Dr. Larry Brown Preaches Wednesday at Pastors' School 2011

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thank you you may be seated thank you thank you so much what a blessing to be here and how many years of memory now come to me I left the service last night and I was going to my motel and I was with my son and my daughter both of which went to college here and Rachel's married to Jerry wife who graduated from here and they're missionaries in Tanzania Africa and Jerry was questioning me as I left here going back to the motel and he said he said dad tell me something you how many years ago did you come I said I think it was 43 years ago just a couple of years after the first passenger school and I don't know how many I've been to just year after year almost all of these years and he said well tell me about the changes in pastures school what was it like his young man in his 20s you know and I've been coming here for over 40 years and he said what was it like and I began to describe some of the early years of pasture school and of course let him know that most of the changes have been cosmetic there's a lot of sentimentality to it as you look back over these forty some years that I've been coming here to pasture school I think about the great bosses and the great men of God that are now in heaven along with dr. Hiles and many of those that loved him and served with him and I think about so many almost every passenger school is just imprinted upon my mind so many oceans of humorous and interesting things as well as powerful life-changing services and how it's changed my life how it's changed the life of thousands that I have been influenced by and have been able to influence West organized a church should be thirty-eight years ago this September and organized the Marian Avenue Baptist Church those people had never seen a Bible preaching church and didn't know what one was like and we didn't have but just a couple of men their wives and I brought first thing I did I'd been to pastors school before I was married and I brought him to pastor school a couple of those men whom I wanted to put on his Deacons when I organized the church and they felt like the Queen of Sheba when she saw Solomon's glory when they came here and they said preacher if they can do it in Hammond we can do it in the cornfield now they didn't know it never been done the cornfields before but I didn't have the heart to tell them and before I could get word to him they did it and built a great work there and of course we kept bringing people back each pastor school and God used that in a great way to found the Marian Avenue Baptist Church and to propagated along the way what I'll tell you what if you've known the pastor schools I've known you would in fact you would in fact be thanking God for pastor school now I mean you just wouldn't some of your laughing or older you know what I mean I mean listen good night no brakes no brakes read it all in the auditorium I mean that's a little 2500 seat auditorium as before they went the what the whole thing over there you know I was in that first one and I'm telling you it was all day long I mean no brakes I mean you couldn't go to the bathroom people came people came on Monday night that they'd get to go to the bathroom to Friday I mean it was you want to thank God I mean really dr. house was preaching I don't know if it's in pastor school or where but he was preaching and he was irritated people getting up and going out to the bathroom and getting nothing going out and he was irritating and of course there's a lot of things irritated dr. house I mean a lot I think in those days they had these squeaky cassette recorders you know and they would set them there on the altar and he hated them because that often squeak make nor I've seen him you don't know how many times I say hey stop it kill it do anything with it you know all those memories come back but people are going in and out and he was at 80 when he came to the pulpit I mean irritated he said that was not a lot of going in and out and he said it's uncalled for and he said listen and he aimed to say I have not gone I have not left a church service to go to the bathroom in 67 years but instead and he said it like that you know I said but instead here's what he said I have not gone to the bathroom in 67 years and it was two little boys on the front row and you can hear one of them just as loud say to the other that's got to be a record turning your Bibles to the book of Exodus Exodus I did a great injustice I know there's a deadline what is that according to the schedule you have when I'm finished no that won't work I got a preacher coming through here in a minute what can you help me an hour okay all right I'll leave this watch right here and I'll try to hold to that all right Exodus chapter number 14 please everybody stand up stand up for Jesus you soldiers of the cross lift high his royal banner it must not suffer loss Exodus chapter 14 I'd like to begin reading I'd like to I just like to read anywhere you got a King James Bible turn over to Exodus 14 you'll find it starting along in about number 10 you don't have a King James you may not find it at all may not be there anywhere but Exodus chapter 14 and verse number 10 and when Pharaoh drew nigh the children of Israel lifted up their eyes and behold the Egyptians marched after them and they were sore afraid and the children of Israel cried out unto the Lord and they said unto Moses because there were no graves in Egypt thou has taken us away to die in this wilderness wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us to carry us forth out of Egypt is not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt saying let us alone that we may serve the Egyptians for it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians than that we should die in this wilderness verse 13 and Moses said unto the people fear not stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which