Genius Carnivore Advice For 30 Minutes Straight (Doctor-Approved)

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hey carnivores welcome back to the channel it's me Bella the steak and butter gal as always I would love to know how you all are doing on your carnivore Journeys feel free to drop an update Down Below in the comments to cap off another amazing month of the carnival way of life I've condensed some of the very best moments full of advice and knowledge featuring superb carnivore doctors and experts who joined us in the steak and butter gang recently we've had some incredible medical professionals at the top of their fields sharing their insights tips and best recommendations and I can't wait to highlight all of their best wisdom for you in this video so grab your favorite cut of meat sit back and let's dive into these doctor approved Carnival roundups together meat and fat are never going to be inflammatory and that's the main takeaway is that these are if you are sick you need to remove inflammation or if there's something wrong it's caused by inflammation so you go back to what the human body evolved to eat which is animal fat and meat uh there's no nutritional value to carbohydrates why would we need them we didn't evolve to have them there's nothing in our body that runs better on carbohydrates so why would our hormones we know very well that they're all made out of peptides which are proteins and and cholesterol molecules to make steroids carbohydrates are are a cheap form of energy it's like diesel gas compared to I don't know Tesla batteries you know very dirty and smelly and yucky and you're not doing your endocrine system any favor by eating them you're definitely not helping your hormones High cortisol is very inflammatory we were talking when I was in school we were taught to be very care to ask all our patients had they taken had cortisone shots because if they had had cortisone shots we had to be very very careful touching them because their bones were very fragile so think of what cortisone does to Bones it burns nerve tissue it's inflammatory so the body doesn't like it so it will eventually if you're always running those ultramarathons or fighting people three times yourself like I did or you know eating lots of carbohydrates lots of coffee lots of stimulants you will have high cortisol levels and eventually the body will just turn it off any kind of stress State healthy change State you need a lot of fat because that is the best your well your adrenals your adrenals use fat to make uh cortisol everybody who has stress needs eat more male and female need to eat more fat during times of stress because you're burning through the cortisol you're just you're running out of gas how do you fill that tank back up you add the fat the fat is what makes cortisol so you can re you can lower the high cortisol by eating the fat there are studies that have demonstrated that during their intense this is high-intensity exercise um the cortisol levels are high and they tested people on carbohydrate diet high carbohydrate and high fat diet and the people with a high fat diet recovered much more quickly their cortisol lowered faster their muscles everything recovered much more quickly because the cortisol went down so fat lowers cortisol what we want to have is a system that says okay I'm hungry now okay I'm not hungry now that's all we need that's normal we would just want to be normal we want to be healthy and if our hormones are functioning prop if our hormones are telling sending all those signals properly that's how you'll be you'll just be hungry when you're hungry and eat until you're not hungry anymore you can't heal if you don't eat fat and eat me I mean if I was 15 years old and eating 500 calories a day and I go and I eat you know steak three times a day I'm sure I'd gain weight I mean that's just that's just normal if you're eating cookies and pancakes and I mean those things are uh going to make you sick but if you start eating steaks you might gain some weight just because your body is finally is saying wow we finally have what we need to fix your heart fix your kidneys fix your brain all the stuff that we need and now we can get to work so let's buy all the materials go to I what's the hardware story there go to home Home Depot buy all that stuff and let's build [ __ ] and that's what it is all of those hormones are are made from cholesterol so not avocado oil made out of animal made out not out of coconut oil God forbid made out of animal fat so these these fake fats you can't make steroid hormones out of those and you can't regenerate brain tissue or cover myelin sheaths nerve tissue with those you can only do it with animal fat which is what our body is made out of there's no avocado oil in our body the uh the animal fat is what our hor hormones are made out of and what I what I pointed out in the book is that the thyroid actually directs all this the thyroid we always say the thyroid is the the the conductor of the orchestra the the hormones being the orchestra bipolar syndrome or anxiety depression gray hair uh skin issues I mean just all kinds of illnesses Ros syndromes deutans contracture Lanos syndrome all of these things are related to hypothyroidism they're associated with it in research papers but when you go to the doctor with something you're not going to be they're not