had for me was greater than any obstacle that was ahead of me so I didn't mind coming from behind my life may not be picture perfect but I don't mind coming from behind coming from behind that's how I felt like I was coming from behind as a Teenage mother like I was coming from behind when I dropped out of college like I was coming from behind like I was constantly coming from behind I take one step forward and two steps backwards I keep coming from behind coming from behind and there were moments where I even wanted to count myself out but for some reason I was able to pick up the pieces and try again and maybe I didn't try in the right atmosphere but I was willing to pick up the pieces from that broken heart and try again I just happened to believe that there are some women in this theater who did not mind picking up the pieces and registering for a conference and coming all the way to Hollywood California because I don't mind coming from behind because I know what God has for me is for me and I I don't care how long this issue has had me I believe that in the name of Jesus that chains can be broken off of my life and I've seen them do it in the lives of my friends and I've seen them do it for my mother and I've seen them do it for pastor Holly I don't mind coming from behind to get my blessing sometimes the thing that keeps us from getting our blessing is that we've got too much pride to come from behind we learn to acquest in our lives and to say things like we don't want it anymore on because we're too afraid to come from behind I'm too old to go back to school I'll never be able to write that book I think my time is over I think my opportunity for love has faded away I don't want to come from behind because I allowed all of the disappointments from the previous Physicians to make me believe that I could be restored again but God told me to tell you that if you would get down in your spirit that he came for the underdogs that he came for the people who didn't mind coming from behind that he's not looking for the person who came in first place that he's a last place kind of God and that he came for those of us who felt like we've been invisible to the world don't ever become so successful that you stop needing something from Jesus don't ever become so comfortable in your life that you stop needing something from him that I can't do this thing without you that I've lost friendships and I've lost relationships and it's just me and you in this thing I need you I need you somebody needs to reach up and start touching Jesus like they need him again that it's not just this robotic function that we get into worship and start lifting our hands but we need something from him and the woman and Jesus said who touched me and everyone denied it because the woman was ready to be healed but she wasn't ready ready to walk just yet and Peter and those with him are like Master the multitudes there's everyone around you when you ask who touched me and this is what I love and this is what I want you to get down in your spirit because Jesus said somebody touched me for I perceived power going out of me power came out of me when someone touched me for some reason a woman who had an issue of blood for 12 years she touches Jesus and power goes out of him I wonder how many people in this room have been exposed to a superpower but they haven't quite realized yet that they've got access to strength that is beyond them so you're worried and you're stressed and you're wondering how am I going to do this thing on my own and Jesus just wants to know who touched me because there's something about identifying with the fact that you have called on a name that is greater than yours that should give you the kind of power that should make demons tremble when you walk into a room that Darkness should start backing up when you walk into a room he wanted to know who touched me who touched me because I perceived power and the woman she recognized something in verse 47 it says the woman recognized that she was not hidden any longer this woman who had learned to be invisible for so long all of a sudden she was no longer hidden I think the the Crux of this message for anyone who was like me and has been wondering how they are going to go back into their homes with this new knowledge and this new revelation of not only who God is but who they have the potential to become is to recognize that they are no longer invisible what I love about this text is though the woman was invisible to everyone else by all accounts because she was Untouchable because she could not be held and touched and no one could sit after her she was Untouchable in her community but you know what I love about her that she was not invisible to herself she was aware enough to recognize that she had an issue that was too great for her and that she needed to call upon a name that could heal her immediately and I don't know how many of you have been going throughout your worlds and going throughout your marriages and your workplaces and maybe you feel invisible to everyone else but I want to challenge you before we leave this theater to start being visible to yourself again to start being present in your life again to start being so in touch with yourself that when your husband or your friends ask you how you're doing you say I'm not doing okay but I'm going to to get there that you would start to stand in the truth of where you are and who you are and not pretend to be what everyone else needs but instead be who you are so that the real transformation of God can begin to take place in your life because he cannot bless who we pretend to be his grace and anointing only meets us right where we are and there was something about this woman where she did not mind recognizing that she had issues not for the sake of just saying this