he will show you show to you today for the Egyptians whom you have seen today you shall see them again Oh no more forever the Lord shall fight for you and ye shall hold your peace and the Lord said unto Moses wherefore cries foul unto me speak unto the children of Israel that they and here's the two words go forward go forward go forward go forward let us bow our heads in prayer Heavenly Father we need you now Lord Jesus there's hundreds of people in this room that need to hear from heaven Lord what marvelous messages we've already heard all what powerful powerful every sermon hitting I mean hitting by the power of the Holy Spirit of God but the meetings not over Lord and though none of us men especially myself have felt up to the task humanly we know who he is we know that the Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Cross is up to the task I pray Lord Jesus you'll bless us now as we preach the message for we ask it in Jesus name Amen you may be seated please well I have a good message or two on the cross at least I did until Monday night and Pope fella didn't meal didn't leave me a blooming thing to say not a thing amen but the Lord brought me to this text speaking to the children of Israel that they go far word Churchill in the greatest speech he ever made in May that the greatest any statesman ever made said never never never never turn back Arthur Sullivan wrote onward Christian soldiers marching as to war with the cross of Jesus going on before another wrote onward forward chatter loud hosanna Christ is captain of the mighty throne another wrote mine eyes have seen the coming of the glory of the law he has trampled out the vintage where The Grapes of Wrath are stored he had loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible Swift sword his truth is marching all marching home John 20 Peter went forward and at thy word he said I let down the net and found great fruit in first Kings 7 verse 8 through for the for lepers went forward when saying swash said we here till we die they went forward and they found the day of good tidings and good food and good joy for everybody in daniel 622 Daniel went forward into the lion's den to hold the convictions God had given him and he found great protection as the line said well shut my mouth if it aint Daniel in Joshua chapter 6 the children of Israel marched around the walls till they felt like total idiots once a day for six days and on the seventh day seven times and wolves came a-tumblin down they went forward they went forward the three Hebrew children went forward and found in the fiery furnace company as a form of a fourth man walked with him and the smell of smoke did not even pass only Dan widow Ruth marching on marching old for God count everything but laws somebody said if I stumble pick me up if I falter push me off but if I turn back shoot me I got to go far word I mean listen when you go out under to a grave and you bury all you ever called sweetheart I mean you put all you ever called sweetheart in the ground after pastoring a church like I have for nearly 38 years and you walk away the devil would say to you that's enough that's enough you fought a good fight and you finished your course that's enough I'll look the devil in the eye now say devil my life's not over I got work to do and by the grace of God I will go forward we need to go forward we are going backwards too fast we need to go forward we need to go farmer in a lot of ways number one we need to go forward in separation in separation from the world 1st Corinthians 6 verse 17 come you out from among them and be separate saith the Lord God and touch not the unclean thing and I will be a father unto you 2nd Corinthians 7:1 let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and the spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God brother we need to go forward and we need to put some feet on our heart determination and our dedication we need to do more than just come to the altar Lord I need to get right with God and get out of the world you need to get up and get out you need to get up and get out god only change some things about you you ought to change a lot of things about all of us we don't live wholly like the great men of God in the past live that's why we don't have power your power will be in direct effect of your holiness now I can preach hold a lot of things I can preach a 6-month series I can preach and I pre-series my church on holiness and separation and all of that but I'm here to promise you one thing friend there is nothing by the way bring my illustration out if you would there is nothing in all of this we're all kids stay with me camera I might get removed here in a minute there is nothing in all of this world that is done more to damn our holiness and to keep us from being separated from the world like a monster we're going to bring out to show you here on this platform right here you're about to see the number one thing above all things I could talk about that has destroyed our testimony that has robbed our home you're looking at it right there that's it the television and the dirty rotten computer and all the filth that comes on that too and you know that it is you're looking at it right there I mean you're looking at it if you want to know what happened to monopoly that's it if you want to know what happened to family time that's it if you want to know what happened to husband and wife fellowship that if if you want to know what happened to good readers in your home you're looking at it right there if you want to know what happened to picnics and what happened to checkers and and what happened to Scrabble and what happened to these things you're looking at it right there that's it right there now wait a minute if you want to know why we have the blasphemy and the vulgarity and the permissiveness and of materialism and the world in December carnality and all the dirty rotten take more than anything in the world you're