Dr. Ken Berry presentation: Principles of a Proper Human Diet

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hey y'all how you doing first a little about me and then a little about you so I used to be a fat pre-diabetic miserable family physician and part of that was my fault but part of it wasn't my fault because I had been mistaught definitely in med school and residency but previously by my beloved granny Barry who taugh taught me what food was and I think many of us share that same story we we were mistaught we were misled we've forgotten who and what we are as a species and I think once you come back and revisit that and and make peace with what you are and who you are the principles of a proper human diet become self-evident almost now about you raise your hand if you identify as homo sapien sapien who identifies as HSS okay good so we know from the veterinary literature that there is a proper canine diet for dogs it's it's known there's no ifs answerer but Purina has some input on that but basically if you want a very healthy dog you feed them a specific diet same for cats same for cows same for sheep could that that also apply to Homo sapiens sapiens probably right let's talk about that so why do we need to even talk about this because we we seemingly the only species on the planet who's forgotten how to feed ourselves we don't know what to eat there's this huge debate you never when when Nisha and I are hunting deer in the woods we never see a small group of deer having a slap fight over whether they should eat the Clover or the Fescue or the weeds it's like they just know intuitively they just know instinctually this is why we have to talk about this because our ignorance and forgetfulness about what a proper human diet is has led to epidemics of all these conditions and many more a proper human diet is not a fat when I'm out in the in the pasture with the sheep they never get really riled up about you know what we're not we're we're going to be clover-based we're not going to eat grass anymore by God we're not eating any more weeds they don't do that they just eat the nutrition that they need and I would opine that a proper human diet for human beings is also not a fat I think it is the proper way you and I should both eat a proper human diet is not Factory made it is not scalable it grows it creeps it crawls it runs it jumps it slithers it flies that's a proper human diet if there's any extra steps added it's probably not PhD a proper human diet by definition is low in carbohydrates and I have I have quite a range of carbohydrates I think that it's possible to eat a proper human diet as a vegetarian if you're including Plenty of Fish plenty of eggs plenty of animal other animal proteins that that are okay with you ethically I think it's possible I think it's difficult but I think it's possible some of us like this previously morbidly obese family physician uh so I'll tell you a funny story so used to this button was the button that was in danger of popping okay and so I would going into an exam room with a patient who was overweight pre-diabetic whatever and I'd be like look Jerry and women women know this this break and eye contact men don't get it as often and I would say Jerry you're going to have to move more and eat less okay you got to lose some weight and Jerry's eyes he would break eye contact and look at this button for just a tenth of a second unconsciously couldn't help it he's like what the fu okay now if any button in danger it's often this button on a proper human diet and I think that's the way it should be for all of us but some people can tolerate more carbohydrates than others and that's why I think about the carbohydrate intake as a knob just like the knob on your stereo do your your stereo still have knobs probably not right I need to have a slide or something but if you're doing PhD and you're you're not getting your goals you need to turn down the carbon tape that's probably the answer for the vast majority of questions a proper human diet is uninflammatory and many people when you start talking about keto carnivore how your inflammation gets better they literally think you're full of a diet can't do that you have to have pills for that but absolutely our diet is filled with inflammatory things now some of these things are more inflammatory for some people than for others right there are some of you in this audience who can tolerate some oxalates and some lectins and some Fates right and there are others of you that if you even think about them you become inflamed but if you're eating the standard American diet that's by definition high carbon inflammatory you feel so miserable that you can't get any feedback from your body at all right it's like an alcoholic who's drinking three fifths of whiskey a day and you give him a shot of beer and you're like did you feel that no didn't feel that no but if that guy's been dry for a year and you give him a glass of beer he's going to feel that that's what happens when you INF remove the inflammatory processed high carb junk food from your diet is you actually get to start to hear that ancestral ancient voice saying yeah I feel really good when I eat that way but if I eat this not so much that's important you should listen to that a proper human diet is ancestral now we we sometimes when we're trying to create things we have to pick arbitrary boundaries and so if humans had access to it and they ate it more than 15 ,000 years ago that's ancestral so full disclosure I drink coffee that's 100% not ancestrally appropriate okay I I love