is how I am and this is how I'm going to be but she recognized that there was something working down on the inside of her that was also working against her 14 years old I got pregnant I went through a series of what could only be called ratchetness just Google it it's a thing it's not excellent but God's grace amen toxic relationship after relationship broken abuse Physicians after Physicians trying to become better but it wasn't until I identified that there was something functioning down on the inside of me that was birthed in Brokenness and and birthed in low self-esteem and insecurities that I was able to really access who God has called me to be there are people in this room just a few thousand maybe but I actually think that there are Mill millions of people represented in this room because there is a destiny assigned to your life and that Destiny May begin in your home it may be on platforms like this but what is most Paramount for you to remember is that we cannot realize that Destiny until we recognize that we must be visible to ourselves she Rises not by her own strength not because she did everything the right way not because she has this white Pig fence and everything worked out the way that it was supposed to she Rises because she didn't mind coming from behind and touching the Hemm of the Master's garment because she didn't mind pulling power from the name of Jesus so before I get ready to close allow me to speak power into your situation allow me to speak Jesus down to your insecurities allow me to speak Jesus down to those generational curses allow me to speak Jesus down to the Teen Mom Jesus Jesus I don't know about you but I come from the old school church where we start calling on the name of Jesus and things start to tremble and and things start to shift and transform in our lives I speak Jesus into that marriage I speak Jesus into your finances I speak Jesus over the lives of your children I speak Jesus I speak Jesus I speak Supernatural power I speak overcoming power I speak chains breaking in the name of Jesus Jesus I know this is a theater but if for a moment we could turn it into an altar and we could start to recognize what happens when women come together and touch the hym of His Garment I know this is a theater and you didn't come to have church I know we got all dressed up because we wanted to be friends but I dare you to start calling upon the name of Jesus I dare you to start coming from behind I dare you to speak Jesus into that relationship Jesus Jesus Jesus I can't have these issues anymore Jesus Jesus Jesus heal my marriage Jesus Jesus Jesus save my children Jesus Jesus Jesus heal my broken heart Jesus Jesus save my country Jesus Jesus save my community Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus I Need You Jesus I can't I can't do this thing without you the sin was not that they were open the sin was what they did when they were open that's why when David says search my heart I don't really know who I am when I'm open maybe I'm bitter maybe I am hard to be connected with I don't really know who I am am when I'm open and the thing is about being open is that sometimes that stress breaks US Open sometimes disappointment breaks US Open we got to understand those areas in our lives where we experience those separations because when the enemy exploits it we think often that the problem with what happened with Eve in the garden is when she ate from the fruit and that is not what the problem is the problem started and she told us out of her own mouth in Genesis 3 she says the serpent deceived me and then I ate the serpent found an opening and he did not give her a command he gave her a thought I don't have to tell you to sin I don't have to tell you to betray yourself I don't have to tell you to give up on your destiny the serpent doesn't even have to tell you to kill yourself he just has to give you a thought that this world would be better without you in it I just have to give you a thought your thought life is more powerful sometimes in even your prayer life because your thought life if you don't get a hold of it real good then you'll end up in a situation where the thoughts of the enemy have taken root and produce fruit in your life and then when you recognize that your thought life is under attack you go into your prayer closet with a different strategy God I don't need you to change I need you to help me get my head together God I'm about to walk away from the very thing that you called me to cuz something got in my head I got to be careful in certain Seasons because you in my head oh God the one place you cannot be is in my head because I'm trying to be transformed in my mind if I let you in my head my mind is so malleable that it could turn in the direction of Destiny or it could turn in the direction of destruction and all of a sudden I'll go from thinking I'm called and anointed to thinking that there is no use for my voice in the world all of a sudden I think that I can do this but because you got in my [Applause] head get out of their head get out of their minds God we claim it back we lay it at the altar sometimes I got to lay my spirit out sometimes I got to lay my mind out my mind is telling me that I'm not fearfully and wonderfully made my mind is telling me that the weapons has prospered my mind is trying to tell me that there is no use for me but Satan I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Satan I serve you in eviction notice we don't have to wait till the end of a sermon to get to an alter call I hear God saying I'll call out your mind right now I want to talk to somebody whose mind has been playing tricks on you I want to talk to somebody whose mind has been making you think that you are not called and anointed for your destiny your mind is making you believe that the gift