looking at it right thing I mean you're just looking at it and I mean you just are and you say now brother right now wait a minute let me park right here and say something let me just park right here there's a great man of God he may be in this room now one of the greatest preachers in America and I know I've known him for years I have been in and out of his home unannounced multiple times for years and he's always had a television in his home but I've never seen it on I would imagine from time to time he turns it on I imagine from time to time you'll catch the news of the weather or something but I do know that he couldn't watch much of anything because he was he got up so early stayed up so late and was so much on the go he wouldn't had time to watch anything on it now out of his church came a Pharisee and Pharisee went over and got his little group it was pedaling around doing absolutely nothing when this great man of God had built a great Church and living a very holy life and he ran into this man of God one day and I know I can call these names I know who it was he ran into this man of God and he said to him I'll tell you what it called his name I'll tell you what your problem is you got that ungodly television in the house that's your problem I want to park right here and say this there is more spirituality in the tip end of that godly pastors little finger there was in that Pharisees whole body now you got to watch the Pharisees the Pharisees will mess you up I'm not here to condemn good people for what they don't do wrong I don't live in your house I don't know what you do I don't know what you see I don't know what you do with the television I don't know what you do with the internet I'm not there I'm not here to judge you there's hope I've never had a television in my house we never had a computer in our house raised seven children as we're scattered over the earth all faithful and Independent Baptist churches what I'm saying right there with his wife while they go and they got along well we did all that without television internet but that's what we chose to do and I'm not judging you for what you do or what you you're doing or what you're going to do but having said that having said that preachers if you had any idea what your people were watching all that stupid thing on Saturday night to 11:30 you would not wonder that they said look at you like a bullfrog looking at a in a hailstorm on Sunday morning I mean you just wouldn't I mean you just wouldn't you you'd wonder you'd want to quit if you knew what your people we're watching on and I know what you're saying I brother brown a brother Brown I preach the Bible just that you got off on a tangent now preach the Bible okay I'm sorry I got off on a tangent I'll preach the Bible you watch it now while I preach the Bible for Thessalonians 5:22 abstain from all appearance of evil 1st Thessalonians 4 3 this is the will of God even your sanctification 2nd Corinthians 6:14 what fellowship hath light with darkness what part hath he that believeth with an infidel Ephesians 5:11 have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them Ephesians 5:16 redeeming the time because the days are evil first john 2:15 love not the world neither the things that are in the world If any man love the world the love of the father is not in him 2nd corinthians 10:5 pulling down imaginations as mental images and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God how about Romans 12:1 and 2 I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind how about sums 101 verse 1 I walk within my house with a perfect card he that worketh deceit shall not dwell in my sight he then tell his lies shall not carry in my sight how about Deuteronomy 7 neither shalt thou bring an abomination in the vine house unless thou become an abomination like it but thou shalt utterly detest it and thou shalt utterly abort it how about Ezekiel 8 here where it says talks about a son of man see what every man does in the chambers of his imagery about lamentations 351 mine eye affected my heart about proverbs 4:23 keep thine heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life I know what is that enough Bible anybody want the more Bible would you like that would that be okay you say oh brother brown oh brother brown I know you're right I know you're right but I don't know what I'm gonna do I mean goodnight my wife I know it's running our on the filthy Internet we don't have any firewalls on it don't have any blocks on it and I know and besides that brother Brown to television I know it's running it's putting an ungodly worldly atmosphere in our home but there's nothing I can do it was that you do unless you just go forward but you should go forward you say you say preacher what can I do throw a fit no she wouldn't know you're wise not gonna say a word if you'll just go forward yeah he just go forward is it well what can I do well some night when she's cooking supper and man everything is getting grilled in there and your children sitting around here like a bunch of catfish at the end of a drainpipe soaking up all of that feel you just sneak under into the garage and you get you and uh and you come back and while your wife's are cooking you say children's you may want to move back a little bit and you take this thing you gotta take gonna say hey take that touch I hate that time yeah Wes wait a minute which he comes in which he comes running in you be standing there like this going hey hey jingo say nothing some of you meant a hint pet you have to roof so the bedpost overnight you ought to get some grit your crawl and dog's name why don't you just go forward go forward she won't say a word not a word was she said about six months later she's normal she'll come in catch you in a sweet mood and she'll say you know honey I was somewhere Dana saw television I thought about that the nights we used to watch her and you know what you do you reach and grab the action she will say to