Dr. Pepper Baby Back Ribs With Homemade Dr. Pepper BBQ Sauce

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I've done root beer ribs before I've done Cheerwine chicken both of those using popular sodas to make a barbecue sauce well today I'm gonna be making Dr Pepper ribs [Music] now the ribs we're using today are a couple small racks of baby back ribs one's a little bit bigger than the other that's no problem and we're gonna be smoking them up out on the Oklahoma Jo using some hickory wood now the dr. pepper barbecue sauce is pretty sweet so the rub we're gonna be using today has a little bit of heat to it not too much just a little bit and that's gonna be some smiling swine BBQ rib rub but before we can get any rub on have to get the membrane off these ribs just get under this membrane here sometimes you can pull it with just your hands your gloved hands whatever sometimes you need a paper towel paper towel gives you the extra little grip and you just go back grab any of the pieces that didn't come off the same with this one doesn't always come off in one poll only thing that matters is you get that membrane off all right let's get these rubbed up we're gonna give these all a nice coating of the smiling swine rib rub [Music] [Music] all right these racks are ready let's get them out to the Oklahoma Joe's Highlands start smoking them all right the Oklahoma Joe's Highland is actually above temp and that's fine it'll start to moderate once we get these ribs on and I dial in the Vance let's go ahead and get our ribs on [Music] I have my two small water pans near the smokestacks side of the cooker and I have my ambient temperature probe pretty much dead center towards the front of the cooking chamber [Music] all right we're gonna go ahead and get our lid closed get smoking [Music] so I'm burning Hickory today and if you'll notice a lot of charcoal in there what I'll often do is save the charcoal that's been smothered from say the weber kettle or the PBC and i'll use it in the basket here as my starter charcoal if you get it really hot bed of charcoal going it's a lot easier to ignite the wood sometimes if your wood won't get going a really hot bed of charcoal helps the main thing you have to do with that is remember you're gonna generate more ash so make sure you have a good metal ash bucket to scrape some of that ash out during your cook and I do that often so let's close this up get smoking so the temperature I'm shooting for on the Oklahoma Joe's Highland today is somewhere in the 250 range 25 degrees to either side of that I'm fine with I'll be adjusting the vents to dial it into there if it goes up drops add more wood when we need to but we're not gonna check this for about two hours with baby backs I've started to use that two hour mark as a real sort of benchmark to see how they're doing if they're flexing well at that two hour mark I will wrap them and usually once they're wrapped it's only about an hour of wrap time then maybe another hour to finish up so I'll bring you back in a couple hours when it's time to check these ribs okay we've been going to ours let's give our ribs a check [Music] those are looking good let's give them a flex test and see how we're coming along in tennis you know those are still pretty stiff there [Music] yeah sometimes at two hours they're ready to be wrapped these aren't ready to be wrapped but they are looking a little dry so I'm gonna go ahead and spritz seasoned this is a two to one mixture of water to dr. pepper soda that's two parts water one part dr. pepper [Music] all right we're gonna get our lid closed keep on smoking we're gonna check the fire box yeah we got a piece of hickory pretty well burned down there it's going to knock a little ash out of the box here go ahead and get a fresh piece of hickory on I'll write our hickories burnin let's close it up so we can keep smoking so we'll check these baby back ribs in about an hour again I'm pretty sure at that time they're gonna be ready to be wrapped but right now let me show you how I made the dr. pepper barbecue sauce last night so this dr. pepper barbecue sauce starts with a base of two and a half cups of plain old ketchup to this we're going to add 24 ounces of dr. pepper soda we're also gonna add half a cup of apple cider vinegar one and a half cups of brown sugar nice little fizz we're gonna add a teaspoon of ground mustard half a teaspoon of ground black pepper 1/2 a teaspoon of onion powder half a teaspoon of granulated garlic 1/2 a teaspoon are you catching that there's a theme here 1/2 a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and half a teaspoon of red pepper flakes our final ingredient and the one that takes the longest to add 7 ounces of molasses now I'm just going to go ahead and set my induction burner on medium power we want to bring this up to a simmer and we're gonna start stirring it it's gonna gently stir it to start mixing things together help that ketchup dissolve all the brown sugar dissolve we will be stirring this every few minutes throughout the time when it's simmering and reducing you want to make sure when you do that that you scrape the bottom of the pan that's why it's good to use a wooden spoon want to make sure any of those sugars and things don't get stuck down there sort of burn on the bottom if they do it's not gonna kill the sauce but you just want to try and avoid that all right we're gonna let this come up to a simmer and start to reduce just starting to get that bubbling it's starting to build to a simmer I want to take a small whisk now and make sure we've got it mixed well starting to smell that Dr Pepper coming off this this is gonna go great