doesn't matter your mind is making you believe that you cannot break the generational curse but I came here to tell [Music] you let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus I feel like going to war in this place I got on this dress and I'm trying to be pretty but I feel like going to war with the mind of oh God baby [Music] scripture says that the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal but they are Mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds that word stronghold actually means a fortified argument that means that the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal but they are Mighty through God for the pulling down a fortified arguments ever since you was little they've been in your head that argument is so fortified but I came here to tell you I got a weapon stronger than the argument I got a weapon stronger than what they said I got a weapon for that I got a prayer for that I got to worship for that I got a Jesus for that I know what you said about me but do you know what Jesus did for me Jesus did something that a thought can't undo Jesus did [Music] something see [Music] [Applause] [Music] Warfare Warfare Jesus Jesus okay oh God that's why the serpent has to get in your head cuz if he gets in your head he can separate you and if he can separate you from God he can separate you from you you don't even know who you are that's why I had to attack your mind when you were young cuz if I started when you're young you may not ever find out who you really are but I thank God that he still closes doors because even though you got me when I was young God says I'mma close the door but then I'mma open the door so I can show them anyway I'mma show them with an Open Door who they are I'mma show you with an Open Door what I think about you your thoughts are not my thoughts and I thank God for that your ways are not my ways [Music] [Applause] all right this what happens right the serpent separated them the enemy separated you with one thought two thoughts echoed by people who had their own [Applause] thoughts I still got a long way to go so I don't Adam and Eve are in the garden and they've been [Music] separated and what they do with this separation is what so many of us do they move into an avoid an [Music] attachment they say to themselves I'mma just keep pushing through I'mma avoid who I should have been I'm going to avoid what I should have done and I'm going just push through what they call pushing through is actually pushing away they got their fig leaves but when God is walking through the cool of the garden and he asks where are you it lets us know that they were avoiding having to be in relationship with God but they were not avoiding being in the place that God had put them I wish I could say that you see some of you are patting yourself on the back cuz you're still in the vicinity even though you aren't in [Applause] position I'm attached but I'm not connected the way I once was I'm in the marriage but I'm not connected the way I'm just pushing through in the business but I'm not connected I'm just pushing through but you're not pushing through you're actually pushing away because pushing through requires an element of Confrontation and if you think pushing through is how can I avoid it or how can I punish it then you never are offered the opportunity to be secure again somebody's searching for God but what they're really searching for is for the god in you to stand up and become a light in the dark world and God says as long as everybody's searching and nobody's becoming then we're going to end up in this cular situation where nobody can get hope but all it takes is one person who is willing to say you know what I found God and I won't keep it to myself so I'm going to throw everything that God has given me in the circle of my influence so that when anybody is searching for God they don't have to search hard how God's going to do it in the marriage I hear God saying start searching for them in the marriage how God's going to do it in the business is when somebody starts searching not for more of the same damage not for more of the same pain not for More Money More zeros more contracts more followers seek you first the kingdom he God saying this has been a terrifying year and we ain't even out of January yet but the enemy is after your focus the enemy is after your attention the enemy is after your sight in Genesis 3 she didn't eat from the fruit until she saw that the fruit was appealing to the eyes it tells us that when the enemy got her eyes the woman saw that the tree was good for food she saw it with her eyes the enemy was after her focus and attention I saw that the tree was good for food that that was pleasant to the eyes and then she partook of it because the enemy wants your attention keep waiting on them to mess up wait this ain't going to work out either he's got your attention and I hear God saying the only way we make it to the other side of this obstacle is not by strategizing on how to attack our enemy it's asking God to restore our focus on him because if he restores our focus on him it'll build our faith maybe what you really need is something different to look at maybe what you really need is a miracle oh God help me Jesus performs all these Miracles and yet only a few of them are documented and yet the multitudes were drawn towards him because you don't necessarily need a miracle to happen to you for a miracle to change you sometimes all you need is the exposure of a miracle to help you build your faith for what God can do in your life that's why Jesus is performing all of these signs and wonders because I want to expose them to a miracle that changes the way that they see themselves the way that they see God the way that they see this relationship between humanity and Divinity and know