thank yo that'll be no absolutely and he go over here find the sermon I left behind and we'll be going I mean it's time to go far away I mean I could preach a lot about all kinds of separation time to go forward in everything time to go farming dress standards I could get on that for a while yeah another we need some preaching time to go forward that's we don't need preach on beer anymore I said no here with CW v not long ago at a restaurant and we were fellowship and talking about things of the Lord and as a fellow sent to my right he kept looking though and I thought maybe it's under conviction or something cuz we just praise the Lord and talking about the good things of God and he said he little bit I just turned his way he's fellas I want to tell you something he said I've been sitting here just enjoying this conversation I said wonderful he said listen to find me and that to find me and that will take us that will talk about the Lord brag on the Lord people just talk about it I heared it just in front of God and everybody he said it's wonderful I said good wonderful and I said was about to ask you if you were saved oh yeah saved boy he was enjoying fellowship while here drinking his Budweiser set right there table just have this after time listen we got to go back and preach something we're not we're not opening our big mouths it's not enough just say you shouldn't be worldly need to give some examples let this country go into hail and our Christian people are going with it as far as our standards are concerned CERN and we need to get some grit and some guts and some groan about it and get back to pre I was looking at newspaper wasn't too long ago in a major newspaper in America and they were talking about styles coming now in most cases where they talk about styles coming they're talking about women's styles but this was men's style give me my picture can you get my picture up there that's what I saw I didn't get as good a copy as I wanted but the men did real good and now those are men's and men and skirts that's coming that's coming it's coming fast now what they did they put plaid skirts on them and they put men's shoes give it a little masculine look put boat on one of them just to get things started you know they didn't want to come on with the pink but the Pink's coming shortly after that you're going to see that on the street shortly according to this major I think with USA Today major American newspaper you're going to see that coming it is coming now if they're not queer they'll do the queers get here won't and I'm telling you this right now we need oh yeah but brother you say well what do you see wrong with that I'll tell exactly what I see wrong with that Deuteronomy 22:5 it's still in the blessing book amen still in the blessing book the Bible is clear when it says the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment did you hear what I said neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are an abomination unto the Lord and by the way this is not I don't have time to give a Bible discourse but this is not ceremonial law this is moral law I take 30 minutes I can prove that to you but I don't have 30 minutes but here's what it said it said the man shall neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are an abomination to the Lord thy God now mama I said mama I said mama you your your boy comes in wearing that now wearing one of those skirts that says mama how do you like it it's a new style you know what I want you to do he's wearing a skirt if you've been wearing breeches keep your mouth shut keep your mouth shut it's all in the same verse the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are an abomination unto God now your gun doesn't say about it mama we see you paved the way you open the door and I'm not surprised you did because you run around your shorts anyhow and your little swim outfit not enough clothes on to clean out the barrel of a 10 gauge shotgun your little spaghetti straps and and I'm telling you the truth God have mercy deacons wives I said deacons wives in this room and preachers wives running around with your stretch pants to show your big set self you want to be a saleable and those are some of you who have good standards and wear skirts your skirts are so tight you the back of your body is shining like a moon you ought to be ashamed of yourself and God have mercy somebody's gonna have to spell it out somebody's gonna have to say it when God said let your light shine that's not what he had in mind and by the way some of you preachers you've got standards and your wife does dress right and your girls do dress right and you do have standards but you don't say anything about I will throw you in shock Jerry Falwell is in heaven now but he went way to the left on a lot of things and dr. house so it saw him going that way I remember the days when he preached here and your pastor dr. house preached there and I remember when I said under Jerry Falwell in these conferences and all of that but he went to the left but I will throw you in the shop did you know Jerry Falwell up to his death had strong convictions like you do Jerry Falwell he had Stryper and all that so-called Christian rock and he didn't agree with it he didn't like it and said so he never did agree with a woman wearing breeches but I want to tell you something he didn't say anything about it you better listen to me he didn't say anything about it and friend you're going to have to do more than just have standards and have convictions you say well example God didn't say by the preaching of example you'll keep pace rate the preaching of the word preach the Bible is the Word of God you got to get your mouth open and say something oh yeah I heard dr. house say on this platform 25 years ago or that platform over there he said here's our problem said here you are and here's the world and he said the world is going to the left but you're not getting any closer to the world here