butter and heavy cream not ancestrally appropriate according to my own definition so disclosure but if you're still having problems on low carb or keto ketovore or carnivore you need to apply this law this principle because this is the one that's probably going to be help you get over I can't tell you how many times I've had somebody on keto carnivore come to me and like my inflammation is still crazy I'm I'm not reaching my goals and and I'm like do you like cheese and they're like oh hell yeah cheese let's talk about that and so the the bananas the modern banana is a clone you know you understand every single banana in every Supermarket everywhere in the world today is the exact same banana they are they are cloned there's no there's no nothing we took charge of the banana hundreds of years ago and we came up with the Cavendish and said yep that's it and so every banana plant around the world that's used commercially is a clone of that original plant we've done this hundreds if not thousands of times with all the fruit all the berries no answer cestal barrier of fruit from 15,000 years ago in any way resembles the fruit and veg in the supermarket today there's even uh Zoological evidence that animals not humans animals selectively breed fruits to be larger and sweeter yeah true story so when I first started this I had very little nutrition training in in medical school had zero anthropological training paleoanthropology I didn't even know what that was archaeology sort of maybe Graham hanock I've heard of him but in order to come up with these principles I've had to dig into all of those silos that are not my home base I had to dig all of that out and bring all of that together to come up with these principles and the average doctor doesn't think they even need any nutrition training but if you start asking them how many books are papers have you read about anthropology paleoanthropology crickets start chirping because they they don't like why the hell would I even why don't even get it how can you know what the proper diet for human beings is in modern times if you don't know what we ate 15 30 100,000 years ago because that's probably important right cows have been eating grass for millions of years and so if Purina or some Mega Corporation comes out and says oh no we've got the perfect cow food for cows it's only $129 for a 50lb bag you're going to be like no it's pretty obvious grass is the proper Bine diet we don't need that product a proper human diet is very nutrient-dense okay anytime you're eating something just for pleasure that's that's probably not PhD now you can definitely eat a ribey for pleasure definitely but it's also one of the most nutrient-dense Foods on the planet okay and I apologize to our most of the vendors out here but we don't need a factory to make food if your food came from a factory that's a problem okay I had one of the vendors introduced himself and he was bragging about his his little product out there had 14 scientists and two nutritionists working on this product for 3 years and I was like yeah that's some then yeah I'm not definitely not going to drink that yeah okay excellent thank you um thanks for the heads up I don't think he meant it as a warning but that's how it came off a proper human diet is very satiating now do do you think that Kelloggs and General Mills and craft Hines and mandes do you think those big guys do they want to make satiating food think about that what would that do to their profit model if they made food that was very filling and satiating and kept you full for hours a proper human diet satiates you moves all of your hunger and satiety hormones to The Sweet Spot so that when you've eaten enough you get a ancestral signal to stop eating you're done you've had enough and then you don't get hungry again for a long damn time that's important I think that matters a proper human diet optimizes your health so how many of you guys saw the movie The Game Changer remember that movie they were bragging about the diet that the Gladiators ate in Rome they ate beans and rice lagum that's what they they they were the rock stars of Rome who knows what the Gladiators in Rome what was their societal status slaves and prisoners prisoners of War yeah that's what digging into archaeology a little bit history a little bit these other um areas of study that's what how you benefit from that cuz if you didn't know better cuz you saw you know Russell Crow he was hot as hell you're like well okay Gladiators he was a star they they are stars I should eat beans and rice you see how that works but if you've got just a little deeper layer of understanding of how the world works and how it has worked for a long time you'd be like yeah they were slaves I don't really want to eat a slave diet a prisoner diet but invariably the slave diet was always grains sugar too ERS legumes beans and rice we got tired of that it was rice and beans because it keeps it keeps the slaves alive keeps them healthy enough to work a little keeps their belly full so they're not complaining or rebelling but does it do anything for their are you worried if you own slaves about optimizing their health not really really right so an a proper human diet optimizes your health it's not just B filler doesn't just taste great it also nourishes your health and a proper human diet improves your health markers and I should add a lot okay so look at this little pie graph I recently used this in one of my YouTube videos can you guys read those can you see those okay so if I'm correct that there is a proper human diet and if