Jesus didn't touch every single person in the multitude by hand but he touched them by what he allowed them to see is there anybody in this room who can be honest enough to say I need to shift my focus wave at me yeah is there anybody in this room who can be honest enough to say my faith is taking a hit this year my faith for my body my faith for my marriage my faith for my finances is taking a hit can we do something okay okay God oh this going to be so God help me if you're in this room and you have seen God perform miracles in your business you have seen God literally take nothing and turn it into something I want you to stand up just stand up real quick okay now y'all stay standing stay standing now if you're in this room and you're believing God for a miracle in your business I want you to take a look at what's happening in this room and I want you to say God I see that say it again God I see that I see that say that again say God I see that cuz we're going to build your faith based off of what you are exposed to I want you to say it again God I see that God I see that I see what you did in their lives I see that you performed a miracle in their world God I see that for my own business I receive that for my own faith okay y'all sit down y'all sit down y'all sit down let's do if you're in this room and God's done a Wonder in your family you know that you know that you know that y'all shouldn't even be talking we shouldn't even be able to get together but some kind of way God restored a marriage He restored a relationship with a child I want you to stand up real quick cuz we going to have testimony service we are mega church and we going to have mega testimony service not everybody's going to get the microphone but everybody's going to get the increase of Faith now if you're waiting on God to do something in your family you're waiting on God to show up for your children I want you to look around this room and say God I see that God I see that if you could touch them I'd touch them if you can get close to them I just touch them cuz that same God that did it for them can do it for you too I want you to build your faith up again if God's performed a miracle in your body and you know that you know that you know that the doctor said one thing but God said another thing get up off of your feet real quick cuz I need your faith for my mother I need your faith for my family I want to see what God did in your body so that I can be reminded of what's possible for what reason would we come together if we're not going to overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of Our Testimony now I want us to take 10 seconds and thank God that he's still doing miracles to thank God that he let me see that he's still working to build your faith up God I bless your name oh God I thank you for who you are God I believe but help my unbelief God keep exposing me to your Wonder keep exposing me to your power keep exposing me to your gra God I'm ready to shift my focus I know what the doctor said said but I don't want to talk to the doctor anymore I need to talk to a Healer I know what the bank said but I don't need to talk to the bank I want to talk to a provider I want to talk to dyra I want to talk to Elohim I want to talk to Yahweh I want to talk to The Great I Am I want to talk to my Defender let me talk to my lawyer father may I approach the [Applause] [Music] Shake It Up Stir Up The Gift of God that's on the inside of you I hear God saying it's settled down at the bottom but it ain't gone yet Faith [Music] Lord I prophesy fresh faith in this room I prophesy your fresh anointing in this room I prophesy signs and wonders in this room I prophesy a fresh anointing over your house I prophesy breakthrough over your body I prophesy his power showing I'm strong on the inside of you great God that you are have your way as only you can [Applause] [Music] do I got faith for this thing I got faith for this thing the enem is after your faith and if the enemy can have your faith you can keep working and working and working but nothing you do will ever really work because you don't really have no faith backing up that work I hear God saying Hustle season is over it's time for you to fake this thing on through it's time for you to put your faith where your work is you working but pulled back so you're not disappointed but I hear God saying if it's going to get done you going to have to put your back into it you going to have to put your faith into it I got faith for this I got faith for that child I got faith for this business I got faith for this ministry I got faith for this anointing I got faith for this marriage I don't have the money but I got the faith I don't have the plan but I got the faith I don't have the friends but I got the faith they walked away but they didn't take my faith they waged War but they couldn't have my faith I'm protecting my faith I'm in the fight of my life cuz this fight is over my faith if I don't have [Music] [Applause] faith faith [Music] Faith No More doubt no one more second guessing you on your own cannot do it without faith it is impossible to please God but if you just have mustard seed you could say to this mountain move
Channel: TBN
Views: 6,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tbn, sarah jakes roberts, sarah jakes roberts 2024, sarah jakes roberts full circle, sarah jakes roberts power moves, sarah jakes roberts tbn, sarah jakes roberts motivation, guidance and direction from god, know your calling from god, spiritual warfare, women's bible, women's conference, motivational sermon jam, what is god calling me to do, t8b2n6, let go of shame, bible, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn
Id: QlTE0C3Kz7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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