you are here's the world the world is moving to the left but you're not getting any closer to the world he said here you are here's the world the world is moving to the left but you're not getting any closer to the world he said you look at the world you're as far from the world and she was when you started out but you're looking at the wrong thing you're looking at the world and still how far you come you're looking at the world instead of how far you've had listen if the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare look you may not have like everything Tony Hudson said last night by the way I did I like everything you say I like I like everything he said and I like how he said it - I liked Anna I'm an old southern boy and he was in my element I'm gonna tell you I liked it I liked it I mean I liked not only what he said I liked kbecque how he said it I like I even like where he got that from underwear he got it from Sandy Island recycle Georgia that's where he got it from I like sandy I like what he said how he said it like where he got it I like it all like every bit of it but wait a minute whether you did or did not agree with everything that brother Hudson said last night I promise you this you didn't go back to your room and sit and try to fluff I about where he was really coming from I mean you knew what he's me if you knew what he believed brother one thing you got to say about he and a lot of godly men that have preached here this week and all the weeks and that's this right here if the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself for the day of battle it's time that we gave a clear and sound listen we like what he said about music - dennou those tracks those tracks I like - everything you see I don't even like Russians I like everything preach I mean preach preach standards preach years ago in an ancient battle by the way is if it's here's some water I'm so dried have to be primed to spit years ago in an ancient battle years ago in an ancient battle a a commander ordered his forces to take a heel and it was up yonder it had a little standard-bearer little flag by her he said son he said rush to stand her to the top of that hill and we'll join you a little fella with fire and his whole breast to the top of the hill and he set the standard down and boy here came the force to take the heel and take the enemy but the commander dog sure had underestimated the enemy and the enemy came and they were pouring over the healed and flooding over the heel and all of a sudden there were too many casualties too many of his men were falling all of a sudden it looked like they would be totally overrun so he began to scream at his standard-bearer bring the standard back to the people bring the standard back to the people bring the standard down here back to quick-like don't stand there like his death with you back to him I mean looked like it hadn't heard nothing in his life just standing there face near Brando standard back to the people a little bitty turn around sit no bring the people up to the standard when an equity shall come in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard to give him and I want to tell you it's hard time that we brought the standard back to the people we need wit listen to let me tell you something we need the standard and brother by the way we got the standard right here in this King James Bible yes I wore no we got to go back to the original no you don't do that because you don't have the originals you can't get the originals and nobody in hundreds of years have you you can't find that but I tell you what you do know you know in Psalms 12 verse 6 and 7 this right here you know it says the words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in a furnace of Earth purified seven times thou shalt keep them O Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever forever the word of our Lord endureth forever let me tell you something friend we have in our hands this is the word which I've spoken unto you Paul said I hold in my hands the very infallible inerrant chart and tittle perfect preserved inspired Word of God and I'm glad that I do let me tell you something that you said well you know something God promised that he had never add to or take away from his word and he pronounced a curse to those that would he promised he would never add to or take away from his word but he never promised he wouldn't translate it and he never promised he wouldn't interpret it see the Holy Spirit of God is what interprets it and he never promised that he would not preserve it yeah how is he going to bring it to every generation if you don't translate it if he don't preserve it you say well God spoke to us in the Hebrew Aramaic and the Greek uh he spoken fourteen other languages too in acts two Oh at one time you read to tear for yourself holy men of God from every nation under heaven gathered up there I mean devout men of God and here with the disciples ignorant non learned men suddenly God spoke through the and every man began to hear the word of God in their own language how hear we every man the works of God in our own language and God was speaking through them in 14 languages at one time what they needed to know let me tell you something God did you know God knows English to detect the purview I mean he knows English I mean he can and he knows God has brought us the Word of God and you said well if I can't connect all that in history of how we've got the gut until a perfect Bible I just know I've got a problem with that well I'll tell you what dude when you go get that figured out you go get figured out the blood and total it all so garcy see here's what I'm gonna make a point here we are people of faith we know what God said God said he would preserve his word to every generation now we don't understand all of how he was going to do all he said he was going to do I mean he said call unto me and I'll answer thee and he said that his blood would forgive