going to check your thyroid unless you're obese coal is a fish and comos or your eyes are bulging out and you can't gain weight and they're going to think thyroid cancer when you go to your doctor unfortunately they're often very arrogant and they may think they know something and they'll say oh don't go to drct Google and things like that because there's a lot of uh Pride involved right so you have to advocate for yourself you have to say this is associated with hypothyroidism would you please look into that I think this is what it is I mean when you go to your doctor you you have to say this is what I think it is you need to do this test eating a carniv or Diet is going to be very very helpful in the healing process not only will it help you to heal because it gives you the building blocks but it's likely to limit the uh inflammatory response you get you know back when I was doing like knee Replacements and stuff and I had them on low carb ketogenic dice I wasn't doing carnivore at the time but I still noticed a remarkable Improvement in in in the amount of decreased swelling and decreased wound issues and pain that the patients often had you know for some people variety is something that helps them be to to sustain this diet and like I said if I told everybody the only thing you're allowed to eat is is a plain bowl of ground beef for the rest of your life no one I would not sign up for that no one signed up for that and you'll figure out what what treats you well and what doesn't you know I mean the biggest thing is getting that bread off your plate or getting you're used to having that sort of I got to eat my fruits and vegetables and so once you get used to just eating animal products that's really a big step while I am a huge proponent of diets um I think there's other levs you know I think exercise sleep uh circadian rhythm you know sort of uh uh respecting that I mean moving around eating windows can be helpful depending a lot of people on Carnivore tend to eat infrequently most of us eat twice a day some do omad some do a little bit more frequently and uh sometimes moving that window early in the day has been helpful I have played and I sometimes advocate for what I call Fat cycling where it is you know a little bit of lean proteins for a couple days and then putting the fat back in rapidly because you can't you can't do I mean I know there's protein sparing modified fast that some people advocate for and I mean really I found that gosh any more than about three or four days of that and you start to you start to you start to become you start to Crave things you start to your thyroid starts to you know when you deny your body adequate I guess nutrition in a way your body starts to shut down non-essential things so it says okay well if you want to play that game guess what we're going to make you tired and you're going to be less you're going to move less and you're going to be colder and things like that so to prevent that it's important to periodically kind of refeed I guess and so I think that can be um you know and again 8020 ground beef and eggs and Rib eyeses you know you're probably looking at 70 75% fat probably if I had to guess what the pr the the ratios are on that and so maybe rolling at 60% for a little while in my experience between about 60 and 80% fat is where most people sort of survive on Carnivore long term and then shifting it one way or the other for for either therapeutic reasons perhaps more high fat or for body composition reasons perhaps a little leaner are are reasonable reasonable approaches here I eat when I'm hungry and I don't eat when I'm not hungry and that and that ultimately turns into kind of an intermittent fasting thing but I think it's very natural and you know at a point I think that makes sense I mean I think for some people that are struggling with satiety cues and maybe they have a history of food addiction or morbid obesity or something like that then I think that that little crutch of you know counting your time can be helpful it can kind of train you to not eat as frequently and I think that can be a helpful way to do that but I think I think the natural sort of just you know s you know satiety and hunger cues probably will lead us to if we're eating the right diet right I mean if we're eating Pop-Tarts and twinkies and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups no you're going to be will to eat constantly so I think the diet that lends itself to infrequent meal patterns is probably kind of appropriate you know I talked about this years and years ago I said you know I think if you're eating right diet you kind of naturally just don't eat that frequently because you think about it if we make the argument that we were all at one point nomadic and Gathering and stuff like that I think it's pretty good evidence that we did it would be very inconvenient to be breaking for meals you know frequently six times a day I mean you know particularly you think of you had to start a fire and you don't have you don't have a microwave you don't even have silverware or pots and pans I mean you I mean you're probably cooking over a rock you know somewhere and it's not very convenient so I suspect most humans prior to kind of civilization we're probably eating very intermittently and you know eating a lot probably and I used to talk about feasting and F you know intermittent