on those baby backs tomorrow all right we've been going for about 15 minutes and it's starting to thicken up starting to reduce but it's going to need to go more so we're gonna keep going for another 20 minutes and then we'll check it again alright we've been going another 20 minutes now and this is just at the perfect consistency that I want it so you can just see it just is thickened a little bit I don't want it thick like ketchup you just want that a little bit of body to it go ahead and give this a quick little taste here that's dr. pepper that tastes really good actually all right I'm gonna head and turn off my induction burner we're gonna let this cool for a minute then we're gonna go ahead and pour this into some jars let that cool and it's gonna go in the refrigerator overnight and it'll be ready tomorrow for our Dr Pepper ribs all right we've been going to ours in 45 minutes let's check our ribs nice color developing on them now Suns hitting him so might be a little hard to see let's just check here yeah there's more flexing last time all right I think it's time to wrap these I just want to hit this with some of that same spritzing liquid the two to one mixture of water to dr. pepper it's a moisture in the package here it's back on and get our second rack [Music] all right we're gonna get our lid closed keep smoking I'll check those in about an hour all right or ribs have been going for another 45 minutes let's get them off here I'm pretty sure we're gonna be saucing these now let's open this up and fight the Flies looking good you look quick tenderness check with the probe oh yeah we're probing very tender here the perfect time to sauce these get a get a nice coating of this dr. pepper barbecue sauce on here and then these are gonna go back on the smoker I'm guessing a half an hour 45 minutes I'm gonna put these back on the smoker and grab our other rack [Music] this one actually broke in half so we are very tender [Music] I know I said 30 to 45 minutes but with as tender as these are I'm giving them 20 minutes and then I'm gonna pull them so I'll see you back here in 20 minutes all right it has been about 20 minutes let's look at these ribs but I know they're coming off Oh beautiful color on those just those 20 minutes with that sauce on there has really deepened that color all right I'm gonna get these off we're gonna get them inside have a taste all right here is one rack of our Dr Pepper baby back ribs really good color on this and I got to tell you I've tasted the sauce on its own and it really does have a nice dr. pepper kick to it that great flavor from that soda if you're a dr. pepper fan this is a really great barbecue sauce to make let's check these ribs out I'm gonna try and do it without having to flip them over here hey I got lucky all right looking good you can see that we have some falling off the bone here that's actually a little further than the way I prefer it I prefer the ribs to have some more bite but sometimes the baby backs they can cook much quicker than you expect and they don't always exhibit the outward signs like the meat pulling back extensively from the bone there is pull back here but I've seen a lot greater pull back with them not being fall off the bone so they're still gonna taste great I'm just going to tip it up so I can get a good cut a few good-looking ribs what I want to do here is I want to brush a little bit more of this dr. pepper barbecue sauce on some of these just kind of a nice finishing glaze you don't like too much sauce you don't have to do this but I love the flavor of this sauce I like all the sort of soda sauces that you can make the root beer that Cheerwine barbecue sauce was great it's even brush a little on this half rack part here gotta say these are looking great they're smelling great it's time to taste I have always felt that with ribs if you're trying to not get messy as you're eating them I don't know I don't know if I trust you because ribs are you're gonna get messy especially if they're sauced but let's go in let's see how this tastes old boy you do get a nice little undertone of that kick from the rub but really it's about this dr. pepper barbecue sauce and that really nice familiar sweetness that thing you remember from the soda works really well on this pork and I am getting the pull away from the bone not to fall off the bone so I I'm right on the edge there some of these may be completely fall off the bone that's all right but I do prefer them like this I can't even tell for having in my face I'm not sure of my addition here but I think that was about a four and a half hour cook time which is pretty typical for baby backs they took a little bit longer in the first part usually form either between two and two and a half hours these were about three rapping time an hour finishing time 20 minutes really a pretty typical baby back cook and really the fun part about this is making your own sauce putting it on some good ribs I just love doing that so if you like ribs and dr. pepper give this recipe a try or if you have another soda try using that instead of the dr. pepper you can pretty much substitute it one for one in this recipe and I got to tell you when you pair it with some good ribs that sauce whether it's dr. pepper or another soda there's some really good girls
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 45,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking channel, cooking with ry, ryne pearson, ryne douglas pearson, ribs, bbq sauce, homemade bbq sauce, how to make bbq sauce
Id: 7gXmaIsjSvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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