everyone if we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness well that was bloody shed 2000 years ago as we said the other night carried into heaven and sprinkled on the altar of God it's still there it will never die no more than Jesus will die because it's divine blood it's God's blood it's still affections unto everyone as a Christian that asks for cleansing from daily sin and thank God it's also effective for that Center that comes what can wash away my sins nothing but the blood of Jesus but I tell what you do you explain that you explained that you also explained the deity of God how he can be all God Oh God not part God Oh God and all man all at the same time explain that one and then while you're at it explain God's foreknowledge election and predestination as in comparison to his free will he in putting every man to accept or reject that grace Coral - if you can get that one all figured out if you can now when you get all of that done then you can explain to me exactly all the process I just know that God see where people of faith we believe the Bible we believe all that God said I came out of a Bible College in the South years ago and I was a bible corrector now many scholars don't believe this at last half of this particular verse it was in the in the original manuscripts are the best manuscripts and and you know I got me about that first year and I started preaching like 27 years old I founded the church there I stand up I'd say this book I hold in my hands is the Empire infallible inerrant jot and tiddle perfect Word of God the Bible is inspired of God John - the perfect and then it don't owe me one day well what am i correcting it for what am i if it's the infallible inerrant inspired Word of God shot and killed a perfect verbal plenary inspired what it and you don't owe me either shut up or put on one of the other I mean just say it if you don't believe it quit saying it don't say it anymore don't say the book I hold in my hand is perfect where do you think the Word of God is your old brother Brown the Word of God is rendered in the sum of many translations will go on winter with them go on winter it then pull it out let's get it out here so we go look at it and have it in one volume since the Word of God cannot be broken do you see here's the thing there is nobody in the world that's using anything for the English speaking people than a King James Bible tonight there's nobody in the world that would even claim they've got a jot and tittle perfect book nobody that believes the NIV ASV RSV DD t-- m IC ke y MOU se nobody nobody that has one of those and even as a scholar would claim what we are aiming tonight about an infallible book we hold in our hands and I will tell you something I had to come to some realization that God had preserved his word to every generation not every generation of scholars not every generation of Greek scholars and Hebrew scholars but that God had preserved no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation God has brought his word to us today and I had to come to that and when I came to that brother I came to that I've never heard of Peter rut when hurdy a waiter gail riplinger ii anybody at logic led me to the thing that i've got to know in my heart that i have leads on until I got have it all for man shall not live by bread alone but by every every every every word that is spoken we need to go forward preach an old King James Bible we need to go forward in separation we need to go forward in the soul-winning value like that one do you need to go forward in soul-winning go ye go he go he I send you forth that's a fart with tank go ye into all the world preach the gospel to every subject oh I can't do that I wouldn't know what to say if I went to the door you wouldn't know no I'm scared to go cuz I I wouldn't know what's safe I wouldn't knocked on the door well I could cure that for you I'll tell you how I can fix that you go out soul-winning and you walk up to a door and knock on the door now you don't know what to say but a lady comes to the door she rather sophisticated lady she opens the door when she opens the door if you don't know what to say you just look at writing I and here's what you say and we sheet with horror closes the door you politely leave the porch and go to the next house knock on the next door now when that second lady comes to the door I don't know what you go say but I promise you you'll think of something better you say that that first going amen you'll have something I mean you'll make some improvement the truth the matter is if you wanted to look I was at a funeral here just the other day a lady died she'd come a couple of times with her twin sister to my church years ago 20 28 years ago and had they moved and and there were two girls rather rough girls and and they didn't stay long they went to Missouri with her family and I got a call I remembered the name because it was Nancy and pantsing darling that was the names the last names were darling Nancy and pansy and the hospice called and said Nancy is dying but she said that she had attended your church a couple of times years ago and she said that she would like for you to do the funeral pastor Brown and she was wondering if you could do I suggest ma'am I'll be glad to I enjoy helping people in times of grief and I said do you better than that I said I could see I'll see her this week and 42 miles away everybody everybody goes my chairs a long ways away and and I drove up there and went in there one night and walked in and the whole room was full of people they heard I was coming pastor was coming and a whole room I don't know how many he was into a 210 and and I sat down and I had a few kind words and I said Nancy 14 months ago I buried my wife with brain cancer actually started out breast cancer and then it went to her brain got her I said I've been through what you're going through right now with my wife and I said I've watched day by day what she