feasting as you know you load up on food and then you don't eat again on the note of feasting and fasting the steak and butter gang offers an amazing protocol that all members can easily follow to start carnivore and thrive on Carnivore it very much focuses on the concept of feasting and fasting and we incorporate our special priming protocol that coach Raymond and Coach Emily teaches if you need a guide that you can clearly and easily follow to help you get on track heal and reach your weight loss goals I highly recommend you check out our next challenge to access our full feasting and fasting program we will be having Dr Anthony chaffy Dr Robert Kilz Dr Tony Hampton and Coach Rebecca heishman for more details and to directly join us before we kick off feel free to go to the URL shown on the screen SBG or check out the links Down Below in the description Box's quote unquote perfect and always the enemy of good is perfect right I remember in surgery we would you'd like to get this thing just perfect on the X-ray and you do this and all of a sudden you break something you it all falls apart you're like crap you know trying to be perfect all the time is is is going to end in in in sort of disaster for most people so you do what you have to do you do what you can do you do what it makes it St you said you feel good so that's it's already win there so I mean I think you're in a you're in a good place and I think like I mentioned about earlier when it comes to losing those last few pounds it's it's hard sometimes this is hard work for me I mean even I mean you guys see how hard I train and stuff like that but I still have to knuckle it you know to lose those last five pounds of you know lower lower belly fat I mean I got to really grind to get there and so and the question is isn't even worth it so your body is really not concerned about how you look in the mirror until you get all of those deficiencies taken care of and so that that could be part of the reason why you haven't noticed a change on the scales I would highly advise you to do two things first get a Tailor's tape you can buy one for three bucks off Amazon and start taking your measurements just like you're going to get measured for suda clothes and many many women on keto and carnivore find that their their inches are going down long before the scale starts to move in many cases when a woman starts to eat a very nutrient-dense diet she'll immediately even though she's burning fat because she's in ketosis at least some of the time she'll also start to put on muscle and her bones will start to strengthen both of those things show up on the scale in the bathroom very often uh masking the fat loss that you actually are having by the increase in muscle mass and the increase in bone mass and so that's again that's why the tailor tape is so important because you can see these body recompositions happening even though the number on the damn scales may not be changing if what you're doing is not working after the third month don't call it a stall don't come at me saying my weight loss is stalled if it hasn't been three months I don't want to hear it you need to give your body time to heal yeah some women take a month some women take three months some take six months or longer before their metabolism calms down the inflammation calms down to the point where their metabolism is like okay I guess everything's okay I guess we can start to metabolize some of the stored fat you need to shut up and grow up and get on with it okay it takes time for your body to heal I love you that's called The Slap hug we study science and we work on science and we try to make discoveries but very often we find out oh that Discovery I thought I made was was complete horseshit it was compl completely wrong so we got to go back to the drawing board and we're seeing this happen in real time in nutrition science right now if back in N the 1980s early 90s if you had said oh you need to eat fatty red meat and egg yolks and and and eat sticks of butter I mean I would I would have literally immediately lost my license literally we could line up 20 million people just like me and B and Emily 20 million line them up here's their last here's everything that still would not be enough data they be like no you need a 20-year study it's like [ __ ] do you have a 20-year study I'm going to eat Reese's Puffs every morning because you said it's a green light food has that been studied for 20 years hell no but that's okay that's different because they're tough School of nutrition and policy and I'm just Dr Barry here in cam to Tennessee I don't think we're going to change their mind and that's why I don't even want you to waste your time I want you to find the people that you love your family your friends people that you you like I really like that guy he's got potential that's the person you're going to reach out the great tragedy in my mind is the um the the therapies that are offered to cancer patients are ba are based on the conventional knowledge that cancer is a genetic disease they don't realize that it's a metabolic disease it's not a genetic disease so um and I don't think they know that they haven't been trained the field majority of people in the the oncology field are are not aware of that and it becomes clear uh when they discuss this uh with their cancer patients this probably goes down