I WILL NOT BE STOPPED - Best Motivational Speech Video (Featuring Eric Thomas)

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I don't belong in this room I remember the videos had already been out my numbers were great and I would come in rooms and go or like that room like I go to a high school like boom I go to a youth detention center boom I go to a prison boom I come to corporate and go I don't know if I belong in here everybody in the room don't look like me they don't come from where I come from I don't know if I belong here and I'll never forget I had a conversation with Les Brown let's Brown had called me to Orlando we sat in a hotel and I left and I started talking to Les and I started naming like yo you let's round this person number one in the world he said don't you ever say that again I said don't say what he said you the best in the world right now I said what he said you the best in the world right now there's nobody as good as you in the world you're the best right now the only reason you're not the best right now is because you don't believe you the best and when you walk out this room I want you to join them I'm the best right now he said before you even become number one start to proclaim it and saying long before it happened say I'm the number one motivational speaker in the world and when I was number 20 I start saying speak in the world and I went to the computer in the world said exactly what I said that Eric Thomas is number one in the world I spoke in the world heard it and it activated your problem is that you don't believe you belong here your problem is that you don't think you should be sitting down here so listen to me and those of you said I want to be I want to be the best this probably right but your value system you believe in sleep what do you believe in Brian in that you're spending more money conservator you're reading all the books and you said everything the books a thing but those books are not aligned with your values and you're gonna go through the neck gonna have to change when I believed that my voice was needed in this world but I believed that I needed to be on the stage not for myself but to speak to a group of people who come from where I come from a working class who don't know what it's like to make millions of millions of dollars who don't understand where well looks like that I needed to come in the room with a single parent mother with a father not in my life being homeless and eyes you drop out only somebody who comes from where you come from can tell you you belong and I had to get my butt on stage because there's some funk then let's brown can't reach there's some folks that Tony Robbins can't read that's the bump that only I can reach and so I need to be on the stage with them doing what I was called to do but what you cannot do is you cannot quit doing the process because hey what you see you cannot give up champions keep going when they don't have anything left in their tank when you want this thing as bad as you want to breathe that's when you find a way [Music] some of y'all being worship since she was a high school so you don't really know how to grind like you talk cry like I love it like I go into the weight room and y'all playing like Bach y'all playing biggie like y'all all in it like you like you like pop but you don't have this fear Tupac you like love pop you like listening a pot you like listening to biggie you like to talk about the grind but you don't really know what the grinds like I know what the grind is like I was homeless I ain't got a trash can now don't going into that right now I don't wonder the number-one speakers in the world I started from the bottom like you like listening to it and see started from the bottom not your voice your bottom what is your bottom when you've been worship since middle school you've been tall your whole life being your whole life they worship you so much now that you think it's about you you don't even know what the grind look like I'm from Detroit homeless mama got pregnant with me at 17 years old high school dropout took me 12 years to get a four-year degree I'm coming now it's in do you finally made it to the big leagues and now you want to chill now you've got the big head now you can cry you hear now you hear now you and this is where you you break up this is where you start chilling that's where you get comfortable you made it now you made it now you and the big leagues now they watching you now this is where you make it permanent yeah I saw I saw perfect perfect nope practice don't make perfect practice make our minutes this permanent y'all this is permanent you can go wherever you want to go from here [Music] it does not take Talent you don't have to be talented right you don't have to be gifted you don't have to be the quickest the strongest you don't have to be the most intelligent to get to where I am that's what you guys do you just got a grind know your gly you gotta outrun so many of you heard me say this your father listened to me my owner company your mama might be a millionaire you might come from privilege your daddy might hook you up with a car he might know people he might better get you a job but you will not work me and what you have to decide in your position in the NCAA you have to make a decision that nobody in your position will outwork you I would walk away with stuff I never heard before books I've never read before audios I've never seen before going to conferences that I've never gone hanging out with people that I've never hung out with before this is nothing god this is just a desert there those of you with phones and every new phone that comes out you get it every upgrade you get it every piece of software you get it you are upgrading your technology and you've not upgraded yourself listen to me closely and you'll get to the point where enough is enough when you get to the point where it hurt real bad when you get to the point you can't take it no more when you get to that point but doors start opening opportunities start having listened to me very closely it's our dream nobody's gonna see you like you do it it's your dream nobody's gonna kill her like you kill it is your dream nobody's gonna be as dedicated to it you up it's your dream and they don't have to understand and they don't have to like it and they don't have to do it it does it's your dream and you my friend have been given the task to make it happen and you can't let anything stop you doing with two apologies you have an opportunity right now that you'll never have people say why you grind so hard II I might not be the number one motivational speaker in the world five years from now I've got to get everything I can get right now every book I can write F listen to me my school is being paid for by the athletic department I'm not right now a real man in the dark when nobody's watching he put me in work a real man when coach ain't even watch it he's studying film on his own he lost the process cuz real lions like to heart they love the process just as much as they love the prize and some of y'all just want to score you don't like the process you're not in love with the process [Music] you just like to put the pass all you love gonna show top everybody in the car like hey mom can you see you can t start to you money people there once you see them you like Showtime then have today why have to grab have to drop and put up the airport driving mah Optima et aren't you tired yes I might be I don't know et aren't you ready to take a break yes I might be but listen to me I can't why cuz I grabbed for Jaylyn I grind for Jada I cried for Dede I cried for my mother are you hearing what I'm telling you I'm crying for Vanessa my hustle for so the days I want to hit that alarm clock I think about my life I can't quit my son $25,000 a year I can't stop he's counting on me my daughter I can't quit I can't stop I can't get tired I can't give up I can't give in my mom and couch won't be my wife is counting on me oh yeah I might be different but I am brilliant yep I might be loud but I am special we can don't believe homeless and high school dropout to have a PhD writing books and becoming the voice of a generation we can do whatever we believe we can do and we don't need anybody's permission and do it with ours I am phenomenal and I don't owe anybody an apology I am going to do great things and I don't owe anybody an apology I have I to be great I was created to do great things I was created to have great things and I will no longer ask others for their permission [Music] one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three great listen to me and I don't know anybody in apology [Music] if you will be a champion if you will be a beast you don't have to go through something [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Motiversity
Views: 932,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational, motivational video, motivational speech, best motivational video, best motivational speech, motiversity, motiversity motivation, success, eric thomas, eric thomas motivation, eric thomas motivational video, eric thomas motivational speech, I WILL NOT BE STOPPED, i will not be stopped motivation, i will not stop, i will not stop motivation, motiversity eric thomas, i can i will i must, Best Motivational Speech Video, I will motivation, best motivation
Id: EdhrvEp4Ses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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