was on she was down to the last I had her funeral last Saturday she was down to the last just a few days ago and but her mind was clear she was still setting up and I said now when she looked at my eyes don't ever give up hope God can still heal and God can still work miracles but in most of the when you have cancer like you've got and at the stage you've got it is God's indication that you're going to leave this world it is God's indication it's your time to go now Nancy I'm not pulling any any strings now I'm not I'm not I'm not messing with you I'm telling you something you're in trouble but I can help you get out of trouble you're going to die I can't heal you I can't I can pray for you and I will pray for you I can't heal you Nancy but I want to tell you something it appears you know and I know it appears you're going to leave this world she said I know I don't have long I know I'm going to die and she was very weak but very rational and I said Nancy I said tell you what I said I want to I want to tell you something and I want the rest of y'all to listen to it I said Nancy look you're going to leave this world but you go to a better world and you can be forgiven and you can have eternal life and you can get out of this light you get out of cancer you can get out of sickness and you can get out of weakness and you go into if you listen to what I say I can tell you who can give you eternal life so that you've never done and I just broke out into a preaching mode and I just stood right there and I just told the Gospel story of the cross and Jesus and his love his wonderful love and I saw that lady bow her head and get borned again and I saw her sister get borned again and I saw her sister's husband get borned again and I saw their son get borned again and I saw their grandson get borned again and I saw a friend that was there get borned again by the grace of God look we keep our mouth shut too much we just get our mouth I had the funeral this past Saturday it stood there to grade five other people showed up nobody showed up but family but there's a big family tree kept coming five other people showed up that got saved under the tent down Joseph we sang over here while ago saying under the tent I played the guitar while he's saying and and he sang Amazing Grace we gave an invitation and five more got born again Oh in God's name if only we had go forward if only we'd go forward amen and amen I was over here no hair field week and a half ago I was coming back from somewhere and flying through hair field and uh I checked the gate I said ma'am the planes here she said the planes here we got about a 20-minute turnaround she said I said how long for board she said we'll board in 10 minutes or thereabout I said okay I looked across the hall and there's some of that little naked juice over there that's good juice and I said I'm gonna get me one of them and I just got time to take that and drink it for and get on the plane and I walked over it just it wasn't a story it was just a little staying please what much wider and this right here just a little cooler there and have the juice in it and a lady standing there little place beside a big cash register and chuza oh 50-ish lady think a little hispanic and she she was and I got the juice and paid for it and I said ma'am let me give you something real I was in a hurry you know I said forgive something read here's a little gospel track she said thank you sir she said of you observing Ash Wednesday and she had the action she rolled her hand I said no ma'am and she said you're a preacher you don't observe Ash Wednesday I said no ma'am she said why don't you I said well I don't because never found in Bible he just never found it I've never never once commanded to the Lord to do that if there's been in then God told me to have done it I said we do baptize when we take communion but we don't we don't observe as Winsor she said oh she looked so puzzled and she said can I ask you a question she said I have a son that died and and all of a sudden she was just overtaken with grief though he had been dead several years she said I had a son it died and somebody said sometimes their angels would come back and visit us do you think I would ever see him do you think there's any way that I could see him and I thought well her son is probably lost now what do I say yeah you'll see him in hell you know I didn't won't say that and I thought well I said well I said I don't know about that she said you know we did one time she said we did or he did I can't remember which she said a boy I wish I could play that back but she he did for sure I take that back he did and maybe she did too it was either him or him and her but he had been she said we did go to a Baptist Church a little bit when he was a little younger and I said really I said by the way what church was she said Baptist Church of Hammond Indiana and but today I know that church I'm very familiar with that church I said you know something I know that Church tells people how to be saved I know they tell people how to go to heaven I said I can't tell you your son trusted Christ as his Savior at that church but I can tell you this it have been highly unlikely if he got in there and got out without somebody telling him how to be saved I said that would have been hot if he went to Sunday school and then children Church I said it would have been highly unlikely if he got in there and got out without somebody telling him how to be saved and I said let me tell you something I said you're observing Ash Wednesday in your Catholic Nam Baptist but did you know all the Baptist churches and all the Catholic churches in the world won't get you to heaven oh really I suggest ma'am that's right and it's your pitiful she is a sweet lady a little plain is your teeth kind of stuck out right here when she talker live and catch and I had compassion on her my heart went out to her and all of us then I knew I was about to be late for the flight