as one of the greatest tragedies in the history of medicine and it's not and nobody's lying to anybody they just put all their eggs in a singular basket and that basket has happens to have a huge hole in it and and and we're not we're not getting the benefits of all the billions of dollars that we have invested in this disorder the theory under which the diseas is viewed and managed is incorrect it's a metabolic disorder and once you realize that we'll be able to drop the death rates by 50% in five years but you have to overturn a monstrously powerful system and Paradigm and that it's not going to happen anytime soon look at your glucose Ketone index and that tells you uh what level of of nutritional ketosis that you're in once you put the body in this new metabolic State these tumor cells become extremely vulnerable to very small doses of various whole array of different kinds of drugs that go after the glucose and glutamine cancer cannot live without glucose and glutamine there's only two fuels we've we've interrogated the cancer cell we here's what we do we take these tumor cells and we put them in Saline which is a salt solution no fuel nothing and then we see how long it takes them to completely die without fuel remember without energy nothing can survive energy is everything the whole cancer issue is energy energy energy so how do you know what a cancer cell needs to survive you grow it in salt and then it it dies it guys and then we add stuff back one at a time one at a time and we find that things and all of a sudden you add glucose back boom this thing starts growing again even in the salt there is a requirement here and it's called personal discipline uh you have to have some level of discipline to get your glucose Ketone index which which could take uh on on a very low car carbohydrate diet and you can use any kind of a low carb diet you'd like it might take 14 days to get into a a gki it's an elegant a beautiful non-toxic way to get rid of cancer but it does require the patient to participate in the outcome just like every animal we have an evolved species specific diet that's biologically appropriate for us and you venture outside of that and you can actually get armed the vast majority if not all of the so-called chronic dis diseases that we're treating now nowadays as a Mainstay of modern medicine are direct consequence of eating an inappropriate diet we're eating things that were not biologically designed to eat and we're getting physiological harm from that and this is manifesting in different ways and we call it diabetes and cancer and heart disease and autoimmunity and dementia but I really think that it comes down to the fact that we're eating things that can be directly harmful to us and disrupt our physiology and biochemistry and manifest as these sorts of diseases these non-communicable chronic diseases which are getting worse decade after decade after decade so this isn't genetic this isn't just always been there and we just didn't notice that's a very foolish statement going on a cornivore DI is at least removing a lot of different things like removing cigarettes or alcohol you're just removing another cause of harm to your body and what we see people do is they reverse their diabetes that's been clinically proven with any ketogenic diet that you can do that autoimmunity I've never seen anything respond better than a carnivore diet to for autoimmune diseases including all the different biological agents that we have to treat autoimmunities and and so many more you know we're getting more data about how high cholesterol in the ketogenic population with the lean mass hyperresonant in heart disease simply because the studies that originally said this is associated with it were bunk you know they were they were fraudulent they actually showed that they were inversely related so the less cholesterol people had the worse heart disease and heart attack and stroke they had and vice versa so when heart disease became the number one killer in America we were eating the least amount of meat in America that we had in 200 years it was sort of a U-shaped curve from the early 1800s to the late 20th century and right at the bottom of that was the 1920s and 30s when this became the number one killer in the world in fact it went down we were actually eating slightly more meat when the first heart attack was proven on autopsy and we ate Less meat and now it's the number one killer so that doesn't even that's not even an association there is no association and people say well throughout the 20th century meat consumption has gone up and heart disease has gone up fine look directly before that there's no association whatsoever so this is nonsense saturated fat sort of stayed consistent throughout the 20th century heart disease has gone up fat has actually come down as heart disease is going up and we replace it with other sorts of fats and things like that as well so this is this is a fraud this is this is clearly a fraud there is no association at all and you know the top Cardiology journals are recognizing this if you're still using artificial sweeteners then that will absolutely keep will keep your your Cravings going and even things like milk and things like that I have to be careful around milk yeah I first of all you know we're talking about like sweetness my palette has changed so much so like the Sweet