I'm correct that this is the proper human diet then when you apply this diet when you stop the standard American crap or the vegan diet or any other number of diets the the high grain high carb Mediterranean diet and you start to eat this diet then you should notice things like your A1C starts to go back to normal your fasting insulin triglycerides hdlc inflammatory markers all that should start to return to normal if I'm right right so this py graph is the the hazard ratios if you have this condition this is how how big of a risk it is for you to have a heart attack and this py graph applies to all other chronic diseases as well so if you have a diet that lowers somebody's LDL okay is that a big deal according to this from published research do you see LDL on there right right so LDL actually comes in number 13 or 14 in this list that I made this py graph for wouldn't you want to fix the biggest wedge of pie I'm just a redneck we like to do things that matter you want to spend the most of your effort working on the stuff that's going to get you the most benefit is everybody okay with that concept it's I know it's simple-minded so when you apply the principles of a proper human diet type 2 diabetes goes virtually away in literally every person it always improves and in most cases goes completely away now a vegan diet can lower your A1C and they all tout that from the heavens but it's usually two1 of a percentage point right and then they get they they published 50 papers based on that but what about a diet that just got rid of type two diabetes it's almost as if type two diabetes is carbohydrate toxicity syndrome and when you cut out the inflammatory slow poison carbohydrates type 2 diabetes goes away that almost makes it sound like a a poisoning event not a disease that we don't understand it's probably genetic same for metabolic syndrome hypertension obesity all those things when you eat a proper human diet they improve markedly if not go back completely to normal so all these things get better if I'm right about what a proper human diet is a proper human diet includes some degree of fasting okay it's clear in the anthropological literature studying religions and studying uh groups all over the world there was always some fasting in their daily life it was is often known as starving because the hunters didn't do great that day but your body actually through the the eons learn to use that as a downtime almost like when a factory you don't work on those huge presses when they're running you you wait for downtime you shut them down and then you can replace parts and do maintenance our body kind of figured that out millions of years ago and some so I highly advise anybody if you're just new to all this don't start fasting first I think that's a good way to fail and give up implement the other strategies of a proper human diet first fasting will just come because it's natural we're all built to do it a proper human diet is a species specific person specific diet that works with your body's physiology and biochemistry to provide the best possible physical and meal mental health that's my hypothesis and we'll see in the coming years if that hypothesis proves true or not it does not scale up again I'm sorry for most of the vendors out here but you cannot make a billion dollars a year as a as a proper human diet food manufacturer one of the things I love about a proper human diet when people are eating real meat and real eggs and real veg if that's part of your PhD is that you start to seek out local ranchers you want to know the guy that raised your cow or your sheep you start to seek out local produce you want to know who raised that and and and maybe even look deeper in how they raised it so see there's this unwritten law in the South that The Closer you are to being able to put your hands on somebody the better they're likely to behave do that makes sense and so if you're buying food and and the headquarters is in New York and the distribution centers in San Diego and the corporate offices wherever you can't really get your hands on anybody what are you going to do if they slow poison you for 20 years and you wind up with fatty liver not much but if you're getting your food from local sources you know the guy you can go and have a chat with him as we say in the South if he's putting something in your food that he shouldn't be putting in your food it's not patentable nobody's going to make a a million billion dollars on a proper human diet how many members of our tribe do we have here stand up if you're part of the tribe stand up let me see you hey thank you guys so much for supporting what Nish and I do thank you guys so much we're all we're going to meet up with all the tribe members on on the bridge at 1 if you didn't get the message so that's just a short little taste of what I think a proper human diet is I've got a a few videos on my small YouTube channel that you can check out and I'm happy to take any questions you might have from me uh this is directly aimed at the the shy person here who's like I want to say hi but I'm afraid stop that I'm here for a reason okay I could have flown in gave this talk and flow out I've been here all week all all weekend and I'm going to be here till this evening so stop it grow up and stand up and come say hi thank you
Channel: Low Carb Conferences
Views: 225,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lO606ZKJRew
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Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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