but I thought good grief I mean let the plane fly here's somebody that needs to go to heaven and I just said I just opened the track I wrote a good track here at King James versions in verses in and I just showed her right here from the Bible how to be saved and I said tell me something I said if I had a little more time she said hey I'm a business slow right now so I looked nobody behind me she said to talk to me she didn't say don't leave me but in essence that's what I could feel don't leave me now don't leave in my home and I said wouldn't you like I would I would and I saw that dear lady under severe conviction about her head and pray old Jesus come into my heart and save me by the grace of God we need to go forward go forward go he in all the world and preach the gospel to every creature we need to go farther than separation we need to go forward and preaching we need to go forward that King James Bible we need to go forward in soul-winning and we just need to go far away you know in the book of Exodus we find that they came to Kadesh Barnea when they came to Kadesh Barnea they had it made shade with lemonade except for one thing they appointed a committee that was in Delhi I mean God had instructed go into the land but they appointed a committee and the committee came back and said we can't do it and for 40 years they wandered around in the wilderness for 40 years they wondered around in the wilderness the 40 years later they came back two spies went in and they found an unusual thing they found there was Rahab the harlot who's living on the wall and Rahab said something that blew the doors off of myself here's what she said she said this in Joshua chapter 2 and I want to read it till you jot the reference down if you like you like this Joshua 210 at 11 here's what she said I can find it here it is Joshua 2:10 says for we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when he came out of Egypt now that was 40 years earlier that's what they had heard and said of and what he did unto the two kings of the amorite that were on the other side of Jordan sahan and AAG whom he utterly destroyed and as soon as we had heard these things our hearts did melt neither did there remain anymore carriage in any man because of you now wait a minute something hit me I'd never hit me before forty years earlier when they were looking at high walls and saw themselves as grasshoppers in the sight of John's forty years later when they were saying we do it the charts are too big the walls too high the obstacles are too great we'll turn by tempt God and limit the Holy One of Israel 40 years later when they were saying it's too much we can't do it they didn't know but inside of those walls were people trembling inside of those walls were people scared to death 40 years later God had already prepared the way but they couldn't see it you see we're people of faith and I'm speaking of people tonight some of you preachers you need to go forward in preaching some of you Christians you need to go forward in limited and we need to go forward in our separation in our standards in our soul winning but what we can't see is God has opened more willis doors for us but he won't show it to us until we go forward now all over America I preached this sermon they want to come to this point I say this if you see a point back yonder you see a point back yonder and you say that's it but there's too many obstacles in the way then here's what happens at that point I say you just go forward and I get a pull the back of the pews and walk all the way to the back I've done that all over America did that International sword conference in dr. Treves Church and a bunch of other churches but dr. stop already has too much liability on him right here and besides that I didn't get I didn't tell him about doing that so I'm not going to do that but I'll tell you this right now you just go far away you go home and you go far away you go forward tomorrow when you see somebody that you can give a tract to you just take a step and go forward go forward go forward go forward and God will go with you he'll go with you I'm pressing on my upward way new heights I'm gained and every day still praying as I unware doubt Lord plant my feet on higher ground just go forward well let me say this I liked everything he said how he said it and amen amen everything you know too many of you have gotten too slick in your Christianity let's just be honest you know you really think there's any of in this room that's really - clean - pure - holy you sit there your self-righteousness and I'm not a point mopping anybody except myself but you know you work so hard to kind of do things just right and not ruffle the feathers and try to make sure you're not ruffling the waves you know and make it a mess you need somebody like this all the time to come in and just upset the applecart and say hey let's get down to brass tacks let's get let's get to driving some real nails in it you know that that cross kind of living kind of separates the men from the boys and you know that this isn't a college kid preaching here this is a man in his mid 60's - going to the loss of his wife built a church 38 plus years at one place building a church many of us have been to that church that's a rock-solid group of believers that anybody any pastor would cover to have for a congregation and and and beyond besides that this is the man that lives what he preaches that wasn't that wasn't a sermon that was a message from a life lived holy before God for these years thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you dr. Brown I like that
Channel: FBC Music Videos
Views: 23,492
Rating: 4.5460992 out of 5
Keywords: FBC Hammond, Dr Jack Schaap, FBC Indiana, FBCHI, Munson's Uploads, Pastor School Hammond
Id: s4vlm4B8bo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 51sec (3411 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2012
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