Sensation is much different so I if I if I drank like whole milk it it tastes like a drinking ice cream like that's same like oh my God it was so sweet it's amazing obviously you want more of it and then you raise your insulin which drops your blood sugar which Blocks Your leptin it makes you feel like you're starving so you need to eat and your blood sugar drops your ketones drop and you feel tired and horrible and lethargic so you drink more milk to raise your blood sugar and play that whole game and so you can easily drink more and more and more and more milk and then you can get back into sort of a carb addiction and even though drinking milk may not be the best idea for all carnivores because it can potentially spark those carbon sugar Cravings there is a great alternative and that is colostrum this is armor colostrum and there are over 400 bioactive naturally occurring nutrients such as peptides antibodies and antioxidants that are all jam-packed into each serving of this colostrum their unflavored version is also 100% carnivore it's ethically Harvest from grass-fed cows and is purified for seamless digestion you just take three full spoonfuls of the colostrum mix it in a room temperature or chilled drink of your choice drink it down and you are good to go both steak and butter guy and my older sister have been using this daily to help with their immune system and to boost hair growth when you drink it down it has a very pure milky flavor there is no Stevia no additives no flavorings just 100% unflavored colostrum if you're interested in armor colostrum you can receive 15% off your first order by going to SBG you can also enter my discount code SBG checkout I've also linked them down below in the description box alcohol is another killer for this people every couple months or eight months or something like that they're like oh this is stupid I want to go out and drink alcohol has been shown to lower your inhibitions for eating crap food and even when people are on just a normal standard diet they're more likely to eat a lot of the processed highly you garbage sort of foods right and so this is a major major major uh way that that people going on a carnivore diet or any healthy diet they can end up falling off of that because they they drink alcohol and then they go oh well maybe I'll eat this other stuff and they start eating a bunch of garbage and and they're just like well I guess I can't do it and these things are a drug and they can be addictive and you can have cravings because of that and that's that's pretty typical after about 2 3 weeks that usually goes away if it's several months in it's probably you're hungry and your brain's telling you hey you need to eat if you go into a grocery store and you smell the bread aisle and the bakery you go oh my God that smells me you're hungry like that's all there is to it so you need to eat but you don't eat bread you eat real food like meat and there's also the argument to be made that there are a lot of bacteria in our guts that are reliant and dependent on carbohydrates and fiber and when they start dying off they start panicking and they start actually sending chemical signals up through the gut brain connection into your brain you start getting very strong and severe carb cravings and sugar cravings and so when your microbiome is turning over and dying off that you can actually get quite severe Cravings because of that what we don't want to do is be so afraid of a dietary pattern that seems a little extreme that is helping so many people particularly for autoimmune disease uh neurod degenerative diseases like Dem menion Huntington and things like uh metabolic health and of course mental particularly mental illness so I think what we have to do is combine what we do have anotal uh uh re uh experiences which is why I like the steak and butter game we have all of these testimonials we combine that with the observational research for Kore we connect that canavor research to keto until we get more Kore research and then we we take our personal experience people cannot wait to heal uh if we if we wait for the guidelines to change there will be so many people who will never heal because they never heard this information their doctor hadn't heard this information their nutrition professional hadn't heard this information and therefore they won't heal did you know that uh saturated fat uh when it comes to randomized control trials is not associated with heart disease not only is it not associated as suggested by the Journal of the College of Cardiology it's actually protective against stroke so they would hear that oh by the way did you not know that when the uh World Health Organization suggested that this this uh red meat was harmful for your risk for cancer did you not know that every study that was looked at it was about 14 of them they were all observational studies which don't show uh you know uh causation they only show possible Association or correlation and when it did increase your risk eating bacon every day five pieces of bacon for like for the rest of your life it only went up like you know from 5 to six % so would you not eat bacon if it only went up from five and most of them say I'm still going to eat my bacon so so once you give them like some evidence to say this is a little exaggerated th this is something that's really not something you should be concerned about they're willing to uh then take that leap when you prepare people and they have firm goals why am I doing this in the first place they have a why and they're comfortable with incremental change and and and we're going to notice all the improve is not the scale today we're going to focus on the A1C today we're going to focus on the triglycerides going down give them something else to focus on or just the fact that you just feel better I feel better doc well that's that's a victory we don't need a scale to change to we're going to celebrate that oh by the way when your scale didn't change maybe you gained a little muscle and you lost a little fat and it just balanced out so you have to so my job is to problem solve be a little bit of a coach and just nudge them in the right direction but never never forget you have to honor where they are never look at a person and assume that they struggle because they want to struggle do you know anybody that wants to struggle I don't they struggle because there's some economic issues there's some uh relationship issues there are some social isolation issues there's other things that make them struggle our job is to put our arms around people and say there are people that look just like you who have the same resources as you who have the same medical conditions like you and they've all healed they move their body they've reduce their stress they they've recognized the other things that maybe they had trauma in the past and we didn't address it so we're going to address the trauma so we do all of those things now we have the recipe for success and a year from now they will be in a much better place and I also remind them that struggle is part of the journey so if you continue to struggle you better expect to that there's there's going to be struggle rather it's something happening in another country which is happening right now or something happening in your own home there stuff's going to happen and so your job is to not keep stuff from happening you have to change yourself so that you can handle those struggles when they occur and that's all we can do because they're going to keep happening I really I really think that that's the way we have to manage through life because otherwise we're going to put too much energy into too much power into other things we can't control and if we do that we will always fail I want to have control over Tony and to and and and accept the things I can't control and I think if we do those things uh that'll be enough that's the good news it'll be enough because if you just do that you'll be doing more than the average person and you'll overcome most of the things that have been barass in the past our next 30-day carniv challenge is open within the steak and butter gang we will be having Dr Anthony chaffy Dr Robert Kilz Dr Tony Hampton and Coach Rebecca heishman the steak and butter gang offers an amazing protocol that all members can easily follow to start carnivore and thrive on Carnivore it very much focuses on the concept of feasting and fasting and we incorporate our special priming protocol that coach Raymond and Coach Emily teaches if you need a guide that you can clearly and easily follow to help you get on track heal and reach your weight loss goals I highly recommend you check out our next challenge to access our full feasting and fasting program for more details and to directly join us before we kick off feel free to go to the URL shown on the screen SBG or check out the links Down Below in the description box I hope you learned a thing or two in this jam packed video featuring some of the most amazing carnivore experts that you can trust these days information flows too fast for most of us and it can be really hard to know what to listen to and what you just have to block out there's a lot of misinformation naysayers out there but the best thing you can do is to believe in the steps you're taking to reclaim your health and join forces with like-minded peers and mentors who can celebrate the ups and downs with you if you're interested in seeing what this looks like check out last week's video linked right here where we had a really fun time reacting to a New York Post article written all about my carnivore diet it was an amazing conversation in round table with my staken butter gang team we all had a laugh over what major news Publications seem to think about the carnivore diet and I hope you'll get an idea of how to respond to any kind of hater who doesn't support you on this amazing journey that you're on thank you all so much for watching the video please don't forget to hit like subscribe and turn on your bell notifications to not miss my future videos I'll see you in the next one SG out
Channel: Steak and Butter Gal
Views: 57,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Carnivore Advice For 30 Minutes Straight (Doctor-Approved), best carnivore advice, carnivore diet basics, health and wellness, diet and nutrition, carnivore meal plan, doctor-recommended diets, nutritional wellness, carnivore success stories, eating meat for health, carnivore diet strategies, expert dietary advice, health improvement, nutritional health, carnivore diet introduction, wellness optimization, carnivoredietadvice
Id: bBF2BAmaWvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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